The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 18, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The iottf oik Hcuas
Ami now Roosovolt is also credited
with having killed n lion bill It hasnt
yot boon assorted I hut It was i not nnl
mnl turned looso for Ihu occasion
Tho Fremont Trlbuno thinks Mint tlio
modern motropolitnii nowspnor will
not bo comploto without Belgian bnro
iwid Automobile editors on Ihulr
Norfolks popnlntion SO years ago was
fi7 now it Is 11881 There is very
rotuHin o ho encouraged ovor tho futuru
of tho oily 1ow of them niiiko n lmttor
Tho closing month of tho Nfutoonth
century was mntkod in u ohumotoristio
ully roimblionn nmnnor by tho untlouiil
administration Nonrly 13000100 or
the publlo dobt was wiped out
Tho first issuo of tho Ponder Now
Km published by MesarH Ioininou nud
Poutioll has boon rocolvod tt is a 11011I
-column qunrto devoted lo ropublioan
politics and its motto is to ploasu
It in ostinmtod that from 150000 to
200000 people aro slok with tho grip in
How York They need not fool louoly
Thoro is plenty of grip all ovor tho
country and Norfolk can furnish her
full quota of rod oyos and active nostrils
Tho Stato Capital published at Lin
coln on Monday commenced issuing a
daily edition Tho main subjoot of tho
Capital seems to bo to take a hand in
tho fienatorial contest all original
matter in tho first Isbuo being devoted
to the fight
Nebraska City oxpeots to have four
moro saloons noxt year than sho has at
tho present tlmo Mrs Nation will
havo amplo provocation to pick up an
armful of brickbats and stop ovor tho
lino when Rho has completed tho job of
demolishing tho Kansas wet goods
Tho case against Editor D II Orouin
ol tho ONeill Frontier brought by an
ex county olHolnl who thought ho had
boon criminally llboled has boon dis
missed nud tho hustling oditor will bo
permitted to continno tho work of got
ting out one of tho handsomest aud best
papers of North Nebraska
While it is said that troubles uover
como singly it might also bo said that
honors and good fcrtuno also like to
oomo in pairs or crowds Mr Soars of
Tekamuh roooutly eleoted as speaker of
the Nebraska house of Jlropnisentativos
was shortly afterward honored by the
arrival of a handsome young sou at his
The people of Paris consume about
100000 pounds of snails daily iu season
Tho slow moving aud slimy creatures
are ostooined a great delicacy It scorns
that pooplo will eat aud drink almost
anything aud it would not be surprising
if eomotimo in tho future there should
be a profitable industry at growing
Kualtes for food
Tho Nebraska blizzard has migrated
to Russia and while this stato has boon
enjoying balmy springlike weather tho
people of HuBsia aro battliug with snow
drifts lift feet deep Ten thousand troops
havo boon engagod iu clearing railroad
tracks aud it is reported that 10 pooplo
have frozcn to doath Verily Nobraska
weather iBut tho worst uudor tho sun
It is now aunouncod that Mr Bryan
will not issue his paper until tho 2id
What objoot cau tho editor havo iu thus
playing with tho anticipations of the
common people who patiently await
tho coming of tho Commoner Per
haps he fnls that anticipation in better
than realization aud moans to havo his
prospect i vo subscribers enjoy life us long
hs possible
A bonanza for printing offices ba
boon discovered It is said that towel
ing is to bo manufactured from asbestos
and that when a towel of this material
becomes sufficiently dirty it may bo
placed in a hot fire for a few moments
after which it can be removed eutirely
cleaued Yheu this material is brought
into universal use tho printing otlica
towel joke will be successfully retired
It is shameful the way great names
are sometimes dragged in tho miro
The Sunday State Journal bos the fol
lowing news item James A Garfield
was sent to jail by Police Judge Com
Ktock yesterday Garfield is a youug
colored man who has boeu living around
houses of ill repute ou tho lowlands
The judge gave him a fine of 25 aud
costs which amount ho could not pay
If it is true that Mr Bryau has de
cided to retire as the staudiug presi
dential caudidate of tho fusiou parties
the republicans will have cause for re
gret Democracy has seldom furnished
easier material than during tho past
two campaigns Unless the party
should donido to have Pettigrow or
Town or Altgeld succeed to Bryans
placo there may yet be some hopes for
A number of adventurous speculators
are about to establish what thoy claim
will bo an American Monte Carlo on
the eastern shore of Maryland Tho
originators of tho sohomo would havo
done wisely to havo established tho in
stitution boforo they began to ndvertiso
otherwise they might meet with disap
pointment Ordinarily tho American
people do not look with approval on tho
establishment of a gambling resort
The Vandorbllt Krenoh woddlng at
Newport Monday is said to have in
volved an outlay of about flT0000
While this may seem foolish nnd ex
travagant by some people and causo
onvy to others the wise porson will
express the wish that such an expendi
ture of wealth might take place very
nfton as tho money thus paid out gets
Into circulation and many poor people
who assist in preparing and lineniln
tho requisites aro given usinuu U im
Last fall one of the queer quirks of
tho fusiouists was to claim that tho
travollng mon wero being robbed of
their employment by republican
machinations Now comes tho state
ment that during 1100 775 knights of
tho grip wero employod by tho Omaha
whnleBiilo houses alone nud that this
year their mimbor will bo increased to
1000 It is little wonder that com
mercial men failed to soo tho beauties
of fusiouisin and worked liko sin for
Up to Thursday afternoon tho regis
ter of tho Dodgo county jnil nt Fremont
showod that 87a porsons had visitod tho
prisonors charged with tho murder of
tho Snyder saloon keeper nud most of
them wore women If nil had rogistorcd
many moro names would havo boon on
tho liat A murderor has a very pecu
liar fascination for somo people Aud
yot after nil they seo but u man and n
vory poor spoolmou of tho gouus at that
A handsome horse or blooded pig should
bo muoh more attractive
If you are going to raiso beets under
tho very favorable now coutruct offered
by tho sugar company now ia tho timo
to make it known Yon will then havo
timo to comi leto your plans nnd givo
tho company an idea as to how many
acres they can depend on iu this itnmo
dinto territory Under this desirable
contract evory farmor within a radius
of ton miles of tho factory should con
trnot for a fow noros at lenst and orory
uvnilablo plot in the uoar neighborhood
of Norfolk should be planted to the crop
It is said that there are ubout 20000
couBumptivos in Now York City Tho
slow action of this disease has a tend
ency to quell any alarm concerning its
insidious workings bnt it should bo
feared as muoh as small pox which
terminates more quickly Statistics
would undoubtedly prove that tubercu
loids is responsible for moro deaths iu a
year than small pox or other diseases so
much feared aro responsible for in many
years To ouro or prevent this disease
should bo an important duty of health
The Northoru Pacitio railroad coin
pany hns disposed of a tract of laud em
bracing u000 square milos iu North Da
kota to a syudioate composed of Mnukato
aud St Paul capitalists Tho laud
which is said to be fine ranoh property
will be oponod to settlement at once aurt
it is said that already applications have
been recoivod from more thnu 700 fam
ilies desiring homes upon tho tract
The time is fast approaching when there
will bo but littlo unsettled territory in
tho great west and where the price of
its fertile lauds will be greatly enhanced
The corn crop of Nebraska last season
is said to havo been 2 105 102 51 G bnBhels
A largo amount of this will bo direotly
converted into pork beef and mutton
and find tho market iu thisbapo
That which is not needed for feeding
purposes fiuds a ready sale at a good
price The value of this bumpor crop
figured at 25 cents per bushel which
taken at its vuluo for feeding purposes
is low is 525275020 Is it any won
der thnt the Nebraska former is paying
off his debts and that mnuy of them nre
accumulating an nbuudauce of worldly
Kansas is tho latest state to come into
notoriety for having bnrued a negro
ravisher at the stake A mob composed
of many thousand frenzied peoplo
watched the sufferings of tho torturod
man Crimes of which the uegro was
aocused are sufficient to arouse tho in
dignation of any people but the Kan
sas way of avenging the deed places
those concerned on a plane of brutality
but little removed from that of the orig
inal deed The people iu geuoral would
have moro sympathy with suoh a mob
should thoir vengeance be prosecuted
without torture and undoubtedly the
law is best qualified to admiuistor such
punishments If a mob must do the
work an ordinary lynching is bad
If you want to eujoy a siege of the
blues yon should read a standard fusion
sheet nut if you are optimistic read
almost nuy paper or journal notafllioted
with fusion politics The Omaha Trade
Exhibit of recent date said The pros
porous condition of the iron and steel
trado is well illustrated by the decision
of the Carnegie Steel company to con
tinue thoir scale of wages for another
year A few mouths ngo before the
presidential electiou the company an
nounced that the scale of wages would
bo dlscontiued nt tho ond of tho yenr
nud it wns generally understood that a
out would bo mndo Boforo tho olootiou
tho iron maiket was very dull and somo
fear for tho futuro was anticipated but
tho wonderful improvement of lato has
given enough confidence to tho trade to
bring the Carneglo company to tho con
clusion that coudtinns warrant n con
tinuation for another year of tho present
scale of wages
Nebraska will over boar a kind re
membranco of Mark Hauua for his visit
to this stato lie was n mascot badly
needed If a consldernblo portion of
Norfolk could hnvo only understood
what he said that city would not havo
t ikon n backward tumble nt tho rocout
election snys tho Wayno Ilernld
Tho groat trouble hero was thnt whllo
Mr Huiinn was pretty thoroughly un
derstood thoro wore many who refused
to bellovo him Thoy had boon rending
tho WorhMIornld nnd other fusion
shoots with such porHistoucy that thoy
could not beliovo thnt Hanna was cap
nblo of telling tho truth muoh less of
doing any good Thin blind devotion
to tho causo lost many hard onrnod dol
lars ovou nftor tho result of tho elec
tion wns known nud tho fusiou pnpors
rofused to credit tho returns This
opened a good many oyos and it is
doubtful if implicit confidence will bo
placed iu suoh papers heronfter
Ono feature of tho contest for United
Statos sonator at Lincoln is thoevideuco
of jealousy on tho pnrt of uowspapor
mon Novor boforo has tho proBS of No
braska had us good opportunity to assist
In elevating n member of tho craft to
tho sountorship and yot thoir efforts aro
largely directed in keeping him back
Tho fact thnt Mr Rosowater is conduct
ing tho greatest nowspapor in thostato
aud in tho west seems to bo causo for n
bitter opposition ou tho part of rivals or
would bo rivals nud no man in tho rnco
has boon moro roundly ubusod by the
newspapers than ho Iu spite of this
opposition Mr Rosowater is putting up
n strong tight nud one that is likely to
win It hns quite frequently been tho
custom thnt when a man of a cortaln
profession or line of business hns aspirod
for promotion othors engaged in a simi
lar work would rush to his support thus
honoring tho calling It has boon said
that this fellowship did not exist in the
same degreo with newspaper men and
tho present seems to prove it Opposi
tion from the organs of the other party
does not look so bad but whon promi
nent papers of the republican party load
in the fight on Mr Rosowator without
apparent causo than onvy it gives it a
bad flavor
Centurys Industrial Progress
The Amerioan Economist of recent
date contaits an interesting exhibit of
t e development of the United States
which it quitejproperly lnbels A Cent
ury of Protection A tablo is published
which gives an epitome of tho industrial
progress of tho conntry From it tho
following facts nre obtaiued
Iu 1800 the population wns r08483
iu 1000 70801799
Aroaiu 1800827844 square milos
1000 11810595 squnro miles
Wenlth 1800 900000000 1900
Foroign commerce-1800-4102244518
1900 2244424200
Exports uiorehaudiso 1800 7097 1 -780
including Bpeclo 1900 1311483
Imports merchandise 1800 91252
708 including specie 1900 849941
Exports agriculture 1800 4 1657
071 1000 83385803j
Exports manufactures 1800 1500
000 1900 433851750
Receipts 1800 10848749 1900
Expenditures 1800 10813971 1900
Customs receipts 1800 9080081
1900 233857058
Interest bearing debt 1800 82970
201 1900 Septombor 30 1100151
Value of farms 1810 1785450000
1900 estimated 17204570000
Products of agriculture 1840 894-
210000 1900 estimated 8108050
Products of mannfacturo 1800 ap
proximate 20800000 1900 esti
mated 15192700200
Wages paidmanufaoture91840 1 10
397040 1900 estimated 3325000
Iron and steel manufactures 1810
14804520 1000
Woolen manufactures 1820 4418
008 1900 estimated 580000000
Cotton manufactures 1800 approxi
mate 170000 1000 estimated
Railroad mileage 183023 1900
Number of postofllces 1800933
Postal revenue 1800 280801 900
Patents issued 1840 171 1910 esti
mated 30825
The figures are given iu periods of 10
years and go to show that when ade
quate protection was in force the greater
progress and prosperity was shown
After a perusual of this table it is not to
bo wondered ot that Great Britain nud
other European countries are alarmed at
the tremendous strides of the young
western giant
Omaha is experiencing a thorough
house cleaning cntsade A fow days
ago a bakers shop was found to bo ut
terly filthy aud tho shop was closed
whilo tho proprietor had n heavy flno
nssoBsod against him A moro recont
movement discloses tho fnct that many
of tlui 15 20 and25 cont lodging houses
rook with filth In one placo according
to a News report Nearly every stick of
furniture mnttrossos nud bed clothing
in the house wero condemned and or
dered to be burned Tho odor iu the
placo would put u gluo factory to shamo
and tho officers at first insisted thoro
must bo a dead body around tho prem
ises Tho sanitary olllcors mo cor
tninly to bo commended for correotlng
these evils and tho pooplo of Ouiahn
should encourage them to contiuu9 un
til all places of public or soml publio na
ture aro renovated
Tho foresis of tho Philippines aro
thought to contain ubout 500 species
moro than -100 being known says an ex-
ohango Thoro aro 87 species of paluiB22
of tho oak family including two oaks
and I conifers with only one trno pino
tho Inst named forming dense forests
nbovo tho height of 1000 foot iu tho is
land of Luzon About HO species aio
valuable ospeoially tho yang ylangtreo
yielding a muoh prized oil but othors
furnish cocoauuts gutta percha gum
varnish mnuy dye woods nud somo fino
hard woods A system of forestry has
existed 15 years Between 20000000
aud 10000000 acres of government
lands havo boon oared for by about 05
foroators and 100 subordinates and tho
regulations havo boeu modeled nftor tho
most sciontiflo Europoau praotice
With tho usual Spanish laxity in admin
istration however the chief attention
was given to tho collection of HcenseB
and othor revenues
A New York woman recommends
that if men wero taught to sow anil em
broider tho tobacco habit would become
a thing of tho past Think of this you
follows who hnvo scoffed at the idea
that the now woman was a creation
of a morbid imagination Here is a
thought which may be worked to your
undoing and a olub to promote needle
work among men is the legitimate
outcomo Whon you aro made to stay
at home and darn tho socks and mend
the babys night shirt while the lady of
the house smokes your cigars and at
tends the club for if the argument is
good that sewing will break up the to
bacco habit it is just as logical to pre
sume that the women having no sew
ing to do will drift into the tobacco nnd
other vile habits of the men you will
then arouse to a true sense of your hu
miliation but it may be everlastingly
too late When the fetters of domestic
drudgery are once formed it will require
a revolutionary effort to throw them off
General Alger has given some valu
able information concerning army ra
tions Many had believed that em
balmed beef as a ration was a compar
atively recent thing and from Mr
Algers article it would appear that
those prominent iu army life were not
altogether correctly informed ou the
matter General Alger in administer
ing a rebuke said An examination
of the records of tho war department or
inquiry of the commissiouary geueral
would have speedily developed the fact
that ennned fresh beef or as it is
known canned roast beef had been a
recognized part of tho army ration for
nearly a quarter of a century If Gen
eral Miles did not know that canned
fresh beef was a part of the army ration
then he displayed an iguornnce in an
important matter of his profession that
is to say the least most remarkable if
ho did know that canned fresh beef was
n recognized part of the ration then his
allegation to the contrary is so mnch
more reprehensible On the 1st of
August 1878 canned fresh beef first be
came a part of the travel ration of tho
United States army then under tho
command of General Sherman nnd
while tho Honorable Geo W McCrary
was secretary of war
The vote in the legislature on United
States senator yesterday did not clear
the air a little bit and the question of
final choice seems to bo as dcop and
profound as at nny time before The
only candidato with any apparent
strength on the start seems to be
Thomppon for the short term He is
clearly in the lead of other aspirants
hut lacks considerable of enough votes
for election For the long term Meikle
John has a good lead in the house bnt is
third man iu tho seunte Frieuds of
Rosowater are somewhat disappointed
in his showing of strength he being ap
parently third in tho race for the long
term The vote makes it painfully ap
parent that there is no agreement either
between the coudidates or the legisla
tors and that the result is distant with
every evidence of a long aud bitter fight
The many friends of Hon John R Hays
of this oity will be gratified to know
that he is considered in the race and
that while his support on the first bal
lot is small he is ropresontod by a unm
oor of friends and in a position to gather
iu a vote if no agreement should be
reaohed by the avowed leaders Con
sidering tho fact thnt no fight has been
made by Mr Hays or his friends nnd
that ho hns uover been a candidate in
in nuy Bense of the word they have
every reason to be pleased with yester
days vote
Mciklejohn Leads for Long
Term Thompson for Short
IlnpuhtlrniM Voted fur H Number of Cnii
llvn Complimentary
Votna to Allru mill Tfuiuocralit lo 1 M
Illtcilirook and W II Thompson
Hcniito Uuuhu Total
Cromixc t
Curi lo 8
Davidson 1
Ilulaor 1
Harlan i
IIIiihIiuw 3
Mflklcjohii t
Mercer 1
X Murphy
1 V II
Norviil 1
Hnicwnler 4
Thuinnsnn 7
Vhii Dumimi 1
7 hjt
n ntS
1 i3
4 fiC
l ijl
0 IjV
i 4
r r3
i i
18 21
o I
i iS
1 2
i i3
5 lJC
n Id
2 i
Lincoln Neb Ian 10 In the sen
ate yesterday morning the first for
mal vote for two United States sen
ators wus taken The Republicans
voted for a number of candidates It
being understood thnt ninny of the
votes were of a complimentary nature
The fuslonlstK all voted for William
V Allen for the short term and for W
II Thompson or Gilbert M Hitchcock
for the long term Thompson receiv
ing nine votes to Hitchcocks four
In the houso of representatives
Rmithberger of Stanton was absent
numes were culled
The Vote In Detail
Those voting for Iv K Thompson
for the short term were Andrews
Brown of Furnas Weekly Crlssey
Hall Harris Humphrey Laflin Lowe
Lane Miskoll Mockett Shellhorn
Spencer Tclit Warner Scars
Those voting for Hlnshaw for the
short term were Belsner Marshall
McCarthy Mendenhnll Rohwer Steln
meyer Tweed Wilcox nnd Broderlck
Votes for Haiucr for the short term
were cast by Brown of Otoe Evans
Whltmorc and Fowler for Church
Howe by Armstrong Scott nnd Wen
zol for Ktnkald by Gullogly Gawuc
Jouvennt nnd McCoy for Tucker by
Beethe nnd Cain for Murphy by
Buresh Hlbbert for Melklejohn bv
Horton nnd Swnnson The other
scattering votes were enst by Corneer
for Sonator Owens by Frederick nnd
Hnwthorne for Cnrrle by Olson for
Morlan by Sandnll for Harlan by
Meud for Norvol by Uhl for Martin
by Wllkluson for Newell
For the long term votes for Melkle
John were cast by Armstrong Blesner
Beethe Broderlck Brown of Furnas
Cain Crlssey Fowler Gnllogly
Gawne Humphrey Mockett Warner
and Whltmore
For Currie by Evans ITarrls Lnflin
Lnno Marshall Sandall Scott Wcn
zel Wllkenson
For Rosewnter by Buresh Corneer
McCoy Mead Mullen Tefft Wilcox
nnd Uhl
For Crounse by Brown of Otoe
Hull Hlbbert Rohwer Shellhorn
Sears Andrews
The fuslonlst vote was as follows
Allen 37 Bergo 4 Hitchcock 20 W
H Thompson 24 Bryan 8 rest scat
Following thp ballot an active move
ment was begun for n Republican cau
cus nnd the outlook early In the even
ing wns such ns to justify hopes of nn
early agreement When the members
got together however It was found
there was far from a full attendance
nnd no hope of an ngreement The
conference thereupon by nenrly unan
imous vote discharged the committee
on caucus rules nnd ndjonrned without
dnte This leaves the situation ns com
plex as when the legislature met two
weeks ngo
Tho sennte yesterday unseated
Hodges fusiou nnd awarded the sent
to Johnson Rep
The Idaho legislature Tuesday elect
ed Fred T Dubois United States sena
tor to sunqeed George L Shoup
George West one of the foremost
drivers of light harness horses In the
country is dying at his home In Chi
W A Clark Jr youngest son of
Senator Clurk of Montana will woa
Miss Mabel Foster after Easter Both
live In Butte
The business portion of Lakewood
Ills was destroyed by lire Tuesday
Loss amounts to thousands of dollars
with small Insurance
Senntor Pettigrew at the request of
Soclul Democrats will offer n substi
tute to the ship subsidy bill providing
for new vessels for commerclnl navy
under governmental control
Chief Wllkle of tho secret service
hns received word of the nrrest nt
Gray Summit Mo of John It Glbbs
alias Zac Decker charged with Im
personating a secret service ofilcer
Social Democrats numbering nearly
00 and representing 30 states met at
Aldiue hall Chicago Tuesday In the
national convention of that party
Prominent among the delegates was
Eugene V Debs
It Is said that John D Richardson
of the biscuit trust will offer a large
reward for tho capture of the murderer
of his brother Frank Rlrhnrdson the
millionaire who wns shot to death nt
his home Iu Savannah Mo
Four Catholic non commissioned of
ficers in the German army were re
jected ns reserve ollicers because they
declined to recognize duelling as obll
gutory Speakers of all parties n tin
relchstug condemned this action
xt JwTvVw37Kr
CatUAltj Mnl of TlrltUU nt Murrayibnte
luiUnte llrlxk IUttle
Loudon Inn 111 The casualty list
bIiowh thnt there has been n severo en
gugcinent with n loss of 0 killed 17
wounded and 50 missing at Murray
burg where tho Dutch nre said to be
joining the lnvnders Murraysburg In
10 milos west of Graaf Relnet
Indications nre not wanting that tho
decision of the government to send
reinforcements has not been taken a
moment too soon Colonel Culvlllcn
mobile column which bus been pursu
ing the Boom was obliged to rest nt
Grejilngstandt to erect -a blockhouse
nud to cease operations until rein
forced by mounted troops General
Paget lias taken his force to Pretoria
to relit Many of the men are suffer
ing from enteric fever
Three hundred Roer captured a
small Brltlth convoy at Bronkliurst
sprult near Pretoria but made off
nfter liberating the prisoners
General Brabant while addressing
n conference of mayors nt Cnpe Town
said the authorities were anxious to
keep the war away from Cape Town
If possible but the only hope of doing
this lay In Rending 10000 men to the
front He urged that no precaution
should be omitted to prevent tho
enemy from advancing further south
Swear Ho Will Shoot lloem Who Allo
cate Making Ftmre Supplier In
Towns Irttliig Scarce
Kroonstad Orange River Colony
Jan 10 Tho success of the burgher
peace committee In distributing anions
the republicans Paul Botbus book
From Boer to Boer hns infuriated
General Dewet who It Is reported
swears he will shoot the nuthor at tho
first opportunity
The refugee camp Is now occupied
by 2000 persons Another is being
formed at Rhenoster
Supplies of all kinds In the towns
arc shortening dally
The Boers are most nctive north
wnrd and also In the direction of Lind
lcy Various command appear to
be joining General Dewet to the south
Men AcLiineil of murder of Jennie Ito
chteler run a Steeples Night
Paterson N J Jan 16 McAllster
Campbell and Death the three men
on trial for the murder of Jennie Bosh
chleter showed when they were be
ing brought Into court yesterday that
they had had a sleepless night fol
lowing the terrible disclosures made
by witnesses during the first days
proceedings In court It Is not yet
definitely known whether George Kerr
who Is jointly indicted with the other
prisoners but who was granted a sep
arate trial will be called as a witness
for the stnte
The principal testimony yet to be In
troduced by the state Is to be given
by physicians and experts to prove the
cause of death nnd to prove that
Jennie Bosschleter was criminally
assaulted before she met death aud
that it wus broiiRht about by the ns
saur The prosecution hns n number
of experts to testify nnd the cross
oxnmlnntlnn of those witnesses will
undoubtedly bring out the line of de
fense which has thus far not been
Ilinl Tlntlr IrlftiHirr Dead
Troyes France Jan 10 An army
ofilcer and a commissary of police de
cided to enter the house nt Saint Sa
vine of the mnn Coquard who last
Friday when pursued by the police
shut himself In the garret with a
quantity of arms and ammunition and
threatened to kill anyone who np
proached They found the houso
empty and proceeded to the barn
where surrounded by soldiers with
loaded rifles they forced the windows
open nnd finally found tho body ol
Coquard hanging In the garret Ha
had nlso fired n gun under his chin
the shot emerging from an eye II
was apparent that Coquard committed
suicide yesterday
Hut or Norfolk to Iuue Statement
Purls Jan 14 The Duke of Norfolk
who during the reception to the Eng
lish Roman Catholic pilgrims by the
pope Inst Tuesday expressed a hope
that the new century might witness
the restoration of the Roman pontiff
to a position of temporal independ
ence pnssed through Paris yesterday
accompanied by 200 of the pilgrims
enroute for London He declined to
be Interviewed regnrdlng the senti
ments he had expressed to Leo XIII
saying thnt he expected to publish a
statement In the course of a few days
One Thousand lloxari Slain
Shanghai Jan 14 The Italian con
sul at Shanghai In explaining the
presence of Italian warships at San
Mun bay snyB they went there for
turget practice It is again reported
hero that the allies are preparing to
enter the province of Shan Si A
French force is reported to have de
feated a body of Boxers west of Puo
Ting Fu killing 1000
British Caiiialt Liat st nelfait
London Jan 15 The official list of
casualties at the recent Belfust engage
ment shows 20 killed 57 wounded and
72 missing This does not account
for the British losses nt other points
of simultaneous nttack by tho Boers
namely Wonderfonteln Nooltgedacht
end other places and It is thought tho
casualties In these wero more severe
than Lord Kitchener reported them
StunUjr Afculu Su urn In
Top ka Jan 15 W K Stanley was
Inaugurated governor of Kansas for
a second time ut noon yesterday Tho
other state ollicers sworn In are nlso
serving a second term The ceremony
was very brief nnd blniple lasting
about five minutes