The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 18, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Senate Will Waste No More
Time on the Measure
tlmion Iliom llio mill llurlmr Hill
tVJIhotit HhMiiii tiiieiuliiieiil IVi mil
ling rriiinly IhuifM Almiff tin Ml
Knurl HUrrlo llullil Hjlie l liiitnil
Washington Inn II Secretary Wlr
pon made tin argument before lu son
nlo committee nn agriculture yoster
tiny In siippnrt of tlio Grout oleo
margarine Mil lie said tlio measure
wns Intended to prolool tlio rnrmor
nnd tlio public nt In i no nnil should be
come ii law Speaking of tlio coiisunip
Ion of Imttor nml of nloninargniino
Mr Wilson said Hint tlio ntnoiiiit of
butter disposed of niinniilly Is about
18 pounds por onpltn nntl of olooinar
Marino something ovor 0110 poiinil nml
lie mi Id In roHpoiiHo to Judge Springer
tlint lio considered this ihingoioiis com
liotltloii llo was of lio opinion Hint
there wns danger In tlio linltiitlon of
butter by tlio tiso of coloring iniillor
nnil thought t lint In tlmo tlio nso of im
proved inotlioils would result In driv
ing renovated Imttor out of existence
Tlio secretary said lio did not nooopt
tlio opinion Hint tlio regulation of the
oleomargarine business would Injure
tlio beef cuttle buslnoss nud snld Hint
farmers will Hud It prolltnblo to keep
nml fntton tlielr own beeves llo snld
Hint more tlinu linlf tlio substnnen
used In Washington for butter Is oleo
margarine nml that to make eortaln
of getting tlio real nrtlele bo bml but
ter for Ills own table shipped direct
from a creamery In lown
tltiriiur Com t ItiMuni H lliiirliiK of Solici
tor ItUlmi lis Aruiiiiiriit
Washington Inn 1 1- Solicitor Gen
eral Richards inndo bis argument In
tlio Porto Itlenn enses wbep tlio su
lironio court eonvenod yesterdny Re
fore taking up the line of bis argu
ment he made reply to a question by
lustico White as to the moaning of
the wolds tlio territories us used
by Chief Justice Marshall in the
Loughborough ease lie said in that
connection that the power of congress
over territory does not eoase when It
is organized and brought under the
iTInltoil Slates but that lie did recog
nize that there isn dlstlnetlon In the
control under different elreuaislanoes
Discussing the constitutional pro
vision of uniformity in the matter
-of luxation Mr Ulebnrds snld Unit
Vtrovlslon was Inserted to remedy tlio
clivers and conlllctiiig elalms of the
various states eoniprlslng the Union
In the matter of revenues anil was
never meant to apply to n roitdltlon
like that which eon routs the country
In connection with Its insular posses
When Mr Ttlebarils oonelmleil Attor
ney General Griggs addressed tlio
Open Hip Wny to Appointment of Volun
tetin to llinilo ofCuptaln
A ashlngloii Ian lii the senate
jrestordny a vigorous attack was made
upon that portion of the army bill
which confers upon the president dis
cretionary power to Increase the
atrcugth of the army to the maximum
rloil by the bill llneoti Sit began
the attack ami Piatt Conn replying
maintained that discretionary powoi
might to be conferred upon the presi
dent nml expressed iitonlshmcut that
any body should entertain a fear that
the power would ever be abused
Uncoil declared he would rather see
Ills party condemned to universal and
never ending banishment from polit
ical power than to see authority placed
hi the hands of the president An
nuieudincut opening the way to the
appointment of volunteer officers to
grades as high as that of captain In
the regular establishment was adopted
Just before adjournment Carter
Mon called up tlv bill apportioning
the representatives of the United
States among the several states
WHlioiit debate It was pasted pre
cisely as it came from the bouse It
noiv goes to the president for Ills slgna
Wilmington Jan 11 George 10
Huberts til tod or of the mini lu his
uinual report shows thai the coinage
of the past year was lu excess of that
executed In any previous year lu tile
history of the hervlce aggregating
SniUolWO as compared with
55i7u In the last llscal year The
value of the gold coinage was slightly
below that of the previous year being
1071117110 as compared with 10S
1771 SO The coinage of silver dollars
was SIS IUSl as compared with
18r470l in the previous year The
chief increase was in the output of
subsidiary ami minor coins which sur
passed all records and it Is stated
may doubtless be attributed to the
extraordinary activity of retail trail
throughout the country
The total deposits of gold were not
so great as In the previous year the
Imports of bullion Bhowlng a decline
but the deposits of domestic bullion
again surpassed all records amount
ing to S745SS30 against f70lir J487
Inst year
The seigniorage on the coinage of
fillvcr dollars subsidiary and minor
coins during the year amounted to
Aruy Hill Ju SeiMto uuil Mli ellaueous
Mutter I u Million
Washington Jan 1 1 The army re
organization bill will continue to en
gage the attention of the senate at
least during the first days of the pros
eat week The opinion is quite gen
erally expressed among geyatqrs that
the Mil will be noted upon by the mid
dle or the week and oven the orlltci
of the measure Join In this prediction
Henator Allison Intends to call up tlio
legislative executive and Judicial ap
propriation bill when the nrniy bill
Is noted upon When there nie no up
proprlntlon bills to bo tnkon up the
fiblp subsidy bill will be discussed
A program of uilscellaneoiH mutters
will occupy the attention of tlio bouse
during the coining week The river
nml linrlior bill which was debuted
for three days Inst week will consume
one ami possibly two days After It
Is disposed of tin bill to revise anil
codify the postal laws will be taken
up under n special order
hllH Tlllll l Hollllll It I
llnlli lUrlri unit In
Wasliliigtou Ian li Secretary
Gage was bifoio the seiiato coiniullteo
on agriculture yeitetdiiy to answer In
ipilrles concerning the nleoniurgaiiiio
bill Mo said the bill as a revenue
producer was useless and was not
needed If IWjwas a revenue bill It
was a misnomer anil objectionable on
that ground lie said the lovonue
under the present law was well col
lected alt hough there were some
losses Mr Inge wns asked a niiin
ber of questions about the details of
oleo eolloelloiiH prosecutions etc
llo explained that tunny of the collec
tors were not experts ami could not
detect oleomargarine without niinly
His He nlso said there was not an
nileiiiialo force to see that the oleo
margarine law was carried out In any
piirtleiilnr lie snld there woro 1000
dealers In Chicago nml that It would
be Impossible to watch thorn all Thn
collection of tlio revenue was the main
duty of the department Mr flngo
spoko of the WndHWorth bill In the
house ns offering nn almost cffuetlvo
method of stopping tlio sale of oleo
margarine fraudulently lie snld the
evasion under the present lnw Ih eas
ier than It would be If the package
was stumped oleomargarine The
committee then adjourned
Washington Ian l Tlio war de
partment has received the following
telegram from General MacArthur
Lhliztidci Hollo pror
lure Painty tnirriiult riil Jim 11 to
UnuiMiil Unbolt I Utilities with four
otllcki H 21 iiiiii U rifle Hit
wns KiiitttiMl Other sarienileri expected
tlnrliiK the npt few ilnyn linpntttmt Hlgtil
fles em of otirmilxiMl avincil reilNtuurt In
Hollo province Iunuy
The dlspntch gave much satisfaction
to the war department although the
com urn ml surrendered Is not n large
one It also was noted by the oflleials
that the assurances were for the end
of organized armed reslstauoe Indi
cating that there wns considerable of
the unorganized marauding still In
Another lorlo Itlenn Problem
Washington Ian 15 The United
States supreme court yesterday re
sumed Its hearing in the case of
Charles Huns against the Now York
nud Iorto Itloo Rteuuwulp company and
Senator Lindsay continued the argu
ment began by him on Friday The
action Involves the question of pilot
age the owner of the steamship claim
ing exemption on the ground that
Iorto Itlenn ports hail ceased to be
noiine MUr CJooil 1roKreM
Washington Ian li The house yes
terday postponed District of Columbia
business until next Monday and pro
ceeded with the river nml harbor bill
Good progress was made Tit of the 07
pages being completed Many amend
inents were offered but without excep
tion all of them failed
HI KeplT to Vatl worth Author of tlio
hiiuntitutr Coiiitliule Oleo llearltiff
Washington Jan Hi -The senate
committee on agriculture concluded Its
hearing on the oleomargarine bill by
giving Congressman Wadsworth au
thor of the substitute for the Grout
bill an opportunity to present the
merits of his measure and Mr Qrout
a chance to reply Mr WHdsworth
lud with bin packages Illustrating
the way lu which oleomargarine would
be presented to the trade under his
bill and he claimed that the require
ment for Imprinting the word oleo
margarine in large letters in the oleo
mai garlne rolls and not only upon the
paper wrappers but upon the boxes
enclosing the packages would Insure
the public against fraud He said
the oleomargarine industry was per
fectly legitimate so long ns pur
chasers knew what they wore getting
Keplylng Mr Grout conceded that
Mr Wadsworths device would pro
tect persons who purchased through
retail dealers but tbnt not more than
a third of the oleomargarine was sold
to persons who did not know -Its true
character The other two thirds he
said went to hotel rostaurant nml
boarding bouse men who know what
they were getting but palmed It off
nn their unsuspecting table guests It
was against snob a practice ns this
that he protested lie urged that the
only protection was In the enactment
of a law to prohibit the coloring of
Seunto Mukrt Sonm Prograa on lb Ueoi
KiiuUutiou MeHMuro
Washington Jau 10 -Some progress
was made by the houate yesterday In
tlie coiifeldcinlum of the army reorgan
ization bill oue amenduieut that has
created uiin h debate wus disponed of
and a ttu li agreement has been
reached for a vote very boon
Cockrell emphasized his opposition to
the Increase in the army proposed by
the bill nntl his intention to vote
against It but expressed his opinion
that the bill ought to be disposed of
speedily Sewell also urged speedy ac
tion on the measure on account of the
for the return of the volunteers from
the Philippines The principal
speeches against the bill were untile
by Horry llneoti and Toller
Warren delivered an extended argiu
incut lu support of the bill During
the speech of Macon a colloquy be
tween him and Iliinun ax tp the Is
sues III tlio November elections cre
ated in iit li Interest Macons 111110111
incut striking out of the bill the di
cretloniiry niilhoilty conforiod upon
the president to Iticroasn the size of
the army was laid on the table by the
decisive vole of IIDJo M
Washington Inn 17 A 11 mil vol
upon the pending ariny reorganization
bill will be taken by the senate tit t
oclock Friday under the terms of an
Agreement reached yesterday Speech
es In opposition to the bill were tlellv
iod by Allen Teller and Mutler Mo
Cumber made an argument lu support
of tlio measure The feature of the
debate was the dciiiiiiclullon of the
practice or hazing at lie West Point
military academy Allen Money and
McCiiniber declared It to bo un evi
dence of brutality and cowardice the
Mississippi senator maintaining that
a adel whom others attempted to
hnze would bo Jtistlltod in killing his
assailants lie declared thnt If be
were a cadet upon whom such coward
ly brutality were attempted he would
kill those who assaulted htm If he had
to wait 100 years for lie opportunity
Idler mitt lliirlior Hill runel
The liver ami harbor bill was passed
y est onlay by the house The bill has
boon under consideration over 11 week
ami has boon assailed from many
quarters but Its friends have stood
solidly by It and defeated every
amomliuent to which the committee
would not agree The bill passed prnc
tlcally as It caine from the committee
It carries slightly less than ftiOOOO
000 or which IWOOOOOO Is in direct
appropriations The fiieuilH of the
Missouri river Improvement although
they woro unsuccessful In securing
what they desired persuaded Chair
man Iturtnn to offer 1111 amendmenl
to permit owners or property abutting
on the Missouri to build dykes and
wing dams for Its protection where
Fsueh structures do not Interfere with
the navigation of the stream The sec
tion empowering the president to no
gotlato with Great Britain for the
maintenance of suitable levels on the
great lakes was broadened so iir to
provide for a Joint commission to eon
duct the iicgothitkHW
Nothing Ho fore the Cabinet
Washington Jan 17 The cabinet
meet lug yesterday which was held In
tlio private parlor of the White house
and which was the first one held since
the presidents Illness lasted about 80
minutes No business question was
brought before the meeting It is
likely there will not be another cab
inet meeting unless something ex
traordinary occurs before the be
ginning of the week The president
is feeling very well but he still shows
that bo has not fully recovered his
usual vigor
Oororiiiiieiil to Protrntite Iurtlei
Wrott ThrHtiuliir Letter
Omaha Ian 14 The federal district
attorneys olllce Is preparing to prose
cute the parties who Jiave boon send
ing threatening letters to 10 A Cud
ahy in connection with the kidnapping
The Hloiso T caso Is the one in
baud and one of the letters was sent
to the Ililted States district attorney
nt Miuinniiti with a request for the
arrest and prosecution of Harold Ter
riui who Is suspected of being the
author of these letters Under the
federal statutes the offense was com
mitted whore the letter was innlled
rather than whore It was delivered
and the prosecution will hnve to take
plaee at Olneinnntl The authorities
nre determined to put a stop to these
threatening letters and It Is said o n
gress will be asked to add more strin
gent postal legislation coveting this
class of cases
Kobrnalta Kit Horn lriiile
Lincoln Ian 1 1 The Nebraska
presidential electors met with Gov
ernor Dietrich Saturday and perfect
ed an organization John L Kennedy
of Omaha was chosen chairman and
John l Nesblt of Tekamah secretary
The messenger to curry Nebraskas
vote will be chosen today Whoever
Is chosen messenger will have as an
escort his seven colleagues It ban
been arranged that the entire body of
Nebraska electors will go to Wash
ington They will leave Lincoln on
Tuesday night and will huve two
weeks to deliver the vote In
Killed by III Frlrud
Omaha Jan 14 News has been re
ceived here of the murder In Manila of
James Maloney a former well known
Omaha sporting man by an Australian
prize tighter who thun committed sui
cide The murderer Is suld to hnve
been one of Maloneys closest friends
They met In Calcuttn a year ago and
went from there to Manila where
both fell In love with the same girl
and a quurrel followed resulting In
the death of both men Maloneys
wife and three children whom ho loft
in Chicago three years ago are said
to be penniless
Ilelil for Klllliijr Ut Iliulmuil
Kunsas City Jan 14 Mrs Lulu
Prlneo lvennedy who shot and killed
her husband Philip II Kennedy on
Thursday evening two days after he
had brought suit to have their mar
riage which he usberted had been
forced set aside was bound over to
the grand jury with a recommenda
tion that she be held for murder In the
first degree
To the Letter
Tailor 1 think it suits you to a T
Ciibtotnor Well I dont Its too loose
unit I want It to be like the letter 1
Like the letter I How do you mean
serious einuurrassment tne govern- j wat vou to make if fit
was laboring glider In piopajiugdcliikia Record
v S - w k
is5 t mmrrnmM
Supreme Court Holds Nccly is
Subject to Extradition
Neely Will Ho Itctlirnril to Culm mill He
HubHit to Its lniv Airnliiiit
Contniitloii Tlint thn
lnliitnl Is Ioiilitn Trrillorj
Washington Ian lfi The United
Slates supieine court yesterdny an
nounced its decision lu the case of U
W Neoly charged with embezzle
ment of the public funds of Cuba
wlille acting Itiianelnl agent of the de
part inents of posts of that Island hold
ing that Noely was subject to extra
Justice Harlan handed down the
courts opinion which vas unani
mous and Immediately after the opin
ion was concluded an order was Is
Mied requiting that the mandate In
the case be Issued at once
Assistant Attorney tionornl Heck
who argued the caso for tin govern
ment lu the supreme court said of the
The governineut regards the deci
sion as important not merely because
it dellnltiily decides Its right to extra
dite Neoly from Cuba tor trial but
because It dcllucs the nature and valid
ity of Its occupancy In Cubu The
chief contention of Neelys able coun
sel wiis that with the ratlllcatlou of
the treaty of Paris all right of occu
pancy by the government under the
war power ceased and that the pres
ent occupancy of Cuba by the presi
dent as was un
constitutional and a usurpation The
court sipiarely negatived the conten
tion and broadly atlirmed tjie light
of the government to occupy Cuba
until a responsible government Is fro
The supreme court further decides
that the president may exercise his
rights as free from
the embarrassment of the constitu
tional provisions requiring trlul by
jury which the court holds to be inap
plicable to Cuba
The caso Is unique partly because
the status of Cuba Is anotnnlous and
partly because of the absence of nn
extrudltlon treaty As to the first
the court affirmed the authority of
the United States in Cuba pending
Its pacification although It Is foreign
territory As to the latter point It
has long becu n vexed question as to
whether there could be an extradition
In the absence of nn extradition treaty
The effect of the decision Is to extra
dite Neely under the authority con
ferred by the act of congress rather
than In accordance with any express
extrudltlon treaty It ensures the trial
of a fugitive from Justice and It gives
the administration the powor to pro
tect life and property In Cuba during
the period of our occupancy
Half or till KxtciiHlvu Hloclts l Hiirui il Iu
voUliii Scvorul HiihIikSs Houses
Coiing Neb Jan 14 Half of an
extensive block of Uerlngs buildings
Is it smoldering smoking mass of
ruins The loss is heavy The Gra
ham building Cochrane buildlugChas
Stewarts barber shop and residence
building were totally wiped out by
lire yesterday A Heavy winil pre
vailed during the time the flames were
racing but by strenuous labor the
citizen volunteers prevented the de
Btrnctlon of the princlpnl business part
of the city
Fght for Treasurers Office
ttpoktinc Wash Jan A hand-to-hand
light for possession of the county
treasurers office took plnce nt the court
house yesterday afternoon between the
forces of A L Smith Hep and George
Mudgett Dem Smiths forces took
possession early In the inorniug looking
the doors Mudgett jumqed through
the window and let In his deputies
He then tried to enter the treasurers
private office A pontile resulted dur
ing which the vault wns locked with
lug which the vault was locked Smiths
men Holding the Keys notu men
with a full force of deputies
IlnviiiK lUIn at Tucoma
Tacoina Wash Jan 14 The heaT
lest rain and wind storm of the winter
has prevailed over the northwest for
three days past Rivera are running
bank full and several overflowing
Many log booms have been washed
away All northwestern railroads are
experiencing trouble from washouts
and slides The Great Northern
tracks between Kverett and Seattle
aro burled under numerous slides and
the snino has several washouta In the
Cascade mountains
Tucker of WieIlo to Curry the Vote
Dos Moines Jan 11 The Iowa elec
toral college met at noon yesterday In
the office of the governor of the state
and transacted the business nt hand
promptly All of the presidential
electors were present In person the
ltl votes being cast for McKinley and
Roosevelt Ezra T Tucker of Wap
ello was selected as messenger to carry
the returns to Washington
Uartou Svlt cteil Mrstcuger
Lincoln Jan 15 Nebraskas eight
electors met at the capltol yesterday
and cast tlielr vote for William McKin
ley for president nntl Theodore Roose
velt for vice president W R Rarton
tvus selected messenger to the electoral
college six of the other electors an
nouncliig that they would nccompany
him as escort at their own expense
Wlien from Hie tlinttcr I rsllre
And clone tiilj iloor behind
A chair la wlicclnl bclon the flre
A thoughtful Immt ba Irani the blind
Tlicn oer the hehcj I rnip my rvc
Where volume mil Willi pipe nl delf
The lately pompom fcllim IiIrIiJ
Hip rasKo on die loner licit
Tbey line my MnJji nonow null
These frirnils o whom for rel I come
I unniit I know tlicm all
Hut Hilt til mcjr 1 worship ome
And wroulil joii know the roI I erc
Willi Ime that well jiIkIi worthy clf
Glance miner oer the shabby curie
Tint bulges on llic lower shelf
Yon mount a somewhit shaky diilr
You point lo princely lomes alioie
Willi Till is flncl ami This is rarel
Hut Wheres the book a man inn toict
All leaie the prnnil one I bciocclil
I hey ilo but conjure thoughts of pelf
While these unllily begums narh
To heaien torn the lower she If
-fall Milt Gazette
Hcnclicn Inrnicil lv Drift vi oml From
All IHcr the Worlil
One of the greatest curiosities noted
by travelers In Alaska Is the wonderful
haven of driftwood 011 the coast be
tween Ynkalag and Kyak Islands
some lV0t or 1500 miles northeast
from Seattle The constant deposit
of logs and driftwood In this particular
spot which has been going on for hun
dreds perhaps thousands of years Is
due to the phenomena of the tides the
Pacific gulf stream the mysterious
ocean currents and the peculiar forma
tion of the riliore lines at that point
Logs and timbers are readily Identi
fied there as having come from Japan
China India and other parts of Asia
as well as from California Washing
ton and other parts of the American
continent There are fine logs of the
camphor tree the mahogany the red
wood and the pine In this driftage
Some of those from tlio state of Wash
ington contain the names of the men
who felled the trees nml of the saw
mills for which they were destined
but never reached Logs eight feet In
nted by the cuuun people it is iamctCr are In this novel woodyard
peclally gratifying to tin department Hmie emlre tms 150 r00t long are
nt justice iiiui tins ngnt enn ue Uim UIiift0i iy the- roots cast Into
ciscti as tne court uecuiea nee irom
the sea by some terrible tempest and
any embarrassment wiilcti tue exist J 8ent tlontlng round the world
once 01 au existing uimun repuouc
would occasion
persons on the beach descry big trees
tlontlng shoreward with fantastic
roots above the waves like some sea
monster One beach after another has
been formed by the floating timbers
and n little distance back from the
shore the deposits are so old that the
wood In some places Is petrified wlille
a little deeper In the enrth It has turn
ed into conl The newer logs are with
out bark and as hard as stone due It
is thought to their long Immersion in
salt water They have all taken on n
whitish appearance In places the
timbers nre piled 20 feet high nt other
points they rise to a height of only
four or five feet
Under this wouderf til beach are found
large quantities of dark ruby sand
rich In fine particles of gold for the
separation of which no successful proc
ess has yet been discovered Chicago
Times Herald
Chnnjte In Bfena Faalilona Since IIWI
Venr Undreaa DelnK the Rule
There was one feature of the horse
show which set the gossips first
a guesslng and then n wonderlng That
was the dress of the men or rather
their undress so to say This change
has coiue about through the prevalence
of New Yorkers who live almost any
where but in Now York who belong
to this or that or the other set fo
cused about some golf links polo field
limiting ground couutry club or other
Institution Which takes up their seri
ous interest in life says the New York
As the gloves grow large In size the
necktie diminishes With the high
turn over collar bright colored ties
narrower by one half thqn even the
of a few years ago aro
worn and the sticKpin therein may be
us large lu size nud pronounced In de
sign as the wildest fancy longs for
Not oue mau in ten who wore a cut
nway nlso wore a high silk hat The
derby has replaced it especially on
young heads and thnt derby Is rapidly
flattening Itself luto n return to the
fried egg design which for years bus
been sacred to Dutch comedians An
other detail noticed in the men so
dressed wus that the patent leather
shoe has been relegated for evening
wear and In Its place stout glazed
leatherers with bluntly rounded toes
are worn
lie DodKetl
There is a young man lu Rrooklym
who needs a tonic of some kind else
he would not have failed to embrace as
attractive an opportunity ns ever
comes to one He accompanied a
charming yoiing womnu to a church
wedding on the park slope and arrived
at about the time the bride and groom
were due The young woman with
him wns dressed somewhat as the
bride was expected to be clad and as
she walked up the main aisle of the
church with her escort the organist
began to piny the wedding march The
couple however lnstend of going on to
the nltnr stopped In oue of the pews
not far from the front One of the
ushers came forward and told them
that the clergyman was watting for
them and their friends near perceiv
ing the situation urged them to re
spond to the summons The young
woman said sho was ready and will
ing but the young man to his ever
lasting disgrace refused to move nnd
if ho lives to his dying day the people
who know the girl say that Hugh will
not have another such chance for hap
piness RroolUyjiJOagle
tlelpatl by Aniertenn Wealth
When money lu big plies Is mention
ed ob the other side of the Atlnutlc
our minds leap to the Rothschilds and
tho Harings Strange Is it not that
both of these great bauklug families
originated lu Germany
r MrMiiiijgriy
Americans should feel particularly
close to the Iiaiings however Inas
much ns the money that gnve them
their big stmt was the dot of nn Amor
lean gtrl Anne llltighnm eldest daugh
ter of Itilted States Senator Illiiglinin
of Pennsylvania the richest man In the
country lu his day Among bis modest
possessions were 2000000 acres of vir
gin forest In Maine for which he paid
20000 Anne wns married to Alex
ander Harlng In 1708 Her sister Ma
ria Mntlldn tried three husbands the
second being Henry Baring a brother
of Alexander The first wns Count de
Tilly ami the third the Manpils do
Ulalsol New York Press
An llxplnnnt Ion
John Enid the funny mans wifa
sternly did you write this horrid
mother-in-law joko in Tlio WoeVly
Snicker V
Yes my dear replied John hum
bly but
Well 1 think you aro just too mean
for anything Hasnt my mother al
ways treated you like her own son
Yes lovo I know sho has but
Dont try to exenso yourself If I
hnd ever supposed you capablo of sdeh
baseness 1 never should have married
you 1 dont ecu how jon will bo ablo
to look her in tlio face when alio conies
to visit us next week
Yon dont understand said John
desperately Sho told mo that joko
herself and it will ticklo her to death
to soo it in print San Francisco
Sj mpnttiy Waated
A little girl of 5 or 0 years with big
blue eyes that wore full of tears camo
to Hellevue hospital New York tlio
other day says Leslies Weekly She
carried a cut In her nrms The cat had
been wounded by n street car nud ono
leg wns badly maugled At the gato
the girl told Tom the big policeman
that the cat was hurt
I want a doctor to hep It sho said
Tom took her to the receiving ward
where there was a doctor who had
nothing rise to do
Here s a case doc said the police
1 aint a the doctor began Then
he saw the jjltis eyes Let me see
he continued
Pretty bad was the doctors com
ment Then be got some kulves a lit
tle bottle of chloroform and some band
ages You must help me he said to
the girl
She aided bravely though It made
her very pale to see the sharp knives
amputating the leg In a few minutes
it wns all over and the cat was partly
recovered from the anaesthetic
Now you can take your kitty homo
with you the doctor said
It aint mine the girl said I dea
found It Now 00 take care of it
The policeman and doctor made faces
nt each other then sent the cat to the
Society For the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals
The Poodle and the Ilona
I notice that Automobile Mont
gomery says that horses often make a
dive for the corn he paints remarked
ono art league student to another
ltil mult MUKiik DWV nuiu
t said the second I saw a little In
cident nt the art Institute the other day
that made me thiuk of Mr Montgom
erys proud boast You know those big
lions on the sides of tho steps tho
work of Kemeys nre pretty lifelike
I was standing looking at them when a
little white poodle came down the steps
In the wake of a woman with stylish
clothes on The poodle bad a gold col
lar around his neck nnd was alto
gether one of the tiniest dandified
specimens of a dog that you could find
He walked up to one of the lions set
tled back on his hind legs and looked
at the big stoue beast Then ho sniffed
nnd glanced around Inquiringly All
at once he made up his mind He
made a fierce rush for the Hon barking
as viciously Jiud as loud as a dog six
Inches long could bark He positively
swelled up and appeared about to ex
plode with wrath
There yo are If Kenueys lions so
excited n poodle dog it muy be that
horses will cat Montgomerys corn pic
tures Chicago Inter Ocean
Letting Hint Off Eaay
Before I agree to undertake your
defense snld the eminent criminal
lawyer who had been called In you
will have to be perfectly frank with
me and tell tne the whole truth Did
you embezzle the 20000 you are ac
cused of having taken V
Yes sir replied the accused man
Ill not attempt to conceal the fact
from you I -Hole every penny of it
How niucn of It hnve you left
Its all gone but about 10
Young man snld the emiuent law
yer putting on his gloves youd bet
ter plead guilty and throw yourself ou
tho mercy of the court
Ill do It If you say so sir What
nre you going to charge me for the ad
Ten pounds London King
A Trnnkleaa Body
An explorer lately returned from his
travels was relating his adventures
I peered snld he into the thicket
and there before me lay a trunkless
body Nonsense remarked au Inter
fering critic who ever heard of a
trunkless body My friend replied
the traveler quietly the body was
that of an elephant He then resumed
his story London Globe
The Two Sldea
What the employer said Thaulc
heaven Ive got rid of that nulsauca
at last I had given him hints enough
but It was of no use and flunlly I actu
ally had to kick him out of the place
What the paper said We hear that
Mr Reason Ilnrdlng has severed his
connection with tho Rrownstoue Im
provement company Boston Tran
AJfr iwi