The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 18, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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1 II K
Second Ballot for Senator No
More ConcluMvc Than First
fur Iruttrr Shuns n Slight liicr o
J liloiilt StiiifUi With thu Inception
r Voto U ittAt fur V V Alloa ami
W II Iliiiiiiimiiii
Lincoln Ian 17 The somite and
house mit In Joint session yesterday to
vote for senators Tin1 result Is no
more conclusive tluin the one cust In
the separate houses Tuesday Several
of the favorite sons who were reiuoin
liered Tuesday dropped out hut two
new ones Lindsay and Sheldon ap
peared The result of the dropping
out of complimentary votes was to
Increase the totals of the leaders some
what The fusion vote was cast solid
for Allen and W 11 Thompson ex
cept one vote for Sutherland
Following Is revised result of the
two liallots
1st Slid
Allen it 57
iutltic X 10
Ourrle LO 20
llulncr i ft
Hnilnn 2 2
llnys J IE U 1
llhiKliiiw H 111
Howe 4 1
Klnknlil 5 t
Ilmlxiiy -
Molklcjolm 22 id
1 1
A 2
ltoHcwnti r 11
HhcMiiii I t
Klithcrliiliil i 1
riioiupMin i i ji u
Thompson W H S
Vim Duscn 2 t
Absent Hawksby and Blesnor
lliesnor paired with Hamilton
An effort to solve the senatorial pust
ule was begun by Republican lenders
last evening when an entirely new
petition for a caucus was circulated
It provides that 07 of the 72 Ropubllc
nn legislators shall be necessary for a
caucus and that 48 can nominate
Many signatures were secured and the
effort will be continued today Yes
terdays balloting in joint convention
Is believed to have disclosed nearly
the full strength of the leading candi
dates A rumor Is circulated that there
will be some breaks In todays vote
but in whose Interest is not stated
Cho Involving Amendment to lit Sub
mitted WtMlneitriiiy Jan ml
Des Moines Jan 17 The supreme
court granted the motion to advance
the ense of Bailey against Brookhart
from Washington county being tho
case involving the Titus amendment
and set Jan Ji as the date for sub
mission of the case to the court The
arguments are to be printed and other
persons Interested in the case or sim
ilar eases may tile printed argument
In connection therewith Oral arguments-will
he allowed by two attor
neys for each side for one hour each
The court also heard arguments in
the ease Involving the celebrated Bon
aparte dam across the Des Moines
Sanaa Legislature Pania Joint
tlon ComlemuliiK the Lleeil
Topeka Jan 17 A Joint resolution
was passed by the Kansas legislature
yesterday deploring and condemning
tho burning at the stake of Fred Alex- vessel
antler by a mob at Leavenworth The
resolution favors a most rigid Investi
gation of all the acts and circum
stances attending the lynching and de
mands that the perpetrators be pun
ished to the full extent of the law
The resolution was passed unani
mously in the bouse but met with
Borne opposition In the senate
Xo arrests of leaders of the mob
have been made notwithstanding the
fact that dozens of the men who par
ticipated In the affair are known
1 cplnlatitre On It Awhile
Pierre S I Jan 17 In the house
yesterday an attempt to adjourn
from Thursday night to Tuesday or
next week called out a hot debate by
several members and a parliamentary
tangle which was hard to straighten
out but linally after the house had
once voted against the proposition a
reconsideration was secured and both
houses will tidjourn for that time
Governor Ilerreld Is coiillned to Ids
room by the all prevailing grip
lloily Found In a Trunk
New iork Jan 17 The body of a
man with his throat cut from ear to
ear and showing other marks of vio
lence was found in a trunk on pier 11
Kaet river just before noon yesterday
It was identified two hours later by a
woman as the body of Meyer Wels
bard an East side Hebrew who was
employed by a jewelry firm to sell
jewelry on the installment plan
Mrs Knhn Given Life Sentence
1 Sigotirney la Jan 17 Judgment
was pronounced yesterday on Sarah
Kulin convicted of the murder of her
husband Charles Kulin condemning
her to life imprisonment in tin peni
tentiary nt Anamoa She listened to
her sentence without a sign of emo
Mason third teller
bank of this city u In jail charged
with embezzlement The specific
charge Is the stealing of 3000 by
means of false entries
Alvoril let Thirteen Yearn
New York Jan 17 Cornelius Tj
Alvord Jr the defaulting note teller
of the First National bank was yes
terday senteuced to 13 years impris
onment The amount ef Lib defalca
tion wan f 690000
Concri ftKiimii l it Mil mlt l AlclmfVcj
tliifkcrv mill I j I IiiuhkIi tho Mill
West Point it 1 1 Iht congres
sional committee put in a good day s
work at the et Poiit academy
Three witnesses were examined dur
ing the day They were Cadets Meluif
fey 1 Hickory and Icgrain Al three
were thoroughly examined by Con
gressmen Wangcr Drlggs Smith and
Not n point was missed by these
gentlemen but what the witnesses re
ceived at the hands of these Investi
gators was as nothing to their exper
ience with the chairman General
Dick The chairman questioned them
In his quiet suave manner and lead
them on by easy stages to the point
he desired Then like a bolt from a
clear sky he let loose his torrents of
scathing sarcasm every word of
which cut deeply and made each of the
witnesses wince All three of them
left the stand In a breathless condi
tion and In a worse state of mind and
body Hutu If they had just been com
pelled to go through the entire curri
culum or liaxliig which according to
the evidence adduced at this Investi
gation consists of a half hundred dif
ferent forms
Two Cum Thrmvn Ovor ICiiihiiiiUiiiriit nml
Kiglit liijniiil on tho
Union Pad lie
nillliml Wy ia 17 Union Pa
clllc train No 1 was wrocse l near here
yesterday by a broken truck six cars
were derailed and two cars were
thrown over an embankment The fol
lowing persons were injured but none
will die Mrs Charles Auhcrg San
Francisco bruised II 1 M Cohen
Denver burned and cut A Lamb
Clinton la bruised Patrick Maroiicy
Denver arm broken Kdward Taggard
Grand Rapids bruised and cut S K
Will to Belleville ills contusion on
head Mrs Frances IT Worthoimor
San Francisco bruised and Frank V
Wood Dayton arm broken
The train was speeding down Aspen
hill at a clip of I miles an hour when
the accident happened The track was
torn up and a bridge over a gully de
Defense In Hoxxrliletur Trlnl Practically
Climu Their tue
Paterson X J Jan 17 Counsel
for the defense in the Jennie Bosschlc
ter murder trial have practically closed
their case William A Death Walter
I Mc A lister and Andrew Campbell
the three men on trial for the min
der went upon the stand in their own
behalf and t ild their version of the
events of the night Jennie Bosschieter
met her death while In their company
They told the same story practically
and their testimony varied but little as
to details The plea set up by counsel
for tlie three defendants was a gen
eral special denial of all the accusa
tions made against the men and that
fthey were only befriending her
Vlgllum ia IuniriigDiA Safe
Havana Jan 17 -The passengers of
the Ward line steamer Vigilancia
which wont ashore Monday mornln
on the reefs off Los Cororados about
100 miles west of this city in a fog
have arrived here on the steamer Ori
zaba which went to its assistance
with two tugs and lighters The
wind has veered southward and there
is no sea running It Is thouirht Hie
will be saved if the weather
A B Caldwell founder of the Inde
pendent Order of Foresters died lu
Syracuse Wednesday
Xelll the cotton statistician reaf
firms his estimate of S 730000 bales
as the years cotton crop
For the second time John R Rogers
was Wednesday inaugurated governor
of the state of Washington
W A Ulark of Montana was Wed
nesday elected United States senator
to succeed Thomas M Carter
The eighth conference of foreign mis
sloii boards In the United States and
Canada was begun in Xew Vo k Wed
The Maine senate and house met In
joint session Wednesday and con
tinued the re election of Senator Will
iam P Fryo
Colonel Haswell 0 Clark formerly
grand commander of the Illinois
Knights Templar died at his home In
Kankakee Wednesday
The 17th council union of American
Hebrew congregations conculded at
Cincinnati Wednesday The body will
meet in St Louis In lIQt
Henry IS Biiruham was Wednesday
declared elected United States senator
In the presence of the senate and house
of the Xew Hampshire legislature
Coventor Allen Wednesday signed
the llrst bill passed by both houses or
the Porto Itleifu legislature providing
for the establishment or jury trials
Convicts leaving tho penitentiaries
desiring to lead an honest life will be
supplied with employment by the How
ard association which was formed In
Chicago Wednesday
The attempt of the United Irish
League to drive from public life all
nlUtrifi 41 1llt 1
Ilank Teller Unilrr Arrel v V lllu
w votwl for the address of welcome
New York
Jan 17 J Prevost
w w l is Kiny nineti
of the Continental i
1 ne inieago ht iouis xew Orleans
I Latonla Tanforan Memphis and
Louisville tracks will withdraw from
the present Turf Congress and organize
a new body similar to the Eastern
Jockey club
The funeral of Fred Alexander the
negro who was burned at the stake
took place at Leavenworth Wednesday
anil was attended only by the under
taker and bin assistants The rental
were lutcrieU lu the potter Held
11s I
Second Days Proceedings of
the National Convention
Menuirlrtl Itrmiliillon tnwiiliiiuiiily
yiu tliiu IHm iihhimI
Anll Slnxlily ItiMiliitlon It Vilcipliil
Tnpuha IU11 Murk Ktlillilllnti IimIiiikimI
Salt Lake Jan 17 -The delegates to
the convention of the National Live
Slock association were slow In arriv
ing at tho hall yesterday and before
proceeding to the regular business
President Springer read an anti shoddy
resolution that was adopted by he
executive committee The resolution
calls attention to the extensive use of
cotton and shoddy In what was put In
to cocnllcd woolen goods and calls
the attention of representatives lu con
gross to the fact and asks llieni to
enact such legislation as will prevent
fraud In marketing the manufactured
article as wholly of wool
A committee was appointed to In
vestigate these conditions and present
theni to congress The resolution was
Menorlals and reports of the execu
tive committee In reference to the
attitude of the committee on the Clout
bill were road Resolutions were
adopted lu regard to the Indorsement
of a live stock exhibition to bo held
at Topeka in 1101
President Springer then Introduced
L 5 Powers of Washington who do
Uveretl an address on Our Wealth In
National Live Stuck
O P IpdogralT of Kansas then de
livered an address on The Bonellts
of Horse Shows to the Horse Indus
Mr Baker of Illinois moved that the
bylaws of the association be waived
and that the convention pay tribute to
the meuiioy of the late Philip I Ar
mour and evtend to his wife nml fam
ily the proliiimii sympathy of the con
vention riiauimiiiisly adopted
At the aflcruooii session Mr Stlck
ney of Wyoming offered a resolution
to the effect that a petition be sent to
Washington for the establishment or
an additional signal service lu the
Rocky mountains
William Bolton of Oklahoma deliv
ered an unique and characteristic
speech on the advantages of Okla
homa as a stock raising territory
Colonel John F llobbs of Now York
spoke on Oleomargarine vs Dairy
Butter Hobbs was followed by
Hon D W Wilson or Illinois with an
addres on The Buttered Sidy of the
Sevrral IVrhnni Salil to llavo llc ini Klllcil
at Corliln
Corbin Ky Jan 17 A riot is In
progress here as a result of the shoot
ing of James Shotwell by Rollle
White and several persons have been
killed and injured Trouble grew out
or the fact that White had been paying
intention to Shotwells daughter
against the latters will After the
shooting White was arrested and was
placed in his brothers grocery store
where a guard was placed over him
A terrible explosion took place under
the grocery So severe was the shock
that it tore the building literally to
pieces There were about a dozen
persons in the building at tho time
Several escaped with slight injuries
while several remain In the debris
dead Immediately after the explosion
there was rapid firing in the neighbor
hood by unknown parties After the
shooting Susan Cox was found dead
near the wrecked building having
been struck by a stray ball Citizens
are afraid to visit the rioting district
and the number of killed cannot be as
Fimh loimli In Aiiiirlniiiit Hoiimi Iliiriu
Chicago Jan 17 In a lire which de
stroyed the Aberdeen apartment build
ing here yesterday Frank Crowell su
perintendent of Swift and Companys
factory lost his life while trying to
save Ills bank book and Insurance pol
icy A score of other tenants escaped
with difllciilty The loss was 7000
Including the personal effects and
household goods of 12 families
IlarrUon Dri lliir Onr
Des Moines Jan 17 The Midland
ChautaiKpia here has offered Benjamin
Harrison 1000 to deliver a lecture
hero nt Its annual meeting In July
Ho has refused however and the 00111
mlttee will endeavor to secure drover
Cleveland It Is willing to pay 1000
for either one of them The plan Is to
have the one secured speak on the
Fourth of July
Hank Cukhinr Coiiiinlli Nuk lilr
Wiithena Kan Jan 17 J F Harps
tor cashier of the Bank of Wathena
committed suicide yesterday by shoot
ing himself in the head The Kansas
state bank examiner arrived at
Wathena yesterday to examine the ac
counts of the bank and soon after
ward Harpster walked into Bauers
undertaking establishment and 11 red
the futal bullet
Mniiii to it j lioinfr
Paris Jan 17 According to advices
from Dahomey the Moslem tribes are
openly preparing for rebellion They
refuse to recognize tho sovereignty of
King Tofa and the governor has been
obliged to suspend his tour of the
north country He has asked for the
recall of the functionary alleged to bo
responsible for the situation
In pun Clillilren
From one end of Japan to the other
a child Is treated as a sacred thing be
It ones own or a strangers Kach
one carries its name and address on a
ticket round Its neck but should It In
deed stray from Lome food and Mueller
and kiudne would meet it anywhere
Itimril nt IIiii t IiiiII hi IiIi mill
SiiIiui llrii ilnr Kml Thrlr HiknIiiik
Lincoln Jan 17 The closing session
or the state board or agriculture was
held Inst night and the following ollt
cers wore elected President U L
Vance Pawnee City llrst vice presi
dent J It Cautly Webster second
vice president W I Kwlng Franklin
treasurer 1 3 Mclnlyrc Seward sec
retary Robert W Furnas Brownvllle
After considerable discussion the
board voted to Indorse the bill now be
fore tho legislature which provides for
an appropriation for the stale fair
The State Horticultural society
closed lis annual mooting by electing
the following olllcers President 1 A
Marshall Arlington llrst vice presi
dent L M Russell Wymoro second
vice president 5 S Christy John
son secretary C II Barnard Table
Rock treasurer Peter Youngors Jr
Jeiieva All the members of the so
ciety rnvurcd an exhibit at Buffalo
Tho state Swine Breeders associa
tion elected the following olllcers L
L Young Oakland president 13 B
Day North Bend Phil Full Seward
Colonel M W Harding Humboldt
ami 13 Rusmdl Herman vice presi
dents 11 F Mcintosh Omaha secre
tary and treasurer
tJllliki n Very Mlililrnly In Ilia Apart llirnlil
at thu Di iiUiiii lloli l lnilluuuiiilhi
ll Muht
Indianapolis Jan 17 James A
Mount who retired Monday al noon
from the olllce of governor of the state
of Indiana died vtvy suddenly last
night at his apartments at the Denl
soii hotel lie had attended a recep
tion tendered by Mrs Mount to a num
ber of prominent Indies or the city
during the nllcruoon and shortly after
the guests departed he started out for
a walk Cpoii his return he said noth
ing about being ill and alter removing
his hat ami overcoat sat down to read
In a few minutes he turned to his
wife and niece who were in the room
and said I am sick it Is my heart
Send for a doctor at once
Dr O S Runnels was called and
round those In al tendance at Mr
Mounts bedside dialing his reel and
hands The doctor knelt down and
listened for a heart beat and rising
said You can do nothing more for
him he is dead
During the forenoon Mr Mount vis
ited the olllce of Colonel Charles 10
again after each nights repose
cheerful resignation Tit Blfs
Congressman Neville of Nebraska
though very weak Is again resting easily-
Captain J W Moore one of the best
known vessel owners on the lakes
died in Cleveland Wednesday
Admiral Dewey who has been suffer
ing from a light touch of the grip Is
reported to bo steadily Improving
A mass meeting of West Florhlans
was held at Pensacola Wednesday lu
the Interest of annexing West Florida
to Alabama
After having refused the payment ol
400000 worth or bonds ror tl years
Miihlenbiirg county Kentucky has
planned to settle Its entire Indebted
A child or Mrs Katherlne
Kbel was abducted at Berlin Out by
a man who secured the child under
the excuse that he wanted its photo
graph taken
W L Martlndale an attorney
charged with mingling poison lu
whisky wllli Intent to kill Philip
Class was acquitted by a Jury at Day
ton Wednesday
The department store of Kdward
Hunter Co one of the largest retail
establishments in Memphis was do
Stroyed by lire Wednesday Loss 100
000 fully insured
The Texas senate adopted by unani
mous vole a resolution inviting Presi
dent McKlnley to visit Austin and ad
dress the Texas legislature lu case he
comes to Texas in the near future as
It Is reported he contemplates doing
The Northwestern Lumbermens as
sociation devoted Wednesday to listen
ing to papers on association topics by
President McQuald or the Southeast
ern Iowa association M L Saley of
Chicago and O II Ketrldge of Mln
iivapolhj 1
Fred Alexander Lynched by
Mob at Leavenworth
ttrfH llinmiiil I nf III trlinr
Itml Oil Ioiurtl Ur III llml mill Si I
Allrn Klcht llMillanlitl Ivimnm Ullniim
thv I iiililnit
Leavenworth Kan Jan III - Fred
Alexander the negro who Saturday
vveiilng altcuiplcd to assault Miss lv
Roth and who was supposed to have
assaulted ami killed Pearl Pitches lu
this city In November last was yester
day alleriioon taken Iroin Jail and
burned lu the slake al tho scene of his
crime hall a dozen blocks 1 1 out the
center of the city Fiobahly StMKl
people witnessed the lynching The
wretch protested Ills tnnoeeiiic to the
Alexander was brought to the oily
rrom the penitentiary at Lansing at
tt0 p in and placed lu the comity
Jit II The citizens gathered In great
numbers and lluding peaceable en
trance to the Jail Impossible armed
themselves with railroad Irons The
Jail doors wore battered down and At
oxander dragged to the scone of his
crime followed by hundreds of howl
ing frenzied men and boys Arrived
at t lit scene a railroad rail was stuck
Into the ground and Hie negro fast
ened to It with chains Then coal oil
was poured over his body
Before the mutch was applied John
Forbes the fat her of the murdered
girl slopped up lo Alexander and said
Are you guilty or murdering my
I dont know what you have me
bore for said the doomed man
Forbes replied Ior killing my
girl on this very spot
Mr Forbes If thats your name
you have the wrong mail
Burn III id burn him cried the
liciitlcmeu you have got lots of
time said Alexander Youre burn
ing an Innocent man You took advan
tage of me You gave me no show
Can 1 see my mother
A man In the crowd culled for the
mot Iter but she was not in the crowd
He then said Will you let me
uliake hands with all my rrlendsV
You have 110 friends In tills crowd
you ilamneil iieasl saw one of tin
Miisoii 111s lormer private secretary n charge of the negro If von
and was In consultation with him Tor
Ve anything to sav do so in a
several hours lu the arternoon ho hurry
nm sl before the Indiana J Another man then stepped up and
Stale Wool rowers association and mu lo Alexander Make your pei
was elected president of the vour Cod nigger for you will
Hon Later he assisted In the enter- Mirelv
taininent of his wife s tmesis
llfl imifH Iroin Cnmeclt
Dubuque Jail 17 A dispatch rrom
Fayette yesterday staled that Speaker
Henderson had donated f0M for the
rounding or a library Tor the Upper
Iowa university at Fayette This Is a
mistake tho money was given by An
drew Carnegie at the Instance oT the
Rpeaker Speaker Henderson was at
tending the university when the war
broke out and left to enlist in the
Twelfth regiment The money will be
used for a splendid library building
Tor the campus and the work will be
hcgtui as soon as possible In the spring
It will be known as D B Henderson
lni lirn AillrK th Mntih
Coal oil was then applied for the
second time and while It was being
done Alexander called lo friends In
the crowd and old llieni go id bye He
did not seem lo lenllze thai hi wan
to be burned at the stake and talked
rationally until John Forbes the
father of the murdered girl lighted
the match
Again Alexander was asked to make
n confession but he replied that he
had nothing to mi v
As the flames leaped about him Al
exander turned ghastly pale and for
the Hist time realized that his death
was near He clasped his hands to
gether and beifan to swing to and fro
while the crowd veiled In less than
C 11 mill y Pny Dlvlilcnl
I1fIttltM ho was linnclnr limn and
Boston Jail 17 The Chicago Bun nfi loss br the ehnlns Hint linnnri him
llngton and Qulncy declared 11 Ar soon as the crowd saw that lire
terly dividend yesterday or lj per cent extinct It began to slowlv Un
payable to stockholders of record Fp1 PrKp There were hundreds or the
7 It also voted to Issue 10 per cent morbid however who stayed to Hie
or new stock at par to stockholder lnHt Men kept piling on wood all Hie
or record Feb J for construction and time until about 7 oclock when tin
flames were allowed to die down
Irom ti until h o clock there was
It may well be said that lire Is continuous stream of people going lo
onoos 111 iw years we undress lor ncii
no fewer than lSIiV times dressing
the scene of the burning These were
persons who had been unable to gel
uway from their work lu the afternoon
but were determined not to miss see
ing the awful spectacle
When the tire had died down sur
llelently to allow the crowd lo ap
proach what remained of Alexander
there was a wild scramble to obtain
relics bits of charred llesh pieces or
bono scraps of wood everything that
could possibly orvo as a souvenir
was seized 011 with morbid engornetss
The remains were viewed by thou
sands and up to the time they were
taken away carriages and vehicles
were continually passing by the spot
No expressions of regret or pity are
heard from any source
Mayor Neely Not MHii ird
Topeka Jan 10 Dr S F Neely
mayor of Leavenworth was In To
peka when the news came of the lynch
ing of Alexander After talking with
Leavenworth parties about the affair
over the telephone Dr Neely said
I am not surprised that Alexander
was mobbed I expected that they
would hung him ami am surprised
and pained that Ihey should have re
sorted to the stake There Is no doubt
that Alexander murdered Pearl Forbes
and the police know that he has as
taulted or attempted to assault five
other Leavenworth women The poo
pic demanded his life It was simply
a question of time When Alexander
was taken to tho penitentiary the peo
ple said They cant keep him there
well get liliu Tho sheriff could not
possibly have saved the negro rrom
the mob with Ids deputies The gov
ernor talkud of sending two companies
of militia to protect the prisoner Had
he done so they would have ivnehed
the negro just the same A regiment
could not have saved him from the
fury of an outraged people
Governor Stanley announced that be
would offer a reward of ri00 ror the
apprehension ut any one implicated if
the lyuibliiK of Alciunder
Appillnln iinrt lli elilcn Trul Cine of lro
niMiav I iiipiil Innrn AkkIikI II
Chicago Jan HI A decision ren
dered lu the appellate court yosteiday
may prove ho death blow to tho llu
hecil oil dust
The ciim Is that of the Heath Mlf
ligau Miiiiiifaeliirliig company igiiliisc
Hie National Llnseoil OH company
which was reorganized two years ago
and I nine the American Linseed Oil
rompaiiy Tho court found that thu
custom of the company lu selling 7V
pounds or oil a 1 constituting a gallon
was Illegal and amounted to short
wclgld lu so holding the court re
versed Ihe llinllng or the court below
and ordered Ihe entry of a Judgment
araiin f II e conpauy for IJ0lJ wltfi
celt The ea was a ed oho
liroii by Heath St Mllllgan after
the Ibeoverv by A M Heath that n
rilnii or linseed In reality weighed
7v pounds as sold by the Irnsi
lu holding 1 1ml the pluiUlHi li en
titled to reiover payments Ihe court
has throw 11 the door open to uucciwltil
suits again Ihe Irnsi by every con
cern with which It Has had denlliigrt
within Ihe last the years The amount
Involved thereliiie Is enormous and In
the opinion It may mean the death
blow lo the trust
Arinj O lllrciK unit Thnlr WIvca Knnn
Ilil iiMiu 11I Jin l Ion Till hy llu
III nok lii iii rrnnlnu n
West Point N Y Jan lit -An mi
looked for Incident occurred yester
day al the close of lie alleriioon hok
slon of the congressional committees
Investigation at Ihe military academy
There was a large attendance of army
olllcers with their wives and diiugh
tors present
When Congressman Drlggs asked
Cade Dceu If I was through having
a convenient memory thai he could
only lemciiilier Cadet Sheridans imruor
on of all the men he had exercised
there was a storm of hisses which
ran around Ihe room The women n
well as the men took pari in It and If
was evident that they con ilored tho
ipiestlou as one Inipiignlnr Ihe credi
bility of Hie witness T e code of
honor according lo the testimony atf
dueed does not adnilt of untruthful
ness and the people living al Ihe pout
resent anything suggestive of n
doubt on his point
CnngroNMinnu Drlggs Immediately
asked 1 lial the court room be cleared
but Chairman Dick declared a rrcessr
of an hour and a half without recog
nizing Ihe reitlest
Several olllcers did not try to eort
eeal Ihelr displeasure at the question
put by Ihe Brooklyn congressman
A it Sir MHI iVCirf
Crete Neb Jan II At a ineellnir
or citizens lu the city hall last night
the gill or 10I0 by F II Miller for
a public library building was formally
aeceplcd by Ihe city Two commit
tees were appointed one to select n
slle and the other fo colled funds by
private subscription for I lie purcliw f
nf the site selected No taxes are to
ho raised for payment or Ihe slle No
iloiibl the financial aid to carry out
Mr Miller will be obtained
The Indian crocodile Is a rerocioua
mil dangerous animal and causes great
lestructlon to human life especially
hi lower Bengal
I Babies and children need I
J proper food rarely ever
cine If hey do not thrive
I on their food something is I
I wrong They need a little
f help to get their digestive t
I machinery working properly j
will generally correct this
If you will put from one 1
fourth 0 half a teaspoonful f
in Ldbys bottle three or four I
iiWzj a day you will soon see I
j rarlicd improvement For
uut children from half to
n teaspoonful according to
og dissolved in their milk
if you jo desire will very
scon slow its great nourish-
rig power If the mothers
r k docs not nourish the
bihy she needs the
Jon M will show an effect ji
cii oree both upon mother
Sii ji il 1 00 A diuggiits
m i r r nowia rhtmkis w
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