The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 18, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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of Spex
Do your eyea lire easily r
If so You need Glasses
Do your cyct burn
If so You need Glasses
Dora the type become blurred in reading
If o You need Glasses
Do you suffer from frontal headache t
If so Glasses will Help You
Do you know if you have perfect eyesight
If not we can Inform You
Jeweler and Optican
Older Cnr 4th and Main Sis
Yarls Bast U P Depot Phone 35
The Wfmthor
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the -4 hours ending nt 8 a in to
Maximum temperature 14
Minimum temperature 18
Average 2A
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for mouth 05
Snowfall 24
Barometer 20 76
Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight
and Saturday Colder tonight
Christian Mauteuffel of M idison is
looking for a son named
Emil who has run away
The West Side Whist club was pleas
antly entertained last evening at tie
home of Mr and Mrs John 11 Hays
W H Bacholz who has been sick for
about two weeks is improving with
every indication of an early recovery
No one appeared to prosecute in the
Lee Bailey case the trial of which was
to have been held yesterday afternoon
and it was dismissed
C E Hartford of this city has been
chosen as second vice president of the
Nebraska State Volunteer Firemens as
sociation now in session at Seward
W J Gow J W Gibson and John
Utecht Norfolk poultry fanciers have
12 entries in the show at the meeting of
the Nebraska State Poultry association
in Lincoln
The Union Pacific has a steam pile
driver at work today making prepara
tions for patting in a larger torn table
at this place The old turn table is too
s uall to handle the large engines whit h
it is proposed to put on the Norfolk
branch of the Union Pacific
The newly appointed officers of the
Norfolk hospital for the insane will as
sume their positions February 1st Dr
Teal of Omaha will at that time become
superintendent Dr Young of Valley
county will be assistant physician and
M C Walker of this city will take the
position of steward
Amos Marvin died suddenly at Win
side Wednesday noon aged J year
About three years ago he was thrown
off a load of wood aud his neck badly
twiated aud was left lying iu a Blush of
snow and water for about three hours
in an unconscious condition Since
that time he has not enjoyed good
The foremau of the section gang at
Winside left the switch near the mill
open last Saturday and luckily there
was no acoideut Usually the U P
freight goes through Winside at a rapid
rate but that day it had to stop for some
cars and ran onto the switch where it
was stopped The foreman telegraphed
hiB time in immediatley afterward aud
will go onto a ranch iu Minnesota
The funeral of the late Mrs August
Hellerman was held yesterday afternoon
aud was largely attended by relatives
aud friends Services were held from
the house at 1 0 and at 2 oclock in the
St Paul Lutheran church Rev Wm
Hoolzel officiating The remains were
interred in the St Paul cemetery uorth
west of the city Mr Hellerman is still
quite sick and was unable to atteud the
funeral of his wife
Madison Chrouiole A gasoline stove
was tbe cause of not a little ozcitomeut
Tuesday forenoon in Bonnies barber
shop With the burners lighted young
Clark proceeded to till the tank and in a
very sort time there was a merry little
bliuso Fortunately the young man get
his gasoline can away before the gas
ignited aud escaped without injury
Tbe stove wn6 stationary but it was
pried loose aud men sent for from 1
Herats storo carried it upstairs and
threw it into tho stmt Ono yonug
man loarnid a lesson and will profit
tin roby
Couutv Superintendent Crura camo
ovor from Madison Inst evening and 1r
today holding a conference with J S
Hancock superintendent of Stanton
county nud K A Lundlicrg superin
tendent of Wayne county The project
U being considered of holding a joint
touchers inBtltutofor tho throo counties
at this placo during tho coming summer
vacation It Ib figured that by coinbln
lug tho forcos and funds of tho counties
interested a much hotter class of in
structors can bo secured than If each
county holds its own inslituto and
thoro aro othor advantages to bo secured
by such a combination
Tho annual meeting of tho directors
of tho Norfolk National bank for tho
olootlon of oflieers was hold yesterday
afternoon in the directors room of that
institution W H Buoholss who has
acceptably served as president of tho
bank since N A Itainbolts retirement
was re chosen for tho position Dr A
Bear was ro olectod to tho position of
vico president a place ho hns hold for
manyyearfl U W Zntz who has faith
fully sorved in tho position of assistant
oishier was given desorvlng recognition
an promoted to tho position of cnshler
The business of the bank wns shown to
bo in a growing nud prosperous condi
Joseph K0711 the young Bohemian
held in Stanton on tho charge of burg
lary mado his escape from tho county
jail Wednesday evening between the
hours of i and 7 At i oclock Deputy
Sheriff Porter left him locked in jail
iutonding to return iu a few niiuutop
with supper for his prisom r When he
got back ho found tho jail door open
tho screws and bolts having beeu re
moved from the hinges Assistance
must have been rendered by persons
on the outside sib no ono appears to
have seen him lenve tho jail or on the
streets lendiug to the court house square
Editor Enoa of the Picket iB of the
opinion that the bolts and 3crews might
have been removed by the aid of the
fire shovel and demonstrnt d that tl is
could have been douo It is presumed
that Koza is concealed in the vicinity of
Car of Rock Spring nut coal on hand
Send in your order
EmvAiws Bradford Liimiieu Co
Dressed catfish
Choice veal
Dressed turkeys
Dressed ducks
Dressed geese
For your Sunday dinner at KaroB
Garil of Tliankx
The husband children sisters and
brothers of the late Mrs August Heller
man desire to express their thanks to
neighbors and friends whose assistance
aud sympatb were so gentrously given
They desire to especially thuuk the
teachers of the High bchool for the
flowers sent
KIUh Krieptlon Committer
The reception committee of the Order
of Elks is requested to meet at the Ox
nurd hotel at 7 oclock sharp Friday
evening January 18 so as to be able to
report at the general meeting to be held
at the same place at 8 oclock
W N Husk
Houses for sate T E Odioknh
Choice celery as GlisBmaus
The regular conclave of Damascus
commandery will be held this evening
at 7 Ii0 G T Spkkciiek
Wanted Men to learn baiber trade
only eight weeks required by our advant
ages special offer for thirty days Class
opens February 1 Join now aud com
plete for spring rush Positious given
graduates Make application at once
Catalogue nud particulars mailed free
Molek Barker College
10t8 Farnam St Omaha
KHtlinate of KxpouNen
The county commissioners of Madison
county Nebraska at their regular meet
ing iu January 1901 made the follow
ing estimate of expenses for the ensuing
County institute fund 125 00
County superintendent sulary 1100 00
County road fand 700 00
County bridge fund 10000 00
County priutiug 1 000 00
County clerk salary us clerk of
board 500 00
County attorney salary 050 00
Commissioners pay nud mile-
ago aioo 00
Care of paupers 2 000 Of
Bounty ou wild animals 800 00
Fuel postage and express 1 oo 00
Jailors fees 1 WH 00
Books stationery and supplies 1800 H
Janitors salary aud assistants
to county officials 2500 00
Election expenses J1K 00
District court and jurors 7500 00
Assessors pay and mileage 1000 00
Insane fund 850 X
Soldiers relief fund ftoo 00
Poor farm expenses 1 XX 00
Aid to Agricultural society 700 00
Furniture aud ropairs on court
house aud jail 1000 00
Interest 011 court house bonds
between Madisou aud Union
precinct iOO X
Siukiug fund for same 100 00
Battle Creek village jail bond
and interest 150 00
Phil Bauch
County Clerk
DrFrank Salter Diseases of children
Chas Stacker was In town yesterday
from Stanton
7 D Lynch whs in the city today
from Long Pino
Mr and Mts H 1 Baekes of Lindsay
were in Norfolk yesterday
Mrs Willis B Reed of Madison was
shopping In the city yesterday
MrB O Jones aud Mrs O Khnberloy
of Battlo Crock wore city visitors today
Rov F P Wlgton of Osmond was in
tho city a few hours today eurouto to
T T McDonald a leading nu reliant
of Tildeu had business In Norfolk yes
Mrs Washburn and daughter Mrs
S F Eden were in the city today from
A P Brink of Omaha deputy gmnd
regent of the Royal Arcanum wns in tho
city over night to install the officer of
tho lodgo hero Ab they wcro not ready
ho will return about tho 1st of February
Frosh catfish wall ryod pike pickerel
and croppies nt Glissuiaus
A good barn nnd buggy shed for rent
at -100 South Fifth street
Good farms to trade for town property
G R SlCllrlt
Frank Keeuan the star of Sol Smith
Russells A Poor Relation Co roliu
quhhud tho bright future of an nrohiti ol
for the gleam of tho foot -lights behind
which ho has in a most surprisingly
short tiino beoomo one of tho foremost
actors of the day Mr Kcenanniid hit
superb contpnny will be teen here
shortly in this famous phiy
Tho patients dobirous of consulting
Dr Wilkinson tho Omaha specialist eye
ear nose and throat should bo at Dr
Salters office Tuesday Jan 2i
A ItfiniUkxhln Imicial
That it is sometime exceedingly in
convenient to be coomlunt is evidenced
by tho lollowiuc dispatch to the World
Herald fioin PlatiMiiouth under date of
the 15th Mart Gibson the biggt st man
in Cass county who died last week of
paralysis was buried Sunday In
many lespects his whb the most n
tnnikitble funeral ever seen here
Gibson tipped thesealesat G pounds
There was not an undertaker in tho city
who had any two coiliuB which would
hnvo accommodated the remains but
the problems was finally solved in an
unexpected manner
When tho remains of Guy Livingston
who was killed in the Philippines
were brought bock it was rumored that
it would be uecetsary to secure au out
side casket to envelop tho coSiu in which
the body was shipped Taking into
consideration the fact that Livingston
was a more than ordinarily large mini
the undertakers ordered one of the big
gest outside cases they could find at the
Omaha coffin factory But the case
was not used for the Livingston funeral
nd when Giosou died it was pulled out
But it was found to be too lrirge to go
into the house When the time for the
funeral came the body wns worked care
fully through a window on a stretcher
and placed in the coffin outside The
hearse was stripped of its interior fit
tings and ten men placed the coffin in
side and then not being able to close
the doors upon it stout straps were
used to secure the burden in its place
Gibson was one of the best known
figures about the streets of Plattsmouth
He had lived there for fifteen years and
fiom time immemorial was head fireman
of the boilers at the shops
Farm land and city property for sale
by G R Seiler
Fresh catfish wall eyed pike pickerel
aud croppies at Glissmaus
Found A pair of skates Enquire at
News office
Baltimore oysters at Glissrnans
Farm and oity loans
Tub Duhland Tkubt Oo
We make loans on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhorn Building aud
Savings association T E Odiorne Sec
Sturgeon iB the piano man
lUllHttjFarm Land Kor Sal
In northern Wisconsin the Chicago
St Paul MinnnitnoHa Xr rtmulm milixc
hllS for sale at low ratH nnl ancr tunne
of payment about 400000 ncres of choice
- 1 T 1
iuiiu iuuub cany uuyers will secure
the advantage of locations on the many
beautiful strenma nnH lWu ti
abound with fish and furnish a uevr
ending aud most excellent water supply
in iuiuuuijr use ana ior stock
Laud is Lonnrallv urnll limlunul tim
soil fertile and oasy of cultivation
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Miune
apolis Duluth Superior Ashland and
uuuieiuua umur inriviug cities una
towns on the line of the 0 St P M
O milwav Iincl ntVlltr railrrmriii in tho
same territory furnish good markets for
luiui juixiiue
I or further particulars address
rSnr TO Ki
Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or
G H Mao Rah
A G P A St Paul Minn
The Rterun Cltr
In n recent lecture on Rome Mr
Frederic Harrison said that the great
value of the city of Rome from the
poiut of view of general culture and
education wns that It had by far the
SongeHi nnd most completo history of
any city Iu the world It had three
great qualities as tho center of human
culture and the development of human
civilization It was the center of the
ancient world for many centuries It
became the center of the tarly Cbrla
tlun world and for J000 ytara It had
been the center of rcllglois pllgtuYi
nges while for four or five centuries It
hud been the center of poetry nnd 111 1
of the modern world These three
great epochs tnget hot mnde up some
thing like 11000 years nud no city In
tin1 world had had so continuous a
life Hardly n century passed without
leaving It memorial lu Home London
U lotto
A niontrmlin of ttir lfrrlta ml
Kltulirn Pottery
A bachelor housekeeper who It en
deavoring In bring about tho renais
sance of kitchen pottery present Its
claims after tho following eouvliielug
fashion Iu Table Talk
A klteheu In which pottery nppenra
lu plenitude for tho various kinds of Its
capable service wnfta nu odor of purity
and fnncluntcs with a sense of clonnll
ncss In numerous kind of cookery It
has no equnt nud In some hero nro
dishes one might better abandon than
attempt to prepare and nerve without
IU aid Many who nro using Iron tin
nud copper to the exclusion of earthen
ware do so In Ignorance of the perfect
adaptability and service of the stone
For the simple forms of boiling broil
lug nud frying tho metnU nro more
ennvculcul bin for bnl Inn pot roast
ing braising stewing nud frlcnsseolug
It W far superior to nil Its rivals Cook
lug In I he sloue pot simplifies the prep
imitiou of all I lie dishes that come un
der these heads relieves the cook from
close attention nnd eoualnnt stirring to
defeat the Imperfect notion of applied
heal nnd performs lis work with un
failing accuracy and without accident
It gives lis best and nlmost exclusive
service in the baking oven nud under
close cover Few avail IheinselvrH of
Its reliable nud easy use and being as
I declare myself an experimenting nud
progressive housekeeper I wish to rec
ommend it 10 ol lifts who nro nuxlous
to learn and know for thontselvoB of Its
uncqualcd merits Any cook will with
oue demonstration uuderstnud perfect
ly Its superior notion under the Influ
ence of heal nnd for such the details
of preparation will be uocessury lu but
oue ease I shall therefore conflno my
self to a single recipe nnd formula
Procure a large enrthcu pot with a
closely llttlng cover of tho snmu ma
terial This may be found In almost
any house furnishing store Make the
first attempt with the ordinary nnd
familiar fricassee of disjointed chick
en After preparing aprlnkle each
piece with salt and pepper aud dredge
with n little lour Iny the pieces
biiugly In the pot which hns been rub
bed with a little butter or melted suet
Pour In n pint or more of hot water
Just enough to appear toward the sur
face of the chicken Dredge the top
ngniu with Hour put on the cover nud
vet lu the oven The oven should bo
very hot for the first 15 minutes after
which the heat should be reduced to
the lowest degree that will keep the
pot gently simmering
At the outset It mny be necessary to
examine the pot occasionally to nc
qualnt oneself with the action of tho
ovens heat but when this In onco as
certained the pot may be loft undis
turbed from the beginning till the dish
la nbout done Young chickens will
require only two hours older ones
three to four more water nnd the
slowest possible beat to bring them out
The chicken will be cooked to a point
that the ment will enslly come from
the bone nnd yet may be served lu as
perfect form as when laid In the pot
It will have all the richness of a roast
without the dryness that quite forbids
the open oven linking of a chicken It
will have all the Julclnesa of the fricas
see without any of the waterinaus
which oue wishes to avoid
Wnntcil to thnnup the Snbjprt
This Is the fifth night youve come
Lome Intoxicated
Lessh talk bout Ihe two nlghtsh I
came home shober Allv Slopor
Rebiuding Old Books
and Magazine
Next Denna Paint Store 5th St
Ladies Baths
TeikiIIom No 417
Rooms on North Ninth Street
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Mrera Force aru
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik
Flrt door Wet of Pout Office
Several Snaps
5 rooin House 8th St corner U7flfl
lot IftxHii easy lerms P I UU
5 rooni 1 louse lot llltxt tQnn
mhStily water 0UU
1 0 acres miles no t H f f fl
ton Co good improvement h vpuUllU
J80 neroi 8 iitlhs southeast iu Stnulnn
Co linn Improvements honwt cost
150000 Per ncro until tfjq I flfl
January I 11111 PO I UU
lOOiuiosI mile front Meadow Gmvo
fair building- 100 acres eulttxuted bnl
mice liny ami pasture springs and tun
ning wuNir excellent farm JjOfl tt
laud none bettor per aero ipOUUU
100 acres l miles not th of lliular 80
acres under cultivation fair buildings
one half eiinh balance nt 0
per cent
Iron and Brass Works
All UIiiiIk nt itincliiiiiK fromn Imni timunr In
11 iirltitliiKprehH MiiiTKhfnll niiniriil Iliitnlr
hliiain mill lint wnliu limiting SiikcIiiI iitlnti
lion kUiiii In llollnr mill KnkIiiii HiiiuiIiIiik
ii llifowullih Itniiloiiiunt IIiiiimi
Invites you to Compare Prices
Tomatoes per can 8c
Pens per can 5c
Corn per can 8c
Java Coffee best per lb 1 5c
Ont Meal per lit 2vC
Soiip 10 bars 20c
1 pound can Unking Powder 20c
Best Prunes por lb 8c
Blueing 4c
Soda por lb 3C
Staroh por lb 3tfC
Crackers per lb 7 CO
Clothes Lines 0o
Ijve per can 4c
Mixed Candy per lb 7bC
Pom linn per package 4c
Rice perlb 7c
Lamp Chimney 4c
We hnvo a big lino of Tinware Grim
itoware and Crockery which we ur
polling very cheap
i fr zSffi
i aaaafiLtflf
One Is Quick to
Suspect Where
One lias Suffered
Harm Before
Perhaps there are some busi
ness men in this town who have
tried advertising and found the
results unsatisfactory
If so something was the
trouble Contracting for space
in a newspaper is not enough
When secured the space must
be used to advantage A con
vincing story should be told
A plant will not grow unless it
is tended An impression can
not be made upon the purchas
ing public except by careful
persistent work
Many meicbants err grievously in be
lieving that time spent upon their mis
is time waited No time cn be tntde
mote profitable
We believe the advertising
columns of this paper can be
used profitably by any one who
seeks to reach the buyers of
this community We will gladly
aid any one who desires to try
it or who is trying it and is not
F E 4 V R R is the best to and
from tbe
orth Nebraska
Our January
Clearing Sale
All Trimmed Hats
a Half Price
Ureal llargultis iu all kinds of Mil
11 I lyl
AlfornejR nt Law
Musi lllnck
Norfolk Nob
Homeopathic llivnlrlnii nnd SurgcoH
Olllrn Illirpiih Nntlnnid Haul IIiiIMImk
Toliilmiin 111
Hiiiiiluiiiini 11111I Itiwlilmirn Mil In nnil llUlt 9t
Norfolk - Nobrnskn
jJ 1 COL15
Oilier ium Ml iyrnV Nntlniiiil II1111W Itonlilnuoi
inn bluet tu tli of LiHiniiiiitiuniil tliinrli
Trained Nurse
Telephone I oft Norfolk Nnbr
Olllco iimii liiiinmlV Diiii Slum
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
Up utiiirtt In Ciitlim block nvor IImmiiih etor
1irnL oliiHH uurk kiiiiiiinIdiiiI
Norfolk - Nebraska
Attorneys nt Law
Hixiiiift 10 II mill 12 M11M blick
Norfolk Nebraska
Rooms I and 2 Robertson Block
Norfolk Nebr
Ilnlerliikers nnd Lnibaliners
KfitHoiiH Hlk Norfolk Avu
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Kfiiln mniln lo onlnr nnd In the Intent atyle lo
pairiiiK unatly ilonn HIioji on Ninth Kourth Si
toiUt of Ilnum Drot
00 TO
W D Halls Barber Shop
For Plumbing Strain Filling Imnns Tanks
Wind Mills
Ami all work lu tbie line call 00
Siitlifnctlou Guaranteed
Fire door South of Thk Daily News OQica
Oil and Gasoline
Sale and-
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Braajtch Avesuc inijnllC AM
mj Third st rnunt tt