Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1901)
jr SATURDAY SIFTINGS M A Walker of Piorco is rt city vlsU itor today Geo Wilson of Piorco is visiting Nor Mt folk friends A B TcrwilliRor wns ill tho city todny from Wuyno Hugh Horbison was a city visitor yes terday from Madison Mr and Mrs Lorouson of Pilgor woro city visitors yostorduy Tho Bachelor Girls will moot tonight with Miss Nina Walker Miss May MoNoiU will go to Fromont tomorrow noon for a short visit Ohas Nouow returned to Gordon last night to rosumo his work as tiunor P WBockandson returned last night from n visit to parents and friends at Waterloo Iowa Mr and Mrs M G Bloy wont to Plaiuviow on tho noon train to spend Sunday with friouds O W Rico four years ago a resident of Norfolk and a conductor is in tho oity renowing old acquaintances K B Knnyon is enjoying a visit with his sister Mrs Franklin Elliott and her daughter Sarah of Columbus KnuBtis Prof M B Singor and A Stoffon re turned last night from Omaha where they had been attending a conference of 1 r f 1V - German Lutheran toaohors Tho ice harvest by tho P E M V company at Valentino has commenced Tho company secures its ico thoro for Norfolk Fremont aud other towns along its lino Tho temperature for tho 24 hours onding at 8 oclouk this morning has boon very oven with a variation of but nine degrees The minimum was 0 and maximum 15 A Blight fall of snow and a heavy white frost combined to make a beauti ful and ideal wiutor morning today Tho temporaturo was just right to be bracing aud those compelled to stay in the house wore the losers From tho number of teains on the streets today a person might presume that this was a Saturday before Christmas instead of two weekB later if he did not know different The business houses undoubtedly enjoyed a thriving trade The Ladies Aid society of the First Congregationaljchurch elected tho fol lowing officers at their meeting yester day afternoon Mrs Burt Mapes presi dent Mrs F E Hardy vice president Mrs W Z King treasurer Mrs C B Ourland secretary Stanton Picket W W Young is already making his ability felt at Lin coln He has been placed on the com mittee that selects standing committees secured one of the four important elect ivejplaces for Harry Beebe secured Miss Nettie Dortcb the position of senate sten ographer had Ally Peters selected as messenger introduced eleven bills been appointed on almost every temporary committee and is slated for chairman of throe of the thirty standing committees namely Constitutional amendments elections and privileges and library Madison Chronicle A thoroughbied Hereford bull tho property of A W Glenn who lives south of town played the principal part in a hanging one w night last week Tho animal had evi dently trieu to jump over a board fence and just managed to got his forequarters over and could not get any farther neither could ho got bock The man -who had ohargo of tho stock discovered the predicament of tho bull tho next morning but he could not liberate him He went for help but upon returning tho animal was found to bo dead There were no marks on the hide so tho conclusion is that the injuries were in ternal Walter Rogers an Elkhorn brakeman who nrrived in Chadron one day last week from Deadwood to be married to one of tho popular young ladies of the former city failed to carry out tho con tract and biB friends wanted to know the reason He finally informed them that he had been robbed of his savings 4200 onroute and could not afford to marry His friends among tho railroad employes at onco started a subscription to remunerate his loss and urged him to marry and return to work happy ThiB is tho third man that has been robbed on the train between Chadron and Dead wood in the past few weeks one being a stockman who lost two hundred dol lars and another goutlemau who lost a roll of a hundred and five A spocial to the Stato Journal from MadiEon says The First National bank has begun proceedings for an in junction against school district No 1 of Madison restraining it from paying out any more money and a temporary in junction has been granted Tho bank loaned Contractor Frank Mooro of the high school 3000 secured by assign ment of orders for estimates A pait was paid but there is an allegod balanco of 90503 unpaid and plaintiff alleges that the district ref ubcs to pay any more and threateus to pay the balance of the contract to the Fidelity and Deposit company of Marylaud whioh company has relieved Moore from tho contract An i accounting between Contractor Moore and the school district is asked and a perpetual injunction prayed for August 1loner It is a surprising fact says Prof Hon ton that in my travels in all parte of the world for the last ten years I have met moro pooplo having usrd Groons August Flowor than nny other remedy for dyspepsia dorangod livor and stomach aud for constipation I flud for tourists nnd salosmon or for persons filling olllco positions whoro headaohos nnd general bad feollngs from irregular hnblta exist that Greens August Flowor is a grand romody 1 1 does not injnro tho systom by froquont uro and is cxcollont for sour stomachs and indigestion Sample bottlis froo at A K Leonards Sold by doalers iu all civilized countries theorderofelks Tcniinrar Organization Mnile In Norfolk Saturday Ktcnliif A meotlng for tho temporary organiza tion of a lodgo of tho Bonovolout and Protective Order or Elks at Norfolk was called to order iu tho dining room of tho Oxnard hotel Saturday ovouing Janu ary 5 1001 at 8 0 by W B Taylor of Omaha district doputy for Nobnskn After extended romnrks by Mr Tay lor on tho objects and purposes of tho ordor aud suggestions as to procedure n temporary organization was perfected by tho election of tho following named officers A J Durlahtl chairman E H Tracy secretary W II Buoholz treasurer Upon motion tho following commit tees were appointed Exooutivo Geo A Brooks Clias 15 Groou and Geo II Spear Banquot II H Patterson Otto Tap- port aud Burt Mapes Recoption W N Huso P II Salter Ralph Braasch F J Cashiu C 13 Jenkins Woods Cones A K Leonard Ed Wallerstadt Goo A Brooks E H LuiKart J B Maylard R Y Appleby Otto Tappert W 11 Johnson C F Coffee B L Scovol Ed Gerecko W A Connolly J N Buudick Geo Moel ler Tho following committeo was ap pointed to mako arrangements for tho use of a hall for installation night only J B Maylard W N Huso Burt Mapes A list of signers to tho petition for charter consisting of 100 names waa read and referred to District Deputy Taylor and tho executive committeo for approval A meeting was called for Friday even ing January 18 at tho Oxnard hotel for tho purposeof nominating perma nent officers The timo of installation while not definitely fixed will probably bo Satur day evening January 20 The meeting adjourned subject to tho call of the chairman WESTERN DESPERADO Reported Death of Doc Mlddelton Re calls Incident of nig Life Tho followingintercsting account of an early day Nebraska desperado is con tained iu a special from Edgemont S D Tho report circulated in Jsome of the Black Hills papers of tho death of Doc Middleton ono of tho best known old time desperadoes who resides at Ard more south of this city is without foundation Middleton is very much alive Ho now keeps a saloon at Ard more and is living a peaceful life Mid dleton will soon celebrate tho tenth an niversary of his peaceable life He has not carried a weapon of any kind for ten years for he knows that his temper is not to bo trusted and he stands iu fear of himself David C Middleton wasat ono time the captain of ouo of tho most terroriz ng band of desperadoes that ever in fested a western country In tho early eighties his hold ups of Btago coaches and his horse stealing kept tho entire west ern part of Nebraska in a constant state of excitement His daring deeds have been the foundation for hundreds of sensational western uovols Middleton servod sentences in different peniten tiaries for various crimes committed and was at last pardoned His health was broken down on account of his ex posure aud wounds received iu his con flicts aud after his pardon ho settled down at Ardmoro in tho saloon business Ho has a family nnd is said to bo do voted to his wife and children Doo Middleton camo to Ogallala Neb in 18T0 His first violent deed woa dono iu a saloon iu that city when ho shot and killed a soldier Tho soldier at tempted to stamp tho life out of Middle ton and when fiat on his back on the saloon floor Middleton drew his revolver and shot the soldier dead Middleton fled for his life and successfully evadod tho most vigilant efforts to catch him Had he given himself up and stood trial he would have beon acquitted for it was undoubtedly iu self defense that ho killed the soldier With the feeling of an outcast he avoided civilization of any sort and it was not long before ho had organized tho famous Doo Middleton gaug which was the terror of good poo plo for several years It is believed that Middletons orders were always to sparo life As a horso or cattle stealer his gang was notorious Middleton is in poor health at present although a comparatively youug man Wanted Activo mau or woman with rig to deliver and canvass in towns and rural districts No canvassing Salary 00 per month References and security required Address Beatrtco Book Co P B Sprague Manager room 7 First National bank Beatrice Neb THE NORFOLK NEWS KltlDAY JANUARY 11 1K1 MONDAY MENTION A son was born Friday to Mr and Mrs E A Hall S M Hawk of Plalnvlow was n oity visitor this morning Sohool commoncod this mornlngaftor a two woelcR holiday vncation W E Bishop and Woods Cones wcro visitors iu tho city Saturday from Piorco Fred Hollorinan son of Mr and Mrs August Hellcrmau is also nick but not sorlously Allon Kuhu has gono to Scribner to accept a position In tho F 10 vV M V round houso Workmen arc preparing tho ohnto by which tho Ico will ho placed In tho cold storago plaut Col E H Tracy dopartod last night for ONeill to bo absent a week or ton days on business Mrs Aug Paul returned yonturduy from n two wooks visit with relatives aud friends nt Euiorson Miss Allison Searlos who has boon visiting Norfolk frlonds for a week loft today for hor homo In St Paul Minn Tho Odd FoIIowb of Ponca havo pur chased tho McCarthy block aud will re model tho upper lloor for lodgo pur poses Mr and Mrs David Kuhu will leavo Woduosday for North Wobstor Ind where thoy will visit for four or five wooks There will bo a special mooting of Trinity church guild at Mrs Foxs on South Tonth stroot tomorrow afternoon at H oclock Tho Womans Missionary society of tho First Congregational church will meet at 3 oclock tomorrow afternoon with Mrs Erskine A Parnittloo of Boatrico aud old timo Iowa friend of E A Bullock has boon in tho city for sovoral dayB pricing tho Hamstrcot stock of hardware Tho Mudisou Star estimates tho public improvomouts mado iu that city during 1900 to bo 20GJ1 besides there woro a large numbor of improvements to pri vato property Miss JoBephiuo Buttorfield returned at noon to Chicago to ro ontor school Sho was accompanied by her sister Miss Buttorfield who will visit in Chicago and St Louis The nomination of officers for the Y M O L for tho ensuing six months will bo held in tho league rooms tonight at 8 oclock All active members are requested to be present The Northwestern Telephone com pany with headquarters at Noligh has filed articles of incorporation with Secre tary of Stato Marsh Tho capital stock of the company is 10000 Martin Johnson roadmaster of tho of tho F E M V at Fromont fell on a pavement at Sioux City and sustained a fracture of ono of tho bones of tho knee that may permanently cripple him C F W Marquardtleft at uoon today for Chicago to attend the annual meet ing of the Illinois Optical society which meets on January 9 aud 10 While there ho will take a postgraduate course in the anatomy of tho eye Rov Arthur Fowler of Clearwater is expected today to take charge of the singing in tho revival meetings nt tho Methodist church Tho meetings this week will be held intho audience room instead of tho lecture room At tho morning service yesterday Rev J J Parker read his resignation as pastor of tho First Congregational church to take effect not later than Juno 1 While some members of tho congregation knew that Mr Parker con templated this action to many it camo as a surprise Plaiuviow News Mr and Mrs H G Corell returned Saturday from their trip to Niles Michigan They were ac companied by their son-in-law aud daughter Mr and Mrs Burt Vroomau who will remain in Plaiuviow for about two weeks before returning to their homo at Dowagiac Michigan Fromont Tribune The second sec tion of tho west bound Union Paciflo passenger train killed uiuo heud of cattle near Valley this morning Tho train was coming around a sharp curve and it waa impossible for tho train to stop iu timo Somo persons were driving tho cattlo across the track aud could not see the approaching train The front of tho engino was well bemearod with blood and pieces of boef when tho train reached Fremont A Norfolk woman has figured out a scheme to beat tho ico trust that works all right in the winter time In the evening she fills a pan or other utensil with water and sets it outdoors In the morning tho water is frozen solid Sho then warms tho vessel until the ioo loosens whou she slides it into tho ico chest aud bos clean pure ico for all household purposes It is a simple method and yet everybody would not think of it tIt is now stated that tho Elgin burg lars who were at first credited to Nor folk mado their headquarters near Snyder with tho murderers of Zahn nnd that when all together tho gang num bered 15 men aud four women The Snyder raid has undoubtedly success fully brokeu up the gang but there are others in other porta of the state which should be scattered Robbery murder hold ups and other crimes are becoming altogether too fnquont In tho stato St Paul Republican A gruosomo story was circulated on tho streets tho latter part of last week to tho olloot that tho body of Khk Stovons had beon found with tho sknll crushed and n log chain nround tho neck In tho river noar Palmor All otVoits to coiifiuu thn re port have failed and It Is now safe to brand It a fnko Tho Sholton Cllppor saya that a simitar story waa circulated iu that town week before last but proved to bo unfounded It is reported that J M Guy father-in-law of tho missing man has increased tho reward for hlH body from r00 to iSOO busFnessThange 1 Vi Mooie lormorly ol NiuUh Kamiix Iiiii lumrx llui Ilurilwnru llimlii ii f O I lliiinntimit lrom TiiomIiijb Dull A deal has beon consummated wheiohy G 1 Mooro who camo horo last October from Narka Kiiiihiw comns into possession of the hardware business conducted for about four yoars by O D llumstroot iu tho Elsoloy block Mr Mooro hoa takon possession and hopes to movo tho stock uttotit tho first of February Into tho Koboitson block lately occupied by tho Plshoi hardware stock Mr Mooro hopes to retain the servicos or Mr llumstroot who during his rosidonco In Norfolk has gained a host of friouds among tho pcoplo of tho city and vicinity Although Mr Moore Iwih never boforo boon engaged in tho hardware businoHS ho has a wide business oxporlouco and capacity which with his pleasing per sonality augurs woll for his buocops in his present undertaking At Narka he was ongngod iu tho banking bustuoss and had a largo number of friends won by honest aud cousorvntlvo business methods For more than six years before going to Narka he waa a rosidout of Filloy this Btato and was cashier of tho Filloy bank Thoro also ho had a host of friouds who regrettod his removal from that town exceedingly Ho was a prom inont worker in Christian organizations there and left behind him a roputatiou for public entorpriso Whilo laboring under tho disadvant ages of his location Mr Hamstreot baa built up a very good trado and thoro aro many who will regret to see him retire from tho business aud will bo f pleaaed that ho has consontod to remain with Mr Mooro for an indofinito period Tho now proprietor will undoubtedly bo given a cordial recoption to Norfolk business circles with tho wish that his vonturo may provo profitable to him as well as the citizens gonorally WARNERVILLE Born Monday December 1 to Mr and Mrs John Conloy n son Oscar Poteison wont to Iowa lust wook to visit his parents Mrs O M Mooro wont to Pierco last wcok to visit friends W P Rowlott and his fathor started for Seward county overland last Sat urday to visit relatives F A Killmer and family havo moved into W E Gillehpys farm houso two miles southeast of town Ray Herriugton has rented Aleck Suiders farm for tho ensuing year and will take possession March 1 Miss May Morris who has boon visit ing her brother Harry tho post two weeks left for Oklahoma City Okla homa lost Saturday whoro sho expects to spend tho winter with her brother M R Morris Ray Herriugton and Miss 3 Lillio Brown were united in tho holy bonds of matrimony Tuesday nfternoon January 8 by tho Rev Main of Norfolk Their many friends in this vicinity wish them much happiness Try diluting Spelt E C Parker living south of town last season mado an oxperimoutal tost of tho now grain known as Bpelt Ho secured tho seed from Minnesota which cost him 1 CO a bushel and two bush els sowed ono aero From this ground ho raised 12 bushels thus gottiug a profitable crop from ouo ucro of ground Mr Parker planted ton acres this fall and has every prospect of another good crop Spelt resorablcs barley and has a stalk like wheat which cattlo rolish as much as hay It can bo planted in either fall or spring If plauted iu the fall it makes flue wiuter pasture for cattlo It withstands tho drouth nnd farmers may find spoltz a profitable change from tho regnlar routiue of crops Hebron Journal free of Cliarue Any adult suffering from a cold settled on tho breast bronohitis throat or lung troubles of uny nature who will call at A K Loonardswill bo presented with a samplo bottlo of Botscheos German Syrup free of charge Only one bottlo given to one person and none to children without order from parents No throat or luug remedy over had Buch a sale as Boscheoh German Syrup in all parts of tho civilized world Twenty years ago millions of bottles were given away aud your druggist will tell you its success was marvelous It is roally tho only throat and luug remedy generally oudorsed by physi cians Ouo 7C cent bottle will cure or I prove its value Sold by dealers iu all civilized countries DOCTORS CHOOSE OFFICERS rlUluirn u liny Moctlml Sin lot Hold Annual Murllnfr at llin Otimril Hrnni WrxltHviilnyd Dnllj Tho Elkhorn Valloy Medical soeloty held n very Interesting session yesterday altornoon and ovonlng in tho parlors of tho Oxnard hotol An Important part of tho proceedings was tho election of officers for the onsulng year the follow ing being ohosuii P II Suitor Norfolk president J P Gllllgan ONolll first vice pros Idont II L Kindred Meiulow Groo sec ond vlco president A 1 Mulrhead Wlnsldo secretary W If II Hagoy Norfolk treasurer Several Interesting papers were read and tho niombom madolnstructlvo re port s of oa es Dm Kolpor of Pltuco Alkon of Omaha and llililreth of Lyons who woro on tho program for papers woro unable to bo present but had wmt tholr papnis in nnd thoy wore read After tho evening sWilon tho doctors partook of an oyster supper at liber harts rostauiaiit which wasthoioughly unjoyod Letter Ilnt List of letters remaining uncalled for at thu postotlloo January 7 lilt I W E Bnrko Mrs L 11 Blown Geo L niackosloy Mrs Mary Ells worth Mrs S E Fitch Kov O F Graneio Missllattlo Jonos Mrs A M Loo A W Martin Bertha Marshall 2 Miss Eunioo Richardson Maud Statlor Llio Stowurt Nicolas Sohaofer lohn Williams If not called for iu 10 days will bo sent to tho load letter olllco Paitios calling for any of tho above ploaso hay advortisod P F Sriucciirit P M Funning In Colorado mill Nenr Moxlin Tho Donvor Rio Graudo railroad Tho Soonlc Lino of tho Woild has prepared an illustrated book upon tho abovo subjoct whioh will ho sont free to farmers desiring to change tholr location ThiB publication gives vuluablo Informa tion lu regard to tho agricultural horti cultural and llvo stock iutorosta of this Kcotion aud should bo In tho hands of ovoryouo who desires to locomo ac quainted with thn methods of farming by irrigation Write S K Hoopor G P T A Donvor Colo It is a happy now yoar for t ho coal men thus far Notice To Mario Alwino Loaiso Verges non resident defoudaut will take notice that on tho 12th day of November 1898 Ferdinand Verges now deceased filed his petition iu tho district court of Mad ison county Nobroska against Herman Gorooko Sarah E Goreoko and tho Citizous National bank of Norfolk Ne braska tho object and prayer of which aro to foreclose a cortaiu contract oxo outod by tho defendant Herman Go rooko nnd tho said Ferdinand Verges now deceased lor tho sale of tho fol lowing described premises situated iu said county from tho snid Ferdinand Vorgos now deconsod to tho said do foudaut Herman Gorecko vi Com mencing at a point fifty fivo rodB east and two rods north of tho southwoBt corner of tho northeast quarter of tho southwest quarter of soction twenty two in township twenty four north of range ono west of tho sixth principal meridian and measuring from thonco north fifteen rods thonco wost fifteen rods theuco nortli three rods thonco west nino rods thonco north twolvo rods thonco east ono rod and twenty two links theuco north nino rods and thirteen links thonco oast llvo rods and twonty links thonco soutli twonty oight degrees and eight minutes oast fourteen rods and two links thonco east sovon teen rods and nino nnd one half liuks to tho right of way of tho Fromont Elk horn Missouri Valley railroad thonco along said right of way south fifteen degrees ana lltty minutes oast oight rods aud two links thonco west litteen rods una ton links to tho placo of boginning containing four acres and thirty five and ono half square rods more or less which property is used as u uricK yuru ior mo mauuiacrnnug oi brick said contract being dated March 20th 18t and providing thnt tho said defendant Hormnn Gerecko should pay to plaintiff as purchaso price therefor the sum of -100000 as follows 1 100 Decomlior iilst 189IJ 12000 July 1st 1891 1120 Derombor Hint 1891 8000 July 1st 189- j 1080 Decomber list mr 1000 July 1st J800 101000 December lst 1890 with Interest nt tho rato of eight por cout per annum from date payablo semi annually aud iu default thereof said contract should be null uud void nnd plaintiff would bo entitled to tho pos session of suid property that default has beon mado in tho paymont of part of said Bums of money nnd there is now duo upon said contract tho sum of 280000 with interest from this da to at the rato of eight por cent por annum for which sum with interest pluintiff prayB for a decree that defendants bo re quired to pay same or that said promises may bo sold to satisfy tho amount found duo On tho 10th day of November 1900 by order of tho court Anton BuchoJz aa executor of tho last will and tostameut of Ferdinand Verges decoasod was mado plaiutiff iu said action and on tho 2rd day of Novomter 1900 tho defend nnt Herman Gorecko filed a supple mental petition under which by order of tho courton tho 20th day of November 1900 Minnie Mario Albertiue Verges Anna Emilia Verges Oarl Johanu Her mann Verges and Mario Alwino Louiso Verges heirs of tho said Ferdinand Verges deceased were made parties defendants iu said action You aro required to answer said peti tions nnd answer and cross petitions filed in said caso on or before tho 21st day of January 1001 Dated this 8th day of December 1900 Anton Buchoiz Exocutor of tho last will aud testament of Ferdinand Vorgos deceased plaiu tiff Mapes Hazen attorneys I livery womAn lovei to think of the tlino when a noft llttlo body nil her own will nestle In her bosom fully attlsfylnrr tho yeirulnij which lies In tho heart of every good woman But yet there la a black cloud hovering About tho prolty picture In her mind which fills hrr Willi terror Tho ilrcid of childbirth tnke3 away much ot Hie iy of tnotierhood And yet It need tut bo o For sometime there Imi trrn tpou the mjUrl woll known ntul recommended by physicians a liniment called Kfetos Sftcrad wlilrh makes childbirth ui simple and easy ni nature Intruded It It Ii a ttrriitheninc prnerattng liniment which the skin readily absorbs It filvrsthe tninHes elasticity nndvlftor preventn sore breasts mumlng sick ness and the loss of tho ylrllsh figure An IntolUiriMil inn Iter In llutttr ln mi in Wot n I tn iiuimI MoIIiith Irlmiil iiBiiln I won lit olit iiiit II bottlo If I liail to pay S pur boltli I or Itl dot JMntlirrn Irlcnd nt tho drnc More 1 per lint tie llll UKADIiril RTGUUIOK CO Atlanta Go Wiltn fur our frrallliutrntiil book Ilpfnrs ll ilir it hum fWjJ m p F THY THE NEWS FOK UP-TO-DATE PRINTING FCCORSETS MAKE American Beauties FCCORSETS Made in all the newest models and leaders in strictly exclusive designs They have a national reputation for genuine corset rvorlh Send for our illustrated price list t ICMAMnZOO CORSET CO r Soli Mtiktri Kiilumaioo Mich For ith hv ROLAND WILKINSON SHUIITZ JENKINS Illinois Central R R ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WITSTTErR Tlm IlliiiiInVntniI tn cull iittnntlon o thn iinuxmlliil n rvlro Hint Ik nITon cl liy iU lluutt to thu boutli fur tin feuimou of 1WJ IJW c ALI FORN I VIA NEW ORLEANS HICAGO LORID VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LOUIS A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM IorBonaUy conduct ed iiunit uiroiiKli to Iob Annulet niul Kun Imiidi cii via Now Orlflime In conduction EVERY with tlioKoutlwm Iii WFriNERDAY rc hvK CIiIcjik noMiMo on tho ContnirB fast MORNING New OrlimiiH Him clali roiinncllon hmi nuiilo l thin train with lull trniiiHoiit of Nuw Orlmmn for tlio Inclflo Count Tho Ilniltcil from hiciiKO ovury dvoii iiiK roiinivctb on MomlajH ami Tliurnliiy nt Now OrloanB after DiicrmW IS lhJ ith tho SUNSET LIMITED of thn fiontliiirn Pacific clvlni bciiilthruiiih ten Ico to San Kruncieco A Doulilo ilaily 8or ico la nmintaiiuxl out of St Louis via tint Illinnib mitral unci connoctiiiR llnon to NiiflnllloClmttniiiMi ku ami Atlanta thru car to JacU eoinillc Florida twins carried m thu DIXIE FLYER loavint St IouU ii Miry eeiiiiis This train as woll an tho Day Express leaving St Ionis iu tho inorniin uro Inith foliil trains to Nashville hatliiK through cnarlinb and sleiiiiK curb run ntiiK throuKh Martin Tenn and tho N hi Ii My Connection tin thlb Huo for all princi pal Nilntb In tho Southeast buch as Charleston Wilmington AiUiu ami Savannah nnd for all jMilntd Iu Florida TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Dnilj from Chicago to Momphie and Now Or loans HOMKSKKKKHS rXCUUSIONS to roituin lvointb iu tho Soutli on the linos of tho Illinois Central uud Y M V railroads will ba run oil the flnst aud third Tuosday of ouch month ilur Luk tho w inter season Full particular concerning all of tho ahots win Im had of asenta of tha Illinois Central iw 1 by addresiiui A H Hanson U I A Chioas I I V