The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 11, 1901, Image 6

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The Norfolk fleuas
lrynnR pnpor Is to bomthor oxoluMvo
Jtomn Ho hns refused to accept nil-
nnd It 1h presumed It will
lw used Bololy to mlvcrtinu Mr Hrynn
null his principles
Somo of tlio domoornts coiitintia to in
Mit Uint Mr Brynn Is tlioonly iinnlillcd
lender of tlio party Very well Lot it
gout Hint Ho lendfe tlio party in tlio
xight ilirection to mtUfy tlio
Mr Clovelnnd asMimcs to speak for
the mnk nnd file whilo Mr Bryans in
forests nro wild to rest with tho com
moil peoplo Tlioro will bo n nilRht y cIIh
Inrbnuco when tho ono olnss conies to
Ins separated from tho other
Abraham K Klmor of Warren N Y
in wild to hnvo lived in threo centuries
having boon born in 1782 It ia nlfio
iiaid that ho hna used tobacco nnd whisky
nil his lifo nnd Invnrlnbly voted for
Andrew Jnckson for president
Vf T Stoad of Now York tennthority
for tho Htntoniont that Oom lnul Kro
ger will visit thoUultodStntoBiuFob
rnnry Mr Kruger will nndoubtodly
1mi warmly welcomed Hhonld ho dooldo
to visit tho grontOBt republics of thorn nil
Thoy nro not so slow down ubont
Snydor cither when it coniOH to cnp
taring bnndlts Tho Onmhn officers up
to Into sooni to bo tho most easily
evaded Tho Tildun or Snydor method
might well bo copied after by tho
4mnhn police
Tho lloopor Sontinol eolebrnted tho
TJow Your by printing nn oxtrn largo
pnper containing nu excellent writo np
of tho town nnd ita hnsineBs intorosts
Tho edition is illustrated with oxcollont
linlf tono outs and is n ilno ndvertiso
incut for Hooper
Tlio fuslonistR nro very hopoful that
Governor Dlotriohs administration niny
givo thorn onuso for objections but tho
governor is ovidontly not worried by
their desires nnd has stnrtod in to glvo
tho stnto bustuoss liko niothods thnt aro
admired oven by tho fusionists
Mrs Anna J Sloto whoso death oc
curred in Now York on Now Years day
lived in threo conturics hnving boon
born in County Annngh Ireland July
13 1800 Sho wns thomothor of Dun
Slote who still lives in tho pngos of
Mark Twains InuocoutB Abroad
Tho New illopnbllo of Lincoln nn
uouncos ns Its oaudidntes for tho United
States sonnto from Nobrnskn Lucius O
Tones and Chariot 15 Bently It is can
did in conceding howover that its can
didates nro not likely to hnvo u slnglo
vote in tho legislature so that it cannot
be disappointed
Sonio fellow whoso iguorancoof tlunu
cial matters must have been very bur-
densomo recently tapped the safo in tho
office of tho Polk County Independent
and took therofrom 14 in cash Ho
might rob 100 printing i tllcos nnd nevor
again hnvo snoh luck Thnt M must
hnvo roprosonted tho savings for years
of the editor of tho Independent
The Morning Times Citizen of Cripple
Crook Col has issuod ono of tho very
handsomest Twentieth century oditions
yet seen It consists of 48 pages vory
nicely illustrated with half tone outs
and has a specially illnminatod cover
presenting mining views in colors The
edition is largely devoted to the mining
interests of thnt now famous region
Citieus of Nebraska generally will
share in tho grief of Ex Seeretnry J
-Sterling Morton over the death of hit
youngest son Cnrl Tho four sous of
whom Carl was tho vounseat huv
assumed nu important position in tho
business world and tho removal of one
of them will bo keenly felt by those
having n business social or political uc
quaiutonce with tho family
North Nebraska has lots of aspirants for
our friend Johu R
MayB of Norfolk in our minds could not
oe tnrpasscd in many ways for the posi
tion Howeverwe do not know that he
has eveu dreamed of the position and it
xs not likely thnt he will get it We
-would be glad to see him or most any of
the professed candidates get there We
have a chance to nmlton good Jselection
Wiusido Tribune
Doc Bixby of tho Lincoln Journal
thinks that no one who keens clean nnd
eats wholesomo food need fear nn attnok
of small pox This niny bo rend with
considerable satisfaction by those who
have not suffered from tho disenso hut
it te pretty severe medicine to those
who have had it To suffer nn nttack
of tho disease nud then have somo
learned Doo call you dirty and au
enter of unwholesome food is rather uu
nsaal punishment
The 9-year-old boy of Marietta Ohio
who shot and killed his Bis
tor recently during the absence cf his
parents is au evidence of youthful de
pravity or ignorance the like of which is
seldom encountered People who be
lieve in purity and innocence of youth
will be inclined to excuse on the plea of
ijmornce If such is the real cause
however it will be difficult for those re
sponsible for his training to evade
slinro of responsibility
Tho bine ball associations nro making
urrnngomoutfl for n groat sonson of tho
national game next summer nnd tho
vnriouB toaius nro nlrondy being organ
ized Not folks bnso ball uuthuslastfl
hnvo not yet got to work and may not
do so until tho season is half finished
Unless thoy succeed In hnving bnso hall
however nnd not a repetition of lost
summers joke thoro will lo few to
regret if thoy dont organize at nil
At n recent banquet In Lincoln Mr
Hrynn is reported to hnvo said At
this bnnquot surrounded by neighbors
who hnvo beon my political frlondn for
ton years I mny bo pnrdonod for saying
n word of n porsonnl nature Fivo times
you have voted for mo for pnblio olllco
twloo for congrosfl onoo for tlio United
States sennte nnd twico for tho presi
dency And ho might consistently
hnvo ndded Htlll I am not satisfied
Tho Chicago Trihuuo gives tho fol
lowing statistics for 1100 Disasters
loBGTi incrouso over 1800 8400 killed
by railroad nccidouts 4100 incronso
557 gonornl mnrino disnstorfl 2710 hi
crease till lynchings 115 increosoB
hangings 110 decrooso 12 murders
8275 inorcaso 2050 suicides 0755
inoronso 1 400 flro Iosbch 1 5025022
inorcaso 18712858 embezzlements
f4li0i4 inorcaso 92441701 doun
tlons nnd boquosts to institutions of nil
kinds 024ll101 docrenBO 9172881152
Tho Burleigh reapportionment hill
which has pnsscd tho nntionnl house of
roprosontntlves does not cut down tho
representation from Nobrnskn ns somo
hnd fonred would bo done This in
viow of tho cousus showing in this stato
on ncconnt of tho padding ton yonrs
ngo is as good as could bo nskod Dur
ing tho next ton years with n popula
tion truthfully counted Nobrnskn ex
pects to luako n gain that will ontitlo
hor to iucrensed representation Until
outitlod to tho inoronso sho will manage
to get along with six cougroBsmon
Thoso who desire to livo to witnesB
tho improvements of tho Twontioth
ooutury mny now do so at lonst it is so
roported A Dr Albort Robin of Paris
olnlms to hnvo disco vored n procoss of
rovitnhziug dobilitntod humanity by a
Bubculnnoous injection of
of sodn It is tnid thnt Abrnm
Howitt who was treated in 1807 at tho
ago of 75 has been mnde 25 years younger
and will livo to bo 100 Tho doctor is
quite likely to hnvo nil tho work of re
juvouizing ho wnnts Thoro nro fow
who hnvo pussod childhoods estnto who
would object to boiug turned bnck a few
Tho Stanton Picket hns beon ennvns
sing tho republicans of that city to learn
their choice iu regard to United States
senators from this stato Whilo many
refused to namo but ono preference
believing it fair to leave it to tho South
Platto country to innko one choice 22
of them iudicuted a loaning townid
Thompson Of tho North Plntto candi
dates Rosowator wns givon tho prefer
onco by 44 and Melklejohn by 24
Crounso wns a favorite with qaito a
number nnd Hinshnw and Hniuer were
favorably mentioned by eeveral If
Stantou is an indication of tho senti
ment iu tho North Platte conutry thoro
should bo uo question ns to who should
bo elected
Tho hon hna beon very much flatter id
of lnte regarding her importance to the
world A man quoted by tho Phila
delphia Record snys It hns been es
timated that there nro about threo hun
dred nnd fifty million hens iu tho
United Stntes During the yenr 10C0
they producod approximately fourteen
billion eggs which represent in the
neighborhood of 9175000000 That
soems a lot of mouey but just wait a
minute He figured on a slip of paper
with a pencil living value of
hens nt 10 cents a pieco ho continued
is not far from 9100000000 besides
which nbout f lMOOOOOO worth of poul
try iB enteu in this country in the course
of a yenr So you seo the hen while a
humblo bird cuts quite a figure in the
financial world
Are ministers to bo forced to tell only
what they know to be truth at funerals
is a question raised by the Boas investi
gation at tho West Point military ncad
omy The minister who preached the
funeral sermon over Boo has been
brought Iwfore the commission nnd
asked to tell hia authority for statements
mado on that occasion Ho was com
pelled to admit that Ms souroo of in
formation wns members of the family
of tho deceased and that he had no
other means of knowing that they were
correct When the time comes that
ministers aro made to tell only what
they know to be true at funerals nnd
when tho writer of obituaries is brought
to tho same method it is fair to pre
sume that denth and funerals will be
more unpopular than ever
The reapportionment bill introduced
in the house of representatives by J 13
Evans of Lincoln county is quite satis
faotory to Madison county and north
east Nebraska as representation is ma
terinlly lucreased The bill provides
that the counties of Stanton Madison
and Antelope shall constitute the Tenth
senatorial district whereas now Modi
eon is in the Eleventh district with
Stanton Plorco nnd Wuyno counties
Cuming Wnyno nnd Piorco counties
nro to form tho Ninth district under
Kvniin bill MwlUon is to Ihj given ono
roproflontntivo as tho Twonty Third
district nnd with Plntto county will
form tho Twenty Fifth district which
will bo ontltlod to ono reprosontntlvo
Thus Plntto nnd Madison counties that
now hnvo tworopresontntivos willuuilor
thisiblll lo ontitlod to threo
ThU country is not tho only ono on
Joying a growth of tho beet sugar in
dustry nnd thoro is llkoly to bo plonty
of competition An oxtenslvo bcot
sugnr fnctory is noon to bo orootod nonr
tho city of Monastlr In Turkoy A
Byndlcnto of Oormnn and Belgian cnpl
tullstB hna llkowlso purchased a lnrgo
tract of lnnd in tlio neighborhood of tho
Persian gulf which will bo planted to
boots nnd n largo fnotory erected Thoso
Kuroponu sugnr manufacturers hnvo nn
ndvnntngo In several particulars over
tho Amorlcnti maunfnctnror ono of tho
principal being cheaper labor
It is thoroforo probablo that tho lnttor
will not bo nblo to compoto with tho
former in European markets but when
it comes to tho domnud in America tho
manufacturers of thin country havo tlio
ndvnntngo of less freight rntos so thnt
thoy nro in a position to hnudlo tho
locnl domnnd without fear of tho foreign
Tho World Herald with itR notorious
yollow journal stylo rccontly published
a sonsational story nbout tho exooution
by tho military authorities of tho Philip
pines of n soldier named Skinner and
commented on tho fact thnt ho wns
ordered shot on Christmns day tho dny
of nil dnys whon thoro should bo pence
on onrth nnd good will townrd mon It
allegod thnt Skiuuor hnd been con
domnod for slooplcg nt his post aud
vividly picturod tho foolings of tho griof
strlckon pnronts John lllss an old
oltlon and soldier of Grand Islnud was
indignant that tho government should
tolerate suoh methods especially on
Christmas dny nnd wrote to tho presi
dent about it Ho received n letter from
II O Corbin adjutant general that
vory thoroughly shattered tho Btory It
seemed thnt Skinner had boen tried by
court martial for quitting his post
nnd soutonced to four mouths confiumont
nnd forfeituro of part of his pay This
was on August 5 nud nt tho time tho
World IIornlds story wns published ho
hud served his term Tho adjutant
gonornl ndds In connection it is but
fnir to stnto thnt sinco tho beginning of
tho Spanish American wnr no soldier
has suffered tho death penalty for either
military or criminal offenses
Stato Engineer Channel iu a report on
irrigation iu Nebraska suggests radical
legislation on tho subject He suggests
tho creation of an oflico of state engineer
nnd also that the legislature provide for
a state board of irrigation which can
only bo accomplished through constitu
tional nmondmeuts Tho importance of
irrigation to Nebraska may bo realized
from tho following in Mr Channels re
port Oftheontiro stnto more than
oue third ornbout 15000 square miles
lie within the arid or semi arid rogion
wherejogrioulturo though a partial sue
cosB iu the most fuvorable seasons is in
the main a failuro without irrigation
In seasons of unusual rainfall the
productiveness of the soil bears witness
of tho abundant fertility and gives
promise of its possibilities when suffici
ent moisture is supplied aud all tho ele
monts combino to produce a fruitful
growth of plant life Tho water to irri
gate this region must bo supplied lirgely
from rivers having their sources iu Col
orado nud Wyoming and whilo the sup
ply is ntnplo for tho development of
considorablo areas It will bo necessary In
tho near future iu order that irrigation
development be not retarded to provido
somo system for tho storage of Hood
waters that now go to waste nud some
equitablo adjustment of interstate rights
to usotho waters of interstate streams
The women of Kansas are making
quite a fuss over the arrest of Mrs
Nation of Wichita who attempted to
forcibly break up ono of the Falcons of
that city Somo women mny have real
good aud sufficient cause for wishing
that saloons might be forcibly retired
but really when they go beyond the
law and take the matter iu their owu
hands ns Mrs Nation did tho question
arises as to whether they are better
than any other property destroying law
breaker No doubt the Baloon men
who are accordod some rights by tho law
as cordially hate Mrs Nation as alio
does them but if ono should throw bricks
through her windows and smash her
parlor furniture it is doubtful if tho
other saloon koopors would rally to
his support nnd pat him on tho bnck
with the remnrk thnt he had done just
right The W C T U is u commend
able organization aud has the advnutnge
over the saloon men iu that almost any
one cau nud will speak a kiud word for
them and assist them in their work
1 a living that they nre doing much good
They should not eudaugor this ndvan
tare by acts thut will lowor them iu the
estimation of law abiding people If
they cannot do their work by creating
and enforcing laws their field for good
is vory materially limited because uo
law has yet been coustituted that will
allow ono class of citizeus to destroy
property and prevent another from do
ing likewise
hi n
Itlver nnd Apprnprintlnn
Army Itroritnnlantlon nml MifppliiK
IIIIIh Iorcltrn Slpmimlilp Influence
Auitlnat lnat NnnirU Menanre
Wabiiisotov Jan 1 The holiday ru
icss Is nenrlug Its ctoic nnd mombcra
of congress arc returning to the city
to take up anew the details of national
legislation In the house Interest will
center luring the first few dnys suc
ceeding the holldnys In the great river
nud harbor bill the 00000000 omni
bus measure which has somewhere by
some one been characterized an the
grenlosl piece of log rolling In the world
The members of the committee which
drafted the bill have done some heroic
work hi priming down ItH unwieldy
proportions from an 80000000 to n
00000000 proposition After It hns
run the exciting but brief gnntlct of
the house It must be sent to the sennte
where It Is referred to the committee
on commerce
There Is some significance In the fact
that the mime committee of the senate
which hns favorably roported tho ship
ping bill Ih the one that tho river nud
harbor Improvement bill Is referred to
when It reaches the senate It takes a
long time to carefully study the pro
visions of such a vast measure ns the
river and harbor bill nnd 11 would not
be at all surprising If the senate com
merce commit tec did not Interfere with
the fullest consideration of the ship
ping bill In the senato while It was
giving In committee the fullest consid
eration to the river and harbor Im
provement bill Meanwhile of course
In the senate precedence will be given
to tlio appropriation bills and It Is ex
pected to the army reorganization bill
Considering the bitter pnrtlsnn feel
ing that has run so high on the subject
of army reorganization and the dispo
sition of the senate to debate Indefinite
ly any measure of national Importance
on which the great political parties
take sides In opposition there Is n
growing feeling that the outcome of
the whole discussion may after all be
a continuance of the existing law for a
couple more years leaving for congress
In the long session and in the light of
subsequent developments the perfec
tion aud passage of Just such a meas
ure as our military needs in our chang
ed conditions Indicate as desirable
Next In Importance and of consum
ing Interest Is the shipping bill Re
cently there has arisen a very general
feeling of confidence In tho ultimate
passage of some kind of n shipping bill
before the close of the present session
It would be a strange thing but not
entirely out of the range of probabili
ty to find the provision admitting for
eign built ships to American registry
either eliminated or vastly changed
before final passage This has been
regarded ns ono of the features most
likely to attract and hold the votes
of Democrats ns the free admission
of foreign built vessels to American
registry Is In lino with their demands
for n long time back And yet If this
provision Is stricken out it will uot be
by Republican votes
The real facts seem to be thnt the
opponents of the bill find It much easier
to get Into communication with Demo
crats than they do with Republicans
nnd as the former nre prone to believe
statements that nre made to them iu
apparent good faith and with seeming
plausibility they have absorbed an Im
mense amount of misinformation con
cerning the provisions and objects of
the bill The opponents of the bill nre
most happy when they are mystifying
people concerning Its provisions And
ao It Is that men arc working nt cross
purposes In perfect good faith and nre
doing precisely what the enemies of
the bill desire to have them do divide
on nil kinds of points to n degree that
will mnke It Impossible for a majority
to unite upon the entire fentures of any
proposed measure
If the moRt dangerous congressloual
opponents of the bill are not led by the
foreign steamship Hues in their oppo
sition to the bill they are nt least to n
great extent guided by the line of ar
gument thnt has been put forth in the
luteroit of these great foreign Hues
The Hues of foreign steamships thnt
have aa their American terminus the
port of New York alone receive In
freight and passenger tolls from the
American people considerably over
1100000000 each year These people
know thut the passage of the shipping
bill menus a long period of fierce com
petition with American ships and n
consequent reduction iu tho rates of
transportation that will wipe out prac
tically all of the profits in the business
for years to come even If American
ships do uot succeed In wresting from
them a fair share of the carrying
So the remnlnlng couple of months
of the session promise to present a bat
tle royal between American and for
eign Interests with the chances favor
lag the foreigners so far as the po
tency of their argument goes but
With the great preponderating Ameri
can sentiment backing up the friends
and advocates of the bill The friends
nf the bill have nothing else upon
which to rely for support and in which
to hope for success but the sentiment
patriotic and determined of the Ameri
can people If the foreign Interests
menaced by this sentiment suffer as a
consequence we may be sure that tho
American people will benefit lu reduc
ed ocean freight charges nnd In larger
nnd surer markets for their surplus
products J B Acnce
Enjlanil Will Acree to Wathlnglnn If
1jIi it Iowiin Will Aent
London Ian 0 Mr Choate had nn
Interview regarding the Chinese sit
uation with Lord Lansdowne at the
foreign olllce today but little headway
was made The discussion was con
lined to the difficulties of the powers
In agreeing to Chinas answer to their
demands Great Britain has not yet
replied to tho circular of the United
ritates Inviting the powers to con
fer In Washington The Associated
Press Is authorized to say that she Is
willing to agree If the rest of the pow
ers will agree but the Impression pre
vails In London that the other powers
are not likely to accept Mr llnys sug
British officials generally are dis
heartened over the latest muddles In
Peking and fear that a long time will
elapse before matters arc made
straight It Is pointed out that n con
ference In Washington will be a cause
of serious delay nnd Inconvenience to
many powers who would he obliged to
send speclnl representatives If It is
decided to hold n conference In Wash
ington Lord Pauncefote will probably
represent Great Britain The success
or defeat of Mr Hays suggestion
seems to depend on the powers of the
triple alliance The Indications are
that these would only accept the pro
posal as a last resort
SupriMiip Court I lutein to CouilcrlK Argil-
Thnt 1orto Itlcnili Are
Citizen of United Slate
Washington Jan I Argument wuh
begun In the United States supremo
court yesterday In the Porto Rlcuu
customs case now before that court
The live consolidated cases were taken
up and 1 R Coudert spoke In behalf
of the plaintiffs against the govern
ment In the case known as the Dellmn
case Mr Coudert devoted consider
able time to showing that Porto Rico
is not a foreign country as that
term Is used in the Dingley law under
which the tariff on the Porto Rico
sugar imported Into the United States
In November ISO was imposed iu
this case He contended that by the
Paris treaty Porto Rico had come un
der the sovereignty and dominion of
the United States a geographical part
of what Marshall bad called the
American empire The government
representatives will probably not be
heard before Thursday and Mr Car
lisle probably not before Friday
Colombian Revolution Again Asflttineg n
Serlou Aspect
Washington Jan a The state de
partment received advices yesterday
from Consul ocnernl Gudger at Pan
ama indicating that the Colombian
revolution had again assumed a seri
ous aspect He states that the Colom
bian government announces that the
revolutionists are approaching Pan
ama and are making preparations for
a fight
There is reason to believe that the
United States government will adopt
n vigorous line of action in case the
city of Pnnama is nttacked or there Is
any interruption of the transit facil
ities of the Isthmus At present the
gunboat Ranger Is at Panama and
the Philadelphia and lown are on the
way to that locality
IVncc Circular lnueil
Capo Town Jan D Thc central
peace committee at Kroonstadt has is
sued a circular In the course of which
it says The time has arrived foi
the Inhabitants of Orange River Col
ony to make au effort to save the conn
try from further destruction The
country is literally a vast wilderness
The farmers ruined and facing starva
tion are obliged to go to the towns
for protection and huge refugee camps
have been formed by the British foi
them This Ir caused by an obstinate
minority who will not bow to the In
llrelh Hnluc Inquiry
Philadelphia Jan The congres
sional committee which Is Investigat
ing the hazing of fourth class cadets
at West Point resumed the taking of
testimony yesterday Harry Broth of
Altoona an older brother of John
Breth whose death is also under In
vestigation said he and his sister paid
his brother n visit nt West Point In
August 1807 n few mouths after his
admission to the academy John said
he had been exercised until he was
rendered unconscious and was revived
with whisky
liryan the Uneat or Honor
Chicago Jan 0 William J Bryan
was the guest of honor at the annual
banquet of the Chicago Bryan League
which was held last night at the Slier
man house Mr Bryan did not arrive
until late and aviis driven direct from
the depot to the banquet hall where
several hundred members of the league
and their friends greeted him with en
Mole Safe and All
Chelcea Mass Jan Joi eph Hai
DHiuuei lOKisiein David Karner
vid Werbllnsky and Teretv Slivir
were arrested here yesterday chargi
wuii sieaung a safe containing 1
in money and 2000 worth of Jew
from the office of Morse Bros in l
ton The police have recovered n pa
vi we stolen jewelry and r00 In ba
bills In broad daylight the sa
WelKllltlC 1100 nOUlllls Wn Wlinnlml
of the office Morse Bros conduct
a diamond and tewoh v Imsinnco
lease plan The robbers visited t
pmce while the proprietors were
soliciting trade and covering the
took it from the building and en
u away on a wngou
mini nmiT i nro moT
m raniLivtoLUoi
Victims of Rochester Orphan
Asylum Holocaust
lllae Start In Holler Hoom anil Spread
Through Htrnclure Hcfore Inmate A rr
Aioiiied Flremcni and Other Iteicua
Many ixplolon Add to Horror
Rochester N Y Jan I Twenty
tight dead bodies lie at the morgue
mid 11 persons more or less seriously
injured lie t the different hospitals
in the city as a result of the terrible
holocaust which occurred yestcrduy at
the Rochester orphan asylum Of the
dead -I were children of both sexes
while the remaining two were adults
The lire which was doubtless caused
by an explosion of natural gas In the
holler room spread so rapidly that
many of the 100 Inmates of the Institu
tion were overcome by the flames and
Borne almost without warning
Revised list of the dead Arthur
Kelly Glndys Hill Gertrudo Toner
Bertha Hall Viola Stuck Lillian
Stone Mildred Slocus Mary Alex
ander Helen Hamilton Hazel Murray
Minnie Tiffany Myrtle Patterson Ma
rion McCaw Isabel Marthage Ger
trude McCnw Lorco Owen Charles
Betihani Rhea Conwcll Bertha Potter
Mildred Wright Minnie Skinner Mary
Kane Cora Potter Charlotte Bryant
Beachnell Carey Kvnngellnc Cnrey
Mrs Maria Gordon the cook of the
asylum nnd Mrs Martha Glllls n
In all the long and dismal records of
fatal tires in Rochester none can be
found which can equal this one In its
general horror In the pathetic scenes
In which -so many lives were blotted
out in the gallant sacrifice of lives of
the attendants in whose charge the
children were and in the sad scenes at
the hospitals and the morgue
That so many children were saved
from the west wing of the building
seems little short of mlrnculous and
when the ruins were visited today one
marveled that the death roll was not
larger The scene following the ex
plosion nnd fire was one that turned
the stoutest hearts sick The windows
of the west wing were filled with tiny
faces of waifs Working vigorously
the 11 rem on struggled to release them
The rooms of the dormitory were
filled with smoke of the fire und the
little ones were being slowly suffocat
ed Most of those were lowered to the
ground by means of ladders from the
second and third stories The ambu
lances from every hospital in the city
reached the scene almost as soon as
tho lire department hut they proved
totally Inadequate in providing for
those rescued Many sufferers and
the dead were removed to the houses
In the Immediate neighborhood There
were awful scenes around the asylum
nt this lime Most of those rescued
were unconscious It soon became ap
parent that the building was doomed
A general alarm was sent in aud the
entire lire department was soon on
the scene The lire was stubbornly
fought from every available point
but It was more than an hour after
Its discovery before it was under con
Wentern It iigUH fleeting
St Joseph Mo Jan 9 The meet
ing of the Western League directors
In this city yesterday was a failure
as far as a decision on the cities which
shall comprise next years circuit was
concerned President Ilickey gave out
a statement after the meeting to the
effect that this matter wns not brought
up Indianapolis and Louisville will
be admitted President Hickcys sal
ary was raised to 1800 a year A rule
fining a manager l00 for taking his
team from the field dining the prog
ress of a game was adopted Another
meeting will be held in three weeks
at a place to be named later
Ohio lliink Itobbed
Mansfield O Jan 0 David Ozlers
bank at Shlloh was robbed this morn
ing by four men who came from Cleve
land on the Big Pour train at mid
night They stole two horses nnd
buggies from Jacob Gllger near the
village und broke open the bank with
tools secured from the Big Four sec
tion building Prom 12000 to 15000
In notes more than 3000 In currency
and several rings and diamond ear
rings were taken The thieves drove to
Norwnlk it appears and took the
train back to Cleveland
Chicago Declare for Ship Canal
Chicago Jan 0 Chlcago declared
itself for uninterrupted progress iu the
construction of a shipway from Lake
Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico by the
action of the river Improving commit
tee yesterday A report which pro
vldes for appointment of nn expert
committee of five to formulate plans
by which the canal trustees shall he
guided In future operations was adopt
ed by a vote of fil to IS The body
is required to report by March 3
Colorado sfrlke8eUled
Denver Jan 8 The strike of tin
coal miners in the northern Colorado
coal fields wns practlcnlly settled last
night A mass meeting of the strikers
was held at which R was decided
that the men should return to work
in the mines which
are willing to imv
the scale asked This Includes all the
mines except those of the Northern
Coal company
ISuntjnet of Juckioniam
Omaha Jan 8 The tenth annual
banquet of the Jacksoulan club at the
Millard hotel last night was the most
ambitious effort of the society W 7
Bryan and Senator Tillman of South
Curollna were the prominent speuker