Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1901)
h f V i I 1 fr UNDER THE EAVES Hidden ly Uuk nJ dint they lit Lndcr Hie fpiclous cues and broken and ill awry tlio Mwi of TratJ Rone b r at Jiit itiooint depth rcrcUrt Leather bound hooka of l dchrn With yellow and well Irajed Icavti Chirfl telling of tliltiKi dhluc A rraikcJ decanter cnlaheled Wlae Under the gloomy eatti A tiny cricket a broken chair A brlndle cowhide trunk A tlranjrc old tine ao rough and squira Killed with ruty cooklnpt ware And other kitchen Junk A little cradle rude and plain How fancy round It wear The tale of mother Joy and pain That all these tleetliiff years had lain Under the gloomy catca And so to each poor castaway Home tcndii faiiry cleaves The gentle olcc that ot did aay Oh rave It ct another dayl Under the apaclous eae II II Itlchardson In Boston Courier i The Romance 01 a Lost Nickel 4 And How It Got Into tho Possession of Its Kiffhtful Owner By W R Rose 1 He had conic to Cleveland to accept the offer of an extensive manufactur ing concern They wanted a first class chemist they were about to conduct extensive experiments Rupert Pratt had been highly recommended by east ern experts and they engaged him It was an excellent situation with a line salary and the certainty of liberal re gards If the experiments ho was con ducting turned out winners He liked I1I3 position he liked the city and yet lie was lonely Ilupcrt Pratt was slow at making Irlends He had uever overcome a nat ural shyness In all tils school career bo possessed but oue strong friend They had parted the day after they took their degrees If Tracy Grant had remained with Itupert under the same roof shnrlug tils thoughts and aspira tions It would have been different But when Tracy left him Itupert slip ped back into his hermit ways He studied he experimented he took long -walks and rides But he made no friends and his heart hungered foe hu man companionship Early in November he had occasion to visit the cast end One of the offi cers of the company was convalescing from a long Illness and had expressed a desire to hear the bright young chemist describe to him the results of certain important experiments he had been conducting Itogcr boarded the Euclid car at Erie street late in the afternoon and found It pretty well filled He took a scat about the middle of the car and drawing a letter from his pocket pe rused It with great interest It was from Tracy Grant from Hongkong iWhere Tracy had secured through the Influence of English friends a position as manager of an exporting house It was a bright cheery letter and it did Rupert good 1 Let me know when you finally set tle down tho writer said You tell me you have an excellent offer from the west Have you accepted It And where Is it You dont write half enough about yourself dear boy I particularly want to know where you are going because my little sister has Just finished college and is to reside with our aunt and it is possible that you will become acquainted a consum mation devoutly to be wished 1 The car stopped and Itoger was aware that a young woman had come aboard He looked up and found she was standing In the aisle beside him It was only a hasty glance that he gave ijjcr but he was aware that she pos sessed a face that was strongly attract ive and that her eyes were perhaps the tenderest and the brightest he had ever seen Ho crumpled up his letter and quickly rising offered her his seat She accepfed It with thanks A mo inent later she hnd deftly crowded up the two women who occupied the seat and made room for Itupert As she pointed to the vncant place he noticed that she looked at him a little curious ly It was a ladylike scrutiny but Itupert found it confusing 1 A moment later the conductor came up the aisle Itupert hastily felt In his pocket and passed out a nickel The young woman handed the conductor a dime That official promptly returned tlier the nickel which Rupert had Just given him and which he had retained In his hnnd As It fell In her neatly gloved palm Rupert started and turned pale He recognized the coin It was this dearly prized pocket piece tho pock et piece Tracy Grant had given him jwlth the alleged Hindoo hallmark ou one side which meant according to Tracy I am never lonesome and that In turn meant according to Tracy jthat the talisman would always attract other coins to the owners pocket Cherish It like the apple of your eye eald Tracy until you meet the girl iwbo Is to win your love and wear your name and then have It made Into a bangle fpr her with Brother Tracys best wishes I And here was this precious token of David and Jonathan friendship slip ping Into the dainty purse of a strange young woman What could he do He must ask her for it Could he summon up the courage Ho tried He framed the words he would use He moistened his tongue I Then the car suddenly halted at a cross street nud while his attention was momentarily distracted the young woman arose and giving him a bright look that was so unmistakably friend ly that It almoBt took his breath away lighted from the car with the nickel of conn It Rupert oftly groaned Tula would never do The car was In motion lie hastily strode back to the platform wad lcapctl lightly to tho pavement When ho reached tho corner of tho street down which tho young woman had turned ho saw hor ascending tho steps of the second house a handsome Btoue residence on the west side of tho street Then Ruperts courage wilted again He turned and walked up the street He wheeled about and came back Ho couldnt give up thnt precious nickel He walked to tho house In whlolt he hnd seen the charming young wo man disappear and boldly ascending the stopR pressed tho bell button A neat serving maid nnswered the sum mons Uupert felt In his pockets Ho hadnt a card with him 1 wish to see the young lady of tho house he said The maid looked at him sharply Something about his appearance must have softened Iter henrt Come In she said and 1 will call Miss Leslie What name please The name replied Rupert Is of no consequence Tell her a gentleman desires to see her for n moment or two And ho wondered nt his own boldness The maid disappeared and almost Immediately a hnudsome elderly lady with a motherly look came Into the room You wished to see my niece sho Inquired with n rapid glance that took In the callers general appearance Ru pert slightly Hushed He bowed and hesitated I came on a somewhat peculiar er rand he stammered If your niece Is the young lndy whom I saw entering the house a few moments ago she Is the person I wish to see My niece entered tho house a few moments ago said the elderly lady but she is at the present time engag ed I Infer that you are a stranger Can you tell mo the nature of your business I have como madam stammered Rupert who was finding this ordeal very trying indeed I have come for a nickel The elderly lady looked astonished I would not Infer from your appear nncc she snid that your circum stances could be so so straitened Rupert wiped his forehead You misunderstand me mndam ho said I am not asking charity I I simply want to exchange nickels with your niece How very extraordinary murmur ed tho old lady It is indeed said Rupert and he wished himself at tho other end of Ohio In fact he was just about to bolt through the hall door when with a little swish of drapery the young wo man he hud seen on the car came into tho room Somehow her appearanco called back Ruperts oozing courage He paused and faced her with a bow Will you kindly listen while I ex plain this intrusion he asked Then he hurriedly added I sat next to you on the car this afternoon In handing the conductor my fare I Inadvertently gave him a nickel that I value very highly It was the gift of a dear friend now far away This nickel the con ductor gave you In change I saw and recognized It as it dropped into your hand I have come here to beg of you to permit me to redeem It He paus ed and the ladles looked at each other It is quite an extraordinary story said the young womnn and Itupert heard her voice for the first time and a charming voice It was Just what 1 remarked said the aunt Just what I am prepared to admit said Rupert It might of course be true said the young woman It might said the elderly lady doubtfully It Is said Rupert He gathered himself up again If you will take the trouble to look in your purse you will find the proof I will look said the young woman It will necessitate my going up stairs She turned in the doorway Did you say your name was on the coin No said Itupert there Is only a cabalistic sign on It She turned again Will you bo seated Mr She paused expectantly Pratt Rupert Pratt replied the young man Thank yon And he sat down As he did so a lightning glnncc passed between the ladles And then the younger lady disappeared There was oue thing in your favor said the elderly lady with a friendly smile Lena our maid never admits suspicious looking strangers Tho fact that she let you in Is greatly to your credit Rupert laughed It may bo to my credit ho said and yet I have never been prepared to admit that there was the slightest sug gestion of a suspicious character in my general appearance At the same time I will acknowledge that I have felt during the last quarter of an hour as much like a confidence man as It is possible for an innocent youth to feel And then the young woman reap peared It Is too bad she said but just as I was entering my room my purse drop ped to the floor and scattered the coins In every direction Your nickel must have hidden itself with great care be cause I failed to find it Rupert hastily arose Im very sorry to have put you to all this annoyance he said and Im especially sorry that I have been una bio to prove the honesty of my purpose In Intruding upon you Good after noon One moment cried tho young wo man I havent given it up yet 1 will make a more thorough search and you must call again Come tomorrow evening If you arc not engaged Bald the elderly lady Rupert stammered that It would be a pleasure and a moment Inter wu THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JANUARY 11 SH1 hurrying down the street to catch a car lie felt btrnngcly exhilarated Sho certainly was a remarkably ty girl And somehow the remem brance of her looks softened tho thought of the ordeal through which he had Just passed Ho called the next ovcnlng and found that tho precious nickel was still un discovered Miss Leslie had been too busy to make the promised search And yet Itupert stnld on through tho evening nnil there hnd never been an evening In all his recollection that could compare with It When he start ed to go the elderly lady suggested that he might like to como up Sunday evening nud accompany them to church And the bnshful Itupert ac cepted the suggestion without a mur mur On the way home from church on one never to bo forgotten evening tho elderly lndy had suddenly startled Itu pert by Inviting liliu to dlue with Miss Leslie and herself And so Itupert enjoyed the most de lightful meal that ever was eaten but the nickel did not turn up Pretty soon he began to call without being specially Invited and after a lit tle while he never alluded to tho nick el Sometimes ho felt quite dazed by his good fortune and by the remark able assurance ho displayed In accept ing It Yet he wns a shy lover still He asked no questions ho took every thing for granted much as If ho were living through a delightful dream and feared ho would awaken If he moved Why It was a fact that ho didnt even know the lovely girls full name Sho was Miss Leslie to him ns to tho house hold and he could invent many delight ful names to call her when ho waa not at her side One evening It might have been six weeks since tho memorable day lie lost tho nickel ho wns with Miss Les lie In tho little reception room at Mrs Morgans for that was the elderly ladys name Suddenly tho sweet gray eyes looked up at him I have found the nickel said tho gentlest of voices Hnve you cried Rupert Then his voice changed Really he went on I dont believe Im half glad over Its recovery It brought me such wonder ful luck you know tho day It disap peared Then you do not want It she soft ly questioned with a blush I am not as anxious about It as was replied Rupert Then said the gentle voice why not give It to me Rupert stnrtcd If I dared he muttered Dared what asked the young wo man To Ruperts ears it sounded like n defiance This is madness he murmured He caught Leslies hand Will you bo my wife She dropped the veiling lashes over the bright gray eyes I I accept tho nickel she stam mered and blushed as she said it and gave him the other hand A little later she drew him toward the mantel Rupert sho said youro the vic tim of a mild conspiracy I knew you that very first day I knew the nickel I told auntie who you were You knew me cried the dazed Ru pert I knew all about you through Tra cys glowing praises I am Leslie Grant Tracys sister What cried Itupert sinking into a chair Tracys sister Then you knew about the nickel I knew all about It said Leslie de murely And then too we had your photograph Look here Sho reached behind tho clock and drew the portrait Into sight Rupert gazed at It with a dazed ex pression Well put a frame of gold on It he murmured On your portrait laughed Leslie No said Rupert solemnly on the nickel Cleveland Plain Dealer The Gentle Dotc I am almost afraid to say that tho great amount of kind feeling sympa thy and regard bestowed upon doves In general is wasted upon the unde serving To all keepers of doves and pigeons the pugnacious disposition ex hibited by birds of this class Is well known although the means of Inflict ing injury upon each other Is some what limited In consequence of tho comparative want of weapons Not being nrmed with clnws spurs and a powerful beak like most gallinaceous birds they not only do battle with a somewhat weak bill but strike each other with the wing Joint Tho heavy blows thus Inflicted by the aid of tho powerful pectoral muscles would per fectly astonish any one who received it and although they seldom kill each other they are prone to quarrel fight and keep up n very determined dis agreement Bartletts Wild Animals In Captivity Where the Gemi Came Front A speaker at a Sunday school teach ers meeting touched upon certain things a child should bo taught and said tho teacher ought to be very sure that tho child understood its lesson giving the following story as an Illus tration A teacher asked a class for a defini tion of the word Jewel The answer came quickly A Jewel Is a gem The teacher not being sure thnt they knew what a gem was questioned them fur ther What Is a gem Then there was silence Flnnlly one little girl piped up Gems comes from gem pans Now suld the speaker If a child thinks a Jewel Is a gem and gems come from gem pans tho childs Idea of the lime when he cometh to make up bla Jewels will be a very peculiar oae Reading ITerald ARMOUR FUNERAL - i i i Will lln IIaIiI from tin Imlrlo Arnnua lloinn Tomorrow Altai nnou R unltia lo Lit J n State Chicago Inn S funeral of the lute Philip 1 Armour will bo held nt 1 oclock tomorrow afternoon at the home 21 in Prairie avenue Those who desire to look upon the face of air rmour win no given the oppor 1111111 1 ARMOUR Utility prior to the funeral The body will Ho in state at the Armour home from I a in until noon While tho holding of the funeral from the house will necessarily re strict tho number in attendance nil of the Armour employes In Chicago who number thousands will be In vited to view the body during tho morning hours Itov Frank W Junsnulus will preach tho funernl sermon Tho burlnl will be In the family lot at Gracolnnd and the pnll bearer will be business associates of the deceased On the dny of the funoral all of tho plants and ofllces of tho Armour company In Chi cago and other cities will be closed for the entire day Taylors Onie Ciiiitluuml Frankfort Ky Ian 8 The cases of ex Governor W S Taylor ox-Secretary of State Charles Flnluy Retry Howard and John L Powers charged with being accossorles bofore tho fact to the murder of William Qoehel were called In the circuit court yesterday and continued until the spring term none of them Iwlng In custody The case of W II Culton Green Golden and Wharton Golden was also con tinued It Is not belloved the grand jury empaneled yesterday will re turn nny additional Indictments In con nection with the assassination DEATH OF CARL MORTON Forum Secretary Hon Illnn at III Horn In WaukKn From Ineuinonla Nebraska City Tun 8 News of the death of Carl Morton at his home In Waukegan yesterday camo as a great shock to this community The cnuse of his death was pneumonia which he contracted only a few days ago Carl Morton wns born in this city 85 years ago He was tho youngest son of former Secretary T Sterling Morton He resided here until last April ut which time he removed to Waukegan to tako charge of the Unit ed Stnfos sugar refinery Up to this time ho hnd been general moungor of the starch factory here and was Inter ested In other local enterprises IIo leaves a widow who Is a daughter of Robert Payne of this city and two children rtulciiles nn tlm Street North Platte Neb Jan 8 A man supposed to be 1L L Prouty of Des Moines from papors found on his per son jumped on the cast bound passen ger train here yesterday ran though the Pacific hotel and south two blocks bought cartridges at a hardware store and went out upon the street and shot himself through the head The doc tors say he cannot live Papors in his pocket show that he was discharged from St Lukes hospital San Fran cisco Jan I tills year The conductor reports that he became Insane on the train One liullrt Out On Itoiiiulna Fremont Neb Jan 8 The doctors tried to get the bullets that were shot Into William Ithea by the posse that captured him as ono of the bandits who killed Herman Kuhn at Snyder Friday night A TJ callbor bullet was taken from his left leg back of the knee It was found Imposslblo to get the bullet that was lodged in the apex of the right lung There were no tie velopments In the case llellnvue Numea Indicted New York Jan 1 The grantl Jury reported to Fudge Cowing luto yester day afternoon handing up Indictments against Clinton Marshall J It Dean and Kugeuo Davis tho Ilollovuc nurses for manslaughter In tho first degreo in the killing of Louis HUllard After llllllards death It was found that several of his ribs were broken and It wns alleged that he received all of his Injuries in Rellnvuc hospital TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Mrs Vina Grady white was brutal Jy murdered nt her home in Ztmesvllle O Monday by Adrian Madison a col ored barber The explosion of an oil lank Monday started a blaze which destroyed most of the business portion of Syracuse I ml Loss 50000 Tho car department building of the Southern railway shops nt Princeton Ind was destroyed by lire Monday The loss Is estimated at 30000 Dr George Taylor Stewart was Mon day appointed superintendent of llellovue hospital New York with power to remove any doctor or nurse Frederick K Itittmau recently ap pointed auditor for the war depart ment vlco Frank Morris who was klllfd by Samuel McDouald assumed lila uovr duties Monday mm 1 IL CHANCE SUP To make a Fortune The Opportunity may not Come Your Way Ajpain Twentieth Century Parmer Offers a Number of Mnmilflccnt Vvlrcn to tliose who will net n4 Agents 1ST PRIZE 1000 CASH 2D PRIZE 500 CASH And 20 Other Cash Vvlrcs rant lug from 500 to 25 Tlin TWENTIETH OENTU RY FARMER lo published by Thfr Heo Publishing Company of Onmhn and Is nn agricultural and fam ily inngiulno of unusual merit There arc department for every ineniber of tho family special articles by men of known reputation and Illustrations will bo a prominent feature Wrllo for sample copy and ask for parllculurs concerning lln prizes g THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and this paper will be sent to you one year for TWO DOLLARS TRY THE t Daily News Job Department FOR FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING A FAMILY REMEDY Thousands of Men and Women can have the best of health if they will but take the greatest Kidney and Liver Remedy known to the Medical profession Cramers Kidney and Liver Cure Doctors prescribe il in their practice A few symptoms A sovoro pain or aching in tho small of tho back A tired exhausted feeling A dosiro to urinate frequently An unusual desire to nrinnto at night An annoying scalding or burning sousation whilo urinating o An inability to mako oven ordinary zertion An abundance of pale or scanty luriiiu A dopoBib of red or whito brick diut or albumen in tho urine which is oasily dotooted by letting tho urine stand for tv fow hours Tho abovo aro a fow of tho principal symptons of this droad malady in its first and socond stages Its third stage is almost complete exhaustion and leads to tho straight and narrow path of Hrights disoaho Read this Testimonial OMAHA Dec 10 1000 I fool it my duty to write to you in regard to yonr Kidnoy Cure I rocoived tho samplo bottlo which you kiudly sunt mo and I felt relieved after taking it I have since takuu throo bottlos For nearly six years L have had kidnoy troublo At times my back hurt mo sol could hardly walk straight I had frequent onlis to urinato Boforo taking Cramers Kidnoy Cure wns up from two to ivo times a night and now I dout have to got up nntiL morning I cannot say enough for your medicine that is why I choorf ulljr writo this and also give you portrait I have rocommonded it to my friends and have also given them your papors OARL H MAIIQTJARDT Shipping clerk at Meyer Roaplco wholosalo grocers Omaha If you cannot get Cramers Kidnoy Cure from your druggist sond 100 to tho Western Agent Cramers Chemical Company Omnha who will send you a bottle by express propaid Insist on having Cramers Kidney Cure Tako no substitute Sond for freo sample to CRAMER CHEMICAL CO Albany N Y You can leave tho Missouri River after breakfast today on THE OVERLAND LIMITED arrive California sooner than if you left yesterday via nny other train TStobv TRIP TO CALIFORNIA in rogal splendor can be made on OVERLAND LIMITED the colobratod Unicu Pacific train Tliis train hiub via tho Overland Route tho established route across tho continent It has perhaps the most finely equipped cars in the world There are Double Drawing- Room Palace Sloopers broad vesti bnlod Cars throughout Huflot Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant Reading Rooms Dining Oars menls being served a la carte and every delicaoy is provided Tho cars are illuminated with the famous Piutsch Light and heated with steam A notablo feature is that safety perfect comfort and speod are all included Only Two Nights between v Missouri River and San Francisco For Time Tables and full Information call on F W JUNEMAN AgMt V