The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 11, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Debate on the Measure Takes
a Wide Range
riilllpplne Unrsllon Threshed Orer al
lrmt ltiiilh nml AUsUitn lloiindftry
IHapute Also Touehed llpoiillnusn
llitrle limited Nil Tine nestilutloii
Washington lull For live hours
yesterday the senate iIIsuhhsoiI the
army reorganization hill The debate
took a wide range ut times Itnl wjih
conduct irlnelpally to the question of
the necessity for the Increase In the
regular army provided for In the pend
ing nieaKtire
The Philippine question was threshed
over at great length bill few reiilly
new polntn were ailvuneed II was
urged by the supporters of the army
bill that the situation In the Philip
pines demanded tho Inereuso of the
army proposed TIiIm was eoutroverted
by the opposition sonutors who while
they were willing In a general wuy
to provide for Hitch temporary force
as might be needful were vigorously
opposed to the creation of a perma
nent standing army of 100000 men
Speeches were made by Carter
Toller Hoar Stewart and Ou fiery
One of the sharpest colloquies of the
session was between Carter and Well
ington and In Hie course of It the
Alaskan boundary dispute was
brought forward prominently the
Maryland senator charging that the
president hnd relinquished sovereignly
over territory the title to which
ho maintained was rested clearly In
the United Slates
Hoar advanced a proposition to cre
ate n commission to be composed of
all shades of political opinion to In
vestigate the entire Philippine ques
tion nnd report Its llndlngs to congress
In order that basis might be formed
for Intelligent action Some slight
progress was made toward the com
pletion of the pending measure
lruuolilsn Abridgement Itesoliitlou He
for rod to Census Comhilttue
Washington Jan 5 The house yes
terday had another spirited struggle
over tho Olmsted resolution to Investi
gate the abridgement of the suffrage
In certain southern states with a view
to reapportionment upon the actual
basis of suffrage It was dually re
ferred to the census committee where
tho opposition desired It to so origi
The debate was marked by exceed
ing frankness Some of the southern
members nvowed that the attempt lo
enfranchise the negro had been a la
mentable failure nnd the action of cer
tain states In legally eliminating the
blacks as factors at the polls they said
wns in the Interest of civilization and
progress MePermott N 1 asserted
that every state In the Union either
added to or subtracted from the con
stitutional requirements of voters and
challenged any member to show to
tho contrary one that did not After
the resolution had been thus disposed
of the reapportionment bill was taken
up and debated by Hopkins Ills and
Shafroth Colo An attempt to
agree upon a time for the dual vote on
the bill failed although the general
Impression Is that the debate will con
clude early next week
Senate Will Devote ll Tlmu to Army Ito-
inent Meuiuro In House
Washington Jan 7 The senate will
continue to give practically uninter
rupted attention to the army reorgan
ization Mil until that measure shall be
disposed of That the bill will pass
no one doubts and the general opin
ion Is that it will gel through some
time during the present week The
provision of the bill authorizing the
enlistment of Filipinos In the army of
the United States Is among the feat
ures which arc almost certain to come
lu for sharp attack
The ship subsidy bill will he restored
to tho calendar as the regular order
of business when the army bill Is
passed and It will be pressed when no
appropriation bills are waiting consid
The consideration of the reapportion
iiieut bill will be resumed today In
the houbc Tho Indications point to a
llnnl vote upon the measure tomorrow
but the tight over the basis of appor
tionment is a bitter one and the tie
bate may bo prolonged The outcome
is iiot clear Hopkins is still coull
dent that his bill will carry but lu ol
der to pull it through he Is now ready
to concede an Increase of three mem
bers to cover tho niujor fractious of
the states of Klorlda Colorado and
North Dakota If this bill passes It
probably will be with this inodltica
tlou Tho opposition Is very aggres
sive but on the surface seems to lack
the strength necessary to curry the
Burleigh bill There are forces ut
work however by which the opposi
tion hopes through the agencies of
Senator Quay Senator Plutt N Y
nnd Senator Lodge Mass to swing
the delegations of New York Pennsyl
vania and Massachusetts into line and
if successful the Hopkins bill may suf
fer defeat Crutnpacker will move to
recommit the bill with instructions to
reduce the representation of the south
ern states but there is no Idea that
such a proposition will prevail
Washington Jan 8 jL notabU
gpeocli was delivered lu tlia sonata yes
terday j Lodge Addressing
tlit seiuile on the uiiioiitlmeut of the
military committee striking out the
provision In the army reorganization
hill for u oterlnnry corps hu dis
cussed hrlolly and principally hi the
form of a colloquy with Mncoit tin
the Philippine question mid the ncccs
slly for an army of 100000 men In
conclusion he drew u brjlllant word
picture of the commercial future of
the United States declaring that the
trade conflict with Europe already
begun could result only In the commer
cial and economic Hiipromncy of this
country over the eullre world In this
Industrial coulllct ho apprehended no
danger from a material contest with
any nation of tho world but he urged
the necessity for a strong and selen
tlllcnlly organized uiv and a powerful
navy In order that i lies
might he prepared to defend IN fights
against any poslhle war The speech
created a profound Impression
During I he afternoon the senate rati
fied the military committees recom
mendation to eliminate the house pro
vision for a veterinary corps In tho
nrniy Senator Teller Colo gave no
tice of a substitute ho will offer for
tho entire pending measure continu
ing In full force and effect the act or
March II ISO Increasing the size of
the nrmy for three years from July J
A bill was reported from the Ju
dlOlnry committee amending nn net to
create the southern division of the
southern district of Iowa changing
the time for the holding of court from
the llrst Mondny In May and fourth
Monday In September to the fourth
Tuesday In March nnd the third Tues
day In October It was passed
House rroreilliit
Washington Jan 8 Thu animated
dobate In the house nn thu reapportion
ment of representation from tho vari
ous states Is Hearing Its eloso It be
ing unanimously agreed yostordny that
the final vote would be taken before
the session closes today It was ex
pected thnt there would he a sequel
to the exciting clash of Saturday be
tween liittlelleld Mc and Hopkins
Ills but the latter made no offort
at rejolndur and contontcd hlmsolf
with the direction of the measure to
ward tho llniil vote He expressed con
Ildence that the bill bearing his name
will be passed today although there
may be a slight chutigo giving an ad
ditional member to Florida Colorado
and North Dakota bringing the total
membership up to UOO
The notable speeches were mnde by
Gmmpucker Ind dealing witli al
leged disfranchisement In the south
by Hepburn la arraigning the rules
annihilating the prerogatives of the
house and 3 row Pa comparing the
old system in the house with that of
the present
Washington Jan 10 The army can
tceu Is to be abolished us the senate
yesterday by u very decisive vote con
curred lu the house provision relative
to the army canteen Only 15 votes
could he mustered In tho senate In fn
vor of the canteen us follows Caf
fery Clark Cockrell Hawlcy Ilelt
fehl McLaurln Mallory Morgan Pet
tus Pritchard Sewcll Slinup Spoonor
Thirty four votes were cast against
The effect of the vote Is to restore
to tlie hill the house provision abol
ishing the army canteen so far as the
sale of any kind of intoxicants Is con
cerned As the section now stands in
the bill It rends as follows
The side or deiillui to beer wine or tiny
Into dnitltiK iuuit lv any perHou la miy
IiohI cxi Iiuiiko or ennteen or iiriny trans
port or upon any premises used for mill
fury purpnxv Iiy tlu United Stales Ih here
by prolillilteil The secretary of war Is
hereby directed to earry the provixrous of
this heetlon Into full force nnd effect
Most of the time was occupied by
Senators Teller Colo Pettlgrcw S
D and Ilutler N C who all opposed
the adoption of the senate committees
amendment which provided for the
continuance of the enntecn
Beyond disposing dually of the can
teen question the senate accomplished
little and It seems doubtful whethei
a llnnl vote upon the measure will be
reached before Saturday
ltiver und Harbor Hill In lloiue
Washington Jan 10 Tho house
cnnsldared the river and harbor bill
yesterday Little progress was made
In a bill carrying such a vast sum for
loeul Improvements inuiiy localities are
bound to be disappointed und there
Is generally considerable soreness
uinong the members who full to get
what they want This feeling out
cropped In several places the disap
pointed members refusing to allow any
limit to be placed on the general de
bate It extended throughout the day
being seemingly no nearer conclusion
ut adjournment than when It started
Burton chairman of tho committee
on rivers und harbors who Is In charge
of the bill made an elaborate explana
tion of Its provisions Severn western
members assailed it for not containing
provisions for Irrigating reservoirs and
Corliss attacked It for not giving
proper recognition to the great lakes
deep waterway project
All tuu Aspirants for Unltod Slates Sena
tor Cut Together
Lincoln Jan 0 All the candidates
for United States senator held a con
ference last night to discuss questions
relating to the conditions of u senator
ial caucus
Those present were Crounse Bose
water Meiklejohn Thompson Currle
Hinshaw and Speaker Sears
The topics under consideration were
the majority to nominate the open or
closed ballot uud the mot hod of voting
Ko definite agreement was reached
but a conclusion Is expected at an
other conference today
Nineteen Children Meet Horri
ble Fate at Rochester
ICtplnslou In Hospital Seel Ion 1oIIoit
l ml Discovery of the Flumes Hemes u
thu Inmates Itiiliifr Carried Onl Huron-scions--
Two Nurses Among the Doiid
Uochester N Y Jan 8 Fire broke
out In the hospital socllou of the
Itochester orphan nsyluin at 1 oclock
this morning and the Humes spread
rapidly to other sections of the insti
tution It Is known that 10 of the chil
dren perished and It Is feared that
many more victims may be reported
later The lire was llrst seen by two
men passing the nsyluni They liuitlly
nenl in an alarm and then turned their
attention toward arousing the nursus
ami the children A lorrltlc explosion
was then heard and In a moment the
entire hospital section was lu llittnes
On the in rival of tho Urn uppuratus
n general alarm was sounded calling
out the entire department The Rinoke
begun to pour out of every window
lu the main building anil the screams
and frantic cries of thu children could
be heard
Children and nurses were can led
from the building all In an uncoil
fclotis condition some tlead Thorn
were too children at the hospital and
it corps of about 110 nurses and at
tendants Two of the wotnon attend
nuts are among Ihe dead
The origin of the tire Is not known
nt this time The property loss will
probably exceed 20000
Aiuerlcuu Consul ut Canton Mnkos We
iiiuuil mid It Ih Compiled With
Taconui Wash Jan 8 The steam
ship Tacoma brings news from Hong
Kong that the American consul at Can
ton has required the viceroy of Kwung
Tung to suppress several seditious na
tive newspapers which were being
circulated throughout Cnutou advis
ing the natives to rise against foreign
ers Some objection wus made when
the consul llrst protested He pointed
to the coast defense vessel Monterey
lying In the harbor us evidence that
Ills wishes must be respected The
viceroy then gave orders to suppress
the papers and urrest any ouo found
selling them
The present serious situation In Can
ton Is regarded as due Inrgely to the
iullueuce of theso papers Every
where there Is u strong undercurrent
of hatred for foreigners
Cubas Iroposed Constitution
Iluvuun lun 8 Tho proposed con
stitution is not meeting with u favor
able reception The concensus of
opinion is that it is top heavy involv
ing too many governments assemblies
executives and other unnecessary offi
cials Moreover It is belloved that
such a scheme as proposed would moan
nn enormous exeuse It is thought
great confusion would follow the adop
tion of federalism Business men four
the extortions of excessive govern
ment Radical modifications will be
Insisted upon and if these are not made
the commercial classes will urge the
ludellnite continuance of Auiericau in
RpruMs Cliluurt Iteqliest
Peking Jan 8 -Count von Wahler
see says that Chluns request through
her representatives at foreign courts
that the expeditions should cease can
not be complied with at present No
expeditions lie asserts are sent out
without adequate cause Where
there are scenes of blood shed or disor
der troops are sent to Interfere this
being the only means of preventing
Marital uud Suicide
Indianapolis Jan S Norrls Jones
colored shot and killed Miss Kllztt
Newklrk white here lust night An
hour Inter he tired a bullet into his
own brain dying almost instantly
Miss Newklrk was a resident of
Friends vllle Ills and hns been a stu
dent nt the Vorls business college
where Jones wus employed us Juultor
nnd hnd been discharged on her com
llrnds ltoer Cause lu lurmany
Berlin Jan S Christian Dewet
nephew of the Boer general Is mak
ing speeches In south CJcrmany In be
half of tho Boer cause and arousing
great sympathy The meotlngs which
he addresses adopt resolutions pro
testing vigorously against the over
throw of the two republics the resolu
tions being telegraphed to Count von
Buclow and Mr Kruger
Kid McCoy ami Former Wire Ileiuarrled
Boston Jan 8 Norninn Selby Kid
McCoy und his former wife Julia
were reranrrled nt Goulds hotel lust
night by Bev Willlum T McElven in
the presencB of four personal friends
The bridegrooms prosouts to his wlfo
are said to have been a certliicd check
for 10000 and a diamond pin worth
Massacre of Children
London Jan 8 A sister of charity
writing from tho Mnison do Jesu En
fant at Xing Po describes tho nmssa
ere ut Nan King of 100 little boys
Some of them she says were roasted
alive in the church others escaped to
the orphanage outside tho city but nil
were killed and the place burned
1areuts anil Children lerltb
Buffulo Jan 8 The residence of
Edward H Taylor at Model Otty
burned yesterday Taylor his wife
aud three small children yerlxhed lu
f tUd dames t
Itrvitt Is HnTernl llrllltb Oflleers anil Irl
rule Are Killed anil Wounded
Loudon Jan 8--The wnr olllce re
ceived the following dispatch from
Lord Kitchener
Yenlerdfiy IWihblngtftn engBCd DrUrryt
nnd Hteenkmnps rouuniindoe nt Nnmiw
ptinit The enemy wan forced to retire to
the northwest Our caBiinltlcn have not yet
been received but ore reported slight A
liner doctor admitted tint 20 Iloers were
killed und wounded Coninwudiiut Duplex
wns talirn prlsouor
It appears from repnits of the wounded
who have nrrlvod ut llrllhron Hint a de
tachment lit xtroiiff belonging to Knnis
command ennie Into contact with a an
pm lor force nenr tlndley I regrot lo nay
that Lieutenant lnlnir two other olllcers
nnd Hi men were killed and two olllrers
nnd JO men wounded No detail hare come
fiotu Kin of this net Ion
It Is reported Unit lROO Boers are
ncarlng the town of Sutherlnnd and
that oilier parlies nre close upon Rich
mond The Invaders have reached
Ciilvlnln and are expected ut Clnnwlll
lam within a few days Scouts report
that the Boer commandoes under De
larey and Slelnkamp In the BuffedH
poorl district number 3000
Iliilib nnflitenl Ho Will Sweep KTory
thlni lleforn Hint When Hit Ap
pears In Ciipn Colony
Piquelburg Bond Cape Colony Jan
8 The Boers boast that their preaont
Incursion Is only n big pntrol prepara
tory to an lnvuslon in force by Ion
oral Dewet Tho letters lnfluenco
over the Dutch Is so enormous that
there Is no doubt his actual presence
would result In n general rUlng The
Dutch huvo unbounded faith thut if
he hnd a sulllclfliit supply of arms und
ammunition General Dewet who Is
regarded as the Napoleon of the cam
paign would even now be able to bring
the war to a successful termination
Cape Town Jan 8 At a meeting
of Afrikander members of the Cupe
parliament It was resolved to send
7 X Mnrriinan former treasurer of
Cape Colony J W Sauer former com
missioner of public works and J F
ITofinoler to Kitglnud to represent the
state of affairs hi South Africa to the
government parliament and the people
of Great Britain
General Brabant has nrrlved here
to complete tho organization of the
colonial forces
It Is reported thnt nn Influential
peace commission Is being formed nt
Blncmfontelii to Interview General
Dewet Mr Sleyn nnd othor leadors to
explain Lord Kitcheners terms and
to endeavor to induce them to yield
Situation In Venoruala Regarded as
Ships Ar Kn ICoute
Wllfuinstad Curacao Jan 8 The
United States minister at Caracas
Venezuela Mr Lewis according to the
latest advices here has not yet suc
ceeded in obtaining justice for the
New York and Bermudcr Asphalt com
pany lu its dispute with tho local au
thorities and the situation Is regarded
as critical Three American warships
are either at La Guoyra or on their
wuy the Buffalo Hartford and Scor
pion and the Americans nre complain
ing at the delay In obtaining protec
tion for their Interests The local nit
thorlties it was added encouragedthe
natives to Invade tho companys plant
Captain King In tho Tolls
Mobile Jan 8 Secret Service Agent
McAdams yesterday arrested in this
city C W King quartermaster and
supervisor of the government work nt
Fort Morgan Ala Captain King had
It is alleged just received 1000 in
ninrked bills from J II Hobson n
contractor on government work nt the
fort King Is u volunteer ofllcer He
enlisted at Dubuque In In 180S He
Is sahl to huvo well-to-do relatives In
Pleads Guilty to Manslaughter
Neosho Mo Jan 8 The Jury In
the trial of Charles Lee charged with
murder In the llrst degree for the kill
ing of Grant Arnett at Seneca Mo
In May lust failed to agree stnnding
eight for conviction and four for ae
qulttal After the Jury wus dis
charged Leo pleaded guilty to man
slaughter In tho fourth degreo and
was sentenced to two years In the pen
Tubus Must Serve Time
Sioux Fulls S D Jan S Blehnrd
A Tubbs ox fnnyor of Alcester who
was convicted of sending objectionable
letters through tho mall and was sen
tenced to two years In the penitentiary
has tlnally been defeated in his appenl
for a new trial und yesterday lodged
In the Sioux Falls penitentlnry
All grades of rcllned Hiigars were
advanced 10 points Monday
E St John vice president aud gen
eral innnnger of the Soubourd Air Line
rullwuy has tendered his resignation
Ex Senator Fred T Dubois of Idaho
was nominated by the Joint fusion
caucus at Boise for United States sen
Forty new engines have been or
dered from the Pittsburg locomotive
works by the Illinois Central Ballroad
George Nelson nnd J It Brown were
killed nt Tie Siding by a premature
cxplobion of dynumlte in the big tunnel
of the Union Paclllc on Sherman hill
In response to the appeal of the
Princess of Wules for further contribu
tions to the fund for the families of
the men nt the front William Waldorf
Astor has contributed 3000
Tho charges that members of Tam
many Hall aud New York city otll
clals have been colloctiug blood
money from gambling houses aud
other disreputable places of the city
was officially denied Monday by tu
Tummauy committer of fir
sv wes e sk vS es as w s s s vh w s es ss rs fVs tSK x v
5frs Sl t t t 9 9 S -
3C do
m V my s
By Wcathorby Chcsnoy and Alick Munro
oormtonT looo nr wnA ntEnnr cjiesnttt and auck uusno
here hns Insthructed me to say that av
they doesnt git their way given why
thin theyll Jlst take It
All eyes turned on Alec who hnd
heard the fellow out with a patience
which surprised me Ho went a step
or two farther aft leaned on tho rail
of the little stairway which led to the
cabin below and then answered them
speaking quietly and without allowing
a tinge of annoyance to show Itself in
his voice
You make matters far worse than
they are he said A few men have
died aud that I grieve for but scurvy
always boards a ship on a long voyngo
like this and not a man of you but
knew that when ho pocketed his boun
ty on Bristol quay Now hear whatl
hnvo to say Wo must be very near
the mouth of the river wo seek and
we shall tlnd it For six days tho
Bristol Merchant will sail southward
If by thut time the pagan has not
pointed out tho rivers mouth to you I
shall steer north again nnd hurry tho
Spanish towns Now back with you to
your own end of tho ship
A sullen murmur roso among tho
crew and several of tho bolder spirits
began to climb the poop ladders head
ed by the spokesman Without mov
ing from the cabin stairs Alec held up
his hand for silence The fools thought
Ihw j
9 9 9 Si Si t 1 1 jfr f
s s t as Ivf sn sms V A r - s s ft m
M s 9 MSf
The stout ship Bristol Merchant 113
tons burden Alexander Ireland mas
ter has dropped down the channel in
three tides hns taken her departure
from Luudy Island and Is now well
out of domestic navigation Astern is
a thin black wavy lino rising above
the waste of waters the last we shall
see of the Iron bound coast of Devon
for ninny a long day Ahead now
blocked out of sight by the straining
spritsall beneath the boltsprlt now
dazzling our eyes with Its Hashing
glory Is the burning yellow sun Just
living over the edge of tho world
luting us on as It were with visions
of n laud where everything Is bright
und golden us himself What a bea
con for a crew of eager gold hunters
The worthy muster Peter Walthnm
hnd gladly availed himself of our pro
posal Fitting out began less than 12
hours after the pagan hnd told his
tale nnd In a fortnight wo were ready
for sen Ninety three men were lying
about the decks drunk as lords when
we llrst loosed our two topsails to
drop down the river and three sober
ones and live olllcers 101 till told nnd
a crew of which we were proud
We made a bud hunt to begin with
getting up post the feewurd Islands
und Into tlu great gulf which lies be
yond tliom before the westward course
was given up Then being convinced
that we had overshot our mark aud
that the river of our search was be
hind us Alec gave tho word to bout
ship and we mnde our way slowly
back again In the face cf a tensing suc
cession of easterly winds
The heat ut times was awful nnd
crowded as we were the atmosphere
tween decks was anything but restor
ing to our unfortunately numerous sick
men Scarcely three days pnssed with
out some poor scurvy rotted corpse be
ing thrown to the sharks whose black
fins never stirred from our wnke
Mntters got worse and worse till the
grumbling of tho crew came to a head
In open mutiny
The sultry heat of the day was al
most killing Not a breath of air
tarnished the brnzen sen hut over the
mangrove bushes which fringed the
low shore to westward hung a sullen
white steam which shut out the coun
try from our eyes One would have
thought that the weather was too hot
for any exertion that could possibly be
Avoided but discord like the devil can
live lu nny clime and on tills broiling
day the sound ones of the crew made
their wny aft lu a body
A little Irishman whom Alec had
taken In pity from the streets of Bris
tol where ho was starving was their
spokesmnn and his election to that
post was not undeserved as lie had by
his vnporings stirred up the whole
Tho brown faced crowd surged
against the break of the poop on which
there were only us live olllcers and
the steersman standing beside his idly
swaying tiller
Stop men Far enough cried Alec
In authoritative tones What Is it
you want
Many things Masther Captain
said the Irishman with an insolent
laugh everything n man can want
health comfort and wealth Theres
scurvy mnrks on Ivory wan nv us an
no wondher seeln that the only green
food thnt has passed tho lips nv us
since leavln Bristol river Is the slolme
off the wather butts A daciut pig
would turn up his nose at our quar
Ihers And as for threasure yoz might
ns well seek it lu the great bog nv Bnl
lyvore as here So savin ycr honors
prisonce all hands forrad means to
take n Jaunt ashore on the ollnnd wo
dhropped yestereen an thin to cruise
for what we can git higher up on tho
Spanish main Theres no call for
throublo or head brcukln he ndded
turning to the rest of us though sure
It would bo n pllsant diversion but
whin a score av honest lads has died
like sheep wld -the rot Its tolme for
the rest to spake An so my mates
he was going to give wny nnd halted
to listen
Hear me ho cried In ringing tones
You think to take possession of tho
ship by mere weight of numbers Well
rJL Lr1 lit In IM
va LJ MB
Choose for yourselves Mutineers shall
never commund the Jirlstol Merchant
ou mny do It and If you do you may
hold her for perhaps 30 seconds not
more Before n hand can rench me I
shall be down this ladder and Into the
powder room and one shot from this
and he drew a wheel lock pistol from
his pocket will blow us all Into eter
nity together Choose for yourselves
You know what my word Is worth anil
1 swear to you that while Alexander
Ireland lives mutineers shall never
command the Bristol Merchant Now
come ou If you will
The mob of men wavered a moment
and then drew back slowly to tho
Good said Alec You think bet
ter of it But I am going to make an
example of the arch mischief maker
Send that man aft
Half by persuasion half by blows
the Irishman was forced up the poop
Boatswain heave him overboard
Aye aye sir
Willie Trehallons knotted left hand
grasped the little Irishman by the
neck nnd his Iron hook slipped into the
bund of his breeches A struggling
body shot through the air bumped on
the bulwark and slid with a splash into
the warm sea beneath There was a
scurrying of black triangular fins a
shriek of agony a few ruddy bubbles
rising to the oily surface and the great
est enemy to the ships peace was si
lenced forever
A hush fell on the crew Each man
looked nt his neighbor and then they
all stole quietly forward again and had
the calm continued more mischief
might have been hntched among their
whispering groups But Alecs keen
eye detected a milling of the glassy wa
ters to tho northward and that was
our salvation
Trim sail the watch he cried
There was not a pause The men
sprang to their stations braced round
the yards to catch the first of tho com
ing breeze and In ten minutes we were
bowling merrily along The mutiny
was a tiling of the past
The wind lifted the mists from the
shore and before we hnd way on tho
ship an hour the pagan who wns stand
ing In the beak began to dance nnd ges
ticulate In the most extraordinary
manner laughing and pointing wlthhis
linger to the land on our bow Half a
dozen of us climbed Into the round
tops and thence aloft till wo perched
on Jhe yards from which eminence wo
could see a long steellike ribbon of wa
ter stretching nway through tho dark
forest till it was lost In the haze of tho
dim distance
That shining thrend was the river of
our search Tp Its windings lay the
kingdom of EI Dorado and Muuoa Its
capital the city that was built of gold
To bo coutluucd next Friday
Ohio Mob Likely to llaui Brut ul Murderer
of Nellie Morris
Marietta O Jan r One of the
most brutal of crimes was committed
last evening tt Hackney by which
Miss Nellie Morris ngod 10 handsome
nnd accomplished lost her life A
Miss Morris was returning hauie by
way of a path through the fields she
was accosted by Walter A Wolustock
aged IS who lived near her home Ho
made indecent proposals to her aud
she Immediately started to run He
grabbed her and threw her to tho
ground She screamed nnd fought
hard dually getting to her feet Weln
stock drew a razor from his pocket
nnd cut her across the neck laying
bare the jugular vein Miss Morris
grabbed the razor with her bauds und
they were cut Into pieces Her lingers
were cut off and her wrist hadly cut
as well as her entire right arm and
tho left arm badly dlsUgured Her
dress was torn from her In shreds and
when people arrived she wns almost
nuked She died from the effects of
her wounds shortly after the assault
Welnstock was grabbed by a crowd
of men who bound him with ropes
nnd removed him to a building when
more than lrOO men watched over
him There Is talk of lynching him
Welnstock recently returned from the
reformatory where he served a term
for attempting to kill his father Ja
cob Welnstock a rich farmer of Mor
an county He is a young man of
powerful Ontlld
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