Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1901)
y 12 i tt y irii iuy i4nioioiUuii Mnunslue Irvtnetou N V l l i otr 1M JnlelUln Ie I l Motls Miieaxine lMilIuWlpllii 1eun i ii4iliH t ompauloii IIONton Munh i i nptiMKUeim Muhn 1 town Mirlucfleld Ohlu no Jliiu mi Iliriu LoiiUvlUe Ky i no 7 JVi l arwp uMu S -no Ifleaiw veiiil cauli with order It e ir u lur iui - riri lu i ipw f lu t it irk New voVi ci y a rliiiifi M Aew York Cilv ui lM Ml oo r lM 7fi no AMl 5lULeVif S luKelil Ma i lHI I II n Iielil liml Klrfulili iMilm m P iui C ij i t iii lOnriner cIUcijko 111 loo lillMilt liKiliinaiiollH I ml r lnrinr levelauil Ililo tut VI Mini il Ilirmer Detroit nllel 1 1 tu With Weekly Trl Sc 1 Tribune Trlbi One Yer One r f SOO lpr IOO 101 ir lK 1- IOO -I i I ihi iivi iki l - tur 18 l - iii llO 17 17 1 noo ns i noo - lM J Ml Jno ano n iar in- 12 17i l -- in -x r ix 15 J oo jjn ysr yr i lOO - lM iv- lOO 1 - itwt i lM 1 - lOO 1 I ltMl li lX 1- loo jni iM i r loo u irti THE NORFOLK NEWS FlUDAY JANUARY U 190L nuiiHiriiii iirliu Slrlk til itur uatcd weeklies and Te Tfllmn wc orfcr t0 Ufe wh Jlrp 1 iwure the best magazine lllu aBrlcultural journal the folio ue kpledld InJucements Aorfli Anifiiiin TIaia v t 111 Iltxrti Mmriivli itu v 1111 III1M Hit lit w M lluriirr Week- Vmv VorU Atyl V UrL l v VorU Cly i Muif k Alasailne New York Cliy i Scc cnn imv Vorlc City J I i luir Mem tlilv Nimv Vurk City J IIi Aev lurl Clly 1 colli weekly New Ilegular Irlce Ono Year mm IOO iOtl M l0 oi 104 HI 11 3BI - Aifi0 wllihln t8 illcribelfor more on of tho above publications In connection iW Tle Trjbuna may remit t puUUUen regular prices c AUtfrcaaTUK TUIUUMi Jtew YorU City BROS CENT f 25 DISCOUNT 25 per il 25 per cent discount on all Mens and Boys Suits cent discount on all Overcoats and Ulsters 25 Per cen discount on all Mens Fur Coats o 25 Per cen discount on I 25 Per cen discount on all Mens and Boys Underwear all Ladies Jackets and Furs 25 Per cen discount on all Misses and Childrens Jackets 25 Per ceflt discount on all Ladies and Childrens Underwear o 25 per cent discount on all Ladies Suits and Skirts 1 25 Per cent discount on all Blankets and Comforters The Season has been backward and we find ourselves over- loaded with a Heavy Stock of Winter Goods which we must turn into Money Our Goods are all marked in Plain Figures from which you can deduct 25 per cent Discount for Cash t444W4t4044t Call and See us before buying i i BAUM BROS j tttmmmm n 1 1 1 POPULAR PUBLICATIONS POPULAR PRICES IKS Y6RK WEEKLY THSB5JKE lias for nearly sixty years been recognized u tlie Ieoplea Na tional liimlly NtU simper fur farmers una vllLisers Its splendid Asi cultural Uepait merit Us rellutilo market re port reeosnltej mitliit throughout the country lt fashion notes Itu Science and MechunU s Department I t s fascinating tliorl stories etc etc render It Indispensable In every family llt Kiilur hiiIi Hcrlptlnu price 100 itrr y rdri NEW YORK TRI WEEKLY TRIBUNE published on Monda and lrlday W a rumpielr up to date dally nekin threo days In the nu v n all Important new of tv n four days lrofusel i trated nirJ filled with Intv v Inc reading for all who t keep In close touch with new of the nation and w r WOMEN WHO WORK Br Louis Mo Aug 12 Though only 19 year old I suffered from pains and female troubles two years Latt spring I got so bad I had to quit work I had to support myself and could not afford a high priced doctor I got one bottle of Wine of Card u I and that made uie feel better Have now used sereral bottles aud am well My mother used the Wine for Chango of Life and was greatly relieved MISS MAItOAIlET WALSH ilr Many girls and women find it necessary to earn their own living in various kinds of employment Their work is often so hard and confin ing that the health breaks down Their delicate constitutions are unfitted for tiresome tasks Weakness nearly alwajs makes its appearance in the peculiarly delicate womanly organs Constant standing on the feet and coming and going at the beck of a superintendent or foreman in duces falling of the womb leucorrhoea headache and backache The pay of women workers is olten so notoriously small that when sickness comes they have no money to engage skillful physicians To them Wine of Cardui is truly a blessing It U1I1S ADVIJOHf BIMRTMHT For Advice In raiet remiiiirir neetsl directions addreM Klrinjt rniptom Ldl ldUrrnp1 IktllUTTlMIUUi MKUIilallO CUMtauootfa TVnu cures them of their ills at a small cost and they can act as their own physicians No doctor can do as much for female troubles as Wine of Cardui Druggists sell Large Bottles for 100 LT Tj I 1 1 T Sm Ml I KJI i A liOIKAItT Pmidknt CHAS 8 IIIUDOK Viou PautDKNT Tito Mothers Favorite Chamberlains Cough Remedy is the mothers favorite It is pleasant and safe for tho children to take and always cures It is intended especially for coughs colds croup aud whooping cough and is the best medicine made for these diseases There is not the least danger iu giving it to children for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may bo given as confidently to a babe as to an adult For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co It Girdles the Globe The fame of Buoklens Arnica Salve as the best in the world extends round the earth Its the one perfect healer of cuts corns burns bruises sores scalds boil ulcers felons aches pains and all skin eruptions Only infallible pile cure 25c a box at tho Kiesau Drug Co Dobs It iuy to iluy Clionp A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right but you want something that will relievo aud cure tho more severo and dangerous results of throat nnd lung troubles What shnll yon do Go to n warmer and more regular cli mate Yes if possible if not possible for you then in either case tako tho only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severo throat and lung troubles Bosoheos Gorman Syrup It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy tho germ disease but allays in flammation causes easy expectoration gives a good nights rest and cures the patient Try one bottle Recommended many years by all druggists in the world Get Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug Co Genuine itocky Mountain lea is never soldin bulk by peddlars or less thau 8TotB Dont bo fooled get the tea made famous by the Madison Medicine Co Ask your druggist Constipation neglected or badly treated leads to total disability or death Rocky Mountain Tea absolutely cures constipa tion in all its forms 35c ABk your druggist Head Feels Like Ilurstlng Maybe you were out late last night If you had taken a Krausos Headache Capsule before retiring your head would be cool and clear this morning Take one now and you will be all right in an half hour Christoph Price 25o Sold by Geo zxit W H JOHNSON CAniB LEO rASKWALKAVT lUanina The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 35000 Boy ami sell sichange on this country 1 w all parts of Knropn Farm Loan Directors Cabl Asmcr W II Joiinsom Ciiar S Hbdok 0 W HaiAson O M Uwanr A Lcieabt T F Mrmminobb U Sessions Question Answered Yob August Flowor still has tlio larg est salo of nny uiodlciuo in tho civilized world Yoar mothors aud grand mothers no vor thought of using anything olso for indigestion or biliousness Doc tors woro scarco and thoy Roldoni heard of appondicltis nervous prostration or honrt failuro oto They used August Flowor to clean out tho systom and stop formontaliou of undigested food rcgu ato tho aotion of tho liver stimulate the norvous and organic action of tho system and that is all they took when feeling dull aud bad with hoadaobes and othor aches Yon only nood a few doses of Groous August Flowor in liquid form to umko you satisfied thcro is nothing serious tho matter with you Got Groous Prizo Almauac Klesan Drug Co A Simple Cold Cure Krausos Cold Cure in capsule form is easy to take aud does not effect tho head or hearing liko quinine Try it to day Price 2Co Sold by Goo B Christ- oph A Deep Mystery It is a mystery why womou endur baokacho headacho nervousness sloop lossness melancholy fainting and dizzy spoils whon thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly euro such troubles I sufforod for years with kidney troublo writes Mrs Phobo Cherley of Peterson la and a lamo back pained me so I could not dress my self but Electric Bitters wholly cured mo and although 7 years old I now am able to do all my housework It ovorcomes constipation improves ap petite gives perfect health Only 50c at tho Kiesau Drug Co Red is a danger signal on the railroad on a fellows noso and on a womans face Men and womon use Rocky Mountain Ton and get genuine rosy cheeks 35c Ask your druggist Old Fashioned Cold Cures are going out of date The busy man of today can not afford to lie abed a whole day and undergo the martyrdom of the sweating process Krausos Cold Cure are capsules of con von ent size and can be taken without danger while perform ing yonr usual duties They cure in 24 hours Price 25o Sold by Geo B unnstopn Buchanan Mich May 22 Genesee Pure Food Co Le Roy N Y Gentle men My mamma has been a great cof fee drinker and has found it very injur ious Having used several packages of your Grain O the drink that takes the place of ooffoo she finds it much bettor for herself and as children to drink She has given up coffee drinking entirely We uso a package of Graiu 0 every week I am ten years old Yours respoctfully Fannie Williams Gut this out and tako it to tho Kiosau DniR companys drug Ptoro aud got a free earn plo of Ghamborlains Stomach and Livor Tablets tho boat physio Thoy also euro disorders of tho stomaoh billonsnoss aud headache llosy Cheek Do you waut thorn Do you simply want to glow with health Do yoa want to oat well sloop well and work well Try Llohtys Celery Norvo Com pound Sold by Ono B Christoph Ilrouglit Uoml Fortune A small item in his owu paper lately brought amazing good fortuuo to Editor Ohris Roittor of tho Saginaw Mioh Post and Zoitung lie and his family hod tho grip iiiits worst form Thoir doctor did thorn no good Then ho read that Dr Kings Now Discovery for con sumption coughs and colds was a guar anteed cure for la grippe and all throat and lung tronbles tried it and says Throe bottloBcured the whole family No othor niodioino on earth equals it Only GOo aud 100 Trial bottles free at the Kiesau Drug Co Heat Out of an Increase of Ills Pension A Moxicau war veteran and promi nent editor writes Seeing yoar ad vertUoment of Chamberlains Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I am reminded that as a soldior in Mexico in 47 and 48 1 contracted Mexican diar rhoea and this romedy has kopt mo from getting an increase in my pousiou for on every renewal u doso of it restores me It is unequalled as a quick cure for diar rhoea aud is pleasunt aud safe to take For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co Illown to Atoms The old idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful drastic purgative pill hus been exploded for Dr Kings New Life Pills which are perfectly harmless gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter cleanse the systom and absolutely cure constipation and sick headache Only 25c at the Kiesau Drug Co Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat- ment by Elys Croam Balm which is agree ably aromatic It is received through tho nostrils cleanses and heals tho whole sur faco over which it diffuses itself Druggists soil tho COc sizo Trial sizo by mail 10 cents Test it and you are sure to contiaua tho treatment uyvti Announcement1 To accommodate those who are partial to tho uso of atomizors in applying liquids into tho nasal passages for catmvhal trou ble tho proprietors proparo Cream Balm iu liquid form which will bo known as Elys Liquid Cream Balm Frico including the praying tube is 75 conts Druggists or by mail The liquid form embodies tho med icinal properties of the solid preparation VHE CliGANSINO AND HEALING CUKE IOU CATARRH Is Elys Cream Balm Kaey and pleasant to asi Contains no In jurious druc it is quickly absorbed Gives Helief at once It Opens nd Cleanses mo INOBB1 rasenKCS Allavs Inflammation tMaccucD rURTHC MOVAL finer nw or irom uib Inue cTnirf AHO THI fSy Htooi0 S or 11 V FEMALE IRRtCUl sbiti re aJsuiff CATARRH flcals and Protects the Membrane Ilestorc Uie Senses of Taste and Smell Large Size 60 cents at Druggists or by mail Trial Size 10 cents by mail ELY BltOTUKKS 50 Warrcu Street New York 1utOTmied PJsfSI COLD N HEAD REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE 3BXU3Rr03EC XUE Made a Well Man of Me produce the above results In SO dayi It acta powerfully and quickly Cures when all others fslL Koungmon will regain their lost manhood and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using UEVIVO It quickly and surely restores Merrous cess Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions Lost Power Filling Memory Wasting Diseases and aU effects of salt abuse or ciceca and indiscretion which unfits ono for Btudy business or marriage It cot only cures by storting at tho seat of disease but Ian great ncrvotonio and blood builder bring ing back the pink glow to polo cheeks aud re storing tho flro of youth it wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having KEVlVOno other It can bo carried in vest pocket By mall 100 per package or six for 8000 with pott tlvo -written rnaranteo to euro or reload the money Hook and nclvlso free Address ROYAl MEDICINE CO nK1 Forrsale iu Norfolk Nebraska by Geo B Christoph druggist Dont Be Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison MedN cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trad mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold In bulk Accept no icowoMTiDim tute ask your druggist RED CROSS ARC IL Sy v -A s A ktt RCOCROSS I PILLS ARC pumur VCGITABU ILK- AHO Afitn crrtcrv ryvTritVMAvc TMl r I XVVUNOUAririrD I f coosimi orcVCRV PHYICUtM rAfHUAHWITHTHE FORnULA fORVl 7lN OE CINCHONACa UKV vOINEMy For Sale by George B Ohriatoph y