Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1901)
V 1 T 1 A Question of Spex Do your eyes tiro easily If so You need Glasses Do your eyes burn If so You need dlnsses Docs the type become blurred in reading If o You need Masses Do you suffer from frontal headache If so Glasses will Help You Do you know if you have perfect eyesight If not we can Inform You IT WILL C05T YOU NOTHINO Df C f 1 VIfllQUfltDT Jeweler and Optiean NORFOLK NEBRASKA H E HARDY FUEL Office Cor 4th and Main Sis Yards Bast l P Depot Phone 35 The Went her Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a in to day Maximum temperatnre 25 Minimum temperatnre -1 Averago 15 Precipitation 01 Total precipitation for month 04 Snowfall oO Earometor 29 00 Forecast for Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Saturday Warmer north and west portions tonight FRIDAY FACTS II H Hall and all the inombers of his family are confined to their home on North Ninth street with the grip There will be no revival services at the M church tomorrow night Meetings will be continued next week Mr and Mrs I G Wcstervelt are now settled in their new home on Madison avenue between Third and Fourth streets The Congregational church of this city has during the past year given more for home missions than an v other church in Nebraska excepting only one of the Omaha churches The following officers for the ensuing term were installed by Norfolk lodge No 46 1 O O F last night H H Patterson N G F H Beels V G H L Spanldiug secretary E J Sohor regge treasurer A party composed of Mr and Mrs W H Bridge Mr and Mrs Robt Utter Mr and Mrs J K Eias and Mr and Mrs O S Bridge aajoyed a bob sled ride Wednesday evening After the ride they were served an oyster supper at the home of Mr and Mrs W H Bridge Harold Davoy the 7 year old son of Jnmes Davey met with an uufortunato accident at sohool yesterday He had an open pocket knife in his hand and was playing when he fell the blade of the knife running through the lid of his right eye just above the ball Whether there were injuries to the eye ball or not has not been learned At the annual meeting of the members of the First Congregational church held last evening it was voted not to accept the resignation of Itev J J Parker re cently tendered T E Odiorne was elected treasurer and E O Mount clerk W H Johnson and C B Durland were re elected trustees The other members of the board are C G Somers L Ses sions and A H Alliuson E O Mount and M L Kidder were elected deacons and Dr H J Cole was appointed a deacon to fill the vacancy caused by re moval of E H Iteqnn from the olty The other deacons are Dr A J John son and W H Bridge The fourteenth annual bull of Elkboru Valley lodge No 101 B of R T is to be held at Marquardts hall on the even ing of February 22nd The railroad boys have the happy facility of making these entertainments very enjoyable and an evening spent with them as hosts is always eagerly anticipated and pleas antly remembered Committees are already making the arrangements and it is proposed to make this one of the most enjoyable balls yet given under the auspices of the lodge Everybody is cordially invited to participate and there are few lovers of dancing who will forego the pleasures of that even ing The county camp of the Modoru Woodmen of America was held at Mad ison yesterday The following were chosen as representatives to the state camp which is to bo held at Kearney February 18 M O Walker Norfolk Geo Wynoff Madison and Geo Moyer Battle Creek Alternates O E Hart ford Norfolk C S Snider nnd W H Field both of Tildon J J Clements of this city was elected president of tjio county organization and plcnlo associa tion and James Magulucss of Madison socrotnry Tho ontiro county delega tion favored Norfolk as tho location for tho district picnic to bo held July 12 next Tho district Includes tho ter ritory tributary to tho Crotghton branch of tho F E M V towns east on tho C St P M O road as far as Wayne south on tho U P to Humph rey west on tho F E M V to Oak dtlo and cuRt as far as Wisuer It will bo scon that Norfolk Is contrally located and has a strong showing of securing tho picnic Farm and city loans Tim DuntANn Trust Oo Farm land aud city property for sale by G R Soiler Lake trout wall oyed pikn dressed catfish fresh black bass and smelt at GIIbsiii oils PERSONAL Miss Laura Durland is visiting with friends in Plainvlew Rovonuo Colloctor Carl T Seoloy of Madison was a oity visitor today Dr E G Debell of tho Rosebud agency was in the city yesterday John Flynn has roturned from Rocky Ford Col whore ho has boon employed in tho sugar factory Rev J M Bates of Long Pino visited with Mrs A D Colo boforo taking tho train to Lincoln where his children aro in nttendenco at tho university Robert Howe who has boon working in a barber shop at Pluiuviow has re turned on account of sickness Hu Is now confined to his home tho Queen City hotel with tousilitis W O Tolliver is in tho city from Laurel greeting old friends He states that ho is doing a vory satisfactory aud constantly increasing business in the general merchandise lino Winuifred Colo left yesterday for Oil City Pa in response to a letter an nouncing the illness of her grandmother Mrs G D Nicklin Sho will spend tho winter with her graudpareuts and before returning homo will visit her fathers peoplo at Kingston New York Wanted Girl for general housework Family of two No washing or ironing Good wages paid Mrs O L Hyiji BATTLE CREEK Ernest Hans transacted business in Norfolk Mondny Walt Palmer of Meadow Grove hotel was down here Monday visiting Sunday M L Thomsen and Joe Durphey went to Omaha on business Prof M G Doering attended the Lntlieran teachers conference last week A M Lovelace went to Omaha Mon day to buy goods for his implement business Chas Werner bought 40 acres of land from M Warnke one mile north of town last week Howell Avery went to Tildon Tues day to manage Thomsons store during the absence of T K Hansen Wm Sydow and family arrived here Friday for a four days visit with his brother-in-law Wm Hoehueke and family Gustave Briese of Loretta Boone county was visiting here from Friday till Sunday with bis parents and other relatives Geo Zimmerman is putting up ice this week Ho has also rented tho Hoover ice house nnd will have the cinch on ice next summor Otto HMaas has been walking with a canefor the last ten days it is no ism and if we understand it right in Latin it is called phibltus Friday night our young folks had a social dance All present claimed hav ing a good time There were only two in the cooler that night Monday was an unlucky day John Just broke his leg but it is getting along first rate Honry Scheor broke his arm the same day and is doing well too Hon P F Zlmmermnn went to Nor folk Sunday night to go to Lincoln on the morning train from there Battle Creek is well represented at Lincoln We also have five victims there in the pen Died last Saturday noon the one-month-old sou of Mr aud Mrs O F Montross The funeral took place Sun day afternoon at 2 oclock from the M E church by the Royal Neighbors Rev Warue officiating Last Sunday the Lutherans received four new members Henry Masstnan was re elected one of the two elders nnd August Steffeu was re elected one of the three trustees Thpy also raised Prof Doeriuga salary 100 per year Joseph Derrick is going to be fore man on the Hogrefe ranch this year Wm Decker is going to manage the Maas and Prechler farm Sam McAl lister and John Catron are going to run the Napper ranches north of the river Parties having land to rent for beet growing will pleaso Bend full particulars description of land etc to tho office of the American Beet Sugar Company Norfolk Nebraska 1 DrFrsnk Salter Diseases of children THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JANUARY 11 LOW COUNTY BUSINESS Hoard ol CiinuiliilonrsTrnnHfl 11 Iiirce llntrh of llitftlncii for Mitillson Co i ii I J Ti I ii y c rs Madison Nebr Jan 8 1001 At I p m board of county commissioners of Madison county state of Nebraska met In regular eossion Present John J Hughos Christ Schmitt and II W Winter On motion minutes of last meeting woro read aud npproved In accordanco with n provision of the statuto Mr JJ Hughes becomes chair man of tho board for tho onsning year Mr II W Winter In a fow well chosen words resigned Ills seat ti Mr Hughes On motion the following bills wore allowed Porklns Bros stationery fll 00 Phil Bauch salary for last quarter 1000 100 Phil Bauch pontago express etc 2510 J II Secor Co merchandise for pauper Mrs Carey tlW J II Secor Co morohandlBO for pauper Mrs Fullorton 570 O W Crum holary for December 100 O A Sleeper care or election dooiub 2- I H Kterstcati ront 01 nan lor elec tion 5 applied on personal tax M D Tyler salary as county attorney 200 Madison Star printing 10 W 15 Gilhispy road work 45 85 applied on personal tax 480 balanco 1105 Wm Roikofskl road and bridgo work 11 Samuel Kent road nnd bridgo work 1750 1 J Adams carpenter work 1855 1 F Tonkins road work 15 OShea McBrido coal 11075 Thos Ambroze bridgo work 1825 J II Katterman blacksmithing 20 C E GosBard medical attendance Rolla Lewis 12 Jens Jonson mason work 2 O M Boyles guarding and boarding prisoner R Lewis 875 applied on personal tax 1 00 balance 1811 Chas Holm bridge work 8 75 Wm Bates fees in ouso of State vs J E Weisnur 815 State vs Lovelace Hale and Spuoco 8 15 total 1710 L S Warwick bridge work 850 applied on persouul tux 720 balance 180 H E Becker window lghts 024 Nebraska Telephone company tele phone servioe 085 Chronicle printing 125 A L Stewart printing bar docket etc 4075 On motion claim of F E M V II R company was referred to county at torney On motion D M Owen was ap pointed a dolegato from Madison county to tho National Stock convention to bo hold at Salt Lake City Utah on Janu ary 15 without expenso to county On motion the following bonds were approved Sauford Miller rond over seer district No 18 Olo Husoby road ovorseer district No 28 Ernst Nathan Sr road overseer distiict No 10 Wm Roikofski road overseer district No 13 John Bohlsen road overseer district No 20 Wm Brummnnd road overseer dis trict No 8 G M Carlton road over seer district No 1 James II Conloy constable Norfolk precinot J R Gar dels constable Battle Creek precinct Frank White assessor Green Garden precinct David Anderson assessor Emerick precinct Dan Mahony as sessor Fairview precinct M Carberry Jr assessor Warner villo precinct Geo H Connelly assessor Battle Creek pre cinct C T Richardson assessor High land precinct Robert Dales assessor Burnett precinct Wm Hayden as sessor Grove precinct Herman Gerecke afBessor Norfolk precinct On motion the following road overseer reports were audited and approved W F F Winter district No 1 all accounts paid and no money on hand Peter Bnssey district No 2 balance duo him 502 On motion board adjourned to 7 p m Board met pursuant to adjournment On motion tho bids for the superiu teudoncy of tho county poor farm were opened The following bids wore re ceived M O Wager 400 por year extra help to be paid for by county S H Carr 150 per year and furnish nil help Thos Taylor 405 per year and fur nish all help O D Johnson 500 per year and fur nish all help A W Tillotson 550 per year and furnish all help T L Shown 750 por year and fur nish all help After duo deliberation a ballot was taken which resulted in favor of Thos Taylor On motion clerk was instructed to draw up contract and bond A proposition was received from W N Huse for county printing for 1901 as follows To pnblish commissioners proceedings delinquent tax list treas urers statements and all notices under jurisdiction of board in The Daily News aud Weekly News Journal Times Tribune Battle Creek Enterprise and Madison Star at the following prices Commissioners proceedings at thirty three and one third cents per square delinquent tax list aud other notices at legal rates and treasurers statements at 00 each On motion proposition of Mr Huse was accepted and clerk was instructed to prepare bond On motion the following road over seers reports wore audited and ap proved A A Deuel district No 8 balance duo him 2000 L S Warwick district No 4 balanco due him 20 50 Wm Brummond district No 8 all accounts paid and no money on hand Samuel Kent district No 10 all ac counts paid and no money on hand J F Jenkins district No 1 1 balance due him 2l 50 A W Goldsworthy district No 12 balauce due him 14 00 Wm Reikofbki district No 18 bal ance on hand 8 21 On motion board adjourned to 8 oclock a m Jaunary 0 1001 Board met puisuant to adjournment On motion tho following road over seers reportB were audited nnd ap proved James Hughes district No 0 balance on hand 3 14 Wm Low district No 14 all accounts paid and no money on hand Michal Hulpin district No 15 balanco due him 180 W K Olllaspy district No 10 all accounts paid and 110 money on hand T J Kennedy district No 17 all accounts paid and no money on hand Snn ford Miller district No 18 bal ance on hand 4021 rT F Roovos district No 10 balanco duo him 280 applied on personal tax F H Palmer district No 20 balanco due him 175 applied on personal tux O A Voungqulst district No 21 balance duo him 1705 Thomas Ambni district No 22 nil accounts paid nnd no money on hand David Brewer district No 28 all accounts paid nnd no money on hand J F Noidig district No 21 nil ac counts paid and no monoy on hand 1 F Altstadt district No 25 balanco duo him 1581 Wm Wolfgrnm district No 21 all acoounts paid and no money on hand Olo Johnson district No 27 all ac counts paid and no money on hand Gnut Vango district No 28 all ac counts paid aud no money on hand L M Johnson district No 21 bal ance on hand 1 81 Chas Holm district No 80 all ac counts paid and no money on hand O Polenskl district No 81 balanco on hand 1548 M Richardson district No 82 bal ance duo him 2170 applied on poiounl tax On motion the bid of L W Lyon his being tho only bid for running tho elevating grader for tho ensuing year was accept od Mr Lyon Is to furnish two men nnd threo toaniB and recelvo 10 por day while actually engaged in oiwrating tho grador Whon moving grader from place to place 8 per day On motion board adjourned to I oclock p in Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment On motion the following bills were allowed 010 Johnson bridgo work 7 D D Bruuson livery hire 7 P L Bussoy bridgo work 27 11 E Klug jockey sticks 1 Kdwnrds Bradford Lumber Co Norfolk lumber 20121 S D Dunn care of election booths 2 Horst Bros stovo castings etc 401110 H E Cunningham boarding paupor Clovoland 0 applied on personal tux L B Baker lumber 0 05 Adam Roilaud room rent for election 2 50 James Hughes bridgo work 82 50 On motion report of county cicrk was nudited and npproved and ordered pub lished as follows To tho Honornblo Board of Connty Commissioners Mndisou County Nob Gentlemen 1 horowith hand you n reiort of tho receipts and diBburHments of my office from January I 1XX to January 2 1001 to wit Recording nud other fees 2700 10 Salary as clerk of board 8 quarters 800 00 Making tax list 07 12 Making assessors books V 00 Total Piid county clerk ory 1500 00 Paid deputy county clerk salary 700 00 Paid copyist salary 700 00 Total 8801 22 2000 00 Balance paid to county treasurer 001 22 State of Nebraska County of Mndisou BMi I Phil Bauch county clerk do sol emnly swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the above is a true and correct report of all statutory fees received by mo during tho time stated Phil Bauch Subscribed in my presence and sworn to bofore me this 7th day of January 1001 Wm Bates County Judge I would also report that the following claims wero audited nnd allowed from January 4 1000 to lauunry 2 1001 To pay for District and county court 8187 05 Jailers fees boarding prison ers eto 848 00 Blank books stationery etc 1000 00 Poor farm and paupers this does not iuoludo money dis bursed by superintendent of poor farm 1410 31 Wolf scalps 810 00 Coal for court house and jail 412 30 County commissioners 2010 40 Bridges 8411 30 Road work not including district money expended 352 40 County printing 721 35 Insane 45175 Soldiers rolief 200 00 Extra help in clerks office 129 00 Work on delinquent tax list J37 70 Assessors 2114 80 Fees in state cases justice court 100 55 Elections 1154 00 Janitor 300 00 County superintendent 1200 00 County attorney 800 00 Agricultural society 444 00 Road scrapers and plows 800 75 Miscellaneous Items 081 85 Total -31318 19 Fee book of Judge Bates was exam ined audited and approved Tho same showed fees parnod during the last six mouthB of 1900 to be 51050 Board proceeded to check treasurers books Board adjourned to 7 p m Board met pursuant to adjournment On motion accounts of O W Crum wero examined showing a balance in the County Institute fuud of 59 00 The same was on motion approved On motion the application of Gust Kaul as janitor of court house for the ensuing year at a salary of 3500 per mouth was accepted On motion the board resumed tho work of checking county treasurers books On motion bills were allowed as follows Gnst Kaul salary for December 1000 3000 Gust Kaul washing for court house for 1000 1000 On motion board adjourned to 8 a m January 10 Phil Bauch County Clerk We make loans on real estate at lowest mtee Elkboru Building and Barings Association T E Odiokmk See Parties having land to rent for beet growing will please wind full particu lars description of laud etc to tho office of tho American Bret Sugar Company Norfolk Nebraska iIouror for sale T K Odiohnk Sturgeon Is the piano man A good barn nud buggy shed for rent nt 400 South Fifth Btrcet WASinn By traveling man and wife two or threo nicely furnished roonip suitable for light housekeeping centrally located Address A Tin Nkwh ellW CHEAPEST AND BEST MILLINERY AT- J E DURLANDS Several Snaps 5 room House 8th St corner Jj7fln lot 15x122 easy terms J I U U 5 room House lot Hxl32 mnnn 12th St city water IpOUU 30 acres miles no in Stan- djCftflfl ton Co good improvements vpUUUU 280 acres 8 inilns southeast in Stanton Co lino Improvements house cost 150000 Per acre until January 1 100 1 3100 150 acres 1 mtlo from Meadow Grove fair buildings 100 acres cultivated hitl unco hay and pasture springs and lim ning wntor excellent farm JjOfJ fin land none better per aero CJ0UUU 110 acres 3 miles north of lladar 80 acres nuder cultivation fair buildings one half cash balauce at I percent 2000 TRAGY DURLnND L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force ant Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all YViik First door West of Post Office MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Ladies Baths TklkiIionb No 447 Rooms on North Ninth Street AAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAA AAAAAA s Ki Less of vour Coutiesv J More 0 your Purse Even In these days sandbagging methods are sometimes em ployed In business They dont pay however An honest business honestly conducted and persistently ad vertised will win sure In the long run Without advertising It Is doubtful Advertising Is the one thing most necessary What of vour butlnesjf Are you advertising it properly Cant we help you YYYTYYYTYYTTYYTTYTYTTTTT THE North Western LINE p E I V R is the best to am from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska 4 11 10 Auditorium tIKO II HPI5AU Mas Mint Tuesday Evening Januarv 15 mbbbwI JbbbbbU iyffl kSbhRy 7 HUf MR CHARLES B KANFORD Aii oiiimiiiimI ll Mim Mm In Diiifnnli in Private John Allen Our January Clearing Sale COMMENCES WEDNESDAY JAN 2 All Trimmed Hals at Half Price Great BargainR in all kind of Mil 1 in my MISS EJ BENDER BARNES TYLER J II Ilnrnm JM I Tjlur AttorncjH at Law Norfolk Nobraslf DUCJ S 1aRKER IiTIST Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb DR 11 T HOLDEN Homeopathic Physician ami Hnnrcon Ollim CitmuiH Nntloiuil Hunk IliilldiiiK Tfilmihotiii 101 Hiinltiirlimi i n I IIuhIiIiiiicd Main mid I3tli St iflUIIOIIMll Norfolk Nebraska U i com DENTIST OII1c mm Citizen Nntlniinl IlnnV Itenldanei oho lilock noith of iiiiiKreKiitioinil church Norfolk Nebraska JTAPKS IIAZEN Attorneys-at-Law Oilier in it leiiiiaril Drue Store Norfolk Nebraska yISS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker Cji Btiure in Cotton block nvor llnums etor 1irBt cliuis work Ktiuruiiteetl Norfolk Nebraska pOWEUS HAYS Attorney at Law Itoonib 10 II nnd 12 MhHWmcU Norfolk - Nebraska JJpnUKTSON ROBERTSON Attorneys-at-Law Rooms I and 2 Robertson Block Norfolk Nebr SESSIONS BELL UndrrUkerK aud Enibslnierc rtebrionii Rlk Norfolk Ate Norfolk - Nebraska M CHWALKER UKALEH IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 NOVELTY Iron and Brass Works i JNO E CRONK Manager All kiudi of machines frotna lawn mower to a irlitiinr irttke buccttfcfully required Hot air tein unit hot wntor heating Special atten tiou iriteu to lloiler mid Knicine Repairiuc J 1 0ip Patewalkn Implement House NORFOLK NEBRASKA aa UUKaant V