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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1901)
K i 10 TUESDAY TOPICS Alt 1 A ShurU is on tlio nick list J N Huntliok was n pnoscngor this turning for Oiunhn J K lloovor of llnttlo Creek wan n kity visitor Inst night Dr V A Lour Is In from Mntllmm to nttcml tho meeting of tlio medico Jeo A Kocohlg returned Inst night Jjffroiu a visit with rolntlvos nt Miulison Tlio nuunnl crop of lro for tho cold Alorngo is being harvested and garnorcd Dr A Ii Muirhcml of Wlnslito is ono of tho physicians meeting at tho Ox nurd today Geo N tools has placed a telephone iu tho Christian Science reading room No 1KIA Editor 1 K Martin of tho Hattlo Crook Kiitcrprlso had buslines in Nor folk last oroning Miss Hilda Wuohtor returned to Fre mont yesterday nftor a short visit with Miss Clara Schrani John Froythalor is laid up with a badly spraluod nnklo tho rosult of a fall Wednesday night last week Invoicing is tho popular past lino in whioh tho mnjorlty of Norfolk mer chants aro cugagod at tho prusout time Tho Norfolk friends of Mr and Mrs H T Whlto of Omaha will Ikj pleased to loam that they have a now boh a fow tdays old II L Spuuhling district deputy grand innater of tho I O O 1 has gonu to tMudison to instnlltho otllcers of that Joilgo tonight Tamio Whoaton who has boon visit iug his grandparents Mr and Mrs JE Simpson rot uracil to his home in South Omnlm this morning Commissioner J J Hughos came down from Hattlo Crook lust night and this morning went to Madison to attend n meeting of tho hoard Miss lonrl Koochig Hpont Saturday iu tho city tho guest of Miss Kthol Long Sho was onrouto from Cedar ltiipids Jown to her homo in Mudisou Miss Motta Koeuigstoin has gouo to Omaha to tako a six months courso in lmslnoss college and will muko her homo while- thoro with Mr aid Mrs ax P Owen 1 J Koouigstuiu is removing his oiHoo today from rooms iu Mast block to rooms iu roar of Oltizons National bank building formerly occupied by Prod H Froo Lovelaco Spoeco and Halo tho throo alleged Hattlo Crook hog tioves woro nrraiguod Saturday at Madison pleaded not guilty nud woro bound ovor to tho district oourt Sadio McGough 21 yoars of ago diod iu this city yesterday of tuboronlosis Tho remains woro takou to Nowcnstlo oa tho uoou train for interment a brother having como ovor to arrange tho details W A Homlobon has received notice from Armour Co of South Omnlm to eloao his house on Wednesday afternoou and placo crape ou tho door on accouut of tho funeral of Phillip D Armour whioh tnkes placo iu Chicago tomorrow afternoon Dr Alexander Young of Arcadia Valley county has beou appointed by Governor Dietrich ns assistant physician at the Norfolk hospital for tho iusano Dr Young studiod medicine iu Chicago for live yoars and for a short time lec tured beforo medical students in that city L Stoddard Taylor representing tho Privato John Allen company whioh baa a dato hero for tho 15th in in tho city iu tho intorests of that attraction He is profuso in his praises of tho com pany oud is confident that tho peoplo of Norfolk who atteud will bo highly entertained II P Buhmon cashier of tho Citizens State bank of Crestou and cousiu of tho youug man who lost his lifo hero Now A Tears moruiug was In tho city today oubusluoss HeBtatesthat his cousin carried lifo insurance to the amount of 3500 in favor of his father 3500 of which was iu ono company and 1000 iu auother John Just of Battle Creek received very severe injuries yesterday nt that place during a runaway His team started to run and to Bave himsolf ho jumped from tho wngou the result being a broken leg The limb was so badly broken that portions of the frac tured bone protuded through tho flesh Dr Frank Salter of this city was sum uioned to assist in reducing tho fracture Tho injured member was given careful attention with the promise of hoaliug coon The Bixth annual sessiou of tho V goods panors oi the Uxuard hotel A number of doctors of thn Kiuiinm alley aro in nttendauco nud a deep interest Deiug taueu m tho program Tlio ik being b liorn Valley Medical society is held this afternoon aid evening in tho is lowing are the out-of-town physicians iu attendance J M Aldeu Pierce- A Long Madison A L Muirhead Meadow wiuBtae ii u Kindred Grove W F Conwell Neligh B uay jonu ts Summers Omaha J P Gilligau ONeill J wnuams wayne w K Sum F jr J liners wesi Iomt The Madisou couuty mortgage record for the post year makes a most gratify- jng showing of advancement along financial lines and is a lit subject for congratulation Thero wore Mod 1820 mortgages amounting to f 715 82 1 12 175 woro rcleohod which aggregated 1200lMi7J whioh indicates tho pay ing of debts to thn amount of nearly hnlf n million dollars or iu exact lguros 1551102 in excess of now debts con tracted Thorn woro lllod 1170 chattels amounting to MKSaoitll IlU wcro re leased nmounting to t5t351H28 City mortgages filed woro 151 amounting to 1011501 188 roloahed amounting to J207ltil 1 17 Farm mortgages filed lium bored 05 nmouuting to 10070118 IStl were releasod amounting to 111- IM2Q Tlio Muslo Students club mot last evening nt tho rosidouco of Mrs John H Hnys on Norfolk nvonuo with a goodly nnnilior in attendance Sovoral woro oloctcd to membership nud a largo number of applications for momborshtp were filed for futuro consideration Tint business details being finished a musicnl program followed in ohargo of Mrs Hays vice president who prosidod over tho mooting iu tho nbseuco of tho president Tho program wiib ample and ably oxocutod by nil tho participants showing Norfolks musical talent to bo abreast with tho tiinoB Tho ouly re gret is that a larger audienco could not havo boon in attondanco to loud on couragomout in tho olTort to advance tho causo of music Thoohiof attraction of tho ovoulng wns coutorod upon Mrs Hays papor Tho History of tho Bal lad which botrayod oxhaustlvo prep aration showing tho historical progress of tho ballad from prhnltivo origin to classical form According to tho Oitizou Vordigro is starting in tho now yoar with an unou vlablo record for accidents At tho Torpin grain elevator Wednesday Hoink Klluot was turning tho drlvo whool of n gnsolino ongiuo preparatory to starting It nud just nt tho moment tho onglno took tho motion his arm slipped through tho drlvo wheel and wnB frightfully crushed tho llosh boiug torn nud tho bones of tho arm protruding 1 fo was takou to Omaha with tho hope of saving tho mombor but it wns found on his arrival that amputation was necessary and tho arm was accordingly ampu tated On Christinas day Mrs Aoheu bock was catohlng a turkoy for dinner when she slipped and badly Bprained hor anklo As luck would havo it Dr Macombor of Norfolk was attending a neighbor and wns called in It is un derstood that sho is getting along nicely Tho last chapter relates to Frank Studeny who almost took a hogs placo iu a tub of boiling water Ho was help ing his father butcher aud had tho mis fortune to slip his right leg goiug into tho tub of hot water lie had on lnco shoos aud when they wero pullodoff tho skin of hiB leg and some of tho flesh caino oil with them A reliublo citizen is authority for the statomout that tho omnipresent and much wanted Pat Crowo of Omaha who caused a boy to becomo worth his weight in gold and is in turn now worth almost his weight In tho samo valuable motal was iu Norfolk Saturday night This same reliable citizen was awakened about a oclock Sunday morning from n uight umrish slumber with tho con viction that something of unusual im portance wns passiug Ho aroso aud on looking out of tho window found that his conviction was correctPat Crowo and a companion wero passing nt least he is as thoroughly convinced that it was Pat as ho woll could bo not haviug soon him beforo or since Pat oarried a grip whioh looked as though it might contain tho fnmous 25000 or a share of it Tho geutlomen wero walking along quite leisurly mid tho conviction wns nt once forced upon tho reliable citizen that their destination was Waniorvillo whore thoy probably moaut to kidnap tho town and mako tho Union Pacific railroad compnny pay handsomoly for its return Tho roli able citizen tried to spring the burglar alarm but it had been used so constantly of lato that it was completely worn out needed rest and refused to work Ho thou ordered tho meu to stop but they didnt appear to kuow him and refused to obey When his wife awoke an hour Inter she found tho reliable cltizeu sound asleep with his face glued or frozen to tho window paue au nngolio smilo plnyiug over his couutennnco which at once turned iuto a flerco scowl when he awoke to tho real facts and ho realized that ho was uot enjoying tho luxuries to bo had with that reward money II uniiiouil Louisiana An Iclenl Heal Ii uml Winter ICesort The paBseugor department of the Illi uois Central Railroad company has just issued a now edition of Hammond Louisiana aBa Winter Resort n benn tiful illustrated folder showing a fow of tho winter nttractiouB in nud about Hammond copies of which will be mailed free on application to the under signed For thoso m good or moderate circum stance uo point iu the south otters such inducements The cliniato is unsur passed Tho artesan water excellent Society almost entirely northern nud the hotel and boarding house accomoda tion far superior to auy towu of its size iu the uorth and nt moderate rates J F Mubky Asst Gen Pass Agt 111 Cent RR Dubuque Iowa Good fanuB to trade for town property G R Skjleh THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JANUARY 1 1901 WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Chas K Crow of Ponca wns a city visitor yesterday Mrs O A Harshmnii Is til nt hor homo iu South Norfolk Mrs 11 K Hardy is recovering from an attack of appendicitis Mary Mills who is in tho employ of I M Macy is on tho sick list Hlchnrd Hohrko a Hoskins merchant wiih in tho oity today on business Henry Sohmodo mnstor meohanlo at the sugar foctory has gono to Ames Tho West Sldo Whist club will meet Friday evening with Mr and Mrs John It Hays L O Mlttelstndtwent to Laurol this morning on bnsluoES connected with his lumber interests Tho newly oloctod oHcors of Morning lodge No 20 Knights of Pythias woro installed last ovenlng T F Mommiuger was horo from Madison yostorday to attend tho election at tho Citizens National bank Jnlgo J F Boyd of Oukdnlo was in tho city yosterdny on his way from Mad isou to Wnyuo on court business It is said that tho mombors of tho Ilel lormaii family who havo boou suffering with pneumonia nro slightly improved A G Hobb is iu tho city exhibiting DouBiuoros oil gas burners which ho has ou display nt tho Ahlman bicyclo shop Thoro is said to bo coiiBidornblo sick hobs among tho touchers aud pupils of tho pnblio schools ou ncconut of IltiotlH H 13 Adams wont to Madisou today and will eutortalu tho pooplo of that city this ovoning with ono of hissteroopticou lecturos Conductor ABklns of South Norfolk has boon confined to his bod with tho grip for a low days but is now con valescent C M Shwouk who was horo to at tend tho auuual mooting nt the Citlzons Nationnl bank returned to his homo iu Toulon 111 toduy W H Blakomau is iu Omaha attend ing a convention of implomeut dealers Ho is stopping at tho Her Grand with President Jones of tho Piano company Tho annual meotiug of tho stock holders of tho Norfolk Nntional bank hold yesterday resulted iu tho re-election of tho old bonrd of directors Tho board has uot yot hold its annual meet ing which wnBdoferred to somo future dato Week of prayer is being observed by the Second Congregational church of South Norfolk Very interesting meet ings nro boiug held at the homes of the mombors of the church Thoy will be succeeded by rovivul meetings at tho church Enough snow fell last night and to day to furnish a protext for Bleighiug nud tho pnsttimo has been enjoyed to some extent by thoso fortunate enough to own a cuttor or iu possossiou of sufficient coin to properly influence the livery man Tho railroad boys their best girls and others will onjoy auother dance at thoir hall at South Norfolk Friday evening It is a notorious fact that no class of entertainments are more thoroughly en joyed than thoso iu which tho railroad mon participate aud this promises to be uo exception to tho rule Lovelaco Speeco nudHalo tho throe youug meu from Buttle Creek charged with stealing hogs wero tried and sen tenced by JudgoBoyd at Madisou yes terday One was sentenced to a torm of five yoars in tho penitentiary an other to a term of threo yenrs while tho third was givou fifteen months Burglars ut Bloomfiold last Friday night entered tho saloons of Geo B Soil aud II J Klocko robbiug tho safes tills aud machines Iu tho formor place thoy secured about 20 while in Klockos snloou they ouly got between 1 and 5 Tho opiuiou scorns to be that it is tho work of local tal ent At tho aununl meeting of tho stock holders of tho Citizens National bank held yesterday tho old board of directors was re elected aud at the mectiug of the board afterward tho old officers woro re- chosen Au examination of couditlou of tho institution wns very gratifying to tho stockholders showing n very satis factory business done What threatened to be quite a disas trous lire occurred lust night in tho local ofllco of tho Western Union Telegraph company Tho flro in the stovo burned bo llorcely that the stovo was heated red hotlall over aud a portion of tho pipe As Olllcor Kauo was passing ho noticed the conditions aud saw that tho wood work near the stove was smoking Ho found someone with n key to the back door aud eutered A fow moments work otlectually removed all danger of a conflagration and uo nlorm was turned iu Tho damage wns slight Col J 13 Simpson received by regis tered mail this morning n souvenir whioh ho will value- very highly It from Lieutenant H K Love of tho Thirty Second infantry now serving iu Luzou Philippine Islands It is a cuuo made of native wood and carved by a native workman The design represents a couple of ser peuts and frogs their bodies being partly concealed It in very cleverly executed and the snakes look bo natural that a person can almost imngino them crawling Thn only lettering on tho enno seems to bo in Chincpo and that has not yet boon interpreted THURSDAY TIDINGS F 1 Korseubrock was a city visitor this morning from Columbus Clara dnughtor of Rov and Mrs J P Mueller Is quite slok with appendicitis Mr and Mrs Daviil Kuhn departed this noon for North WobBtor Indiana 13d Grant today sold two lots on South Eleventh street to C G Souiors Cougrossmnn John S Robinson of Madison is nblo to bo out again after boiug confined to his homo for ten days on account of a slight operation Mrs G B Salter received n telegram this morning from Dundas Cauadn advising hor of tho death of her brother Goorgo Burrows nged 70 years Dan J Koonigstoiu is now cosily settled in his now ofllco rooms in tho roar of tho Citizons National bunk building aud is now ready for business A G Hobb who is exhibiting Dens moros oil gas buruors is located nt tho Conloy bicyclo ahop instead of at nmn Bros as stated iu last evenings paper Tho meoting of tho West Sido Whist club which wns to havo beou held at tho homo of Mr aud Mrs John It Hays Friday ovoning has beou postponed un til farther notice Dr P II Salter was called to Win sldo yesterday to oporato on a ense for Dr Priuglo This morning ho was called to a consultation with Dr Cherry at tho samo towu Mrs Willis McBrido and mother Mrs J 13 Logau of Ponca enmo over from Madison last night and this morning left for Ponca Mrs McBrido will visit about threo weeks Sheriff Losoy has offered a reward of 100 for tho arrest aud conviction of tho thiof who stole a team buggy and har ness from Aaron Higby near Meadow Grove Monday night Tho Norfolk police officers hnvo boeu advised to keep a lookout for a fellow who is wanted in Pierce county to answer to the ohargo of rape The crimo Is said to have boon committed somewhere between Plaiuview and Os mond Tho following ofllcorB were installed last night at a meeting of Damascus chapter No 25 Royal Arch Masons S W Hoyes acting as installing officer Bon Barshinger H P L O Mittel stadt K A H Viole S Dan J Koenigsteiu secretary S G Deau treasurer S W Hayes C H G T Sprooher P S Geo W Box R A O F W Juneman 3d V J B May lord 2ud V Tako Hershiser 1st V J S McCIary Sout Mis J 13 Simpson received this morning a very handsome gift from Lieutenant H K Lovo now serving with tho Thirty Secoud infantry in the Philippines It is a tablo cover of na tive workmanship and very rich in de sign Tho body of tho cover is of blue broadcloth aud worked upon it with groat skill are figures iu gold thread The design is embellished with small figures worked iu colored floss silk Tho work shows a romarkablo profici ency in embroidery and one is led to wonder how many days of tedious labor are represented by tho one article Mrs Frank Davenport received a tele gram yesterday morning announcing that hor mother Mrs T II Martin wasvory sick at hor homo iu Atchison Kansas Last evening another dispatch conveyed tho Bad intelligence that Mrs Martin was dead and Mr and Mrs Davenport departed on the early morn ing train for Atchison Mr aud Mrs Martin mado Norfolk their homo for sovoral years previous to their departure for Knusns and tho news of tho ladys death will be received with genuine sorrow nt many homos in this city The deceased has been nn invalid for n number of years Articles of Incorporation of the Rich ards Ziuo nud Lead Mining company have been filed with the county clerk at MadiBou The business of tho corpora tion is to engage iu a genernl mining business and deal in mining properties The property of tho company is located in Missouri but tho principal placo of business is Norfolk Tho capital stock of the company is 1500000 iu shares of 10 Tho board of trusteeB are O D Jeukins David Richards J A Wiles E P Weatherby aud B Franklin Richards Tho property to be developed is that owned by Mr Richnrds father of Dick ltlohards who formerly worked for Asa K Leonard A public installation of the officers of Mathewsou post No 109 G A It was hold in their hall ou Tuesday evening Captain II O Matrau past post com mander acting as installing officer The ofllcers instulled wero as follows N A Ralubolt commander J W Bovee sonior vice commander II Gerecke junior vice commander W H Widnmnu adjutant J S Morrow quartermaster A P Childs chaplain J A Light officer of the day Jas Rouse officer of the guard After the installation ceremonies refreshments which had been provided by the ladies of tho W R 0 were served and a very enjoyable timo was passed Mathow Bon is one of the few posts that are prosperous while a good many of them are dying off because of lack of members iiMa1v 37 nnd enthusiasm Tho retiring com mander H M Roberts has served tho post efficiently and satisfactorily iu that capacity for tho paU two years Oclumbns Journal Lifo iu tho Klondike dosent beem to bo so bad after all Hour is only 10 a sack corn meal 35c n pound 6ugar 25c and every thing olso iu duo proportion After tho hardy pioneers shall havo settled down to thoir regular gait and business gots duly started Alaska will bo ono of our best possessions It is coming nlong faster than pooplo generally givo it croditfor Its area of 577I00 squaro miles has shown a marvelous develop ment tho past ton years and from pros ont indications tho next ton will oven far outrival that Tho old rulo of rnpld aud permanent development bolng In ratio to tho extent of tho coast lino of a country will doubtless npply to this portion of Undo Sams domains Its const lino of moro than 8000 miles is ovor two times tho coast lino of tho United States on tho Atlantic and Paci fic exclusive of Alaska It Is perhaps a littlo early yet to consider schemes of emigration to thiB now gold region for tho coming soubou but tho probability Is that Nebraska will furnish a Rood- sized colony this yoar MADISON J It Halo of Battle Creek was in Madisou Monday L M Johnson of Shell Creek had business iu town Wednesday W II Johnson of Schavland Johusou Co wns down from Norfolk Monday Tho county commissioners mot Tues day in regular sessiou for settlement with tho different county ofllcers Frank Horst wont to Omaha Tuesday to bo gone sovoral days buying machin ery aud hardware for Horst Bros spring stock John Sutherland hns purchased a part of W O Elloys livery stock ond is now serving patrons at tho old Losoy bams on Second street Mrs Brannion has discontinued her boarding Iioubo ou Depot street An thony Robinson and wife will begin a boarding house in tho same building boou Contractors Adams and Erwin have a largo force of men at work on the in terior of the now school house pushing the work to completion us rapidly as possible H P Buhmau of Creston was in town Monday on his way to Norfolk to look after tho belongings of his cousiu the lato L P Buhman who was ac cidontly killed New Years eve Tho wero several applications for superintendent of poor farm before the commissioners this bid of Tom Taylor of Battle Creek being accepted at 195 per year Taylor furnishing all help Judge Boyd held a short ReBsion of district court Tuesday and sentenced Speece Hale and Lovelace for hog steal ing Lovelaco is tho oldest of tho three but on nccouut of turning states evi dence wns given but 15 months Chas Speeco who is 32 years old on account of having a wife and child was let off with 10 months while Will Hale nged 19 was given 80 mouths Doubtless tho heutences would not have beeu bo severe had the threo not attempted to break jail one night last week Sheriff Losoy bad given them tho privilege of tho en tire jail room but upon hearing a sound something like a rat scratching ho in vestigated and found a placo dug away from tho insido wall leaving only one thickness of brick Since then they havo boon kept in the colls County Clerk Bauch has compiled a statement of tho expenditure for 1000 District aud county court 8187 05 Jailers fees boarding prison ers etc 848 00 Blank books stationery etc 1600 00 Poor farm nud paupers 1 410 1 Wolf scalps 340 00 Coal for court house and jail 412 50 County commissioners 200 40 Bridges 8414 30 Road work 3529 40 County printing 721 35 Insane 454 75 Soldiers relief 200 00 Extra help iu clerks ofllco 129 00 Work on delinquent tax list 137 70 Assessors 2104 80 Fees on state cases 100 55 Eleotions 1 154 90 Janitor 100 00 County superintendent 1200 00 Couuty attorney 800 00 Agricultural society 444 00 Road scrapers and plows 390 75 Miscellaneous 981 85 Total 31308 19 Clerk Bauch also reports 90422 as surplus foes of his ofllco to bo turned over to the couuty treasurer This is much tho largest amount ever turned in by a clerk MEADOW GROVE Mr Dave Hopkins wns u Meadow Grove visitor Sunday Arch McDonald is sufleriug with a severe attack of the grip W A Witzigman and little daughter Kutherino Bpeut Sunday iu Norfolk Some of tho youug people attended the Eocinl ball in Battle Creek last Fri day eveuiug Mr nnd Mrs Tom McDonald of Til deu wero the guests of Wm McDonald and family lost Sabbath Miss Gertrude Wade returned to L jsaggLiiy Meadow Grovo Sunday evening to re snmo hor work in tho schools CJnito a iininlHT of young folkq drovo to Tihhii WcdneMlay evening to attend the daiifH given at that plum Principal Walter Pilgr r returned to Meadow Grovo last Sunday ovoning nftei n two weeks visit at Norfolk and clsowhcro Tho markets Butter 15 cents eggs lOconts corn 20 cents bnrloy 35 cents oats 18tf cunts wheat 54 cents rye 33 cents Mrs Owon Dugnn of Chadron arrived in this city Wednesday ovoning for a short visit with her parents Mr and Mrs James Clark Miss Anna EvaiiB who has been visit ing friends and relatives in this burg for tho past few weeks returned to her homo in Norfolk Wcducsdny The houso of Truman Olen who lives four miles south of town wns destroyed by flro last Sunday night All tho furniture iu tho lowor story of the houso was saved Miss Mabel Sturgeon loft Thursday for au extended visit with friends anil relatives at St LouiB Mo Beforo re turning sho will purchase hor stock of spring millinery goods Ed Crooks dray team indulged in a spirited runaway last Monday morning After runniug threo or four blocks thoy wero brought to a standstill just south of tho track No material damage was done to either tenm or wagon A very bold thoft occurred last Mon day night at Aaron Higbeos placo fivo miles uorth of town Tho thieves re lieved Mr Higbeo of ono of his best tennis a buggy and harness The direc tum in which tho thieves weut is not known as thoro was a high wind nnd their trnil was covered with sand You Should Know Almut Funning Iu c lirnnkit Corn is king but other grains aro suc cessfully rnised nnd you can buy land ohenp nlong the Fremont Elkhoru Missouri Vulley railroad Write for particulars to J H Gahlk Traveling Pass A t D3u r Or to J R a Gen R eu xput mhliu Neb itrnnn yrauiy to ntm cHan S CpuUU man or woman to look nfter our growing business in thiB and adjoining counties to act as manager and correspondent work can be doue at your home Enclose self addressed stamped envelope for Diirtioulurs to II A Shprmnn General Manager Corcoran Build- f ing opposite United States ury Washington D C SrtS G4 Dr Humphreys Specifics cure by acting directly upon tho disease without exciting disorder in nny other part of tho Bystem XO CUIIE3 rBICES I Fevern Congestions Inflammations 25 Wormi Worm Fevor Worm Colic 25 3 Teething Colic Crying Wakefulness 25 4 Diarrhea of Children or Adults 25 7 Cough Colds Bronchitis 25 8 XeuralgIo Toothache Faccacho 25 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 25 1 0 Dyspepsia IndlgestlonWeakQtomacb25 11 Suppressed or lalnfiil Periods 25 IU Whites Too Prof use Periods 25 13 Croup Laryngitis Hoarseness 25 14 Salt niieuni Erysipelas Eruptions 25 IS KheuiiiatlsniItheumatlc Pains 25 10 Malaria Chills Fever and Ague 25 10 Catarrh Influenza Cold In the Head 25 SO Whooping cough 25 ST Kidney Disease 25 2H Nervous Debility 100 30 Urinary Weakness Wetting Bod 25 77 Grip Hay Fever 35 DraS016 840 Bold by druggists or sent on receiptor nrlce Koenigsteins Pharmacy Corner 5th and Main Sts hstorifoiik neb 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks designs vurmiiin iiuci mftpi nPornfiF nd dcscrlptlnn may CiilcklT ascertain mr op 11 on free whether mi Invention probably patentable Conn unl cm stents taken tlirum 1 Jlunu Co receive ifMtal nolle without charge Iu the Scientific American MUHMIeIr loftrated weekly largest MUNN Co36Boad New York Branch Offlct mt Bt Wshligto u C