The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 04, 1901, Page 7, Image 8

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15 M
By Woathcrby Chesncy and Alick Munro
oomuonr 1000 nr wF ATtiRnnr citnsnirr and aucx MUtma
4 o
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A8 the benrer8 of news of lie solztir
of the EiirIIhIi shipping In Vigo buy wo
wore persons of some consideration In
Bristol The pood folk of the town
were all caper to hear from our lips a
true nccount of the outbreak with
Spain nml the result to us wns that
except for our beds and a light morn
ing meal of cold beef and ale we woro
very little In debt to our host of the
Blue Mermalden the tavern In which
as It was a place frequented by seafar
ing men we had made our headquar
The adventure had left us well In
pocket too for though the Severns
cargo had of course not been sold It
bad been brought back unspoiled and
our Spanish galleon a new ship nn
well stored turned out a most valuabli
prize So our lads promised them
selves a good time on shore and Judg
ing by the number of them that wo met
In the streets with broken heads and
blackened eyes they kept faithfully to
that promise
Trade with Spain was naturally out
of the question for the time being and
any attempt on my part to return and
carry off Inez was practically useless
To try It would be to condemn myself
to the galleys or a Spanish dungeon
for life so I had reluctantly to resign
myself to waiting In the hope that bet
ter times were In store for us
Alec had some wild notion of fitting
out a ship for the purpose of harrying
the Spaniards and breaking up their
ttrmada before it could leave the
coasts but as 1 pointed out to him
Drake and Hawkins and Sir Richard
Orcnvllle and 20 others would play at
that if it were at all feasible and wo
had better wait for a lead from them
So as none of these well known cap
tains gave any sign of moving we too
staid where we were and enjoyed our
selves among the hospitable people of
One night however wo learned a
piece of news which put a sudden
period to our idling We were return
ing arm In arm from n pleasant supper
at the house of Peter Waltham one of
the city nldermen I chattering in my
heedless fashion about the charms of
our entertainers youngest daughter
and Alec as usual listening gravely to
my nonsense and puttlug in a word
hero and there
The yellow moon ogled us through
the crannied clouds and by the time
wo reached the Blue Mermalden the
rain had begun to fall and the alehouse
sign was swinging and croaking dis
cordantly In the now rapidly rising
wind There was every promise of i
wild night and we were not sorry
when we readied the friendly shelter
of the inn It was long past midnight
an hour at which the house was usual
ly as still as the cable tier in n calm
but as we entered we heard voices
coming from the kitchen so we peered
in to seewho the visitors were
There on the settle lolled the host
with his rosy treble chin on Ids chest
snoring heavily Beside him was a
tall spare man with tangled black
hair and an ugly scar running right
athwart his brown forehead which
gave him a truculent appearance that
bis weak shiftless mouth failed to
corroborate On the edge of the table
sat a short squat broad man older
than the other he wore a seamans
skin cap nnd a huge brown coat whose
wide skirts spread out far behind him
on the table These last two were
talking to one another in a language
that I did not understand I made a
move as though to go In but Alec put
his hand on my arm and drew me
gently back
Its Cornish theyre speaking he
whispered and wo shant be able to
make out a word of It Lets go to bed
nnd bo thaukful theres no watch to
keep till the suns well up tomorrow
So up the ladder we climbed to our
chamber nnd the voices of the two men
followed us dimly through the empty
passages Suddenly with utter disre
gard of the effect that his vocal efforts
would have on a sleeping household
ouo of them began to sing but our
wludow shutter made such a din rat-
lllug in the wind that we could not
distinguish much of the song beyond
the lilt which however Bounded
strangely familiar
Alec went nnd mndo the shutter se
cure so that Uio second verso came to
us distinctly
Sail away
Hack away
riumlcrl lltapl
j f Catlicr all the valuable you can
I V Come back
Nothing litk
Thunder I Hapl
Scatter all the money like a man
Tho singer repeated this verso time
after time and tho other man joined In
nn occasional chorus while both so far
ns wo could judge by tho sound were
boating a vigorous nccompanlment
with their fists on tho hard oak table
Tho song was a common enough ono
nmong mariners but there was no mis
taking tfo rasping tones of that saw
like voice
Its Willie Trehallou cried Alec
and rushed to the door I followed and
scrambling down our ladder again wo
made for tho kitchen
Art lylug nephew wo heard tho
older man ask as wo approached
No uncle sober truth replied the
ono with tho scar
You always was a vacabond Job
Like you uncle
By this time we hnd reached tlm
door and saw that the skin cap was
now lying on the table and an Iron
hook was thoughtfully scratching that
same bald shot shaped head which
had excited our admiration In the old
Whitby days
What cheer Willie Trehallou
sang out Alec
The man on the table slewed around
dropped to the ground knuckled his
forehead said Bravely my masters
and without showing the least sur
prise at seeing us asked us how we
Well 1 said and prosperous both
of us But surely that cant be Nop
and 1 pointed to a gaunt black cat
that had slid from Willies lap when ho
jumped oil the table and now stood
with Its back arched and Us tall like a
furze bush spitting and glaring at us
with a most evil look
Aye but It Is Been with me ever
since an remembers you both I see
he does Go an give the gentlemen
your duty Nop
The cat who never disobeyed a com
mand from his master came and rub
bed his shaggy sides against our legs
in greeting
Its Nop sure enough said Alec
though rather more age battered nnd
scar torn than he was And this Is
your nephew Willie
Yes sirs Job Trehallou my neph
ow nn a gracious logue
Job grinned and saluted
Where have you been wandering
Willie this long time 1 asked after
The man on the talilc slcxcccl around
we had thus formally made tho ac
quaintance of tlie man with the scar
Spanish main master with Captain
Andrew Dove Brought up at Bide
fonl eight days since
Made a good voyage of it
So so Missed tiie plate ship wo
wont ater but picked up a tidy caravel
an half a dozen smaller fry Naught
much to complain on save lack o
sound liquor- nn that did run uncom
mon short I ell ee we was put to
supping that thin sour vinegar sUiff
them dons fancies Nop aint got over
it yet
Tell the gentles what I told ee about
Manoa uncle put in Mob
Hold your meddling tongue Job
said Willie angrily They knows about
it already an didnt Captain Irelands
own father ose his life seeking for it
Job grinned and said persoveringly
Tell about the pagan
Willie Trehallou waved his hook
with a gesture of dissent nnd said
nothing But my curiosity was arous
ed Come Willie I said What
about tho pagan
jTake no nortec o what Job snys In
usual masters hes but one peg re
moved from being a natural
Job grinned
There cried Willie Look at 1dm
an judge for yourselves But about
the pagan We catclied an Indian a
brown colored varmint with no moie
clothes on him than there Is on a hand
spikean brought him along with us
Well said I seeing by Jobs face
that there was something more
Well If you must know on the voy
age home hf was sullen an mule as a
stockfish but once here he finds his
tongue on speaking in scraps o English
he picked up nmong us snys that If
well take him back hell lead us to
that goulden city I tell you of up at
Whitby Snys as ho was born there
Thats all
Tell about the goulden houses un
cle persisted Job with a cunning
leer an toll how tho pagan blacked
his fingers with n burned fagot an
drnwed a picture chart on the wall
same as life an tell how Captain An
drew Dove copied it down on n piece o
bheep parchment nn sworo to walk
through them streets aforo ho was n
year older
Youll never learn gumption neph
ew said Willlo Irritably Captain
Dove aint tho first as has mado that
vow an thou broken it An if Captain
Dovo aint old enough to know better
than to carry his carcass IntA n coun
try thats chock a block with fevers
an t avages an Spaniards an famish
nients nil the devil knows what why
then he doerves all holl get by his
foolishness an thats a belly full o
troubles an not enough gould to make
n thumb ring out on But Captain
Dovell go back on them words when
hes sober 1 tell you an no shame to
him for doing It No mans bound to
do sober what lie promises drunk
And Willie Jabbed at the table with
his hook ns hough to work off the Irri
tation which his nephews persistence
had evidently aroused In him
Tell ee he wore ns sober as I bo
now retorted Job grinning still In
spite of his endeavor to look earnest
An ho meant going too for he tolled
us to be back In three months If we
wanted to Join tho venture lie said It
tho very day after youd left uncle nn
bade us give you word o It If so bo ns
any o us ran athwart you
Did you copy the chart Job I
nsked for this talc of gold o bo had
for he seeking excited mo strangely
Him said Willie Trehallou point
ing scornfully with outstretched hook
at his nephew He couldnt draw n
tlshllne without making ten mlstnkes
let alone a chart Hes a graceless vag
abond Maxtor Topp one peg removed
from a natural
Jol still grinned I nlnt got a
chart niNters bul I got that us can
make one
How ho I asked
Tho pagan Itself ho replied rub
blng his hands In glee
Youve got him
Its snoring In the cow byre The
folk reaed It 111 at Bldeford rled to
sec if l could swallow lire as other
blacks can an set It eating live rats an
mntchod It to light agln two arrler
dogs It didnt like being used like
that an so It rinued away an tracked
mo like a hound to Lynmoutli Itd
toolc a fancy to mo on tho voyage
Fools alius mate grunted Willie
An thought maybe Id be kinder to
It than the others was an so as it prom
ised lo snrve mo 1 lot It come along
an Its tho first lino ns Job Trchallen
ever knew what It was to have n Btirv
Int o his own
An desarves to be well trounced for
his impudence in daring to ape Ills bet
ters growled Willie Sarvlnt In
deed Itll be a glided coach an six
horses youll want next
There wns every prospect of n
lengthy wrangle on tho subject be
tween the two curiously nssorted rela
tives so as I felt considerable curiosity
to see this pagan whose dusky hand
pointed the way to untold wealth I
told Willie to hold his tongue nnd
lob to lead us to tho cow byre
Tho gray dawn hnd begun to struggle
through the chinks of the kitchen shut
tors and at Intervals the wind which
had risen now to half n gale sent a
splash of rain driving through tho
crevices on to tho sanded fioor of the
room When the door was opened the
morning looked cheerless enough to
make even tough old Willie shudder
But wrapping his lingo coat more
closely round him and tucking the long
tails under tils arms o keep them from
blowing about in tho wind ho rolled
out with his clumsy sea walk Into the
muddy yard and Nop after a yawn
and a stretch and n low murr of pro
test at being asked to go out in such
villainous weather left tho warm
hearth and trotted dutifully at his
masters heels
Tho cow byre in which the pagan
had been slowed away was a poor
enough lodgjng even for a four footed
thing Year of wind and weather
had torn away the tliatcli In places
and the boarding of tho walls was
about as effectual as a sieve for keep
ing out tho cold and wet Huddled in
a corner into which the rain boat less
violently tlnn elsewhere lay tho pagan
He was colled up beneath some loose
straw sleeping and as lie slept he talk
ed wildly and incessantly in ills barba
rous tongue One bronze liued leg pro
jected from tho straggling coverlet of
straw Nop saw it before we did and
picking liis way daintily among the
filth on the ground went up and snlu
id at the limb Then lie quietly turned
his claws down Into it and laid back
his gaunt body for a comfortable
As might have been expected the
pagan awoko but to our surprise lie
neither pulled back his leg nor made
any move to drive the cat away
Job Trehallou noted my look of as
tonishment at tills nnd broke out Into a
loud guffaw
Ho ho You wonder why he dont
move Ho dont feel It bless ee not
he Them pagans hasnt feelings like
ns wo has
Shut your silly mouth nephew
said Willie A pretty way this is to
treat your sarvlnt Why the poor
brutes too numbed with cold to feel
tho prick of Neps fingers Bring him
in to tho kitchen lire nn see If we cant
thaw him a bit
Job still grinning took his dusky
servant on to his back nnd carried him
Into tho kitchen Ths effect of the
bent on tho pagan was marvelous Ho
sat down In front of the fire chuckling
and gurgling with glee nnd after rins
ing his numbed fingers with the glow
ing ash ns wp might with water nnd
bathing his shivering limbs with tho
hot embers though not actually de
vouring any of tho lames as I had
confidently expected to see hfm do ho
wns a new mini ngnln A pot of wnnn
nlo which we roused our sleeping host
to brow completed the cure and Jobs
pagan wns as blltho nnd cheerful n
pagan as ono could wish to sec
When ho was thoroughly recovered
wo spoke to him about tho city of
Mnuou and by menus of broken sen
tences copiously helped out by ges
tures ho expressed his wllllnguess to
lead us there Ho took a glowlug stick
from the fire nnd drew n chart for us
on the llmo washed wall showing the
position of tho golden city nnd quaint
pictures lie made too of tho houses
nnd tho men nnd of the trensures that
wore to be hadi there for tho taking
And we stnred nt his uncouth draw
ings nnd listened to his gabbling talk
ns if moonstruck
Suddenly Alec sprang up from he
stool where ho was sitting nnd called
to mo to come up to our room nml
though I longed to hear more of the
pagaus luring tale there was n look
of excitement on Alecs face that was
oven more Interesting nud so 1 wont
lack he oiled when we were alone
Its lime wo were moving
To Manoa 1 asked eagerly
Yes Hero wo have been sitting
Idle while ho sibyl Is earing leaf
after leaf from the book of destiny
Even now wo may be loo late
Well lets start as soon as we ran
But Alec And 1 stopped nnd looked
at him
Well Jack What Is It
You cant help her by slaying Use
less to think of going to Vigo Bay ngnln
for her till tho Spaniards have been
utterly crushed nnd now Is our chance
to help at that crushing
How Alec 1 thought you meant
to go o Manoa
Dont you see At this very mo
ment tho Spaniards may bo thundering
at tho gates of Mauoit Itself and If
once they carry olV the golden wealth
of that city and get It safely Into Phil
ips hands ho will rnlsu armadas hat
will squash us like so many beetles
Here Is our opportunity for serving
England lackl
I see said I and of filling our
own pockets too
No no Jackl Never hanker after
the gold Its a good bait to catch a
crew wllli Might as well give up the
sea settle down anil become a mer
chant ut once
Not while theres nd venture to be
had for the seeking adventure that Is
with plenty of your golden bait at the
end or It I declared shamelessly
Youve got a good smack of this
pliate In you lack I fear
Perhaps And you of the knight
errant Well fortunately wo can each
of us sail with our own particular
Ideal In front of us and still keep to
gether and work together 1 fight for
gold to win wealth for myself nnd
my sweetheart you light for glory to
win your countrys thanks Perhaps
In the event neither of us may get
what he hopes
Perhaps not Anywny wo can do
no more than try Where can wo gel
a ship
Peter Walthains brig the Bristol
Merchant Is nearly ready for sea Ho
will be glad enough to lot us have her
for such a venture
Then lets go nnd sec hlin now We
have had no sleep tonight but never
mind we can make up for It tomor
And so It happened that Peter Walt
ham who had given us our supper the
night before was called upon to fur
nish a breakfast also Manoa whose
wealth had lured tho father to his
grave was now summoning the son
Heaven grant that our fortune lie
better than that of Captain Harry Ire
land who had gone before us
To lio continued noxtlKriilay
The Name Sioux
Tho Indian name Sioux as It ap
pears in such town names as Sioux
Falls Sioux City and Sioux Rapids Is
usually pronounced Soo but some
times in the east chlelly that simple
pronunciation Is not known A com
mitteeman not long ago visited a school
in Now England where he lienrd the
pupils say SI ox with complete as
surance At a favorable opportunity
he quietly spoke to the teacher of tho
error sajlng You know It is Soo
whereupon she asked tho attention of
tlie school and solemnly announced
You have all been pronouncing this
word wrong It Is not Si ox but Soo
ox The committeeman lacked the
courage to pursue the subject further
That Scltlfil It
Why do you think tho plaintiff In
sane a witness examined as to some
bodys mental condition wus asked by
counsel nt a trial
Because replied tlie witness he
Is continually going nboiit nsserting
that he Is the prophet Mohammed
And pray sir retorted tho learned
gentlomnn of tlie wig do you think
that when a person declares ho Is the
prophet Mohammed that is a clear
proof of his insanity
I do
Because answered tho witness re
garding his questioner with easy com
placency I happen to bo tho prophet
Mohammed myself London An
No wonder they call It roasting a
man to rake him over the coals Phila
delphia Record
Onlor Tor Hearing of iluxl Account
Iu tho mutter of tho estate of M E
Andrus deceased
In the county court of Madison county
Now on tho lilth dny of Decombor
1100 camo Burt MapeB tho ndmiuistrn
tor do bonis non of said estate nnd
prays for leave to render an account as
such administrator
It is therefore ordered that tho Kith
day of January 1001 nt ouo oclock p
in at my ottlce in Madison be fixed us
the time nud plnco for examining nnd
ullowing such nccount And tho heir
of paid d censod nud nil porsouB inter
ested iu said estate nro required to
nppoar at tho tiino and place so desig
nated and show cause if such exists
why said account should not bo allowed
It is further ordered that said Burt
Mnpes administrator do bouis noil
give notlco to nil persons interested in
said estate by causing n copy of this
order to bo published iu tho N kkoik
Nkws Joukkal n newspaper printed
nud iu general circulation in snidcouuty
for hroe weeks prior to the day eot for
said heating
In testimony whereof I have horo
unto set my hand nnd affixed my olll
cial seal this 18th day of DocombprlOOO
skam Wit Baths
County Judge
The complete horvieo of Tho Ohio
agnPortland Special via Union Pacifio
enables passongers to roach tho princi
pal cities botweeu tho north and Pacific
coast and MiFsouri river not only iu the
shortest possible spaco of timo but also
in tho most comfortablo and enjoyable
innuuor Tho dining cnrB on thia train
nro stookod with tho best tho market
I affords All meals served a la carte
All sizes of Haul and Soft
Yards Telephone 5
0 C3 U tliorouuhly screened
Choice SinithiiiHCOLy
Thai we nre constantly utowin in the art of inak
in1 Fine Photos and otir products will always be
found to embrace the most
and Newest style in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable foriill kinds
of framing
Please Bear in Mind
That our very best efforts will be put forth
at all times lo help you to the selection of a
Hat that will be suitable for you whether it
be a cheap or an expensive one We cheer
fully meet any competition from anywhere
Our hats are all madeiu our own workroom
honestly made We are not gifted with sec
ond sight are nol mind readers and if after
purchase you make no complaint we must
conclude that you are satisfied but if not so
please report promptly lo us and we will
make all satisfactory
Inskeeps Millinery
p I II II iimTIi
TnK AitMoituiJ curisrit
The best Hoys Shoes
on Karth
We are Headquarters for
The Best
Our stock is full and complete in every
line and we are selling a better class of
goods and giving our customers more
value for their money this year than
ever before
Be Sure to See
Davenport Bros
Norfolk Shoe Men
Is that travelled by the
a Nashville
Urtat Centrrl Southern Trunk Line
in Kentucky Tennessee Ahibunm Mia
Bissippi Floridn where there nre splon
did changes for everybody to make
Como and see for yourselves
Half- Faui Excursions Fiiist and
Tnmu Tuksuayh or Kvkky Month
Printed mntter inupsund nil informa
tion free Addiess
General Immigration nnd Indnstrin
Audit louisvau xvy
To PATENT Good Ideas
may bo secured by
our aid Address
Baltimore Md
8ulcrltlou to Tuc Ittent Record llWprunuw
T tlM
vswr 3j iSE5tvr
This Stovo Saves One
Third Your Coal Bill
Doners Hardware Store
U -