The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 04, 1901, Page 5, Image 6

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Rhnniiis Mlior Campbell tokl tnc thin
utory ono whiter night ns wo revolvoil
before the open tlroplaec In Ills old log
house Our bucks wore freezing while
our faces were scorching nml It was
only by turning like chickens on a spit
that we could keep comfortable In
front of the cord wood tire He told It
In the highland iiiellc not because he
could not speak English but because
he could be more Hue nt In his mother
tongue bo this version Ib merely a
translation Moreover It Is translated
from the spoken word rather than tho
written but being true 1 hope It will
not lose all Its humor In the retelling
If from time to time 1 chaucc to use a
MA Kill Km
Gaelic Idiom It will not be because 1
am trying to give the narrative a na
tionality but because It all comes back
to mo In the expressive words in
which I first heard it and I must trans
late it as best 1 can While Sliaiiins
told the story his face was alternately
in the light and shadow but whatever
Ills position I could always see bis eyes
sparkling between his bushy eyebrows
nml tho patriarchal white beard that
huug from his hili cheek bones to his
ample waist
So youve never heard how Dugald
lcPhall got married havent youV Of
course most of the old people who
knew it are dead now and Dugald has
been the head older in the U 1 church
for 20 years past thanks to his wife
Uetsey who made a man of him But
40 years ago everybody knew it and
Tiger Duulop laughed at It till the last
day of his life 1 often wonder he
didnt make a story of it for Black
woods or Frasers for ho wrote plenty
In his day and they were good ones
itoo though he had no very high regard
for the truth But perhaps it was be
cause ho and Betsey came to be great
friends and he didnt think it right to
make the wits of Loudon and Edin
burgh laugh at her husband He al
ways stopped over with the Mclhuils
when the business of the Canada com
ipany brought him this way and many
a time when 1 was a boy 1 made an
excuse to go over to the house to hear
his jokes
Well tho truth Is that when Dugald
McPhall made up his mind to got mar
ried ho Just ran amuck as 1 am told
that tho negro Malays do when any
thing touches their brains He was a
boy of 40 at the time and so bashful
that he wouldnt come from tho lields
for his meals when any of the women
or girls of the settlement were at the
house on a visit
His mother died In the fall of the
year and he and his father kept bach
elors hall through the winter and a
dreary time they hud of It The old
man was getting weak and thin blood
ed and many a morning be sat before
the fire and grumbled because he lack
ed the care he was used to A house
without a woman Is not a homo but a
den and before spring the old man felt
that unless a woman came to take care
of them he would not be long for this
world He was too far stricken In
years himself to think of marrying
again but Dugald was Just of the
right age so he raised the matter with
It b time you got married Du
gald he Bald one morning
Poof I said Dugald Are you los
ing your head
You are 40 past the old man kept
on and I was only 37 when 1 married
To get away from the subject Du
gald went out to the slashing to chop
But the old man hnd tho notion In his
head and kept thinking about It and
talking to Dugad every chance he had
till Dugald began to think- of It too
and when he started to think of It ho
began to Btnre at Hip girls In church
and the more he stared at them the
more he thought of It for the Mclliails
are a set people and when they let
their minds o i a thing they think of
nothing else But Dugald was the
most bashful man In the country and
though he stared at the girls ho would
color to the roots of his hair If one of
them happened to look back at him
Htlll 1 have always noticed that when a
backward man screws up his courage
he will do tilings that an ordinary man
would not huve the face for
Well the old man kept talking right
along nnd Dugald kept thinking and
when the spring etne he just about
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made up his mind that the old tiinu
was right Hut he had the seeding to
do and he kept In himself until the
spring work was done and there was a
resting Bpoll between the seeding and
haying Then one line morning he
turned Ills horses out to pasture put
on his Sabbath black clothes and was
trying to comb his hair when his fa
ther came In nnd asked what he was
I am going to get married said
Dugald as hard as brass
And whom are you going to mar
ry V
Mary McMillan
lilttlc Mary
You are a fool snlrl tho father
She Is only a baby What we want
Is n wife to take care of us and not a
child to rnlse
But Its mo thats to marry her
said Dugald
Heeli it Is Is It said the old man
testily But 1 cant see how a sensi
ble man like Dan McMillan would ever
be such a fool as to let a baby llko
Mary marry a big redheaded oaf llko
you even If I am to leave you the
He hasnt been asked said Du
gald Folks going to got married now
dout hnvc things made up for them by
tho old people and ministers as they
did when you were young
And when did you hnvc time to go
sparking Mary without Dan having his
eye on you I am even surprised that
Mary didnt give you a clip when you
asked her
hut I havent asked her yet I am
Just going to now
Poof said the old man You are
a big fool Dugald and know nothing
of the ways of women Now be sensi
ble and let me send for the minister
nnd Tiger Duulop nnd old Mrs Me
Gugnn and we will pick out some nice
body suited for you and do things in an
orderly way
But Dugald didnt sny a word lie
Just walked out of the house and start
ed across the fields toward McMillans
place He was a redheaded giant then
though you wouldnt think It when he
takes up the collection now As I said
before he had worked himself up to a
point where ho was no more himself
than a negro Malay that had run
amuck Having always been bashful
he didnt know how to talk to women
so when lie got to McMillans he just
walked Into the kitchen where Mary
was working and spluttered out
Mnry I want you to marry me
What are you talking about you
big long legged gander
The house Is lonely without a mis
tress and I have been looking at you
In the church nnd have made up my
mind that you are the woman I want
So thats why you have been
gawking at me In church Is It
But you often looked back nt me
How could I help It when you
used to turn round In front of me and
stare at me with your big fool eyes
And then without another word Mary
grabbed a kettle of hot water off the
crane In tho fireplace and soused Du
gald with it It took him fair and ho
let a yell out of htm like n heathen In
dian Before he got to the door she
gave him a couple more splnshes and
though It didnt scald lilni It made him
yell Her father and mother heard the
noise and canto running in ami when
they found out what was the mntter
they said It served him right so Du
gald went away and sat down In tho
woods to dry and cool off
Now the McPhalls were always
proud and Dugald made up his mind
that he would show the young hussy
that he could get a wife when he want
ed to On the next farm lived tho Mc
Benns with four strapping daughters
Though Dugald had never thought of
one of them for a wife he made up his
mind to go and ask though he couldnt
make up his mind which But that
te5si Ik S5k
didnt matter for In the end ho asked
them nil and uouo of them would
listen to him Instead they nil got mad
nnd jolued in pommeling htm so that
he was thankful to escape with a
whole skin But his blood was up nnd
he wns going to get a wife before he
stopped if It cost him his life None
of them would bo nble to say that he
couldnt get a wife nnd he put Into his
doings that day ns much boldness as
another man would show In a lifetime
The news of his goings on soon got
around and when Mrs McUugnn tho
settlements matchmaker heard of t
she hurried to see his father to find out
If It were true When she found It wni
she planned right off what they must
We must send for the minister
h said and for Tiger Dunlop and
then we must huiry nnd catch him be
fore ho makes a perfect fool of him
Within a couple of hours the search
lug pnrty was hot on the trail of Du
gald and tracing him by his defeats It
was nWer known Just how many girls
ho proposed to that day but the num
ber Iiiim been put as high ns 14
Let us hurry exclaimed the Tiger
ns well as he could with laughing If
wo dont catch him before he reaches
the Irish settlement one of the Biddies
will marry him out of hnud
But when they finally overtook Du
gald they Interrupted him In his hour
of triumph He had reached John Me
Furlaucs place and had proposed to
Christy who was 40 years old nnd
cross eyed Now Christy had long been
waiting for n husband for she was
tired of keeping Louse for her two
brothers nml father nnd when she got
over her first surprise she wuh begin
ning to think ravorahly of the proposal
made by what remained of tho amor
ous Dugald Her father came In Just
then and finding how matters stood
ordered Dugald out of the house Du
gald refused to budge until tho coy
Christy gnve her consent so tho old
man called his two sous nnd told them
They would rather lose their best team
than their housekeeper so the three of
them piled on him at once But Du
galds blood was up and the eyes of
Christy were upon him When the
senrchers arrived the redheaded hero
was Just after thrashing the father and
two sons and was trying to get his
breath to propose to Christy again
But the diversion and the unwonted
brought him back to his usual
condition of bashfulnos and he let the
Tiger who could hardly keep his feet
for roaring and laughing lead him to
the wagon by the collar and they took
him away home
That evening they talked matters
over and next day a match was ar
ranged with Betsey Mclherson a lino
old girl who was past the age of fool
ishness and after it had been announc
ed In church they were married and a
hnppy marriage It turned out to be
She was sensible and though folks
laughed at Dugald she lived to see him
an elder in the church
Poor Christy MeFarlano never got
over the heartbreak from losing such n
fine husband and when Dugald was
put up for elder she did all she could
against him saying that a man who
thought no more of his word was not
fit to hold such an otllce
And that was the way they made
matches In upper Canada when I was
young said Shainus as ho tried to stir
up some life In the fire before which
we were turning like whirling dervish
es because tho frost was constantly
narrowing the circle warmed by the
dying blaze
The courting came after tho mar
riage Instend of before It and I dout
know that It was a bad plan for none
of It was lost
As I could not gainsay this assertion
I climbed to the loft and made myself
comfortable In the pile of blankets on
the spare bed and dreamed of u court
ship that wns more modern
Chlnrie ClrlllUra
Men begnn to pour Into the road
way from every quarter hooting and
some rnn ahead always a bad sign
I proposed to wnlk but the chairman
said It was not snfe The open chnlr
however was equally nn abomination
The crowd became deuse nnd noisy
There wns much shouting nnd yelling
I recognized many cries of Yang
kwei tze foreign devil nnd Child
eaterl swelling Into a roar The nar
row Btreets became almost Impassable
My chnlr was struck repeatedly with
sticks Mud and unsavory missiles were
thrown with excellent aim A well
dressed man bolder or more cowardly
than the rest hit me a smart whack
across my chest which left a weal
Others from behind hit me across the
shoulders The howling wns Infernal
It was an angry Chinese mob There
wns nothing for t but to sit stolidly
and not to nppenr hurt frightened or
annoyed though I was all three
Yangtze Valley nnd Beyond by Mrs
J F Bishop
nealftneil the Vlre Irenldcnoy
It would probnbly puzzle most peo
ple to tell how n president or vice pres
ident could reslgu After writing his
resignation what shall he do with It
This law which was passed by con
gress In 1792 lays down the modus op
erandi The only evidence of a refusal
to accept or of a resignation of the of
fice of president or vice president shnll
be an Instrument In writing declaring
tho same and subscribed by tho person
refusing to accept or resigning ns the
case may be and delivered Into the of
fice of tho secretary of state Vice
President John 0 Calhoun resigned on
Dec 28 1812 and his resignation Is
now on file at Washington In the de
partment of the secretary of state
Boston Transcript
Experiment to Find Out How
Long One Can Stay Up
EonuuE or a oeruah scientist
Itcrr 7lirll Viij iw Hiprclril
rniliriicf 1niiilllnr Cnniiirlrn Only
No ii- lull Ccnuiitia Will Areoiniiniiy
lllin riiiHlrtii liMi nnd lltjiilliniciil
uf ItllllllUll
A balloon cntorprlRP Is being ar
ranged In Berlin the main purpose of
which Is to discover experimentally
how long n balloon may lemaln In thu
air befote coming to the ground
Heir Zokoll Is to carry out this ex
periment m hlch will bo made as soon
now ns the weather Is favorable says
the St louls ltepubllc The balloon
which will be used has already seen
service as a captive balloon In the Ber
lin Industrial exhibition three years
ago Its cubic capacity Is greater than
the Andrei airship by about 1200 cubic
meters 42tSO cubic feet whllo tho
car will accommodate 120 hundred
weight Tho dllllculty of supplying
the hydrogen gun required for this
enoriuouH balloon has been overcome
by the United chemical worka at Leo
Only CerniaiiH will take part In the
voyage which Is expected to bent tho
worlds record held by France As the
prevailing winds In Europe are wester
ly It Is thought the balloon may bo
carried across ltussla though a voyage
to China Is not Intended Dr Von
Berold director of the Uoyal Prussian
Meteorological Institute of Berlin
says that Herr Andrce had been rec
ommended by thu Berlin nuthorltles to
mnkis some such experiment before
starting on his fatal voyage The ad
vice was not accepted Had It been
the Andrce story might havu run dif
In a recent Interview Herr Zekell
said The undertaking which 1 have
In hand will try simply to solve tho
Important scientific problem of hor
long a time the up to date balloon
fully equipped with nil modern np
polutments and of grent carrying ca
pacity can bo sustained in tho air
My journey In the balloon will be
taken under the influence of a wester
ly or northwesterly wind for which I
shall wait The proposed trip Is ex
pected to embrace familiar countries
only and at the most to extend Into
Asia I shall use the International
formula for transmitting messages as
I pursue my course the messages to
be carried by the pigeons from all
principal points over which wo shall
Itesldes the necessary scientific In
struments photographic apparatus
carrier pigeons and provisions the
balloon will bo loaded with from
about JO to 53 hundredweight of bal
last The ballon will have room not
only for all the usual equipments but
will nfford plenty of space for the
passengers alternately to enjoy a rest
My balloon Is made of silk three
thicknesses In tho upper two thirds
and two In tho lower third all varnish
ed twice over Insldu and out Over
all the seams are laid protecting strips
nnd to doubly Insure tightness these
will be varnished nt the edges with a
special preparation Just before the
start There are two valves about
half way up the balloon nearly but
not quite opposite each other nnd
there Is a third at tho bottom The
lower valve works automatically The
others are controlled by ropes attach
ed to them on the li side and coming
out of the balloon at the bottom
The balloon Is Incased In a heavy
netting of hemp ending below In sus
pension ropes to which Is attached
what Is known as tho bearing ring
This ring is of great Importance it is
to the balloon much what u keel Is to a
ship It Is about seven and a half
yards In circumference is made of
wood and braced with crossbars To
the bearing ring the enr or basket Is
nttachod by ropes These ropes are
knitted Into tho wall of the car and
fastened securely at tho bottom
Above the cur they are encircled unil
braced by live horizontal ropes equi
distant from each other which thus
form nn effective guard
Above these about six and a half
feet from the roof of the car Is Btlll
another It Is much shorter and draws
the suspending ropes In a circle about
half the diameter of that made by the
lowor ones The car Is cylindrical In
form made of wicker woven over a
frnme of wood Iron nnd steel have
been avoided In Its construction lest
they might disturb the action of tho
magnetic Instrument with which the
balloon Is equipped At one side on
the lower edge tho car Is sheared or
beveled away In order thnt on lnndlng
it may strike more gently and not be
overturned Well up In the wall of
the car are several small windows
closed with glass and near the bot
tom are openings closed with wood
while through tho roof Is a trapdoor
Tho whole car is covered with tar
Tho Interior of tho enr Is chiefly for
rest and retirement The place for
work and observation Is on the roof
Here Is erected a sort of swinging gal
lery free at the bottom so that It may
remain horizontal under the tip of the
balloon and shielded somewhat from
tho weather by a curtain of tarpaulin
In this gallery will bo placed the sci
entific Instruments thermometers
barometers cameras and so on
Tho It muni ToiirM Klllril
London Dec III Two jerinnn tour
IstN Herreii loluer and Kindlliiger as
cended -Mount Sehwnrtfceiiborgen with
out guides according to u dispatch to
the Dolly Express from Vienna un4
fell Into an ubyss and were killed
---- -- -
The Norfolk Bicycle Men Proprietors
Wo do Repairing Promptly nml Ilonnonnblo
IlliCm Wtmn llmlllnr
OllAlU Jilim ID Him Cniinil iinmliMil Cn
Allutn N V - IimllnniPiii Your rmmnh foi
kiilimy tionlilc wllh uhlcli 1 Mill I ml for himiiiiI
iiirn tjiiviinii fiirh inllrf Mini I nil In itnlv
IhIUIIII to llllllllBH OM tlllH Itlllll III HI llllll 1
lit mil t li III U llinrn In ii nmillilim IimIii lint
iiimlH II foi ronilillilntH of llm Mj
oiihi mik n IiiiiI mil utlli cm nni ihiiiih tit Hiiikx
Ill furl I IiiiiI ho mlirli illhtriKX Hint I mmhoIIiiii
i i mi I 1 ci I lo Inv nunkn iiIwIiIk SciIiiii your
Kilned mhri I IhmI nxliMihlxnt I uns IiiiIiiiimI to
lr It Atli r llm iie of n fnw liotllih I inn iikiiIii
in iMifril liniiltli nml Iiiim lo tlinnl oiii won
iliiful riMiiiily for It 1 flmll riMoininrml II to
nil in frmnilh I in lnu III Ik illin Iron liln
ltlTlldfllll OIIIH
hAVIl Oltltl ICN
Nn Other 511 lKid
Mi lltuiioi lSI2i llnnilltoii Ml -ft Oniiiliii
tmlmluiH trli il mini riimrillii foi kiilni
ciini Imt tuitll lie Irliil riimiiV hi fiillril lo
lluil mm In ii him irllnt t liit ultii iikIiik
riiiiiiiV ho Ml likn ii niw num
It Mnitu 1 1 1 in ii Nru Mill
Iliinc llltlinrilHin Ji roimiitinl with tlm
Illi linnlhiin Drnu Co lliiiiilui Millmcil criiith
with Milni lioiihln Ili llli thoiniiinlh oT
oIIiitk imhiK i Jiiiit i h lb on I nil nml u niU
mini oniii mint He In kIiiiI to irciiiinniiiil tlili
Krint riitmily to hiillmiiH mill inniiot km loo
mm Ii foi Cinnui V
Amorican nnd Imported 3
China Silks and Fino a
Damasks a
t - 3
P Do not forgot that l have a
E a fine lino of PIANOS nnd 3
ORGANS Seo thorn when 3
purchasing a Scarf a
The Norfolk Piano Man
Miititifiirturnr IoMkih nml Dimlnrn In
isicycics MiniiricH Inrts nun Kcpnirn
AilMiry for Wiilllmni Mnnufnrtnrlni CnV Orlmit lllryrler tlm Klnnul HlrntiKrmt
nml Kimterl lllrjclo In tlm Wtirlil n nlen linmlln tlm Arimi World Trillium llinilxi
Hjriinmrt Intlcii nml our imn miiVii nllluir rlmlh nr rlmlnlrcfi wlilnli will Ihi kmiun n
llm Afchiuili Hiidnlr
Any person who is snfTpiin wilih Imckiiclio cnusod by
kidney trouble sleoplessuess or u desire lo uriniiio often dur
ing iheuihl can he cured if Ihey will use Criiinors Kidney
Curo Kor urinary and bladder troubles il is without doubt
tho nemo Kidney cure on the market If you luivo weak kid
neys commence Inking it at once Nino tenths of fotnulu
troubles nro traced to the kidneys It is leasant to tnko II
brightens you up gives you ambition drives away that slug
gish fooling gives you strength and makes you foel like a
different person Testimonials from people who have used
Cramers Kidney and Liver Cure
Invlgoratm thr Mlooil
Cliiiiiiiiil In II 1 1 iip hiini on my iiilnil lit
liwllfv In llm Imnnlllh mi Iiiim Imil fiuin llm hm
of yoiir iiiiiiiimlliil kiilimy iniiiiily My fiillici
Iiiih hiiITii Ill finm k lilni Inuililn for poiiin llnin
Tliln nlnliir hn tilml tmi nmiiiily nml tinuiil it
nil ami mum lo him thnn It iiioiiiIhciI Hn mil
rnnl hum to mm il nml fnnlh i Illiiln oT nn iintlu
ciiln I Iiiim iikciI il mjMjIf Willi lmixiriiKiililir
iiimiIIh I finl in wliiiliiHyMlnni Ilitlmly riinii
wilnl I lliul Hint liiHillihinihiKklilim illmmno
II nlho imii r IhIich nml lin lnalim tlm hlooil
i iiim nivii without il in oiii fiimllv
Win Much Idin I own
OMAHA t ill v VI It I wnn n Milliner ultli
klilniV ioiiiilnliil Vnij iiiiiih inn ilnwn nml
llimmlil II wiih nil up nilh inn forn wlilln I
hiiiiil of IrniuiiiH nml with n fru ImiUIih I wiih
Ilillinly rniiil I riiommiiiil HiIh iiiiiiiily ti
nil who iiiii Hiik mnl nniil ii iioihI I lilnny iiisu
Inlor AirnillllNIS
Mnminii Wiwliirn Cm Sonlco Ahhocliitiiiii
TIioIIiii nlritleliie
AIIIANY N Y Mil il IHST CimiHT Clinni
hlil Co Alhniiy N Y I iiiii ihi1 hhi
inn iniiiil your Mil nny irtniily nn IIhiIiuhk iihmI
irilii fin kiilimy roiiiiiliilnt Tlm coulnnli tit
two hollliH Iiiin Iliriil nm nml I hnwi onlnriil
Ihn liollliHto hn hiiiI In in inotlini In Inu win
In Mi II ril UK f i om liilui tiniihlii
Yoiiih 1 1 illy
1011 N HAtin
-Ill Vnltiil Ami AIIiiiii S V
Insist on having Valuers Take no substitute Sain
pics mailed free by addressing
To make a Fortune The Opportunity may not
Come Your Way Again
Twentieth Century Farmer
Offers u Number of Magnificent Prizes to thus who
will act ns Agents
And 20 Other Cash Prizes rnning from 500 to 25
Hce Publishing Company of Oiiiiiliu nml In nn agricultural nnd fam
ily magazine of unusual merit There are depart nieiitu for every
member of the family special articles by men of known reputation
and Illustrations will be a prominent feature
Write for sample copy and ask for particulars concerning the
be sent to you one year for
Daily News Job Department
F -a
An Excellent Opportunity i
itiAiiiiiin Ifiuiiiki a
P a
E you auk sum- TO UK MJITKIJ
E Olrnt from th Iarloryiiil I m II 2
tliem nt ClilniK Ilira N
What Are Thev 1
ho Mi
Missouri Pacific Ry
Iron Mountain Route
To oertnin
points iu
S e
PLUS 2oo
October 2 nnd 10
ON TUESDAYS November I and 20
December 4 aud 18
Final limit of Tickets 21 Days
Stop overs will be allowed within
transit limit of ftfteeu days going after
reaching lirht homeseekera point en
Fur further information or aihertlaing mut
ter mlilruefe liny UKiiit of tliecotiiuuyr
A OK awl P A TyA
SouUiwut Cor Htli and Douglas SU