The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 04, 1901, Page 9, Image 10

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Miss Clurii ltmlut is on tlio sick list
I II Sciibnry of Plaiuviow is visiting
Norfolk friends
J S Boyd wns n city visitoryestonlay
from Ainsworth
Mrs August Ilollommn is said to bo
quito sick with puounioniii
ShorifT Quo W Losey was a city visi
tor yostcrdny from Madison
Mrs T N McOniin of Onuihn is visit
ing with Mis P F Sprechor
Olins Morrintu of the Fnir storo is en
joying a visit from his mothur
T F MiiUiuiitiKor of Madison is look
ing after business matters in Norfolk
Dr O L Stephenson nnd O H llur
rows aro visitors in Omaha lrom Nor
Miss Mary Horrisky has returned
from au extended visit in Butte Mon
Miss Iloso Wilson who has boon visit
ing here returned todayto her homo in
Mrs O W Landers and children of
Genoa aro visiting relatives and friouds
in Norfolk
Mrs Wm Bland went to Humphrey
this morning to visit over Sunday with
Mrs Fuesler
Dr A B Tashjeau and Mrs Jack
Kocuigsteiu returned from Chicago on
the noon train
John 0 Sprecher deputy state oil
inspector was in the city yesterday
from Schuyler
Did you seo tho man on tho streets
today with as many cars on his head ns
there are days in tho year
The club dance in Railway hall at
South Norfolk hiBt night was much en
joyed by thoso participating
A party at the LoeBhor homo east of
Edgewator Thursday evouiug proved
most enjoyable to those attending
W B Wood and family of Concordia
Kansas arrived this noon to visit at tho
home of his sister Miss H O Wood
It is announced that Miss Nolle
Gorecke is to sing in Trinity Episcopal
church at tho services tomorrow morn
Mr and Mrs G F Durlaud who
have been visiting Norfolk relatives and
friends for a week returned to Plain
view this noon
Mrs Thompson and Mrs Moore re
turned today t their home in Schuyler
after n visit with their daughter and
and sister Mrs Geo Fox
A L Lagger who travels for a Sioux
City drug house was married there on
Christmas day and will make Norfolk
his home and headquarters
Mrs I L Huntington wife of a Gor
don banker who has been receiving
treatment at the Norfolk asylum has
Keen paroled and sent homo
The Early Hour club enjoyed a very
pleasant dancing party in Musts hall
last night The music furnished by
the Italian orchestra was very good
Tho pressed brick and iron work for
the Bishop block have been received and
work was resumed today after a layoff
of several days on account of the stormy
Mrs J N Bundick and daughter
Florence loft this morning for Wash
ington D C for a visit with relatives
and friends Mr Bundick accompanied
them as far as Omaha
P H Patterson traveling representa
tive of tho Richardson Drag company
of Omaha was married in that city last
Monday and will move to Norfolk to
make his headquarters
E G Heilman has shipped his house
hold effects to Lincoln whore ho will
make his homo during his torm ns dep
uty state treasurer He and his family
will leave for that city tomorrow
Mrs J K Long returned from Omaha
last night She will continue to man
age the business for tho Viavi company
here a position she has held for tho
past Bix years with perfect Eatisfactiou
to tho company
Mrs R W Williams received a tolo
gram Thursday morning announcing
tho death of her sister Mrs Lora 01m
stead which occurred at her homo in
New York Mrs Olmstead had been
Hick for a long time and her death was
not unexpected
Tho members of the Modern Brother
hood of America expect a very enjoy
able occasion on the night of the ith
when their officers for tho onsuiug term
are installed All momberB of tho order
are expected to participate Au oyster
supper will be served after tho iustalla
All interested in farming who possi
bly can should attend tho farmers insli
tuto to be hold in Orrs hall this city
next Friday aud Saturday Tho vain
able instruction from men of experience
and learning is givon free and no pro
gressivo farmer should fail to improvo
tho advantages offered by tho session
Citizens of Stanton aro going after a
t oe rural niojd delivery routo The pro
posed route will start from Stanton lead
Eouth to Buttorfly thenco east to Hay
mow aud west to tho river Tho Picket
is authority for tho statement that W
W Young had received from govern
ment officials the promieo to establish
two suoh routes in thnt county
Wayno Republican It iB said a lit
tle girl whose family was about to move
from M iilison to Norfolk tocently was
repeating her usual evening prayer tho
last night in tho old homo and wound
up her devotions with loodby Uod
woro going to Norfolk tomorrow
That littlo girl may bo very thankful
that she is not going as far ns Wayno
Stanton Pickot E H Gcrecko ciimo
down from Not folk to spend Clir stint s
nt home lvl is enthusiastic for tho cul
ture oC sugar boots and Fays there will
be a largo acroago grown next season
Tho fact that tho company is contract
ing to pay 100 per ton for boots that
test M per cont or less and nioro for a
higher test makes tho growing of beets
at a profit certain and many aro glad to
engngo in it who havo not dono so be
Tho three Elgin burglars who worn
captured by John Ashburn tho Tildon
justice of tho peaco last Thursday
night pleaded guilty before tho dtftrict
court at Nuligh yestorday and this
morning they were sentonced to a term
of years in tho punitontiary They
nnsKuil through Norfolk this noon in
ehargo of thoshorill enrouto to Lincoln
This is justice swift and certain and it
is a warning that burglars would do
well to givo Antolopo county a wide
berth and not allow their paths to bo
crossed by John Ashburn
Columbus Journal Saturday last
Charles Immick charged with stealing
his omployers horso Crcston township
this county was arraigned in Justico
Curtis couit for preliminary examina
tion lie entered a plea of not guilty
waived txtiniiiuitiou and was bound
over to the district court in the sum of
100 in default of which ho was com
mitted to jail Ho denies his niimo and
when asked what his real uamo was
said ho didnt believo auyono could tell
what it was It has since been learned
that the Kilpatrick family at Mudisou
were his foster parents
Fremont Herald Twenty five years
ago J Gidloy an old resident of Sand
Creek lost a watch charm It was a
ten cent piece with his uamo engraved
upon ouo side of it And yesterday
while Mr Gidloy was in Fred DeLti
Mayrs office tho latter person made
chauge for a customer In tho money
which Mr Gidloy received was the
identical dime which he had not seen
since 187o It would bo interesting to
know through what hands it had passed
since that time what it had been spent
for so many hundreds of times and in
fact what had been its history
Tho Sonior class of the High school
made arrangements with tho Red
Lyceum Bureau for two entertainments
the proceeds of which were to buy pic
tures and other things needed in the
High school room The first entertain
ment was given by Miss Childs last
night aud was certainly very lino But
Norfolkpeoplo do not seem to appreci
ate the efforts of tho pupils for they
did not patronize the entertainment
well Unless they are more public
spirited next time tho class will lose
money instead of making any The en
tertainment last evening was highly in
structive as well as entertaining and
tho uoxt ouo promises as much It will
bo givon January 21th and the subject
of tho lecture is A Trip to Wonder
Winside was the scene of quite a dis
astrous fire yesterday morning which
started in tho butcher shop of C W
Trenn on Main street and tho building
and contents were entirely destroyed
The building was owned by O B French
of Sioux City and carried 1000 insur
ance Trenn was insured for 500
The damage to tho implement buildings
of Needham Bros amounted to about
500 and to tho office of Guo Guo was
about 50 Only by heroic efforts were
the frame buildings on either tsido of
the butcher shop saved Tho cause of
the lire is not known Geo Meilko had
the wrist of his right hand out by glass
while assisting at tho fire Tho main
artery was sovered aud tho wound is
serious tho injured man being delirious
Notice of Hale
In tho matter of tho estato of August
Ewald deceased
Notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance of an order of Douglas Cones
judgeof the district court of Madison
county made on tho 10th day of Novem
ber 1000 for tho sale of the real estate
hereinafter described there will bo sold
at Norfolk in front of the office of tho
Piano Maunfaoturiug company on tho
20th day of December 1000 at 1 oclock
p m at public vendue to tho highest
bidder for cash tho following described
real estate to wit
Lot 1 of Nonows addition to Norfolk
Said salo will remain open one hour
Dated Decembor 7 1000
O F IlAAsn
Administrator of tho estate of Aug
Ewald deceased
Jack Kohniosteik
Attorney for Administrator
Aiieimt Ilnwer
It is a surprising fact says Prof
Houtou that in my travels in all parts
f tho world for tho last ton yaars
havo mot more peoplo having used
Greons August Flower than any other
remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver
and stomaoh and for constipation I
find for touribts and salesmen or for
persons filling oflico positions whore
headaches aud general bad feelings from
irregular habits exist that Greens
August Flower is a grand remedy It
does not injure tho system by frequent
use and ib rxcolleut for sour stoinaobs
and indigestion Sample bottles free
at A K Leonards Sold by dealers in
all civilized countries
M T Krelgor hap gono to Nellgh
No paper will 13 issued from this of
lico tomorrow
Mis W O Tollver of Luirol Is In tho
City visiting friends
There will bo no mooting of tho Wed
nesday club this week
A son was born last evening to Mr
ald Mrs Frank Hyorly
Mrs Olios Rico went to Tildon ltist
night for a few days v sit
T O Aldonbnrg aud wifo of Osmond
woro city visitors Saturday
Mr and Mrs C P Michael spent
Sunday with friends In Piurco
J T Thompson loft this morning on
a business trip to Dubuque Iowa
Mrs Thus Ghllvers and daughter Ada
of Pietco aro visiting Norfolk- friends
Miss Anna Killen and Miss llley go to
Madison this evening to Hpond Now
Years day
Last night was the coldest of tho sea
Ron tho thoreinouiuter registering at I
b low zero
W A Connelly II A Wllmerding
and J N Bundick loiurnod last night
from Omaha
Judgol B Mirnes returned from St
Paul Minn last night and loft for
Omaha this morning
D M aud 11 E Owen arrived last
night from Omaha to spend Now
Years with their families
Mr and Mrs II L Whitnoy camo up
from Omaha aud woro guests of Judge
and Mrs Powers over night
Thero will bo a watch meeting at the
First Congregational church tonight at
11 oclock E O Mount leading
Fred Sidlor has accoptod a position
with tho Piano Manufacturing com
p ii and wont to work this morning
JnmeB Wheaton of Omaha is spend
ing his holiday vacation with his grand
parents Col and Mrs J E Simpson
Miss Fauuio Bromo roturncd to
Omaha this noon to assumobor duties as
teacher in tho public schools of that
Miss Lizzie Tatmau who teaches at
Cheyentio Wyo is visiting Norfolk
relatives aud friends during her vaca
Miss Allison Soarles arrived Saturday
evening from St Paul Minn and will
visit for some timo with Miss Edith Mo
Miss Otelia Pilger who spent her
Christmas vacation at homo has re
turned to her school in Green Garden
Mr McCoy lias now got his feed
grinder installed in the rear room of his
now place of business in tho Jonas
building having moved it from tho old
planing mill
Tho Wise Member r ompauy pasfed
through tho city enrouto to Madison
this morning and will return hero to
morrow in timo for tho entertainment
tomorrow evening
The Piorco Call wants an electric light
plant and waterworks for that city and
is anxious to havo tho mattor thoroughly
discussed now so that the improvements
may be intelligently made in spring
Tho A O U W aud D of II lodges
of Norfolk aro arranging for a joint
public installation to bo hold in the Odd
Fellows hall on tho night of tho 25th
They hope to have orchestra music and
agreeably entertain all who will attend
Miss Devine sister of Mrs Jas Col
lins died yesterday at the homo of tho
latter in this city Tho cause of her
death was consumption with which she
had been afflicted for a long timo Tho
remains were put aboard the east bound
train at noon and will be taken to Ver
mont for interment Mr aud Mrs Col
lins accompanied tkoin
There will he a watch night meeting
tonight at tho Mothodist church Rov
W E Grose field agent of tho Metho
dist Book Concern at Kansas City will
preach at 0 oclock Tho sermon will bo
followed by tho love feast and other ser
vices suiiablo to die occasion Revival
services will follow during tho week
Tho public is cordially invited
Tho Pierco Call is of the opinion that
these chilly mornings aro not apt
to uiako tho young man without an
overcoat look with favor on tho gay
giddy guinea who squaudored his sum
mer wages on ice oream soda and livery
hire And more especially when the
sweet thing has given him tho frosty
init and hasjmarried u long headed chap
who saved his wages and bought a
Tho following from tho World Herald
of Saturday will bo of interest to tho
Norfolk frieudB of Mr Miller aud
family Rome Miller has added sev
eral now moves to iiis accustomed swag
ger siuco yestorday evening wheu a
telegram from his laughters husband
W B Clark of Lincoln announced that
ho had reached tho exalted rauk of
grandfather Mrs Miller leaven this
morning for the capital city
Now Years is chiolly observed as a
timo to pottlo up business make bal
ances and take a now start for tho new
year This will uudoubteJly bo douo y
Norfolk merchants and tho prospects
aro that tho day will bo quiet as far as now
busiuoss iB concerned Tho haulre will
obsorvo tho day by keoping thoir doors
olosed aud othor business houses will bo
closed The day will be devoted to
RO al oujoyiuonlM aid rest ly many bn
will not be publicly obsorwd as a holi
day heio
A prominent cllizeu has suggested
that Norfolk should givo a cmdlal wol
eoino to tho new year and now century
and a farewell to tho old Other towns
and cltirs havo mado elaborate plans
for observing tho event but tho most
Norfolk can expect to do at this Into hour
would bo tho making on an unusual lis
turbauco The bolls might ring aud
the whistles blow without regard to
size Foot or nationality and tho youth
with his explosives might help to swell
tho sound There is not likely to 1 o
police intorfoicuco on tho occasion us
long as tho colobrAtors attempt no dam
age other than tho listuibliig of tho
usual ponco and quint udo of a Not folic
night No doubt Inero will bo some
noise thero usually is on Now Yearn
but there mo thoso who behove that
this timo would admit of au unusual
quality and quantity of sound Willi
tlio various watch night meetings and
soeial arrangements at which people
are expected to stay awake until tho
dawn of tho now century it is likely
that thorn will not bo a groat number
of pooplu asloop and those who profi r
to sleep aro not likely to object seriously
if they aro aroused at tho bewitching
JnpiMiiMf mi 11 Mlnitmi to
Snl A inn Icon A rrlillool lire
A growliiK linn 1 el for Ainorhan Iron
Is developing In lapau according to
Yasusl Tisnmoio It A assistant pro
fessor of architect mo In the lriiporlul
university at ToUwi who recently
stopped at the Auditorium Annex says
the Chicago Inter Ocean Professor
Tasamoto upon Ism with authority upon
this subject for be comes to tho Unit
ed States on a mission Tor the hnperliil
roverumont of Japan to study Iron
construction and architecture in kcii
crol As aptly put by Professor
Tasainoto lie will study architecture
In the United Slates and tho history
of architecture In Ihirope
Japan Is likely soon to become u
great market for tho American Iron
trade said Professor Tasnmoto yes
terday The Japnnose government Is
becoming Interested In Iron construc
tion because It appears to be the safest
plan of construction for Japan which
Is subject to earthquakes Japanese
buildings are as a rule light wooden
structures but the more modern and
substantial styles of architecture aro
being Introduced The palnco of the
crown prince Is built of Iron bought
from the Carnegie company The
Bank of Japan ls of Iron and stone
and there are other buildings In Japan
of liko construction The Japanese
however will not follow the Chicago
style of architecture to any great ex
tent for the skyscraper Is an Impos
sibility In Japan according to Pro
fersor Tasainoto
The Bank of Japan Is 70 feet high
ho said and the architects of Japan
consider 100 feet as the limit of height
for building even with the most solid
construction We must build with re
gard to the earthquakes and so all
Japanese buildings must be low In
comparison with your tall business
blocks 1 spent live days In San Fran
cisco and two days In Omaha The
Omaha exposition buildings nre of line
architecture We must necessarily de
pend on tho United States for much
of our Iron as at present Japan has
no plants for manufacturing struc
tural Iron One will be established
soon but Japan will always be at a
disadvantage In the manufacture of
Iron us we have only a poor quality of
ore We have largo fields of good
coal but the pig Iron must bo Import
ed from the United States so no mat
ter to what extent wo may develop
tho manufacture of Iron wc will still
be dependent on the United States for
tho raw material I shall visit Eng
land and most of the continental coun
tries before returning to Japan and
will make a thorough study of your
architecture as well as Its history
All- Coiii nc Dlmicrx
A woman Just arrived from Aus
tralia was recently negotiating with
an agent In Loudon for a house In one
of tho newr districts of Kensington
She asked If It was a nice neighbor
hood It Is thoroughly desirable
madam piled tho house agent
They are without exception soup and
fish families
According to tho ancient practice of
oriental monarchs the Chinese emper
or rewards those who bring him good
news and puulshes thoso who briug
him bad news
One TIiIiik mill Another
I consider corn fodder better feed
for Block than pasture especially when
tho pasture Is run down as so many
uro In tho western states I prefer to
cut for feed corn that was planted lato
and that has rather small ears This
makes a splendid feed for nil kind of
stock says a Prairie Farmer corre
July is tlio critical month for corn
and The Kansas Fanner says that a
more favorable month than It has been
In tho Kansas corn belt can scarcely
bo Imagined
All tho indications point to a big
corn crop Western exchanges report
tho outlook at this season the most
promising over known for Kansas and
Nebraska and the acreage larger than
over before
- Professor Robertson of Canada lays
strcsii on the fact that tho quality of
tho seed denenda on the llfu from
pvhlch It came Seed should bo pure
las to variety as well as frco from
weens aim inner seous iargc ucavv
seed germinates more itilckly and
I ilvos 1 ororw of better nitnlltv
To M irlo Alwlno Louise orges non
resident defendant will take notice that
mi tho 12th day of November IStW
Foidlnaiiil Verges now deceased tiled
Ills petition in tho dlstilet ooiut or Mad
ison county Nebraska against I lot mini
lorooke Surah K loieoko and tho
Citizens National bank or Norfolk Ne
braska tho object and prayer of which
aro to foreeloho a curtain contract exe
cuted by the defendant Herman Go
leoke and tho said Poidltmiid VorgoH
now decoasod for the sale of the fol
lowing doHCiibod promises situated in
wild county from tho said Fotdluiiiiil
Verges now deonusod tlio said do
fondant Herman Goreoke viz Coin
lueuciiig nt a point titty five mils east
and two rods uotth of the southwest
corner of tho northeast quarter of the
southwest quarter or section twenty
two in township twenty four north of
range one west of the sixth piiucipal
meridian and mciiHtiting from thouro
ninth tllteou rods thenco went lirieon
rods thenco north three rods thenco
west nine tods thenco north IweHo
reds thenco east ouu rod and twenty
two links thenco noith nine rods and
thirteen links thenco oast live lorls and
twenty links Ihonce hoiuIi twonly eluht
degrees and eight minutes east fourteen
rods and two iluks thence oast seven
teen rods and nine and ono Inilf links to
tho right ol way or tho Ktoinont Kll
horn Missouii Vail y raihoid thenco
along said right of way smith fifteen
degrees aud fifty minutes oast twenty
eight kmIs aud two Iluks Ihoiieo west
flllicu toils aud ton links to tho place ol
beginning containing lour acros and
tbitlyllvo and one half squiuo rods
moie or less which propoi ly is used as
u brickyard for tho manufacturing of
biiek said contract being dated March
2ih I MM and providing that tho said
dotendant llonnan Gorecko should pay
to plaintiff as purchase price therefor
tho sum or 1 00000 as follows 1 Hit
Oieombor Jtlst 18IM 1 20 00 July 1st
IHtll 41120 December ills l8l
SMMJOInly 1st 11180 Decniuhci
ilMt I Kilo 10 00 July 1st 18111
101000 December IIt 1MIII vith
interest at tho rate of eight per cent
por annum from date payable Homi
annually and in default thereof said
contract should bo null and void and
piuiuuu wouoi no entitled to tlio pos
session of said propoi ty that default
has been mado in tlio payment of pirl
of said sums of money and iliero is now
duo upon said contract the sum of
2800 00 with interest from this date at
tho rato of eight nor cent per annum for
which sum with interest plaintiff prays
for a decree that defendants ho re
quired to pay sumo or that said promises
may bo sold to satisfy the amount
found duo
On tho lllth day of November 1000
by older of the court Anton Buehoz us
executor of tho lust will and testament
of Ferdinand Verges decoasod was
made plaintiff in said action aud oil the
2lrd day of November 1000 thodofoud
ant Herman Gorecko filed a supple
mental petition under which by order
of t ho court on t he 2th day of November
1000 Minnie Mario Albertine Verges
Anna 1hnilio Verges Curl Johann Her
mann Verges and Mario Alwino LnuiFo
Verges heirs of tho said Ferdinand
Verges deceased were mado parties
dofpiidnnts in said action
You aro required to answer said peti
tions and answer and cross petitions filed
in said case on or boioro tho 21 st day of
January IDOL
Dated this 8th day of December 1000
Anion Bithoi
ICxemitor of tho last will nnd testament
f Ferdinand Verges deceusod plain
Mapes Ilazen attorneys
Vim Should Kmiu A limit Im niliif In
Corn is king but other grains are suc
cessfully raised and you can buy land
cheap along tho Fremont Klkhorn
Missouri Vulloy railroad
Write fcr particulars to
Traveling Pass Agent
Deuifon Iowa
Or to J R Buchanan
Geul Passenger Agent
Omaha Nob
The 4 Light of the World
Our Saviour in Art
Cost nearly 100000 to produce Con
talus nearly 100 full page engravings of
our Savicur and His Mother by tho
worlds greatest painters True copies
of tlio greatest masterpieces in the art
galleries of Europe Every picture is as
beaufifulas a suuriso over the hilltops
Contains description of tho paintings
biography of tho painters tho names
and locations of the galleries in Europo
whoro tho originals may bo seen Also
contains a childs department including
a childs story of tho Christ and His
Mother bountifully writton to it each
picture This wonderful book match
less in its purity and beauty appeals to
every mothers heart aud in every
christian homo whoro there aro children
tho book soils itself Christian men and
women are making monoy rapidly tak
ing orders A christian man or woman
can in this community soon mako 1000
taking orders for Christmas presents
Mrs Waite our agent in Massachusetts
has sold over 1000 worth of the books in
a very short time Mrs Sackett our agent
in Now York has sold over 1500 worth
of tho books in a very short time The
book is priuted on velvet iiuishod paper
beautifully bound in cardinal red and
gold aud adorned with golden rsos nnd
lilies It id without doubt tho most
beautiful book of this century Write
for terms quickly and get tho manage-
moiit ot that territory You can workt
on Balary or commission and when you
prove your success we will promoto you
to tho position of manager nnd corres
pondent at a permanent salary to do
voto your time to nttoudiiig to ugouts
and tho correspondence Wantod also
a Ftato manager to have elmrgo of oflico
in leading city of tho state aud mauago
all tho business of tho state Send for
terms Address Tho British American
Co Corcoran building oppoaito U S
Treasury Washington D C
i a Line a nujCATE
In pood condition she Is vert anil lovable
atvl sings lifes ftonj on a Jnytol hartnonlmn
slrttif Out of order or unstrung thero li
discordance nnd utihnpplncis J ml an there
Is onr key note to all music fto thf re Is one key
note to health A woman mleht art well try
to ly without wings as to feel well and look
well whllo the organs that make her a woman
aro weak or diseased She must bo healthy
ii lde or she cant be healthy outside Them
ato thousand of women nuffcrlngsilenlly nil
over the country Mistaken modesty urrci
their silence Whllo there In noihliif moro
nJmlribln than a modest woiimn health ii
o tho first Importance lively other con
sideration should rlvo way before It Hrad
lelda l cmnlc Regulator Is n medicine foi
women illla Ills
way to cure
falling of
thewoinh nei voii3
iipsi he a due ho
backache nnd ren
rral weakness You
will be astonished
nt tho icsult es
pecially If you have
been experiment
ing with other rj
called lomodloi
We ate not asking
you to try nnuncr
tiinty Uridflcldn
Regit latorliasmulo
happy thousands of
women What it
has done for othn
It cm do for yi
Sdd In drug turoi
lor 1 a bottle
A m IlluOmtril
Imik lll ln - nl
til rill Wild Willi lit
mi iiitADJini
Atlunto Go
Wiii i
If fw
M mmm
Koenigsteins Pharmacy
Cornor 5th and Main Sts
Jlrnitfi with yitti wtiritirr ymi rutiilnur tti
DnriklllmT inbnrrohftllt NIII lMtV2
romuTti tltuilt utnt for lotnco wliifVa
out iillaillnl fr ima nllanlnii aOIH B
lll ill irp - III
tlnn purlllea tlio liluoil r
Iia I II I
miknl full riruiiH
id nn nun
u n nriiuir Imr
ml mrkiU frVBLlljJB LmUIIIi ltt IIIi l
Iiook T fl Br JLyiiiir own ilnivvlKl whu
Tnlo It wlili
iiujirrniniriivij who
imi vi iintmur rurmi 3iinii ii3it
IAt tlllii ll fllll4a r fliflltirl tnftiu
BtMlIm Urmdrif bit flunlrail ffw Tr
American Beauties
Made in all the newest models and
leaders in strictly exclusive designs
They have a national refutation for
i genuine corset worth Send for our
iiiiuiruicu pnee list
Afnktrs Aaiimaioo Mich
For salt bv
Illinois Central R R
wnsriUijR totjeists
Tlio lllimilK Vntrnl ilciiriH to call iittontion
to tlio iiuuzculli il Mirilcit Unit lh olfurpii tty ils
lltiiitt to tlio hiiuth or tint huihoii of lhjy Iiut
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Iort nnnllr rondnrt
id Itutih tliroiiKli to
lim Annuks ittttl San
Friiticit co via Now
Orliiuib III connection
WEDNESDAY clc Iv1iib Cliicnt
Mnowiwn oiitlm CuiitriiPb fast
MORNING xw Orleans Sjkv
rial coiiiiertion iiIko mnilo by thta train with
daily traiiib out of Nmv Orleans for tlio iacillo
Coiibt Tlta Limited from Chicago mury civon
iti coniiecU on Monday and Tluirt ilajh nt
Now Orleans after Decuinlwr is iKJ with tlio
of tins Southern 1acltlc kMiik niiccIaltliruUKli
fconiro to Han Irancifcto
loiitlo dally eerv
ice in maintained out
of St Louis iu tlio
Illinoib Central unit
connecting lines to
KU and Atlanta thro
fcleeniinr cur o JacL
bonillo riorlda lioint carried on tho
loaWnK St Louis nwry oicuimr This train aa
vull us tlio Day Kxprers leaim St Louis iu
tlio morning uro lxitli mlid trainr to Nat lniHe
haunt throtmli coaclieo and hlcooitiKfurs run
uiint tlirouKh Martin Tenn and tho N it St
L Ity Connection ia thib linn for all orinci
iiil points iu thu Southeast such as Charleston
Wilmington AiMn and Sawmnuli and fur uli
IMiiuts iu Florida
Pail from Chicago to Memphis ami New Or
points in tlio South on the lines of the Illinois
Central and Y V M V railioads wilt lo run on
tho first ami third Tuesday of uach mouth ilur
iuu tho w luter sQiibou
Full particulars concoruluj nil of tho nbovo
can li nail of apents of the Illinois Central or
by luldrobsiut A II llausou O 1 A Chlcauu
V t