The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 04, 1901, Image 1

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i y - 1
The Nob
Request China to Affix Signa
tures at Once
IllplonmU TlilnU I lny S Iliiii on Inrl of
CYlc itlitU l Iurmm Dilatory Turtlt 8--II
llmiB ClifiiiK Amlmn to Aliikn IVate
Von Wuliltsrcn ltMiilntl Drnil
Peking Jam n ineolliiK of tlie
foreign mliilMtiis vestenliiy It wns an
nuuiicetl tlint 11 Ilunj Cluing niul
IrltKo Chlnj wore preiMireritn slun nu
llglOLlllLIlt IIS HOOll IIH It lH Illllly fol
II IIuiir Cluing desires to ciiniHiet
the lKinu negotiations to n eoneluslon
niiil the iiliysjeinns attending him
think lie might liu taken to thu Span
ish legation where the conforenees
liuvobeen liiltl if the weather is fa
It seems to be the opinion of some
envoys that the acceptance of the
terms of the note by the Chinese Is
not explicit enough The Chinese de
sire for consultation regarding the
razing of forts and the legation guards
Is open to misinterpretation and lia
ble to lead to long arguments which
might in the opinion of some minis
ters mean the sparring for time on the
part of the Chinese Consequently
the Chinese plenipotentiaries will be
notified that they inuU sign the note
bofore the meeting between them and
the foreign envoys can bo held
The Germans are reported to be re
turning to San IIo with a number of
Von Vililree Reported Dead
FnrlH Jan 4 Ia Journal reports
the death of Count von Waldersce the
report being that he was killed by mi
Ulcer of the allied troops the circum
stances not being related It Is said
the rumor is current in Berlin where
It is not confirmed
A1ncrlciin Cnimnantlcr lief uses to
With thu GorinuiiH
New York Jan 4 A dispatch to
the Herald from Peking says The
punitive expeditions of the powers
prove to have been simply looting par
ties Lieutenant Colonel Wlnt of the
Sixth cavalry met the Germans at
Tang Him where the latter had taxed
the villagers 4000 taels 2700 and
100 pony loads of furs as punishment
for the alleged murder of Imaginary
Christians He had express orders
from General Chaffee to co operate
with the Germans but withdrew The
ulterior motive and object of the Ger
mans In reducing the province to a
desert and in destroying the last ves
tiges of Chinese authority is appar
ent but why the American forces
should be ordered to assist in the work
is not clear
London Jan 4 The Dally Mail pub
lishes u severe arraignment from Mr
Wlllard a correspondent In Peking of
the European and American mission
aries in China Mr Wlllard accuses
them of urging the military to send
expeditions to different portions of
the country ostensibly to protect na
tive converts but really to give an op
portunity for wholesale looting He
declares that the missionaries have
had their share in loot and gives the
testimony of an American olllcer In
support of his contention the whole
showing that in many cases the Amer
icans declined to sanction the urglngs
of the missionaries
Two Men Killed and Two Others Fatally
Injured by lllack Damp
Wllkesbarre Pa Jan 4 An acci
dent occurred at the Pine Ridge col
liery which resulted in the death of
two men and the fatal injury of two
others The mine owing to a cave In
had not been in operation for some
time past and considerable gas had
uccumulated In the workings
D J Williams the superintendent
of the mine William Morgan the as
sistant superintendent and William
Early and Martin Fortune fire bosses
entered the mine for the purpose of
devising a plan to drive an air way
They did not return to the surface at
noon and n searching party went after
them They canio across the dead
bodies of Superintendent Williams
and Fire Boss Morgan
Later nnother rescuing party went
down the slope and found Eaiiy ami
Fortune They were unconscious and
when brought out physlelnns who were
In waiting said they could not recover
AlaiUitii Steamer Wrocked
Tacoma Wash Jan 4 The mall
steamer Guy plying on Lynn canal
was wrecked while en route from
Skagway to Haines Mission The
steamer Mabel found the Guy ashore
on the rocks on the west side of the
canal She was breaking up as the
result of hard pounding It Is believed
Captain Dickinson and crew consist
ing of engineer purser and cook at
tempted to make their way to Unities
in a small boat As they did not ar
rive there it is certain that they were
drowned A bad storm was raging
at the time
Srcritnty Hay ut Ills Desk
Washington Jan 4 Secretary nay
has so far recovered from his recent
indisposition as to bo able to spend a
few hours at his desk In the state de
S iiiUluii to lorM ItolirrlK tnnini i oil by
London Jan 1 Crowds of people
Hot Led tti points of vantage along the
route to be followed by Lord Roberts
from lliiltlliigton station In Hueklug
haul palace during the early hours of
the morning but the numbers In no
way compared with those tliuf gath
ered at tin demonstration In honor of
the return of the city volunteers from
South Africa
Warned by occurrences at the time
of the voliintetrs return the police
furnished bairlcrs to prevent crush
ing anil lOOO regular troops In addi
tion to thout auds of police lined the
Lord Robots was greeted by the
Prince of Wnltw the Princess of
Wales the Duke and Duchess of York
the Duke of Connaught and the Duke
of Cambridge The members of the
royal family shook hands heartily
with the Held marshal while the bauds
played the national anthem The
Prince of Wales with Lady Roberts
then left the railroad station in a
royal carriage drawn by six horses and
escorted by Life Guards preceding
Lord Roberts to Pucklnghani palace
The Roberts party proceeded to
Ilueklnghiiin palace by way of Hyde
park and Piccadilly Deafening cheers
greeted the Held mnrshal and new
commander-in-chief of the forces
along nil parts of the route The roar
of welcome rolled on Increasingly until
the veteran commander entered the
gates of the palace
After midnight the streets cleared
rapidly and the newspapers this morn
ing are able to congratulate the cap
ital upon a worthy reception to a hero
uninarred with disgraceful scenes
From lvory Qiiurter nCCtipa Colony Come
Reports of Active Recruiting oT Local
Forces Retter Fccllnp Prevails
London Jan 4 Advices from Cape
Town this morning are more hopeful
owing to the active recruiting of local
forces in all quarters and a better feel
lug prevails in London based upon
the prospect of Lord Roberts taking
the reins at the war ofllce From Syd
ney N S W it is reported that there
Is quite a rush of men there to join
the new contingents 500 having volun
Reports of Lord Kitcheners confer
ence with the Boers also tends to re
move anxiety
Capo Town Jan 4 The military
authoritIesare preparing for all con
tingencies It has been decided to
transfer the Boer prisoners from
camps to transports Farmers coming
in from near Carvaron describe the
Boers are traveling in parallel columns
with numerous Hanking columns of
horsemen carrying off everything
eatable It appears that they are ac
companied by strings of pack horses
lightly loaded
Colosberg telegraphs that Krltzingers
commando Is crossing the Mitldleberg
district but is getting few if any re
cruits Here in Cape Town such busi
ness men as are unable to leave are or
ganizing u town guard composed of
the leading citizens The commercial
companies have asketl the mayor to
call a mass meeting to urge the gov
ernment to suppress disloyal newspa
pers and to proclaim martial law
The British battleship Monarch
landed men and guns to relieve the
troops for service northward It is
believed the guns will be sent up the
Six thousand five hundred South Af
rican irregulars have been recruited
during the last eight weeks
Qho Boers In the Transvaal havobeen
exceedingly active In the last week
daily attacking trains convoys antl
Isolated posts In most cases they
have been repulsed and the railways
are now working more regularly
i i
Icttlgreir Wants Information
Washington Jan 4 Senator Peltl
grew introduced a resolution calling
on the president to submit to congress
copies of all Instructions sent to the
olllccrs of the government In the Phil
ippines since May 1 180S and of all
orders issued by olllcers of the gov
ernment in the Philippines in relation
to the conduct of the war and In rela
tion to the government of that coun
The Dobbs Ashe light at Memphis
Thursday night resulted in a draw
after -0 rounds
Stanley S Stokes ono af the most
widely known newspaper men in Col
orado died Thurtfay at his home In
Denver aged 52 years
The report of Inspector General
Knox on the national soldiers homes
sent to congress Thursday shows
those institutions to be lu a high state
of elllclency
In the case against Mayor Patter
son of Bismarck charged with keep
ing gambling resorts Judge Winches
tor denied motions to quash the
charge and for a change of venue
The secretary of war has submitted
to congress an additional deficiency
estimate of 3000000 for army sub
sistence caused chletly by the heavy
demands made by the forces lu China
and the Philippines
John A Ganger a wealthy lumber
man was held to the criminal grant
Jury by Justice Woods for importing
workmen into Chicago without inform
ing them of the existence of strlkt
troubles at his plant
- Weekly News Journal
1 L
Dietrich Inaugurated Governor
of Nebraska
Incoming locrnor Itrroininiiiili lucriiwn
III Number of Slipiemo IiiiIkci mid
Iljjrii ti renter Penalty lor Kldnapil
tlenernl I en ami slulV Attend Iteeeplloii
Lincoln Jan I Charles II Dietrich
was limttgiiinlcd governor of Nebraska
bet ore the Joint session tif the legls
In tti i at t oclock yesteiilny afternoon
Tlie ceremony was short and simple
occupying but little over an hour be
ing limited lo the retiring message of
Governor Poyntcr and tlie Inaugural
address of Governor Dletilch The
lattler makes n record In brevity con
taining about 1000 words limited to
slate matters The governors most
urgent recommendation to the legis
lature Is to provide relief for the hu
pivme court now far behind with Its
work by empowering It to create a
board of reference to act until a con
stitutional amendment can be sub
mitted Increasing the number of
lie favors reasonable appropriations
to advertise Nebraska at the Buffalo
and St Louis expositions a new board
of control for state Institutions a law
permitting surety bonds for state of
ficers at the expense of the state erec
tion of monuments to heroic dead and
a strong kidnaping law
Governor Poy liter delivered a some
what lengthy valedictory address In
which lie referred to the excellent con
dition of the state treasury favored
the treasurers plan for Investment of
state funds and urged relief of the
supreme court
The message Is principality a review
of the work under the direct super
vision of the executive during tlie Inst
two years with special stress upon the
various branches that hnve been ham
pered by want of legislation or by su
preme court decisions Invalidating
legislation under which action was
formerly had Incorporated Into the
review are a number of recommenda
tions for curative acts and suggestions
of ways nnd means to improve exist
ing methods of state administration
The governors reception last night In
the senate chamber was largely at
tended The presence of General Fltz
hugh Lee of the Department of the
Missouri with his staff the gov
ernors guard and members of the state
militia added brilliancy to the spec
tacle The reception lasted from 8110
to 100 and wns followed by an elab
orate ball at the Lincoln auditorium
Tro ISocr Resolution In Senate
Lincoln Jan 4 A pro Boor resolu
tion introduced by Senator Troinpcn
a Republican was briefly debated in
tlie state senate yesterday and made
a special order for next Tuesday It
recites the deei concern of the Ne
braska senate In the attempt of Great
Britain to destroy the republic of
South Africa nnd declares sympa
thy for them in their struggle against
those who seek to establish over them
a despotism maintained by English
power and English arms
Ten Others Seriously 111 at Itesult of
Drinking Wood Alrohol
Little Rock Ark Jan 4 Four
prominent farmers of Searcy county
are dead as the result of drinking wood
alcohol at a holiday gathering The
dead are W C Baker of Point
Deter Alfred John and James Dickey
of Cave Creek Ten others who were
in the party and drank the same liquid
are seriously ill several being at the
point of death
Tired Jlclnjj a lliRltlte
Sioux City Jan 4 After being a
fugitive from justice over a year Jo
seph Dolan living on a farm near Dan
bury this county came home and was
arrested for forgery He is in Jail in
default of bonds The grand jury in
dicted him a year ago for uttering a
forged note for 200 The note was
bought for 170 by Albert S Wendell
a prominent stock buyer here who will
prosecute Dolan
To Launch flow Combine
Chicago Jan 4 The Chronicle says
The combination of plow companies
of which there have been rumors for
two or three days will be launched
next week with a capitalization of
05000000 Chicago men who have
been prime movers in the preliminary
negotiations stated yesterday that all
obstacles to the consummation of the
deal hail been removed
Frank Ittlcrcws Condition
Knnsus City Jan 4 Frank Petti
grew son of United Statos Senator
Pettlgre of South Dakota who Is ill
at a local hospital the result of being
ssaulted Is gaining strength rapidly
and will It Is Haiti be able to resume
his Journey to Arlzonn within a few
days Pettlgrews right cheek bone
which was fractured was reset
Kuiua Senutoilal Jlht
Topcka Jan 4 Senator Luclen Ba
ker and J R Burton have estab
lished headtpinrlers hero and are in
dustrlously caring for each mem
ber of the legislature as ho arrives
Both sides claim their man will be
elected The legislature will meet
Jan 8 and the senatorial election will
take place Jan 22
M 1 1 Talieu Tor 1al lotto Itctiilc Ills llx
peilenie In IIcIiik Iuiitiictt
Cluiilrnii Neb Jan I R Den
ills a scietillst of Boston told the
stoij of his flight from detectives who
pin sued 1 1 1 in lu the belief that he was
Put Crowe wanted III Omaha 111 the
Cinlnliv kidnaping case Dennis saltli
I had been collecting specimens lu
the Had Lauds for sonic time and feel
Ing that I might epeet opposition
fi inn I lie Indians wlllilii the Slouv
ieser ill Ion I was usually on the look
out On the tiny of my fright I hntl
luiiiieil two men watching me anil net
lug as If they tilt not wish to be seen
After noticing that I was being fol
lowed I gave up all sen i eh for that
day Mini included to make straight
for the ranch near Oelrlclis S D at
which place I was stopping
My pursuers supposing thai they
hntl been detected and Unit I was tr
Ing lo escape came hotly on my trail
whii h again made me quicken my
pace Now It had become a ride for
life On faster anil faster they canio
and 1 was urging the poor nunc on lo
her utmost efforts Roads were a
thing not to be found In this country
nnd It wns tnlug my wits to the ul
most to Keen out of enlivens mid to
keep from being checkmated
When I could see but one man be
hind me my fright became Intense
for I well knew that one had left his
companion with tlie Intention of Inter
eeptlug me beyond the divide which
proved only too true I was finally
oveilaken and stopped ut the point of
guns which appeared the size of lt
Inch ennnon I wns soon Informed
what wns wanted of me There wns
little trouble In establishing my Iden
Lxplre Suddenly Prom Ileal t Pallum t
Ills Detroit lloine rlertid to V-
eoniito 111 Vents Ak
Detroit Jan I Blshop William
Xuvler Nintle aged OS yearn of the
Methodist Kplscopal church was
found dead lu his betl at his home here
yesterday It Is thought the cause of
death was heart trouble lie attend
etl a funeral Wednesday and caught
u cold
Bishop Nlndo had been a bishop of
the Methodist church since 1881 antl
was known throughout tho United
States Prior to his election as a bish
op he was pastor of the Central Meth
odist church here and was at one timo
a missionary In India Ho leaves a
iTlfe thrte suhfr ami ono daughter
One son Ktlwartl is a Methodist min
ister at Ann Arbor His daughter
Mary was formerly a mission v
worker lu India She is now in ic
south with her brother Fred who
111 The other son George Is also
at his home here
Yesterday the presiding elders of
Michigan held n conference here and
decided to sell the episcopal resilience
here now occupied by Bishop Nlndes
family because the c lurches of Mich
igan oulsldc of Detroit nnd other cities
failed to contribute sullielent funds to
maintain it
One Man Wounded Hut tho tiling Millies
Its Kneapo In
Lima Q Jan 4 A notification was
received by the local police to look
out for a gang of men who blew a safe
at Cuvette on the Cincinnati South
ern railroad just north of Van Wert
nt H n in The town was aroused by
the explosion anil a posse had a battle
with nine robbers who composed the
gang About 50 shots were exchanged
but only one man was wounded so
far as known at this time The thieves
bail buggies In waiting and drove to
ward this city
Chinese Iloli UKtom House
ITong Kong Jan 1 It Is reported
that robbers recently attacked the cus
torn station at Kumshuk In the West
river country and obtained loot valued
ut 8000
A rubber manufacturing company
with a capital of 1000000 will be
established In Chicago to fight the
rubber trust
About 75 per cent of the striking
structural steel workers af Pittsburg
returned to work nt tho new scale
3 for n dny of nino hours
The Galveston factory of the Na
tional Biscuit company and a grain
conditioning elevator were destroyed
by fire Thursday Loss 00000
Troubles that threaten tho dlssolu
tlon of the Ortler of Railway Telegra
pliers have arisen as an aftermath to
the recent strike on the Santa Fe
Ktlwartl C Piatt eldest son of Sen
ator Piatt was Thursday elected gen
ernl superintnulent and manager of
the United States Kxpress company
Chester B Jordan was Inaugurated
governor of Now Hampshlro Thursday
Dr John F Dill took the oath of oV
llco as governor of Maino Thursday
Two carloads of negroes left Mont
joinery Ala Thursday for tho Ha
waiian Islands via San Francisco
They go to take employment on tho
sugar plantations there
At a mass meeting held Thursday
the coal miners at Krle Colo decided
to strike in sympathy with those al
ready out at Louisville Lafayette
Canilelil and Superior This complete
ly ties up the lignite fields of north
ern Colorado and makes the number
of men on strike about 1200
Tried Tlicm
W 05
MtfllMt unt Nil IIMttf KIIIIMllI
Is painfully evident on u good many furiiiH in this section espe
oinlly in winter This should not be and Kiciei not he if you
who lira shy on sheds will take the trouble to run in nnd ask our
prices Wo luivo u good stock of common boards plenty good
enough for sheds that we will sell you at u veiy low price At
our prices it is cheaper to own sheds than go without
I mil i imiiii anpMtnnJ
The Norfolk 8uidin and Loan Asssi
C B DURLAND Secretary
What You Ask for at
iiiii H nnnnrnv t
J dm P - BBBT3B3tffK
viiib v uBituiwbi aa
ALL ORDIillS arc filled promptly ami wiili care
Our goods arc lMltST CLASS in ovory particular r
Wo know precisely what is wan Led by our custom- X
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
South sitlo Main St botweon lid and d
Telephone -11 j
V II IIIHMIOI 1retiiIont
AUANIiH lllhlt Vim Prr biiiuiit
IC W VTA AfbUtiint Cuhlilur
National Bank
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Sells Exohnimc
Interest Paid on Time Dcposltq
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Eurupj
A Gcuoral Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted
bb eimoN
WM 70T
i t
Z Sterling Silver Flatware Silver Nov- t
I cities China Cut Glass all kinds of
X Jewelry and Pianos and Organs will
X make suitable Christmas Presents for
X your friends All the above articles
at prices that will suit you at
I Hayes Jewelry Music House
ill 9 Norfolk Avenue NORFOLK NEMt
CHA8 8 MUDCiK Vice Pjusiuust
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Bay and null exclmne on tbia country f ml all parts of Karops IFarro Loans
Directors Asucb W II Johnson Cuab S Hurjuts 0 W Ubaasob 0- H
k -I