The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 28, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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The Jloitf oik JSLccaa
Jtfow vrnlt for tho Twontloth century
Btnyod over for ChrlHtmas
Lntost nmrhrt roport Stockings
HhnTO gouo up Roo 2fith
Iriitor Btlll StocklngB hnvo como
Tlio Camming County Democrat Imb
iasuod n handsome Christmas number
-printed in rod with n brilliantly illuml
tinted covor
Nunibor lilinnu unlucky flgnro
Mi Brytin tit least it proved bo
election H1b olectorlnl votes from
morthom Htntos nru jtiHt ll
Tho Bnnill pox Bcaro nppoars to bo
almost nbntcd uiul Norfolk 1b ono of tho
Jiealthy spots thnt didnt oven dovelop n
Hnflpoot Grent 1b Norfolk I
Tho prominent democrats who gave
their support to llryaniflin must bo con
adorably pained to discover how small
their iutluonco is when put up for an
unpopular ciiubo
Mr Bryan ovidontly has small faith
in tho ability of tho average domooratio
editor to keep tho people properly in
fonnod on tho paramount issues and has
concluded to supply tho lack from tho
fountain hoad of ull modorn politiual
Groat Britain wants 50000 Amorican
horses for hor cavalry and will probably
bo accommodated The United States
1b of first importance for her horse
market and whon a foreign country
wants either a BtyliBh or servicablo
cavalry thiB country is usually called
upon to fill tho demand
If tho makers of oloo nro successful in
Rotting their colored product olllcially
recognized ns a worthy Bubstituto for
batter their next move will probably bo
to have a law passed prohibiting tho
substitution of butter for tho gonnine
article A good thing should not bo im
itated with an inferior article
Thon thero must bo no God in Is
rael or oIbo Senator Allon is not his
prophet Tho senator sovoral years ago
said aH snro as thoros a God in Israel tho
republican party will go out of power
in 1900 Tho republican party has not
gouo out of powor to any groofc oxtent
in 1100 as far as tho roturus have been
arccoived thorofore
xne Kianaper ib at present inoro
Jonrod by the average Oiuuha youth
than any bogy man of romauco with a
-long ancestry Ono youth of 17 sum-
lnors was frightouod into hystericB on
Christinas by the thought that tho
woro after him Ho jumpod
out of a moving stroet car and lauded in
-a heap in tho middle of tho street
Americans pay foreign ship owners
-600000 a day for ocean freights and
there are thoso who would rathor see
this done thangive tJCOO000 a year to
-American ship owners as an induce
ment toward keeping these vast sums at
Lome and establishing a merchant
-marine thnt could compote with other
-countries which do not hesitate to pay a
- eubsidy if by so doing their commercial
- facilities can bo given a supremacy
Whilo the future development of tho
Philippines is np for consideration do not
lose night of the fact that Nebraska and
the entire west has magnificent resources
awaiting development Tho man who
will devolop a raw quarter soction of
Nebrabka land will be doing moro for
himself and his country than if ho Bits
on an empty cracker box and discusses
tbe futoro of the Philippines until
doomsday Tho government 1h respon
sible for development along certain lines
bat it eaoh citizen would conscientiously
fulfill his duty as a progreshivo Amer
ican citizen the country would inuoh
aoouer toap tho beuetlts accruing to a
-laud with resources fully developed
The prospects are that noxt week
will close one of the most prosperous
holiday seasons experienced by this
country for many years People have
money and seem to be bent on spending
it no that enjoyment will be brought to
their families and friends The mer
chants have beou busy filling orders from
large aud choice selections of goods
which will probably be none too large
to supply the demand A better quality
u noticed than has been shown for a
long time and the preference of cus
tomers seems to be for these goods
Prosperity is in evidence and the Christ
mas season is disclosing more of it than
the most optiniistio had been led to anti
Christmas is one of the most enjoy
able holidays of the year aud one of its
most enjoyable privileges is that t
affords an opportunity to share pleas
res with those less comfortably dtu
ted Fortunately the
clas of ex
tremely poor families iu Norfolk is ex
wediugly small this year and are com
posed of thohe who through nckne6s or
other misfortune have been unable t
take advantage of opportunities offered
to wake respectable wages As the
ew their Christmas bhould be mad
jaora enjoyable The Snlviuiui
nhW jm
wtiasyrwai unamirmii wBmnmraW
Army has arranged to provido comforts
to tlioni in a largo degree bnt tho work
shonldjnnt Iw loft wholly to them While
thoy will abundantly do their sharo
others can llud opportunity to makn tho
hearts of their jioor neighbors rejoice
mid bo glad
Tudgo Tnft president of tho Philip
pine ooinntifiHlon gives somo very opti
mistic viows concerning tho future of
that nrohipolego and tho advantages it
will oHor for trade Ho cotiBidors that
thuro has boon wondorf nl progroBH along
all Hnofl Binco tho United States has
como into control but thoir resources
havo been barolyjtouohod In a recent
letter ho says With thoso ifllandfl
oomplotoly pacified thoy aro far and
awny tho best possessions in tho Orient
for purpoBos of trndo and development
Thoir ollmnto Is better than tho climato
af any tropical oountry I know aud
tho capacity for agricultural mineral
nud commercial development would
seem to bo unlimited Even with tho
unsottled condition of tho oountry na It
is tho tonnago of tho vessels coming
into tho harbor rf Manila oxoluding the
government transports is doublo what
it was in Spanish times and tho samo
thing is trno of tho iutor island tonnago
With tho construction of roads and
rallroadB through tho islands tho oppor
tunities for dovolopinont cannot bo ex
Of all tho boldest sohomofl ever oar
riod to an apparently successful tor
miuatioujln Nobrasku thatof tho kid
nappers of Omaha is entitled to tho first
placo Tho transaction reads aB though
an extract from a dimo novel of tho yol
lowest style but tho faotH as far as dis
closed soom to bo unquestionable It
but emphasizes tho impression that tho
country is oxporionciug a Benson of dos
porato outlawry and tho meauB for break
ing it should bo ns determined as tho
conditions roquiro Mr Cudahy was
mado tho victim solely on account of his
groat wealth nud tho agony to which ho
nud his family was submitted is addi
tional causo for thnukf uluoss to tho man
who has no wonlth knowing that thoro
is no iucontive for him to bo submittod
to tho ordeal If thoro is ono gang of
bandits moro than another whom the
peoplo of Nebraska would like to soo
brought to a speedy and severe punish
ment it is the fellows who kidnapped
Edward Cudahy jr Mr Cudahy has
shown a commendable spirit in offering
mi additional 25000 for tho arrest and
conviction of the abductors of his son
Many of thoso vereod in law aro mak
ing profound arguments that thoro is no
law on tho statute bookB of Nebraska
providing for tho punishment of ab
ductors in this stato thus leaving the
impression that thu door is wido open
for all thnt sort of work a porson may
desire to do Any court that may
chance to havo tho custody of an ab
ductor especially of the Omaha stripe
will undoubtedly hnvo the tacit concent
of tho peoplo in genoral to administer a
punishment commensurate with tho
crime Tho only person likely to object
would bo au attornoy desiring to make
a record as a criminal lawyer or ono
with a good fat feo in sight If thoro is
a weakness in tho law it would soom to
bo in allowing an opportunity for tech
nical quibbles that might resnlt in the
icloase of a bandit of this character
There certainly bhould be a lnw pro
viding for the punishment of such
nrimiuals but abovo all thero Bhould be
a punishment Every time a duly
authorized court fails to punish as they
occasionally do on account of a slight
toohnicality they furnish a substantial
pretext for lynch law aud anarchism
Queen Victoria of England has at
last reached tho point where she is no
longer ablo to attend to the functions of
her ofllco and thero is talk of a regency
Next May tho 24th tho queeu of the
foremoBt empire iu the world will bo 82
years of age and has had a continuous
reign of 03 years during which her
country has enjoyed unprecedented
progress along all lines Lately she
has been relieved in a large degree front
the burdens of state her extreme age
making it but a question of time when
sho could no longer attend to the least
burdensome duties The failing of her
wonderful energy is cause for regret to
nil and it is the earnest desire that her
successor shall be as competent for the
position aB she has proven herself to be
Albert Edward prince of Wales now
in his 50th year and heir to the throne
may be permitted by tacit consent to
assume the responsibilities of the office
and thus remove the necessity of a
regeuoy Tho Princess Beatrice has
been attending to social and oonrt
duties for the queen for eome time
Visitors to Wiudbor now aro only those
whoe reception there is dictated by im
perative btate reasons
Oleo May bo Harmless
Congressman Cousins of Iowa is at
leist one who propes that oleomarga
rine bhall bo givau its proper place
Giving hiB renins for favoring tho pro
potted tux on the product he says
If anyone wants to lubricate his
griddle rakes with machine oil that is
us but Jet him stand by his
colors and inuvi Hous and uot Bteal the
riiiiuy Iiuh it tljM nnocent couutry
he er It i mi i i a- au excuse for this
fraud r i uuir ariim contains no
dt lotfiiiux in lodirur t Neither does
horseflesh and if a boarding Iioupo
koeper Bhould serve horso meat to his
boardorn an a pretenso for hoof steak ho
wonld bo just ns guilty as thoso who
color cotton flood oil and tallow and
sell it as tho genulno product of pnro
cream A hair iu tho butter usod to bo
rognrdod as an awful thing but now
statesmen would dofond it on constitu
tional grounds holding thnt tho iugro
diouts of hair nro harmless and that
its trade botvroon tho BtatOB should bo
unrofltrlotod You can paint landscape
in nuy oolor you plonso that is fiction
aud buyors must take thoir chances
Bnt whon it comos to things that nro
taken internally thoy should bo properly
labeled Whon a landlord trusts mo I
fool that I should truBt him but this
confidontinl relution can nover exist
whilo tho oloo man Is around with Ills
criminal nnd commercial inducements
When your physician allows you to cat
so much bnttor ooch day how icau you
know what to toll him when thoro 1ibb
boon an oleo man in tho community
When a firm soils a favorito brand of
axle groaso it takes groat prldo in la
beling it even in tho smallest packages
bnt the oloo mon are not so prnnd as
Borne folks aro thoy aro willing to llvo
in obscurity aud whon thoy have accum
ulated a fortune take up their abode
A Carloan Way of Covering- a Iloclcy
CrK With IMnnt Life
In tho grounds of the Duko of Athol
and near Blair castle England stands
a high rocky crng named CrnlglelmniN
It looked grim nud bare In the midst of
beauty and Its owner thought how
much prettier it would look if only
trees shrubs etc could be planted In
Its nooks nnd crannies It wns consid
ered Impossible for any ono to scale its
steep aud dangerous acclivities and no
other way was thought of to get seed
One day Alexnnder Nnsmyth father
of tho celebrated engineer paid n visit
to the dukes grounds The crag was
pointed out to him and he wns told of
the desire of the duko regarding It
After some thought ho conceived how
It could be accomplished In passing
the castle he noticed two old cannon
lie got a few smull tin canisters made
to fit the bore of the cannon nnd filled
them with u variety of tree shrub nnd
grass seeds The cannon was loaded
In tho usual way nnd fired nt the rock
from nil sides
The little canisters on striking the
rock burst scattering the seeds In all
directions Many seeds were lost but
many more fell Into tho ledges or
cracks where there wns a little moss or
earth These soon Bhowed signs of
life nnd in n few years graceful trees
nnd pretty climbing plants nil sown by
gunpowder were growing and nourish
ing In nearly every recess of tho for
merly bare gray crag clothing it with
verdant beauty
Tbe Drag nuilneai
Boys said tho drug store propri
etor to a couple of reporters who hud
dropped In you may think It a soft
snap to have a drug store and make
prescriptions for the neighborhood
You may think It funny to sell pro
prietary articles blotting paper candy
toothbrushes and soda water But It
aint Tho drug trade of today bun
dles no lose tbau 30000 different arti
cles and the shop that is without a
complete stock Is obliged to pretend
to havo It or go out of business The
rctnll druggist says more often than
all other merchants put together Wo
are just out of so-and-so but I can
get you a bottle Tho up to date
wholesale drug house carries 0000 arti
cles In the department of chemicals
drugs oils etc and about 8000 pat
ent medicines These we might cnll
standard If druggists sundries are
taken Into account and local proprie
tary medicines of a secret character
the price list will contain as I have
stated no less than 30000 articles
A Bnalneaa Epitaph
I was hunting for odd epitaphs
said a Tennessee newspaper man and
In a cemetery In my own state I came
across one that was Inscribed upon a
neat granite monument and read In
this way Sacred to tho memory of
John Smith for 20 years senior partner
of the firm of Smith Jones now J J
Jones Co
Of courso tho names werent really
Smith and Jones but I dont want to
hurt anybodys feelings and they will
answer for tho purposes of tho story
I met Jones later and he gave me a
frank explanation of the Inscription
Smith was a bachelor without rel
atives ho said but he knew a tre
mendous lot of country people and If
any of them happened to Bee his grave
they might think that the old Iioubo
had closed up and gone out of busi
ness So I thought it no more than
right to let them know that the firm
was still alive
I complimented him upon his good
And Still He Fnlled
lie flattered himself that he was a
clever man and ho decided to propose
In n clever way
The use of shall and will always
puzzled me he Bald reflectively I
never know just which is tho correct
word to use
The rule is very simple Bhe re
plied innocently Just remember
Oh never mind the rule he Inter
rupted Just tell me which Is cor
rect I shall marry you or I will mar
ry you
Neither sho answered promptly
Cincinnati Post
The man who Is afraid he may work
too hard never does Chicago Time
01 Bill
nianppolnteri Memhera and II kit
They Get Rven by Making- Iona
Spcechea Why the Senate Noeda
Cloture Hole
BpfcUl Gorrtrpondenct
WASttiNcnott Dec 21 Interest con
tinues to center nt the capital In spite
of the holiday recess aud the thought
of Santa Claim and Christum gifts
and tho festivities of the season peo
ple aro pondering over the great mens
urcH pending In congress There nrc
diversions In the direction of prepara
tions for the reinauguratlon of Presi
dent McKlulcy and thu social season
which will follow the reassembling of
congress the first week In the new
year Hut the unxlety of the people to
havo placed In law two or three great
measures under discussion nnd which
tho predominant party promised to
have enacted constitutes the all con
suming theme of discussion
It Ih yet believed that the Nlcnrngua
canal treaty will In some satisfactory
form be ratified and then will follow
the ndoptlon of the Nicaragua canal
bill It Is- a question whether there
will be In the bill finally adopted an
outright appropriation providing for
the complete construction or whether
there will be a pledge for the construc
tion of the canal nnd a small appropri
ation for the acquirement of all tho
rights and the completion of the sur
vey and tho appointment of a commis
sion nud the mnklug ready of every
thing for tho final contract when con
gress meets again next December
It Is generally felt that Borne provi
sion must be made for tho marketing
on the high seas to our new market
places of the surplus products of our
country The unexampled growth of
our export markets must be not only
maintained but continued If the
merchant marine bill is passed aud
provision made for tho construction of
the Nicaragua canal a new Impetus
will be given to the growth of our ex
port markets and It will not be neces
sary to wait until each of these ac
complishments has been perfected to
make a very perceptible Impress upon
the expansion of our markets and the
heightening of the prices for our prod
ucts The opposition that pertained In
some quarters to the adoption of the
merchant marine bill on account of the
odious name subsidy is disappearing
In souie quarters there was hesitation
on account of the proposition to ndmlt
to American registry foreign built
ships becuusc of a disposition to con
fine the construction of nil Bhlps that
would profit under the proposed law to
those constructed In American ship
yards But now that It Is understood
that tho only object to be attained by
the bill Is the establishment of ships
under the control of Amorican laws to
carry American products Into foreign
markets nnd create the greatest possi
ble amount of rivalry thus assuring
the lowest possible freight rates this
prejudice and hesitation are disappear
ing It is proposed that the foreign
built ships shall only profit to the ex
tent of one half of the amount of the
ships built within the United States
but the forclgu built ships are required
to furnish the same meauB of transpor
tation and enter fully as much Into the
rivalry for the reducing of freight
rates so that the producer is only In
terested in getttlng good markets and
low freight rates while American ship
builders and the producers of articles
which will enter into the construction
of ships are fully satisfied to know that
they are given double the advantage
while only 50 per cent of the bounty
goes to the ships built abroad but reg
istered under American laws and sub
ject to American discipline
It has Just dawned upon many of
those who have adversely criticised the
shipping bill that but a very small per
centage of our goods are not marketed
In American ships that mora than
nine tenths of our produce goes abroad
In ships owned and controlled by for
eigners and should any rlvnlry or Jeal
ousy occur our farmers and manufac
turers would be the ones to suffer nnd
not the United States government But
the only question now In dispute as to
this measure lies In the question of
whether the bounty is to be pnld on tbe
tonnage carried or on the capacity of
the ships making regular sailings to
given ports taking our exports without
respect to their cargoes just so tbe lat
ter are mado up entirely of American
President McKInley has snuffed out
the idea that he may have an extra ses
sion of congress A few disappointed
men in each branch of congress men
who wore defeated for re election and
must oiitho 4th of March retire to pri
vate life returned to their posts of
congressional duties with the Idea that
they would bo dogs In the manger and
prevent legislation Some of them eveu
threatened to talk to death any meas
ure that might be proposed In tbe
house there Is a committee on rules
which may nt any time report a reso
lution advancing as a privileged meas
ure any bill to be discussed nnd the
resolution may fix the time limit of de
bate and au hour when a vote will be
taken Iu the seuute there is an old
rode of rules which provide that so
long as any one wnnts to discuss n
proposition he may do so and not until
all have talked as much us they waut
to talk can a vote be taken For many
years there has been discussion as to
the feasibility of cloture which
menus a provision In thu rules which
will ennble a majority of the senate to
fix au hour when debate shall cease
and a vote be taken on a given propusl
Indiana on Iloaclmd Iteaervatlon are Will
ing tn Sell
Sioux Falls S D Dec 20 Partlc8
familiar with the views of the Sioux
Indians on the Rosebud reservation in
reference to tho dlsjiosal by them to
the government of about 23 townships
of laud situated In Gregory county
say that the Indians aro strongly In
favor of the proposition Bills provid
ing for Uie appointment by President
McKlulcy of a commission to treat
with the Indians for the surrender of
the land have been Introduced In con
gross and ns the support of the South
Dakota congressional delegation has
been enlisted In behalf of tho mcas
uro there seems llttlo doubt thnt the
efforts to secure the opening of the
land to white settlement will be suc
Drunken Negroo Start a Itelgn of Terror
at Cement t Ilia One of the Muter Shot
White Keeping Within Door
JeffcrBonvlllc lnd Dec 20 A race
war 1b on at Cementvlllo live miles
north of this city nnd serious trouble
Is expected at any minute The ne
groes uro all armed and the whites
are keeping within doors to avoid
The outbreak began yesterday whon
Loe Hanger and John Redmond ne
groes both very drunk started In to
Intimidate whites When their In
Biilts were resented other negroes
Jumped In with the llquor crnzed men
and captured Sam Kendalls snloon
Nearly 20 shots were fired but no one
was hurt Kendall in addition to his
Knloon conducts a dry goods store
which was being attended by his
wife nnd Into this the negroes flocked
after the firing at the saloon I
Mrs Kendall was badly frightened
and her husband run Into tho place
nnd began shooting Into the mob i
Ranger was shot but how badly Is
not known us he wns carried away
nnd secreted by his companions Ken
dalls life was threatened nnd about
midnight he wns able to escape from
his store nnd came direct to this city
awnkenlng Prosecutor Montgomery
nnd begging him to Issue warrants
and have deputy sheriffs sworn In to
serve them It wns almost daylight
when the town became quiet the ne
groes hnving everything their own
wny No further outbreak has taken
place because the whites aro Intim
idated to such an extent that they ore
using every possible precaution to pro
vent n collision with the blncks It Is
believed the slightest quarrel will
bring about a bloody riot
Men Uroiijrlit to Take Strikers
Place In-
il u coil to Quit
Scranton Pa Dec 20 Owing to
the successful work of the scouts of
tho striking carmen ten of the 111 men
brought from Syracuse to take their
places were scut home nud two others
were induced to quit and agree not to
go back to work
Only two cars were run in the whole
county yesterday One of these on
which Superintendent Patterson was
motormun ran off the track and was
so badly damaged it had to be taken
to the barn
Thirty one men arrived last night
from New York city to take the strik
ers places but 17 quit at the railroad
station nt the solicitation of the strik
ers scouts and promised to go back to
New York They Ray they were re
cruited through advertisements in the
papers to come to Scranton to work
on a new road and that none of them
hnd nny Idea there was a strike in
progress here
Caught at Gradu Crossing
Lincoln Dec 20 John Riley of 1001
Francis street Belmont wns struck
aud almost fatally injured by a Mis
souri Pacific train last night He was
driving with his son across the tracks
on North Fourteenth stroet when a
long train of freight cars backed down
upon him The son escaped Injury by
leaping from the vehicle but Riley
was caught by one of the cars and
dragged along the ground for n dis
tance of 300 feet His left arm and
left leg were afterwards amputated
Welch Singer Carnival
Otrumwa la Dec 20 The most
successful meeting of the Eisteddfod
association of Iowa ever held was that
of yesterday when 2000 Iowa slng l
era met hero in keeping with a time 1
honored Welsh custom for the
pose of indulging in a carnival of
A dispatch from Warsaw saya that
B2 Poles havo been arrested there be
ing accused in a political conspiracy
Colonel Henry B Harshaw former
state treasurer of Wisconsin died In
Milwaukee Tuesday Death waa due
to cancer of the tangue
Burglars broke Into the Kespohl
Mohrenstecker companys store at
Qulncy Tuesday night and stole OS
bolts of silk valued nt 4000
Jacob Werten shot and fatally
wounded his sou John at Great Falls
Mon Tuesday Werten had treated
his wife badly and the ion interfered
to protect the mother
Orders have been Issued abolishing
the train boys or news butchers on
all trains of the Erie railroad system
west of Salamanca N Y after Dec
31 and on all lines east of that point
after Jan 31
Veteran Conductor Fatally Hart
Omaha Dec 20 B P Locke who
lima ucen u passenger conuuetor on
tue Missouri Pacific railway for 20
years wan so severely hurt while
romltitr n Pleepng car at Union Neb
li died lu thi hospital iu this city
mi nil in
Severnl Important Menanrea TVhlck
Are Kow Under Conaliteratlon X
Gar Social Senaon na Well na
Doer Time at the Capital
ISpecUl Correspondence
Washington Dec 22 It would seem
thnt the closing will bo as Important
and Interesting nB were flic opening
days of President McKlnleys first term
at the White Housu When President
McKInley was Inaugurated March 4
1807 the country wns In a condition of
commercial pnralyslB and the people
threatened a revolutionary movement
against Spain After the work of the
extraordinary session of congress call
ed by President McKInley for the en
actment of n new tariff law and the
authority which brought us war with
Spain and the long train of exciting
events which gave to our country tho
greatest prosperity ever enjoyed by
any people iu the world and within 10
dayB of uctual fighting brought us per
fect success In arms aud the acquisi
tion of Porto Rico Cuba nnd tho Phil
ippines It would seem that there was
little more for an administration to do
In order that it might be crowned with
the greatest possible success But It
nppenrs that President McKlnleys first
four years of administration have much
more lu store
The second term of a congress is al
wnys brief It opens on the first Mon
day In December takes ten days of
holiday recess and tnuit by limitation
of the constitution expire nt noon on
the 4th of March This gives only
about ten weeks for actual work Thero
are all the great approprlatiou bills to
be paused yet aud some of the most Im
portant legislation that has been pro
posed since the advent of President
McKInley The great tariff law of
1807 has performed wonders in bring
ing prpspcrlty It secured protection
to home industries and the commer
cial reciprocity provisions made It pos
sible for the president to find many
new markets for American products
The currency bill fixed the gold stand
ard and placed us among the foremost
of the civilized countries The national
banking act perfected our financial sys
tem and refunded the government debt
on the lowest Interest basis enjoyed by
any people on the face of the globe
2 per cent
And now there are before congress
two of the next greatest measures for
the future prosperity of our country
ever proposed the merchant marine
and the Nicaragua canal bills If the
government will only secure the estab
lishment of a number of new steam
ship lines to our old nnd all of our new
markets securing steady and reliable
sailings and low freight rates we will
not only hold all of the markets we
now have but will be able to enlarge
them and Increase our exports which
remarkable as It may appear were
larger during tho past three nnd a half
years than during all the previous ex
istence of our republic It has become
necessary however in order to hold
our great export markets and keep up
prices for tho products of the factory
the mill and the farm of the United
Stntes to provide for the shipment of
our surplus on tho bottoms of Ameri
can registered steamships
The snme Republican principle that
secured the adoption of tho present
tariff law and the financial bill which
fixed the gold standard and secured the
grently enlurged circulating medium
nnd brought about the refunding of
the national debt at 2 per cent promises
to secure the ndoptlon of the merchant
innrlne bill which will undoubtedly
open up many new markets and give
our farmers and manufacturers great
advantages The principle Involved In
the upbuilding of the merchant marine
is identically the same as that involved
in our American system of tariff pro
tection it is said that from 10 to 20
timea more people will be directly in
terested in the building of new lines of
merchant steamships and their mainte
nance than were interested In certain
articles protected by the tariff bills of
1883 1800 and 1897 which protected
the Infant Industries The tin plate
the plate glass and the beet sugar In
dustries were established and fostered
entirely by the large duties Imposed
upon them by Republican tariff laws
nnd It has been proved by 30 years of
experience orgnnlzed efforts constant
ly made ever since the civil war that
our own lines of steamships cannot be
established or maintained except
through government support until
there have been found for a period of
years steady markets for our products
marketB which will give profitable em
ploymeut to our steamship lines
After the adoptlou of the merchant
marine nnd the Nicaragua canal bills
the Republican party aud the Republic
an administration nnd congresses will
have faithfully fulfilled all of the prom
ises made In the platforms adopted at
St Louis and Philadelphia and tho sub
sequent presidential campaigns Thero
Is little doubt of the early final adop
tion of the merchant marine bill The
adoption of the Nicaragua canal bill
has all along depended upon the rati
fication of the treaty with England
providing for the neutral and peaceful
control of the proposed waterway
Washington will not only be n Tery
busy place until the 4th of March on
account of the
very Important measures -before
congress but it will lie a gay
place socially Lent will make the sea
son Bhort scarcely more than Ix weeks
In duration with the ChriPtmas holi
days deducted but the relnnnguratlou
of Presldput McKlney pioiii eR to ba
the most brilliant nud most nrgely at
titided of any ever held I B M