The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 28, 1900, Page 12, Image 14

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1 M I
Mast Block
Attornojg at liavt
Norfolk Noliranl
Norfolk Noli
Homeopathic Physician and Surgoon
Onicn Cltlrons Nntlnnnl Hank llitlldlng
Tolniliitin 101
Hanltnrlnm nmt Itnnlilnuro Mnln niitl lSlli Hi
Norfolk - Nobraska
Onioo nvor Cltlrons Nntlnnnl Itntitt Itontiloita
ono block mirth of CoiiKnvtulloinil church
Norfollc Nebraska
Unicnornr Ioonnnls Drug Hturn
Norfolk - Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
TJp stairs In Cotton block otor llnnms store
Flral clnsa work Riinrnulood
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 10 11 imtl13 Mnittlilook
Norfolk - - Nobroska
Undertake and Kmbalmors
Motgiona Illk Norfolk AvoI
Norfolk - Nobranka
Attorney nt Law
RooinH 1 and 2 Roborttion WlgtoD
Block Norfolk
Suits mmlo to ordor mill In tho Intent xtylo llo
pairing lumllylclimo Shop on South Fourth 8t
south of llnnni llrot
RoblndiugOld Hooks
nud Magazines
Noxt Demis Puint Store Tith St
-no to-
W 0 Halls Barber Shop
main tvr Timm noon kht ok fourth
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for tho Mrora Forco and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First dor West of Post Onico
Ipoti andass Works
All kinds of miichlnos froinit lawn mower to
n prliUliiK iirosB succoaafully ropulrod Hot air
steam and lint wator liontlng Kpunlnl ntten
ttnn givou to Hollar mid KhrIiio Roimiriug
Opp lnsuwalks Implomuut Uoubo
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold
Braasch Avenue
and Third St
In all Its stages there
should be cleanliness
Elys Cream Balm
clean es soothes and heals
the diseased meinhrune
It cures catarrh and drives
sway a cold la the head
Cream Bnlm Is placed Into tho nostrils spreads
oTcr the membrane and Is absorbed Relief Is Im
mediate and a cure follows It is not drying does
cot produce sneezing Large Site CO cents at Drug
gists or by mall Trial Size 10 cents by mall
ELY BROTHERS 60 Warren Street New Yrk
Woll this Is jolly ho said
Yoh murmured Jennie ItH vory
iilea I nhvaya did onjoy foreign trnvol
especially when it can bo dotm in
luxury but nine luxury costs nionoy
doesnt itt
Ob yon dont need to mind I Yon
aro rich
That in truo 1 had forgotton all
about it
I hopo Trunin that tho fact of my
traveling on a train do luxe him not die
ludod you regarding my wealth I
Hhonld havo told you that I usunllv
travel third class when 1 am transport-
lug inyHRir in my privato capacity I
am ringing tlilH pampored eluganco
from tho reluctant pockets of tlin IJrit
IhIi taxpayer When I travel for British
governnient I pay as Pooh Hah Haiti tr
Koko in The Mikado Do It woll my
boy or words to that effect
Indeed laughed Jnnnio I am In a
Bomowhat Hlmihir Hitnation the nows
paper in paying all tho cxpenso of thin
trip but I hIiiiII insist on rotnrning tho
money to Tho Buglo now that 1 have
failed in my mission
Dour me bow much more honest tho
nowspapor business Is than diplomacy I
Tho idea of returning any money novor
even occurred to mo Tho more
Hon froezos my yonng blood and makes
each particular hair to utand on end
like quills of tho frotfnl porcupine Onr
motto lu thoBurvico la Got nil you can
and keep all you get
But then you boo yonr caso la dif
ferent from mine Yon did your best to
succood and I failed through my own
choice and thua I sit here a traitor to
my paper
Woll Jennio aaid tho yonng man
picking up tho dispatch box which ho
nevor allowed to leave his sight nnd
placing it on tho table youve only to
Hay tho word and this contentloua lot
tor is in your possession again Do you
rogret your generosity
Oh no no no no I I wonld not
have It back on any account Even look
ing at tho matter in tho most material
istic way success weans far more to
you than It does to mo As you say 1
am rich thoreforo I am going to givo
up my newspaper caroor I supposo that
is why women very rarely make great
anccesacH of their lives A womans ca
reer so often is merely of incidental in
terest to her a mans career is his
wholo life
What a pity it 1b mused tho
young man that ono persons success
generally means another persons fail
ure I If I were tho generous wholo poni
ed person I Honietiuies imagino myself
to bo I should refuse to accept success
as tho price of your failure Yon have
actually succeeded while I have actual
ly failed With a generosity that makes
me feel small and mean you baud over
your success to me and I selfishly ac
copt it But I compound with my con
science in this way You and I are to
be married thou wo will bo one That
ono shall bo heir to all the successes of
eacli of us and shall disclaim all tho
failures of each Isnt that a good
Excollent replied Jennie Never
theless I cannot help feeling just a lit
tlo sorry for poor Mr Hard wick
Who is ho tho editor
Yea Ho did have such faith in mo
that it scams almost a pity to disap
point him
Yon mustnt trouble your mind
nbont Hnrdwiek Dont think of him at
all Think of mo instead
I am afraid I do and havo done for
somo timopast Nevortholesslahall get
off at Liego and telegraph to him that I
am not bringing tho documout to Lou
I will aend tho toloirram for von
when wo reach thero but if I remember
rightly what yon told mo of his purposo
ho cant 1hj very dooply disappointed I
understood you to say that ho did not
intend to publish tho document oven if
begot it
That is quite true IIo wished to
act as tho final messengor himself and
was to moot mo at Charing Cross sta
tion sccuro the envelope and take it at
onco to its destination
I must confess said tho yonng
man with a bewildered expression
that I dont sen tho object of thnt Aro
you suro ho told you tho truth
Oh yeal Tho object wna this It
seems thnt thero Is in tho foroign ofllco
somo crusty old curmudgeon who re
lights in bnllling Mr Hnrdwiek This
otllcial I forget hia nauio in fact I
dont think Mr Hnrdwiek told mo who
ho was seems to forget Tho Daily
Buglo when important items of news
nro to bo given out and Mr Hnrdwiek
saya that ho favora ono of tho rival pa
pers nnd Tho Buglo baa been nnnblo so
far to receive anything liko fair treat
ment from him so Mr Hardwick want
ed to tnko tho document to him and
thua convince him thero waa danger in
making an enomy of Tho Daily Bnglo
Aa I understood his scheme which
didnt commend itself very much to mo
Hnrdwiek had no intention of making a
bargain but simply proposed to hand
over tho documout and ask tho foreign
ofllce man to givo Tho Buglo ita fair
share in what was going
Do you menu to Bay that tho official
in qnestiou is tho man to whom I am to
hand this lotter
Oh my prophetic sonl my nnclol
Why that ia Sir Jamea Cardiff tho
elder brother of my mother I Ho ia a
dear old chap bnt I can well under
stand an outsider thinking him gruff
and uncivil If the editor really means
what he snyB then thero will be no dif-
nculty and no disappointment If all
that ia needed is the winning over of old
Jimmy to bo civil to Hardwick J can
gnnrantoo that 1 mu tho especial pn
togo of my undo Everything 1 know
have learned from him Ho cannot un
derstand why tho British government
dons not appoint me immediately em
bassador to France Jimmy would do it
tomorrow If ho had tho power It wan
through him that I hoard of thin letter
and I beliovo bin influence hud n good
deal to do with my getting the comtnip
alon of special messenger It was tho
chagrin that my uncle Jimmy would
havo felt lud I failed that put tho
drop of bitternoHs in my cup of Borrow
when I cam to my senses after my en
counter with tho Russian nollco Thnt
would havo been a stunning blow to Sr
inmea unnllir Wo shall roach Char
ing Croiui station about 7110 tonlirht
nnd Sir Janiea will bo thero with his
brougham to take charge of mo whon I
arrive Now what do you say to our
sottllng all thia under the canopy of
Charing Cross If yon telograph Mr
Hnrdwiek to moot ua thero I will In
troduce him to Sir James and ho will
never have any more troublo in that
1 think Raid tho girl looking
down at tho tablecloth that Id rath
er not havo Mr Hnrdwiek moot us
Of course not answorod tho man
quickly What was I thinking about
It will bo a family mooting and wo
dont want any outsiders about do
wo 7
Jennio laughed bnt mndo no reply
They had a smooth and speedy pas
sage across from Calais to Dover and
tho train drew in at Charing Crosa sta
tion exactly on tlmo Lord Donnl rec
ognized his uncloa brougham waiting
for him and oh handing tho yonng
may out oi -no railway carriage ho es
pied tho old man himself closely scrn
tinizlng tho passengers Sir James on
catching sight of him cnino ongorly
forward and clasped both bis nophows
Donal ho cried I am vory glad
Indeed to boo you I Is overy thing
As right as enn bo undo
Thou I am glad of that too for wo
havo aomo very diaquioting hlntB from
tho oast
Thoy wero qnito justified na I shall
tell you later on butmeanwhilo uncle
allow mo to introdnco to yon Miss Bax
ter who baa dono mo tho honor of
promising to bo my wifo
Jennie blnahed in tho searching raya
of tho electric light as tho old mnn turn
ed quickly toward her Sir Jamos held
hor hand in bis for somo moments bo
foro he spoke gazing intently at her
Then ho euio slowly Ah Donal Donal
you always had a keen eyo for tho beau
Oh 1 say I cried tho young man
abashed at hia nnclos frankness I
dont call f liat a diplomatic romark at
all yon know
Indeed Sir Jamca said tho cirl
laughing morrily it is hotter than
diplomatic it ia complimentary nnd I
assuro you I appreciate it Tho first
timo he mot mo ho took mo for quite
another person
Then whoovor that person is my
dear replied tho old man Ill guar
antee that sho was a lovely woman and
yon mustnt mind what I say nobody
elso does otherwise my boy Donal here
would bo nuch higher in the service
than ho is But I am pleased to tell you
that tho journey ho has now finished
will prove greatly to his advantage
Indeed undo that ia true said
the young man looking at hia betroth
ed for on this journey I mot again
Miss Baxter whom to my groat grief
I had lost track of for somo time And
now uncle I want you to do mo a
great favor Do you know Mr Hard
wick editor of Tho Daily Bugle
Yes I know him but I dont like
him or his pnper either
fin ho lontlnued Noxt Wook
Sliver Ore Utslng
Omaha Dec US When a consign
incut of silver ore consigned to the
emolter from Duluth Minn arrived
at the smelter it waa discovered that
It was short 10 sacks of ore nveraging
05 pounds in weight The ore came
over the Milwaukee road and a tracer
has been sent out to discover tho miss
ing mineral
Stock niiiii Ilnril Injured
Central City Neb Dec i8 In a
runaway accident yesterday T B
Hord the stockman was thrown from
his buggy and seriously Injured
Turku Ahsuult tho lliltlnli
Constantinople Dee as Somo Turk
ish soldiers have grossly assaulted
and maltreated the British charge d
urfalrcs Mr De Bunsen and other
members of the British embassy In
tho vicinity of tho powder magazine
nt Makrlelceuy Sharp demands for
iiivi ueen uiauc to the norto
juontioii Annwiirt il
Yes August Flower still has the larg
est sale of any mediciuo in tho civilizod
world Your1 mothors and grand
mothers nover thought of using anything
olso for iudigestiou or biliousness Doo
tors were scarco aud they seldom heard
of appendicitis nervous prostration or
heart failure oto Thoy used August
Flower to clean out tho system and stop
fermentation of undigested food regu
ato tho notion of tho livor stimulate the
nervous and organic action of tho system
nud that is all thoy took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches and other
aches You only need a few doses of
Greens August Flower in liquid form
to make you satisfied there is nothing
serious tho matter with you Get
Greons Prizo Almanac Kiesau Drug
Ladies if you want a refined aud
brilliant complexion freo from blemishes
nso Hocky Mountain Tea Never fails
6k your druggist
For sprains swellings aud lameness
thero is nothing 60 good as Chamber-
Iains Pain Balm Try it For 6ale by
the Kiosau Drug Co
Ilrotlirr of llnot Tifilln Itflforo Military
Court of Inquiry
West Point N V Dec IM Therc
was an unusually large uttoiidancc of
spectators at the military court of In
quiry yesterday Horace C Uooj a
civil engineer of Buffalo and P O
Phillips of Knst Cleveland were tho
cnier witnesses The formers testi
mony was principally n refutation of
tho Htnlcments made nbotit hia brother
former Cadet Oscur I Hooz of Bristol
Pa who died recently Several of
the cadet witnesses during the prog
ress of the Investigation accused Booz
of having ahown cowardice In hia
fight with Cadet Keller in August
1808 uml thy nlso accused him of tin-
One of the witnesses at tho morning
session Informed tho court tliut he
had seen Cadet Broth ho far ex
hausted form severe exercising that
stimulants luiil to be given him In his
tent In I8D7
In the nflernonu two other cadets
of Broths Hush said thev hnd seen
him In a nervous condition his body
arms and legs twitching after be had
been hazed but one of them said ho
noiiovou uivth was pretending
Treiiiuii no In Lumbar Yurtl
Sheldon la Dee 18 In a lumber
yard here has been found n box near
ly rotted away but containing a largo
quantity of gold rings watch chains
and gold beads that must have been
bidden there mouths ago
A coiner lu beans Is tho latest nov
elty In the Chicago market It Is be
ing engineered by the Albeit Dickin
son company Within two weeks the
price has risen from 184 per bushei
to fJLO and dealers predict a further
The llent Cold Cure
ia ono yon can tnko without interruption
to business Ono that does not affect
tho head or bearing liko tho continued
nso of quinine One that cores speedily
and loaves you fooling fresh and clear
headed Snob a ono ia Krauaes Cola
Cure Price 25c Sold by GeoB Christ
Ladies doslring a transparent com
plexipn free from blotches blemishes
and blackhoads Bhould uso Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask yonr druggist
KrntiMtH lleadiiolie Cnpmilon
nro unlike anything propared in Amer
ica Thoy wore first proscribed by Dr
Krnnso Germanys famous court physi
cian long before autipyrino waa dis
covered nnd are almost marvelous so
spoodily do thoy cure tho most distress
ing cases Prico 25c Sold by Geo B
A Keen Clour Ilruln
Your best feoliugs your sooial posi
tion or business success depend largely
on tho perfect aotiou of your stomach
and liver Dr Kings Now Life Pills
givo iucroasod strength a keen clear
brain high ambition A 25 cent box
will mako you feel liko a now being
Sold by tho Kiesnu Drug Co
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Elys Cream Jinhn which is ngrco
nbly aromntie It is recoived through tho
nostrils demises nnd heals tho wholo Biir
fneo ovor which it diffuses itself Druggists
Bell tho 50o sizo Trial size by nmil 10
couts Tost it and you nro Buro to continuo
tho treatment -
To accomuiodato those who aro partial
to tho uso of atomizers in applying liquids
into tho nasal pnssages for eaUirrhal trou
bUs iho proprietors prupnro Cream Balm in
liquid form which will bo known as Elys
Liquid Cream llnlm Prico including tho
praying tubo is 75 cents Druggists or by
mail Tho liquid form embodies tho med-
lcinalpropcrtics of tho solid preparation
Jangling Nurves
Aro you irritable Do you sleep
badly Ia it hard to concentrate your
thoughts Is your appetite poor Do
you fool tired restless and despondent
Try Lichtys Celery Norvo Compound
It will do yon more good than anything
you havo over tried Sold by Geo B
Biliousness is cnusod by a lazy livor
permits food to sour in your stomach
makes yon cross RockyfMountain Tea
makos you well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
Tortured AVltncHK
Intenso suffering was ondnred by wit
ness T L Martin of Dixie Ky beforo
he gave this evidence I coughed overy
night until my throat was nearly raw
thou tried Dr Kings Now Discovery
whioh gave instant relief I have us id
it in my family for fouryoars and recom
mend it as tho greatest remedy for
coughs colds aud all throat ohest and
lung troubles It will stop tho worst
cough and not only prevents but abso
lutely enres consumption Prico 50 cents
and 100 Every bottlo guaranteed
Trial bottles free at the KieBan Drng
How to Cure Group
Mr R Gray who lives near Amenia
Duohesscouuty N Ysay8 Chamber
lains Cough Remedy is the host medi
cine I havo ever nsed It is a fine
childrens remody for croup and nover
fails to cure When given as soon as
tho child becomes hoarse or evon after
tho croupy cough has developed it
will proveut tht attack This should
bo borne in mind nnd a bottlo of tho
cough remedy kept at hand ready for
instant use as soon na these symtoms ap
pear For sale by tho Kiesau Drug Co
Among tho tens of thousands who
havo nsed Chamberlains Cough Remedy
for colds and la grippe daring the past
DoojtH Iowa Dec 14
No toniruo can tell what I hnro endured
in the post ton yearg wlth my monthly sick-
While suflerlnB untold atony a
i22i cacd nd recommended VVlne of
STd IonJJor abolIoBnl Ohl what
KVi Vi thu8 I1 l0S8 lnecan to feel
Mtler and hare
had no pain since
una quack lamphkre
fow years to our knowlodgo not a
singlo caso has resultod in pneumonia
TilOS Whitflold Co 240 Wnhnch
avenue Chicago one of the most prom
inout retail druggists in that city in
speaking of this says We recommend
Ohnmberlaina Cough Romody for la
grippe in many cases as it not only
gives prompt and complete recovory
but also counteracts any tendency of la
grippo to result in pneumonia For
solo by tho Kiosan Drug Co
Millions Given Away
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern whioh is not
afraid to bo generous The proprietors
of Dr Kings New Discovery for con
sumption coughs and colds have given
away ovor ten million trial bottles and
have the satisfaction of knowing it has
cured thousands of honolflBs r nHnn
Asthma bronchitis la grippe and nil
tbroat chest and lung diseases are
surely cured by it Call on Kiesau Drug
Co aud got a freo trial bottle Regu
lar sizo 50o and 100 Every bottle
A Womnna Awful Peril
There is only one chauco to save your
lifo nud that is through an operation
were tho startling words heard by Mrs
I B Hunt of Lime Ridge Wis from
her doctor nftor he hnd vainly tried to
cure her of a frightful case of stomach
trouble and yellow jaundice Gall
Btonoa had formed and she constantly
grow worse Then sho began to use
Electric Bitters which wholly cured her
It s a wonderful stomach livor nud kid
ney remedy Cures dyspepsia loss of
uyijuure xry it only 50 cents
Guaranteed Forsnle bv tho Kiesnu
Drug Co
World Champion
I tried many remedies to cure pies
writes W R Smith of Latham 111
but found no relief till I usedBucklens
Arnica Salvo I havo not been troubled
with piles since Its tho only cham
pion pile cure on enrth and tho best
salvo in the world 25 cents per box
guaranteed by tho Kiesau Drug Co
No one can reasonably hope for good
nealtn unless his bowels move once each
day When this is not attended to dis
orders of the stomach arise biliousness
headache dyspepsia and piles soon fol
low If you wish to avoid those ail
ments keep your bowels regular by tail
ing Chamberlains Stomach nud Liver
Tablets when required They aro
easy to take and mild and gentle in ef
fect For sale by two Kiesau Drug Co
Does It Pay to Buy Cheap
A cheap remedy for coughs aud colds
is all right but yon want something
that will relievo and cure tho more
sovero and dangerons results of throat
and lung troubles What shall yon do
Go to a warmer and more regular cli
mate Yes if possiblo if not Dossible
for you then in either case take tho
only remedy that has been introduced in
all civilized countries with success in
sovero throat and lung troubles
Bosohees German Syrup It not
only heals and stimulateslthe tissues to
destroy tho germjdisease but allays in
flammation causes easy expectoration
gives a good nights rest and cures the
patient Try one bottlo Recommended
many years by all druggists in tho world
Get Greons Prizo Almanac Kiesau
Drug Co
The Ilest Plaster
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlains Pain Balm and bound to
the affected parts is superior to auy
plaster Whon troubled with lame back
or pains in the sido or ohest givo it a
trial and you are certain to be more than
pleased with tho prompt relief whioh it
afford Pain Balm also oures rhema
tism One application gives relief
For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co
If you would havo an appetite like a
boar and a relish for your ineala take
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets Thoy correct disorders of the
stomach and regulate tho liver and
bowels Price 25 oentB Samples free
at the Kiesau Drng Co
Wine of Cardui not only cures but It acts AT ONCO Here is a case
of ten years s andlng and yet one single dose made the sufferer feel better
nLlT hUie paln 1 he Wine Kcs slraKt t0 the st of the trouble
vinii lreM1LUpon wmenstrual and genital organs Its action is not
Si slml Fives Nature that little
assistance that the sufferers system lacks A single disorder in the
feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body and when the
Wine cures the source all the other ills vanish as a matter of course A
woman an be her own physician and cure herself at home Local ex-
animations are Largely things of the
LADIES ADVISORY DEPARTMENT V ie obnoxious Custom is 110
JlrV ZTJ iuirimr MM rial J Per necessary Wine of Cardui
ut mu 52 SVTS ii
is tne only perfectly safe and sure
vegetable Wine made to day for
the cure of female troubles
Druggists sell Large Bottles for 100
Coldn Molt Awny
if yon uso Krausos Cold Cure Pro
pared in convenient capsulo form they
aro oasy to take and effect a speedy cure
of tho most obstinate cases Prico 25o
Soldby Goo B Christoph
Notice to Non Itenlclent Defendant
Norfolk National bank plaintiff vs
D W Oreon defendant
To D V Greene non resident de
You will take notice that on tho 10th
day of November 1900 Norfolk Na
tional bank plaintiff herein filed its
petition in tho district court of Madison
county Nebraska against yon the
object and prayer of which is to re
cover a judgment against yon for the
sum ef 500 together with interest
thereon at tho rate of ten per cent per an
num from tho 12th day of March 1900
upon a certain promisory note executed
aud delivered by yon to tho plaintiff
Norfolk National bank for tho sum of
500 dated March 12th 1900 due six
mouths after date and bearing interest
at the rate of ton per cent per annum
Yon are further notified rhnr nHp
of attachment have been issued in said
caso against your property in this state
nud that under said orders the sheriff of
Madison county in this state has levied
upon the following described property
situated in Madison county Nebraska
to wit
One lot of boxes containing miscell
aneous articles one walnut hunting
caso and contents one folding bed
complete one commode two thread
cases one leathered covered chair ono
table one office chair one office desk
complete one crate pictures one center
table one spring lounge two book
cases ono roll of Brussels enrpet and
nil the other goods nnd chnttles belong
ing to you now stored iu the Olney
building in Madison county Nebraska
Aud under said orders the Rhorift nf
Piorco county Nebrasknhas lovied upon
wiu luiKiwmg lescnuea property situ
ated in Pierce county to wit Twenty
five head of cows and heifers of various
ages and colors one three year old bull
red oue yearling bull red five
spring calves of various colors and
three November 1900 calves rod
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the Mtb day of Janu
ary 1901
Dated December 8th 1900
Norfolk National Bank
By Barnes Tyler its attorneys
1 ME - -V
JrJtr llq X
Made a
Well Man
of Me
XMrtxrjNToE xuzmflcxm
produces tha above results In 30 daya It acta
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others faa
loungnienwlUregsln their lost manhood aadolS
5SwiltcOTorii0r youtMul visor by using
SVr J5 Vi1 UcSlr Md Burey re8t0res NenSS
r2iVltUtT lPtcncy Nlshtly Emissions
lst Power Foiling Memory Wontlnir BUeaseaanS
Siitheot sebus or eicessand lndlBcretlon
Which unfits ono t or ctndy bnnlness or marriage II
not only cures by etarting at tho seat of disease but
is great nerve tonto and blood builder bring
iEV PlIow to Palo cheeks and ri
lI g tb0 flro of yth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having REVIVOno
rX U cau ba led in vest pocket By njiil
100 perpockage or six for 8500 with a post
riE0C8al01 iu Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Christoph druggist
Dont Be Fooledi
I aKe the ccnulnc original
Mr de only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mnrlc cut on each package
2s8 ccnts Never sold
In bulk Accent no ukii
teooMiiBiu tute Ask your druggist
Akin fur -
mSjAliMJix W M
t mzmwTTtW v
f aM1B
tU A
Aries crrtCT6
ki virvinurfACO
For Sale by George B Christoph