The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 28, 1900, Page 10, Image 12

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0 II Wnnnpr spent Christmas with
Irionds in Stanton
Nr wirt Mm George Tnrkor spout
Christmas nt llonmpr
Services vroro hold nt tho Oorman
Juthcimn churohos today1
Miss Williams is nttomlfng tlio stato
tonchors mootliiK nt Lincoln
Kdmund Zuolow of Slnntnu spent
OhritmaH with Norfolk frlcndN
Kobt Sohrnm of Missouri Vnlloy
Iowa spout Christmas in tho city
Will Parker arrived Monday nvoniiiR
from llonton Mass to viflit n few days
Mr mid Mrs lllnkonmu mid phlldron
upent Christmas with frionds nt Piorco
Miss Maud Tminohill Jk spending hor
holiday vacation with frionds in town
Mr nnd Mrs lohn Anderson will ro
to West Point tomorrow to visit his
MissKdltliHnrtnmn clerk at Dnr
land Sisters has rouo to Lincoln to
pond n week
MIbsos Matron Allhory and Stafford
nro Norfolk toachore who ore attoudlnR
the ftuto mootlnR in Linooln
All classes of tho Y M O L have
been discontinund until tho Ud of Jaun
wry on account of tho holidays
Miss Nora Conway olork for tho
Johnson Dry Goods company is enjoy
iiR hor holiday vacation at Niobrara
Miss Kdith McOlary loft for Lincoln
on tho noon train to attend tho Annual
mkMoii of tho stato toaohers association
MIrh Jossio nnd Krnost Bridgo ro
turned last niRht from Frouiont hnvitiR
enjoyed OhrlBtinaB at tho homo of their
Superintendent D O OConnor was a
patwenRor thiu morniiiR for Linooln
where ho will attend tho stnto tooohora
MIrsob Agnes Kennedy mid KUa
Barrett enmo up from Omaha whoro
thoy havo been nttondiuR sohool to
spend Christmas
Tf S Wycoff representing tho Mil
waukee HarveBtor company in this terri
tory bus moved hero from Blair He
resided in Norfolk 14 yonrs uro
Rndy Marqnardt cauio homo last
eveniuR from Grand Island where ho
is employed in a jowohy store to visit
his father during tho holidays
Gns and Ed Mittolstadt and families
of Laurel and Rudolph Mittolstadt of
Omaha observed Christmas nt the homo
of li O Mittolstadt of this city
Paul Knro has pnrohasod a moat
kot at Lyons and will tnko charge of it
on tho first Ho nnd his wifo loavo for
that town tomorrow to tuko up thoir
Dr and Mrs G F Kolpor departed
today for Lincoln whore thoy expect to
epoud the halnuce of the winter They
will probably tnko up thoir residenco at
the Lindoll hotel
Dr Stovonson superintendent of tho
Norfolk hospital for tho insane Rave n
private danoing party nt that institu
tion last oveniuR to a number of friends
A very pleasant time resulted
The Walker Whitesido company is
liere with a large amount of speoial
scenery prepared to entertain tho ponple
n Norfolk this evoniug at tho Auditor-
iam The company will present Heart
and Sword
1 G Westorvelt has juet received a
-valued addition to his collection of cu
rios from his daughter in Denver It is a
porcupine skin with n comploto array of
the famous quills attaohed Ho enforced
by those it would seem that the animals
could make a most formidable dofeuBO
W It CampQeld formerly of Oska
Joosa Iowa has rented rooms in the
Marqnardt block and will do a whole
sale and jobbing business in cigars of
Jds own manufacture Norfolk seems
to bo assuming considerable importance
m manufacturing center for cigars
and the three factories located here
imu i ill i ill market for
their products
At the time of the football game at
Madison Monday there was talk of a re
tarn frame being played on the Norfolk
-grounds Friday Final arrangements
kve not yet been made however There
is also talk of a game between the Nor
folk High sohool team and one selected
from the alumni of the school Rev J
C S Weilles expects to entertain the
High sohool team at dinner Thursday
The sister of the late Norman Hills
has sent word instructing the friends of
the deceased to see that he is buried
Jsere Accordingly funerul services
will be held tomorrow morning at 11
oclock at the undertaking rooms of
Sessions Bell Revs G H Maiu
and S F Sharpless will conduct the
eervicoB and tho remains will bo interred
in Prospect Hill cemetery All friends
of the deoeased are invited to attend
the services and follow the body to its
last resting place
John Shannon tho well known btock
feeder of Hoskins carried off tho firot
premium at a fat stock show in South
Omaha recently the prize being a 376
Mr Shannon got tho premium
on a carload of Whitefuces which were
raised on a western range and fattened
by him He had them in the feed lot
J4 months dnring which time they were
giving a straight ration of corn and hay
-with the addition of a little oil meal as
n finisher Tho animals nveroRod
1820 pounds nnd sold for t7M the
highest prlo over paid in South Omnlia
There were 10 competitors for the prbo
Christmas was n qniot day in Norfolk
with hut little nniuHoment of a pnblio
chnraoter whloh does not moan that it
was not an enjoyable day by nny means
A poop into almost nny homo where
family and friends wero gathorod would
convinco any ono that the ohlef dollghts
of tho day woronotof a pnblio oharaotor
Qjilto a iiuiulitir of ousinoss housos woro
closed during tho ontlro day while most
of thorn wero closed in the afternoon
Most of tho ohnrohcB observed elthor
Christmus ovo or Christmas night with
exeroisos and treats largely intonded for
tho enjoyment of tho children All such
festivities woro larRoly attondod and
proved most enjoyable Services wero
hold ill several of tho churohosyostorday
and wero vory woll attondod Ah for
weather it was an idonl whlto Christmas
just cold enough to bo oxhilirathiR nnd
provont tho light snowfall of the fore
noon from molting Thoro was somo
skatiiiR nnd a littlo sleighing hntnoithor
wero first class Taken altogether the
holiday proved as oujoyablo and per
haps nioro so than the nvorago Christ
Thoro was no happier dinner party in
tho olty yostordny than that ontortained
nt tho Snlvation Army hall whoro an
nhuudanoo of good substantial food
with dolioaoios to finish on wore servod
to all applicants Tho first table Berved
was nt tho noon Jhour when about 50
children sat down to onjoy tho feaBt
and others wero awaiting their turn at
tho next tablo Tho captain assisted
by n corps of enorgetio waiters saw
that ovoryouo had a snllloienoy Thoso
who participated in tho dinner woro by
no meauB starved but thoy had good
hoalthy nppotites nnd under their man
ipulation tho vlotuls disappeared with
n rapidity that was surprising They
enjoyed tho spread most thoroughly
and it is cortaiu that no ono could havo
watohod them oat and fool sorry that
thoy had contributed of thoir nbund
unco to tho kuccobb of tho dinner All
tho joy for which tho Salvation Army
was responsible was not confined to
thoir hall There remained after tho
fount u largo quantity of provisions
which hnvo boon distributed among
pooplo whoro thoy will do tho most
good Tho pooplo responded most
liberally to tho appeals of tho Army
oillcors An idea of thoir gonorosity
may bo formed when it is known that
between 115 nnd 10 chickens and turkeys
woro givonwith an nbuudauco of bread
potatoes beans pie onke cranberries
aud other provisions A Christinas
troo loaded with gifts contributed by
tho pooplo was the featuro of last ovou
iuRwhou many a childs heart was
mudo happy
A number of young pooplo drove to
Pierce to spend Christmas
John Wilson enme homo from Wayno
to spend Christmas with hlb parents
A number of Boga po plo wont to
Hoskins Christinas ovo to attend the ex
On account of the stormy weather
Rev MoKeen did not fill his place as
UBual Sunday
Mrs Stratton nnd Mnble Bowman
from Kuor county are visiting with Mr
and Mrs Lund
Miss Lilllo Burohmoro wont to Nor
folk Saturday whore she will stop till
af tor Christmas Miss Lnudquist will
then join her and they will go to Lin
coln for a few days
Elmer LundquiBt who is attending
the normal at Wayne came home to
spend Christmas with bis parents Ho
was accompanied by hiB friend Mr
Gillespie from Missouri
Mrs C W Bowlby of Silver Creek
Nebraska is the guest of Mrs G W
S E Madsen held the lucky number
that drew the silk quilt rattled by Alex
Snider last Saturday evening
Master Bennie Booth came up from
Lincoln hut week to spend Christmas
with his grand parents Mr and Mrs
0 D Mnnson
The young people of the neighbor
hood gathored at the residence of G W
Hills last Thursday evening to celebrate
the 15th birthday of his daughter Gertie
Musio and danoing afforded amusement
for those present and everybody enjoyed
Letter List
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postofBce December 24 1000
Mrs A J Barnhart Mrs E Barnett
James M Cunniug G WCarter 2
J W Cash A S Evans J M Garret
Mrs Edith Heckman George James
Mary Karol T Labouuty DnuMoMoni
gal Johu McCarty Carrie Rhoda Dr
0 H Taylor Fred TiBtko J P Vogel
W L Wood W S Waiter Ralph L
Weir H West
If not called for in 30 days will be
sent to tho dead letter ofllco
Parties calling for any of the above
pleoso Bay advertised
Agents AVunteU
We want au uctive ugent in Norfolk
and vicinity to represent the largest
evergreen nurseries in the United States
A full lino of hardy fruits Bhado and
ornamental trees shrubs eto Four
plans pay weekly Address at once
Tub Eloin Nukbbuiks Elgin 111
J W Baker is a city visitor from
Engineer Dan Murphy is in tho olty
from Omaha
A J Dnrlnudhan gono to Ewlng on
a luminous trip
F It Rogers of Colnmbus Is In the
oity on business
O 15 Colo was a visitor yesterday
from Meadow Grovo
G J Hnhn was a hnslnoBS visitor yos
tordny from OolnmbuB
Paul Nonow was In tho olty yostor
day from Bnttlo Creek
Will McOuno of Missouri Vnlloy is in
tho city visiting frionds
Mr and Mrs J It Donley of Wnyuo
woro city visitors yostordny
Miss Gusta Korth who has boon vory
sick with appendicitis is now improving
Mrs A G Witmor and Mrs O S
Hnyos woro paBHongors for Omaha on
tho noon train
Miss Sohram and Miss Minnio MnaB
wont to Bloomfiold nt noon to visit rela
tives and frionds
Tho infant child of Mr and Mrs
Conrad Bauridol has boon vory flick but
U slightly bettor
Tho annual mooting of the farmors
Institute will bo bold in Orrs hall on
January 4th aud Oth
H It Bado of Omaha was in tho city
yoBtorday onrouto to Pierco for a visit
with relatives aud frionds
MIshos hato nnd Julia Stafford and
Miss Mario Bryan are attending tho
stato teachorB mooting at Lincoln
Tho noxt attraction billed for tho
Auditorium is A WisoMombor which
will bo proBontod Now Yoars night
J S Shurtz departed today with hiB
sou who has been visiting horo for
Glonolder Kansas and will mako a
visit thoro
Tho funeral obsoqnios over tho ro
mains of tho lato N Hills wero hold to
day und tho romalus interred in Prospoct
Hill century
Mrs A J Durlnud vico president of
tho stato federation of womans clubs
has gono to Lincoln to attend a mooting
of tho Btato oflicors
Editor Geo F Konowor of tho Wis
nor Chroniolo and wifo were hero last
ovouing nnd saw Wnlkor Whitesido in
Hoart and Sword
Mrs Dwight Smith of Sionx Oity
will bo tho guest of Mr and Mrs R F
Bruco a fow days whilo her husband is
attoudiug to business mnttors in Chi
Mr and Mrs H Jegor of Oakland
havo boon visiting his brother F Jeger
of tho Bon Ton restaurant Mr Jeger
is a leading furniture dealor of Oak
Thoro will bo a special mooting of
Elkhorn council No 1794 Royal
Arcanum this evening when it is
expected thero will bo a number of initi
Captain O A Townsond and son
Will of Omaha accompanied O D
Jenkins to Columbus today and will
join the latters brother Ed for a few
days hunt
Geo Lehman and wife of Columbus
visited over night with Mr and Mrs
Goo Spoor When they returned home
this morning they were accompanied by
Miss Grace Spear
The Early Hour club has arranged for
anothor dance to be glvon at Masts hall
tomorrow night and it is anticipated
that a most pleasant evening will be the
result The Italian orchestra has been
engaged to furnish musio
A Whito living near South Norfolk
received from Washington as a Christ
mas present from his son Fred a half
bushel of the mammoth apples grown in
that Btato The apples wero almost as
large as pumkius and their flavor wub
The burning out of the soot in a chim
ney of the Eisoley block this morning
was sufficient as far as one obsorver was
concerned for turning in a firo alarm
The firemen responded promptly but
found that their services wero not re
quired early in the game and returned
to the ongine houso without having laid
a line of hose
One of the private boxes at the post
office was opened yesterday and a num
ber of Christmas presents taken there
from Postmaster Spreoher says that
transactions of liko character have come
to his attention quite frequently of late
and he is bound to make it interesting
for the guilty persons if they are de
tected Contiderablo fault lies with the
patrons themselves They leave the
boxes unlocked and the pilferers find
ready access by simply lifting the catch
It Is the general opinion that it is the
work of boys who do not realize the
serious penalty to which they nre ex
posing themselves
A person who had seen Wulker White
side in a tragedy of suoh weight as
Hamlet would bo loth to believe that
he had a grain of humor in his makeup
and that he could adapt his wonderful
abilities to a comedy part but ho beauti
fully shattered suoh ideas last evening
when he appeared before a Norfolk audi
ence in tho character of Prince Viotor
in the Heart aud Sword HiB graco
ful and princely Btnge appearance was
admirably adapted to the part and the
comedy of the plot was most cleverly
rt5S -
handled It was not of tho boldly pro
nounced typo of comedy so common but
Boomed nioro of n hiddon suggestion of
humor that fitted Mr Whitesido per
fectly Tho oharaotor of PrlnceBB
Sylvia wnfl alflo most admirably por
trayed by MIbb Wolfltan and tho ontlro
oast was porfoct Tho costuming and
special BtoRO sotttiiRS wero especially
Rood aud it required but a fooblo offort
on tho part of the nudionco to boliovo
thouiBolvoB transported to the fondal
principalities of Hoiuhanlt nnd Stein
linuson during tho times whon tho smnll
states wont to war over trivial mnttors
Tho point to bo roRrottod was that thoro
wob not a larger and nioro responslvo
tnudtonco to enjoy ono of tho vory best
entertainments yot givon in tho Audi
torium Upon tho strength of Mr
WhitoBidos first class ropntation and tho
friends ho mndo hero loBt year Mannger
Spear did not hesitato to book this com
pany on a Rtiaranteo of fHOO Tho total
salo of scats amounted to 227 mak
ing a loss with tho expoiiBo of
opening the house of nbont 100 Somo
wcoks ago Martins Undo Toms Cabin
company was horo nnd played ton houso
of 187 Tho roflult of thoBe two exper
ionces naturally loads tho management
to inqairo what the people want By
tho patronage Riven it would Boom as
though tho ohoap attractions ore the
moro popular but it will bo a Borious
stato of affairs from a theatrical stand
point whon nothiug but that kind come
hero A number of other fliBt class
companies nro now hocked for dates
during tho romainder of tho season but
If tho rosult is as disastrous to tho Audi
torium on those as it has been thus fur
tho management wonld bo foolish to
attempt to play high class compauies
anothor season nnd the public cannot
expect it
Owon ONeill is on the sick list this
Littlo James Lovelace has been sick In
bod slnco Friday
Tho Lutherans had an extra lino treo
In their church Christmas eve
Hon S A Mackay of Moadow Grovo
was down hero on businobs Friday
Tho Catholics built a sidewalk
in front of thoir ohuroh lots last Friday
Doputy Revenue Collector Carl T
Seeloy wus here on official business Fri
Hon P F Z mmorman our ropro
Bontatlvo wont to Lincoln on Christmas
Herman Euckor drove to Lindsay Fri
day for a couple of dnyB visit with his
Jus Sheets and friends of Meadow
Grovo were down here Friday to have a
little fun
The ball on Christmas at the Maxwell
opera house was woll attended by lovers
of dancing
Jack Manning started for Bloomfield
Wis Saturday for an extended visit
with relatives
D C Fender section boss of Pierce
arrived here Saturday for a couple of
days visit with relatives
Wm Brecheisen arrived here Monday
from Wyoming to spend the holiday
with his father and sister
Al Denson Alvin Smith and Bert
Railback of Meadow Grove precinct had
a little too much fun hero Friday
Julius GardelB of West Point arrived
here Monday to spend the holidays with
his uncle J R Gardels and family
John Young of Mt Auburn Benton
county Iowa arrived here lost week to
look af tor his farm property near town
Free of Cliarjre
Any adult suffering from a cold
settled on the breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any nature who will
cull at A K Leonard swlll be presented
with a sample bottle of Bosoheos
German Syrup free of charge Only
one bottle given to one person and none
to ohildron without order from parents
No throat or lnng remedy ever had
suoh a sale as Boschees German Syrnp
in all parts of tho civilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
were given away and your druggist
will tell yon its success was marvelous
It is really the only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
cians One 75 cent bottle will cure or
prove its value Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
Farming In Colorado and New Mexico
The Denver Rio Grande railroad
The Scenio Line of the World1 has
prepared an illustrated book upon the
above subject whloh will be sent free to
farmers desiring to change their location
This publication gives valuable informa
tion in regard to tho agricultural horti
cultural and live stock interests of this
seotiou and should be in the hands of
everyone who desires to become ao
qualuted with the methods of farming
by irrigation Write S K Hooper G
P T A Denver Colo
A Fautlllur Calender
The 1901 edition of the Columbia
desk calender Is being distributed by
tho American Bioyclo Co Columbia
Bales department Hartford Conn It
will bo sent to any address upon receipt
of live 2 cent stump3 This unique nnd
useful compilation has been issued an
nuully for the last sixteen years and it
has come to be regarded as an indlspens
able article in many business offices and
Shoriff Losoy took Rolla Lowis to
Lincoln Friday
F J Hall of Battlo Creek was In
town Satnrday Inst
Hon Johu S Robinfion is homo from
Washington for tho holidays
Dr OShea nnd wifo of Hnmnhrev
woro Sunday visitors to MadlBon
MlBBjVorno Sooloy bf Connoil Bluffs
is sponding tho holidays in MadlBon
Will Kroblon nnd wifo spent Christ
mas with rolativos at Nowmnn Grovo
Goo Miles camo up from tho stato
univorsity at Lincoln to spend tho holi
MIbsob Nellie Grant nnd Wllln Allon
nro homo from tho univorsity for tho
Mrs Dan Lynch and ohildron of Lin
coln nro sponding holidays with Madi
son relatives
Prof It D Miles of Blanohard Iowa
paid his parents a fow days visit during
his weeks vacation
Mr and Mrs O B Burrows of Nor
folk woro Christmas visitors with Mr
and Mrs Mommingcr
A J Thatch who has been qulto seri
ously ill of late is reported as gaining
but yot unable to leave the house
Shoriff Losey hae five county boarders
in hiB charge three waiting trial for
stealing hogs and two serving jail sen
Tho military ball Tuesday evening
was a succobb in every way Finan
cially company F is 62 ahead of ex
Tho Mothodist nnd Presbyterian Sun
day schools each had a Christmas treo
nnd genoral exercises Christmas eve
which woro greatly enjoyed by the audi
On Monday tho Norfolk High school
boys in a game of football with Madison
High sohool team scored 12 to 0 in
about 0 minutes Madison boys are
praotlcingand will do tho proper thing
next time
Appropriate exorcises were held in
the different rooms of the school lTriday
afternoon There will be but ono weeks
vacation now and another in conrse of
a month when tho transfer will bo made
to tho new building
Tho following marriage licenses have
been Issued Aaron Anderson age 158
of Iowa and Solma Johnson nge ill
Newman Grovo issued December 21
Albert W Noerpnberg nge 2U and Mary
Woich ago 25 both of j Norfolk Issued
Deo21 Lewis WHinesage 29audCelia
Rahdo age 17 both of Meadow Grove
issued December 24 Herbert D Burh
ner age 29 and Alvenn Wegner nge 29
both of Norfolk issued December 24
Jnmes Boyle ago 27 and Mnrgaret Ann
Morau ago 25 both of Antelope county
issued December 20 and married by
Judge Bates
Street Car Traffic In the Lnrhatvanna Val
ley Tied Up Men Demand Shorter
Hour and More 1ay
Scraiiton Pa Dec 24 Every one
of the 300 cur und barn employes of
the Serautou Railway company
obeyed the order which went Into ef
fegt at G a m to strike and as a con
sequence only two wire were run in
all of the Lackawanna valley yester
day These two were manned by Su
perintendent Patterson and dispatch
ers foreman and clerks No attempt
was made to molest them nnd al
though ruin fell a greater part of the
day the two enrs seldom hud a passen
ger The rJed up region extends from
Plttston to Forest City a distance of
30 miles nnd includes Gf miles of
trucks on which arc run ordinary night
The 180 men of the Wyoming Trac
tion company operating all the lines
south of Plttston as far as Nnntlcokc
threaten to go on strike Thursday
With both companies tied up there
would be a total cessation of street
car traffic in a strip 80 miles north
including the four cities of Scranton
Wilkesbarre Plttston and Carbondale
An appeal to the local public was is
sued asking that the can be not
patronized The men demand 20 cents
an hour for old employes nnd from in
to 17 for new men They also de
mand a ten hour day
Telephone Service la Meager But Mnch
Damage U Reported In Alabama
Muion Ga Dec 24 Npwb was re
ceived today that a tornado passed
through the eastern edge of Noxubee
county andthe western part of Pickens
and Sumpter counties Alabama last
night dolug great damage Telephone
nows is meager Ono house of the
Spnrkmnu place was destroyed A
residence on the Ross place near
Cooksvllle was wrecked and its furni
ture destroyed On tho Beal place
several houses wero blown nway On
tho John Windham phicethe store
house and bnrns were destroyed and
several mules killed One negro was
killed On the Nancy place every
thing was dPBtroyed Wash Oliver a
negro was killed
IterrlTer Appointed for Italtlmore Hank
Baltimore Dec 27 Roger T GUI
of the law firm of N Rufus Gill
Sons was yesterday appointed re
ceiver for the Oldtown bank by Judge
Ktockbrldge Tho appointment was
made by consent of tho president nnd
officers of the haul Mr Gill bonded
In the sum of lr00000 the assets
of the Institution being valued at half
i that amount
U r I
Tins niiiutt is Iiil linilt inuiu ft
try lmllleof SCOTTS OIlI
IO in llie World wliiclt now
iioiitiis lo many millions yctnlj
i gnat Iiiimiilss liab giown to
uch vrit piopoitioiih
Vsr HeciUM llie proprielois
invc nlwavs liccn niot careful ill
clicliii the various ingredients
iMd in its composition nanieh
iln finest Cotl Liver Oil and the
uneit Hypopliosphites
thoy have so
lcillfully combined the various
nnedients that the bost pos ible
esults are obtained by its use
TVirrf BccnuFc it lias made so
nnny sickly delicate children
irong aud healthy given health
uul rosy cheeks to so many pale
anaemic girl and healed the lungs
and restored to full health
ihoustiudb in the
iirst stages ot
If vnu have not tiled it cmt for free sauipk
Ita ugretablu taile will Mirprisv ou
4ch I5 leirl stee New York
50c aud Jioo all druggists
I djnnn YEARLY to Christian
tpuUU man or woman to look
after our growing business in this
aud adjoining counties to act as
manager aud correspondent work
can be done nt your home Euolose
self addressed stamped envelope
for particulars to H A Sherman
General Manager Corcoran Build
ing opposite United Stntes Treas
ury Washington D O
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
the disease without exciting disorder in
nny other part of tho system
1 Feveri CongesUons Inflammations 23
2 Wormi Worm Fever Worm Colic 25
3 Teething Collo Cry lngWnkef ulneM 25
4 Diarrhea of Children or Adults 25
7 Cougha Colds Bronchltla 25
B Neuralgia Toothache Faceache 25
9 Headache Sick Headaohe Vertigo 25
10 Dyapepata IndigeaUonWeakBtomach25
11 Suppreaiedorlnlnrnl Period 25
12 While Too Prof ose Periods 25
13 Croup Lurynglcla Hoarcenesa 25
14 Salt BheumEryslpolag Eruptions 25
IB Rheumatlam Itheumatlo Pains 25
10 Malaria Chills Fever and Agae 25
19 Catarrh Influenza Cold In the Head 25
20 Whooplns Cough 25
27 Kidney Dlaeaaea 25
28 Nervous Debility 100
30 Urinary VVeakneaa Wetting Bed 25
77 Orlp Hay Fever 25
Dr Humphreys Manual of aU Disease at your
Druggists or Hailed Free
Sold by druggists or aont on receipt of price
Humphreys Med Co Cot William John Bta
New York
Trade Marks
t i n P
-- wr iniunifj rr n
HnJ na nlS1n sketch and description reur
quickly ascertain our opinion freo Kiietuer an
la probably uatontubfe Conmiunlm
920 Fenrecurini patents
stents taken through Sluun 4 Co rLcelve
tptcUti notUe without cburae In the
Scientific American
A handsomely Illustrated weekly Irtcbt clr
tulatlon of any sclenituo Journal iS Us
iymrin0ilnBlL BoWbynli neSadtaleri
MUNN I New York
Brl m 6 bu Washington