Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1900)
J 9 Ik f pip h i r i V V ft l m mi Forty nine Children Lose Their Lives While Skating DISASTER AT FOSTER IOWA Ice Gives XVny With Flfty ono and Onlr Two Itacnpe to Tell tho to Oliluln lnrtlculnrii or tlio llcportml Catastrophe Dcs MoIiich Dec 28 A telentiouo message from Washington la suys thnt 51 nohool children were BknthiR on tlie river neitr Foster la when the ice gave way and -10 were drowned A telephone message from the What Cheer telephone operator nt midnight to the operator In Den Moines said that 40 school children had been drowned Immediately thereafter it became impossible to reach What Cheer by telephone the operator evi dently having gone homo Telephone messaged by wny of Oska loosa and Ottmmvn say the report of the drowning of 49 school children at What Cheer Is time The children wore skating on a pond near the fair grounds and the accident occurred about 0 p m Burlington In Doc 28 A tele phone message to the Hawlteye from Washington Ia says that 51 school j children were skating on tho river near Foster la on the Chicago Mil waukee and St Iaul near What Cheer when the Ice gave way and 40 were drowned only two ehlldlren es caping to tell the tale PICKED UP AT SEA Thirteen Shipwrecked Suitor Readied by the TruDHpurt Garonne Seattle Wash Dec 28 Particulars cf the rescue by the United States transport Garonne of li shipwrecked seamen of the ill fated schooner Theresa Maria in Philippine waters were received in this city While en route from Vigau with 12 sick men from the Third cavalry and Thirty third infantry and 515 insurgent pris oners the1 Garonne sighted wreckage with men t clinging to it on her star board bow Captain Conrndi brought Ills ship around and dispatched life bouts to those clinging to the nge and all were rescued and taken nboard the Garonne The Theresa Marin was bound from Santa Cruz to Manila with rice and sugar and encountered u squall which Bwnmped her The members of tjic crew were three days and nights in the water without food or anything to drink Meanwhile several vessels passed thorn all falling to observe the Marias distress RAID ON BRITISH BORDERS Injfcrl Tribo or Dutch New Guinea 1 I Qulclcly FunUhud Victoria U C Dec 28 The steamer Miowcra brings advices of a raid on the British possessions by the Tugerl tribe from Dutch New Guinea A squad of police met the pirates from JTuguri near the mouth of Morehead river A light on the water ensued Ithe police capturing and sinking live junks No prisoners were taken but it is estimated that 40 were shot or drowned There were no casualties among the government forces The Mlowera also brings advices from Queensland thnt a prospector named P Killnnc has been killed and eaten by the natives i A report is brought of the discovery of gold in S bioh near Apia and that Matanfa Is becoming restless and on Dec G called a meeting of native chiefs SPEAKERSHIP CONTEST Candidate Are Active In Their Cuuvuss ut Lincoln Lincoln Dec 28 Three of tho Speakership candidates William G Sears of Burt John J McCarthy of Dixon and J A Andrews of Frontier were here but neither of them did very much work in their own behalf for the reason thnt there were only a few of the Republican legislators In the city Tho announcement of the withdrawal of Dr Lallln of Gage county from the race for the speaker chip caused some consternation In tho ranks of partisans but all sides claimed to be benefited by tho action Dr Laflln and Mr Sears were to gether in the lobby of the Llndell most of tho day and the latter expressed grcnt confidence that he would bo elected Ram on Baltimore Bank Baltimore Dec 28 A scare among tho timid depositors of tho several savings banks of the city was the only noticeable result of thohrtture Wednes day of tlie Old Town bank Buns oc curred on nearly all the savings insti tutions but tho most notnblo were opon the Savings Bank of Baltimore the City Savings bank and the Hop kins Place Savings bank In every enso tlie claims were promptly satis fied Et Joe Murder Myatery St Joseph Mo Dec 28 Tlie prose cuting attorney believes he will be oble to develop all the Important feat ures of the sensatlonnl murder of the millionaire merchant Frank Richard son of Savnnnnh at the Inquest to be resumed today Mrs ltlcharduon will ttako the stand nnd It is understood ehe will give testimony that will clear ly show the murderer to be a very prominent resident of Savannah RIOT IN BROOKLYN JAIL Matron nnd Warden lleaten by Maddened Female Prisoners New York Dec 28 Twenty mad dened female prisoners In the Ray mond street Jail llrooklyn rioted yes terday and tiercely assaulted Matron Pantile Handy and Warden McGrnth There was no attempt to escape The riot was the coiiHcuuence of nothing but ill feeling Miss Handy wns trans ferring prisoners from one corridor to another In the woman section when Khe was attacked by Nolllc Jones a powerfully built woman who had been bent up for ten days for Intoxi cation Miss Hnndy wns felled Nineteen other prisoners then as saulted her While the blows rained thick on her head and body she ninn aged to push a button that rang a bell In the wardens office Warden Mc Grnth ruthed to the womans depart ment without waiting to call for as sistance and they Jumped on him The blows were fast and furious and McGrnth went to the floor Hnt pins were brought Into play and his face head and nock were gouged Miss Handy made her way through the crowd and again rang the alarm The sheriff and live deputies replied They had much troublo In subduing the women but succeeded and two of them were put In straight Jackets EMPEROR OBJECTS Chinese Court Taken Kxoeptlon to Two of Notos Stipulations Wants Forts Left and 1 nurds Muted Peking Dec 28 LI Hung Chang and Prince Thing tho Chinese peace commissioners have heard from the emperor Kwang Su Prince Chlng culled on the former for consultation remaining over nn hour The court objects strenuously to reducing tho forts uud also to allowing porhiunout legation guards which It seems to think could be made sufficiently large at any time it was desired to menuco tho court Itself After the conference it was decided to hold further communication with tho court before seeing the ministers Shanghai Dec 28 The Chinese newspapers here object to the proposed pence terms The Universal Gnzette considers that tho princes and olliclals who are to be punished should be named It is questionable whother General Tung Fu Hslang is Included among those punishable and so far as Prince Tumi Is concerned it is well known that the Chinese peace com missioners have been Instructed not to consent to any punishment of a per son of royal blood exceeding imprls onmcut NEBRASKA TEACHERS Reoord llrealilnir Atteudnnce at the An nual iHeetliiK nt Lincoln Lincoln Dec 2S One of the feat ures of tho State Teachers association meeting was the address last evening of Chancellor Andrews of the Unive sity of Nebraska He defended tho so called fads of the modem teacher declaring it to be better to be criticised for originality and enterprise than to be a drone and escape criticism Yes terdays attendance was a record brenker 1370 the largest in the his tory of tho association Instruction tn kindergarten work was one of the in teresting features of the sectional meetings A IL Wnterhouse of Omu ha and O A Thomas of Mlndeu are leading candidates for president of the association All Gambles Way Now Sioux Falls S D line 28 Tho dlf ferences existing between the South Dakota Republicans over the election of a successor of Senator Pettigrow have been adjusted and as a result of a compromise now being effected Congressman Robert J Gamble will be tho choice of the Republican mem bors of the legislature for United States senator TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Six hundred miners of the Berton Coal companys mines near Mlnesboro Pa are on a strike Honolulu Is nbout to have a temper ance crusade lod by tlie W C T U and the Ministers union Captain Hunk Ilnff lias been selected master of the Boston boat to be built to defend tho Americas cup Announcement was mado Thursday of the acquisition by the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe of tho Pecos Valley and Northeastern railroad The suffering and wunt of the Rus sian settlers In McHenry county North Dakota Is great A number of them arc said to be actually starving J A R Elliott defeated William R Crosby at Kansas City Thursday in a contest for the cast iron shooting championship medal by a score of DC to 01 The Berliner Post summarizing Ger manys naval progress this year says that seven vessels have been launched Including two battleships one large crulcr and four smnll cruisers At a meeting of the prosecuting offi cers of Missouri held in St Louis Thurhduy u resolution was adopted to recommend to the state lcglsluturt the passage of u law making kidnap ing a capital crime W I Dean ullas W II Carr who It is alleged is wanted at Illnton la on tho charge of defaulting while agent of the Great Northern Express company la under arrest at Slier brooke Que A representative of the company will go there to push extra dition proceeding iii MI H Kitchener Trying to Head Off Boer Commander LANOERS ARE TURNED J3A0K Are Dmibtn to Kflrrt Heinle of HrltUh Abandons llll Blnxlitm IarKo Iorro of lloem Trekking to Diiuntruliiuil Loudon Dec 28 Tho following din patch has been received from Lord Kitchener 1iottirln Doc UT Knoz with Ilnrker rilcliiT nml White In ciikiikciI with lt wrlH force liolilluu n position tn kit iicIrIi Uui liimil of ticmvknp liuwrt liopiH to lireuk through unit ro toiitb URIllll The iIolmn riistiTii column In Cpo Col our I nppnielitlv licuilml by ollr tlOOpn uliout Heliport npiult The lloom wtmturn column Ih reported to luivc ciitin north tu two poltlunv oiiu towiiul llluxkn nml the oilier tlmiUkh Strydeiiburg Turr nro be ing followed up Yesterday 00 llnri H sttitekrrt small po lice poMt lieur Hnli tlnnR The pollre jtnl lniilly drove them off before reinforcements from Johiitincflimg tirilveil Tlie IIiilth dumiiKcd the mining machinery In the nelRhliorhnoil Thu Hoeis nttiicltcil Utrecht at 2 oclock thin moniliiK mid weir- driven off The lloei H held up n tiuln tluec miles west of 1iiu nml weiu dllven off London Dec 28 Tho latest dis patches ii nni South Africa show that Lord Kitchener has succeeded In hold ing tlie Invading Boers In check But he has not yet been successful In ex pelling them from Cape Colony while small coinmandues continue to display astonishing dating and activity over an Immensely wldo Held It Is questionable whether his proc lamation will hare much effect until General Dewet Is captured The Boors are likely to regard It as a sign of weakness and to have a wholesome dread of Dewets vengeance If they surrender The proclamation Is approved by the party nt home that favors conciliatory terms to the Boers as a step in tlie right direction A dispatch from Vryburg tinted Dec 20 says the Boers in considerable num bers were then making an unexpected movement westward They had lf wagons The dispatch suggests that they were trekking to Dntniirulmid al though the Boers themselves denied any Mich Intention IrexHluj llorr Commando Burgliersdorp Cape Colony Dec 28 GrsMifeH continue In touch with Kruitzlngers commniido of 700 men who are carrying off the British prisoners Krultzlnger has abandoned his Maxims and carts An attempt of the Ninth Lancers to turn Kruit zlngers lank at Plalsterheuvcl re sulted in eight casualties among the Lnncers Including Lord Frederick Blackwood who was wounded MILLER RECOVERS HIS BOY Mother unil Child Found III a Small Touu Not 1nrlroiu liidlinupnllj Indianapolis Dec 28 Yesterday the hackinan who drove Mrs Miller and her son Sydney was located and in formed the detectives that ho had con veyed the Wfuiuu and boy to Blight wood live miles east of this city where she intended to take the first train on the Big Four for Now York Samuel Miller the husband unrl father with u corps of newspaper men und detectives immediately secured carriages und the party was driven rapidly to Brigbtwood On arriving ther they were In formed thnt Mrs MUler and her boy had been taken to Lawrence Ind tlie next station north The party pro ceeded to this place found the woman and child nsleep in n bonrdlug house and tlie father with his son started on his way back to Indianapolis Mrs Miller was loft at Lawrence Decided In lavor of Brewery Sioux City Dec 28 A decision In tho district court wns announced yes terday which Involves tho right of the Sioux City Browing company and nil saloons In Iowa to continue in op eration under the Martin liquor law It was claimed by Eugene Lutz plaintiff that the brewery had vio lated tho law In several cases and con sequently tho petition of consent un der which all saloons as well as the brewery operated waa nullified The decision was in favor of tho brewery Drunken Han KJ1U Two Men Toplar Bluff Mo Dec 28 Foster Baker and Robert Jones residents of Cottonwood Point Pemiscot county while Intoxicated quarreled nnd Baker stabbed Jones to death Later Baker met an inoffensive German named Johnson and shot him dead Baker Is now In Jail at Caruthersvllle Lynch Ing is feared Frye Jenle thu Story Washington Dec 28 A E Frye the superintendent of education of Cuba has telegraphed tho war depart ment a sweeping denial of the pub lished story to tho effect that he Is sued n circular or proclamation In Ha vana advising the Cubans to proceed to drive tho Americans out of the Isl and Colonel Bryant Stricken Wichita Dec 28 olonel Montgom ery Bryunt U S A retired formerly of the Thirteenth Infantry had two separate strokes of paralysis this week and his condition is serious He was the first white man born In Kan sas ut Leuveuworth lu 1832 FAVOR CHANGES IN THELAW I own TsMimer llmi Legislation a Well ha Technical Topic Des Moines Dec 28 The leading topic before the second days ncsbIoii of tlie lown Stale Teachers associa tion which Is assembled here was tho paper rend by Superintendent D M Kelly of Cedar Falls upon Homo Moral Questions for tho School llo wns followed by Superintendent H It Shonkley or Des Moines upon Tho School of the Twentieth Century While Professor W W Spcer of Chi cago had for his text Arithmetic How to Teach It Tlie report of tho legislative commit tee contained a number of minor rec ommendations with regard to the change of the school law of the state The following officers were elected PrcHldeiil A W Stuart Ottumwa vice presidents 1 P Hugged or Cedar napltls 10 II Graff of lied Oak and 13 C Lilly of Independence secretary W V Parr Des Molues Members of the executive committee II H Krntz Slonx City members of educational council President Hi O MacLean Iown City and A L Huklll Waterloo - CROWE IN MANY PLACES lollce Are NerhiK llhn All Ilia War Irom CIiIciiko to HoHtoUKorliiiir Ounur of 1ouy round Omaha Dec 28 The police chanced upon a clue yesterday which they hope will mark the beginning of the end of tlie kidnaping mystery It Ih by nil odds the most important devel opment In the case thus far as It clears up the Identity of the pony at Pacific Junction tracen It directly Info the hands of the bandits and furnishes more accurate description of the out laws than the police had previously hccurcd It was learned that the pony was sold Dec 14 by Daniel Burrls who lives at Will Grand avenue to two men one of whom answers the description of Pat Crowe Crowo Is the most ubiquitous man In the United States In the space or IS hours he lias been simultaneously seen by police of three cities and sleuths all tho way from Denver to Liverpool are looking for him Crowe Alio Seen In OliUnco Chicago Dec 28 Disguised as o woman Pat Crowe who Is being sought all over the United States on the charge that he was the kidnaper of Kdille Cudahy ut Omaha lias been seen In Chicago within the lust few days and may still be hiding here ac coiing j Klntoniciit mdo v Sergeant James Storen who lias arrested Crowe n uumber of times In the past Think Crowe Sailed Tor Uterpnol Boston Doc 28 The Boston police have evidence to Indicate they think that Pat Crowe and the man who Ih wanted on a charge of kidnaping young Cudahy are on the Warren liner Michigan bound for Liverpool and a cable containing thnt Information has been sent to the Scotland Yard de tectives who will be on the Liverpool docks when the steamer arrives Too Knylor Kidnaper Topeka Dec 28 It Is likely that the Kansas law against kldnnpliig will he abridged this winter attorneys and others lelng of the opinion that the punishment provided by tlie pres ent statute Is not sufficient for the crime Before Governor Stanley went home last week he talked the matter over with Attornoy General Goddard and they ngreed that the law should be amended Iovwi Boy Kidnaped Jnfld la Dec 28 Tho son of Louis Tenshose has been miss lug since Tuesday last and the father is of the opinion that it Is the work of kldnaperR lie has offered a reward of r00 for the return of the child and 1000 for the arrest of the culpiiLs TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS The Prussian diet has been sum moned to meet Jan 8 S V Derrah has been appointed general freight agent of the Rio Grande Western railroad Thoinns B Williams ex member of the board of governors of the New York Stock exchange is dead Tlie First National bunk of White Pigeon Mich wus closed Thursday by order of tho comptroller of the cur rency Charles H Beach Is in Jail at port charged with trying to kidnap Ills son over whom tho boys mother has control The Industrial commission nt Wash ington Is nrruuglng for a list of wit nesses who will testify from Jan 4 to 19 on the subject of transportation The president has ordered that the military reservation nt Nome Alaska be made a public reservation under tho control of the war department The failure of the well known bunk ing firm of Francisco Martinez Negrete Sons of Guadalajtna lias created a sensation In Mexico The liabilities are 200000 Tho steamer reported ashoro south of Mlumi Fin Is tho Homerlck of Baltimore laden with coal for Mex ico The wreckers now have her In charge and tho entire cargo is being dumped Into the sea W R Neff and Mrs Myrtlo Wright charged with the murder of G A Bar ber of Iowa for the purpose of secur ing Insurance on his life wero Thurs day discharged at the preliminary hearing ut Pugosa Spring Colo The irai s l rriTTi - The Nobsqlk Weekly News Journal f tk NEBRASKA FRIDAY DECEMBER 28 1000 H HhuDHI I 4HHii JH fir H Hf e yPiNj i j r k -a b V This Kind of a Man M Doesnt know the dlllcrciue between good lumber uud poor M M lumber Any old stuff would suit lilm Hut our stock wasnt WM B bought for nuch fellows as him It was bought for the most H BMH particular men In the community If you happen to be one M M of those particular chaps and wutt some extra nice lumber MB H heres the place togct It IiIcchV Low as you get anywhere H L C MITTELSTADT H NORFOLKS LUWDERVAN H 1 A liUIKAKT lRKHIDKNT C1IA8 H lllUDdK VlOB PnuHiDitNT W II JOIINHON JARniRit IiKO IAHKVAMCAhht Uahiiirb The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 85000 liny nml noil niohnntrn nn thin country r ml nil pnrti of Kuropn Tnrm Loatin lirectori Um Ahmdh W II Joiinhon Ciiah 8 Ilitrrxiu O W IIiiaahoii riWANK 1 A IjUIKAUT T V MltMHINIlKR L HlCHHIONH BABIES CRY FOR 0 M WHEATLING 1AND BRIHAI MADE FROM BOPJ TOM FLOUR Itave You Tried Them SUG m CITY CEREAL MILLS FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS orfolk Building and Loan Assn CffMTB 2URLA D Srrelat C W BRAACB 2 DEALER IN rtosar atx iaszsr 5 iOk uiszr fzsmz lX zsasH 22- G EAI3ST maivEEKSifi 331 IffMTfltJ Exclusive ucut lor tlie Celebrated Sweetwater Hock Spring Coal the best in the market Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE tfl 0 Get What You Ask for at UHLES GROCERY ALL ORDERS siro filled promptly and with care Our goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular We know precisely what is vanted by our custom ers Weaim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money South sido Main St between 2d mid ld Telephone 41 POPULAR PUBLICATIONS POPULAR 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