The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 21, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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1 LA vM
U no pruotlce oi nazing is receiving a
rigid investigation at the Weht Point
military sohool and it iB to bo hoped
that the praotico will bo discouraged
not only in that sohool but in all othor
schools and colleges Tho strange part
of tho practice seeiuB to bo that those
who have suflered indignities at tho
hands of their fellow students nre fore
most in inducting others through
the disgraceful proceedings If students
muBt have an initiatory ceremony it had
better bo one that could receive the
sanction of the faculty One might be
arranged providing for lots of fun
without danger to the physical welfaro
of the candidate The practice is strictly
forbidden in most schools but the
etudents seem to suffer no great incon
venience oy tnese rules wnen they are
fully determined A better way to con
trol the ceremony would seem to bo for
tho staid old professors to enter into the
spirit of the occasion and use their influ
ence toward a safe program As in
other affairs there is often too much law
and not enough fellowship between
teachers and students
The Omaha Trade Exhibit gives timely
advice to merchants about gettiug in
debt as follows It lias been truthfully
said that Debt is a mire without a
boundary If more business men would
put that down as a good maxim to ro
member there would be fewer business
failures The great trouble is that when
times are prosperous like tho present a
rreat many men are carried oil their
feet and get entirely too visionary A
man was heard of the other duy who
wanted to take the money he had tmade
in his business and go into a real estate
uobeme which would require nothing
less than a big boom to make it a suc
cess Ho seemed to forget that it re-
Israel Gluck was a visitor from Col
umbus Saturday lubt
Mrs T E Lonuecker is building an
nddition to her house
Ed Crook of Meadow Grove attended
business hero Tuesdny
John Koonightein aud son Din J
were in town Wednesday
Olo Anderson of Meadow Grove was
doing business here Monday
Mr aud Mrs John Evans piano tnuer
wore calling upon their patrons Monday
V M Robertson of Norfolk trans
acted business at tho capital Wednesday
Will Palmer wob in town from Finer
iok a fow days last week visiting friends
Deputies Heilman and Pilger were
Norfolk vibitors from Saturday until
Mrs John Scholer who has been ill
for some time is reported as much im
Mr and Mra F W Richardson of
Buttle Creek drove over Wednesday re
turning Thursday
Rev Wilcox of Dakota City came in
Tuesday morning to attend the funeral
of GrandmalCooley his mother-in-law
Sherd Snyder suffered a Blight injury
to his left eye last Saturday a hot scale
flying from his anvil and striking him
Davis Noxou are putting the finish
ing touches on tho outbide of the new
bchool building in the way of roof and
cornice painting
E G Hoilman was in town Tuesday
aud Wednesday Mr Heilman expects
to move his fumily to Lincoln this week
or tho first of next preparatory to his
work as deputy stute treasurer
Grandma Cooley mother of Mrs R
O Miles aud Mrs Wilcox and Mrs
Moody of Dakota City died Tues
day morning at the Miles home in
this city of old age and general debility
She was 77 years ot age Funeral ser
vices Thursday morning at 0 S0 at the
house the remains being taken to Finer
ick for burial She leaves an aged hus
band and t daughters as her immediate
family besides bou in law aud grand
children aud one great- grand child
The Norfolk leuus
W N HU8E Publlshor
Even dny
took la c
EetnblUhocl 1NS7
except Sunday Ily carrier
liy mnu or enr oiv
The Nous csttibllelied 1K81
The Journnl eotubllMioiI 1817
Every Friday liy msll iwr your lr0
Enteral at the Potitolllce at Nurfolk Noli iib
ecoud clusi matter
Tolophone No 22
If in tho spring of 1D01 Nebraska will
plant as mauy rouifirs us Christmas
festivities dostroyed in 1900 tho state
will add thousands of acres to its wood
land area Never take tree life except
ns a necessity and under compulsion
The Conservative
quires good judgement in prosperous
tunes as well as during times of depres
sion to moke profitable investments
Not only do men take tho money they
have on hand but thoy will frequently
borrow all thoy can got hold of to go into
some scheme which they know noth
ing of Tho retailer who is enjoying a
nice trado might better une his money to
discouut his bills than to go into debt
for the purpose of eutering into somo
line that lit is not familiar with and by
so doing injure his credit
Jeff Boyles went to Omaha last
day evening
Hnrv Dowd has purchased the
denceof Will Irvin
Miss Gertrude Wade spent bunday at
Battle Creek with her parents
MissVerna Sweet returned Sundoy
from Tildou where she had been to visit
her aunt
Ora Palmer and Frank McCullam at
tended the dance given at Wornervillo
last Friday eveuiug
Mr and Mrs R G Harney returned
last Saturday from Connecticut in
which state they had been visiting rela
tives for the past three months
Mr F E Stillwoll of Omaha has pur
chased Mr Weisners meat market busi
ness Mr aud Mrs Stillwell arrived
last Sunday evening accompanied by
Mr Stillwells younger brother Elmer
who will assist in the business
The following program is to bo
rendered by the Meadow Grove schools
Friday evening December 2l after
which the schools will be closed for a
two weeks vacation
Song My Father Knows Jessie
Luton Cora Boyles Miy Rouse
Recitation When Siuta Glaus is
President Charley Welty
Dialogue The yuacK Area xvicuon
old Fred Beech Oscar Colgrove Maud
Beech Carl Oehriug Verna Sweet
Nellie Luton
Santa Glaus song primary department
Recitation Ohnstmas in Heaven
Bessie Warrick
Recitation The Christmas Month
Martha Ames
Christmas exercises primary depart
Recitation A Little Girl to Her
Kitten Ruth Warrick
Recitation Xmas Hazel Evans
Dialogue The Patent Right Agent
Juy Ames Willie Harding
Song Only a Dream of the Old
Home Cora Bovles Jessie Luton
Recitation DecemberHazelAlyea
Doll drill primary department
Recitation Rovery in Church
Maud Beech
Faroe Tho Hoyden Ethel Cran
dell Earl Deuel Cora Boyles Ada
Vocal Solo Rowlmr Mae Rouse
Recitation The Independence Bell
Howard PerkiuH
Mother Gooses Reception intermedi
ate department
Vocal Dnot I Guess Youd Better
Hush Ada White Ethel Craudell
A specialty Ada White Ethel Crau
Concluding remarks Principal Walter
Pilger Miss Bessie Deuel Mibs Gertrude
Miss Anna Nelson visited in this
vicinity Friday afternoon
Mr Johusou the postmaster led the
young peoples meeting Sunday evening
Quite a number were out to the meet
Mr W H Wilken is in this vicinity
on business for a few days
The Misses Lundquist attended
church in Hoskins Sunday
Quite a lot of poultry is being pre
pared to be shipped to tho Omaha
market for Christmas
MissoB Lillie Burchmore and Christena
Lundquist visited with friends in Nor
fol Saturday and Sunday
Ben Wilson rode to Wayne on his
wheel lost Thursday and stopped over
night visiting with his brother John
who is attending the normal
Kev Butler of Hoskins preached in
Bega lost Weduebday evening He ex
pects to preach on the 80th and also
ouco in two we 1m after that
The K O T M and L O T M of
Norfolk will open the 20th century with
a bull at tho Marquurdt ball on New
Years night January 1st and they ex
tend a cordiul invitation to all to enjoy
tho festivities of the occa ion Music
will be furnished by Bohuerts orchestra
State ot Ohio city of Toledo Lucas
county hs
Frank J Cheney makes oath that he
ib senior partuer of the firm of F J
Cheney Sc Co doing business in the
city of Toledo county and btute afore
said uud that said firm will pay the
sum of oue hundred dollars for each
and every case of catarrh that cannot
be cured by tho use of Halls Catarrh
Cure Frank J Cheney
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence thiB Gth day of December
A D 1886 A W Gleabon
seal Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Cure is takeu internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous snrfaces of the system Send for
testimonials free
F J Cheney Co Toledo O
Sold by druggist 75o
Halls Family Pills nre the best
This school has recently been re
organized and placed in charge of
Archdeacon Atmore whose scholastic
attainments are well and favorably
known in many portions of the United
States Here iB the opportunity for
parents to procure for their children a
good wholesome sound and all around
Terms reasonable The next term
commences J auuary 17 1901 and ar
rauiteinents can be made by which
pupils may enter at once or at any time
For further information address
Archdeacon Atmore
Kearney Nebraska
References Mr John G Lowe banker
Kearney Neb Mr F G KeeuB Kear
We have reduced the price on every garment we have in order to sell
J them all by January 1st Now is your chance to get a big bargain
o t Below we give a few prices
6 Ladies Caster Fur Trimmed Fine Kersey
Jackets worth 1200 now
8 Ladies Velvet Trimmed Fine Kcrsy Jack
ets worth 1200 now
7 Ladies Blue Fine Kcrsy Jackets worth
1000 now
10 Ladies Black Kcrsy and Boucle Jackets
worth 900 now
Ladies 40 inch Silk Plush Coats worth 1550 0 1 I QC
and 1650 now 1285 and 01 I
Plush Capes worth 1200 now
Plush Capes worth 800 now
Cloth Capes worth 950 now
Cloth Capes worth 600 now
Cloth Capes worth 600 now 389
Cloth Capes worth 550 now 0d0o
Cloth Capes worth 400 now 285
9 Ladies Caster Kersy Jackets worth 00 QQ
700 now 00 U J
7 Blue Grey Kersy Jackets worth Oil OR
625 now 04 0 U
12 Black Kersy All Lined Jackets OQ Qfl
worth 600 now 00 UU
10 Black Beaver Jackets worth 0 1 QC
400 now 01 u3
Childrens Caster Jackets 6 to 10 years worth
425 now
n z
Misses Caster Jackets 12 to 16 years worth JO Qfj
425 now HIliOiI
Childrens Tan Jackets 6 to 10 years worth M QC
300 now 91 uil
Childrens Boucle Red and Blue 6 to 10 years M QR
worth 345 now 31 Oil
Misses and Childrens Long Coats 8 to 16 years M 70
worth 250 now 31- 0
Childrens Long Gray Coats 8 to 12
years worth 100 now
W H HUCIIOLZ President
ALEXANDEIi HEAR Vice President
h W ZUTZ AEBiBtuut Cashier
National Bank
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Sells Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted
F p
Sterling Silver Flatware Silver Nov
elties China Cut Glass all kinds of
Jewelry and Pianos and Organs will
make suitable Christmas Presents for
your friends All the above articles
at prices that will suit you at
Hayes Jewelry Music House
iili Norfolk Avenue
6et What You Ask for at
ivuu vlxuejiio are nneu promptly and with care
uurgoouHure jjiiiqt uijASS in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
South side Main St between 2d and 3d Telephone 41