The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 21, 1900, Image 1

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The Futolk Weekly News Journal
Tribute of 25000 Brings Young
Cudahy Back Home
Men Who Tooh lllm AtltRnil Tliey HVrn
OllliiiNlllliiilliililcil mill Tiilull In Homo
Near south OiiuiliiilrUitr Scut liy Kill
Hliiiir Ki irlxiil at Cililuliy Itculdoiice
Jiiiuliu Doc Jl Twenty live tliou
Knntl tlollurs hi gold was the pticu paid
by Udward Cudahy tho lnlllloiialro
pucker fur the return of his sun Ed
ward Cudahy li who was abducted
by n gang of kidnapers early Tuesday
The conditions under which the out
laws were willing to release their vic
tim were dr tailed lu full In a letter
received by Mr Cudahy at his house
Wednesday noon nbout three hours
nfter the llrst coinniunlcntton had been
thrown Into his yard by n man on
horseback It came through the mulls
and reads as follows
LpIIit Si ut liy KlilnnprrK
Omnlui Dec 11 11MH Mr Cuiliihr We
hnvu kldiiiKil your olillil mid ileinunil Jri
000 twpiity tht tliousaiiil dollars for lilt
flnfo return If you rIvu uh tho money tin
child will lie ritiirniil us safe im wlii n you
last saw him lint If you refuse wp will
put nvlil In Ills eyes mill lillml lilm then
we will iiiiiniiilliitily fcldunp another mil
Honnlivs Ilillil that wo linvo Hpotted ami
demuiid JIOOWMJ and we will set It for lie
will siP the conilltlon of your child nml re
alize thp fnik that wi uipiiii Imslmsi nml
will not hi monkeyed with or captured
Opt the money till In gold live ten and
twenty dollar pieces put It 111 a prlp In a
white wheat sack Bet In your buggy nlone
on the night of December lDth nt 7 oclock
p nt nnd drive kouHi from your house to
Center street turn west on Center and
drive buck to Kusers park and follow the
paved road toward Fremont when you
come to a lantern that In light liy thp side
of the road piape the money by the lantern
nnd nnmiedlately tnrn your horn around
nnd return home You will know our lan
tern for It will have two ribbons black and
white tied on the handle you must place
a red lantern on your durkv where It can
be plainly seen so we will know you a
mile away This letter and every part of
It must be returned with the money and
any attempt nt capture will be the saddeHt
thine you ever dntip
If you remember gome twenty years ago
Charley Ross was kidnaped In New York
city and 20000 rnnsom asked Old man
Ross was willing to -five up the money but
Burns the great detective with others
persuaded the old man not to Rive up the
money assuring him that the thieves would
be captured Ross died of a broken heart
sorry that he allowed the detectives to dic
tate to him
This letter must not be seen by any one
but you If the police or some stranger
knew Its contents they might attempt to
capture although entirely against your
wish or some one might use a lantern and
represent us thus the wrong party secur
ing the money and this wiuld be an fatle
to you as If you refused to give up the
money So you see the danger If you let
this letter be seen
Mr Cudahy you are up against It and tliern
Is only one way out GIVE UP TUB
COIN Money we want nnd money we will
If you dont give up the next man will
for he will see that we mean business and
you can lead your boy around blind the
reat of your days nnd till you will have Is
the dam copper sympathy Do the right
thing by us and we will do the same by you
If you refuse you will soon see th saddest
eight yon ever seen
Wednesday December 10th
Follow these Instructions and no barm
will befall you or yours
Decides to Pay Hhiihoiii
A consultation was Immediately held
by Mr Cuduhy and his friends aud
various plans were discussed looking
to the capture of the gang when they
should put In an appearance at the
rendezvous which they had named
One by one these were dropped as Im
practicable and at last impelled by
the fearful strain under which the
family was suffering Mr Cudahy de
cided to comply with the demands of
the bandits
As soon as this decision was reached
a messenger wns dispatched to one of
the city banks for the money He re
turned In a short time bringing with
him 25000 In gold coin After supper
bad been eaten Mr Cudahy ordered
one of his horses harnessed to a light
buggy and taking the sack containing
tho gold drove out Sherman avenue
to the appointed meeting place In
compliance with the demand made In
the letter he was quite alone and car
ried a red lantern In Ills wagon the
signal that had been asked for In the
Money is Left at Appointed Place
After driving about live miles his
attention was attracted by a small
white light that seemed to bo close
to the roadside This was tho place
where he had been directed to leave
the gold Ah he came up to It lie saw
that it was simply a small lantern
suspended from a stick Alighting
from his buggy he took the sack con
taining the money and deposited It on
tho ground close by the stick and
leaving It there climbed Into the car
riage turned his horse around and
drove borne without having seen or
heard anyone or anything
Presumably however his arrival
and departure had been noted At
least about 1 oclock in tho morning
the missing boy was set down within
a block of his home and soon after
was again in the bouse which he had
quitted but little more than 24 hours
before He was safe and sound and
bad been treated kindly he said
Although tho detectives and police
havo been working on the case Inces
santly slnco It was llrst reported to
them they have not succeeded In dis
covering anything that even remotely
suggests the identity of the perpetrat
ors of the outrage
Story of the Abducted Hoy
Edward CudaUy jr rflluteJ Uje
iunitu nets attending his abduction
and his experiences while In the hands
of the kidnapers lit appears well
though pale and somewhat emaciated
J as uii result oi His terrible ordeal
Mis wrists still bear the marks of the
handcuffs placed upon him by his cap
II mild thiit he was In front of Gen
rtal ovlns house Just across the
sheet from his own home on his way
back from the lltistln residence Tues
day evening when two men ap
proached him One of them stepped
up to him and said
We are sheriffs from Snrpjr counlr
and arrest you as Kddle Meflce who
escaped from the reform school
The lad protested that he was not
McfJee but his captors said that he
would have to be Identified They
placed him lu a buggy and drove to
Tlilrty slxlh street and thence south
to Leavenworth street As they ap
proached Leavenworth street a motor
car passed them The lad recognized
the conductor and said to his captors
There Is a man who knows me
ho can Identify me
lllliiilfolikd by III Captor
Hut the captors linedlately blind
folded him and whipped up the horse
The lad thinks that they crossed Leav
enworth street aud then drove in a
southwesterly direction Presently
they came to a house which lit the
opinion of the lad Is somewhere In the
southwestern part of South Omuhn
Young Cudahy was taken lidm the
buggy and placet lu a room aud
chained to the lloor
12d ward Cudahy Jr remnlned there
all night and the next day Ills hands
were tied and the chains on his feet
prevented him from getting a good
view of his surroundings even after
the blindfold had been removed lit
knows however that he was In an
empty room aud that the blliuU on
the windows were closed
Six Men In tlio Gang
On the trip to the place of Imprison
ment the men he says talked a little
about themselves He gathered from
them that there were six In the gang
I From a conversation between the ab
ductors and himself the boy learned
that the abductors had been seeking
to abduct one of the girls of the fam
ily and had been planning this coup
for four months
At night the mon released young
Cudnhy from his chains and said
We are going to take you home
Then they led him to a hack He
was driven rapidly through the dark
ness to Thirty seventh and Leaven
worth streets where he was allowed
to leave the carriage From there he
walked home arriving there shortly
after 1 oclock In the morning
Watchman at Capitol Claims to Have
cuaugetl Shots With Uobbern Pollco
Skeptical of the Story
Lincoln Dec 21 An unsuccessful
attempt was made to rob the state
treasury yesterday According to the
story told by Night Watchmau F M
Good he discovered three men in the
treasurers ollice at the state capitol
at 3 a m Two shots he says were
tired at him by the robbers one pass
ing through the lapel of his coat He
iired twice in return apparently with
out effect nnd the robbers escaped
without having opened the treasury
vault or securing anything of value
Detectives throughout the day fol
lowed up such clues as Night Watch
man Good was able to furnish but
they led to no arrests or even sus
picion as to the guilty Police officers
declare themselves skeptical on some
features of the story told by the night
watchman but many of the state offi
cers believe an attempt was really
made to rob the treasury Good
stands to his llrst story with the ut
most persistency The only new evi
dence found of an attempt being made
to break the vault was an ordinary
cold chisel a partly burned wax caudle
and a cement sack bearing the name
of a Fort Dodge plaster firm lying to
gether In the treasurers office
Barney Walsh of Cleveland and Jim
Adams of Omaha fought ten rounds
to a draw before the Sheboygan Ath
letic club Thursday
Lewis A May Co members of
the New York Consolidated and Pro
duce exchange made an assignment
Thursday for the benefit of their cred
Citizens of Gulf Port Miss Thurs
day lynched one negro and nre hot on
the trail of three others as the re
sult of the murder of Marshal Rich
Philip Armour of Chicago head of
Armour Co who had been slightly
111 for a few days past Is reported to
be In a serious though uot alarming
Eugene aged 4 years Julia aged 8
and Frances aged 0 children of Ray
mond Reume a farmer residing near
OJlbway Ont were drowned Thurs
day by falling through a hole lu the
The body of a young lady of about
20 yours richly dressed wearing a
bracelet and three rings containing the
initials A K was found In the river
at Tlltonville O Thursday Her
throat was cut Indicating murder
In spite of all the recent warlike
talk In baseball circles It Is gradu
ally becoming apparent that many of
tho magnates prefer mutual conces
sions aud a compromise rather than
the experieacu of another expensive
Cll lip Mil
Senate Adopts Amended Hay
Pauncefotc Pact
Ilotitloii Tor Amei Irmt roitlllenllon of
Cliiml It Voted DownOnly oiiiinllteen
AhiiIiiIiiiuiiIn ettl lii ton Mulucr
Comciilliiii iiMteiiilfil In It Cntliety
Washington Dec 21 Alter spend
ing the greater part of Ihc past fort
night In considering the llaylatiuce
Iote treaty lor I he niodltlcatlon of the
Clnytoii Mulwcr invention of 180
the M nuti lestcrday consumed only
one hour and ten minutes lu amending
It and ratifying It as amended Dur
ing the time there were six roll calls
and several viva vncu votes The llrst
live of the roll calls were on utnend
menls offered by Individual senators
and the last one on the resolution to
ratify the treaty as amended The
amendment except those offered by
Senator Fniaker and reported by the
coniinlltee mi foielgn relations were
voted down by majorities averaging
about IP Tho ratlllcatlon resolution
was adopted by a vote of 55 to 18
The m unto was in executive session
for about an hour before the time for
voting arrived listening to speeches
by Senators Thurston ialllnger Wol
cott and Hard explanatory of their
attitude Senator Hard contended for
the adoption of his amendment giving
preference to American ships passing
through the proposed Nlcaraguan
canal Senator ialllnger spoke In de
fense of the treaty as It originally
came from the executive Senator
Wolcott said that the original treaty
would have been satisfactory to him
but added that he considered the
agreement as It had been and was
about to be amended preferable to no
treaty nt all Senator Thurston
strongly advocated the treaty saying
that as Great Hrltalu owns and gov
erns a very large portion of the terri
tory of North America It was perfect
ly right and proper that that country
should be consulted lu the matter of
the construction of an Isthmian canal
When Senator Mason asked if It was
not also proper that Great Itrltaln in
that event should pay part of the cost
of construction he replied that the
securing of the canal itself was tho
one great desideratum and that ac
complished the bencllt the waterway
would be to the worlds commerce
tho cost of construction was of little
Foraker withdrew his amendments
to strike out the entire article which
provides for the adherence of Kuro
pean powers to the general principles
of neutrality enunciated and Insert a
declaration that the Clayton Ilulwer
treaty is hereby superseded because
they were the same as those reported
by the committee on foreign relations
By the terms of the now agreement
the Claytoii llulwer treaty Is suspend
ed In Its entirety Every provision for
American formication of the canal was
voted down
rutiiii of the Treaty
Inquiry at the state department as
to the future of the amended Hay
Iauncefote treaty develops the fact
that contrary to tho common under
standing the document does not need
to be returned at this stage to the
British government even if the presi
dent is of a mind to go on with tlio
negotiations Secretary Hay will
await an indication of the presidents
wishes In the mutter nnd if the lat
ter as has already been Indicated by
official statements concludes to give
the British government an opportunity
to pass on the amended treaty then
tlio state department will forward at
once to that government not the treaty
itself but the terms of the amendment
In diplomatic parlance the British
government will be notified of tho
amendment According to the state
ment of the oflleinls of tho state de
partment Great Britain must then be
allowed a reasonable time within
which to accept or reject them As to
what would constitute a reasonable
time no expression wns to be had
but attention was directed to the fact
that the United States government has
bad the tronry under consideration for
a year and that the amendments made
yesterday wore beyond dispute vital
Illiciu Montana Senatorial Cnte
Washington Dee 21 A spirited de
bate was precipitated lu tho senate yes
terday over tho resolution of Chandler
to discharge the committee on contin
gent expenses from further consider
ation of the resolution authorizing an
Investigation of the Montana senatorial
case The matter took a political turn
and resulted in some lively colloquies
No action upon the resolution was
Death of Captain Horn
Pierre S D Dec 21 Captain B
F Horn one of the oldest Missouri
river steamboat men died at his resl
dence hero yesterday Captain Horn
made his flrst trip to the head of navi
gation on tho Missouri in 1805 and
has navigated tho river continuously
since then with tho exception of one
year when ho served as a pilot on tho
Yukon river
Iloase Paine Indian Kill
Washington Dec 21 Tho house
yesterday passed the Indian and the
military academy appropriation bills
The former curried ii03020 and the
latter 700151 Neither provoked
much discussion A few minor
were placed on the
lliiljfe MeHnln Titl Onlli
Dos Moines Dec 21 Kmltii Me
lain the newly olecled Judge of tho
supreme court took the oath of office
Sent by li lilenl In lincl lute Ucntln
ol lunch 1iopri t
Dulilth Mluu Deo 21 Archbishop
Ireland of St Paul Is to make a trip
to Cuba shortly nfter tho llrst of the
year by commission from the presi
dent and will Investigate certain mat
ters hero with reference to the Inter
ests of the Komaii Catholic church lu
the Island and will make recomuieudu
tloiw to tlio piosldoiil with reference
thereto ItWhop lolilrlck or Dulilth
has boon Invited by the archbishop to
aiiompauy him
Tho mission of tho archbishop Is said
to bo to Investigate questions lu dispute
respecting tho allotment of church
property lu the Island It Is surmised
that the president believes tho selec
tion of one of their own churchmen for
the mission will convince the members
of the church lu tho Island of tho fair
ness of the Intentions of tho govern
iiient of this jimtry in Its treatment
of them
When the archbishop lonves for Cuba
a government boat will bo placed at
his disposal and ho will make a tour
or the Nbiiid studying the conditions
and all phases of the question which
he Is asked to solve
No WJIIiilrnuul of Troop From Tolling
Until DoiiiiiiiiU of tlm Ioniiu
Aid Satlslleil
London Deo 21 All the ministers
signed the preliminary utile yesterday
The note embodies the principles of
the minimum demands of the powers
and It was agreed on the proposal of
Groat Britain that until the demands
were Hiitlslled there would be no with
drawal of troops from Peking and tho
province of Chi LI
Peking Dec 21 Wednesdays meet
ing of the foreign envoys was pro
tracted and somewhat stormy owing
to the desire to discover who dis
closes to the Chinese what every min
ister lias pledged to keep secret LI
Dung Chang Invariably knows within
two hours of tho close of a meeting
what has happened
The ministers admit that Wednes
day was a critical moment for tho
preliminary Joint note as it was felt
that a point had been reached where
If they did not agree other difficulties
might occur As u matter of fact there
was a threat by one of the ministers
that his government would havo other
inodilicatlons and ho bad not reached
a decision European and American
residents therefore are glad that a
stage has been reached where some
thing can be done It Is felt that valu
able time Is being wasted and the
country becoming more unsettled
The note will probably bo delivered
Saturday by all the ministers to LI
Hung Chang and Irlnco Chlng with
n request that they reply as soon as
possible Four days will elapse be
fore a reply can be expected owing to
the necessity of communicating with
tho Chinese court
Twenty Americans Attack Force ofKlfflity
and Kill Thirteen
Washington Dec 21 The following
cablegram from Admiral Itemey giv
ing an account of a sharp brush with
Filipino Insurgents was received yes
terday at the navy department
Cavlte Dec JO ltureini of Navigation
WiiHliitiKton Fifteen troonrrs Fourth
ciivulry and live of tbe crew were Ituided
from the Kiinboiit Knsco yuHteiday at
Illiibaiies Cavlte province Rurpilsed 80
liiNiiiKcntH slinip sklimlKli liMlf hour 11
Insurgents killed 12 rifles captured largo
amount htorcs desttoyud onn soldier
wounded ItUMEY
Manila Dec 21 Every mountain
trail In General Youngs district north
of the Abra river ami between tho
coast and Dolores has been followed
up by the American scouts this month
A similar movement has taken place
in the provinces of Union Benguet
Lcpanto and that part of South Hollo
which lies south of tho Abra river
Fifteen insurgents havo been killed
and more than 100 captured
rtuftninratlon of Finland
Stockholm Dec 21 A dispatch
from Helsingfers Finland says the
Tldnlng a daily newspaper of Chris
tinestadt and tho Isanmaan a weekly
paper were suppressed yestorday
evening and thnt another paper was
suspended for four months The sup
pression of tho papers mentioned
above is undoubtedly due to the so
called Russlfleatlon of Finland
KxpucU Enu IUli Aid
London Dee 21 General Oaman
Pashu who led the Kurd rising in
180S told a representative of the Dally
Mall yesterday that ho would leave
Loudon today to head another rising
to free Kurdlstnn from Turkish rule
I hope for English sympathy be
said If not for more material support
In the struggle against the despotic
firnftte Confirmations
Washington Dec 21 Tho senat
confirmed the following nominations
O S Francis of New York to be min
ister to Greece Arthur S Hardy of
New Hampshire to bo minister to
Switzerland J G A Lelschmann of
Peuusylvuula to bo minister to Tur
key C L Thurston of Nebraska sec
xetury of the legation at Bueuoa Ayrca
This Kind of a Man
M Doesnt know the lillerciuo bet woon ioihI lumber and poor H
H lumber Any old slull would suit him Hut our slot k wasnt H
H bought Tut Midi follows is him 1 1 was bought for the most H
M particiilm men in Ihc loinmunily II you happm to bo one M
M of those pirtlculti haps aud want wiine cxti a like lumber m
M heres the place togct it Low as you net anywhere M
KB cwtl i limn mtutnuF
has yet much tho largest assortment of Sensible Holiday
floods in Not folk
Books Toilet Articles Pictures
Bisque and Chinawarc
Alusical Instruments
Finest Lam psCameo Goods
Indeed nil the Games Toys Dolls and Noveltios
Can alwaj s be found at the
m m
Hurry up boforo assortment is broken 1
H A LDIKAIIT Pbkhidbnt
OIIAB B imilXlK Viub Pmmdknt
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 SurpliiB 5000
Bny snd soil axohangn on thin country r nd all part of Karopn Form Loans
Director Cabi Ahmch W II Joiinhon Ciiab S Hudoe 0 W Huaahgii 0 H
and bread made from
Tried Them
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Exoluaivc atfent lor tho Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best lu the market
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE Ol
Attorneys at Law
Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic Physician and Rnrgeon
OQIoo Cltliens National Hank Hollillug
Talephoua 101
Sanitarium aud Iteaidenco Main aud 13th St
Telephone 9
Norfolk Nebraska
Office ovor CUIen National Bank Resldenc
oue block north ot ConjfreKatloual church
Office orer Leonards Drun Store
Norfolk - Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
Dp stairs In Cotton block over Mannas stora
First class work Ruaruuteed
Norfolk - Nebraska-
AttornejH at Law
Rooms 10 11 and 12 Uastblock
Norfolk Nebraska
Undertakers and Embalmers
Sessions Hit Norfolk Atb3
Norfolk Nebraska
Attoraej at Law
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wigton
Block Norfolk
Suits made to order and In the latest style Re
pairinir neatlydouo Shop on South FourUi St
loutnof bauuibrot