The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 14, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Whon Is thnt proclnmntl n to bo Is
nnod doing awny with tho Fourth of
July President MeKlnley iiiuhI 10 for
getting ono of his Important duties
Ho didnt oven recommend Its nliolltion
in IiIh message to congress
Tho Fremont Trlbuno is of tho opinion
thnt If tlio price of hiy doesnt soon
comedown pooplo In purls of tlio Htnto
will bo reduced to tlio econonilcnl
method of buying older down ns n sub
stitute In tho st lifting of bod ticks
Tlio present session of congress Is
crcntiug n record us n buslnesH propssi
tion Hills nro being hustled up in n
lively milliner mid it is seldom thnt iv
bettor showing 1ms been Hindu thiui thnt
by tho present untlonul body during tho
Abort tiniu it has loen in session
South Dakota did tho thing right
dnriug tho rocent elect ion Out of u
total voto of less than 100000 MoKinloy
received n plurality of almost lfiKH
votoB This wiih Pottlgrows home
Htnto too uud tho result inuy bo taken to
menu just n littlo emphasis ngniust his
Governor Dietrich is proving nil tlmt
has boon claimed for him iib iv business
roan nnd ono of bnckbono Ho is con
ducting tho preliminaries to inaugura
tion in n mnuuor that reflects credit uud
is disposing of applicants for position in
a wny that loavoB ecmt room for
Tho now democracy is evidently pre
paring to insist that it 1b right It has
probably boon moro successful in win
ning dofoat than any party claiming to
1k ono of tho great parties of recent
years and tho continuance of that sort
of organization will undoubtedly bo
very satisfactory to republicans
It is protty cortain sayB tho Sioux
City Tribuno that if Nebraska docs not
loso ouo congressman Iowa will gain
ono If Nebraska Iosob oue Iowa will
Rain nouo Thoro is no chance of Iowu
Joeing Tho prospect of making over
tho state into twelvo districts 1b ono that
is giving tho political mathematicians
keen delight
Audrow Carnegie dooB not want to bo
credited so muoh with what ho has given
to charitable institutions ub with what
fco has induced others to give Mr
Carnegie has by this thought placed a
now tie between those seeking charity
sud binisolf Thoir great delight seems
to bo in giving rich men liko him cuuee
to dig up
It has cost tho United States 4700 to
furnish two small rooms in the cnpitol
building for tho committee on finance
This is protty rich but the committoo
should know whether or not we as a
people can stand it or is it the duty ot
tho committoo on finance to reduce tho
finances below any line of danger from
too much money
It apcarfl thnt the British govern
ment has about concluded to lay a cable
across the Pacific ThiB announcement
coming as it does when tho president of
this country has recommended the con
struction of an American cable should
spur congress to early action in the mat
tr Tho United States is vitally more
interested in n Pacific cable or should
bo than Britain
Ono of Edgar Howards first editorinls
on assuming control of the Columbus
Telegram boars the indication that it
was intended as a balm for some large
and gaping wounds rocontly received
He Bays A good oitizeu had rather bo a
country editor for n thousand years
than to bo a congressman for n day
Thia is ouo way to take a philosophical
viow of an environment
With butter approaching tho HO
cent mark and a strong market back
of it there is every indication of a trust
some place While the farmers may
a t be in a trust they are apparently
getting all the favors commonly attri
buted to a trust A raise in the price of
nails or wire or sugar would at once be
attributed to trust influence why not
the price of corn of butter or of eggs
A man in Louisiana 1b recovering
from the effects of a pistol shot wound
the bullet having perforated his intes
tines liver and lung At the same
time he suffered from a severe attack
of pneumonia He must have a consti
tution on a par with that of Mr Bryan
The latter was shot to pieoes worse if
nnything than the Louisiana man but
also shows excellent chances of recovery
Tho evidence seems to accumulate
that there were gross frauds or unpar
donable carelessnoss in South Omaha
during the recent election The regis
tration books show that in a number of
cases people who have been absent from
the city for months were registered
while residences at vacant houses and
even vacant lots are common The fu
eiouists were desperate and they seem to
have been especially bo in South
The Rev T W Cheeeeman who was
noted for his scandalous assertions con
cerning the administration duriug the
campaign Is still chasing notoriety Ho
refused to nuswor qtwtions put to him
by the coiibuh enumerator nnd tho grand
jury hns brought an indictment ngnlnst
iilni Ho has licoii served with n writ
of caplns and gavo IwndH in tho sum of
100 for IiIh appearance It would bo
mightily satisfactory to a grent many
peoplo If tho Row Mr Cheesemnn woro
compellod to answer somo nndoslrnblo
and imiHirt Incut questions
Tho pooplo of Scotland havo organized
a temperance socloty which should provo
more otTeotlvo than tho nvorago society
of that kind Its namo quite plainly
Indicates Its purpose It is tho Scottish
Self Control society Timo has proven
that it cannot bo said to man nuy moro
than to woman thnt you Bhall not
Tho moment such a prohibitive measure
is mado tho Individual supposed to bo
influenced proceeds to demonstrate
thnt ho can and will and is much more
llkoly to be everlastingly damned than
if he had boon influenced to use his own
solf control by a plonso dont or it Ih
not m ojior for you to do so
Somoof tho fnslonistB of Holt com
plain because tho peoplo of that county
liavo boon compelled to pay about 70
000 in war taxes on legal papers filed
with the county clerk This is an ad
vertisement of which tho pooplo should
bo proud It has quite gonorally been
supposed thnt there was not muoh moro
than 70000 worth of proporty in Holt
county But this showing indicates
that thoro is and tho people havo boon
doing business of bouio kind in those
parts Uncle Sum has not boon taxing
peoplo who nro not doing business It
is worth tho money in giving Holt its
proper status in tho eyos of tho world
Anyway it is only the fusloniBts up there
who nro kicking uud thoy uro becoming
beautifully less
Tho democratic minority in congress
magnauimously promises to restrain
from nuy attempt to block republican
legislative nets in that body and desires
tho responsibility for such ouuctmontB
placed on tho shoulders of republican
moinbors Does this mean then thnt
the democrats have learned a valuable
lesson They blocked n republican
anti trust measure recontly and Buffered
for it whon the returns came in Thoy
also Btoppod into tho breach when it
looked liko Senator Hoar and other re
publicans wero about to defeat the Paris
treaty nnd then found it impossible
during tho campaign to throw the entire
blamo if such there wero for tho ratifi
cation of such treaty on tho republicans
Their late resolve therefore indicntes
that thoy aro acquiring wisdom deep
and profound
The eastern railroadB are abolishing
tho half faro permits given clergymen
and religions workers and the western
roads aro taking under advisement sim
ilar action A prominent passenger
agent says that the privilege has been
abused which is the main reason for
abolishing it Ho Bays Personally
I do not favor the abolition of tho cus
tom to give ministers nnd religious
workers half fare rates for I believe
they are much more entitled to the low
rates than many who get free passes
Further he said The class that will
be most affected and sutler the greatest
will be the Salvation Army workers of
whom there are hundreds traveling a
great deal and to my way of thinking
doing a vast amount of good This ih
oue of the privileges which the ordinary
individual might suppose would not be
abused and it is probably not abused by
tho classes most benefited If tke min
isters appreciate what is being done by
the railroads for them they will un
doubtedly take measures to correct
those abuses if afforded tho opportunity
Tho benefit of irrigation to tho west
should urgo united and vigorous action
on tho part of its every citizen The
western senators and congressmen
should use their best efforts to forwurd
this movement from which so much
is expected Writing on this subject
recently Mr Mitchell said It is prob
able that somo definite plan of action
will bo put forward this winter to se
cure reservoir construction If so every
man in the west should wake to the op
portunity The favorable action of
congress on the question of building
some particular reservoir would be the
beginning of a general policy of reclama
tion of desert It would be an entering
wedge It is a matter of the most tre
mendous interest in the west and to
every interest in the west This point
should not be overlooked that what
ever reservoir site it is proposed to con
centrate the attention of congress upon
and in whatever state or locality every
other state and territory should bend
every effort to secure the construction
of this first reservoir This would start
the movement
An association has been formed in the
state the object of which is to secure
the passage of laws at tho coming ses
sion of the legislature to protect the
game birds of Nebraska The associa
tion will ask that provision be made for
a game warden aud for a law to pro
hibit the exportation of game from the
state People in he eastern part of the
state do not realise how many prairie
chickens quail etc are shipped from
western couuties every season In con
versation with a gentleman from ONeill
the other day he made the Btortliug
statomont that from his town alono
during tho past noason threo fnll car
loads of prnirlo chiokoiifl had been shlpicd
to eastern markets Kvory other town
in tho wost half of tho fctnto has boon
having n liko experience and unless the
practlco Is spoedlly stopped by legisla
tion there will vory soon bo no game
birds loft Nobraska nnd Missouri aro
now tho only two states in tho union
from whioh gnmo can bo shipped
Tho objoctsof tho association are laud
able and should moot with hearty re
sponso on the part of tho legislature
Tho Noln nsku Independent has flgurod
it all out and pooplo who havo boon won
doring at the result of tho landslldo dur
ing tho foro part of November need
wondor no longer It was ignorance
deep dense impenetrable ignorance
Tho voters composing tho majority nnd
a largo part of tho total voto wero bo ig
norant that thoy couldnt rooognizo im
perialism if attached to tho ond of thoir
ignorant probosois thoy couldnt ap
preciate tho patriotic pnlnvor put up by
tho Littlo Amoricaus nnd couldnt
realize that Bryans paramount is
suo was paramount If you dont know
how you appear in the oyo of scholarly
intelligent pooplo you numbskull who
voted for MoKinloy read the following
from tho Iudonondent Among tho
voto 4 counted for MoKinloy nro at least
f00000 of tho most ignorant ncgroon
tho moro intelligent among them voted
for Brynn Thoro uro also IOOOOObIuvb
tho viloncBS of whoso lives nnd tho dona
ity of whoso understanding places them
just a littlo above tho brutes There
aro a hundred thousand or moro of tho
degraded peasants of Europe who havo
been imported by tho coal baronB to
labor in tho miues of Pennsylvania nnd
other states Then thoro nro the mullet
bends of Nobraska who honestly believe
that MoKinloy ordered Bryan to Cuba
and thnt upon tho receipt of thnt order
Bryan resigned his commission Add
to these the other mullet hendB who be
liovo that a hundred pop county treas
urers defaulted for hundreds of thou
sands of dollars during the last four
years and you havo the make up of
McKinleyB majority
After Election
The late populist candidate for
presidency complaoontly remarked
mediately after the re choosing
1 shall stay in politics as long as
The Marine Register of an early day
contains n remark made by Commodore
Jonah immediately subsequent to the
stomachic convulsions of the whale
whioh threw him upon the shore a
reeking derelict
I intend to be in a whale as long as I
live no matter how hard he wishes to
6powmo out
The Red Sea Record is constantly re
ferring to Pharaoh as the peerless
loader notwithstanding ho lured his
followers into an aqueous and remorse
less grave Peerless Pharaoh haB pro
totypes in modern times The Conser
The Porto Kico Tariff
The fusiouists endeavored to make a
great issue out of tho Porto Rican tariff
question during the lost campaign and
spread the sentiment broadcast that the
people of that island were very much
disgusted with what this government
had done for tnem Now that the
people there leave tariff legislation in
their own hands there soems to be a
question as to whether the existing
tariff can be bettered
The San Juan News discussing the
question says
If the tariff is abolished it is at ore1
evident that a more burdensome aud
higher rate of internal taxation must be
imposed Where and upon whnt shall
this be levied is indeed a perplexing
A ide from all the difficulties that
may or will arise from the abolition of
tho tariff let us glauce nt the tariff it
self and see what it has done In the
last six months the tariff
has afforded the island as much if not
more revenue than the 100-per-cent
tariff The theory that the way to in
crease revenue is by lowering tho taxes
is proved to be true for Porto Rico
This revenue will be constantly increas
ing as our trade inoreoses as it is sure
to do It has helped the consumer for
it has lowered the taxes he has to pay
not only on American goods but upon
all goods that enter our market in com
petition with them This results in an
increase of importations ThiB helps
the producer by constantly providing
him a means to carry his goods to the
great American market which is always
so hungry for the products this island
has to dispose of Again unless we
huve a traflio both ways the steamers
must make one trip without a cargo
aud the freight is thereby doubled
A tariff helps us as borrowers jit
will give our securities a standing in
the United States whioh they could not
have without a permanent revenue like
the tariff revenue The argument so
often advanced in favor of a tariff tax
as against other means of raising iw
euue that it is easily collected is espec
ially forcible in Porto Rico We would
advise that the tariff is uocessary and if
it were not it would still be the most
convieut and logical means of raising
our revenue Let the tariff Btaud at
ID per cent
ChrlstinaR is less than two weeks
away and our ship hasnt como in
They say it requires tons of soft onp
to launch n battleship It also usually
requires tons of tho snme material to
properly lnunch n presidential boom
Tho unmu of David Bennett Hill of
Now York has been sprung as a presi
dental possibility in 1001 Ho is prob
ably tho most logical candidate of tho
consorvntivo clement of tho democratic
party but tho radical element seems to
havo tho upper hand nnd will undoubt
edly havo somothing to say whon the
timo comes for making n choice
Tho Vordigro Citizen is in favor of a
telephone circuit connecting Plschol
villo Kuoxsvlllo Dakovillo Armstrong
ami Walnut with Vordigro It figures
that Huch a lino could be built at a cost
of about 400 per township and would
bo nico for pooplo to step in nnd call up
Vordigro got the market report or in
caso of sickness call the doctor
The Chicago Times Herald has com
puted tho average number of murders
each year in each stato of the union
Nobraska is credited with 108 Popula
tion considered the solid south seems to
bo tho most murderous part of tho coun
try Texas being credited or discredited
with 1021 whilo Now York Iiub but
512 Alabama 1b near tho top with 401
A member of tho Kansas legislature
has it troduced a bill providing for a
commission the duty of which will be
to propngato a now breod of rabbits by
crossing tho common jack rnbbit and
the Belgian haro If he had also in
eluded in tho duties of the commission a
proposition to cross the common milk
cow and tho town pump he would havo
done somothing of iueBtiinable benefit to
city dairy iuterosrt
Governor Elect Dietrich has strongly
intimated that he will not pardon Jos
Bartley ox state tresaurer who is now
serving time for getting away with
state money and renewed efforts are
beiug mndo by Bnrtleys friends to get
Governor Poynter to do the pardoning
before his term expires He seemB to be
as indifferent as can be their demands
however and tho chonceB are that Mr
Bartley will servo his term The retir
ing governor and the governor elect
seem to have a very proper conception
ol their duties in regard to this matter
The pardoning of Bartley at thiB time
would be a travesty ou justice Be
cause he stole thousands where others
have stolen hundreds iB no reason for
executive clemenov on the contrary his
punishment should be the more severe
If he has friends who profited by his
defalcations instead of endeavoring to
get his term shortened they should
manfully volunteer to share his punish
ment One of the greatest excuses the
world gives for the breeding of anarch
ism and outlawry is the custom of pun
ishing the big thief lightly and the small
one heavily and friends of the law are
oftentimes quite justified in a belief that
justice is sometimes defeated by money
It was vory satisfactory to the people of
the Btate at large when Bartley received
a well earned sentence at the hands of
the court and if any man wonts to risk
the unanimous condemnation of the
people he can do so in no better way
than by shortening the ex treasurers
term of imprisonment One of the
main ends of a sentence such as was
given Bartley is to discourage like prac
tices on the part of other public officials
and to mitigate his punishment would
be to throw the gate wide open for
thievery in tho future relying upon the
clemency of the governor to provide a
moans of escape If uny man ever sen
tenced in the state of Nebraska deserves
to serve his time that man is Jos Bartley
and woe oe the person who pardons If
physically injured by his servitude the
prisoners punishment might be adjusted
thereto the facilities of the penitentiary
being fully adequate to such purposes
The will of the people regardless of
politics is that he puy the full penalty
Flreutan Arm Cnt Off With an Az to
Have Hliu from Cremation
De Soto Mo Dec 13 A headend
collision occurred on the Missouri Pacific-Iron
Mountain railway at Dea
Arc Mo between two freight trains
resulting in the death of Engineer
James Brltt of Olney IHr and Brake
man Ed Bradley of De Soto Mo The
Utter was caught under tho wreckage
which took lire uud cremuted his body
Fireman B Barrett fell under bis
engine nnd could only be rescued from
beiug burned alive by cutting his left
arm off with an ax William Ralston
conductor and R D Scott brukemun
and G L Scott were slightly injured
The two engines were completely
demolished nnd eight ears loaded with
lumber nnd cotton caught fire and wero
entirely consumed causing a loss to
the railway company of about 15000
The wreck Is snld to have been caused
by a disregard of meeting orders
Oxley Held for Trial
Broken Bow Neb Dec IS William
Oxlr y had a preliminary hearing on
the charge of murdering his neighbor
Fullhnrdt The defense Introduced no
testimony Oxley wus bound over
Seven Yrari for Majette
Belgrade Dec 33 M Genchlts
former minister of the Interior has
been sentenced to seven yenrs Im
prisonment for lese mnjeste nnd pub
licly Insulting the government
ib i n on
Santa Fe Refuses to Recognize
Telegraphers Union
Strlkeri Irlfire Hint They Are Mom Con-
fldent Tlmn Uver nnd Tlmt biirntlM
More Will boon Ho Ite
ioit All Lines Working
Topeku Dec 13 The Snntn Fc rail
road Iiiih broke off Its relations with
the Order of Itullwuy Telegraphers
All the courtesies prevalent between
the rord uml the operators have been
revoked snld General Manager
Mudge We will have nothing fur
ther to do with nn organization that
Iiiih proved Itself Incompetent Unit
broke Its contract to give us 30
dnyH notice and gave us but 30 sec
Galveston Dec 13 3encrol Man
ager Polk of the Gulf Colorado nnd
Snntn Fc railroad lust night an
nounced that the telegraphers strike
Is closed so far as the company Is con
cerned 1 huve just Issued nn order
requiring written applications for new
positions snld he We have about
Hlled nil our plnces nnd the road Is go
ing right uhend with business
Dolphin Miitcuicut
Wichita Kan Dec 13 National
President Dolphin of the Order of
Railway Telegraphers passed through
hero cm route to Topekn With refer
ence to the Suntu Fe strike he said
It Is my opinion Unit the strike will
be adjusted within u few duys Just
when of course I cannot say I am
confident that the ountu Fe operators
will win their light The men have
the sympathy of the trainmen nud I
know that if there Is any occasion for
It they will assist them No I do not
propose to order a national strike of
the operators Why should 1 The
ojther men have no grievances and It
will not assist the Santa Fe strikers
If tho others do go out 1 cannot sny
whether or not the trainmen will
strike Thnt Is a mutter for them to
determine nnd over which I huve no
President Dolphins pass was taken
up and he wns required to pay fare
Childs Body Uud Evidently Gone Through
1rencrvins lroceu
Fort Scott Kan Dec 13 M S
Casslnger a farmer living ten miles
northenst of this city found the mum
mified body of a child in the nttic of
his house He has lived on the place
but three months nnd had frequently
noticed In the nttic a sack which he
supposed wus hulf filled with old rags
Yesterday he had occasion to remove It
and found the contents to be the
corpse of a child It wus In a dry
leathery state aud had evidently gone
through some preserving process
There is no way of determining how
long it has been in the attic Mr Gas
singer reported the find to the author
ities nnd an investigation will follow
Trouble at Uintah Aceacy
White Rock Utah Dec 13 At the
request of Agent Myton troop K from
Fort Duchesne was ordered out last
evening to prevent trouble at the
Uintnu agency Over 30 children in
the school are down with measles aud
other diseases and their parents have
been much dissatisfied because the
children were not nllowed to go home
One girl died and Black Flawk went to
the school nnd demanded the release
of his children OCqnnor the teacher
made some show of resistance nnd was
thrown down stnirs nnd the children
taken away by force Several other
children were tnken nwny by other
Indinns Three attempts were made
to burn the school buildings and tho
ngent culled upon Major Hughes for
Iunknrd to found Ideal Colony
Tacoinu Wash Dec 13 A commit
tee of rich Dunkurds has purchased tho
townsite of Sunnyslde in the Irrigated
section of Ynklnin county The pur
chasers include Elder S J Hnrrlson
of Sunnyslde and C Rowland a
wealthy banker of Lanark Ills They
propose founding an Ideal colony which
shall be noted for Its temperance
Christiunity and educational Institu
tions A college patterned after that
of Oberlin O Is to be founded
Two Fatalltle In Kentucky Feud
London Ky Dec 13 The Hampton
Benges feud was renewed In Clay
county yesterday Members of both
parties met ut the distillery operated
by Ellhu Allen and when the smoke
cleared away two men were found to
be probably fatally wounded Several
men were engaged In the fray all be
ing mounted on horses Nathaniel
Hampton was shot through the buck
and one of the Benges party through
the shoulder
Iowa and Minnesota Left Out
Ghicugo Dec 13 Iowa and Minne
sota will not be given an opportunity
to play football agulnst the University
of Chlcngo next fall That neither of
the teams which has been In the lend
this full would be given a place on his
schedule for 1001 was announced by
Coach Stagg today The reason Is that
he has five contracts for big games
with other Institutions
Murderer Sinking a Uncord
Logansport lud Dec 13 Marvin
Kuhus the murderer who escaped
from the Ohio penitentiary ami shot
Policeman Dean here on Monday shot
uud killed two officers who were try
ing to arrest him nt Avlllu yesterduy
Avllla Is uenr Kuhns home In Noblo
county A posse Is In pursuit Pollce
muu Dean Is In a critical condition
Circuit Court Hold Tenuity Section of
llllnoU Antl Trunt Law Good
Chliugo Dec 13 Judges Tuley
Waterman tnd Dunne of tho circuit
court hnndd down a decision In tho
corporation cases Involving the con
Ktltutlonnllty of the null trust laws of
Illinois In which the court ruled thnt
corporations In Illinois must contlnuo
to make ulllduvlts to the secretary of
Btate Unit thoy arc In no wny connected
with nny trust or combination In re
straint of trade
The decision In effect sustains that
section of tho untl trust law which
compels the filing under penalty of nn
nflldiivlt from each corporation that It
Is not connected with a trust Section
1 of the untl trust act which describes
nnd defines trusts ns nmended Is held
to be unconstitutional by two of the
judges but the court Is unanimous In
declnrlng thnt the nuiendntory section
providing for the filing of the affidavits
does not fall with section 1 nnd th
finnl decision overrules the demurrer
of the defendnnts In the test ense
The decision Involves the enforce
ment of fines of 50 on nearly 800 Illi
nois corporations which have refused
to file nllldnvits with the secretary ot
state ns required by law
Iloiis Moving Toward IteddentburBAU
tail 1int Xeur Kitch
ener lleioits llunulns Fight
Loudon Dec 13 Lord Kitchener
cables the war office from Pretoria
under date of Dec 112 that General
Knox reports from Helvetia that ho
is engaged in u running fight with
General Dewet and that the enemy Is
moving toward Ileddorsburg where
there is a column ready to co opcruto
with the other British forces
Lord Kitchener in another dispatch
reports Unit the Boers attacked the
post near Burbertou The British cas
ualties were three killed five wounded
nud 13 taken prisoners The captured
men huve since been released Tho
Boers raided the Klvorton road sta
tion Dec 11 They are being followed
General Kitcheners mescnge indi
cates Dewet has again evad d Knox
After the latter hud foiled the Boor
general at Coomnssio drift the Boers
seem to have doubled back crossed
the Caledon river elsewhere and turned
thence northwest In the direction of
Pedersburg the memorable scene of
the British disaster in April when
Dewet captured the Irish rifles
SUtem of Mercy Convent Burns to the
GrouiidNunn Huve Close Call
Fort Dodge In Dec 13 The Sis
ters of Mercy convent the largest
frame building in the city was burned
to the ground early yesterady A gale
was blowing and the flames spread so
rapidly that several of the sisters wero
slightly burned before they could es
All of the personal effects and tho
large library used In the parochial
school where 150 pupils attended and
all the furnishings were consumed
Only 3500 Insurance was carried on
the building which was valued at 10
000 It is thought that the fire was in
cendiary It is not thought probable
that the convent will be rebuilt
Find Skeletons of Mastodoni
Fort Meade S D Dec 13
i tons of two gigantic dinosaur have
been discovered on the military reser
vation at this post by a party of scien
tists sent out from New York city by
the American Museum of Natural His
tory The expedition is under the lead
ership of Professor G B Wieland The
first and largest of the specimens was
found six weeks ago The second spec
imen was discovered later It is In
perfect preservation and is part of an
animal fully -10 feet long
Topelxa Itcgiiis Crusade Agulnat Vine
Topekn Dec 33 Topekn has begun
n crusade against vice by subscribing
20000 ns n fund for tho prosecution
of snloon keepers The officers of the
Good Citizenship Federation say they
will make the subscription 100000 be
fore they are through with it A spe
cial committee for the enforcement of
the prohibitory law In the city has
been formed
AirriiultiiiUts Adopt KeHolutlnn
Des Moines Dee 13 The state agrl
cultural convention adopted resolutions
yesterday favoring the creation of a
national park at the headwaters ef
the Mississippi river
and the concen
tration of the control of the govern
ment forest reservations under the de
partment of agriculture
The dock laborers at Callao the
port of Lima have gone on strike and j
all work hns been stopped
A membership In the New York
Stock exchange was sold Wednesday
for 47500 to John H McCullough
A fire occurred at Gollnza Pa v
Wednesday resulting In the death of
three small chlldlren of E W Grubbs
The Wisconsin State Grange adopted
resolutions favoring Btate aid for
good roads and condemning the ship
subsidy and Irrigation canal bills
The New York Tribune publishes n
letter from Andrew Carnegie favor
ing an isthmian canal but opposing
any treaty with England upon the sub
Justice Andrews In the New York
supreme court bunded down a deci
sion is which he holds that u womuii
should be home by midnight The
question arose on np application bv
I Iorence Abell to enjoin her landlord
from closing the front door of the
house uud not admitting her when she
rung the bell x