r it EH tL i i V V ftV Pi L HEARTS SUNSHINE TTV Oh If only thone who lore ui wfk Would but Ull ui while w lira P I And not wait until llfet Journey KmtiHl U bcforo they Rite The unlit w huncrrril titer Tcmler wordt we longed to hear Which we lUlened or hut vtlnly Por many i weary year I There la much of pain and norrov All must hear and lctr alont Yet how helpful li the tutiahlnt Of t cheery look tnd tonel How It brighten up llfet pathway And dlapeli the thadowt grim And restores our shattered Idols nhlrh wc built In daja now dim I Then bestow your sunshine freely 1 Let It shine from out your eyct Let It speak in warm hand premium Let It breathe In heartfelt tight Let It cheer the fainting spirit Of tome brother in distress Let It thrill our jarring voter With t note of temlemcu For In tmlni fellow mortal ill V ft M We beat serve the Father too And in lightening their burdens Ourt grow light tnd fade from rlew And t Bjinpatlictlc nttura That vibrates to othert needs It t bit of loda own sunshine Quickening to noble deeds Anne II Wheeler In tlotton Transcript AAAAAAAAAAAAA iiioFiiiowi A Country Girl Found It but It Was J Not as Charming as She Had 4 Supposed t BY KATE M CLEARY fYY YTT YTVYTTT I Oh TrlBcIlla stilrl softly to herself over nml over It Is like a fairy story it la all Just like a fairy story p And Indeed It had come to pnss aa unexpectedly and delightfully as do wonderful Improbabilities in the world of enchantment Prlscllla was 17 For tho last nlno years she had lived In the old frame farmhouse on Dry creek It was a pleasant enough place the square green farmhouse half hidden from the road by a grove of native timber A great Seven Sisters rose straggled up to Prisclllas bedroom window and nodded Its pale pink blooms there every sum mer The aunt and uncle with whom he lived common kindly people with a marvelous capacity for sustained la borgave her limitless love Beyond skimming the cream and keeping the beat room In stiff and dustless order Prlscllla had little to do Indeed her good relatives considered her too fine for heavy tasks They were proud of her She was straight slender and graceful Her hair was silken and yel low as the tassels of the corn which In July encompassed them In undulating eeas of gold Not all the winds of the prairie could destroy the pure fairness of her complexion She had laughing gray eyes a straight nose and lips bright as geranium petals Unhappily the spirit of discontent was hers Sho knew that there was another world than that in which she lived a charm ing and enchanting world She had memories of a city homo where there jwere books and pictures where clever people assembled and sweet music re sounded She had never overcome her resentment to certain country ways Eating at the same table as the hired hands was a hardship to her Her nncle and aunt would have been pux Eled at such foolish pride They had never dreamed of a separate table for themselves But now her whole life was to be different and delightful It happened back at the old farm In Illinois her aunt told her My sister wasnt much older than you are now when the handsome young artist came sketching down our wny Mother took him to board He was always sketch ing and painting We thought he was just a nice poor young man He foil deeply In love with Alice It was only after they were married that we learn ed he was the son of proud and wealthy people in the east Ho wrote home the truth and was disowned then and there His father said be did not want to hear from him alive or of him dead Harry took his young wife and went to the city to earn his living JThey were doing well and had a com fortable homo when your mother died Harry couldnt live without her He fretted himself 111 He brought you to us It was hero he died My how bappy It made Elihu and mo to have you never having had a child of our own I And now a sharp quiver com ing Into the loved voice when wo were thinking you would marry Willio Lester who worships tho ground you walk on comes this Her right hand brought the letter It held down on tho other with a savage Blap Brown old hands they were en larged and made unlovely by much toll Prlscllla took the letter and read It through for the dozenth time My Dear Little Olrl After all thet yetrt your grandfather hit relented I know the memory of our boy has been ever with him You are to come to us We hive a great detl of money ti I nippoat you know We thtil tpend tome of It ou a trip thread you accompanying ut It you ucceed In pleating your grandfather yon will be great htlrett tome day Inclosed you will find a check to cover your expenses to New York Tour affectionate grandmother ElXZK WHTtiHD F Oh wont It be grand to travel and ee the places Ive read of and hear beavenly music and wear beautiful gowns She drew a long breath of ec etntic anticipation She was too daz zled to recognize the heartlessncss of the letter In which she rejoiced She did not know how cruelly Belflsh wero her own words Tho grandparents jwiio had Ignored her existence all these years now summoned her without a thought for those Into whose lives sho had grown She attructed by the brll lance of the bribe was eager to go I Grand echoed Mrs Willlts The lump In her throat pained her Sho muttered something about the biscuits for supper and went away Will LeBter came over that evening H was an overgrown youa4fellovr with an nwkwnrd walk a hnndaomo head and a fresh color lu his tauued cheeks So you are going away Prlscllla I ho snld She dimpled and blushed coquettish ly Yes Im going away Yesterday the knowledge that Will lister loved her would have thrilled her with delight All that was changed now On tho morning of her departure Les ter went to Kllhu Willlts with a loolt In his blue eyes that was half deter mined half ashamed Will you let mo drive Prlscllla to the train he asked Willlts hooked of nose gray of beard shabby of attire Irascible of speech and Just now bitter of heart was about to Irritably refuse on the spot Yes my boy ho said For suddenly he had recalled a cer tain dark rainy sweet scented spring night when he had walked homo from prayer meeting with her who now hail been his faithful wife for - years and had kissed her for the first time So Lester drove Prlscllla to the train But It was not until they hnd left tho farmhouse far behind not until they hnd whirled through the straggling street of the little unprosporous town not Indeed until they were In sight of tho red roofed depot that he found courage to speak his mind Prlscllla you know I love you that Ive nlwnys loved you yes siuco you came here a child There is no use In talking of that now You nre going to be a tine lady When I shall have fin ished my two years course In Chicago I shall be at the best but a semlstnrved country doctor I felt 1 must say I love you although there Is no use In hoping now No Bhe said softly She colored a deep delicious pink Im awfully sorry Willie Everything Is changed now Prlscllla He pulled around In the scat and was looking down upon her I wonder If you remember how once a long time ago you strayed away from home There had been n storm You could not be discovered anywhere The folks were nearly crazy It was I who found you You were a good way down the creek You were wet and hungry tired and cold You wero scratched by briers had lost your shoe and were altogether forlorn When you bbw me you held out your arms with the gladdest cry 1 ever heard Oh take me home Willie you cried I was trying to find tho end of the rainbow I did take you home and you slept every bit of tho way with your little wet head cuddled on my shoulder Do you know I cannot help thinking that you are are going to find the end of another rainbow Prls cllla No ah no What a cruel prophe cy She laughed a little nervously Here we arel The train Is It on time I wonder The train was on time The Wlllltsea were on hand Gaunt and lugubrious they loomed up on the platform Dont worry about me Aunt Mary Prlscllla entreated Ill come to see you and Ill bring you a real camels hair shawl and a velvet gown Never mind them returned Mrs Willlts huskily But you come sure Never mind them come sure urged Ellhu like an echo They kissed her Lester held her hand tight a minute Then the train was writhing eastward like a great black serpent Such a different world was that into which she went Buch a world of ease of luxury of artistic delight At first she was dellciously dazed by It all The Immense beautiful house the vel vet laid corridors the trained deft servants the crested fragrant linen the tall reddish sideboard on which the silver gleamed a drift of moon lit frost the high Jars of aromatic rose leaves the entrancing gold bonnd pictures the glowing draperies tho loose masses of cut flowers the univer sal air of aloofness made up the en vironment of Ideal existence Then her grandparents were such charming old aristocrats Money could never have mude them First cen turies before were blood and breed ing The advantages which money could buy had supplemented these They decided that personally Prlscllla was perfection Masters of music of dancing of languages carue dally and tho polish of accomplishments was added to her store of fascination Abroad her grandparents wero de lighted with the sensation she created With her natural Intelligence stimulat ed to the utmost her fresh young beauty set off with Parisian toilets she was quite the moat bewltchlug crea ture society hod seen for a long time Sho wrote regularly to the old couple on Dry creek She enjoyed her life heartily At Itomo its current was changed She fell In love with a sing er whoso superb voice and face of brigandish beauty had taken the musi cal world by storm Old Calvin Why land frowned on the affair He took his granddaughter away Do Lalenler followed obtained an Interview Car ried away by his earnestness his per sonality his passion she promised to marry him Her grandfather heard of it questioned her Ask him cried the old man ghast ly with rage If he wants you or the money he believes you will Inherit Never shu replied with scorn I shall never so insult him A fortnight later Mr Whyland caught tho Roman fever and died When his will was opened It was found to bear the dato of his Interview with his rebellious grandchild After a certain share to his wife all his estate was left to a distant branch of his family Prlscllla was penniless She took the news lightly She had Adralna love lie beard the rumor He came to see her THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY DKOKMBKRU JK Yes she answered htm It la tru 1 Lao been disinherited lio roan Ho look up his hat Ho bowed profoundly You nre the sweetest woman In tho world Miss Whyland but 1 must say goodby She stnretl at him In bewilderment All at once comprehension complete and terrible cnuio to her Sho was Jilted You mean That I In your expressive tongue ntn a scoundrel Forgive me If you can Goodby Then he was gono Tho spirit of spring was abroad Tho newly turned furrows In tho cornfields were Mack nml moist Lines of tender green dellued tho hollows In the scar red earth Everywhere was tho subtle sense of awakening everywhere tho wholesome familiar smell of green things growing Tho trees along the creek had burst Into myriads of brownish buds Once In awhile sound ed the contented note of the meadow lark from Its nest lu tho prairie grasses Ill be glad whtu the young chick ens nre lit to fry Mrs Willlts was saying She leaned forward to lay the circle of biscuit dough sho held on tho bubbling contents of the big Iron pot Not but that a fiit old one does mako a good potplo My How Prlscllla rel ished my potple The dear child whos that She turned sharply A woman stood Just without the open door a stately and beautiful woman She was gown ed In soft fawn color and tho hat ou the golden hair was n mass of change able purple bloom Sho held out little gloved hnnds Aunt Mary Dont you know me For an lustnnt tho woman by tho stove stood still motionless enraptur ed Then she rushed forward Sho swept the radiant vision Into her breathless embrace Sho had not known such happiness since the rainy sweet scented spring night when Ellhu hnd kissed her on the wuy homo from pray er meeting I am not rich Sho waa laughing and sobbing her lips Becking repeated ly tho wrinkled old cheek 1 dfd not even bring you tho velvet gown Grandpa died you know and Im rich Im rich quavered the old woman Ellhu hurry Heres our little girl Prlscillu did not at first recognize tho gentleman who came to call on her a few days later as that handsome self possessed bearded man Will Lester She learned much of Dr Lester during the months that followed and tho tales that were told her did credit to his head and heart One night he ventured to speak of her again as he hod that distant morn ing ou the way to the train which was to carry her out of his life But now ho concluded I speak and hope May 17 Listen she said You must know all first She told him the frank and full truth From the orchard came driftiug up to them a thousand vagrant delicious scents and fireflies flashed around them like incarnate words of love I think she ended in a queer shaky little voice that Ive found as you said I might the end of another rainbow Willie He opened his arms and gathered her into their shelter as he had done that night on Dry creek when ho found her a little helpless frightened child You remember it love that old story Thank God dear heart ho said In his voice lnflnlto thankfulness Infinite Joy The storm Is spent tho darkness over Chicago Tribune Tiro Ftiblea Charles and William wore partners In a small way In the commission busi ness When tho war broke out Wil liam went to the front but as Charles had an unclovwho was a congressman be went to Washington and did impor tant work for some contractors After the war William camo home In dusty blue clothes and was a hero al though he was 0 In debt He found Charles not only engaged to tho pret tiest girl in the place but with his pockets full of ready money It Is pleasant to know that republics are not always ungrateful David was a fine old merchant Ho waa a deacon a solid man and univer sally respected The civic reform club urged upon him to run for mayor and the committee informed him that he would be pretty nearly unanimously elected ne weakly consented and the respectable element was delighted They ran against him an unknown person named Michael a retired saloon keeper He was an Ignorant man but be knew a good deal about machines When they counted tho ballots It was discovered that Michael had been elected by a majority of 2203 to 168 David felt very sore and Is still won dering how It happened Stories like this should demonstrate that success consists In knowlug how to succeed Life How Conirreaa Spring W Named When John Taylor Gllman a member of congress visited the log houses which chiefly constituted Saratoga In Its early history ho was accompanied one day ou a hunting ramble by a young son of the woodsman with whom he boarded When they return ed to the cabin the boy enthusiastical ly shouted Oh ma weve fouud a new sprlngl Who fouud It ho was naked Turning to the distinguished law maker the little fellow admiringly ex claimed Why tho congress And to this day the iiume hns clung to one of the most celebrated of the Bprlngs which mude the place a sani tary resort long beore It became tho leat of summer fashion Ladles Home Journal J REORGANIZING THE PARTY toTeuty flvn Irish Momliem of the Until of Cnimnoii Il etnnt Htront Itrsiilutliins Uniioiiiicluit tho Smith African War AUupteil lloitlry llurreil Out Dublin Dec lJ Delegates to tho number of several thousand represent ing county councils borough corpora tions district councils branches of the United Irish League and kindred bod ies met yesterday In national conven tion In the Dublin rotunda to recreate the Irish party loli n Redmond who presided Knld it was the parliament of the Irish poople Seventy live Irish members of the house of commons were present and several priests were on the plat form John Dillon amid cheers proposed a resolution to the effect that the South African war was entered upon in pursuance of n conspiracy to de prive two free nntions of their liber ty In tho Interests of miners and cap italists He read letters from Boer generals giving Instances of the alleged brutal ity of British soldiers In South Africa and also the death notice of a Boer boy of 8 In the camp nt Port Kllznbotb whose father hnd refused to surrender and whose homo was blown up with dynamite According to the notice the child and his mother were de ported hundreds of miles and fed upon pen soup Tho lads death Mr Dillon described as cowardly murder Intensely excited by Mr Dillons speech the assembly broke forth Into fierce cries and protests agnlnst the conduct of tho war Tho resolution was adopted unanimously and the con vention ordered It telegrophed to tho president of the Afrikander bund William OBrien offered a resolution excluding Timothy M Ilcaly from the parliamentary party Timothy narrlngton who was fro quently Interrupted snld that If the action of the delegates plunged the country Into the vorter of despair fut ure generations would curse the con vention and those who participated In It Mr OBriens resolution was adopt ed only 25 hands showing against It The convention then ndjourned until morning Pnnlo Among Clillilreil Chicago Dec 12 Fifteen hundred children fought and struggled and crushed to escape the fancied horror of denth by fire last evening at a Punch and Judy show In Turner hall There was no spark of flame In tho building but the cry of a startled youngster was tnken up and Instnntly tho gntherlng of little ones was In n panic Fully a hundred of the boys and girls were swept from tholr feet and trampled on aud crushed agnlnst tho walls anil balustrades of the stnlrn Others leaped from tho gallorles In the hnll nnd fell In the midst of tho strug gllng muss below Almost miraculous ly only n few wero hurt beyond severe bruises De Mnlnet Thuater Kuril Dcs Moines Dec 12 For the second time the Auditorium theater was vis ited by fire yesterday but fortunntely this time was not destroyed It was being used as n vaudeville thenter and the Are which originated In the vicin ity of the stage consumed most nil the scenery tho properties of tho per formers and did considerable damage to the structure Itself The damage was Butllelent to necessitate tho clos ing of the house for somo time Where Duukarilt Will Meet Lincoln Doe 12 The Hneciitl com mittee appointed by the Dunkunl church to decide at what point lu Ne branka the annual national conven tion next May uliull Ik held adjourned lnnt nlirlit without announcing the name of the winning city It is re ported that the committee yesterday was divided between Lincoln and IlantliiKH nnd thnt Lincoln tlnally won out oontlnjent ou Its meeting the re- qulrements Btamluril Oil Not In Contempt ColumbiiH O Dec 12 Tho Btiprome court yesterday dismissed the con tempt proceedings against the Stand ird Oil company The court was tquully divided fc w e aiilhan RHEDiMSSl Is due to nn nrld poison which gnlm necesi to the blood through failure of the proper iBiiuuuiy on mm Keep uic system cicuroi nil niornui elide tiiiUler nils jhXsoii IlPH AHLMAN BROS grout romody to RiifTorors and cannot any much lor uranium too Insist on having Cramers pies mailed free by addressing iAfl Excellent Opoortunitv i - DO NOT MISS IT IN IIANDHOHK DKSKiNSI MKAUT1FUI COLORS VOU AUK HIIKK TO UK HUITKDI 3 E Direct from tho Factory faud I null 3 them ut CIiIiuko IrlrttH i What Are They i P Ul American nnd Imported Valours China Silks nnd Fine Damasks 3 3 3 P Do not forgot that I have 3 E a fine line of PIANOS and 3 okuans see tnem wnen E purchasing a Scarf JD r SIMON Tho Norfolk Piano Man 5 Distorts Muscles Scatters Nerves Stiltcns Joints through the general circulation is deposited in the Joints mtisolesntiil nerves causing tho most liitentcpnin Kucumntism iiiiv nuiiCK wllli si c n ftiiinieii rsq ami severity active jKsrson helpless and licd ridtlcn with dlstottcd liti developing with slight wnndcriui nidus iust sevetc enoi i i i v i us to I mica win a rw nnvn n nenitiiv Ihnlis anil nhattcicd nerves or it muy be slow lu tioiieh to make one f el uncomfortable the ten- iiuucy in mien rasiM is u gmw worse nun iitinuy Dccotuc chronic Like other blood diseases Uheuumtism is often inherited ami exposure to dnmp or cold wnnt of proper food insitflicient clothing or anything calculated to impair the health will f tcquciitly cause it to develop in early life hut more often not until middle nge or Inter lu whatever form whether acute or clmAiic tXLi Rheumatism is Strictly a Blood Disease nml no liniment or other external tteatiuent can lciuii the ttonhlc Ncilhei do the preparations of potash and mercury and the various tuiuctnl salts which the doctois always ptem nljc cine Rheumatism but ruin the digestion and bteuk down the constitution A remedy which builds up the general health nud at the same time tills the system of the poison Is the only safe and ccitain cute for Rheumatism S 8 S made of mots herbs and luirkn of wonderful solvent purifying properties attacks the disease in the tight wny nud in the tight place- the blood and ouickly neutralizes the ncid and dissolves all poisonous tlciiositN stimulates nud iciufotces the ovet worked worn out oigitnn ami clears the system ui nn liimcnmiy nccumiiinuuus n - - cuieu permanently nun tnorotigliiy ntui keeps the blood in a pure healthy state Mr J O MnllevtJtW iMh Street InillnnntiolKiiiil for rlulilrrn mnnllii vni nolrttlMy nllllc tecl with HlietliiintUni lir was tumble to fcrilol tltcti lilnnclt Hooton unld III cusr vui Impelm i Mr hint ttlol fifty hrci itcMtltlotn Hint fileinls luiil glvm liini without tlie llnlitrt icllrf A few Ixittlri nf S S S cured tiitii iicrnmiiriitly nml lie Iuin never Imclu tlieiiiuiitli puln ulin r Villi tmh live yrniiiiKU Wc will scud free our special book ou Rheumatism which should lie in the hands of every aulTcrcr from this torturing disease Our physicians have iniulr blood and skin diseases a life study and will give you any information or advice wanted so wide them fully and freely about your cnse We mako no charge whatever for this service Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO Atlanta 6a MB Several Thousand Delegates Attend Lmblin Convention sss C W AIIIMAN Tho Norfolk Hloyolo Men Proprietors NORFOLK BICYCLE WORKS Miiiiiifncttirmn lolibom nml Dimlnrn In Bicycles Sundries Parts nnd Repairs Aitmiejr for Wiiltlniin Minuifnrt urltiK Vh Orlnnt lllryelim Urn Klnntl HtroiiKnsl nml Knttimt IIIirIii in tint World Wo nlxo limnlln tho Anno World Trihiitin llnnho Hjoinimm Putt no nnd our own tun Ito oltlior elm In or clinltilonH wlilnli will ho known i tho AMtiiim Hiindnln Wo do Repairing Promptly and Reasonable - SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE Any person who is siilTcring wilili Imduiolio causutl by kidney hrouhlo alooplossnoss or a desire to urinate often dur ing the night can he cured if they will use J rumors Kidnoy Cure For urinary and hhulder troubles it is without doubt the acme Kidney cure on the marked If you have weak kid neys commence taking it at once Nino tenths of female troubles are traced to dhe kidneys It is pleasant to tako It brightens you up gives you ambition drives away that slug gish fooling gives you strongth and makes you foel like a difforont person Testimonials from people who have used Cramers Kidney and Liver Cure Hit Cate Wns Bad One Omaha Juno 10 IMO Crnmnr Jhntulmil Co Alluiny N Y Onntlninnn Your rnmnily for kidnny trouble witli wlilrli ImilTnroil fornovnrul yonrK Kuviimo mich rollof Hint 1 full in duty iMiuiid to nddrnHH you lliit InttortoKiiy that 1 do not think thorn Ih ii mndlcinn today thnt niiuilH Itfor complnlntH of tlm kidnnyH My eimn wnn u bud ntio with novnro pniiiH ill Urn oh In fant I hnd no much diHtroHS thnt I wuh oftnu compoUnd to hiy nwnkn iiIkIIh Hnnltur your romody nitvnrtlHuil nxloutlvoly I wuh Induced to try it Aftor tho iin of n fuw bottles I mn iiKiiti in jmrfoct linnltb nml Imvn to tlinnk your won derful romody for it I hIiiiII recommend it to nil my frlnndt linvlnn thtx diro trouble Itnxpoctfully youth DAVID OilHIKN No Other no flood Mr Hancock 2120 Hnmiltoii wlient Omnhn BnyH ho Ihik tried ninny remndiiw for kidney euro but until ho tried OnmorH ho fulled to Hnd one to kIwi him relief Hint nftor uhIiu CrninerH ho foil likn u now man It Mads Him a ttw Man JnmnH KicliiirdHoii ir connoctod with the HicliiirdKou DniK Co Oninlm Biillerod Kreally with kldnoy trouble He liko thoiinnndti of otherH nftor ubIiik Crnmor a Ih cured and n now mini once more tin it Klnil to recommend huh Invigorate the lllood ALdlANY N V March 12 IMO Crumor Chemical Co It Iihk boon on my mind to toHtify to tho benelltn wo have IimI from tho utn of your uiinciunllod kidney romody My fattier hiiHHulTorod from kidney troiiblo for Homo lime Thin winter lie tried your romody nnd found it nil and more to him than il promiHixl Ho will continue to unci il and fouln certain of an entlni euro I luivo iiHod it myHolf with iuoxproHHibhi roaultH I fool my wholo Hyutoin entirely nmo valod T find UiaUmndlen eurliiK kidney dUoum it nlno iiourinboH and lnviornto Hie blood Wo aro novor without il in our family itosKMUEiirieic Wat Much Run Down OMAHA July 12 IjOO r wan n sufToror with kidney complaint Very much run down ami thoiiKht it wuh nil up with mn fora while I heard of CramorH aud with n few hottlon I wan entirely cured I recommend thin remedy to all who aro sick aud need a wood kldnoy rmra lator AHTIIUK JONKH Mauairor Wontoni Car Horvicu AHHcicialiou The Hots Mrdlclnr AlillANY N Y May 31 IW Oramor Chonv leal Co Albany N Y t can cheerfully roo ommend your kldnoy romody an tlm Ihihh mnl icino for kldnoy complaint The content of two hottloH Iuin curod mo and I have onlonvl llvo iHiltloHto Ih Hiiullomy mother-in-law who Ih nulToriiur from kidney trouble Youth truly JOHN HAUPF 2 Contral Avo Albauy N Y Take no substitute Sam- CRAMER CHEMICAL CO Albany N Y TRY THE Daily News Job Department FOR FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING pmtTmmfmTnnmmitmimmmnmTq THEY ARE HERE HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS via Missouri Pacific Ry and Iron Mountain Route To certain poiuta in tho WEST S IM WEST and SOUTH EAST at ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP PLUS 200 October 2 and 10 ON TUESDAYS November ti and 20 December 4 and 18 Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days Stop overs will bo allowod within transit limit of fiftoon days going after reaching first houiescokera point eu routo For further information or uilvortUloK mat ter nddrotss uny iiiU of tho company or J 0 PUILLIPPI W 0 BAKNES AQ FaudPA T P A Southeast Cor 14th and Doulaa 8ta OMAHA NEBEAflKA