The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 14, 1900, Page 4, Image 4
in House Passes Grout Bill by a t Decisive Vote DEBATE LONG AND EAliNEST Triiiiinrtiil Inn miiiI Null IVrinllln When Iiiiiii Culm nt Inn In Iniltiillnn if ltiillii Miiili SiiIiJitI In Pillion Inwur ul Sinti n IiiiiitiIIiiu i In llm Mi niiln t Washington Dec S Ilii house yes terday piitMtl the Smut tiloointii unrlno bill tiy ii vili or mil In HU The substi tute nlTVittl by Hit iiilimrlly or the com mittee on iigrleiiltuic which liiiiioscil uililltlniuil rtHtrUtlony on tin siilu of oleomargarine to pi event Its fi mnlti liiit sale us butter mill Increased tho IiiiiiiHIch for vloliitliui wan dcfiiitcd by n vote of Hit to ITS Tin bill ns passed makes nil articles known us oleomargarine bullerlne 1ml tullon butlii or Imitation cheese trans ported Into nny Hi 11 Ii or territory for consumption or sale subject to the po lice power of such stale or territory but prevents nny stato or territory rrotu rorlilililing tlie irnnsporiiiiion or that if proper diplomatic efiorts i i ixn In if vmlri lio nriKHftile ll the Clnytoii Uulwcr treaty nml Hint was what he vwiutcd Ho illil not In deed believe tho people of this coun try woultl bo HiitlHlleil no long ns nny vestige of that instrument loniiilnetl imiIi of such product when produced j l No otlier nml sold free from colorafloti In Imi tation of butter The bill Increases the tax on oleo colored In Imitation or butter from 1 to JO cents per pound a ml decreasesthe tax on oleoninrgnrlno unrolorcd from 1 cents to one quarter of it cent per pound A long nml Interesting debate pro ceded the vote In tho course or which those who favored tho J rout bill claimed the additional tux on colored oleomargarine was the only offortlvo remedy for preventing fraud upon the public while those who opposed It con tended that fraud would be prevented by the substitute and that the real pur pose of the Irottt bill was to destroy the oleo industry Those who partici pated In the debute were Henry Hep Conn Orout Hep Vt Lamb Dent iVn Davidson Hep Wis ami Taw noy Hep Minn In fuvor or the bill nnd Wadswortlt Hep N Y Lorlnter Hep Ills llalley Hop Kan Grosvenor Hep O Williams Dent Miss Koster Dent Ills and Bailey Dent Tex against It Payne chairman or the ways nnd mentis committee gave notice at the close or the session thnt ho would call tip tlie war revenue reduction net arter the- tntiuMtl or the legislative appro priation bill next week probably on Tuesiliiv STILL DISCUSSING TREATY Senates Time liu Rtily Tiiknu Up by liny Pinuutfott Acruuiuunt Washington Dec 8 No business or Importance wns transuded by the sen ate yesterday In open session Practi cally the entire legislative day was consumed by nn executive session The developments In connection with the lluy Pnunccfote treaty were An agreement on the purl of tho sen ate to vote on the amendment offered by the committee on foreign relutlons providing for the policing of the ennui on next Thursday at It oclock An amendment was offered by Sena tor Teller striking out the prohi bition against the fortification of the Nlcnrnguan canal when constructed The conclusion of Senator Morgans speech A speech by Senntor Teller In oppo sition to the treaty The agreement for n vote on the com mittee amendment wns secured soon after the executive session begun It wns reached by unanimous consent as the result of a request made by Senator Lodge Senator Lodge did not nsk to have n date fixed for a vote upon the treaty Itself believing that the fa to of the measure will be determined by the re sult of the vote upon the amendment Report nn Immigration Washington Dec 8 The annual re port of tho commissioner general of immigration shows that during the Inst fiscal year the total number of immigrants who arrived In this coun try was 4 1857 of which iillliuO came through Canada Of the whole num ber a04l10 were ipales and 141411 fe males This Is a net Increuse over 1890 of 130S57 These figures how ever the commissioner gunerul snys do not show the total number of alien arrivals as 05035 aliens enme ns cabin pnssengers They would hnve swelled the total immigration to 514207 hud they traveled In the steerage MONDAY Washington Dec 11 Hon Charles A To wile me luceuily uppuiiuud suc cessor to tue lute Senator Imvls Mluu utteiuied yesterdays scasiou of tho senate mid took the outh of office No business of importance wus trans acted Ju open sessslou the beuutc go Jut into secret sesblou on the Huy Pauncefote treaty us soon us routinu business had been concluded The senate spent utmost five hours in executive bcsslou considering tho treuty There were livo or six speeches made some of Uiem by senators who had not spoken hitherto upon the treaty uud others by bcuatora who hud previously expressed themselves During the duy speeches were uindo by Seuutors Money Stewart Kryo uud others Senator Stewart announced that ho was for the treaty without amendment uud Senator Mouey thut ho was uguiust the treuty iu uny form He wanted the cunal built as uiuch as uuy senator could he said but he con sidered the pending treuty little less thuu uu insult to tho Intelligence of the Auioricuu people Ho hud no doubt business was fransucteil FAVOR LOWER TAXES Vlmv of tho Minority on Wur Iticnue Koiliicllini Mrufttlrn Washington Dec 11 The report of tho minority members of tho ways nnd melius committee on the bill reduc ing wur revenue taxes about 10000 000 was compluted and made public yesterday afternoon It Is signed by tho entire Democratic membership of tho committee The report says that tho minority are of tho opinion that tho proposed reduction of revenues Is too small and thut the bill does not go far enough in relieving tho people of the burdens Imposed on them The remaining taxes suys the report nre unnecessary and should be re moved The minority takes Issue with Sooretnry Cngos estimate of ll000 000 surplus hi 1102 and says if con gress observes proper economy in ex penditures the surplus ought to bo 10t000000 We nre therefore clearly of the opinion Unit thure cun safely be a much further reduction than Is contemplated In the bill presented by the committee and that now Is tho time to give such relief Instead of tuklng off the sum of 10000000 ns Is proposed we would go further nnd reduce tnxutlon not loss than 70000000 We shall not however oppose the passage of the bill for It gives some rollef nnd will doavor to properly amend It TUESDAY Washington Dee 12 Tho debate on the war revenue reduction bill opened In the house yesterday Payne N Y chairman of the ways nnd means com mittee spoke on behalf of the major ity and Swnnson Va on behalf of the minority The house adjourned early to permit the hall to lo decorated for tho exercises in connection with tlie centennial celebration today Before the revenue reduction bill wns taken up a resolution was adopted for the appointment of a special com mittee of live members to investigate tlie death of Oscar L Hook of Bristol Pa who died recently It Is alleged as a result of hazing received while n cadet at West Point This course was taken over the head of the military committee which reported In favor of nllowlng the war deportment to con duct the inquiry Reciprocity Treaties Washington Dec 12 Tho president Has scut to the senate a number of treaties with Great Britain extending for a year the time for the ratification of the reciprocity treaties affecting tlie British West Indian possessions which were seut to the settato last ses sion but failed of ratification He also sent In the reciprocity treaties with Nicaragua Ecuador thp Domin ican republic and the government of Denmarkthe last named affecting the island of St Croix only Tlie reciproc ity treaty with Nicaragua was signed Oct 20 1800 but for some reason was not transmitted to the senate until the 5th of tho present month WEDNESDAY Washington Dec 13 With impo lug ceremonies the national capital yesterday celebrated the oeutonulul an uivcrsury of the founding of the seut of federal government In Washington The exercises combined a brilliant mil itary parude a review by tho president from the oust front of tho cupltol and orations lit the hull of the house of representatives where a brilliant an dlonco wus assembled By uct of con gress tho duy was made a national holiday In the District otColumbla the departments wero closeifl business was suspended and the whole city gave Itself over to celebrating the capitals natal duy President McKlnley and his cabinet took a prominent part ami with them were a number of chief executives of states and territories the senators and representatives u cougress tho Ju dlciury of the United States supreme court the ambassudors and ministers from foreign courts the heads of tho army and navy and a great outpour ing of the people Although Washing ton Is the scene of many celcbratious it Is seldom that ouo has occurred here of greater brilliancy in its outdoor features or of more impreasivcucss In Its ceremonial exercises ut tho cupltol and at the white house Early In the day tho president received tho gov ernor of spates and territories at the white house uud the model for a new and enlarged white house to commem orate the exercises wus unveiled to Ymuw r the complete abrogation of wlto suitable Mp 1rffi NORFOLK NEWS FRrDAY DECEMBER 14 1900 At 1 oclock the president wni ttv coiled to the cnpltol whoro Ins re viewed a piinulo hcnileil by Lieutenant Ooiienil Miles timl including tho full military strength of the cnpltnl The poMHlblllty of Secretary liny h Jars anil mllltln The ceremonies nt resigning In case the foreign relations the capital begun at p in nml i i ii i iii Incluileil addresses bv u cotnniltlet auieiiilinent to tlie ireaiy should prevail having been ullinleil to Senator Kryo said he was In a posi tion to make olllelnl denial of that re port Sccrctnfy liny hiul no such In tention Sunator Kryo annouiieeil him self ns favorable to the tieaty Senator Chaiuller naked Senator Kryo to imilci Seeietary Hays position with reference to resigning public but the Maine Hcunlor deellueil saying that he wan only authorized to make tho Kluteuieiil to the senate Ilniltn lnn lrtfWfntlvn lit 1 1 Washington Dec 11 The first of the great supply bllN the legislative executive ami Judicial appropriation bill was passed by the house In toe ord Hint yesterday The bill carries 2llliiS ami lias lll pages but there was less than ten minutes de bate upon It Rlnghiiiu Pa who was In chaw of the measure tendered bis thanks to the house for the confidence hIiowii it reiiulreil nbout threi hours Senator Dam lei of Vlrgliiln and McCotnnn of Mary land Keprexontnllvps Payne of New York anil Richardson of Tennessee and n notable hlslorle oration by Sen alor Hoar of Massachusetts A recep tion by the president to the governor nl the Corcoran Art gallery lust night closed the festivities Four Shut lir MIMuko Nashville Tenn Dec lt A fight be tween revenue officers unit u party of men whom I ho ofllcers mistook for Illicit distillers In Madison county Alii bamu resulted In the shooting of four lucii Deputy Collector Itanler or the officers parly was ratally Injured and throe men Drcnnen Lloyd mid Joint 8on or Hie other pnrty received seri ous wounds The ofllcers thinking the men In the wagon were Tennessee mountaineers with n load or moon shine en route Tor lluntsvllle or dered tliem to hull They mistook t lie ofllcers for highwaymen and both par ties opened lire Standard Oil Orilerpil to Iroduue Book Lincoln Dec III The supreme court yesterday Issued a formal order to tho Standard Oil company to permit the utforney general to inspoct the books of the company giving the list of stockholders at present nnd from the time the company was organized the minute books of the company nml other books and papers Dec 21 is the time allowed for tho production of the books The place is not designated being optional with the company but the attorney general must bo notified anil n copy of the list of books uud papers furnished him Warrants for Promoters Chicago Dec 151 Warrants will bo served at the ringside in Tattersulls this evening on principals nnd pro motors of the MetSovcrn Gans fight Captain Hayes of the Thirty fifth street police station says Terry Mc Govern and Joe Gnus will be arrested charged with a disturbance of the peace B M Winston agent of the building Louis Houseman the club matchmaker and Sam Harris man ager of McGovern will bo arrested on the charge of engaging In carrying on a boxing exhibition Fin Stock Show South Omaha Dec 13 The second annual prize contest of fat stock was held at the stockyards yesterday Cat tlemen from all over the west were In attendance The first prize on cattle was awarded to John Shannon of Hos kins Neb second to W R Thurber of Ong A W Clarke of Papllllon car ried off first honors in the yearling con test W C Scott of Gibbon won first prize on light hogs nnd F C Koster of Palmer on heavy Bind Marshal unit Blow Safe Seville O Dec 12 Six masked burglars last night seized Town Mar shal Werner here nnd after binding nnd gagging him blew the safe In Highs bank securing nbout 1000 The explosion nroused0several citizens who chased the burglars but the lat ter with drawn revolvers made a dash for the Cleveland Lorain and West ern depot and got away on a handcar A posse Is in pursuit Will Not Send DelrButes Des Moines Dec 12 The Iowa Conl Operators association nt the annual meeting here yesterday decided not to send delegates to the national scale conference nt Columbus O Jan 21 but to denl entirely with the state or ganization of the United Mine Work ers ns was done last year St Petersburg Dec 11 The official estimates or this winter and spring crop in G4 departments of European Russia are as follows Wheat 058 U00000 poods rye 401700000 poods id oats 721000000 pooda TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Another serious landslide has oc curred In Heligoland Thirty houses have been engulfed and n considerable part of the Island is undjr water The yellow fever situation at Ha vana shows generui improvement Twenty oJght cases nre now under treatment Including one American The Urm of Hunter Hart coal deal ers of Nnshvllle has suspended busi ness Hunter alleges that Hart is short 12000 Efforts to find Hurt were unavailing Itobert G Evans of Minneapolis Is now the only avowed candidate for the United States senatorshlp made vacant by the recent death of man K DaCIs It Is likely that a rate as low as ono faro for the round trip nnd possibly 1 cent a mile may be authorized by the railroads for the Pan American expo sition iu Buffalo next summer Mrs Nancy Clark who was a sister of Andrew O Curtln the famous war governor of Pennsylvania wus killed by a Pennsylvania train Tuesday at Torresdalo In attempting to cross the railroad In tho Illinois supreme court Tues day William Paulson tho Chicago bunk president wa was convicted of re colvlng deposits In kiv bank when he knew It to be insolvent w admitted to bail In tlie sum of 5000 pending o decision In his appeal to the supreme court on a writ of error At tho annual meeting of tho Amer ican National Ited Cross In Washing ton Tuesduy the resignation of Mrs Phabe A Hearst from the board of control on account of pressure of other duties wus accepted and Mrs W It Harrington president of the Cullfornlu Ited Cross wus uppoiuted to till the vacancy THREE OCLOCK IN THE MOnNINQ it There Is time of morntnu Wlicn tlie Jubilant nculxirn liny Ami the opal tltita of siiroarhiti2 dawn AA jet rcm fur away In the raatcm ky Is inoumrnl Nu nlov luit Impending change Tho houe is tilled with echoes Familiar rooms look strange rlllp hark the holts and leave thcmj Htral out hrntnth the sky Dland nlonc In an unknown world Of awful purity Bland nlonc wllli tntdVd hands Walt tor the ullt ol wlns Walt to he lifted higher Nearer the hojrt of thing Tlie hrnirm are clear ami moonlit Though the moon Is on the wane The ulml that nulled throughout the night lwm with it Mgh of palu A vnguo alarm incplng her the llelds and lawn Time pauses night Is owr Ami it It is not dawn A ay down In Ihu picture Tho rnttlc turn and moan Alt living things arc troubled With a sense of the unknown Tor they with ejes may see now And they wlin ipiestlnn know Mike the tnoKt of the magic hour the cut begins to glow I The enst Is nil In tumult 1 lie charmed hour Is past For breaking tip the quiet nkles Ihe dny appears nt Uct Olive Mnli bworth In Chambers Journal PAYING FOR A MEAL Wrm Worth n Shilling to Pick TIionc none Colonel Ebeuezer Sproat of Revolu tionary runic was born and bred in Middleboro Mass He was always fond of a Joke and was quick to selzo nn opportunity to Indulgo his propen sity as the rollowlng Incident related by Dr Hlldreth well illustrates nis father also a Colonel Sproat kept a tavern One day whllo Ebenczer was at home on a furlough threo private soldiers on their return from the seat of war called for a cold luncheon Mrs Sproat set on the table some bread and cheese with the remnants of the family dinner which her son thought rnther scanty faro for hungry men He felt a littlo vexed that tho defenders of tho country were not more bouutlfully supplied Tho sol diers nTter satlsryiug their appetites asked him how much they should pay Ebenczer said he would ask his moth er He found her in tlie kitchen Mother he said how much Is It worth to pick those bones About a shilling I guess she an swered The young officer returned to tho sol dlors nnd taking from the barroom till 3 shillings and smiling genially upon them gave each man one and with good wishes sent them on their way Mrs Sproat soon after came In and asked Ebeuezer what he had done with the money for the soldiers dinner In apparent amazement he exclaim ed Money Did I not ask you what it was worth to pick those bones and you said a shilling I thought It little enough for the bones wero pretty bare and I handed tho men the money from the till and they are gone Mrs Sproat could not And heart to reprove her favorite son for this mis Interpretation of her words and then she too loved a Joke and so after an Instants glum look she laughed and said It was all right Youths Com panion Ants Invent ft Wagon Thcro are a good many ants of dif ferent varieties on the at my coun try pluce near Covington and last year I began to make a systematic Btudy of their habits says a contribu tor to the Now Orleans Times-Democrat Near one of my flower beds is a colony of smnll red nnts that are ex tremely Industrious in collecting food and they frequently perform the most astonishing engineering feats in trans porting heavy burdens to their home Not long ago I watched a party of about a dozen who had found the body of a small spider and wero dragging it toward the nest The spider had hairy legs which stuck out in every direction and caught on obstacles greatly re tarding progress For several min utes the nuts toiled away with their awkward booty and then stopped and seemed to hold a council A minute fragment of dry leaf was lying on the ground und presently they all lay hold and pulled the spider on top of it Then they seized tho edges und slid it along without dllliculty Tbe Crack In the Mirror Sir Noel Paton the painter enjoyed almost ns wide a celebrity as a Joker ns he did as an artist An encounter he had with a physician In Yorkshire with whom he was on tho moat Inti mate terms is nn instance in point Sir Noel was tho physicians guest Ills drawing room boasted of a mag nificent mirror which reached from floor to celling of the lofty room One morning while the guests were assembled In tlie room one of them no ticed a large crack near the top of the mirror The physician was horror Btrlcken nnd asked question after tiou in an effort to discover tlie culprit Perplexed und sorrowful he stood looking nt the shattered glass when Sir Noel asked thut a stepladder bo brought that ho might examine It more closely Mounting he drew a rag from bis pocket and hastily ran It across the supposed crack when lo and behold It disappeared He explained that having come down earlier than tho rest of the guests ho procured a lad der and a bar of soap aud Inflicted tho seemingly Irroparablo Injury Friendship TrlnU Ajn I going to tho wedding Cer tainly not snapped tho pretty girl in bluw Id like to see myself there You thought wo wero friends Oh yes were friends Id like to scratch her eyes out tlie deceitful thing How did It Btart Ilow did whut start If her young man wished to call on me there wus uo law against lit was thoro If ho got In the habit of call ing here every dayln theweekand twice on Sundays It wasnt my busi ness to turn hlin over to tlie police was It 1 wish 1 had though as he was an awful bore nnd so persistent that I never got n chance to go any where or sec nny one Ami all the while that deceitful thing pretended to be crying her eyes out at the desertion of her young man into my camp H I had not thought that thnt young minis presence here wns making her awfully mad ho would have got his walking papers long agd Itul I endured hltn because I thought tli she cared everything for him and mild not live without him And to think flint she simply turned him over to me to get rid of htm as well as me whle she landed the eligi ble young man with the bank account who recently arrived in the city And I never knew that he was here until it was too late And wo were such dear friends too Detroit Free Press Siint liiiT nt llcr Ilemcily There Is at least one woman In Ken wood who believes thoroughly In the clllclency or prayer About it year ago her husband engaged In a business venture that looked rather uncertain But his wire had strong ralth that It would turn out well Go ahead John she said nnd let us put our trusl In the Lord I pray every night that we may have no rea son to regret the risk we are taking The ufTuir seemed to turn out pretty well right from the start Handsome dividends were paid all through tho summer nnd during the winter and grout Joy was in the home of this man and the sharer of his fortunes But there came a turn nbout a month ago t Tho business censed to pay nnd since then tho losses have been Increas ing every dny Nothing wns said ubout II at the llreslde around which so much happiness had centered during the Inst year until the other dny when It wns suggested by the worried husband that It would be well to cut down expenses Questlous followed ns a matter of course and then It had to be confessed that the business was not going well Dear me exclaimed the distressed woman when all the truth had been re vealed to her I must beglu praying again tonight Chicago Times-Herald A Panom London Tavern The Mermaid was tlie name of a fa mous London tavern frequented by noted literary men and actors during the reign of Queen Elizabeth All the wit and talent of the time assembled there for convivial enjoyment Au thors have made it the scene of great mind combats between such men as Shakespeare Ben Jonson Beaumont Fletcher Selden Carcw Donne and others of reverential memory It was the gathering place of the celebrated Mermaid club the origin of which is ascribed to Sir Walter Raleigh Tho Mermaid tavern was located In Bread street and was handily reached from three thoroughfares so that it has been often referred to In various ways The Mermaid in Bread street the Mermaid In Friday street and the Mermaid in Cheup street were however all one and the same It was the nearest to Bread street The Mermaid was de stroyed in the great London lire Thcro were other Mermaid taverns one In Cheapslde and another iu Coruhlll but they had no such associations us clung to that of Bread street ToIntoiH Senate of Honor At one tnu3ic party at Count Tolstois a ladys singing displeased the counts boys and they adjourned to another room and made a noise Their father lost patience and went after them and a characteristic admonition ensued Are you making a noise on pur pose he asked After some hesitation came an an swer in the afllrniatlve Does not her singing please you Well no Why does she howl de clared one of the boys with vexation So you wish to protest against her singing nsked Lyeff Nlkolaevltch In a serious tone Yes Then go out and say so or stand in the middle of the room and tell every one present That would be rude but upright and honest But you have got together and are squealing like grass hoppers In a corner I will not endure such protests Newcastle England Chronicle Tlie Flrat Cookbook To tho Romans belong the honor of having produced the first European cookery book and though the author ship Is uncertain It is generally attrib uted to Callus Aplcus who lived un der Trajan 114 A D Here nre two recipes from this ancient collection First for u sauce to bo eaten with boiled fowl put the following Ingredi ents into a mortar Aniseed dried mint and lazer root cover them with vine gar add dates aud pour in llquamen a distilled liquor made from largo fish which wero salted and allowed to turn putrid In tho sun oil and a small quantity of mustard seeds Reduco all to a proper thickness with sweet wine warmed and then pour this same over your chicken which should previously bo boiled In aniseed water Tho second recipo shows the Bame queer mixture of Ingredients Take a wheelbarrow of rose leaves and pound in a mortar add to It brains of two pigs and two thrashes boiled and mixed with tho chopped up yolk of egg oil vinegar pepper and wine Mix and pour these together nnd stew them Bteadlly and slowly till tho perfumo Is developed Chambers Journal I and My The pronouns I and my ar greatly to be avoided lu general con versation 1 do this or that my children are so nnd so my cook my house my equipages such Iteration sets terribly on the nerves of the listener besides being lu very bad form New York Tribune TRICK OF A WOMAN SHARPER She Tontul n I nee Hnnilkerelilef nntl Illicitly Turned It Into Cnnli 1 lost a lace handkerchief today but I learned one of the tricks of tho light lingered people in Chicago re marked a North Side woman us sho came back from it shopping excursion Was it worth 3 nsked her hus band Hardly but Its Interesting I bought a lace handkerchief and ns I walked to the car stopped to buy a newspaper I had my purse in my hand and u number of things of course and I laid the parcel containing tho handkerchief und the check for It down on the corner or n frtilt stand near by After 1 got to the car I thought of my package I hurried bnck nnd tho package wasnt there Where Is the little package 1 loft here 1 nsked the Italian vender Znttn lilt pnpe i Yes Other lady took it I wanted that handkerchief espe cially to give to a friend for a birthday present I went to the store again nnd picked nut another handkerchief I nm sorry the llrst one didnt suit you the clerk said Why I lost it I replied In aston ishment You dont sny sol said the clerk Why about ten minutes ago a nice looking woman enmo In hero with that hnnilkerelilef nnd we took It bnck and refunded tlie money Sho said that you were her niece nnd that you wero out shopping together You decided the hnnilkerelilef was not Just what you wanted nnd she came back to re turn It We gave her a ticket for tho 3 and she cashed it Chicago Inter Ocean QUEER EFFECTS OF WHIMS Men Who Conld Dreaa Well on Mon ey Wasted For ClRnrn Its a curious thing how some pec pie will sacrifice themselves to their whims said a man who prides him self upon his study of human nature I dont mean wealthy people for they can usually afford to do as they like I am speaking now of people in moder ate vOr less than moderate circum stances I have in mind a young man whose tastes run to expensive neck wear He wouldnt think of wearing a tie that costs less than 2 and ho has stacks of them Now he cant af ford this luxury so he has to stint him self by wearing 3 shoos nnd 15 ready made suits He doesnt realize tho in congruity of his attire and is perfectly happy If his tie is all right Another chap I know doesnt pay the slightest attention to his personal appearance and Is usually rather fray ed looking Thats because he spends his money on expensive cigarettes He smokes only the highest priced Import ed Egyptian brand nnd they cost him 4 cents apiece lie Is a fiend and smokes probably 40 a day You could not hire him to smoke a domestic cig arette which costs half a cent yet if ho did he could afford to dress himself as he should I could cite numerous in stances of this tendency to one extrav agance which have come under my per sonal observation I can only explain It ns a lack of mental balance Phil adelphia Record Washington Chnrch Kodak Fiends The story that a Washington wom an sent notices to tbe ministers of the capital of the opening of her summer home with the request that they be read from the pulpit may be a libel al though I have been told that It Is a fact said a man who has been In Washington for several months but Ill tell you what I have seen there men and women carrying kodaks Into their pews on Sunday No not to take a snap shot of the minister but the Washington kodak fiend stops on bis way to church to make shots and after the service he lingers on his way home to do likewise There Is no other place In the country where the kodak fiend Is bo Insatiate as ho Is In the capital New York Sun Peculiar Problem Subtract 45 from 45 and have 45 left It can be done strange to say Hero Is the method Put down the numerals I to 9 In n row In reverse order under neath place the same numerals In regu lar order The sum of tho figures In each row is 45 subtract the lower row from tho upper 0 8 7 0 532 145 12 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 45 8 6 4 1 0 7 5 3 2 45 The sum of tho third row of figures Is also 40 Thus you have taken 43 from 45 and have 45 as a remainder Governor Ilnoklium Inaugurated Frankfort Ky Dec 1 Governor Beckhum wns Inaugurated yesterday for a term of three years The Inau gural ceremonies wero the most elab orate witnessed In this state In the present decade The Inaugural parade was mnde up of all of tho military com panies of the state When the inau gural procession reached the stato cap ital the oath office was administered to the governor by Chief Justice Hazel rigg in tho presence of a great crowd M Cutters Ubiquitous Friend A curious case of mistaken Identity took place not long ago in vhlch Miss Ruby Cutter a church choir soprano and concort soloist was tho chief actor Sho and a friend also a soprano were engaged to sing for a church charity the same evening tho latter la Jersey City and Miss Cutter In Brooklyn They selected about the same reper tory After supper they took cobs When Miss Cutter alighted in the darkness she found to her disomy that she was In Jersey City und that In all probability her friend was at her church In Brooklyn Evidently there had heeu a mix up In eaba There was no time to undo the mistake however