The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 14, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    to I
- i0 -
The Norfolk flecus
W N UU815 Publlnlinr
KMntilUliNl 1SS7
Krerj dny except HnmUf Iljr cnrrlnr jirr
week IS cenlp Ilj mnll pur yrmr tA0
Tm Nnwr cttnlillrliptl ISM
Tlio Jotirnnl pMnMUIirM 1S77
Ktory Irlilnyi lly mull or yrnr 1M
Knlorrvl nt tlio IWntllcn nt Norfolk Noli ii
eootul clnM miiltrr
Trloiilionn No 22
I K TliouiiHii
Tho tlmo vnn tint ho ninny yours ngn
that ovon anionic loynl roiiubllriniH Murlc
llnnun was reganled iih ii bud mini n
ninii with horiiN Hut t hut wuh ho
onuso wo did not know him and becnuto
vro had uncoiiHiiiouBly nlmnrhud n pre
judice luniltiBt tho ifoiitUmmn from rend
ing dotnocrntia newspapers Thin your
tho people of tlio went hud nil opportun
ity of pooiiiR Mnrlc Hnutin and thoy
found him to ho a limit wholly difluront
from tlio ono imagined Ho in not tho
grasping avaricioiiH flond that had hoon
pictnrod to us hut on tho contrary is n
kindly courteous gentleman Whllo ho
is a rinh tiian ot attain and gives con
Rtnnt employment to moro than lH
mon ho does not opprofls thorn hut
treats thorn as follow workers with him
self and as tho roBiilt of this kind of
troatmont thoro has novor boon n strlko
nor labor trouble of any kind among his
mon His face douotos tlio cordial
wholesome disposition of a man with
-whom 0110 would bo glad to bo on tonus
of intimate acauaintanco
Tho South Plat to candidate who wil
be boforo tho Nohraska legislature for
Bouatorial honors may bo compared
with a strong degree of likonoss to Murk
llnnua Two yonrs ago when D 15
Thompson of Lincoln was an aspirant
for tho sonato ho was rogardod witli
aversion by probably two thirds of tho
republicans of tho Btato Since that
tlmo howovor tho peoplo of Nebraska
have begun to know D E Thompson
better and thoy have como to tho con
clusion as in tho cane of Mark llauna
that ho is a vory different mau than tho
one pioturod Ho is a man of stroug
will booked by good Bound common
euso and ho takes a docidod stand up
on every question Ho is not hasty in
arriving at a conclusion but after ho
has carefully weighed tho pros and cons
of n subjoot ho roaches a decision aud
then he is firm as Gibraltar Ho lias
never boon known to forsake a frlond or
break a promise in which ho 1b essenti
ally dlfforont from many of politicians
Mr Thompson is a Belf mado man in
the fullest sonso of tho word He began
life in tho menial position of a truck
man in the B M depot at Lincoln 28
years ago By sheer force of will un
flagging industry and commanding
power of intellect he was rupidly ad
vanced to brakemau on a freight train
then to conduotor and lator was made
division superintendent Ton years ago
he resigned that position and has not
been connected with railroads since
By industry persorvance aud tho exor
cise of good judgment in making in
vestments ho has acquired enough to bo
accounted one of the rich men of Lin
While he has accumulated consider
able wealth he has over been lavish in
the expenditure of his monoy in chari
table enterprises and no worthy cause
has ever been turned away by him
His most celebrated pnblio act was his
loan of 20000 to tho state of Nebraska
to bring tho First Nebraska rogimont
home from San Francisco and this after
the governor had exhausted every means
within his power to raise the monoy to
pay the transportation of the boys home
Over 15 years ago ho began helping the
poor of Lincoln and has systematically
continued tho work since that time
2aoh Christmas from ono to threo cure
of flour are distributed among tho needy
of the capital city
These are the things that aclnsor ac
quaintance with the South Platto candi
date and his mode of living have been
discovered to the people of Nebraska
We speak of him as the South Platte
candidate for the reason that it is con
ceded that one of the senators to be
elected will come from tho southern
part ot the state and the other from the
northern Throughout the whole South
Platte country where ho is best known
the demand is for the election of D E
Thompson and this rallying of his ac
quaintances to his support is of itself
sufficient evidence that he is popular
among his fellows With practically
the solid support of the South Platto
the indications are that Mr Thompson
will develop at the outset the greatest
strength ot any candidate in the field
As the situutiou appears now the fight
will be over the North Platte seuator
with Edward Rosewater Geo D
Meiklejohn and Lorenzo Orounse the
loading candidates This situation is
decidedly mazy and no man can with
any degree of accuracy foretell the out
About the only thing now loft for his
enemies to attack him upon is the al
leged fact that when D E Thi mpson
was superintendent of the B As M he
discharged men belonging to labor or
gauizations That there is very little
in that accusation is proven by the fact
that at a meeting of labor organizations
held in O R O hall in Lincoln on No
vember 4 be waB unanimously endorsed
for the position of United States senator
and the sense of the meeting was that
those present should do all they could to
further his election This mooting was
at funded by 11 moinhorsof tho O It O
25 inoinhors of tlio 11 K T and 111
members of other lultor organisations
Mr Thompson was invited before
tho mooting 11 t0 Ha
his position during the ttnita ho
was Buporintondont of tho 11 fc M
Ho responded that at that tlmo ho acted
wholly under Instructions from Uonornl
Manugor Htono who was in full control
of tho situation and to whom ho was
responsible Mr Thompson was then
asked directly in event of his being
United States senator where ho would
bo found by vote and record whether in
behalf or against organized lalxir to
which ho replied that always under all
justice and right ho would bo forever
found 011 tho sldo of laboring men and
ho stilted fnrthur that it was his belief
that it is as necessary that labor should
simplify and systematize its ends and
conserve its rights and powers as any
other business organization No
strongor promise than this Iibh over
boon nuido by a oundlduto for United
States senator and it has won as hiH
friends many who wero boforo opposed
to him because of n misapprehension of
his position on tho labor question Hav
ing boon a brukoniau aud conductor
himself ho has experienced all tho vicis
situdes of a laboring mans life and ho
is amply quiilillod to know what thoy
need In fact ho understands tho labor
problom thouroughly having studied it
from tho standpoint of both tho employe
and employer
Wo boliovo Mr Thompson should bo
oloctod as ono of tho senators from Ne
braska at tho coming session of tho leg
ishituro As a practical business mau
ho understands tho requirements of tho
business interests of tho woBt aud being
a man of dotormination and ono who
has tho reputation of succeeding in
what ho undertakes tho pooplo of No
brasjtn would have a roprosontativo who
was evor on tho alert to get her share
The legislature might go farthor and do
much worse than to send D E Thomp
son to tho United Statos soimte
Ilrjrn uiul Tliuinpion Make Dental of Al
lied Senatorial Dent
Lincoln Deo 14 lloth W 1 Bryan
and D K Thompson niuke unqualified
denials of the truth of a story printed
lu New York wherein they are alleged
to have arranged u Hepubllcnu fuslon
doul whereby they could be elected to
the United StuUns senate from Ne
braska Mr Bryan said
There lu not a word of truth In It
1 have other plans
Mr Thompson who is a Republican
and a candidate for tho senate said
The story Is not truo I am making
combinations with no ono rcrtululy not
with a Democrat You cannot make
my dental too strong
Handling Train by Ordar
Arkansas City Kan Dec 14 Yes
terday the train dispntchurs office lu
this city for th Oklahoma division of
the Santa Fe began handling trains by
orders This Is tn first time they
have been able to handle trains In this
way since the operators strike which
began last Saturday Bvery station
on the division is supplied with at least
one operator and traius are running
as usual
May Kxteuil Line to Omaha
Topetta Dee 14 The Missouri Pa
cific Hallway company lu considering
the extension of its line from Topeka
to Omaha Tho Topeka Commercial
club lias taken up the idea aud bus
received assurances from the railway
officials that the line will be extended
from Kort Scott to Topeka and on to
Omaha If tho proper encouragement
could be given in a tiuanclul way
Mnll Iouchea llllltil
Texarkana Ark Dec 14 A bold
robbery on the Cotton Belt rallwuy oc
curred at HiiBnetts Tex ou the train
coming north in which Postal Clerk
John N DenniB was almost killed and
the mnll pouchcH of his car rilled of
tli el r contents The amount stolen is
Michael Mulhall the statistician
died in LondoN Thursday
The tiOth nninia -meeting of the Na
tional Civil Service RVJorm league be
gan In New York city TSursduy
The president Thuruday nominated
John W Yerkeg of Kentucky to be
ooramlHsloner of internal rovenue
Tho American Forestry association
opeued Irs convention In Washington
Thursday The board of director ub
mltted Its report The coudltlou of
thrj countrys forests Is lu general
markedly improved
Business rivalry caused the death of
two Hyde Park Ilia coal merchants
Thursday Joseph Huffman sbot and
killed Thomus Melian then turned the
revolver upon hlmielf and fell lifeless
over Mebans dead body
The close of the exposition throw
ing thousands out of employment Iiuh
created abnormal criminal conditions
In Purls The outlying quarters are
Infested by bands of footpads and
hoodlums who terrorise the residents
Ninety curloads of bjuianus belong
ing to whut la called the trust ure
spoiling in the Illinois Central yards
because of the fight Utweon the trust
mid tint commission merchants of Chi
cago The lot Is said to be worth
Willium E Healy an attorney form
erly associated with Assiutunt Secre
tary of War Vleiklejohu lu government
legal work lu Omaha wub found dead
lu u dingy room at the Stafford hotel
Chicago Thursday Death It Is said
was due to alcoholism
n - vyJni ft
VI 10 II lilt
Senate Adopts Davis Amend
ment by Great Majority
Hlglit to Vtr Iorio for Ncrtiry
- lion of CuiihI Airllliinlili 1nuur
Iooki ou til Uooliilliiu in Unfriendly
Ail Hny Tlioy Will Nut Jtutlfy Trenty
Washington Dee 14 In accordance
with previous agreement tho sonata
In executive session took it vote yester
day on the aiiiuudineut to the liny
1autuefote tiealy authorizing the
United States to defend Its Interests
In the cuiiul The seuatu did not close
Its doors until 2 oclock and there was
left only 0110 hours tiiuo for discus
hIoii of provisions of tho MUioudmeut
The vote was taken by yen aud nnys
05 votes being east In favor of the
iiiuunilment and 17 against It The
negative votes were as follows Balrd
Itcverlrino Krye Foster Hansbrough
Lindsay Mason McCumber McEuory
McMrido Morgan Money Stewart
Tillman Wellington Wolcott and Gal
After the amendment offered by tho
committee was ptinsed upon varloitH
other amendiueiitN received tho atten
tion of the senate for a brief time but
none of them weru noted upon
The pominlttee amendment which
was adopted as a provision to ho In
serted after section f of article li of
the trcuty Is us follows
It Is agreed however that none of
the Immediately foregoing conditions
nnd stipulations In sections numbered
1 U II 4 and H of this article shall ap
ply to ineiisureH which the United
States may tltid It uecussary to take
for securing by Its own forces tho de
fence of th United States and the
maintenance of public order
After the senate adjourned for tho
day the Republican committee on or
der of business held a hosnIoii to decide
upon the future lino of action with
reference to the treaty as amended
After thin committee had concluded
Its conference Senator Lodge who was
with the committee stntod that the
senate would proceed with the treaty
and that he would continue his efforts
to have It ratified
Itoar of the
Ilon at Sriiutoa
Action on
tlio Cauul
London Doc 11 Tho adoption by
the United States senate of the Dnvln
amendment to the Huy Pauncefote
treaty lu evidently regarded a far too
weighty a matter for hurried comment
by tho London morning journals Ac
cordingly the Times and most of the
other papers poxtponc their editorial
treatment of the question in Its pres
ever publishes a short notico in which
It says
Tho news Is very serious Indeed
It means in a word that the jingoes
nnd Anglophobes of the United States
senate have triumphed and that we
ure back again today where we were
at the time of the Venrsuela Imbroglio
nnd President Clevelands Insolent and
provocative speech The better feeling
manifested during the Spanish-American
war has been shaken by pro Boer
sympathisers and it Is now swamped
by nlf intorent The Americans in
tend to fortify the canal In spite of the
treaty engagment to the contrary We
cannot possibly stand by nnd allow the
Clayton Bulwer treaty to be thus Im
periously set aside The good relntlons
between the two countries must of
necessity be gravely menaced This
Is the outcome of Mr McKlnleys re
election Worse could hardly have
happened If Mr Bryan had been re
The Standard observes It Is more
of a rebuff for President McKlnleys
executive thnn for Great Britain En
gland cannot possibly accept the Hay
Pauncefoto treaty thus amended nnd
It would be Insulting to the people and
government of the United States to
assume that they would either re
nounce the Clnyton Bulwer treaty
without offering an equitable equiva
lent or contemplate the gross Illegality
of disregarding it There will be time
enough to consider the abrogation of
the treaty when Washington formally
tenders a suggestion which would
certainly be approached by Great Brit
ain with every desire to assist the
United States to cany out a project
highly beuellclnl to American com
merce but It cannot be supposed that
we would abandon our treaty rights
Without solid consideration in return
Insurgent Swearing- Alleglano
Manila Dec 14 General Kobbe
with the Twenty eighth volunteer reg
iment Colonel Birkheimer command
ing landed at Kagayan on the north
ern coast of Mindanao Monday and
reinforced the six companies of the
Fortieth volunteer regiment stationed
In the town An aggrosslve movement
had been planned From Hollo It 1b
unofficially reported that the insur
gents In that portion of the Island of
Panay are swearing allegiance at the
rate of 1000 a day
Dolphin Titlki Confidently
Topeka Dec 14 President Dolphin
of the Order of Railway Telegraphers
arrived In TopeUa yesterday and took
personal charge of the strike develop
ments over the entire Santn Fe system
The fight of the telegrapbprs will
henceforth be conducted from Topeka
Mr Dolphin confirms the statement
that his pass was taken up during his
trip here from Galveston In discuss
ing the strike Mr Dojphln said Tho
etattiH of the Atchison strike Is most
reassuring aud our success scents cer
ClilrnRA Irnln and Vrovldnn
Chlengn Dec 11VhM w motleratfly
srltvn nnd ilrrllned on llbrrnl rr rpltR nnd
nndr lpntlon of n lirnrlih iwrnmrtit report
Mnmlnv Miy rlolns IVitH under yrnlor
dny Com clord WftHo nnd ontn n xlinde
lower Irovlnlons Rt tlio rloae wore n utindo
to 10c hlclirr fluMm price
lief 70e Jnn 7070He
7Wr Kelt 7tUe
Torn Dec nnye Jnn 3iy4rutoHe
anyrn iHri ivii x c
On Is -Doc
Pork Dec
12 in
tnrd -Doc
Hlli Iee
Ittc Jnn 21W21e
M2 Jnn 1225
J720 Jnn jnR7Vj
fU5 Jnn n22Vtfl1Jn
Ciisli onotntlnn No 2 rrd wlit
74Vr NM 1 rod wlient ntmavc No 1
uprlntr wlionl mii172Hr No 2 linrd whent
nsff724o No a Imid wlient novfj7ic
No 2 mull oorn H7if174e No T rn oorn
nMWJTWo No 2 yellow oorn fl7He No 1
vellow fiirn iVTTWo Nn 2 onnli onto 224
CT21p No 2 white ont 2Kl2nVjc No- 3
while out 2Vi2i
fhlrniro 1lvi Slurb
fhlenco Doe nWXI
Rrticrnlh 10o lower Blow Inclndlne hntrh
er sloek nnd Toxmn unlives lot on snlo
toclnr ono rnrlond nt J01 pood to prime
steer X 2WS7fl20 poor to medium ST M
R15 Koleoted feeder Mow T 7VJI25
mixed Mnekoro wonk JLSIfilfTi rows
2rnffln0 Iielforn 2 nVf74RV rnnnori
hull 24KM ar enlven ntondy
aVir2r Texnn reoelpts 20 heit on
Nnlo todnr nine enrlondu nt 112V Toxnn
fed Htoors XIOOTJI 71 Torn ifrs Btoers
Ja2rCTIOO Terns ln11 WIOitatO noirs
rtorelntP todnr tmnnrmw 10000
oitlmnlod left over 1000 notlve Memlr
olnliu flrm Ion SIPT nihed nnd hntoliers
i 0fTI 0 ond to elioleo lionvv t TOCT
ov rons ii lioiw irrri - ticht lnr
l0i lmlV of snteq 10fTIP0
lleeilnts 17 0OO kIipoh nnd Intnlm rlirvleo
strniiBi medium lendv lionvv ilow
fitner tnm1i oOT00 Rood to elioloe
weier 4iOCT4 Ifl fnlr to olioloe mWod
JtanOTM 10- irwimm lieen St 00450 Tor
n Mleep S rnl n nnllrn ItnitiH J422
RR western Innilis S OOJJ W
Kniimi ritv Tlvr Stoeb
TTniTino rilv Dee IlPnttle tteoolpts
1 700 nntlvoH 700 Te xnns r00 onlres ood
to elioloe teor lintoier rows nnd foodlnc
rattle teiitv plnln slmt fed teers shnrto
lower nntlvo teors S4 0T 0 lookers
nnd fi odefo 100WI 10 Imtelirr eows nnd
liefrs snOOfi -- runners 2 fiOfTIOO fed
wntrrns IiiriOO fed Tonns fa rr
4 erns Ti a Wlnn rnlres lr0
fjn on ti Tlerolnti 17T00 trndo re y
nrtlro pt t7te ndrnnro henvr Or V
mlvei l stiAtrei I1rht t4RTWI on pies
4f07 7S Tlerelpts RaOO rood
otlk mn rot stedr ole Innilis SBOf
rir 0 on a0OT44n ctne eru nnd
frrders Mri0fT4T oillls 2OfiaOO
finnth Omitha Tlvr Stork
South Omnhn Dec laCnttlr Receipts
2000 dull Inwrr native hoof ntorrs 42
ff540 western steer f400fft400 Texan
steers t00CT17ri rows nnd heifer 300
W42S rnnnors 17ri27H atorkers nnd
fredors 3XMT4M rnlvea 400ftfl00
hulls stn ts etc S2OfVff400 Hos ne
eulpts 10 100 opened 24 eloRrd higher
hejy r t mixed S4ROf7MR2H
IlKht S477AW4 87Wj nlca Sl0042ri tinlk
of sules 48Vf4RC Sheop Hcrelpts 3200
Kt early to stronr fed muttons S3VM10
wpHterns a75ff400 ooramon nnd stock
sheep 35033 SO lambs 425g3rr0
State of Ohio city of Toledo Lucas
county 88
Prank J Chenoy makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F J
OhoneyCo doing business in the
ent phaiie The Daily Chronicle how 1 citv of Tolwi nrt Rtate fore
I T f
said and that said llrm will pay cue
sum of oue hundred dollars for each
nnd every case of catarrh that cannot
bo cured by tho use of Halls Catarrh
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence this Oth day of December
A D 1880 A W Gleason
seal Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally
nnd acts directly on the blood nnd mu
cous surfaces of the system Send for
testimonials free
F J Cheney Co Toledo O
Sold by druggists 76c
Halls Family Pills are the best
The News jod department Is com
plete in every particular
Notice to Non Realdent Defendant
Norfolk National bonk plaintiff vs
D W Creen defendant
TnD W Greene non resident de
You will take notice that on the 10th
day of November 1900 Norfolk Na
tional bunk plaintiff herein filed its
petition in the district court of Madison
county Nebraska against you tho
object and prayer of which is to re
cover a judgment against you for tho
sum tf B0O together with interest
thereon at the rate of ten per cent per am
num from the 12th day of March 1100
upon u certain promisory note executed
and delivoredby you to the plaintiff
Norfolk Nntional hank for tho sum of
500 dated March 12th 1000 due six
months after date aud hearing interest
nt tho rate of ten per cent per annum
You ore further notified that orders
of attachment have been issued in said
case against your property in this state
nnd that under said orders the sheriff of
Madison county in this state has levied
upon the followlug described property
situated in Madison county Nebraska
to wit
One lot of boxes containing miscell
aneous articles one wnlnut hunting
case and contents one folding bed
complete one commode two thread
oases ono leathered covered chair one
table one office chair one office det k
complete one crate pictures one center
table one Bpring lounge j two book
cases j one roll of Brussels carpet and
all the other goods and chatties belong
ing to you now stored in the Olney
building in Madison county Nebraska
Arid under said orders the sheriff of
Pierce county Nebraska hos levied upon
the following described property situ
ated in Pierce county to wit Twonty
five head of cows and heifers of various
ages and colors oue three-year-old bull
red one yearling bull red five
Rprlug calves of various colors and
three November 1000 calves red
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 14th day of Janu
arv 1001
Dated December 8th 1900
Norfolk National Bank
By Barnes Tyler its attorneys
Suit mudo to order and In the latett etyle Rr
IairtnK neatly dono Shop on Bontb Fourth St
tontb of fiaum Hrot
e23Sf i
fc SsNKV
newt iim cn i tniitr Miourent
Of lino common boards of all lengths and widths Wo thought
youd be wanting moro or less of this kind of stuff for fixing up
about the plnco so wovo got ready for you Boforo making nuy
repairs drop in nnd got our prices It doopnt mako any dif
ference what you want if itB nnytliiug iu lumber or building
material weve got it and tho price is right too
ttitin wiMUnwtl
If vou wipli to lUV
xoll or rent real OBtnto J
1 urito or call on we
Snap No 1 A fi room house in good condition with stable coal sheds j
and city water Lot ix 182 on west side Rents at 800 per DQfin 1
f month Price tpOUU j
Snap No 2 One hundred nnd sixty acres miles southeast of Nor
folk Four room houBO sheds etc Land nil under cultivation rtj I n 3
Easy terniB Per acre vj I U 4-
W H BUCHOLZ Preeidont
E W ZUTZ ABBietant Caehier
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Sella Exohange
Interest Paid on Time DeposltB
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point in Europe
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted
Sterling Silver Flatware Silver Nov
elties China Cut Glass all kinds of
Jewelry and Pianos and Organs will
make suitable Christmas Presents for
your friends All the above articles
at prices that will suit you at
Hayes Jewelry Music House
U9 Norfolk Avenue
I Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetvyater Rock Spring Coal the
uaat iu iub luurKCb
Scranton Bard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 61
I ii I m
and bread made from
Tried Them
01 mensiruauon xuey are LiUriz HAVKICS tn oii trr
1 T- -aw WV KUg M
They overcome Wealc
ness irregularity and
omissions increase vig
or and banish paina
1 11
wumuuiiuou muiug uuveiopmcnt 01 organs and body No
nuowu rcuicuy jur wumtn equals tnem Cannot do
becomes a pleasure 100 PER BOX BY MAIL Rata
by druffgihts DR MOTTS CHEMICAL CO CkveWnd Ohi
i i