The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 14, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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V El
Roblndhig Old Honks
and Magazines
Noxl Deans lnint Store rlh St
Ladies Baths
Rooms on NorLli Ninth Slroot
W 0 Halls Barber Shop
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Aconcy fr tlio Myoro Forco and
Wind Mill Pumim
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
Firat door WoHt of Post Ofllco
Oil and Gasoline
Sale and-
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Braasch Avenue
and Third St
In nil Ita stsRea ttiero
should bo cleaulluess
Elys Cream Balm
clonncAootheK and licali
thu diseased ineiiiliruuo
It cures catarrh and drive
nwny a cold In tlio head
Crcnm Palm Ib placed Into tho nostrils spreads
over tho nicmbrano and Is absorbed Hcllof Is Im
mediate and a euro follows It Is not drying locs
not produce sneezing Largo SI70 60 oeuU at Drui
glts or by mall Trial Size 10 cents by mall
ELY BHOTUKUS BO Warren Street New Yerk
W 1 L JW f wkLm
ni Vv BYxBg
Made a
Well Man
oran V
AW roo
produces the above results In 30 days It act
powerfully and quickly Cores when all others fall
Xoung men will regain their lost manhood and old
men will recover thotr youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and surely roUoros Nervous
ness Lost Vitality Impoteney Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Momory Wanting Discaoaand
11 effects of self abuso or excels and indiscretion
which unflU ono for Btudy business or marriage It
not only cures by starting at tho seat of disease but
Is great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
ing back the pink Blow to palo chotks and re
storing the fire of youth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having BEVIVOno
other It can bo carried In Test pocket Dy mall
100 per package or six for OOO with posi
tive written guarantee to core or ratund
the money Hook and nrtvlso t tvo Address
For Halo in Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Ohristoph druggist
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Aludlson Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
In bulk Accent no substi
niMptTiinM tiitr Atr vour drUKClst
- a
s Sv b
w BMAH r
arc Pimror
Cl0 80
lX attm crrccri
I V wquAurifff
foR1PAiSissvN oc cinchona ca
For Bale by George B Ohristoph
ix Jin ihnm for Encoumer
ICopjrlRlit lliiO by Hobrrt ilarr 1
At l oclock tlin long train canio lo a
standstill 17 minutes late nt Lngn and
ninplu timo wan allowed for a lelsnroly
breakfast In tlio ImlTnt of tlin Hlation
Jennie found a mnall tnblo and Hat
down beside it ordering colToo and rolls
from tlio waiter who camu lo Hcrvo her
Looking round at the cosmopolitan com
pany and listening to tlio many Ian
gnngos whom clan gave a lmliol air to
tho riHtaiirant Jennie full to miming on
tlio strange oxporionetH hIio had encotin
tcrcd hIiico IiuvIiik London It hooiiioiI
to hur hIio hud hion taking part In Home
gluiHtly nlhtmaro and hIio Hlinddorrd
UH hIiii thotifrhtof tlio IiiwIchhiiohm under
cover of law of thin uroat and duHpotlc
oinpiro where oven tho ruler wiih under
thoHiirvelllanceof hlHHiihordlnatert and
could not get a letter out of IiIh own
dominion In mifoty were ho ho minded
All lost princcwil
She pieced her hand maidenly to her
throat forthu catch in her breath Boom
ed to he MiiTocatliiK her then looked up
and Haw Lord Donal Htlrllng in tho or
dinary everyday dreHH of an EhrIIhIi
gentleman mh well groomed iih if ho had
come not from a train hut from his
own hoiiHO There wan a kindly mnllo
on IiIh IlpH and a Hparklo in hlHeyen but
IiIh face wiih of KlniHtly pallor
Oh Lord Donal I hIio cried regard
ing liim with eyca of wonder and Tear
What ia wrong with youV
Nothing tho young man replied
with an attempt at a laugh nothing
now that 1 have found you princess I
havo been making a night of it thatn
all and am mifforing tlio coiiHcqucnccfl
in tho morning May I nit down
Ho dropped into a chair on tho other
eldo of tho table and went on
Like all dirndpatcd men I am going
to breakfast on HtiuinlantH Waiter
ho Raid bring mo a largo glims of your
beat brandy
And waiter interjected Jennio in
French bring two breukfuHtH I Hup
Pobo it wiih not your broakfant that you
ordered just now Lord Donal 1
I havo ordered my breakfast ho
said Still it pleads in my favor that
I do not carry brandy with mo as I
onght to do and ho niuat drink tho vilo
tuff thoy call their boat hero
You should eat as well buo insiet
od taking chargo of him as if sho had
ovory right to do so
All nhall bo as yon Hay now that I
havo fonnd you but dont bo surprised
if I havo but little appetite
What ia tho matter sho asked
breathlessly You certainly look very
I havo been drugged and robbed
ho replied lowering his voice I
imagine I came to closo quarters with
Ah lent prlnccssF
death itself I have spent a night in
hades and ihis morning am barely able
to stagger but tho sight of yon prin
cess Ah well I feel onco more that I
bolong to tho land of tho living
Please do not call mo princess
said tho girl looking dovn at tho table
Then what am I to call you prin
cess V
My name is Jenuio Baxter sho
said in a low voice
Miss Jenuio Baxter he asked
eagerly with emphasis on tho first word
Miss Jennio Baxter she answered
still not looking up at him
Ho leaned back in his chair and said
Well this is not snch a bad world
aftor all To think of meeting you hero
in Russia I Havo you been in St Peters
burg thon
Yes lam a newspaper woman
explained Jennio hurriodly When yon
met mo beforo I was there surrepti
tiously fraudulently if you liko I was
there to to writo a report of it for my
paper I can never thank you enough
Lord Donal for your kindness to wo
that ovening
Your thanks are belated said tho
young man with a visible attempt at
gayety You should have written and
acknowledged the kindness you are good
enough to say I ronderod to yon You
know my address and otiqnette demand
ed that yon should make your acknowl
I was reluctant to write said Jen
nie a smile hovering round her lips
fearing my letter might act as a clew
I had no wish to interfere with tho le
gitimate business of Mr Cadbury Tay
Great heavens I cried the young
man How came you to know about
that But of course the Princess von
Steinheimer told you of it She wrote
to me charging me with all sorts of
wickednesses for endeavoring to find
No Lord Donal I did not learn It
from her In fact If you lind oponod
the door of tho Inner room at Mr Cad
bury Taylors a little quickor you
would have conie upon 1110 for I was
the assistant who tried to persuade him
that you really met tho Princess von
Lord Donal for the first timo laugh
ed heartily
Well If that doesnt beat all I And
I suppose Cadbury Taylor hasnt tho
slightest Hiisplcion that you are tho per
son ho was looking for
No not thiiHlighteHt
I Hay that Ih the best joke 1 havo
heard in ten yearn said Lord Donal
and hero breakfast arriving Jennie
gave him IiIh directions
You are to drink a Hinoll portion of
thnt brandy she Haiti and then put
the rent in your coffoo You must eat a
good brcnkfiiHt and that will help you
to forget your troubles that in if you
have any real troubles
Oh my troubles are real enough I
said the young man When I met you
before prlncesH 1 was reasonably suc
cessful We even talked about embassa
dorHhlps didnt we in Hpite of the fact
that cmbaHsadorH were making them
HolveH unnecessarily obtrusive that
night 1 Now you hoo beforo yon a ruined
man No I am not joking Itistruo 1
wiih given a commiHsiou or rather
knowing the danger thero was in it I
begged that the commlHsioti might bo
given mo It was merely to take a letter
from St Petersburg to London I havo
failed and when that is Haiti all is
But surely said tho girl yon
con Id not be oxpected to ward off snch
lawless robbery as you havo boon tho
victim of
That is just what I expected and
whal I supposed I could ward off In my
profoHsion which after all has a great
Himilarlty to youra except that I think
wo have to do more lying in onrs thoro
imiHt bo no such word as fall Tho vory
best excuses aro listened to with toler
ance perhapt and a shrug of tho shoul
ders but failure no matter from what
cause is fell doom I havo failed I
shall not make any excuses I will go to
London and say merely Tho Russian
police have robbed mo Oh I know
perfectly who did tho trick and how it
was done Then I shall send in my res
ignation They will accept it with po
lite words of rogrot and will say to
each other Poor fellow 1 Ho had a bril
liant career beforo him but ho got
drunk or Homothing and fell in tho
ditch Ah woll wo wont talk any
moro about it 1
Then yon dont despiso tho nowspa
por profession Lord Donal
Dospise ll Bless you no I I look up
to it bolonpHg myself to a profession
very much lower down in tho scale of
morality as I have said But prin
cess he added leaning toward her
will you resign from the newspaper if
I resign from diplomacy
Tho girl slowly shook her head her
eyes on the tablecloth beforo her
I will telegraph my resignation
ho said impetuously if you will telo
graph yours to your paper
You aro feeling ill and worried this
morning Lord Donal and so yon take
a pessimistic view of life You must
not resign
Oh but I must I I havo failed and
that is enough
It isnt enough Yon must do noth
ing until yon reach London
I like your word must Jennie
said the young man audaciously It
implies something you know
What does it imply Lord Donal
sho asked glancing up at him
It implies that you aro going to leave
tho Lord off my name
That wouldnt be very difficult re
plied Jennie
I am delighted to hoar yon say so
exclaimed his lordship and now that
I may know how it sonnds from your
dear lips call mo Don
No if I ever consented to omit the
title I shonld call you Donal I like
tho name in its entirety
He reachod his hand across the table
Aro you willing then to accept a
man at the very lowest ebb of his for
tunes I know that if I were of the
mold that heroes are inado of I would
hesitate to proffer you a blighted life
But I loved you the moment I saw you
and remembering my fruitless search
for you I cannot run the risk of losing
you again I havo not tho courage
She placed her hand in his and looked
him for the first timo equaroly in the
Aro yon snre Donal sho said
that I am not a mere effigy on which
you are hanging tho wornout garmonts
of a past affection You thought I was
tho princess at first
No I didnt ho protested As
scon as I heard you speak I knew you
woro the ono I was destinod to meet
Ah Donal Donal at lovers per
juries they say Jove luughsl I dont
think you were quite so certain as nil
that But I too am a coward and I
dure not refuso you
What an unholy spot for a pro
posal bo whispered and yet they
call Russia tho Great Lone Land Oh
that we had a portion of it entirely to
Tho girl sat thoro a smilo on her
pretty lips that Lord Donal thought
most tantalizing A railway official an
nounced in a loud voico that tho train
was about to resume its journey There
waa a general shuffling of feet as the
passengers rose to take thoir places
Brothors and sieters kiss each oth
er you know on the ovo of a railway
journey said Lord Donal taking ad
vantage of the confusion
Jennie Baxter inado no protest
There is plenty of time he whis
pered I know tho leisurely nature of
Russian trains Now I am going to the
telegraph office to send in my resigna
tion and I want you to come with me
and send in yours
No Lord Donal said the girl
Arent you going to resign he
aaked in surprise
Yea all in good time bat you are
In many respecta Scrofula nntl Consumption are alike they develop from the same gen
eral causes uoiii arc ncretlttary ami Oepcntlcnt uju nn impure aim lm
povished blood suonlv In consiimntion the disease fastens itself upon
the child becomes hoarse or even after
the croupy cough has developed it
will prevent the attack This should
bo borne in mind and a bottle of the
cough remedy kept at hand ready for
instant use as soon as these symtoms ap
pear For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co
Jangling Nerves
Are you irritable Do you sleep
badly Is it hard to concentrate your
thoughts Is your appetite poor Do
you feel tired restless and despondent
Try Lichtys Celery Nerve Compound
It will do you more good than anything
you have ever tried Sold by Geo B
A Keen Clear Ilraln
Your best feelings your social posi
tion or business success depend largely
on tho perfect action of your stomach
and liver Dr Kings New Life Pills
give increased strength a keen clear
brain high ambition A 25 oenfrs box
will make you feel like a new being
Sold by the Kiesau Drug Co
rnsTisB l
-fm PipH I
Disease of
the lungs in Scrofula the glands of the neck and throat swell ami suppurate causing ugly running sorc
the eyes nre inflamed nntl weak there is an almost continual discharge from the cars the limbs swell
nones nclie nntl white swelling is frequently a result causing tlic uiscascti nones to work out tlirougu
the skin producing indescribable ain
nntl sutlcnng t uittng a
away n sore or diseased gland docs no
gootl the blood is twisoncd The old scrofulous taint which has probably come down through several
generations has polluted evcrv Iron of blood
01 1 ui u m icijuircs vigorous persistent treatment
The blood must be brought back to a healthy
of destruction
condition before the terrible disease can be stopjctl in ita work Mercury potash and
other poisonous minerals usually given in such cases do more barm than goo they ruin the dlgcttiort
and leave the system in a worse condition than before
S S S is the only medicine that can reach dcep ae t d blood troubles like Scrofula It goes down to the very roots of
the disease and forces every vestige of poison out of lh blood S S S is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known
The roots and herbs from which it is made contain wondei fill blood purifying projicrties which no poison however powerful can
long resist S S S stimulates and purifies the blood increases tho
M mmmm tmmmmmm AaBBa
SJm lrf MHk ClfffIDPsTiltf appetite aids the digestion and restores health and strength to the
m mmmm Wmrmmmm imxWMmmmmwm enfeebled body If you have reason to think you have Scrofula or
your child has inherited any blood taint dont wait for it to develop but begin at once the use of S S S It is a fine tonic and tho
best blood purifier und blood builder known as it contains no poisonous minerals S S S is pre eminently a remedy for
When my daughter w mi Infant she had a severe cmeof Rcrofiiln for which she wa under the con
stant care of pliysicUm for more than two years She was worse nl the end of that time however and
we almost ileipalrcd of her life A few Imttlrs of Swifts Specific cured her completely ns it seemed to
go direct to the came of th e trouble I do not txMleve It hat nn emal for stublmru case of blood diseases
wuicn arc ucyonu uie power 01 owicrno caiicti oiooti remedies ft 1 iirooks Momtcello ua
Our medical department is
Scrofula nntl other blood diseases 1
ill churge of experienced physicians who have made
a life study Write them about your case or any one
you arc interested in Your letter will receive prompt and careful attention Wc make
no charge whatever for this Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA
Oh I any ho cried it is really
tmporativol Ill tell yon all about it
when wo get on tho train
It Is really imperatlvo that yon
should not send in your resignation In
deed Donal you need not look at mo
with that surprised air You may as
well get accustomed to dictation nt
onco You did it yourself you know
You cant say that I enconragod you I
eluded tho vigilant Cadbury Taylor as
long as I could But if thoro is timo
go to the telegraph ofllco and send a
message to the real princess Palaco
Stoinhelmor Vienna Say yon aro on
gaged to bo murriod to Jennio Baxter
and ask her to telegraph you at Ber
Ill do it replied tho young man
To bo contimiod tioxt Kritlny
Frluco Tunn Kxcapos
Vancouver B C Dec 14 Accord
ing to the North China Dally News
Prince Tunn escuped from Tung Kuan
under the IIhkuIho of a Buddhist pil
grim with shaven head bound for
western Mongolia He was last hoard
from ut Ting Hslu tlio native city of
General Tung Kuh Slang under whose
protection he la alleged to huvo trav
Floth Found Guilty
Omaha Doe 14 Harry Floth was
found guilty of manslaughter for the
murder of Edward Fco
IJoes It Pay to Huy Cheap
A clieap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right but you want something
that will relieve and cure the more
sovere and dangerous results of throat
and lung troubles What shall yon do
Go to a warmer and more regular cli
mate Yob if possible if not possible
for you then in either case take the
only remedy that has been introduced in
all civilized countries with sucoobs in
severe throat and lung troubles
Bosohoes German Syrup It not
only heals and stimulates the tissues to
destroy the germdisoase but allays in
flammation causes easy expectoration
gives n good nights rest and cures tho
patient Try ono bottle Recommended
many years by all druggists in tho world
Get Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau
Drug Co
Ladies if you wunt a refined and
brilliant complexion free from blemishes
use Rocky Mountain Tea Never fails
sk your druggist
A Womans Awful Peril
There is only one chance to saveyour
life and that is through an operation
were the startling words beard by Mrs
I BHunt of Lime Ridge Wis from
her doctor after he had vainly tried to
cure hor of a frightful case of stomach
trouble and yellow jaundice Gall
stones had formed and sho constantly
grew worse Then sho began to nse
Electric Bitters which wholly cured her
Its a wonderful stomach liver and kid
ney remedy Oures dyspepsia loss of
appetite Try it Only CO cents
Guaranteed For sale by the Kiesau
Drug Co
Biliousness is caused by a lazy liver
permits food to sour in your stomach
makes you cross RockyfMountain Tea
makes you well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
How to CureOroup
Mr R Gray who lives near Amenia
Duchesscounty N Ysays Chamber
Iains Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used It is a fiuo
childrens remedy for croup and nover
fails to cure When given as soon as
A Dual Role
Business Men and others recognize the im
portance of this combination by selecting
Salt Lake City
To San FranciBCO
Millions Given Away
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern which is not
afraid to be generous The proprietors
of Dr Kings New Discovery for con
sumption coughs and colds have given
away over ten million trial bottles and
have the satisfaction of knowing it has
cured thousands of hopeless cases
Asthma bronchitis la grippe and all
throat ohest and lnug diseases are
surely cured by ic Call on Kiesau Drug
Co and get a free trial bottle Regu
lar size 50o and 100 Every bottle
If you would have an appetite like a
bear aud a relish for your meals take
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets They correct disorders of tho
stomach and regulate the liver and
bowels Price 25 cents Samples free
at the Kiesau Drug Co
Among the tens of thousands who
haveused Chamberlains Cough Remedy
for colds and la grippe during the past
few years to our knowledge not a
single case has resulted in pneumonia
Thos Whitfield Co 240 Wabash
avenue Chicago one of the most prom
inent retail druggists in that city in
speaking of this says We recommend
Ohamborlains Oough Remedy for la
grippo in many cases as it not only
gives prompt and complete recovery
but also counteracts any tendency of la
grippe to result in pneumonia For
sale by the Kiesau Drug Co
The Dent Planter
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlains Pain Balm and bound to
tho affected parts is superior to any
plaster When troubled with lame back
or pains in the Bide or chest give it a
trial and yon are certain to bo more than
pleased with tho prompt relief which it
affords Pain Balm also cures rhonia
tism One application gives relief
For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co
T Drviner preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh j they dry up tho secretions
wnicii auuero to tno memorano ana aocoin
pose causing a far moro serious troublo than
tho ordinary form of catarrh Avoid all dry
ing inhalants fumes smokes and snuffs
and uao that which cleanses soothes and
heals Elys Cream Balm is such a romedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents All druggists sell tho
COo sizo Ely Brothers 50 Warren St NY
Tho Balm oures without pain does not
irritate or causa sneezing It spreads itself
over an irritatod aud angry surfaco reliov
ing immediately the painful inflammation
With Elys Cream Balm you aro armed
agaiuet Nasal Catarrh and Bay Fover
Colds Melt Away
if you use Krauses Cold Cure Pre
pared in convenient capsule form they
aro easy to take and effect a speedy cure
of the most obstinate cases Price 25o
Boldby Geo B Ohristoph
Question Answered
Yes August Flower still has the larg
est Bale of any medioiue in the civilized
world YourJ mothers and grand
mothers never thought of using anything
else for indigestion or biliousness Doc
tors were scarce aud they seldom heard
Hours Quicker than any
other line
Salt Lake 238
Mues orcerBnan anv
I any
J San Francisco oi0 f
other line
For time tables and full information call on
of appendicitis nervous prostration or
heart failure etc They used August
Flower to clean out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food regu
ate the action of the liver stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the system
and that is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches and other
aches vYon only need a few doses of
Greens August Flower in liquid form
to make you satisfied there is nothing
serious the matter with you Get
Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug
Ladies desiring a transparent com
plexion free from blotches blemishes
and blackheads should use Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask yoTfr druggist
Tortured a Witness
Intense Buffering was endured by wit
ness T L Martin of Dixie Ky before
he gave this evidence I coughed every
nigbt until my throat was nearly raw
then tried Dr Kings New Discovery
which gave instant relief I have used
it in my family for fouryears and recom
mend it as the greatest remedy for
coughs colds and all throat ohest and
lung troubles It will stop the worst
cough and not only prevents but abso
lutely oures consumption Price 50 cents
and 100 Every bottle guaranteed
Trial bottles free at the Kiesau Drug
For sprains swellings and lameness
thero is nothing so good as Chamber
lains Pain Balm Try it For sale by
the Kiesau Drug Co
The Ilest Cold Cure
is one you can take without interruption
to business One that does not affect
the head or hearing like the continued
use of quinine One that cares speedily
and leaves you feeling fresh and clear
beaded Such a one is Krauses Cola
Cure Price 25c Sold by GeoB Ohrist
No one can reasonably hope for good
health unless his bowels move once each
day When this is not attended to dis
orders of the stomach arise biliousness
headache dyspepsia and piles soon fol
low If you wish to avoid those ail
ments keep your bowels regular by tak
ing Chamberlains Stomaoh and Liver
Tablots when required They are
easy to take and mild and gentle in ef
fect For sale by tee Kiesau Drug Co
Krauses Headache Capsules
are unlike anything prepared in Amer
ica They were first prescribed by Dr
Krause Germanys famous court physi
cian long before antipyriue was dis
covered and are almost marvelous so
speedily do they euro the most distress
ing cases Price 25c Sold by Geo B
Worlds Champion
I tried many remedies to cure piles
writes W R Smith of Latham 111
but found no relief till I UBed Bucklena
Arnica Salve I have not been troubled
with piles since Its the only cham
pion pile cure on earth and the beat
salve in the world 25 cents per box
guaranteed by the Kiesau Drug Co