The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 14, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    I Ml
l fl
RpHck of llilrrrKlliic Oninrn IMnyed
Sntunlny K rtiliiR
From Tuesday Daily
All interesting evening nt duplicate
whist was spent Inst Sntunlny in tho
rooms of tho Norfolk club plnyors from
Tho Heights being matched ngainst
lovers of tho game from tlio wont sldo
At table No I O II Reynolds mid
Hurt Mopes from Tito Heights played 0
U Salter nnd ludgo llornos from tlio
West Slilo tlio former being two points
ahead ufior 111 boards liml boon ployed
At table No J 1 0 SMtt mid A 1
Durlmid represented Tlio Heights mid
P II Salter mid U II Tracy tho Wont
Side tho Heights toiitu winning by
ono point Twolvo bounlH worn played
At tnblo No t P Stafford nod W O
linker of Tho Heights woro matohod
against Or Hour mid Morris Mayor of
tho West Side Tho Heights was ono
point ahead Twolvo boards woro
Tnblo No I was occupied by J II
Maylard nmP M O Hazou of Tho
lloiRlitnmiil Frank Suitor mid V II
HucholK of tho West Side tho latter
winning out by two points
In tho not roHiiltR Tho HolghtH won
out by two polntH Tho ovonlug wiih
passed very onjoynbly mid other nintoh
games will prolmbly bo played but us yot
110110 havo lM3on nrrungod for
Ohnrloy Pilgor in contlnod to bin homo
Mips Hulda Nonow wout to Hnttlo
Greek last night
Mr nntOIrH L A Pohlmmi of Piorco
city visitors yesterday
Mrs T 1 Monimiugor enmo ovor
from Mudlsouto hoar Knthorlno Oliver
Supt D O OConnor went to Hart
ington this morning and will return to
U II Tatmnu formorly nn employe
of tho postollloo 1h tho now night clerk
at tho Pnoiilo hotel
Mr and Mrs J Burton of Waukon
Iown are guosts of their daughter Mrn
Goo B Christoph and will Bpoml tlio
Tho masons resumed work on tho
Bishop block again this mornidg and
are making rapid progress in epito of
the cold wouthcr
Mrs Oora A BeelB accompanied by
Miss Ella Mason of Pierco went to Lin
coln this morning to listen to tlio
Maurice Grnu grand 0era
Mr and Mrs J R Anderson enter
tained tho touchers of tho pnblic hoIiooIr
last oveniug in honor of Miss Nettio
Nelson yesterday being her birthday
Mrs W H Johnson outorrnined Miss
Oliver dnriug nor stay in Norfolk uud
thin morning afforded an opportunity
for a number of ladies to meet her guest
by holding au informal recoption
Mrs E O Harris camo in from Chi
cago nt noon today on her way homo to
Chadron She expects to remain with
Norfolk friondB a day or two Mr Har
ris will bo hero tonight or tomorrow
The following officers were elected
last night by Morning lodgo No SO
Knights of Pythias Dr Frank Salter
O O John Friday V O Dallas
Branson M of A L M Beeler M of
35 George Christoph M F Julius
Hulff K of R and S
Manager Spear of the Auditorium has
arranged for music by tho asylum
orchestra at the entertainments tomor
row afternoon and night under tho
direction of the Slay ton Lycoutn bureau
David Garriok will bo tho matiuoe
attraction with tho Merchant of Von
Joo in the evening
Frank Hirsch who recently disposed
of his interest iu tho Trocodero to Harry
Lodor has purchased a bakery business
and residence property in Stanton and
will move to thut town in a fow days
P Hirsoh who has boen making his
with his son will move iuto
-rooms with Mr and Mrs Lodor
The daughter of Mr and
Mrs Ernest Zutz wub taken sick yester
day with appendicitis and died this
morning ut 0 oclock Arrangements
for tho funenil have not yet been com
pleted This is a Bad stiliiction to Mr
and Mrs Zutz coming as it did so
suddenly and they have the heartfelt
sympathy of their mauy acquaintances
Mayor W M Robertson and Judge
Isaac Powers returned yesterday from
their visit to Oklahoma the former ar
riving at noon and the latter at night
Mrs Powers accompanying him home
from Omaha They were highly pleased
with what they saw of Oklahoma
Editor J B Donovan of the Madison
Star was also a visitor to that territory
The Christmas windows are becoming
features of the busiuess portion of towu
The Star clothing store has n very at
tractive window with a fireplace and
Christmas tree as leading features
Davenports shoe store boasts of a white
Christmas as fur as the display windows
go tho goods carried being attractively
displayed The windows of tho toy
mores and confectioneries are easily
ilrstin the consideration of tho children
who look upon the goods displayed
with longing eyes
At a meeting of Norfolk lodge No 07
A O U W held last eveuing the fol
lowiug oflloers were elected for the eu
uing term to be installed in January
M L Ogden M W O A Harshman
P Herman Miller O j L O Bargelt
reorder W K Hoffman receiver
II L Hpaulding llnniicier M J
Denningor IO K Florcs I V J Fred
Koorbor O V V N Husc truflteo
for three years j Drs P II Salter nnd
W II II Hagoy medical ojuiiniiiors As
auditing committee tho retiring muster
workman nppoiuted 0 11 Durlmid W
1 low nnd 0 A Ilnrflltnimi A com
nilttoo wiih appointed to arrange for n
ball soniotiino in the near futurn
Tho entertainment by ICatheriuo E
Oliver Impersonator at tho First Con
gregational church last evening under
tho auspices of tho Ladles Aid society
was very much of a sueocsi Miss
Oliver gave the now monologue Tho
Sky Pilot In her own inimitable way
nnd hold tho strictest attention of her
largo audieneo from tho time she com
menced speaking until the elose Sho
hiiH a pleasing voice and impersonates
tho different oharncters most clovorly
No one but a porsou perfect iu tho art of
impersonation would daro attouipt to
interest an audience for ono on tiro even
ing with tho recital of a story but Miss
Oliver succeeded In creating tho most
delightful variations and entertained
whoro others would havo bored
At tho regular mooting of Mathowson
post No 100 G A It Dopartmont of
Nebraska held at G A It hall last
evening tho following oillcors woro
elected for tho onsuing term N A
Ruinbolt commander J W Uovoo
senior vice commander II Gorocko
junior vico commander W II II
Hogoy surgeon A P Childs chaplain
1 S Morrow quartormastor J A
Light officer of tho day J Rouse
outor guard Patrick Carbory delegate
to dopartmoutjoucnuipmout which is to
bo hold at Plattsmouth tho second Tues
day in May O P Hyorly altoruato
delegate Post coinmtindorH and post
post commundors nro oxollloio mombors
of tho encampment tho following boing
tho members from this post Post
commander N A Rainboldt Past Post
commanders W A VVidamau A N
MoGiunis P S Schwonk H Gorooko
II O Mntrnu J A Light O F EiBoloy
R W Mills and II M Roberts Tho
iustallutiou of oillccrs will take placo on
tho noxt regular meeting night which
will bo tho socoud Tuesday in January
W M Olmstead wont to Wayne Sun
dny to resume work after a weeks lay
D W Darlington has filed on a home
stead iu Rock county and will movo
there in spring
W K Pottitt and wife
any from a threo weeks visit with rela
tives in North Dakota
Charlie May and Tnko Penhollow will
givo a masquerade ball and oystor supper
iu tho hall Friday evening December 1 1
Mrs Eva Booth and children returned
to their home in Lincoln Saturday after
a weokBjvisit with Mrs Booths parents
Roger Oarberry is nursing a job lot of
painful bruises caused by his teum run
ning nwny and throwing him out of the
Fred Odell who had three shonts
killed by tho cars a short time ago has
received a voucher from tho U P R It
company covering the loss
Miss Myrtle Figley of Marysville
Ohio who been visiting with A N
McGiuuis family the past few weeks
una accepted a soiiool to teach in Kola
More grain is being delivered in
Warnorville than over before at this
season of the year owing to tho fact
thutjouifgrain buyers ore paying i cents
per bushel moro for corn and outs than
tho buyers in surrounding townB At tho
present writing there aro nine carloads
on tho side track awniting shipment
At tho meetiug of tho M B A lodge
held last Saturduy oveniug tho follow
ing oillcors woro elected for tho eusaini
year President G M Carletou secre
tary O A Sleeper treasurer Mrs
Clara Hills chaplain Fred Odell Con
duotor J P Lauvor watchman S E
Madseu sentry Geo Marshall
free of Churfc
Any adult suffering from a cold
settled on the breast bronohitis throat
or lung troubles of any nature who will
coll at A K Leonardflwill be presented
with a sample bottle of Boschees
German Syrup free of charge Only
ono bottle given to one person and none
to children without order from paronts
No throat or lung romedy ever had
suoh a sale as Boschees German Syrup
in all parts of the oivilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
were given away and your druggist
will tell you its success was marvelous
It is really the only throat nnd lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
cians One 75 cent bottle will cure or
provo ita value Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries
Kuriiilng Iu Colorado unci Nw Mexico
The Denver Rio Grande railroad
The Scenio Lino of the World has
prepared au illustrated book upon tho
above subject which will bo sent free to
farmers desiring to change their location
This publication gives valuable informa
tion in regard to the agricultural horti
cultural and live stock interests of this
section nnd should be iu the hands of
everyone who desires to beoomo no
quainted with the methods of farming
by irrigation Write S K Hooper G
P T A Denver Colo
Tint News joo nepartment U con
plete in every particular
J Bantu is confined to his homo
Hon John R Hays went to Lincoln
on legnl business at noon today
Mrs G F Kirkpit rick of Piorco was
tho guest of Mrs U F Koiper today
Wilholmiiio Wlntor of this oity has
boon granted mi increase in pension to
8 per mouth
Miss Anna Wnntlin was iu tho city
yesterday from Hnttlo Creek on her way
to Madison to visit relatives and friends
A son tlio 12th child was born to
Mr mid Mrs Win Seiffort Mnnilnv
night Tho father is certain that ho is
a republican
Arthur Chuso formerly mminger of
tho American typo foundry in Oninhii
now in tho real estnto luminous iu that
olty wns iu town this morning
L M Keen of Fromoiitwasin the oity
yesterday on business Ho devoted a
portion of his time to visiting his od
time friuntlB Mr and Mrs J S
Miss Anna Parkor will lonvo for
Omaha tomorrow to nurso a lady from
Nollgh who is to submit to an operation
Dr Heutty will accompany tho ladv
and bo prosont during tho oporation
Walter Dunn was very plousautly sur
prised Tuesday ovoning by a party of
young people coming to holt him colli
brato hiH 11th birthday Tho ovoning
was plousautly spout with games and re
freshments as featuroB Each loft a
duinty gift as a romiudor of thoir visit
Tlio funeral services ovor tho remains
of tho little daughter of Mr
and Mrs E W Zutz woro hold
from tho house today at 1 M and oftor
ward from St Paul Luthonm ohurch
tho romaius being interred iu tho
comotory of that church There was
a largo attoudauco of relatives nnd
friends and mnoh sympathy for the nf
fllctod family was shown
Tho sixth annual meeting of tho
Nebraska Dairymens association will bo
held in tho dairy building on the stnte
university farm Lincoln next Monday
Tuesday and Wednosday Eminent
practical dairymen will presont subjects
of importanco aud interest to the dairy
industry There will bo an exhibit of
butter and chooso products for which
liberal premiums will be paid
B Judkius who lives in the Bouthorn
part of tho state ia hero on a visit to his
nephew E M Norton while on his
way homo from Minnesota He was
hero about a mouth ago enrouto north
While in Minnesota he met a lady nnd
finding themsolves of congenial temper
aments they were united in marriage
and his brido is now with him Mr
Judkins is 70 years of ago aud his bride
has seen but 00 summers
Information is received that Lucile
Howe is dangerously ill at tho Samaritan
hospital in Sioux City She is tho
daughter of C J Howe formerly of
this place but who is now in tho asy
lum at Clariuda ilbwa Mrs Howe is
living in Sioux City and taking care of
her little girl Luoile was tukon with
pneumonia which was followed by
stomach and bowel trouble aud Bhe is
now in a critical condition
Tho Swenson brothers have finished
picking corn
Rev MoKcen was in Bcga as usual on
Sunday uftornoon
Mr Shannon of Hoskins was in the
neighborhood buying hogs
Mr and Mrs Andrew Lund are pre
paring to move to the Olson farm
Mr O E Wilson attended the
teachers association at Pilger Saturday
Miss Lillio Burchmoro wont to Wayno
Saturday morning to attend the teachers
The young men of Bega have started
n literary society to bo held evory Fri
day oveniug
A crowd of teachers from Bega nnd
vicinity attended Uncle Joshs play at
Stanton Friday evoning
Tho M E minister of Pilger preached
the funeral sermon Sunday of Lizzie
daughter of Mr and Mrs H Wax who
died of diphtheria some weeks ago
Doo Anderson left Tuesday for Ore
County Superintendent Cram
here Wednesday on official duty
House -Nichols of Norfolk wero
transacting business here lust Friday
George Zimmerman Lee and Miss
Bird Hole boarded the train for Norfolk
Mr aud Mrs Herman Naegele of Nor
folk were viBitiug here with friends
P F Zimmerman Co were baling
hay this week west of town for J J
Brown of Omaha
Tuesday Howard Miller shipped one
carload of hogs and M L Thomsen
2000 pounds of chickens
Dave Phillips and George Carter of
Meadow Grove were down here last
Thursday to have a good time
Our friend Wm Lowe is going into
the implement busiuess next spring
He is to handle the Pluuo binder
Otto Eucher of Lindsay arrived here
last Friday for an extended visit with
his brother Htrman and family
Otto H Haas our real estate man
startod Sunday for a business trip to
Omnha Lincoln and Grand Island
Monday Henry MnsRmnu shipped ono
cur lond of hogs and Floyd Warrick and
Win Tledgeu ono car load of cattle
Mr and Mrs Hnydon of Cody Nob
arrived hero Tuesday for an extended
visit with W A Barnes and othor rela
Mrs Oaommoror of Omaha nrrived
hero Saturday for mi extended visit with
her pnronts Mr and Mrs Schmidt nnd
hor sistors Mrs II Mcissncr and Mrs
John Lass
Holy communion services will bo hold
at tho Lutheran church noxt Sunday
The Lutherans 4will nlso havo a fine
Oliristmns troo with tho usual exorcises
including as flno musio a d singing
Joo Tealian traveling passenger agent
for tho Wabash Railroad company of
Omaha was up hero Tuesday on busi
ness Mr J D Wheeler ono of his
friends wont east with him on tho noon
Ono of your subscribers said Tm
Nkwb Touunai with thoso twelvo pages
is tho best family journnl iu northeast
NebrAfka It is finely printed gives all
county news nud nothing obscoue aud
in politics is conservative
Roprosontntivo P F Zimmorman is
troubled with asthma uud rhounmtism
It is no so bad bocnuso these isms have
played out siuco tho election but Hon
Poto walks with a cano nud that will be
varnished as soon ub ho goes down to
Now wo understnnd that L G Bloy
of Madison will withdraw his Biiit
against P F Zimmerman So Mr
Zimmorman hus to represent tho peoplo
of Mtldison county iu tho next legisla
ture Your scribe was not offered auv
ofllcojby him but claims that ho would
mako a good privato secretary nnd ad
Died Saturday morning Mrs Soil
fert ago 83 Sho has been suffering
for the last five or six years The fu
neral took place Monday afternoon from
tho Lutheran church Rev J Hoffman
officiating Tho mixed choir sang a
very fine piece Sho loaves behind five
daughters and ono son Mrs Brau Mrs
Geo Honermann Mrs Wm Edon of
Petersburg ono daughter in Cheyenne
Wyoming ono daughter in Montana
and Chas Fenske
Mr Al Witzigman spent Sunday in
Mr Coryel of Norfolk was a Meadow
Grovo visitor last night
Mrs May Fryo of Pierce is visiting
with Mr and Mrs P Dowd
Art Apfel of Norfolk is in town visit
ing his sister Mrs H H Rouse
Miss Bessie Dowd is visiting with her
parents and Meadow Grove friends
Mrs Geo Kudor went to Norfolk last
Friday returning Saturday evening
Mr and Mrs W Mills of Tilden
spent Sunday with their son George
Verna Sweet left Sunday for a visit
with her aunt Mrs Hoskins who re
sides at Tilden
Mack Edwards and Carl Oehring
went to Battle Creek Sunday returning
in the evening
Mr James Fitzgerald came down
from Tilden and Bpent Sunday in
Meadow Grove
In the absence of Rev Huut Mr
Soden of Norfolk held services lost Sun
day in the M E church
Mr and Mrs W W Weaver from
Tilden aro visiting Mrs Weavers
parents Mr and Mrs R E Rouse
Owen Wade of Battle Creek was in
Meadow Grovo last sabbath tho guest
of his sister Gertrude aud Arch McDon
Mr nud Mrs Charles Gray who live
7 miles south of Meadow Grove aro in
town spending a few days with relatives
and friends
A fair sized crowd of young folks at
tended tho dauco given Thursday evon
ing by Ed Crooks and Orr Palmer At
midnight the dancers partook of supper
at the Grove hotel
Sugar Beet DUruMes
At the meeting of the Academy of
Sciences held at the university of Ne
braska Lincoln December 1 1000 Geo
G Hedgcock Fellow in Botany de
scribed some of the diseases affecting
the sugar beet this year in Nebraska
The greatest damago has apparently
been done by the leaf spot disease cor
cospora beticola sacc This disease
lessens the sugar making capacity of
the plant by destroying many or all of
the leaves thus limitiug directly the
processes of respiration and assimilation
The roots of the affected plants aro
small and lack in sugar content
Cercospora is often accompanied by
nnother fungus an nlternorin which
Beems to hasten the blackening and
death of tho leaves The effect of this
latter fuugus is yet to be established
A root rot which may become destruc
tive to beets iu silo has been observed
It is caused by tho penetration of tho
cells of the root by the fllanieuts of a
fungus probably those of rhizoctonia
betal knhn
Mr Hedgcock expects to contiune his
investigations nided by Dr O E
Bessey dnriug the rest of the school
year at the uuiversity of Nebraska All
sugar beet growers and others inter
estedare asked to send prepaidmaterial
of any diseased beets they may find
either in field or in silo
Itonl Kxlnti Trntiftfer
Tlio following nro tlio transfers of
real estate In Mudisou county for tho
weekending December 8 11100 as re
ported by E G Heilinnn oillcial nb
Herman Hogrofo and wifo to
W A If 11 f i
Ulllklflll llllUl I1WXI
of swlf
Elizabeth Swaynio to Louisa
Swaynio center of lot Jl
blk 1 Koonlgstoins ndd to
Norfolk vd
G W Lossy sheriff to Elk
horn Valley bunk swj of
IM 00
JfiO 00
800 00
F L WiderKren to AuguctjEk
man lot 10 blk 21R It
add to Nowinnn Grovo wd 1200 00
Nolllo Kaufman and husbnnd
to A M Moyer nj lots 1
aud 2 blk 1 1 Hansos sub
urban lots toJNorfolk except
w GO ft and 10 ft on s sido
wd 050 00
G W Losoy sheriff to Elk
horn B S association lots
f mid 5 blk 7JDorsey placo
ndd to Norfolk Junction sd HO 00
Adum Kost and wifo to LWm
Kost ueitf wd
W II Wigton and wifo to G
H Spear s 01 ft of it 151 ft
of lots 7 and 8 blk I Nor
folk qcd
5G00 00
1 00
Ferdinand Koch midjwifo ot nl
to Augusto Rudat lot 0 Bears
school lot subdivision to Nor
folk subject to all incumber
nnces wd 4000 00
Herman Koch and wifo to
Augusto Rudat lotB 15 10
and 17 blk Paso walks id
add to Norfolk subject to all
incumberances wd 1 000 00
J W BubIi and wifo to S L
Gardner lot II andwj of lot
12 blk 12 Edgewnter park
add to Norfolk grantee to
pay niortgagejof 00000 ivd 500 00
F W Barnes and wife to
Hyacinth A Malone com at
noJ4 of blk 15 Madison
thence s 380 ft thonco e 830
ft thence s 140 and 4 10 ft
thence e 090 ft thence n 407
ft thence w 1320 ft wd 1350 00
Dlsiigrrcmciit Predicted In tlio Alorrlion
Murder CaneOne of tho Jurors
Slightly 111
Eldorado Kan Dec 12 Last night
Judge Shiiin sent the Jessie Morrison
jury to a hotel directing them to re
sume their deliberations nt 830 this
morning Tho Jury wns closeted for
nearly 14 hours One of the jurors
Gregory is slightly ill and needs med
ical uttention The opinion generally
obtains that the jury may take two ot
three days in reaching a verdict and
that it ultimately will be unuble to
Jessie Morrison was fntigued after
the social labors of the day there hav
ing been n constant stream of callers
Besides she had grown n little rest
less nnd nnttirnlly impatient nt tho
delay of the jury In reaching a verdict
I hnve become just n little bit dis
couraged today said Miss Morrison
I expected the jury to rench n de
cision In nbout two hours nnd I ex
pected it to be In my favor I am still
hopeful but I wish the jury would
hurry up she ndded with n troubled
Field Mamliiil Cllves HI Verxlon or the Iu
elileut Ends With a Dinner
Berlin Dec IU Tho German foreign
office authorizes the Associated Press
to make the following statement re
garding the Waldersee Chaffee Inci
dent bused upon a cable dispatch just
received from Field Marshal von Wal
General Cfanffce wrote FIpIiI Marshal von
WalUersoe n Ifttr In a roiiBh tone Fli ld
Marshal von Walderseo refuwd to receive
it rtttntnlnft the Hume to General Chaffee
The latter then wrote n second letter apol
ogizing for bin objectionable expression
whereupon Field Marshal von Waldersee in
vited General ChnlTee to breakfast aud tho
incident was amicably closed
What particularly hurt the feelings
of Waldersee wns n pointed referenco
ny uenerai unarree to the fact that
looting was being indulged in not by
me wen woo aiu tue uchtlnc nnrl
opened the way to Poking but by tho
late comers who hnd borne none of
xne orunt or conflict nnd hardship
1u w uimseir uki not rpach
King uutu long after the expeditionary
force had occupied the town
Killed and Four Seriously
Near Wells Utah
Odgen Utah Dec 12 A disastrous
freight wreck occurred on the South
ern Pacific one mile west of Fenelon
station near Wells yesterday a helper
engine crushing into a double header
The dead Timothy Kennedy Ogden
brnkeniiin and Fireman Duncan
Seriously injured Fred C Stokes
Ogden engineer Urakoman Brandish
O G Sadler engineer Ogdeu nnd
Fireman Oliver
Federation of Labor Convention
Louisville Dec 12 The Ainericm
Fedeiatlon of Labor begins to see day
light tluough the mass of resolutions
with which It has been struggling foi
tho Inst five days Yesterday was the
last day for submission of resolutions
and great progress was made in dis
posing of those already before the con
vention It now looks as if Frldaj
would see the flual adjournment
s95 3999 ja9993aL
ill P1V
To Take
Thin pale arucmic girls
need a fatty food to enrich
their blood give color to
their checks and restore their
health and strength It is jk
I safe to say that they nearly
all reject fat with their food j
3 w
15 exactly what they require
it not only gives them he w
nortant element cod liver oil
in a palatable and easily
asted form but also the hypo 1
phosphites which arc so
hie in nervous disorders that
usually accompany anaemia
frity food that is more easily w
digested than any other form J
of fat A certain amount of
flesh is necessary for health
j You can gti it in this way
We have known per 1
sonsto gain a pound a
day while taking it
oc an J ioo all druggists
S OVT BOWNE Chtmists New York
g6feg CC
YEARLY to Christian
man or woninu to look X
after our growing business in this
and adjoining counties to act as
manager and correspondent work
can be done at your home Enclose
self addressed stamped envelope
for particulars to H A Shermnn
General Manager Corcoran Build- 4
ing opposite United States 4
ury Washington D C
i3 s3fcsvsss
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
the disease without exciting disorder in
any other part of tho system
1 Fever Congestions Inflammations 25
t Worm Worm Fevor Worm Colic 25
3 Teethlne Colic Crying Wakefulness 25
4 Diarrhea of Children or Adults 25
7 Coughs Colds Bronchitis 25
8 Neuralgia Toothache Faceache 25
9 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 25
10 Dyspepsia IndlgestlonWeakStomach25
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 25
12 Whites Too Prof use Periods 25
13 Croup Laryngitis Hoarseness 25
Salt Rheum ErysipelasEruptlons 25
IS Rheumatism Hheumatlo Pains 25
16 Malaria Chills Fever and Ague 25
19 Catarrh Influenza Cold In the Head 25
SO Whooplng Cough 25
27 Kidney Diseases 25
28 Nervous Debility 100
30 Urlnary Weakness Wotting Bed 25
77 Orlp Hay Fever 25
r2fi5HmpM y8 f WnoJ of bU Dfecasei at your
Druggists or Mailed Freo
Sold by druggists or sant on receipt of price
Humphreys Med Cot Coc William John sSl
Trade Marks
Cnnvniruvc e
Anyone sending a sketch and dcrcrlntlnn
quickly ascertain our opinion free I Lthe JJ
luventlon ts probably patentable Cti m ini
sent free Olilost
Patents 1 taken throuih for Jlunu securlne cb Vocei
sixrtol iwtlct without clmrKo i itho
Scientific American
A handsomely Illustrated wccklr lBriret elr
ulatlon of any sclentlHo Journal Torn Id b
tSfll lirLL BoWall nmdaalVia
WUNN J Co3eBfM New York
000786 WwnlIFnrT
Branch F BU l