The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 14, 1900, Image 1

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The Iqbeolk Weekly News Jotonal
Engine Jumps the Track Near
Fireman Shannon Killed and Engineer
Dare Iladly Hurt Postal Clerks All Es
cape Serious InjurjrThree Persons
Killed In a Wreok on Great Northern
Burlington Dec 14 Tho Chicago
Burlington and Qulncy railways fast
mall No 15 froin Chicago was
wrecked two miles west of Klrkwood
Fireman Shannon was killed and
Engineer Samuel Dove was badly hurt
The engine jumped the track and was
demolished Two mall oars with tholr
contents were burned The mall clerks
were not lnjurod severely
Allmaln line trains wort delayed
being finally sent around by Oquawka
and Kelthsburg
Woman Thrown Through Car Window
and Bleeds to Death
Helena Mon Dec 14 Coast train
No 3 west bound on the Great North
ern was wrecked nt Brockton 285
miles east of ITavre early yesterday
Throe persons were killed and several
lightly injured
The dead are Mrs It 0 Cameron
f Indianapolis and iv mother Mrs
Watson and an unknown Russian
Mrs Cameron was thrown through
tho window the glass of which sev
ered her Jugular vein and she biea to
death He mother and the child were
crushed to death Tho accident was
caused by tho breaking of a truck as
the train passed over a switch The
engine and three cars passed over the
switch In safety and tho four cars
wnlch followed went down an em
bankment Tho sleepers remained on
the track All the Injured will re
Icne Dandlt Stops Illinois Central Train
Near Mew Orleans
New Orleans Dec 14 The south
bound Illinois Central fast mall was
bold up and robbed by a lone train rob
ber about one mile above the upper
limits of the city last night Though
Me of the trala crow aax the uw
four or five men concealed inthebushe
only one man figured In the action and
his booty consisted of only ono regis
tered mall pouch from Durant Miss
and six other registered letters from
points between Cairo and New Or
leans Conductor Klnnebrew was shot
In the groin and J C Parker railway
mall clerk had his left eye powder
burned by a shot directed at his head
Wheat Growing Bank In Kansas
Wichita Dec 14 Wheat is growing
so rank In the Arkansas valley wheat
belt embracing territory that produced
over 40000000 bushels last year that
the farmers are advertising to take
stock free for tho purpose of eating it
down The indications at this time
for the crop are 26 per cent more fa
vorable than they were at the same
time last year It is now estimated
thnt Sedgwick Sumner and Barton
counties Kansas In connection with
Kay county Oklahoma will produce
20000000 bushels of wheat next year
Poison Found In the Stomach
Sioux City Dec 14 Poison has boon
discovered in the stomach and viscera
of O W Barber the Iowa man who
it is chnrged by tho Laboring Mens
Co Operatlve Life association of Slour
City was murdered at Pagosa Springs
Colo to defraud the company out of
several thousand dollars life Insur
ance ne was also Insured In other
companies the total amount being
10000 Mrs Myrtle A Wright and
W R Neff are in custody Barber met
the woman on the streets of Chicago
and became engaged to her
Ilrntalljr Beaten by Burglars
Chicago Dec 14 Diamonds gold
coins and watches to the value of
4000 comprised the loot two men
gained last night by a brutal assault
on two women Mrs II II Alpln and
Mrs Nada Hart In the home of the
former 417 Washington boulevard
One woman was beaten Into Insensibil
ity and the other already helpless from
illness was dragged across the floor
and her clothing torn from her shoul
ders In the mad search for her hidden
EH Si 11
Hanna Says It is Simply to Fos
ter Merchant Marine
special BMUM BROS
tAAA4AAA4AAAAi4tl4Ai k --
Special Fine Display of Holiday Goods
Useful Attractive and Practical Presents in Dry Goods Fancy Goods Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods
Christmas Gifts
The kind that are always appreciated Call
in and make your selection from our stock of
Fine Dress Goods Shawls Silk and Woolen
Waists Skirts Linens Ribbons Gloves Hand
kerchiefs and a great many other beautiful
Christmas Gifts
A Special
Holiday Gift
would be one of our FINE RICH
FUR Collarette Cluster Scarf
Wuff or Cape The largest assort
ment ever shown in Norfolk and
at Prices that Cannot be Dupli
cated See them
A Special
Holiday Gift
Ladies and
Winter Jackets
A Fine Assortment still on hand yet and
some of the best ones Sec them and also the
prices we arc making on them
Ladies and
Winter Jackets
Offers a Splendid Holiday Stock Plenty of Mens Fine Suits and Overcoats The Best Plenty of Boys and Childrens
Nobby Suits and Overcoats Nice and Cheap Everything Nice and New in Gents Furnishing Goods and a great many
special articles bought especially for the Holidays You should see them The best of everything for Christmas and just
what you want is our welcome to Christmas buyers
Case of Attempted Murder
Des Moines Dec 14 Developments
In the mysterious shooting of Mrs
Jeanette Broadbcnt Indicate plainly
that it was a case of attempted mur
der and not attempted suicide The
shot took effect In the back of the
womans head where the bullet was
found Imbedded in the skull and the
physicians say it was Impossible for
the wound to have beeu self inflicted
Declares Supporters of Hill Hare No In
terest Other Than a Desire to Further
Promote a Great but Undeveloped In
dustry Heuse Discusses War Tax
Washington Dec 14 For nearly
three hours yesterday Hanna O ad
dressed the senate upon the pending
ship subsidy bill While lie had
spoken heretofore on the lloor of the
senate his effort yesterday really was
his first formul speech to the body
since lie became a member of It Since
coming to the senate Hanna has de
voted much time and labor to the prep
aration of the ship subsidy bill and as
he is regarded by his colleagues us one
of the best Informed public mi ou the
question his speech was given un
usually close attention Senators on
both sides of the chambor remained
In their seats throughout the delivery
of the address He spoke without
manuscript nnd his delivery nt all
times was forcible and intense
In opening his address Hanna snid
that the remarks of Clay hail brought
Into question the motives of thone who
had assisted in the preparation of tho
pending nieusure As a member of the
commlttoe on commerce he felt It
his right and duty to explain the work
of those committees In conclusion
he said
For myself I resent the Imputntlon thnt
any other motive than those of Interest In
our country nnd good public policy actuated
the committees In my appeal to the Amer
ican people for the re establishment of the
groat ship building Industry I want to put
It on higher grounds than mere dollars and
fents It U away and beyond that point in
patriotism and pride In our notional life
As to the popularity or unpopularity of this
measure I stand hore to say that every line
of It Is In the Interest of the American peo
ple Upon that baali I make my appeal
for Its passage and leave the qutstlou la
your bands
Discuss Keductlon of Taxes
Washington Dec 14 The debate
upon tho wnr revenue reduction bill
continued in the house It was dull
and featureless Those who Bpoke
were Grosvenor O Bartholdt Mo
Hill Conn Boutell Ills McOUUan
N Y Nowlands Nev Levy N Y
and Underwood Ala The house
I adopted a resolution for a holiday re-
cosh from Friday Dec 21 to Thursday
Jan 3 101
Sunutor Mnimy Introduces a Resolution on
the Oluyton llulwer Pact
Washington Dec 14 Senator Money
Introduced a resolution in tiie senntc
providing authority for tho abrogation
of the Claytoii Bulwcr trenty by diplo
matic negotiations Following is the
text of it
Ilesolvod That the president of the
United States be respectfully requested to
consider the expediency of opening nego
tiations with the gnrvrnmunt of CJreat Brit
ain for the abrogation of the Clayton Bui
wer trenty with assurance that such action
on Jilu part will meet with the eaily ceusent
and support of the senate
Michigan Taxation mils
Lansing Mich Dec 11 The recep
tion that the taxation bills which Gov
ernor IMugree called the special ses
sion to consider will receive in the up
per house was evinced last evening
when the senate adopted a concurrent
resolution to adjourn and leave consid
eration of all taxation measures to the
Incoming legislature While the house
refused to concur hi the resolution and
tabled It It Is considered by many that
the Hcnntos action presages sure do
feat for the measures
McOovern Knocks Out CSani
Chicago Dec 11 Terry McGovern
is now the undisputed lightweight
champion of the world He knocked
out Joe Guns of Baltimore after two
minutes and 11 vo seconds of lighting
in the second round Ganu put up a
very poor exhibition and was never
In It at any stags of the game Mc
Govern started rushing him at the
sound of the gong and never let up un
til Gans was counted out
Franciscan Sisters Celebrate
Lafayette Intl Dec 14 The Fran
ciscan Sisters who established n com
munity In this city 25 years ago cele
brated their silver jubilee yosterday
A large number of Catholic prelates
were present from various states Dur
ing that period the sisters have estab
lished and maintained hospitals at
Omaha Neb Cleveland O Terre
Haute Iud Denver Columbus Neb
nnd the parent Institution in this city
Tension Dili Completed
Washington Dec 14 The ponslo
appropriation bill was completed yes
terday by the house subcommittee on
appropriations having it in ohargc
after a hearing from Commissioner of
Pensions Bvaus It carrlos about
CHA8 B HRIDOK Viob Pbmidknt
Beautiful Goods at Low Prices
Cut Glass Saturday the 15th
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care
Our goods are IMRST CLASS tin every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
Sonth side Main St botween 2d and 3d
Telephone 41
W H JOHNBON Cabhim ft
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus tsooo
Bay and sell exchange on this country r ad all parte of Europe Farm Loans
Directors Oari Abmcs W II JonsaoN Cuab S Utdok 0 W Dbaabch 0 Ui
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assr
C B DURLAND Secretary