The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 07, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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P O Coryoll took tho noon train for
Rev Father OMullou left today for
Spanldlng this stnto
Miss Minnio Maas has accoptod a posi
tion with Boolor llros
Mr and Mrs Win Molchor of Pilgcr
woro city visitors yesterday
E P Weathorby is having a now
briok walk built at his homo
A 10 pound girl was born last night
to Mr and Mrs 1etor Duffy
J P Tohiioon has resigned his posi
tion with tho creamery company
Mrs V II Bnoholsr cutertalnod tho
KaffeoKlatch yestorday afternoon
O S Bridge accompanied by his sons
Charles and Donald loft yesterday noon
for Chicago
Tho Womans club will hold an opon
mooting at tho home of C 0 Gow Mon
day evening
Tho Plain v low schools havo boon
closed on account of an ontbroak of
scarlet fovor
Mr and Mrs J W Boveo havo gone
to Blair to visit his brother who Is very
low with cancer
Henry Preeland has accoptod a posi
tion as clerk In tho Parish grocery and
entered upon his duties today
The Plaluviow and Niobrara foot ball
teams met on Wednesday the score be
ing 0 to 0 in favor of Niobrara
J W Hamilton of Ohadron arrived
in tho city today to visit over Sunday
with Mr and Mrs Ervin Gereoko
Tho baby boy of Ed Marquardt who
lives on South Fourth street brake his
leg just above the ankle yesterday
H Loder has purchased Frank
Hirschs interest in the Trocodero and
will hereafter coudrct tho business
Mr and Mrs O J Chapman have re
turned from Fremont where they en
joyed Thanksgiving with Mr Chap
mans folks
Mr and Mrs Walter Weber of
Wayne who have beon the guests of
Mr and Mrs Robert Utter returned to
their home this morning
A company of young friends surprised
Roy Pfnnder last evening at his home
on Philip avenue and a good time waB
enjoyed by those attending
Ohas H Johnson returned yesterday
from Chicago where he appeared before
tho interstate commerce commission in
tho Norfolk freight rate case
The regular gOBoel meeting of the Y
21 O L will be held tomorrow after
noon at 8 oclock in the league rooms
J H Oxnam will address the meeting
Obed Klentz who works in the sugar
factory ran a needle into his foot yestei
day and broke t off Dr Salter this
moraine used the x ray machine in ex
tracting the point
Mr Barnhardt a brother of Mrs
Matt Robb from Pennsylvania is in the
city looking up a location He hopes to
start in the cattle business if he can
make satisfactory arrangements
Rev Herbert E Ryder telegraphs
that he is unavoidably detained and can
not reach here until some time next
week so there will be no preaching ser
vioeB at the Baptist church tomorrow
Announcements of the wedding of
Henry T Oxnard of New York and
Mademoiselle Mario Pichon which took
place in Paris France November 15
were received today by Norfolk friends
Tho air car of the International
School of Correspondence of Scranton
Pa is at South Norfolk for a few days
giving railroad men practical instruction
in that branch of the business From
here it will go to Long Pine Ohadron
and Deadwood
Wm Warneke has gone to Scribner
to take charge of the News at that place
Mr Warneke is a good printer and a
steady young man Ho will give the
people of that town a good paper and
deserves liberal patronage from the
The night classes of the Y M 0 L
are progressing finely Tho class in
hnnkkeemna was started Tuesday and
penmanship Wednesday quite an inter
est being taken in both Owing to
Thanksgiving the class in arthmetio
and spelling was not started Thursday
night but will be commenced Thursday
of next week The class in German
under Prof Singer will start tonight
and those who have joined or wish to
enroll should be present
Ohas B Speece conductor on the
Union Pacifio has been arrested for
violating the city ordinance concerning
tho blocking of streets The ordinance
provides that trains shall not be allowed
to stand across a street longer than five
minutes while it is alleged that on or
about the 27th Conduotor Speece al
lowed his train to obstruct Ninth street
for more than five minutes or about 20
minutes Mr Speece appeared before
police court and was granted a continu
ance until December 7th
Ohas H Johnson returned yester
day from Chicago where he appeared
before the interstate commerce commis
sion in the Norfolk froight rato case
Mr Johusou enlisted the interests of a
number of Chicago wholesalers in tho
case among whom was the firm of Hib
bard Spencer Bartlett Codealers in
hardware who had a representative bo
fore the commission to present orgu
monts and nlso introduced Mr Johnson
to some of tho leading commercial or
ganizations Speaking of tho lvst days
proceedings of tho board tho Chicago
lntor Oconn said Tho Interstate
commorco commission llstonod all dny
yestorday to reasons given by railway
attornoys for tho comparatively higher
rates mado on west bound trafllo to Nor
folk Neb As a general proposition
tho railroads admitted that tho Norfolk
rates woro oxcosslvo in compari
son with tho rates to Lincoln but tho
railroads olnlmod thnt thoy could not
alter tho froight rates to Norfolk with
out making changes to many moro im
portant points This reason did not
seoin to have much woight with tho
commission as tho discrimination
ngainst Norfolk was plainly shown
Tho commission will return to Wash
ington today
Tho monument to bo erected to tho
memory of tho lato Jas II Kingman
formerly of this city has just boon com
pleted by tho Aldormnn Grnnlto and
Marblo Works Tho piece Is to bo
orootod by tho Woodmon of tho World
nt Tofforson Iowa whoro tho remains
of tho deceased woro iutorrcd It Is n
beautiful ploco of work a oredlt to tho
lodgo and also to tho firm that did tho
work ThiB firm since locating hero
has met with groat encouragement Its
business having surpassed tho most
sanguine expectations of Its promoters
It has located horo pormauoutly as a
Norfolk institution and dosorvos tho
patronage of all homo people Tho
work done is sufficient inducement to
patronago ontsido of othor considera
tions aud their work is solicltod ou
merit alono
A P Nosbit was a Sunday visitor
from Oakdnle
Albert Edwards ofHumphroy is visit
ing his b other J W
Dr Underburg aud family of RLidison
are visitors in tho city
M C Walker has returned from a
business trip to Lincoln
Tho Bachelor Girls will play duplicate
whist with Mrs J E Simpson tonight
M J Oesterllng was up from West
Point to visit his parents over Sunday
R P King and P S Gallaghor of
ONeill were visitors in the city yester
Mrs O R Eller has returned to Lin
coln after a short visit with pareutB and
Mr and Mrs W G Baker entertained
a company of Heights friends at cards
Saturday evening
John Opfer of Waukon Iowa has ac
cepted a position with the KieBau Drug
company during the holidays
Herman Brummund who has been in
Plaiuview for some time working at
his trade returned this morning
Dr Nioholson returned this morning
to his home in St Paul Mrs Nichol
son will prolong her visit a few days
Mrs C E Green will accompany her
husband on his western trip leaving tc
night They will be absent about two
A cold north wind yesterday and
some fsnow flurries today havo beon
ample reminders that the winter season
is still here
Mrs A Robinson and daughters Elsie
and Margaret of Madison were visiting
friends here Saturday while enroute
home from Oakdale
Mr and Mrs J N Bundick returned
last night from Omaha where they met
E C Howe who was on his way from
New York to California
Mr and Mrs S P Erskine have re
turned from St Paul this state where
they went with the remains of Mr
Erkines deceased brother
N J Taylors brother from Orange
countv N Y who has been here visit
ing for the past two weeks left this
morning for Ogden Utah
J S McOlary who had been to
Omaha on business returned on the be
lated train of Saturday evening which
arrived at 1 oclock yesterday morning
A company of young friends surprised
Harry Owen Saturday evening by pay
ing him an unannounced visit The af
fair proved most pleasant both for the
host and self invited guests
Pierce Leader Thirty two tickets
to Norfolk were sold last night a special
bringing back tho excursionists from
Pierce Plainview and Creighton The
entertaiment by the Innes band was
fully up ts expectations and those who
went felt highly paid for the trip
Dan J Koenigstein is mourning the
Iobb of bis carriage horse whioh died
last week As all deceased horses are
given au inflated value Mr Koenigstein
does not wish to ignore the custom and
therefore thinks it safe to presume that
he had refused an offer of 2000 for the
Sheriff A O McLeod of Colfax county
was here Saturday summoning witnesses
to appear in the bigamy case in which
Frank Heokman formerly of this oity
is the defendant Thoso subpoenaed to
appear from here were Mra Joseph
Schwartz Mrs- Henry Heckman Terry
Moolick and Martin Kane They will
leave for Sohuylor tomorrow noon
Tho ladies of Trinity guild have made
complete and careful arrangements for
their oyster supper and sale to be given
in the Jonas building east of the Bon
Ton restnurnnt tomorrow Oysters will
bo Korvod at tho noon hour at supper
time and during tho ovoning Tho uso
ful and fanoy articles prepared for tho
sale aro numerous and will undoubtedly
find ready purchasers ospoolally among
Christmas buyors
Dr P P Teal of Omaha who hns
boon nppolntod suporlntondont of the
Norfolk hospital for insano by Governor
oleot Diotrloh was in tho olty yester
day nccoinpanlod by Mrs Teal Dur
ing tho afternoon thoy drovo out to tho
hospital and woro courteously shown
about tho placo by Dr Stovenson It
Is expected that tho ohnngo of superin
tendents will take place shortly af tor
tho first of January
Plalnvlow News A good delegation
from tho branch took tho trouble to go
down and hear tho Innos baud at Nor
folk Thursday for whioh they werowoll
repaid About twenty tlokets woro sola
from Plainview Creighton was well
roprosontod as usual ospoolally on tho
rottirn trip judging from tho nolso and
condition of somo of tho party and tho
amount of amber refreshments con
sumed by said parties
Piorco Call Olydo Walkor oamo
near losing his life Thaukglvlng day
whilo Bkatlng on tho mill pond by going
through tho ico In coming up ho
floatod under tho ico but his companions
managed to gotjhluout Ho was a vory
sick boy upon reaching tho shore
Lewis Iuhuldor also wont through tho
ico but managed to koop his head abovo
water and land safely Tho ico is vory
rotten these days and parents should soo
that tho boys do not go ou tho samo un
til much coldor weather
Saturday was tho wedding anniver
sary of Mr aud Mrs A H Violo aud
Mr and Mrs J K Ilutchoson of South
Norfolk Iu honor of tho occasion thoy
entertained members of tho Eastern
Star and other guests at an of toruoou
tea Tho ontortaiiimout was of an in
formal nature and proved most enjoy
able It was the 15th annivorsary of
Mr and Mrs Hutohesons marriage and
Mr and Mrs Violes HHh The celebra
tion was held at tho home of the lattor
About 10 guests were present
A Pierce man who had been accus
tomed to getting up when the train
came down from the north in tho early
hours of tho morning was aroused as
usual tho other day He got up and
built tho fire roused his wlfo who got
up and prepared breakfast whilo ho
went out to do the chores When ho
returned to the house to eat breakfast ho
was surprised to bo informed by his
wife that it was only 3 oclock The
train was a special He sheepishly
acknowledged that he knew of tho extra
but had forgotten it
Wo are not muoh of a sport says a
Kansas editor but when we meet a
cinch in the road wo recognize it We
made tho following bargain with a
friend yesterday C We wore to stand at
a given point half an hour and watch
tho ladies who passed For every lady
who reached her hand back to see if hor
skirt was gapping or to pick it under
her belt wo werejto receive a nicklo
and for every one who failed to do so in
walking a block we were to give him a
dime We got sixty two niokels from
him andjgave him one dime a lady
with both arms off came along
A Colorado paper says As we have
had several requests to print the market
reports of this locality we give yon ihis
weeks report which probably would
apply the world over Young men un
steady girls lively in demand coffee
considerably mixed fresh fish active
and slippery wheat a grain better than
barley eggs quietibut will probably
open iu a few days whiskey steadily
going down onions strong and rising
breadstuffs heavy boots and shoes
those in the market aro steadily going
up and down hats and caps not as
high as last fall except foolscap whioh
is stationery tobacco very slow and
has a downward tondency money
close but not close enough to get hold
of feathers light and going up iron
firm butter stronger opium a drug
on the market advico good but no de
AuguHt Flower
Itis a surprising fact Bays Prof
Hon ton that in my travels in all parta
f the world for the last ten years
have mot more poople having used
Greens August Flower than any other
remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver
and stomach and for constipation I
find for tourists and salesmen or for
persons filling office positions where
headaches and general bad feelings from
irregular habit exist that Greens
August Flower is a grand remedy It
does not injuro the system by frequent
use and is excellent for sour stomaobs
and indigestion Sample bottles free
at A K Leonards Sold by dealers in
all civilized countries
Very AKfcravatlnK
Elizabeth was exceed
inulv busy tho other morning when
her father interrupted hor pluy and she
piped up It ia too aggravating to
have a man como and kisa you when
you aro trying to fold a shawl Really
it is too aggravating
Agent Wanted
We want an active agent in Norfolk
and vicinity to represent the largest
evergreen nurseries in the United States
A full line of hardy fruits shade and
ornamental trees shrubs eto Four
plans pay weekly Address at once
Tub Elgin Nuuskhies Elgin IU
And Looses His Life as a
rtiRlur Zouvor Oinlim 111 llnchin Into
ii Hptutlnl KrnlKliI HiKil ml UOninlirit
to Dintli Iu tlm Wreck Wlfo mill
Tin in tllilltlrmi
Krnm Monday Dully
III a head on collision on the P K tfe
M V hot woou Hooper and Nlokersou
Saturday ovoulug Eiigitionr Zouvor of
Missouri Valley lost Ids life The acci
dent was tho result of forgotfulnoss on
the part of ouvor An engine which
had boon to tho shops at Missouri Val
ley was being sent to Norfolk In charge
of Oliver who had orders to meet an
east bound special at Nlokersou Ho
ovldently forgot his orders as he ran
right through Nlckerson and when
about four miles out froinHoopor met
tho special as ho was rounding n hill
giving him almost no warning until
the onglnps came togothor Tho engi
neer and fireman of the special saw the
danger In tlmo to jump as did also the
fireman of Olivers uugiun but the ill
fated engineer stopped to reverse his
lover aud had just reuched tho point ho
tweon the framework of the cab and
tender whon tho two englnos came to
gether the concussion causing his ma
chine to rear up In front and close the
space whore ho was standing breaking
IiIb back and crushing tho life out of
him ouvors body was tukon to
Hoopor whoro nil inquest is to be hold
His homo was at Missouri Valley whore
ho loavos a wifo and three children
As soon as a report of tho accident
was recoived a wrecking tram was
taken from Norfolk in ohargo of Super
intendent Reynolds and tho tracks were
cleared as rapidly as possible The
wost bound passenger due horo at 7 J0
was delayed so that it did not roach this
placo until about 1 oclock iu tho morn-
In lull at Inrilatinlu Clinrgml With mur
der of Hfir Hunbnnd
Des Moines Dec 0 Whilo attend
ing hor husbandH funeral at New Vir
ginia yesterday afternoon Mrs John
Uossaek was arrested charged wltn
his murder lust Wednesday night Tho
arrest was mude by Sheriff L ewU of
Warren county just us tho funarnl cor
tege started from the cemetery on Its
return to town She was placed In
the county jrrll nt Iudianola She took
tho arrest calmly but protested her
ITossnck who was a well-to-do farm
er was killed witli a blow on the head
from a sharp Instrument while sleep
ing beside his wife Mrs Hossnek
clulmed to have been awakened by a
nolRc finding her husband dead The
testimony nt the coroners Inquest
tended to show thnt Mr nnd Mrs Hos
Bttck hud quarreled regarding ono of
their children
No Ilope for Arbitration
The Hague Dec During the do
bnte on budget In tho second chamber
here yesterday the premier Dr Pier
son declared he could not at present
foresee the psychological movement
whereby The Netherlands would bo
able to propose arbitration lietweca
Great Brltnin and the Transvaal
The Light lof the World
Our Saviour in Art
Cost nearly 10000d to produce Con
tains nearly 100 full page engravings of
our Savicnr and His Mother by tho
worlds greatest painters True copies
nf tho DTfiiitost masterniecos iu tho art
galleries of Europe Every picture is as
beautiful as n sunrise over the hilltops
Contains description of the paintings
biography of tho painters the names
and locations of the galleries in Europe
who thn nricinals mav bo Been Also
contains a childs department including
a childs story of tho Christ and His
Mother beautifully written to fit each
picture This wonderful book match
less in its purity and beauty appeals to
every mothers heart and in every
christian homo whore there aro children
the book sells Itself Christian men and
women are making monoy rapidly tak
ing orders A christian man or woman
can in this community soon mako 1000
taking orders for Christmas presents
Mrs Walte our agent in Massachusetts
has sold over 3000 worth of the books in
a very short time MrsSackett our agent
in New York has sold over l 500 worth
of the books in a very short time The
book is printed on velvet finished paper
beautifully bound in cardinal rod and
gold and adorned with golden rosos and
lillea It is without doubt ttio most
beautiful book of this century Write
for terms quickly and got the manage
ment ot that territory You can work
on salary or commission and when you
prove your success we will promote you
to the position of manager aud corres
pondent at a permanent salary to do
vote your time to attODdlug to ogeuts
and the correspondence Wanted also
a state manager to have charge of olllco
in leading oity of the state and manago
all tho business of the state Send for
tonus Address The British Amerioan
Co Corcoran building opposlto U S
Treasury Washington D 0
floiclmiliiK n llnlill
Buffalo lniiiM win caught and
tntned great numbers of tho wild mil
nulls of the plnliiH knew perfectly well
how his life received Its first bent In
that direct Inn lie snyrt Iu his Korty
Years of Adventure
When a Ind of 12 I was sent to tho
woods with the hired iniin to saw off
logs My father wiim to come with a
sled In the afternoon and liniil fm legs
to mill As we were working I looked
up Into ii tree and hiiw ii fox squirrel
winging ou n limit I dropped tho
nw and climbed
Hoon the beautiful little eieoturo wiim
high up In the branches nnd when I
pursued him to the end of n limb ho
gave a spring nnd cnught Iu the houghs
of another tree Ho I descended nnd
climbed that other tree nnd us tho
squirrel repeated bin tactics I did mine
until the greater part of the day wiih
At last the little fellow look refuge
In n hole In n largo bur onlc 1 thrust
Iu my hand seized him and held ou
even though his long sharp teeth near
ly took off the end of my linger I kept
n linn grip until 1 reached the ground
Then I put him Into my pocket and
pinned It together with Home honey lo
cust thorns
When mv father relumed nnd found
no logs to loud he deinnuileil mi expla
nation Thnt was duly given nnd then
u boy of my size received a good thrash
ing mennwlillo niannglng to keep his
cap over the squirrel to protect It pre
ferring to receive the blows himself
I tamed thnt squirrel nnd loved him
but llniilly I sold him for 2 to a gentle
mini who hud a crippled son That
transaction seemed to fix In me n rul
ing pnsHloii which has never deserted
me nnd 1 begun catching nnd tinning
wild animals
OnatoiiiN of Anion Icopln
The Aztecs the most civilized peo
ple of the new world nt the time of Its
discovery had a curious innrrluge cus
tom The ceremony was performed
by a priest who took the hands of the
bride nnd bridegroom asking them If
they would marry
He then took a corner of the
womans veil nnd the mnnH robe nnd
knotted them together and ho they
were led to the bridegrooms house A
fresh lire wns then kindled on tho
hearth and mound this lire tho priest
caused the bride to go seven times
The wedded couple then sat down to
gether and so wns the marriage con
tracted An Inventory was also made
which the father of the bride after
ward retained of nil the man aud
wlfo brought together of furniture for
the house of hind of Jewels orna
ments nnd clothes Then If It chnnced
thnt the couple were divorced ns wn
common among the Aztecs when man
and wlfo did not ngree they divided
tho goods according to the portion ench
had brought to the other both man
and wife having liberty to marry ngnlii
whom they pleased Of the children
of tho marrlago tho daughters were
given to the wlfo and tho sons to the
husband It wns enncted upon pain
of death that the divorced couple were
not again to remarry
A 111 lint IS rim p
There Is n story of an English clergy
man who had taken temporary duty
for a friend and who had tho 111 luck
to Injure his fnlse teeth during tho
week Tho plato was sent to tho den
tist for renulrs a faithful assurance
being given that It should bo returned
by Sundays post but tho dentist or
tho post proved faithless
With the assistance of the clerk the
clergyman managed to stumble through
the prayers but felt It would bo use
less to attempt to prench Ho there
fore Instructed the clerk to mnko Home
cxcubo for him and dismiss tho con
gregation Hut his feelings may be
better lmnglned than described when
In the seclusion of the vestry ho over
heard the clerk In Impressive tone8
thus deliver the excuse
Parson Is very sorry but It Is hlfl
misfortune to be obliged to wear a set
of nrtful teeth They busted last
Wednesday and he nlntgot them back
from London today ns he was promis
ed Ive helped him nil I could through
tho Bcrvtce hut I cant do moro for
him Tlsnt any use for him going up
In the pulpit for you wouldnt under
stand a word he snld so ho thinks you
all may ns well go home
SnanUli NlcUiinnien
One of the peculiar ways In which
Spanish differs from English Is In tho
names the language gives to nil peo
ple with n certnln Infirmity or peculiar
ity A blind man Is referred to ub el
cloco n man with but one eye Is a
tuerto a pug nosed man Is chuto one
who Is cross eyed Is n hlsojo a cojo Is
a lame man nnd a manco hns hut ono
arm If ho Is humpbacked he Is a Joro
hado If buldheaded a calvo and If
his hair 1b very short ho Is a pelon
Tho fcmlulue titles for the same
classes are tho same with the excep
tion that they end In a where tho
masculine terminate with o These
Bhort names are used most commonly
In fact they are applied ns iilckname
In many cases and especially among
the lower classes persotis are address
ed or referred to only by these names
Started Too Soon
A stout Gorman womuii descended
from n Third uveuuo car Sho had a
baby on her left arm and n small boy
clung to her right hand Just ns sho
stnrted to step from the footboard tho
car started and down the three fell In
a confused henp with tho baby appar
ently nt tho bottom Two or three wo
men screamed and tho cnr stopped
but before uny one could go to her as
sistance tho woman was on her feet
and with her two charges hud made
her way to tho curb Ach she said
In nnswer to the sympathy of an on
looker Yah der car It Btart already
too soon yet Then sho went on her
appoints way New York Tribune
A Wife
We luve four children With the first
three I Miffered almost unbearable pain from
12 to M hours and had to be placed under
the Influence of chloroform I tiled three
bottles of Mothers Friend before our bit
child came which
Is strong fit and
healthy boy doing
my housework up
Inurllfiln tttn lintirt
nf Infill 111 ft stif uPl IfcirvwIW
oMrlliiilifowliArd Vi VWUiW V r
pains This lini
ment is the graini
est remedy ever
fl IvUlfcf It N I
will do for every woman what It did for thq
Minnesota mother who write the above let
ter Net to use It during pregnancy is a
mistake to be piid for in pain and suffering
Mothers Friend equips the patient with a
strong body and cleir Intellect which in
turn are imparted to the child It rclaxei
the muscles and allows them to expand It
relieves morning sickness and nervousness
it puts all the organs concerned In perfect
condition fur the final hour so that the actual
labor is short and practically painless Dan
ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether
avoided and recovery is merely a matter ol
a few days
DriiKElt nll Mothers Irleml lor 1 n tnttU
The IirndllcUl Hcjrulator Co Atlanta Ga
tie ml or our li or Illustrated book
Koenigsteins Pharmacy
Cornor 5th and Main Sts
Viavi is Womans Way ta Health
Cull and get Health Hook and tcstl
of patients
Offices Cotton Block
American Beauties
W55 i A L TL
Made in all the newest models and
leaders in strictly exclusive designs
They have a national reputation for
genuine corset worth Send for our
illustrated price list
Soli Maktrs Kalnmaioo Mich
For still bv
Illinois Central R R
TIh IIIIihiIh Ontnil ilotflroB to cull iittmitinn
to llio umixcolluil wirvlcn that in iilTorml by ltn
linos to tlm imiuUi for tlio solium of IhJU 1900
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Iert onally conduct
ed Hunt through to
I cm AiikuIcb mil Kan
KraiiriMo via Now
Orhmim in connection
with tho Southern Pu
clflc limvliiK IlilciiBO
on tliu Ciuitrals fntit
Now OrlnaiiH
rial commotion iilhO mnun by this train with
daily traiim out of Nnw OrluaiiH for tho 1iiclllo
Coiifct Th Iimitrd from CIiIciikii ovory iivnn
iiiK romiocU on Monday and Tlnirndiiys at
Nuw Orleans aftor Docmnbur 1 lHtcj with tho
of tho Boiithoru Pacific lvin 8pccialthrough
Borvlro to San KrancUco
t i mi ifi s
Doublo dally Bor
ico is maintained out
of St Limit via the
Illinois ontrul and
coniiuctliiK linos to
iibln illol
O I LUU Id Ka nnd Atlanta thro
Minvillo Morula Doinu carrion on wio
loivinu St Louis ovory ovoniiu This train as
MolliiBthoDay Kxpross loimuif St Louis iu
tlio niorniiiK uro both solid trains to Nashville
lmviiiK tliniUKli coaches aud sloepinij cars nin
iiltiK thmuKli Martin Tumi and tho N O A bt
L Ry Connection via Hub lino for nil iirinoi
iial iMiints iu tlm Southeast fcuch us hnrloston
WilnduKtoii Ailiu and Savauuali aud for ull
IKiiuts in Florida
Daily from Chicago to Momphis aud Now Or
iMiintH In tho South on tho linos of tho lllinoin
Ctuitrul aud V A M V railroads will bo run ou
tho tlrst ami lliiru i uosuay 01 oaco niuuiu our-
itm the wlutor season
hill particulars concerning all of tho abovo
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