The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 07, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Trntisnrtril liy Dm llomil uf Nninly Com
inlKnlolinrn lit Tlinlr IitM KpRiiliir
Madison Nolir Nov 27 WOO I p in
Hoard of county onmnilwilniiorri mot
pnrAtiiiiit to nrijonrniiioiit Ironont II
W Winter 1 J HiikIiph itntl Olirinl
AltntitOH of lust meitittir road mid on
motion iipprovod
On motion tho following IiIUh woro
ul lowed
W N Hiiro printing biillotn oto
f27 Publishing noininiRHiotmrH pro
ceedings and dolhuiitont taxi Ht fit IS fill
On motion tho rosiKimMoii of Win
Low ns u liioinbor of tho Soldiers Ho
lief noinniltteo was nocopted
On motion Lou Brown of Orovo pro
oiuot wan npiMiintod u moinbor of tho
Soldiers Hollof committoo
On motion thu following bills woro
J 1 AltMadt bridgo work 17 an
Wm Low bridge work fllJ
A W Grown nttornoy for Holla Lowls
by appointment of fudge Ooiioh f 15
Madison Olironiolo Htationory fill 50
Olir Suhavlnnd foes in coses of Htato
v Holla LowIb 8711 Htnto v Loroy
Alyon 20118 oertiUontoH to jurorH 9
postage oto -15 total flJfiO
L M Johnson bridge work l
O OhriHtiiuiHon bridgo work l
Olo Johnson bridgo work 10
Frod Smith bridgo and road work
3150 applied on personal tux
M Hulpiu bridgo work 2a
Li IJ 13akor lumbor 0 13
Anzoigor ctntionory 350
T O Mnyhow road nud bridgo work
Thomas Ambroz cash paid for luui
bor and nails 1170
Ohas Holm road aud bridgo work 20
P L BiiHsoy road and bridgo work
1 applied on perHoual tax 1111
balance 12801 i
Ed Nordhouso road work 750 ap
plied on porsonal tux
Gnat Sohoonfloldt road work 1350
A Murqunrdt road work 350
Ou motion board adjournod to 7 p in
Board mot pursuant to adjournment
On motion tho following bills woro
Wm A Youut road work 13 75
rppliod on porsonabtax
B K Wilkinson road work 750
nppliod on porsonal tax
Anzoigor stationery for county super
Jntendont 035
W F F Winter bridgo work 1570
Wellington Fox bridg9 work 0
Goo F Fox bridgo work 9
Wm Shier bridgo work 4
Sohnvland Tolmsou Oo broom b
matches etc 18 70
O D Hamstreot nails oto 3440
A R Fraser witness case county t
Goo E Richardson ot ul 3
L W Lyon work with grader
Krumtn Warron lumber 0500
Edwards Bradford Lumbor Oo
Tildon lumber 1350
J W Warriok lumber 5797
Hammond Bros Stephens station
ery 15
Guy Deuel Co lumbor 9871 ap
plied on porsonal tax 439 bolonoe
Ohr Schavlnnd was allowed warrant
for the following feos in oaso stato v
Holla Lewis
S W Deuel witness 1
Guy Deuel wituoss 4
J E Weisner wituoss 4
Orr Williams wituoss 4 applied on
personal tax 3 balanoo 1
In case of state v Loroy Alyea
Petor F Sullivan wltnesB 1090
Arthur Colegrove witness 1080
Henry Dord witness 1080
Edgar Suow witness 1170
Archie McDonald wituoss 490
Alva Crooks witness 1140
Edward Tanner witness 7
Otto Ober witness 1 10
Wm IJiitos witness 310
Elbert Alyea wituoss 090
May Mahlm witneis 700
O M Boylos witnoss 1080 applied
on personal tux 190 balanoo 890
Ohas Sweet witness 11 30 appliod
on personal tax 11 balance 820
Geo Garter witness 1150 appliod
on personal tax balauco 850
Wm Johnson wituess 090 applied
on personal tax
J H Colegrove wituess 1080 ap
plied on personal tax
On motion tbo following olootion
claims were allowed
Anton Bucholz nso of room for elec
tion oto 450
August Brummond repairing and
putting up eleotion booths making two
ballot boxes etc 13
Honry O Lulow repairing and car
ing for booths furnishing lights etc
4 65
Frank Derrick caring for election
booths and cleaning school houso 3
Geo E Richardson servioes as mem
ber of canvassing board 810
Ed OShea services as moinbor of
canvassing board 810
Frank Flood oaring for election
booths oto 3 applied on personal tax
O T Muilly cariug for election
booths oto 350
Geo Brandt caring for election
I booths etc 1
II Thos Lestina caring for election
tboothe etc 3
Sohool district No 21 rout of school
houso 3 50
Sahnol district No 19 rent of school
house 250
Fatiulo Maxwell rent of opera house
1 00
1 K Douglas rent of U A 11 Hall
fuel etc 500
O S Snyder room rent fuol oto
575 applied on personal tax 300
balauco 375
Norfolk precinct outsido
James Oonloy Judge I days and
mileago 900
John Wado judgo 1 daysi100
Goo 1 Smith judgo 3 days 1100
Frod Krnntz clerk II days 11 00
K D Hammond clerk ldays 000
Paul Hrummuud constable 2 days
First ward
Aug Hrummuud judge -I days and
and mileage 950
John W Edwards judgo 1 days0
applted on personal tax
F L Dognor judgo 3 days 0
Aug P Pllgor clerk II dayH 0 ap
plied ou porsonal tax
W A Homlobon clork II days 0
A F Kiohl oonstablo2 days 1 ap
plied on personal tax
Second ward
II M Roberts judgo l days 0
Julius Doguer judgo I days and mllo
ago 950
A Buohol judgo 3 days 0
L M Gaylord clork 3 days 0
Gus Marquurdt clerk 3 days 1
Wm Dwyor ooiiBtablo 1 day 3
Third ward
J S MoOlary judgo 5 dayH ami mile
ago 1150 applied on porsonal tax 81
couts balanco 1001
J D Ohostnutwood judgo 4 days 8
O D Jenkins judgo 4 days8appllod
ou porsoual tax
W II Lowe olork 4 days 8 appliod
ou personal tax
Otto Zuolow clork 4 days 8 applied
on porsonal tax 7 75 balanco 35 cents
W H Law coustablo 1 day 3
Fourth ward
J S Buruott judgo 4 days aud mile
ago 900
O A Harshmau judge 3 days 0
appliod on porsoual tax
Kirk Ball judgo 3 days 0
Lee Hershlshor clerk 3 days 0
Fred Koorber olork 3 days 0
Mike Kennedy coustablo 1 day 3
Wm Low judge 4 days and mileage
10 applied on porsonal tax
Albort Man toy judgo 3 days 0
Adolph Mautoy judge 3 days 0
F W Riohordsou clerk 8 days 0
Pat Gorman clerk 3 days 0
II O Lulow oonstable 3 days 1
Doer Cieek
S A Maokay judge 3 days 0
J H Jackson judgo 3 days 0
Joe Hughes judge 3 days 0
J H Harding olork 3 days 0
Joe Orr clerk 4 days and mileage
John Brown constable 1 day 3
James Roseborough judge 3 days 0
T K Hanson judge 3 days 0
L A Russell judgo 4 days and mile
age 12
O A Smith olerk 3 days 0
E V Braasch olerk 3 days 6
Luolus Haycke oonstable 3 days 4
W B Hutchinson judge 3 days and
mileage 1080
Herman Wohlfell judgo 3 days 1
Wm Hoffman judge 3 days 4
John Christie olerk 2 days 4 ap
plied on personal tax
Edward Dye olerk 2 days 4
W H Daniel judge 3 days 6
Honry Mossman judge 3 days 0
Geo H Haight judge 3 days G
J L Knosol clork 8 days 0
W L Miller olerk 4 days and mile
age 10
Battle Creek
Aug Steffen judge 3 days 0
Fred Broohlor judge 3 days 0
W I Stirk judgo 4 days and niiloage
1000 appliod on personal tax
Frank Martin olerk 3 days 6
Harry Barnes olork 3 days 0
Nick Lund constable 2 days 1
B B McGlnuls olork 4 days and mile
age 9
J W Gibbs olerk 3 days 0 appliod
on porsonal tux
W H Boyd judgo 3 days 0
O J Lodgo judge 3 days 0
Carl Reioho judge 3 days 0
Harry Tannehlll constable 1 day 3
O S Snyder clerk 4 days 8
Ed Esb olerk 3 days 0 applied on
personal tax 3 balance 3
Geo Golpiu judge 3 days 0
Frod Dlorks judgo 3 days 0 applied
on personal tax
J R Davis judge 3 days 6 applied
on personal tax
Ohas Werloy constable 3 days 4
applied on porsoual tax
W J Little clerk 4 days and mileage
Phil Every olerk 3 days 0 applied
on personal tax 3 balanco 3
E A Lyon judge 3 days 0
Oscar Sundorman judge 3 days 0
Henry R Witzol judge 3 days 0
Thos Lestina judge 4 days and mile
age 920
W I Martin judge 3 days 0 ap
plied on personal tax
O W Oluto judgo II days 0
1 O Ofllxirn olerk 3 days 0
H M Dowllng cleric 3 days 1
Frank I tenia coustablo 1 day 2 ap
plied on personal tax
S II Grant judgo 1 days andmllo
age nud caring for booths 11
John Horrooks 3 days judgo 0
Wm Ullmore 3 days judgo 0
W W Young clork 3 days 0 ap
pliod on personal tax
J II Twisi olork 3 days appliod
ou personal tax
J Vaughn coustablo 2 days 1 ap
plied ou personal tax
School district No 50 rout of sohool
houso 2 50
Shell Creek
Goo H Hovoland judgo 3 days 1
Goo Morgan judgo 3 days and put
ting up booths 0 appliod ou pursoual
tax 128 balauco 173
John J OShea judgo 3 days
C R Iliuman clerk days 1
A h Stowart olork 3 days aud niilo
age 1020
John Htmonson coustablo 2 days
J H Stlboley judgo 3 days 0
V P Sohmitt judge 3 days 0
B Ilasmau judgo 3 days 0
13 E MoKlbbou olork 4 days aud
mlloago 9 applied on porsonaitax
Goo Olasson coustablo 2 days 1 ap
plied ou porsoual tax
Green Garden
Dan Dlotor judgo 4 days and mlloago
O D Johnson judgo 3 days 0 ap
pliod on personal tax 550 balanoo 50
Adam Gross judgo 3 days 0
Henry Wohoulklo clork 3 days 0
J D Gubolman clerk 3 days 0
John Diotor jr oouBtablo 2 days 1
Madison City
O A Huylor judgo 4 days 8 ap
pliod on personal tax 105 balance
O W Snnro judgo 3 days 0
O A Vlokers judge 3 days G
A M Koeohig olork 8 days 0
A R Fraser olerk 3 days 0
G Ray coustablo 2 days -1
Madison Outside
S O Davios judge 3 days 0
G H Soohtjen judge 3 days 0 ap
plied on personal tux 521 balance
79 cents
Goo H Lltke judge 4 days 8
Ralph MoGeheo clork 3 days 0
Charles L Harris clerk 3 duys 0
F M Martlu constable 2 days 4
applied on personal tax 2 33 balance
On motion board adjourned to 8 a in
November 28
Board met pursuant to adjournment
On motion the following bills were al
Gust Kaul salary for November 30
J H Hulff printing 450
R O Miles postage exchange etc
R O Miles jurors fees paid 31450
Madison Star oirculars for couuty
superintendent 3
Edwards Bradford Lumber Co
Madison coal 1870
Edwards Bradford Lumber Co
Madison lumber 5215
O W Oram salaryfor November 100
Fred H Davis 9 days bailiff district
court 18
O W Snure 9 days bailiff district
court 18 applied on personal tax
115 balance 1085 i
Henry Snnderman rood work 30
On motion 500 wasjtranaf erred from
the 1899 road fund to the 1000 road fund
Len Brown appearing before the
board and refusing to accept the ap
pointment on the Soldiers Relief com
mittee John Crook of Deer Creek was
appointed to fill vacancy on said com
On motion board adjourned to Dec 19
1900 at 1 p m i
Phil Bauch County Olerk
The Sky Pilot
The entertainment to be given in tho
Congregational ohuroh December 1 1 by
Miss Oliver of Chloago promises to be a
raro treat in the line of character Inter
Miss Oliver is not an elocutionist but
an Impersonator and Is for tho momont
tho charaoter she portniys
Tho ladies having it in charge do not
hesitate to assure the patrons of this re
oital a thoroughly enjoyable evening
wholesome and refreshing in Its nature
Tho story to be given The Sky Pilot
a Tale of the Foothills Is a new one by
Ralph Conner of which we clip this
criticism from The Outlook
Tho matter which he gives us is real
life virile true teuder humorous pa
thotio spiritual wholesome His style
fresh crisp and terse accords with the
western life whioh ho well under
While it will be readily understood by
reading the press notices and autograph
letters that this belongs strictly to tho
line of high class entertainments it has
been decided owing to the holiday sea
son and the number of other engage
ments to plaoo the tickets at the popu
lar price of 35 ceuta Wo do not hesi
tate to assure the public that this is the
first time it has ever been given for this
price All uuder 14 years may purchase
tickets for 25 cents this beiug a special
inducement to pupils of the city schools
Lost Brown box coat between Third
and Fifth street Name is sewed iu
Inside pocket A J Miquette
American Express office
Governor Lind Appoints Charles
A Townc
Will Ii nvo for Mm Nutloniil Onpllnl Today
Appointment droit ttutlriirtlniiiit
Dulntli Sneered llin lutu hrimtor C
It Ili
Dulntli Minn Doc 0 Clinrles A
Towne hint night confirmed the report
Unit lovornor Lind had tendered him
the United States NemitoiHhlp to suc
ceed tin Into Senator C K Davis and
hii id that lie bud decided to accept tho
appointment He Iiiih telegraphed thu
BsaflUssssssBSLI ir
governor to that effect Mr Towne
refused to discuss the matter further
but said that lit would leave for Wash
ington today
There Is grent satisfaction over the
appointment as Irrespective of party
lines the feeling Is general that Mr
Towne Is the most prominent member
of Governor Llnds party In the state
nnd that under thq circumstances the
honor of going to the seuute should be
Sevoral Women to Federation
ofjjibor Posslus Upon Credential
Louisville Dec 6 All Is In readi
ness for the opening of the fifth annual
convention of tho American Federa
tion of Labor nt Music hall today The
credentials committee has passed upon
the credentials of 210 dolegatea all of
whom will be admitted
Among the delegates who have ar
rived are W II Hnsklns president of
the Ohio State Miners association
Patrick Dolan president of the Pitts
burg District Miners association
John Weltzel of St Louis president of
the International Tobacco Workers
union and Miss Sura Groshnns of
Streator Ills member of ths execu
tive board of the United Garment
Workers of America Miss Grosuaus
Is the only woman delegate here at
present but one or two others from
Illinois are expected
Twouty six Killed and Fifteen Injured by
Explosion of Dynamite
Mexico City Dec 6 An explosion of
dynamite yesterday at the mines of
San Andres de la Sierra killed or
wounded many miners At the latest
advices 20 dead bodies had been re
covered Fifteen Injured persons some
of whom will die were taken from the
wreckage and the ruins are thought
to contain other victims
It Is not know as yet how the explo
sion occurred but ulna eases of dyna
mite blew up at the powder house
with an appalling roar shaking the
country for miles around When the
panic had partially subsided the wives
nud children of the miners hurried to
tho scene finding nil the buildings
wrecked and dead bodies fearfully
mangled lying about
Daring Robbery at Portland
Portland Or Dec 0 Six masked
men held up the office of the Western
Lumber company last ovenlng secur
ing 0000 and escaped in the darkness
The robbery occurred at 0 oclock
when a dozen men were in the vicinity
of the mill Four of the highwaymen
guarded the two entrances to the office
whllo tho other two entered with
drawn revolvers and ordered the
four clerks Iu the office to hold up their
hands The money ws In an en
velope ready to be paid out to the mill
bands this being the regular weekly
pay day The robbers secured this
and made their escape
Flngre Call Special Session
Detroit Dec 0 Governor Plngree
last night issued a call for a special
session of the state legislature to con
vene at Lansing Dec 12 for tho pur
pose of enacting taxation legislation
along the lines of the constitutional
amendment adopted at the November
election This amendment permits the
taxation of railroads express compa
nies telegraph and telephone compa
nies and other forms of corporate prop
erty on their true cash value jjw
Saareblnt for Disabled Ship
Port Towusend Dec 0 Somewhere
outsido Cape Flattery In a dense fog
bank that has prevailed there for sev
eral days is the British ship Gertrude
leaking budly and oudeavorlng to
reach the sound where dry dock assist
auco can be secured The Gertrude
sailed from Portland several days ago
The tug Tatoosh has been looking for
the ship off Cupe Flattery for several
days without success
Railroad and Business Directory
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
SM I 05sfi5kfec
Omnlin PMseDRor fl Olnm
ChlcnRo Kxprose 1210 pm
MiicnKO KxprnM tMniii
Umnlm lasHCDKer UilOpm
Ilnck llllls ftiproM 740t tit
onllisro PfiRRoiifror 1210 p m
VortllRro Accommodation DXnm
ninck Hlllj Kinross 122ipm
on ro IaMniiKor Offimn
rlW Accommodation i 720 pm
llinClilciwi nml Jllnck IIIUh KxprfM arrive
am ilopnrU from Junotlou depot Tlio Omnlin
and erdiRrs trains arrlvn and depart from city
U M atbau Atfont
Union Pacific
olumbua Accommodation lltWln m
Omaha Dnuverand Paclfta Coast llV0n m
Coliimlms Aco mmodatlon 1030pm
Oninlih Venrnranil Paclllc coast P OOpm
miunctfl nt Norfolk with K K A M V boIiir
wmt mid north and with tho C St P M O
for points north and naBt
F W Junkman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
raht depabt
Slonx City and Omnlin Passongor 830am
blonx lUlyPassotiKor 100 pm
Slonx lUtjr PasHnnifpr 1085a m
bloux City and Omaha PasBnffnr 730pm
Connects at Norfolk with F K A M V Roiuir
west and north aud with tho U P for pointa
fr W Juneman Agnnt
Daily oxcopt Sunday
r Fine Wntcl
Orer llnum Pron Store
SpanaaroV Ovalrnnn
Boots and oes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Ballder
1 1 7 Fourth Streot
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avenue
Cheapest nnd iiest
Norfolk Avenue
kor llrnnsch aro and 4th St
The Norfolk Horseshoer
Time is Money
Missouri River to Salt Lake City
ilissouri River to San Francisco
Missouri River to Portland
Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant
Reading Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Dinirw Cars
Meals a la Carte Pintsoh Light
For fall information call on or addres
The Norfolk Cash Store
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Straw Hats and Shoes at cost
Fme Teas aud Coffees a specialty Try our fam us
Mellowrich coffee the finest brand in the market
We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kinds
We sell the celebrated Pierce aud Neligh Flours
Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs
Telephone 35
fiico 4thJSt
Before the Strike
Thirty days ago we had a solid train
load of Hard Coal on track Now it be
longs to our many customers and is in
their bins for their comfort
to place your orders for soft coal Lay
your coal early this year You wont
miss it
Edisoits Phonograph
Better than a Piano Organ or Music Box for it sines and talks as well as plays and
dont cost as much It reproduces tho music of any instrument band or orchestra tells
stories and sinss the old familiar hymns as well as tho popular songs it is always ready
Sco that Mr Edisons signature U on every machine Cata
logues oi aU dealers or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO 135 Fifth Ave New York 4