The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 07, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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By Weatherby Chcsnoy and Alick Munro
oorTOiarrr ltoo iit wBATiinnnr chixntst anii auoc xckho
iiausthaxions ii r it a couutah
One eye one hand and nn otter skin
enp Hint Is my curliest recollection
of Willie Trelinllon
Our first meeting took place when I
wns quite n youngster lie hnd como
up to tlio vlcurnge on some errand or
other mul when I told him my fn titer
wnB out he snid he would wait nnd of
fered to pass the time in telling me a
story for a pot of nle 1 remember
well even now how he grumbled nt
the poorness of the liquor I gnve him
nnd to tell the truth our Bitiull beer
was exceedingly smiill
But ndmlilng thitt I could not fnlrly
bo blamed for the wenkness of tho
J hung upon Ms words
brew he snt down on the bench out
Bide the kitchen door nnd to pny for
his drink spun me such wonderful
yarns of flouting iBlnnds on which
there lived mnglclans who sold winds
of mermaids nnd sea serpents and oth
er marvels of the deep all of which he
had himself seen In his travels that 1
hung upon his words and thought him
the greatest hero I had ever seen And
afterward whenever I met his squat
square figure rolling down the street
he always had n nod or a cheery How
goes It my young master for me a
piece of condescension which gave mo
more pleasure than did the most ex
travagant praise front the schoolnins
ter or any other of my lawful teachers
That my estimate of Willies quali
ties was not altogether accurate was
proved by the manner of his leaving
One night In a frolicsome mood en
gendered no doubt by liquors more
potent than the vicarage beer he at
tempted to break the constables head
and as next day he had to sit in the
stocks as a penalty for his Joke he con
sidered that he had been insulted by
the inhabitants of Whitby He disap
peared therefore from the town and
though I did not see him again for
nearly eight years I remembered his
Btorles but the man himself became a
mere hazy phantom In my mind until
on the day after our adventure with
the alchemist I met him again
About midday Don Miguel had called
at the vicaige nnd asked to see my
father They were closeted together
for a long time nnd as 1 began to fear
that this conjunction of the church
with one of the devils own favorites
boded ill for my comfort presently I
told Alec
Well snid he what enn we de
We shall jit3t hove to take our punish
Yes 1 suppose so snid I but if
Ive to he punished I dont see why I
shouldnt have some fun first and in
any case it would be a shame to waste
a fine afternoon like this nt school
It does seem a pity he replied
nnd It will be very hot and weari
some with nothing to do but pester old
Prosody in his after dinner sleep Come
on lets do else
Right What shall we do
The very thing Then I enn take a
salmon ns a present to Dame Garrat In
the evening Shes npt to get sharp
tongued If I go too often empty ban -ed
to see Inez
Bo we borrowed a boat and a net nnd
set up the river at the second hour of
the flood We hnd Just grounded our
boat on the bank near the high bluff
where the stream turns oft to the north
and were busy making fast one end
of our net ou tho shore when we no
ticed that a stranger hnd taken up bis
quarters on tho opposite bank
He was a short dark sturdy man1n
the dress of a sailor He wore loose
knee breeches with a short canvas
smock over them coarse blue worsted
stockings and shoes latched with brass
buckles Itound his waist was a broad
leather belt Into which was stuck a
bone handled sheath knife on his up
per spars was a huge brown wide
sleeved wldo skirted coat with tho
tallB looped up to be out of tho way
nnd on his head was a cap of brown
Bkln Ho was standing in a 20 foot
boat which he had llttpd with a house
of canvas and wood and was finishing
his work by giving it all a generous
coat of tar
Tho figure seemed somehow familiar
to me and when I saw that the tar pot
hung front a hook which hud been sub
stituted for a right hand tho feeling
that 1 ought to know the man grow
stronger Suddenly be broke out Into
a song accompanying himself by beat
ing a tattoo with the tar brush ou tho
top of the cabin The song was one I
frequently had heard Willie Trehallon
MTf k m -
tiuwl tltrougn tiic Whitby streets yearn
Hall away
lUik away
riumltrl lllap with tar tmifth
Scatter all the money like a man
Conic back
Nothing lark
Thutultrt Hap
Gather all the altiallra you ran
This one verse wits solo and chorus
both nnd to begin singing the song
wns very much like sturtlng to roll a
big stone down hill It was ensy to
stnrt but nlmost Impossible to stop till
the voice like the slope was exhaust
Willie Trehallon ahoy I cried and
the singer turned round to see who wns
He had not altered one Jot since 1
snw hint lust Ills fuce wns browned
by the sun wrinkled by the winds and
purpled by strong liquors and ns this
richness of coloring wns In strong con
trast to the test of his head which un
derneath the protecting otter skin cap
was as round and smooth ns an Ivory
bull the effect of the whole was dis
tinctly striking Add to this buck
ground of purple and white a globular
blue nose a Jag for a mouth an Irreg
ular depression where the right eyo
should have been and always remem
bering the Iron hook for a right hand
you have a fairly faithful picture of
Willie Trehallon bosttn
We pulled across to him shooting tho
salmon net as we went
How goes it Willie I cried Dont
you remember me
Master Topp 1 warrant me G row
ed to a stout lad since I bcod thee Inst
master but the same face as Willie
Trehallon left eight years ago last gull
egg season Itll be scraped with a ra
zor afore long trust me And who be
My sworn shipmate Willie
Survice to you master And his
name If I may be so bold
Alexander Ireland I said Came
to Whitby since you left
Willie started when I told him the
nnme and I saw his solitary eye scan
nlug Alec nil over as if lie expected to
see something fumlliur In him
Any manner o kin to Captain Har
ry Ireland what was lost on the Span
ish main
Son snid Alec
Put It there cried the suilor mois
tening his leathern fist and holding It
out for Alee to grasp Put It there If
a young gentleman like you nlnt too
proud I sailed under your father
Sailed with my father exclaimed
Alec excitedly Then you can tell me
about him
That I can I sailed with him to
the ttarbary coast an bnck Just afore
he left London river for the Spanish
main It was a ryal voyage we made
an good for him If hed been content
with what wns brought home then
But he wns always a venturesome
mun wns Cnpn Ireland nu his search
for Manoa proved to be his last voyage
poor body
Tell me about It said Alec eagerly
And I could see that his fnce was Hush
ed with excitement nt the prospect of
hearing news of Ills father
We went out to the Ilarbnry const
with about ten peddlers packs o bends
an gewgaws along with some rlsted
nails an a few score o barrel hoops an
we came back with a cargo as a Jew
would sell his beard for a look at
Such a cargo gould dust an gould peas
nn gould pebbles an ornaments o gould
an a great gould kettle big enough to
stew n gout In thnt Cnpn Ireland gave
to the queens own majesty I I tell eo
there was gould enough to fill this boat
o mine three times over Why there
was a many o us ns soiled the rngged
old clothes off our bucks let alone
what wns stowed nwny In the chests
nn some even would hnve traded tho
weapons o the ship o Captain Ireland
hadnt stopped them Elephants teeth
there was some black with age an
some still bloody from their moorings
an river horses teeth an other things
us I dlsremcmber the outlandish names
of An when we left the king o tho
blacks fell a blubbering becauso we
had nothing more to sell him
A right swift pass we made o It
home too 68 days out o the Burbary
river never an hour more when our
anchor wns dropped ngnln In honest
Thames mud An when the merchants
came aboard with their clerks an the
news was spread on shore the bells
was set a rlnglng out o sympathy with
our good fortune It was a ryal voy
age for sure
And afterward asked Alec when
tho boatswain stopped
Afterward Why afterward we
went an spent our money like men
No more work for a spell so off we set
oshore We lived like emperors sparing
nothing we wnnted some for a week
some o tho thrifty ones even longer
You should ha seen us setting casks o
good ale abroach for every one to
drink your fathers health young sir
an decking the girls with ribbons till
they looked like a lot o laughing rain
bows Eh but those were merry days
Hut my father mid Alec Impa
tiently what of him
Willies tingle we dwelt for n second
ou the questioners fuce and then turn
ed nwny
Uest draw your net masters aforo
you hear any more o the yarn he pro
nounced Tides ebbing fast as youll
nave a tough jolt to get across ns II Is i
Absorbed by the Interest of Wlllloa I
story we hud quite forgotten about
our fishing and now the inpldly ebb
ing tide gnve us considerable dllllculty
In hauling In our net The catch how
ever wns a good one seven very fnlr
fish nnd one 0 pounder which I re
solved should go us n pence offering to
llniuo Garrat the Spaniards house
There wns a small grate In the cabin
of Willies boat and we soon hud tho
rich red snltuon stenks toasting before
The scent of the cooking brought nn
addition to the party A gnttnt long
legged black cnt put his nose round
the door and leered nt Alec nnd me
with such an evil expression thnt we
Involuntarily shrunk back and I at
least had uncomfortable recollections
of the stories 1 had heard of witches
and of tho evil eye A cnt tuny be n
mere cnt and nothing more but the
other sort never nnme them- are much
the snme to look at and I hnd no par
tlcttlnr fnncy for being hurried nwny
on a broomstick to attend n witches
Wllllo noticed my consternation and
broke out Into a roar of laughter
Ha ha Master Topp Afraid o
Nop I see Come Nep theres n com
pliment for you Youve scared the
young gentleman with your pretty smile
No need to fenr him my lnds If there
ever wns any witchery In him the
salt water has washed It all out by
now Neps been half over the world
with me nn you might rub him In
the dark for n week without getting u
spark out o him
Thnt was all very well but when
Nep set up the brine stiffened bristles
on his tall and arching his bnck spat
nnd swore nt me through his Jngged
teeth all because I moved my 0
pounder out of his reach 1 thought it
advisable to nip out u piece of Lit tin
Just by way of precaution As a child
I was taught to do so and I have fol
lowed the rule with success throughout
life Nep however was nothing more
than he seemed and In later days we
became shipmates and firm friends
though It took some time before I be
came sufficiently accustomed to his ec
centricities to be able to pnss him with
out a shudder
When the stenks were cooked the
boatswain produced from one of his
lockers a little cunvns bng of spices
and from another some rough wooden
plntes nnd while we set to with our
knives Nep did the same with his teeth
growling vigorously to show his satis
faction though I had previously taken
the precaution to sign a surreptitious
cross over the share that Willie gave
him We made a hearty meal and
Willie after he had with sailorlike ti
diness stowed everything bnck into Its
place tucked himself comfortable Into
a corner of his cabin took the cnt on
Ills knee nnd advised us to follow his
example and enjoy 40 winks to help
our digestion
But you havent yet told me nbout
my father objected Alec
Your father young sir said Willie
solemnly sailed once more for the
Spanish main In search o tho gotilden
city o Manoa an o him an o the
company o brave lads as went with
him never a word has been heard to
this day
Alec was sllontfor a few moments
and neither Willie uor I cared to Inter
rupt his thoughts
I dont believe my father Is dead
he said at length
Mayhap not answered Willie but
If he haint why then hes in the In
quisitions claws an thats nigh upon
the snme thing for youll never set
eyes on him again though Its sorry I
be to hnve to suy such a word to yon
Jack said Alec solemnly taking
my hnnd 1 shall search for my father
and I know that borne day I shall meet
him again but how I wonder how
Im with you in the search Alec
I whispered
Willie had been watching us narrow
ly with a smile of half doubting ap
proval seaming his face Now he spoke
Well well lads if ever you do start
to throw away your lives on slch a
fools quest Just let Willie Trehallon
know nn mebbe hell ship with you ns
bontswnln Captain Harry Ireland was
the best captain that ever stepped an
Im thinking Hint this old tar cant do
better than take service under his son
But youll never find your father lad
Manoa has led many besides him to
their graves an mebbell be the death
of a few more before Its found
To bo Continued Next Week
Free Until January 1 1001
In order to introduce The Semi
Weekly State Journal to a whole lot of
new homes it will be sent from now
until January 1 1901 to any person
sending ns one dollar for a years sub
scription This gives yon the papers
from now until January 1 1002 for
only one dollar The State Journal is
the recognized state paper and should
be in every borne in the state Printed
at the capital it gives more prompt and
accurate reports of Nebraska doings
than any other paper and as it gives
you two papers each week it furnishes
you with the latest news several days
ahead of other papers You will not
want to be without The Journal during
the legislature and the great senatorial
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your money Address The Journal at
Liucoln Neb
The complete service of The Chic-ago-Portland
Special via Union Pacifio
enables passengers to roach tho princi
pal cities between the north and Pacifio
coast and Missouri river not only in the
shortest possible spuco ot time but also
in tho most comfortable and enjoyable
manner The dining cars on this train
are stocked with the best tho market
affords All meals served a la carte
The News jod aepartinent
pleto in every particular
is com-
Envoys nt Peking Have Ar
rived at Understanding
CoiiKcr fillr ltrloT llititlln to Stiitr lie
Amcrlcuii Coiilriitlttii
AitMtlluiiUlniiiiit tor Ollniilorn to
ll tlm Irtiilinl limit r CIiIiicmi lur
Washington Dec I The state do
put Uncut linn been Informed Unit the
foreign ministers at Peking reached
an agreement v hlch was submitted
to the lininc oIIIcom
Sccietmy lluy lerelvod Minister
Congers slgiiuturc on the part of the
United Slates government It Is dltll
cult to gather details of the under
standing at this time However It Is
known that In the two Important Is
sues namely those relating to punish
ment nnd indemnity the view of the
United States government has pic
vullcd As to punishments they aru
to be the severest that can bo In
dicted by the Chinese government As
to the Indemnity the Chinese govern
ment Is formally to admit Its liability
nnd then the matter Is to be left for
future negotiation It was understood
t lut t on the other points the Kieueb
proposition has formed he hauls of thu
ugt cement
Nimil Ollliiir VMI llui HIk Hull liinhli
IVIiKiuiiih rroiii Siujiim lltltl Dp
Constantinople Dee I Captain Col
by II Chester Lieutenants William
P Seott and William A Monett and
Ensign Leigh C Palmer of the United
States battleship Kentucky will re
main here until alter the SeluiullK Fri
day The other otlleers of the Ken
tucky are expected to visit Constanti
nople While at Smyrna Captain Ches
ter exchanged visits with the vail gov
ernor and tho naval authorities The
latter greatly admired the superim
posed turret system of the Kentucky
The government has stopped all tele
grams from Smyrna In regard to tho
Itoliliid liy TriwIiMl Huiplciya
New York Dec I After having
served for Hit years the firm of Frank
At Dubois whose employ he entered as
an errant boy untl niter having been
udvnnecd until he had full charge of
the otllce as manager William M
lutes it Is asserted confessed that
he had long been robbing his employers
and was Involved In ruin The full
amount of his alleged stealings Is not
known but It 1h believed he has taken
ri0000 perhaps more He Is now a
fugitive through the courtesy of the
men he Is said to have robbed who
were reluctant to see him Imprisoned
nnd who offered him the opportunity
to escape
Two IVi IhIi on tho Trull
Victoria Dec The steamer Amur
which arrived here from Alaskan
ports brought the first party to reach
the coiibt from Dawson since the
waterways were frozen up They re
port the finding of the frozen bodies of
two unknown men on the trail The
bodies looked ns though they hnd been
enten by wolves The weather was
Intensely cold the thermometer regis
tering r0 below nt Selwyn Nov 11
Sterling B Higgins one of the wealth
iest men on Oold Bun died Nov 20
Hector McDonald one of the pioneers
of Selkirk died there Nov 27
Great liinuie to KlilpiiliiK
Boston Dec I Another southern
storm has swept over New England
und gone the way of all such disturb
ances straight off to the northeast
and like hundreds of Its energetic pre
decessors left death and destruction
In Its wake Just what It accom
plished in this line In New England
enn be summed up as follows Five
Gloucester fishermen drowned six
coasting schooners completely wrecked
nine vessels sunk eight schooners
nshoe and 11 others more or less In
DuwotH Movement Stopped
London Dec The war ollice lias
received the following from Lord
Kitchener dated Bloemfonteln Dec
0 General Knox re engaged Dewet
near Bethulle on the Smlthlleld road
yesterday He drove tho enemy from
all their positions before dark when
they retreated northward Colonel
Pllcher assisted by a turning move
ment on Knoxs left Lord Kitchener
reports also several minor affairs
Kllleil by Live Wlrna
Utlca N Y Dec i Two persons
were killed in this city yesterday by
coming In contact with electric wires
that had been broken from poles by
the storm during the night und hung
down to the sidewalks Tho victims
were n Pole about 20 years of age
and an Itallun boy 15 yours old The
snow broke down thousands of wires
nnd tho telephone telegraph und cur
service are badly crippled
Haa Kxecutril KlRlity
Berlin Dec 0 The Chinese minis
ter here has hnndod the foreign ofll
cials a telegram from LI Hung Chang
to the effect thnt Slh Liang the new
governor of Shan SI has publicly
executed upward of 80 rebel leaders
and asserting that he Is otherwise act
ing with the greatest severity in the
suppression of the Boxers and ener
getically protection the missionaries
The Father You two had better
have a quiet wedding
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The Father Thcrell bo noise enough 111 1 1 Ik M
nnd to spare after youre married-
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