The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 07, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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W v
I vrt m
Consul Stowc Says Boers Have
No Chance to Win
j ttnl Kltolienor Wilt Follow Onnnrnt
1laiii or IaitiI ltoliortoMoor lrlioners
Cry for IVaccfHityt lturKltnri 1nrmi
Aro Only Humeri for Cnuso
London Dee 5 lames G Stowe
the United States consul guuornl ut
dipt Town lnnded ut Southampton
yesterday In the Identical tout worn
when the Hoofs held up his train
Willie he was on his way to Pretoria
on u special mission A bullet hole In
the collar of his eoat testllletl to the
narrowness of his escape Mr Stowe
likened the guerrilla wurfare in prog
ross In South Africa to the closing
scenes of tho civil wur lu the United
Mr Stowe said I give the war lu
South Africa four months to come to
an end In my opinion It Is bound to
be snuffed out during that period L do
not believe Lord Kitchener will do
much more than any other general
The general plan of the Hrltlsh cam
paign Is hound to bring about the re
sult Moreover there arc 10000 Boer
prisoners in Ceylon St Helena and
Oape Town nil of whom are anxious
to have an end of hostilities
All this talk nbout burning farms Is
buncombe The only farms which are
destroyed are farms from which shots
are tired at the British or those which
are obviously used to shelter the
Mr Stowe went on to relate several
Instances where the British had good
excuse for burning farms but re
Anti llrltlsli Dcniomtratlou
Berlin Dee o The press continues
a lively discussion regarding Mr Kru
cer and disappointment dcepes at
Emperor Williams refusal to receive
him Nevertheless many journals ad
mit the pollticul necessity for the kai
sers net
According to the Frankfurter Zel
tung Emperor William not only in
formed Mr Kruger thut he was unable
to receive him but expressed tho wish
that the Boer statesman would avoid
Berlin at present Dispatches from
Cologne describe Mr Kruger as very
weary He keeps his room for rest
and is unable to resist the German
cold The crowd that demonstrated
before the British consulate In Cologne
tried to tear down the sign
Insurance Adjuster Charges Conspiracy la
Connection With Death of low Man
Sioux City Dec 5 J H Hurd of the
Laboringmens Co operative Life as
sociation returned to Sioux City yes
terday after an extensive trip in the
west and declares he bas secured evi
dence of one of the most sensational
life insurance frauds ever undertaken
George A Barber of Webster City la
who held a policy for 7800 in the
company is dead at Pugosa Colo aud
Mrs Myrtle Wright of Chicago aud
W R Neff are under detention at the
same place being held to appear at the
coroners Inquest suspected of Bar
bers murder
Hurd declares his Investigations war
rant the belief that Barber got his pol
icy with the intention of dofrauding
the company and that the womun and
Neff were lu the scheme
Defaot la Biennial Kloctlon Aineadmant
Des Moines Dec 5 A defect In the
manner of the passage by the legisla
ture of the resolution for the constitu
tional amendment providing for bien
nial elections was unearthed yester
day which It Is generally believed
will render the amendment void The
constitution provldos that when reso
lutions for submitting amendments to
the popular vote puss the legislature
thoy must be spread In full upon the
journals of each house The senate
journal rocord Is complete but the
bouse journals give the title to the res
olution only Attorney General Rom
ley snid I have not thoroughly In
restlgated the matter but my Impres
sion Is that In view of the holding of
the Iowa supreme court in the prohib
itory amendment case tho defect In
the record as to the biennial election
amendment Is void
Discuss Car a of Mats Wards
Chicago Dec 5 Governor Mount of
Indiana Judge Klnne of Des Moines
Ephrlam Bauulng of the Illinois state
board of charities and Mrs Julia La
th rop of Chicago were the leaders last
night In a meeting nt the Union League
club which discussed the non partisan
administration of state institutions
Governor Mount and Judge Klnne told
of the new systems which had been
placed In service in Indiana and Iowa
for the abolition of the spoils method
of caring for the wards of the states
It Is the greatest disgrace to a state
said Judge Klnno that the care of
the helpless wards of a state should be
intrusted to men who have no other
claim than that thoy were energetic in
tho support of a successful party
Heiress Shot by Jealous Husband
Lexington Ky Dee 5 Mrs Mary
Webster Salleo heiress to u portion of
the large wealth left by Lawson Webs
ter u bachelor uncle just as alio was
about to come Into her legacy after
years lu the kitchen and ut the wash
tub is lying with a bullet In her uruiu
nt St Josephs hospital She was shot
at her home lu May street yesterday
by her Jealous husband Hubert L
Bailee who ufter the deed sent a
bullet through his own brulu and died
IiiUtiimIIoiiM lhtt Mock iiiiltlin limn
Crowd rloni rnr licrr
Chicago Dec o Immense crowds
weie present today when the Judging
of the various classes of blooded an
imals on exhibition at the International
live stock exposition at Dexter park
pavilion was continued Tho exhi
bitions of the agricultural collrgos of
Wisconsin Michigan Minnesota and
Iowa are regarded as one of tho most
Important features of the exposition
and the animals bred and raised by
the students of thoxo Institutions
nbout 100 In iiumbor were examined
with great luterest by stock raisers In
a number of classes so far Judged they
have received llrst second and third
prizes something never attained by ag
ricultural colleges before
The sale of stock of the Hereford
Breeders association staftod yester
day and hundreds of prominent stock
men from all over the country wero
present to bid for the various grades
of blooded cattle
Culiiinlftnlon llcpnrt In luror of tlir Nlc
aingun ItniittfCnit of Ditch Two
Hundred Million I
Washington Dec 5 Tito report of
tho Isthmian canal commission sub
mitted by the president to congress
yestcrdny gives as the unanimous con
clusion of that body thut the most
practicable and feasible route for an
isthmian canal under the control
management and ownership of the
United States Is that known as the
Nicaragua route
The commission estimates the cost
of this route at 2005 10000 This estl
mute Is much in excess of any hereto
fore made and Is due to Increased di
mensions nnd other features not here
tofore considered The commission
also estimates the cost of a canal by
the Panama route nt 142i4257l ac
cording to one route or 9150U78258 ac
cording to another route As botween
the Nicaragua and Panama routes tho
commission sums up a number of ad
vantages fuvorablo to the former
Llncl May Not Name a Republican
St Paul Dec 5 Governor Llud is
still liudlug difficulty to llud a Repub
lican who will accept the appointment
to the United States senate lie was
called ou by many members of his own
party who are inclined to protest at
his decision not to appoint n Demo
crat claiming that some leader of the
party should be given the honor even
though the term would expire within
six weeks or two months when tho
legislature acts L L Brown of Wlno
na Is being urged and former Congress
man C A Towne is not altogether out
of the case
Oust Smith From Board
Chicago Dec 5 Lloyd J Smith
who was acquitted in the criminal
court of a charge of shipping grain
from the warehouses of the Chicago
Elevator company without cancelling
the receipts was found guilty by the
board of directors of the board of trado
yesterday and was expelled from his
scat In that organization The trial
lasted for 11 days
Guarding Against Bubonic riugua
El Paso Tex Dec 5 The state of
Louisiana established a quarantine sta
tion here yesterday to guard against
the possible Introduction of bubonic
plague Into that state from the far
east by the Pacific coast The Louisi
ana health officers will work In con
junction with the Texns Inspectors
Bishops Meet at Dubuque
Dubuque la Dec 5 The suffragan
bishops met here yesterday with Arch
bishop Keane Those In attendance
were Bishops CoNgrove of Davenport
Scannell of Omabu Bouacuin of Lin
coln and Lenlhau of Cheyenne The
session was secret The bishops posl
tlrely refused Information
Oemiuiis In Tight IInce
Tien Tsln Dec 4 Four companies
of German troops are reported to be
seriously menaced 35 miles west of
Pao Ting Fu Eight companies of
French troops with three days ra
tions have left to go to their relief
Allan Lluur Ubabled
Hulifax N a Dec 5 The Allan
line steamer Parisian Is reported by a
pilot boat to be broken down off Sam
bro The pilot boat has just come up
the harbor with the Intelligence A
Uerce gale la blowing
Tommy Ryau has signed articles to
meet Jack Boot for the middleweight
The heavy snowstorms of tho past
two weeks have caused a great loss of
sheep throughout northern Montana
Mrs McKlnley returned to Washing
ton Tuesday from New York where
she went to do soma Christmas shop
Liquidation of the International
Packing company wns ordered Tues
day at a meeting of the stockholders
In Chicago
William B Duntou formerly audit
ing clerk of the Union National bank
Chlcugo was Tuesday found guilty of
the embezzlement of 15500
Briscoe Gaiues for the past rive
rears superintendent of letter curriers
lu St Joseph Mo died there Tues
day of peritonitis aged 58 years
A man who registered as George
Multby Omaha Neb shot himself be
hind the ear In a room lu the Grand
Union hotel New York Wednesday
The business uf Stevenson Field
Co Iron commihslon merchants of Co
lumbus 0 with branch olllces in Chi
cago and St Louis was Tuesday
placed in tho hands of Charles
Jeucks uu receiver
Talks In French Senate of In
vasion of England
Government ltrfutes o Consider ltcnolu
lion ICndonlnR Morolor lilrnDrlimml
Is Mnile for Irovlslou for Npceily Mob
lllrntlou of Army
Purls Dec 5 fJenenil Murder
called a deep sensation in the senate
yesterday during the debute on tho
naval bill by pointing out the ease with
which England could he Invaded lu
the course of an extraordinary speech
he suld In view of the possibility of
war with Ureal Britain the use of tho
army Is not suillcletitly taken into ac
count The Union ate not the same
s they were a hundred yearn ago
Steam the nuvy the telegraph and
railroad have reudeied the problem of
the Invasion of England much easier
of solution Morcovur England her
self Is no longer the same Tho Trans
vaal war has shown that the Hrtllnh
iiriuy although brave Is not equal
to the task which Euglnnd expected It
to perforin The lirllish navy Is pow
erful but it bus many coasts to de
Fiance therefoie Is numerically
Englands equal at certain points and
Is even her superior lu the Instru
ments of destruction History fur
nishes many Instances of mutiny In tho
English nnvy at the moment of battle
A lauding In England Is therefore not
beyond realization
This is not only my opinion but
nlso that or high naval officials The
British premier recently expressed
significant fears and If the principle
of lauding Is admitted the practical
means of execution may be discussed
I venture to think that the work I
prepared while commanding an army
corps could serve as a basis for such
a project which would not bo expen
At this point protests wore rnlsed
nnd M Fallerles asked General Mor
cler not to enter Into the detulls of
the scheme
General Merclcr replied that the
scheme could be hold over tho head
of England like the sword of Damo
cles nnd he reported a resolution that
the government would be Invited to
complete Immediate preparations for
the mobilization of an army and navy
by preparing everything necessary to
embnrk and disembark as rapidly as
possible nn expeditionary corps It
I was declared out of order
Envoys Unable to Do Any Business
Peking Dec 4 As was expected tho
meeting of the foreign envoys today
did not rosult In any definite conclu
sion owing to the fact that not all of
the governments have notified their
representatives as to the form of the
preliminary note to the Chinese pleni
potentiaries Mr Conger the United
States minister said after the meet
ing Apparently it is the desire of all
to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion
I believe the next meeting will be the
final one but will not be called until
every minister has received Instruc
tions covering the mntters Personal
ly I am satisfied with the results of
the proceedings today
Believes Powers Will Withdraw
London Dec 5 The Shanghai corre
spondent of the Morning Post who be
lieves that the powors will withdraw
their forces from Peking in order to
enable the court to return says The
policy of scuttle once begun every
power would endeavor to be the first
to conciliate the Chinese Europo has
already lost her face so utterly that
no further yielding could make her
degradation worse
Native papers report snys tho
Shanghai correspondent of the Times
that the court has decided to issue
an edict ordering the decapitation of
Prince Tuan and General Tung Fu
Guatemala Tukes Revenge on May
New Orleans Dec 5 The steam
ship Stillwater from Port Barrios
reached here yosterday and at once
made statements before a notnry of
the nrrest of It II May an American
citizen who once served the govern
ment of Guatemala as the contractor
for the Guateraaln Northern railroad
at the gangway of the ship May was
thrown in jail upon a charge of at
tempting to leave the republic with un
paid debts He recently recovered
judgment of 140000 against the gov
Footpads Tackle Wrong Man
Kansas City Dec 5 Two footpads
tried to hold up John Ilalpin In
spector of detectives the second o floor
In commaud of the police department
of this city last night Halpln re
fused to obey the cominund to throw
up bis hands and one of the robbers
snapped a revolver In the detectives
face The revolver missed fire and
the men became alarmed and run with
Halpln In pursuit He fired four shots
after them wounding one of them
The wounded man escaped but the
other who says his name Is T J
Carold was captured
Iorto Iliuuiis Keud Greetings
San Juan P It Dec 5 The Porto
Itlcuu house of delegates wlileb was
harmoniously organized yesterday
Senor Manuel F Bossy being elected
breaker met In joint session with the
executlvo council the two bodies
adopting a resolution to cable greet
ings to President McKlnley
TO CHIC a Wood disease like mis you must luic mc nunc iihwmi nyaicui irmuvv cviij u i -
S 8 8 enters the c
onliiiniv blood i
w l i II j Is
iiis iiiiii i ivrrn ii u nil it iiiumri i
In n i nhoit lime liiililcn rnmplrlr rntr
Genet ill Wlilto anil Imiiriil M until III on
I Until tlpon liiinnut nf
O0O Tint lliili
Detroit Dec 5 Governor Plngrco
last night announced that he had par
doned both iniieriil W L White ex
quartermaster general and General A
1 Marsh e lnspoctor general of tho
Michigan National Guard who were
convicted of complicity in the state
military clothing frauds upon the pay
ment of 5000 line by each General
White was committed to Inekson pris
on yesterday to begin tho ten year sen
tence Imposed upon him Monday by
Judge Wlest and General Marsh Is
under bonds pending the result of an
appeal of his trial which resulted lu
his comlctlon to the supreme court
Both Geneiul White and General
MhtsIi addressed petitions to the gov
ernor yesterday ubking executive clem
Irashvloilan Commltleo Moots lo Dorldo
Quttstlou of KavUlon
Washington Dec 5 The committee
of clergymen and laymen appoluted
by the last general assembly of the
Presbyterian church to make arecom
tuendatiou to the next general assem
bly which meets In Muy on the ques
tion of whether there shall bo a re
vision of the confession of faith as
sembled here last night and will con
tinue In session until their work is
Dr Roberts laid bofore tho commit
tee a tabulation showing the vote of
the prosbyterlos on the questions sub
mitted by the general assemblys com
mittee on revision It made the fol
lowing showing For revision of the
confession of faith 44 presbyteries
for an explanatory statement 10 for
a supplemental statement of doctrine
47 for a revision and a supplemental
statement 14 for a sub creod 15
Forty five presbyteries voted to dis
miss the whole subject while 1 bodies
In this and foreign lands made no re
sponse The total number of bodies
reporting aggregated 232 No definite
action was taken by the committee
Four Schooners Ashore
Beverly Mass Dec 5 Four schoon
ers were driven ashore In a gale last
night and their ultimate fate Is uncer
tain The schoonors are the E nnd G
W Hines of Calias lumber luden from
Bangor to Boston Victory of Bangor
bound for New York Charles E Sears
of Lubec Bangor for New York with
lumber and a schooner name un
Death Mnt Is Mounting
El Paso Tex Doc 5 The latest
authentic report from Jimulco Mox
the scene of the recent wreck on the
Mexican Central railway says that 21
bodies have been recovered from the
debris Of the 20 Injured persons In
the hospitals seven will die No
Americans except the trainmen were
Kulguu Kxpeilitlou Lurgety a Failure oa
This Account
London Dec 5 A special dispatch
from Hankow Pass says the Kalgau
expedition was Ineffective the Chlnose
evading all attempts to cngago them
The towns en route were occupied un
opposed and some tolls of skins and
silver were levied Tho cavalry cap
tured the baggago of the retrentlng
Chinese force at Swen Hwn Fu killed
30 of its guards aud secured 30000
Three mandorlns who wero Insti
gators of the massacre of the converts
at Swen Hwn Fu ami 23 Boxers were
killed but the Germans gonerully Ig
nored evidences of nntl foreigu ac
There are continuous disturbances in
the interior where the dispatch adds
a bad Impression has been made by
the excessive withdrawal of foreign
troops und the complacence of the al
lies The missionaries anticipate a
recurrence of the outrages
It Is reported In Tien Tsln that the
Germans lost 20 killed nnd many
wounded west of Pao Ting Fu where
they were attacked by 2500 Boxers
Coniiriliiinu Goit to IrUon
IiullaiiupollK Pec 5 In tho criminal
court ypstonluy John M Hlgglus
ineinhor of the city council was sen
tenced to the stales prison for an in
detiiilte term liotwoen two and 14
years IIIgRlns was convicted of offer-
vruor Allena message consisting of I
ug to accept brlbe prolnf s
J 5000 words was well received pusll a measure through th council
aJ -
w agxT - JTp
inn ii trnii nlil ntiil Tor liucc unM liml tiitlrtrd with u hrvric loitil of
Cnncrrim mv J iw which Ihr itorlois in this city mill w Inriitnlilr nmt
t lint 1 intilil not lic tnutr limn n tti i nt Itn I nnriilnl t licit ntntriiirnt ns
tine ntiil liml kIm h up nil hnpr nf rci licliiu well ukiiIm when my
ilsl knowing oi my commnn irriuniuriincii i n n auci iiikimi n icw
lioltln I lie sole lirKnii lo hcnl imuli to I In of the liylrlnm liml
I lmr unlnnl In llrsh my niictlte
linilctuliil ilcciitt tcficshliiK in but inn ciiolii iicifccl hcnltli
Our medical depaitnicnt is in cbaige of iihysicians of
xpeticiue who ate especially muiicu in iieiuiiii vaiirri
i i r i Tiir
them ut Chicago Illccn
What Are They 1
n t
American nnd Imported
China Silks and Fine
Do not forget that I have 3
E a fine line of PIANOS and
ORGANS See thorn when
E purchasing a Scarf
Tho Norfolk Piano Man
Gammi foe Ossf Out or
Rmowii witsi PSssstiors
Surgical opcriUlotn nnd flesh destroying plasters rue useless painful nnd dangerous ami besides never cute Cancer
No nmttcr how often n oincetotu sole is temoved another comes nt or near the smite point and always in n worse form
Docs not this prove eonclunlvclv that Cancer is a iilmil disease and Hint it Is folly to attempt to cure this deep sentcd dnngeioun
blood trouble by cutting or burning out the sore which nflet nil is only an oulwnrd sign of the disease a place of exit for
Cnitcer runs in families through ninny generations and those whose ancestors have been nllllcted with it are liable nt any
time to be Mi icier n with the deadly malndy
Only Blood Diseases can bo Transmitted from One Generation to Another
further ptoof that Cancer Is n disease of the blood
i 1 1 11 t i r II witit
Nothing ctiren
Cancer elTeclually nnd permanently but 8 S S
cuciihitniu seal dies out and teuioves all taint aud slops the formation nl cinieitniis cells No mere tonic
or U1WI1IU11 IFIWM llllllllIIIV ciin lw this 8 w 8 goes down to the very tools of the disease and lni cm out the ileniliy ikiIwii 1
nllowlug the Mre to hcnl nntutnlly and permanently S 8 8 at the same time punfies the bliotl aud bmldsup the general lieallli
Mwaw A little pimple a liatiuless looking wart or mole a lump in the hirisl a i ut or biulsc that tcftiscs to
Ileal under iitiltiinty iteaiuieiii miouiii an lie iookco upon wm miHinuimi nut uuuii mc ijckk
n bad form of cancel
lliMnl Trim t
i ffi 1 ti Ytrl fu lHIa
nun inner oiikhi mscnici wiuc mi iiny wivhii
- oiuir r onrnirin nnuniuv ITIIUTI i a
Of lUloriUlltton wnilletl we IllllKC no ciiiuge winucvtr uir iius sqiviuc int oniri oiLbinu uumrniiii j i r i i n um
Tho Norfolk Hloyulo Men Proprietors
MiiiiiifiirtiiintH liililioiH mill DoiiIihh In
Bicycles Sundries Pnrts and Hcpnlrs
Ahimici fur Wnltlintu Mniiiifiirliirliw Vn Oilnnl lllrjcliij tint lrlniHt Hlriinnt
anil KiwliiBl lllooln lu llin World Wn nlirn I din tint Arum Vtirhl I illmiin llimlin
H ciinioro Ilillno mid mil own miikn iilllini elm in in rliiilnliinn uliinli will lm kinmn iih
Wo do Repairing Promptly and Reasonable
HV ------
Any person who is sufforin wilh bucrcsicho caused by
kidney U ouhlo sleeplessness or a desire to urinate ofion dur
ing the night can he oured if they will use Cramers Kidney
Jure Kor urinary and bladder troubles it is without doubt
thoacmo Kidney cure on the market If you have weak kid
neys comineneo taking it at once Nino tenths of female
troubles aro traced to tho kidnoys It is pleasant to take It
brightens you up gives you ambition drives away that slug
gish feeling gives you strength and makes you feel liken
different person Testimonials from people who have usod
Cramers Kidney and Liver Cure
Ills Case Whs a llad One
Omaha limit 10 lOOO CrnniorClioniionl Co
Alhniiy N V Your rninmly for
klilnoy trouhln with which I HiifTnroil fnrnnvnrnl
yoiirbKiivnnioRticli rullof Hint I full In duty
hound to nddroHH you thin Inttor to Hiiy that I
do not think thorn 1h h niuiliclno today Hint
iiiiiilsitforcnmplnliiln of Urn Iclilnoya My
ratio wnB a Imd ono with novnru imluit nt timiw
Ill fnct I hud BO muoil dlirOR mill I wns nunii
rompollod to lay nwiikonlKlit HpoliiKyour
romody udviirtinod oxtoiiBi voly 1 was Indurod to
try it Aftor tho lino of a fow bottlim I am iiain
lu iMjrfocthonltli und Iiiivo to llinnlf your won
durful romody for it I ahull roconinmiiil it to
nil my frlonds linviiiR thin dim troublo
Hoitfuy VTbOimiKN
No Other so flood
Mr Hancock 2120 Hamilton ntritot Omiihii
nvi lm hiiH trind ninny romidion for kidiiny
euro but until lm trlwfCnitpiirH ho fullnd to
fhidoiiutoKlvi him nillol unit auor hhiiik
CrnmorB ho foil llko n now mini
It Made Him a New Man
JnmoH Kichardnon jr connnclod with tho
nichnrdBoii Druir Co Omiihii Bufforod Kroatly
with Uidnoy trouhln Ho llko tlKiusnnils of
othnrs aftor iihIiir CrnmorB in curod nnd a now
mnn onco moro Hn Ib Bind to rocommorid thl
ront romody to suffororB nuil cnunot any too
much for CrnmorB
Invigorates the Illood
A MIAN Y N Y Mnrrh ti IHM Onmnr
Chomicnl Co II Iiiib Ixioii on my iiiIiiiI to
tnntlfy to tho honnllU wo liavn IihI from tho nun
of your ti i i if n ii 1 1 oi 1 klilnoy romody My fnthnr
hnHHulTnrod from klilnoy tniiihlo for boiiio tlmo
Thin winlor ho trlml your roiiiod and found II
all and moro to lilm llimi It ininilninl Ho will
contiuiii lo linn it nnd fonln curtain of an ontini
euro I lutvn umxl It myniilf with liioxiironnihln
ronulU 1 fool my wlioln tyntoin ontiroly rmn
vatod I llud thnthuftdlonctiriiiKkiilioyiliHonn
it nihil iiouriNlion und iuvlnonilm tho blood
Wu uro novor without it in our fnmily
Was Much Run Down
OMAHA July 12 IWX1 I wun n nufforor with
kidnoy complaint Vary much run down mid
Ihouuht it whb nil ui with mo font whiln t
hoani of Cramnrn und with u fow bottlim I wnx
ontiroly curod I rncommouil tliin romody to
all who urn nick mid uood u uooil kidnoy rnru
MnmiKor Wnntorit Car Sorvico Ahnociution
The lloss Medicine
A MIAN Y N Y Mny 31 IWJ Cnimor Cliom
irnl Co Albany N Y I enn choorfully roc
ommoiiil your kidnoy romody UHtholHin mod
icino for kidnoy complaint Tint coiitoutB of
two bottloB hun curod mo and I huvo ordorod
llvo bottlonto bo nonttnmy motliocin lnw who
in BiilTorini from kidnoy troublo
YourB truly
241 Contral Avo Albany N Y
Insist on having Cramers Take no substitute Sam
ples mailed free by addressing
Daily News Job Department
Air Excellent Opportunity
E Olrort from tint Furtoryfaail I ncll 3
Missouri Pacific Ry
Iron Mountain Route
To certain
points in
PLUS 300
October 2 aud 15
ON TUESDAYS I November 5 aud 20
December 4 and 18
Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days
Stop overs will be allowed within
trausit limit of fifteen days goinfr after
reaching llrst homoseekers point en
For fiirtlir information or mhortlfiiiiB mat
tor mlilroM iiuy utfutit of ilia company or
A Q F and P A TPA
Southoost Cor lOU and Douglati Ste Z