The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 07, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Roblndlng Old Hooka
and Magazines
Next Deans Paint Store Mb St
Ladies Baths
Kooms on North Ninth Stroot
Practical Plumber
and Stoain Fitter
fur tlio Mvoru Korco
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Oimmntocd on nil
First door West of lmt Onbsn
CUltK VOlt
Elys Cream Balm
Kaay nnd pleasant to
nee Contains no
jnrloua drue
It la quickly abaorbed
It Opens and Cleanses
tho Nana Pasaaces
tiu or
or au
Iron and Brass Works
All Winds if machines frnmn lawn ty wor to
successfully roimlrml I lot nlr
nrlntlnK proas
n tin ii nml 1ml wntnr hniilliiK rlpochil atlou
tlmKlvni to Hotlnrnnrt Kltiinnmlrlnii
Opp Ilisownlks liiiilomoiit llmmo
Oil and Gasoline
NO 38
Suits tnnilo to onlor nnil In tho latost stylo Ho
nalrlns nontlyjdono Shop ou South boitrlli Bt
eonth of Unum liro
W 0 Halls Barter Shop
r Fitmmmm
AiiavH liiiiniiiiiinLiuiii -
tho Membrane Kesiores tuo
Ileala and Protects
lenses of Taste and Smell L ara i Bw cen
Drngglsuor by mall Trial Slio 10 cents by mall -V
BUY BKOTUmta 60 Warren Street New urk
rrf c
BfffJ I
9 nrfc
AritH crrtCTi
f IINntlAI inec
ortvenv physician
ForSule by George B Christoph
niai ins
Made a
Well Man
A of Me
ninvi mjg
awodaees the above reaulU In 80 dyj
traniinenwlU regain tuelr lort oolndoW
EiTVSl wcover their jrouthtrt SS
BBV1VO It quickly auily rMtorerroui
eiuLort Vitality tapotency HigbUy KmtaUona
KSt rower lUUng Memory Waatltut mMMad
aeVecta of MU abnw or exceand indlscreUon
uSt SSrVe SSlSid Wood taUder brlnr
lna back th pink glow to po nfS
Jtorlngtb fife o youth Uwarda offlnaanlly
erTltcanbe crrted In eat VoOuVr a
For Bale in Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Ohnstoph druggist
Dont Be Fooledi
Made only by Mnlon Medl
clns Co AlAdlaoo WU It
6ur trAdc
kecM you well
mark cut on each package
cents Never aoK
Price 3S
In bulkf Accept no subtl
V AcU vnur drutrelst
Tho conductor inmlo n dive lino mo
room nnil en mo out with nn ordinary
liliick rtlnimUli box Tim policeman
seemed well provided Willi urn niaieriim
rorhlH linrKliirioitH purpose Ho selected
JIukIIiib bunch tried it
n koy from it
wleetcd another tliun a third mid tho
lid of tlio dlspnluh box wiih thrown
buck Ho took out u letter ho exactly
tho duplicate of tho 0110 Junnle had
that hIio clutched luir own document to
hco If It worn In Uh place Tho Russian
put tlio envelope between IiIh knees nnd
proceeded to lock the box Ills tnaglia
t Ion hud not gone l v Hlch roImo
1M wf
SIC AIM rtUO J fhc RCflt FL1 IIn1ctn
cic f the hole peered through
mnnt nn tho nlaciuK of a dnuiuiy copy
whero tho original had beon Quick na
thought Jennie nctod Sho slid open the
door qnletly and stoppod ont Into tho
passago So intent were tlio two men on
their work that neither Haw her Tho
tall man gnvo tho box back to tho con
wnr tlmn took tho letter from be-
twnnn bin IniRoH holding it in his right
hand when Jennie bh if Hwayed by the
car lurched againBt him and with a
sleight of hand that would havo made
her roputati in on a necromantic etago
sho iorkod tho letter from tho amaEod
and frightened man at tho same mo
ment allowing the bogus document to
drop on tho floor of tho car from her
nflmr band Tho conductor had just
emerged from room A holding IiIb nose
nnd looking comical cnongn as ne sioou
thero in that position amazod nt the
snddon apprrition of the lady Tho
Russian Btruck down the conductors
fingers with his right band and by a
swift motion of the loft closed tho door
of compartment A all of which hap
nonp1 In n tenth of tho timo taken to
tell it
Oh pardon met cried Jennie Im
afraid a lurch of tho car threw mo
against you
Tho Rufsinu boforo answering cast
a look at tho floor and saw tho largo
Biivelono lviim there with its seal up
permost Ho quietly placed bin bugo
foot npon it and theu saiu wnn an
effort at politoneas
It is no matter madame I am
afraid that I am so bnlky I havo taken
no nioet of tho passage
It is very good of you to excuso
mo said Jennie I merely came out
to ask tho conductor if he would make
up my berth Wonld yon bo good
enough to translate that to him 1
Tho Russian anrlily told tho conductor
tn nttmid to tho wants of the lady The
conductor mntterod a reply and that
reply tho Russian translated
He will bo at your servico in a fow
moments madame He must firet mako
up tho berth of the gentleman in room
With that she retired again into her
compartment tho real lettor concealed
in tho folds of her dross tho bogus one
on tho floor under tho Russians foot
Sho closed the door tightly Thon taking
caro that sho was not obaorvod through
Ulipr nf thu holes the conductor had
bored in tho partition sho awif tly placed
tho important document in a deep in
aido pockot of her jacket As a general
rule women havo inside pockets in their
capes and outside pockets in thoir jack
ets but Jennie dealing as eho did with
many documents In tlio course or ner
profession hail nan tins jacaei espe
cially made with its deep and roomy
inside pocket She sat in a corner of her
sofa wondering what was to be the fate
of the unfortunate messenger for in
nu of tho auddon shutting of tho door
by the Kupslan auo cangni a giiuiuoo
of the man lying face downward on the
floor of his stifling room She also had
received a whiff of tho sweet heavy gaa
which had beeu used that seemed now
to be tincturing tlfe whole atmosphere
of tho car especially in the long narrow
passage It ia not likely they intended
to kill the man for his death would
cause an awkward investigation while
bis statement that ho had been rendered
insensible inieht easily be denied Ab
she sat thero tho silouce disturbed only
rv in
by tbolow soothing rumblo of the train
alio hoard the ring of tho metal cylinder
against the woodwork of tho next com
partment The men were evidently re
moving their apparatus A little later
the train slowed finally coming to a
ntnndstill and looking ont of tut win
dow into tho darkness she found they
were etopping at an ill lighted country
station Covering the light in the coil
lni ucain the better to see outside nor-
Belf unobserved sho noted tho conductor
and another man place tho bulky cyan
est effort at concealment Thn tall Rus
sian flood by anil gave curt orders An
iintant later tho train moved on again
and when well under way there was a
rap at her door When she opened it
tho conductor said that ho would mako
up her berth now if It so pleased her
She stood out In tho corridor while this
a loftiv iml Hwiftlv done Sho could
i a
not restrain bur curiosity regarding tlio
mysterious occupant of room A and to
satisfy it she walked slowly up and
down the corridor her hands behind
lur iinsMhiir and romiflslng tho open door
of her own room and noticing that ever
and anon the conductor cast a suspicious
eye In her direction Tho door of room
A was partly open but tho shaded lamp
i f rnlliiiu left tho Interior In dark
ness Thero wiih now no traco of tho In
toxicating gis In the corridor and as
hIio passed room A alio noticed that a
fresh breeo was blowing through tho
half open doorway thereforo tho win
dow lIlUHt 10 up UnCO I1S SOU piirmiu uui
own door she saw the conductor engaged
In a task which would keep him from
looking Into tho corridor for at least a
minute and In that interval sno sui our
doubts nt rest by putting her bead
swiftly into room A and as swiftly
withdrawing It Tho man had beon lift
ed on to his sofa and lay with his face
toward tho wall his head on a pillow
Tho dispatch box rested on a corner of
thosofa whoro doubtless ho had loft it
Ilo was breathing heavily liken man In
irrmlti Hleen but tho air of the room
was sweet and froah nnd ho would
doubtless recover Jennlo still paced up
and down thinking uoepiy over wnus
had happened At first when she had
Bccured tho Important document sho
had mado up her mind to return it to
tho messenger but further pondering
Induced her to chango hor mind Tho
uiiirnr had beon robbed by tho Rus
sian police He would tell his superiors
oxactly what had happened and yot tho
letter would reach Its destination as
spoodlly as If ho had brought It himself
llH if bo had never beon robbed
Knowing tho purpose which Mr Hurd
wick had in his mind Jennlo Baw that
it wtninw was of tenfold morevaluo
to him than It would have been naa sno
taken It from tho messenger It was
evident that tho British embassy or th
messenger himself had suspicions that
an attempt was to bo mado to obtain
tho document otherwise room C of the
oinnnlmr enr would not have been
pliimied for room A at tho very last
moment As it was tho editor could say
to the official Tho Russian polico rob
bed your messenger in spite of all the
precautions that could be taken and
my emissary cozenod tho Russians So
accomplished what the
you aoo I have
whole power or me nrniau buyuuui
was powerless to eueci mereioro ii
will bo wisdom on your part to come to
terms with me
Your room Is ready for you sold
the conductor in French
Sho had presence of mind enough not
to comprehend his phrase until with a
motion of his hand be explained his
moaning She entered her compartment
nnA Iriond TllR door
Having decided what disposal to mako
of the important document there now
arose in her mind tho disquieting prob
lem whether or not it would be allowed
n romnin with her She cogitated over
the situation and tried to work out tho
mental arithmetic of it Trains were in
frequent on tho Russian rnilways and
sho had no means of estimating when
the burly rnfllan who had planned and
bxwented the robbery would got back to
St Petersburg There was no nonus
that ho hud not the right to open the
letter and road its contents max privi
lege rested with some higher official in
St Petersburg The two men bad got
off at tho first stopping place It was
quite possible that they would not reach
nnnitnl nntll next uiuiuiuki YYm
the Berlin express would be well on its
hp frontier Unco over wo
V l4
PmiHar hn WOUltt DO sale uuv iuo
nnnff TVflH fntinil
that tne envelope
merely contained a copy of nn English
newspaper what might not happen
Would tho Kuesian auinornien uo
craph to tho frontier to have her search
ed or would the big official who bad
JT 1
B tytJlAi C mW I I 1
lip UlA
Wm sr Vak A ImW
jefkilm s
She jerhed the Utter from the amazed and
planned the robbery BUBpoct that ehe
by legerdemain had become possessed
of tho lotter eo much sought fort Even
if he did euspoct her ho would certain
ly invo ornft enonsh not to admit It
His gamo would rathor be to maintain
that this was the veritable document
found in the Englishmans dispatch
box and it was more than likely tak
ing into consideration the change of
room at the last moment which would
show the officials the existence of
picion in the messengers mind or in
the minds of those who sent him that
the natural surmise would be that an
other messenger had gone with tho real
document and that tho robbed man
was merely a blind to doludo the Rus
inn nolico In any caso Jennie con-
der on the platform without the slight- ciudod there was absolutely nothing to
Is due to nn ncld poison which gains access to the blood through failure of the proper
iflf i if J fir
acquired or
1 Mono V fl llll RtllllV nilll will five yul
do but romnin awako all night nnd
guard the troasuro which good luck had
bestowed upon her Sho stood up on her
bod about to stuff her handkerchief
Into tho holo bored in the partition but
Buddonly pauBod and enmc down to tho
floor again No discomforting as it was
to remain in n room under possiblo es
tiinnnirn sho dared not stop the open
ings as that would flhow she had cog
nizanco of them and nrouso tho con
ductors suspicion that after all she
bad nnderatood what had been said
whereas if alio left thorn as they were
the fact of her doing so would bo strong
confirmation of her Ignorance Sho took
from her bag a scarf tied ono end round
her wrist and tho other to the door so
that it could not bo opened should sho
fall aBlecp without awakening nor ue
foro intrenching herself thus sho drew
tho eyelids down over tho lamp and left
her room In darkness Then if any one
did spy upon hor they would not see tho
dark acarf which united her wrist with
the door
Incite of the danger of her Bituation
sho had tho utmost difficulty In keeping
awake Tho rumble of the train naa a
I m a 1 imtnA
very Bomnoiont eneci anu uutuui
sho started up fearing that she bad
beeu slumbering Onco she experienced
a tightening sensation in her throat
and Bprang to the floor seeing the rising
gaB somehow mado visible tho color of
blood Tho scarf drew her to hor knees
and for u moment she thought Borne one
clutched her wrist Panting Bhe undid
the scarf and flooded the room with
light Her heart was beating wildly
hn nil was still save the ever present
rumblo of tho train rushing through tho
darkness over the boundless plains or
Russia Sho lookod at her tiny watch
It was 3 oclock in the morning She
know then that she must have fallen
oipnn in snitoof her strong resolutions
Tho letter was still in the inside pocket
4nriAt nnd nil was well at 2 in
the morning No eyo appeared at either
of the apertures bo she covered up the
light once more and lay down again
sighing to think how rumpled her cos
tume would ook in the morning Now
sho was resolved not to go to sleep if
forco of will could keep ner awaito j
moment latr she was startled by some
one beating down the partition with an
ax Htie sprang uV uu - -
pulled her back Sho untied it from her
wrist and noticed that daylight flooded
the compartment TMb amazea ner
How could it be daylight bo soon in
northern Russia After a breathless
pause there was a rap at her door and
ft a unlra nf the conductor said
Breakfast at Luga madame in
three quarters of an hour
Very good she replied in English
her voice trembling with fear Slowly
she untied the acarf from the door and
placed it in her hand bag She shivered
notwithstanding ner euun a
trol for she knew she had slept through
tho night and far into tne raormng xu
agitation ehe unbuttoned her jacket
Yes there was tho letter just where
sho had placed it She dare not take it
out and examine it fearing still that
sho might be watched rrom some unseen
Krt Tlmnk God she said to
hersolf fervently this horrible night is
endod Once over the frontier I am safe
To bo contliinod noit Friday
How to Cure Croup
Mr R Gray who lives near Amenia
Ducbesscounty N Ysayfl Chamber
iiia nnncrh Rumadv isthebost
cine I have ever used It is a fine
childrens remedy for croup and never
When given as soon as
fails to cure
the child becomes hoarse or even after
the croupy cough has developed it
will nrevent the attack This should
bfthnrno in mind aud a bottle of the
couah remedy kept at band ready for
instant use as soon as these aymtoms ap
pear For Bale by the Kiesau urug io
Ladies if you want a refined and
brilliant complexion free f rom blemishoB
use Rooky Mountain Tea Never fails
Uk your druggist
The Heat Plaster
A pleoe of flannel dampened with
Chamberlains Pain Balm and bound to
nwted narts is superior to any
plaster When troubled with lame back
or pains iu the side or chest give it a
trial and you are certain to be more than
lOonfifid with tho prompt relief which it
sr ti AMsMAo rliATnfL
affords Pain uoim mu uu -
tism One application gives relief
For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co
Among the tens of thousands who
have used OhamberlainB Cough Remedy
for colds and la grippe during the past
nnr knowledse not a
lew yei - -
single case baa resulted Pneumouto
Wliltfinlrl OS UO av iu
avenue Chicago ono of the most prom
ortu i Sfflntlv a
Wir mi mm m
This wns five years iigo
Rlicumatism which should be in the hands
book on
Vc will scud free our special
verv MilTcrcr from this torturing disease Our physicians have made blood and skin
rn - I Lnttpn c writer tluiti
Distorts Muscles
Shatters Nerves
stiffens Joints
TTnaw li 7i -- with such suddenness ni severity as to make within n few uays a neaiuiy
Rheumatism may attnek
active person helpless and bed ridden with distorted limbs and shattered nerves
developing with slight wandering pains just severe enough to make one fcl uu
or it may be slow in
iicoinfortablc the ten
dency such cases is to worse and nnaiiy nccomc umiuii
n grow nf
coM vWit of nmtvr
Wke other blood diseases Rheumatism is often inherited and exposure to da up or proper
calculated to impair the health will frequently cause itlo develop
food iitMifficlciit clothing or anything
life but more often not until middle aKe or later lit whatever form whether acute or chronic
Stood Disease
an no iinlmcit or other external treatment can reach the trouble Neither do the lparatous o po tas
which the doctors always prescribe cure Rlicumatism out
and mercury and the various mineral salts
ruin the digestion and break down the constitution
a a a a l 1 X lAl
-1 A 11 nnn fit
time rids the system of the poison Is
y i inrf
A remedy wiiicu mums up me general i emu - f
the only safe and certain cure for Rheumatism b b iimae ot roots - --
ffi tera Ibe eorkcdiuan and clea the system
of all unhealthy accumulations S S S cures permanently and thoroughly and keeps
ll n ltvnil in n tin re lllllltllV sllltc
- - I
Mr TO Ma
rrllli Klieiunntlsm
illev 1 1 V lit i Street intlintinpon inn lor ciriuvii mmuii wi m
he ns nimble In fcril r drc himself Doctors aalil his cne was boneless lie had
cvr ltd on thill ft lends ImI Riven him without the xllKhtest relief A few tmttlesof
8 ti VctiVcd liVmTwnemi nnI he lias ever had n rheumatic iMlnMiee
uiy IIIIUH11UI1 tiw -- n an n
fully and freely about vottr cnyc Vc make no cbnree whntever for this service
Address SWIM artUII IU UU Miiania ua
SEE 55
The Norfolk Buildins and Loan Assn
C B DUttLAND Secretary
Tho crcat remedy for norvous prostration nnd all diseases of tho generative
droans of either sox suoh as Norvous Frostratlon Falling or Lost Manhood
ImrVotoncy NlKhtly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry excesslvo uso
oTouaMO or Opium which load to Consumption and Insanity With every
SsordorwoRuarantcotoifjro or refund tho money Sold at 100 per bpt
OboxostoVSOO DH inOTXS CMHmiCAL CO Cleveland
inent retail druggists in that city in
spoaktng of thiB says We recommend
Ohamborlaina Cough Remedy for la
grippe in many cases as it not only
gives prompt and complete recovery
bnt ako counteracts any tendency of la
nnnl fn raonH in nneumoma lor
sale by the Kiesau Drug Co
Colds Melt Away
if you uso KrausoB uoia uure
in convenient capsule form they
are easy to take and effect a speedy cure
of the most obstinate cases Prico 25o
Sold by Geo B Christoph
A Womans Awful Peril
There is only one chance to save your
life and that is through an operation
were the startling words heard by Mrs
I BHunt of Lime Ridge Wis from
her doctor after he had vainly tried to
cure her of a frightful case of stomach
trouble and yellow jaundice Gall
1 Htnnes had formed and she constantly
grewworae Then she began to use
Electrio Bitters which wholly cured her
Its a wonderful stomach liver and kid
ney remedy Cures dyspepsia loss of
appetite Try it Only 50 cents
Guaranteed For sale by tne iviesau
Drug Co
For sprains swellings and lameneBs
there is nothing so good as Chamber
lains Pain Ealm Try it For sale by
the Kiesau Drug Co
If you would have an appetite like a
bear and a relish for your meals take
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets They oorreot disorders of the
stomaoh and regulate tne liver ana
bowels Price 25 cents Samples free
at the Kiesau Drug Co
nnnnltParto Buy Cheap
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right but you want something
Mi will rnilnve and cure tne more
severe and dangerous results of throat
and lung troubles What shall yon do
and more regular climate
Go to a warmer t
mate Yes if possible if not possible
for vou then iu either case take tho
only remedy thathas been introduced in
all civilized countries with success in
severe throat and lung troubles
Bosoheos German Syrup It not
only heals and stimulatesthe tissueB to
destroy the germdisease but allays in
flammation causes easy expectoration
cives a cood nights rest and cures the
patient Try one bottle Recommended
many years by all druggists in the world
Get Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau
Drug Co
Drvinir preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh j they dry up the secretions
which adhere to the membrano and
tuo iviw u
ing inhalants fumes smokes and snuffa
and use that which cloanses sootbes and
boala Elys Cream Balm ia such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or coHmthehead
easily and pleaBanuy a m
mailed for ft cents All drnggsU soil the
en - vivTtrnthers 5C Warren St NY
uuuoi j -
Tho Balm cures wuuuu f
irritate or cause oneezang It Bpreads iUell
over an irritated and angry Burfaee reUev
intr immediately the painful inflammation
With Elys Cream Balm you aro armed
against Masai unarru anu wj
Jangling Nerves
Are you irritable Do you sleep
badly Is it hard to concentrate your
thoughts Iayour appetite poor Do
you feel tired rootless and despondent
Try Liohtys Celery Nerve Compound
It will do you more gooa iuu ujrmuB
you havo ever tried Sold by Geo B
Ladles desiring a transparent com
plerioufree from blotches blemishes
Ka MackheadB should use Rooky
I Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
Question Answered
Yes August Flower still has the larg
est Bale of any medicine in the civilized
world Your mothers and grand
mothers never thought of using anything
else for indigestion or biliousness Doc
tors were scarce and they seldom heard
of appendicitis nervous prostration or
heart failure eto They used August
Flower to clean out the system and Btop
fermentation of undigested food rogu
ate the action of the livor stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the system
and that is all they took when feeling
dull and bad with headaohes and other
aches You only need a few doseB of
Greens August Flower in liquid form
to make you satisfied there is nothing
serious the matter with you Got
Greens Prize Ahnanac Kiesau Drug
Tortured a Witness
Intense suffering was eudured by wit
ness T L Martin of Dixie Ky before
he gave this evidence I coughed every
nigbt until my throat was nearly raw
then tried Dr Kings New Discovery
which gave instant relief I have used
it in my family for four years and recom
mend it as the greatest remedy ior
coughs colds aud all throat chest and
lung troubles It will stop the worst
cough and not only prevents but abso
lutely cures consumption Price 50 cents
and 100 Every bottle guaranteed
Trial bottles free at the Kiesau Drug
Krauses Headnohe Capsules
are unlike anything prepared in Amer
ica They were first prescribed by Dr
Krause Germanys famous court physi
cian long before antipyrine was dis
covered and are almost marvelous so
speedily do they cure the most distress
ing cases Price 25o Sold by Geo B
Millions Given Away
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern which is not
afraid to be generous The proprietors
of Dr Kings New Discovery for con
sumption coughs and colds have given
trial bottles and
away over ten million
have the satisfaction of knowing it has
cured thousands of hopeless cases
Asthma bronchitis la grippe and all
throat chest and lung diseases aro
surely enred by it Call on Kiesau Drug
Co and get a free trial bottle Regu
lar size 50o and 100 Every bottlo
Worlds Champion
I tried many remedies to cure piles
writes W R Smith of Latham 111
but found no relief till I usedBuoklens
Arnica Salve I have not been troubled
with piles since Its the only cham
pion pile cure on earth and tho best
salve in the world 25 cents per box
guaranteed by tho Kiesau Drug Co
The Ilest Cold Cure
iB one you can take without interruption
to business One that doeB not affect
the head or hearing like the continued
use of quinine One that cures speedily
and leaves you feeling f reBh and clear
headed Such a one iB Krauses Cola
Cure Price 25o Sold by GeoB Christ
Biliousness is caused by a lazy liver
permits food to bout in your stomach
makes you cross RockyMountain Tea
makes you well and cheerful AHk
your druggist
A Keen Clear Brain
Your beBt feelings your social posi
tion or business success depend largely
on the perfect action of your stomaoh
and liver Dr Kings New Life Pills
give inoreased Btrength a keen clear
brain high ambition A 25 cent box
will make you feel like a new beiag
Sold by the meaau urug