The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 07, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Mrs M D Tyler linn returned from a
Tlrit to Onmha
JihIro J H HnrneR was i pftRsciiRor to
Hnrtlngtou on tbo early train
MIrb Kmmn Hnhn of Uunrt wits tho
guest of Mm V H Hlnkemnn yester
A N Yost arrived In tho city from
Onrnhn Inst night for it visit with rein
tiven ft nil friotulR
Tho nntoinobilo linn lnrnded Konrney
n traveling nmn hnvlng purohiuinti nno
with which ho expects to cover his ter
Mrs 1 taflort of West Point who
linn boon vlsitliiK her rinnuhtur Mrs O
1 lohnnon over Tlmnknglving returned
in her homo yeslordny
Mrs Isimo Powers went to Oninlm on
tho enrly trnln nnd will visit her
tlnnghlor Mrs Whitney while Mr
Powers is nbsnnt in Oklnhomn
Tho mnsnu work on tho foundiitlon of
tho now Hlshop block lms been completed
and the brloklnyors are taking ft lay oft
until tho floor joists shall bo put in
Miss Allco MoKiver who has boon
with tho Durland Sisters hns secured
tho school In tho Georgo WillianiH diH
triot nnd commenced teaching yester
Ed Drew traveling ropresoutativo of
McCord Brady Co of Onmha who
hns boon vory Biok for tho pttBt tlnoo
months arrived horo last night on his
first trip ontjsineo lie wis taken sick
Innesnud his band received a most
enthusiastic reception in Oiunlin where
ho hns boonoutertalning largo audiences
during tho past fow days Ho has
found hisjpopularity of exposition days
largoly intensified
Tho opou mooting of tho Womans
club held last evening at tho homo of O
O Oow was avory onjoyablo affair 05
guests boiugjontortninod A nico pro
gram of musical nnd literary numbers
wan rondorodjnnd daiuty refroshmeutB
were Borvod
Tho regulnr meeting of Ploneor Hook
and Ladder company will bo hold Wed
nesday ovoulng at FiremeuH hull
ProBidont Kenrn urges all active mem
bers to bo prosent nnd extends n cordial
invitntlon to exouipt nud honornry mom
bero to attend
JohnniojKont tho son of
Nick Kent who Uvea four miles Bonth
woBt of tho city had tho misfortune to
break his loft arm yesterday during re
cess nt school Tho fracture hns been
reduced and the yonng nmn hopes to
have tho usoof his arm iu n short timo
Judges Isaac Powers and W M
HobertBOu loft this morning for Okla
homa City From thoro they will visit
Guthrio nnd other leading cities nnd
places of interest in tho territory
They expect to bo nbsont about two
weeks Johnnie Kuesler accompanied
It is said that bubble parties aro the
popular thing in Paris Tho attendants
blow bubbles in ado of filtered Gnstlo
HoapBuds and glycerine Some of these
bubbles last several days At n recent
social gathering in the French metropo
lis hundreds of bubbles kept close to tho
ceiling and reflected tho gaslights iu
cvor varing tints
James Gow and daughter of Omabn
arrived today on tho Union Pivcifio to
visit his brother John Gow father of
W J and O O Gow The guest 1b 81
years of age but still quite active and in
vory good health His brother ib 8J
years old and they are quite certain to
enjoy the viBit with remiuiscenses ex
tending over a period of DO yenrs or
The Nebraska Republican association
of Washington District of Columbia
has issued invitations to a culobration
of tho republican victory iu Nobrasku to
be held at tho National Ilillo Armory
hall on Friday oveniug next It will
undoubtedly be a joyous ooension nud
thofo who have received invitations nud
cannot attend will have something to
A new nntioual bank is to be opened
at Neligh the institution having already
been incorporated G W Wattles of
Omaha and the Rochester Loan and
Trust company are among those largely
interested in the project The local
managers will probably bo W T
Wattles of Neligh and a gentleman
from Iowa It is expected the bank
will open for business March 1
The firm of Karo Bros which suc
ceeded A Karo in the meat market busi
ness has been dissolved Paul Karo re
tiring The business will hereafter be
conducted iu the name of Fred Karo
Co which is a guarantee that patrons
will receive the oourteous treatment
given in the post Pauls intentions
for the future are not definitely deter
mined but he will remain in Norfolk
for tho present atjeast
The adjourned meeting of the fifth
annual ses ion of the commissioners
and supervisors of the state of Nebraska
will be held at Aurora on December 11
This will be an important nieetiug as
the legislative committee will present
matters which are to be brought before
the coming session of the legislature
The commissioners of Madison county
have been invited to attend and it is
likely that a portion if not all the board
will be there
North Nebraska court No 9 Trioe of
Ben Hur at its regular meeting last
night elected the following officers for
waii tv
tho ensuing term H W Barrett
chief O K Snttorloo Jjudgo Mrs M
1 Barrett tonohor S R McFarlnnd
scrilxi nnd keeper of trlbntoj Mrs 1 A
Quick cnptaln J Mrs M 1 Robb guide
Mrs Mary OMoara keoper of inside
guard i W W Hughes koojMir of out
sldo gnnrd John Qnlclt takes tho posi
tion of punt chief
Tho Norfolk lodge Woodmen or tho
World mot Inst night and Installed offi
cers for tho ensuing term Tho follow
ing wore Installed Thos McNeil 0
0 1 W Fetter A h Geo M Dud
loy olor 1 V Metcalf banker Dr
J 11 Mackay physician Win
Winkler escort Frnncnn Klsoloy
watchman Rouse sentry G A
Stnponhorst was advanced to tho chair
of P 0 John Hanford was elected
maunger for throe years
Tho show window of tho Johnson Dry
Goods company is n very clover holiday
dlsplny nud one certain to uttrnct at
tention nud elicit admirntinn A lndy
is represented coming through n gnto
and behind her is a largo Christmas
boll trimmed in tho greens associated
with tho holidays by custom Tastily
displayed uro holiday goods of many
kinds ns well as some of tho morn regu
lar goods carried by tho firm It 1b n
good advertisement beyond nil question
nud should bo seen to bo appreciated
Mrs Bowsor who at ono tlmo wns
matron af tho Norfolk hospital for tho
insane nnd who hns since attained somo
notoriety ns proprietor of tho sod shanty
at tho Transmlssisslppi and Greater
America expositions Is now preparing
to conduct n similar institution at tho
Buffalo exposition next year Sho will
oreot a sod house similar to those soon
on the Nobrnska prairies in au early
days which will bo furnished as thoy
woro and will servo meals of tho sub
stantial yot homely stylo so familiar to
early Bottlers Sho was very Buccossful
with her idea nt tho Onmlm expositions
and it is probable that it will bo oven
moro of n novelty nt Buffalo whoro
fow have had tho opportunity of being
entertained in a genuine Nebraskn sod
shanty in tho hospitable piouoer stylo
Apropos of tho elaborate outfit of
General von Wnlderseo in China an
American army officer 1b thus quoted
in Tho Saturday Evening Post ThiB
is somothiiig now in campaigning It
may do well enough in China and for a
count but it wont do for Americans
I roinombor what Genernl Grant took
with him on his final six days campaign
below Yioksbnrg Ho didnt havo nn
orderly or u sorvaut or n horse Ho
didnt oven havo nn overcoat and ho
didnt havo a camp choBt Why con
tinued tho speaker warmnft to tho sub
ject ho didnt even tnko a clean shirt I
I was with him and I know Ycb Bir 1
Genoral Grants entire bnggage for
theso six days days was a toothbrush
The officer paused a few momouts and
then added sadly And think what
he missed in not carrying around with
him an eight room house 1
Miss Laura Wilson was in Norfolk
shopping Snturday
Mrs Nelson of HoBkins visited in
Boga Tuesday
Mr and Mrs Wilken and son Clifford
Bpeut Thanksgiving with her parentB
iu this neighborhood
The school in this district and in the
adjoining districts were closed on
Thanksgiving day
Tho school in district No 20 was
opened Monday with an enrollment of
A It Lundquist who has been visit
ing with his hister in Pierce returned
ine youug peopios meeting was
well attended Sunday evening
Herman Fuhrmann sou of William
Fuhrmanu residing west of Bega is
suffering with lung fevor
Free of Clmrco
Any adult suffering from a cold
settled on the breast bronchitis throat
or lung troubles of any naturo who will
oall at A K Leonardswill be presented
with a sample bottle of Boschees
Germuu Syrup freo of charge Only
one bottle given to one person and none
to children without order from parents
No throat or lung roinedy ever had
suoh a sale ns BoBcheeB German Syrup
in all parts of the oivilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
were given away and your druggist
will tell you its success was marvelous
It 1b really tho only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
cians One 75 cent bottle will cure or
prove its value Sold by dealers iu all
civilized countries
Fanning In Colorado nod New Mexico
The Deuver Rio Grande railroad
The Scenio Line of tho World has
prepared an illustrated book upon the
abovo subject which will bo sont freo to
farmers desiring to change their location
This publication gives valuable informa
tion in regard to the agricultural horti
cultural aud live stock interests of this
section aud should bo iu the hands of
everyone who desires to become ac
quainted with the methods of farming
by irrigation Write S K Hooper G
P T A Denver Colo
For Hal or Trade
Eighty nore improved farm 6 miles
from the city20 ncresjof natural mendow
GO acresunder plow Possession con be
given immediately
Alfred Osbokn
T S Holmes of Croighton is in tho
city todny
Tho front of Bcoler Bros storo 1b
boiug repainted
0 P Pariah returned yesterday from
nbusinosfl trip toOmahn
Hon John R HayflwaB a passenger
for Columbus this morning
MrB Frank Owen of Wayno Is In tho
city visiting at tho homo of II 15 Owon
Deputy Rovonuo Collector Seeloy of
Madison paid ono of IiIb vIbUb to Norfolk
Mr and Mrs W II Bnttorflold loft
for Chicago at noon to attend tho fine
stock show
Goo II Spoor roturus tonight from
Dob MoIuob Iowa whoro ho hns boon
on busluess
Conductor Fox hnB purohasod tho M
R Morris residence on Tenth stroot and
will tnko possession in n short timo
Dr A B ToHlijonn boa gono to Chi
cago to remain n mouth and tnko n
course nt loctures in ono of tho lending
Dr 1 15 Scoboo has gono to Omaha
to attend n stato meeting of osteopaths
An effort will undoubtedly bo made
for moro favornblo laws for this school
Rov J J Parker and Rov John Jof
foricB went to Croighton todny to assist
iu the ordination of Rov ClnroucoRogers
of that place which 1b to tnko place thiB
Mr nnd Mrs O J Chnpuion Miss
Hattio Chapman and Mr Mrs P F
Bell left last evening for Buffalo Gap to
attend the funeral of Mrs Bond nn old
time friend
Mrs Johanna Schulz died nt 10
oclock yesterday morning nt tho homo
of Aug VoeckH in Kdgwuter Pnrk of
pneumonia Tho deceased wan 41 years
of ngo and hor homo is four miles east
of Pierco whoro tho remains wore taken
this nftornoon Tho funornl will bo
held from hor homo on Friday Mrs
Sohulz was a sister-in-law of F Schulz
of this city
W K Ziegfeld of tho Chicago Musi
cal college uoknowledges tho receipt of
ono of Miss Nollo Gereckes announce
ments In the following language
Your very nent and elegant little an
nouncement came to hand Am glad
to Bee that you aro established as a vocal
instructor and feel sure that you will
meet with success Your pure natural
method nud artistic vocnliza ion cuunot
help winning favor
Iu their work the tolophono linemen
are handling a maize of wires which to
tho novice would seem to bo hopelessly
tangled and ho would nndonl tedly have
them bo very shortly if ho undertook
the work Tho men doing tho work
Beem to get along vory rapidly and well
howovor Tho improvements the com
pany is making nra very extensive and
the service will be more complete than
ever before when they have finished
The sale and oyster supper coudncted
in the Jonas building yesterday by the
ladies of Trinity guild wus a great suc
cess the society clearing about 140
There was an excellent demand for
their Christmas articles and nearly all
were disposed of The people were very
liberal in their patronage for which the
ladies are grateful They particu
larly apprecintethe assistance rendered
them by business men who gratu
itously loaned needed furnishings
and helped in other ways
A fellow named Cunningfrom Arling
ton was taken up by tho police last night
aud confined in the city bnstile Ho
had been punishing liquor quite regu
larly during tho past few days aud last
night it took a turn nt punishing him
In fact he almost had em lie was
iu n condition to imagine all kinds of
horrors tho one moat vivid and best re
tained iu his recollection was that his
wife wub coming after him by telephone
He swore he heard hor comiug nnd no
telophoue within several feet of the jail
Very frightful things ran undoubtedly
be imagined by a person iu his condition
Ho clainiB to be on his wav to Wayne
where he says ho bus a brother
Mrs Hosted was a Winside visitor to
Norfolk yesterday
Mrs Frank Lambert was a city visitor
yesterday from Osmond
Mrs Frank Peters and Mrs J Zahn
of Pierco were city visitors yesterday
Mrs E O Harris of Chadron passed
through the city toduy eurouto to Chi
Mrs H Spence and Mrs Thos Elliott
of MadiBou were visitors in the city yes
Conductor A J Ryel of tho F E
M V is preparing to build a five room
cottage in South Norfolk
Miss Keating and Mrs Buckles of tho
Norfolk hospital for the iuanuo were
passengers for Omaha today
Wm Buckendorf who has been sick
with typhoid at St Paul Miuu ar
rived lost night for n viBit with parents
and friends nud to recuperate his health
Philbrick Greenwood of America
Falls Iduho brought in 400 head of
cattle toduy and placed them in yards
near the sngor factory to be fed on beet
pulp nud hay
Frank Wiuter and Miss Anna Weich
were united in marriage this morning
at 10 oclock at the Christ Lutheran
chnrch Rov J P Mueller performing
tho coromony
Gordon Journal T M Huntington
loft Sunday night for Norfolk whoro ho
will visit his wifo nnd then go to Omaha
for a fow days Ho expects to tako n
trip to Cuba bofoni his return and will
bo gono Bovoral wooks
Mr and Mrs M R Morris nro pro
pnring to go to Oklahoma noxt week
nnd oxpeot to spend tho winter and
possibly remain thoro longer Conduc
tor Fox cxpocts to tnko possession of his
iccoutly ncqulred property on the Ifith
Randolph Republican Charles Dowes
and MIrh Llzzio Slffert of Norfolk woro
married Wednesday by Justice Fishor
nt tho rosidonco of Otto Dietrich iu this
city Tho wedding wns privato only
the membors of Mr Dietrichs family
being present
At its meeting Inst evening tho Nor
folk club docldod to continuo tho organ
ization and will moot regularly heroaf tor
An increased interest wns evidenced by
tho members iu attendance and tho pros
pects aro that tho organization will
come ono of Norfolks formost social
R W Baxter and wife and S G
Strickland nil of Omaha came in over
tho U P this morning In a privato car
and after visiting tho city for a fow
hours loft over tho M O for Sioux
City Mr Baxter 1b superintendent of
tho U P nndJMr Strickland is super
intendent of tho M O
Governor Dietrich has named M O
Walker of this city as stownrd for tho
Norfolk hospital for tho insane It is
probable that for no position in his ap
pointing power hns tho governor had n
bettor field of applicants to select from
than for tho steward of tho Norfolk
hospital This mado a decision ex
tremely difficult and it is probablo that
tho solection of ono would have been as
satisfactory as another There were
disappointments no doubt but thoro is
no occasion for acrimony A good man
nas neon cnoson ana tne governors se
lection should be cheerfully abided by
Wedding Hells nt Norfolk
Norfolk has seemed the Mecca of
lovos sweetest sway and Eros has had
festival royal over and over again this
twelve months past but just as the old
year is rounding out the century that
doity culled again nnd with his every
charm decked one of Norfolks dearest
and fairest maidens a bride Sorely as
Miss Elsie Asinus and Mr Ludwig
Koenigstoin sealod their hearts holy
pledge last night in the sacred ties of
matrimony heavens smiles nnd loving
hearts around them blended to make
them happy and auspicious to the last
The home of the bride was made the
scene and was tastefully decorated with
myrtle smilax ferns and white carna
tions culimating iu a canopy in the
parlor nenth which the happy words
were spoken
Promptly at 8 oclock MiFs Metta
Koenigstein began the always happy
Medelssohn Wedding march and led
by the officiant Rev W R McKim
followed by Mr Max Asmus brother of
the bride as best man and Miss Fanny
Norton bridesmaid and preceded by
little Dorothy Budat ringbearer the
bride blushing in pretty contrast to the
white satin gown and crowning veil
entered the room leaning on the arm of
the happy groom
The beautiful words of the service
were read with unconcealed feeling by
Mr McKim who with the bride and
groom hns been numbered among Nor
folks yonng people and have beeu
friends iu the truest sense for some
eight years past
The muBic rendered later in the even
ing was above tho ordinary When
such artists as Miss Gerecke Rev Mr
McKim Miss Motta Koenigstein and
Mrs D J Koenigstein appear on
tho program this iB not to bo won
dered ot They were all at their
best and the two former in partic
ular were never heard to better advan
tage ns tho frequent applause testified
The Bohnert orchestra also discoursed
sweet music throughout the evening to
which the yonng people kept time with
many a waltz and two step X
The bride and groom who last night
joined hands are both well known young
people of Norfolk The bride is the
only daughter of Mr and Mrs Carl
Asmus nud has lived here since enrly
The groom is the Eon of Mr and Mrs
John Koenigstein likewise pioneers of
this city nud both have hundreds of
friends who have known them for yoars
and who will wish them success in their
new venture They will go to house
keeping right away in a cozy new cot
tage on north Eighth street which was
planned and built by the groom and has
jubt been completed
Letter Lint
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofflco December H 1000
Ruth Bcckner J D Brandt pkg
D T Chambers J Denba Andy
Dryden Jos W Euel Merle Ford Jack
Hutching Thorniue Rasmessen Minnie
Sobultz Myra Stevens James J Shaner
Mrs Eunice B Tyler Mrs Emma
Tyler Wm F Thurbor Wm Uhlk
Jacob Urich Mrs L B Wolf Adolph
Werner Schardi Zeudin
If not culled - for in 10 days will be
sent to the dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
P F Sprbcheb P M
Mr and MrB Herman Hogrefo nnd
eons wero Norfolk visitors Friday
P II Ingolddby celobrnted hlfl 66th
birthday Saturdny Apple jack and
clgnrs woro freo
Dr Hildebrnnd of Clearwater wbb
visiting hero Inst Thursday with Dr
Ohns T Hainan and Rov Wnruo
Otto II Mans transacted business in
Norfolk Friday Mr Mans is doing
quite n littlo iu the real estato lino
Donnis Connolly has moved his chop
coauter into tho old Bates Btoro form
erly occupied by Maoys photo gallery
On tho evonlng of Thanksgiving dny
tho youug folks had n woll attended
soclul hopintho Maxwell opera house
Tho Merry Cotton Pickers Bhow had
a full house hero Monday night Tho
darkies entertained our kids hero O K
Michael Zlmuier and family of Now
mnn Grovo woro visiting hero Friday
with relatives Sam Schneider and fam
Mr and Mrs Carl Wolff of Hooper
woro spending Thanksgiving day with
their daughter Mrs W B Fuerst nud
Mr and MrB Fred Fuerst wero visit
ing with their daughter Mrs Chns
Wichmuu nnd family at Pierce last
Now look here Here is nnother
proof of prosperity Sunday morning
born to Mr nnd Mrs C F MoutrosB a
new nialo postmaster
Mans Hamnu have n wonderful
display of Christmas goods on hand and
tho way they show it in thoir Btoro it
looks liko n pcrfeot exhibition
Herman Eucher has been sick with
rhuomntism for the Inst ten days but is
better at this writing His nephew
Joseph Maas was helping him out dur
ing biB timo of disability
John S Brnisher is putting up a nice
barn behind his harness shop on Main
street Herman Werr er is doing tho
carpenter work This of course is only
on the account of McKinleys re election
August Steffen is building a nice
dwelling on southeast corner of Herman
and Third streets After completion he
will occupy it himself and the upstairs
of his furniture store will be used for
a store house
Wm Warneko of Norfolk who has
been working here in the printing office
of the Enterprise has bought a paper in
Scribner and moved there Friday We
are sorry to say that it is a democrat or
pop sheet Maybe he dont know him
W B Fuerst made a big change in
his store building this week He ex
tended the front room about twenty
feet and has his writing desk in the
center of the store now and about ten
feet high so he can see everything going
on in the store
Eleven carloads of stock went out of
Battle Creek Tuesday Wm Butter
field shipped five carloads of cattle
which he bought of T S Napper
Hermau Hogrefe shipped three carloads
of cattle of his own Fred Fuerst and
George Huerman one carload of cattle
each L B Baker one car load of hogs
Ernest Kilpatrick of Elgin is visiting
his mother Mrs Julia Kilpatrick
Walter Elley accompanied the ship
ment of fat cattle to Chicago Saturday
A goodly number attended tho Innes
concert at Norfolk Thanksgiving night
Sig Schavland is having an addition
built to his dwelling Craig Hensley
are the carpenters
Wood Bancroft E T McGeheeand
Malone Elley were shippers of cattle
to Chicago Saturday ovoning
Congressman Robinson departed for
Wnshington on Friday last to assume
his duties in the representative hall
Gegner Wetzler who have the con
tract for painting and papering tho
court house began work Wednesday
Workmen are digging post holes or
the poles that will soon support live elec
tric light wires in Madison Sure go
Marriage license issued November 80
to Ludwig Koenigstein aged 29 aud
Elsa Dorothy Asmus aged 25 both of
Scarlet fevereems to be on the in
crease and one family iB under quaran
tine for membranous croup threatening
Miss Maud Deuel returned to her
stenographic duties at S O Campbells
office Saturday after a few dayB Thanks
giving viBit with her parents at Meadow
Mrs T F Memmingervery pleasantly
entertained Friday afternoon in honor
of Mrs Barlow of Iowa Mre Barlow
is an aunt of Mrs W V Allen and sis
ter of Grandma Mott
The Fidelity Trust Co bondsmen for
Contractor Moore of the school house
who are now in charge of the building
are pushing the work to completion as
rapidly as possible and it is expected the
building will be ready for occupancy im
mediately after the holiday vacation
Morteage record for November
Farm mortgages filed 20 amount 22
89540 Farm mortgages released 10
amount 1071750 City mortgages
filed 18 amouut 0211 25 City mort
gages released 10 amount 11780000
Chattel mortgages filed 101 amount
1104791 Chnttol mortgages roloasod
70 amount 1211571
Judgo Bats hns been soniowhnt an
noyed by a dlsngretablo odor nbout his
ofllco of Into which refused to nbnto
after tho burning of sulphur nnd other
modes of disinfecting On Monday
Janitor Knul assisted by a cnrpentorout
n holo in tho floor iu the judges room
and took therefrom a dend cat since
which tlmo his honor is ablo to tako
a full brenth
Notlcoiil Involution
Notico is hereby givmi that tho co
partnership ol Karo Bros has been dis
All accounts duo tho co partnership
up to Decembor 1 1000 nre m be paid to
Paul Karo aud nil debts will bo sottled
by him Tho business will bo continued
by Fred Knro
To those who hnvo patronized ub in
tho past wo extend onr thanks nnd in
vito a continunnce of their patronago to
the new firm
Dated December i 1000
Fiun Karo
Paul Karo
The most beautiful thing in
the world is the baby all
dimples and joy The most
pitiful thing is that same baby
thin and in pain And the
mother does not know that a
ittle fat makes all the differ
Dimples and joy have gone
nd left hollows and fear the
t that was comfort and
olor and curve all but pity
nd love--is gone
The little one gets no fat
om her food There is
mg wrong it is either her food
food mill She has had no
t for weeks is living on what
ic had stored in that plump
tile body of hers and that is
one She is starving for fat
- is death be quick
Scotts Emulsion of Cod
Jvcr Oil is the fat she can
akc it will save her
The genuine has thispictureon
it take no other
Ifvouhave not tried it send
for free sample its agreeable
taste will surprise vou
409 Pearl St N Y
50c and SlOO
all druggists
ftinnn YEARLY to Christian 1
vPuUU man or woman to look
after our growing business in thiB
aud adjoining counties to act as
manager and correspondent work
can be done at your home Enclose
self addressed stamped envelope
for particulars to H A Sherman
General Muuager Corcoran Build
ing opposite United States Treas
ury Washington D C
Dr Humphreys
Specifics care by acting directly upon
tho disease without exciting disorder in
aUy other part of tho system
no cubes raicu
1 Feveri CongtstlonB Inflammations 23
iiWormi Worm Fever WorraCoUc 23
3 Teething Colic Cry IngWakefulneia 33
4 Diarrhea ot Children or Adults 33
7 Coufhi Colds Bronchitis 33
B Neuralgia Toothache Faceache 33
9 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 33
10 DyipepilaIndlgesUonWeak8tomach38
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 33
13 Whites Too Profuse Periods 33
13 Croup Laryngitis Hoarseness 33
14 Sail Rheum Erysipelas Eruptions 33
IS Rheumatism Hheumatlo Fains 33
16 Malarla Chilli Ferer and Ague 33
19 Catarrh Influenza Cold In the Head 35
SO Whooplng Cough 33
37 Kldney Diseases 33
3H Nervous Debility 100
30 Urinary Weakness Wetting Bed 35
77 Orlp Bar Fever 35
Dr Humphreys Manual of all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed Free
Sola by druggists or sent on receipt of price
Humphreys Med Oa Ooc William John St
New York
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free wlicllior au
invention is prooaoiy patentable
lions strictly confidential Handbook on tutcuts
lent free ujnosi aiienry for securliupuleniii
Patents taken luruuiiu Munu it Co 1 receive
tlicUtf notice without clmruo In the
Scientific America
A handsomely Illustrated weekly Largest clr
tulatlou of any scientific journal Terms 13 a
rear four months L Boldbyall newsdealers
MUNN ft Co -- New York
cirauch Otto tOiVBU WashUwtou D C
ji P yHdtaSssMBMfcirf