The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 07, 1900, Image 1

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So hH
Reorganization Plan Has
Votes to Spare
Aitiniiilnicnt Tnckcil imllio Hill Anoliitrly
1rolilliltlni Nate or liilovliiuit at Mill-
i tiirv losts Tlm e UuiiioitiiIh Vtiti Willi
Urn UuiiiililUiiiM lor tliti lllll
1 Washington Duo 7 The house of
representatives yesterday at tho end
of ti Ions sitting passed the army re
organization bill by n vote of 115U to
183 Throe Democrats Messrs Hall
Pa anil Uiuterlilll and Clayton X
Y voted with the Republicans for
the bill und MeCall Hep Muss with
the Democrats against It Otherwise
It was a strict party vote The propo
sition which some of the Democrats
attempted to commit their sitle to in
caucus an extension of the present
temporary army until Inly 1 lDOI
which was voted upon Indirectly on a
motion to recommit commanded the
votes of only about half the opposi
tion and two Republicans McUall and
IMnnn Many of the Democrats how-
ver voted against the motion because
they were opposed not only to the re
organization bill but also to continu
ing the temporary army at Its present
Quite a uumber of amendments were
placed on the 1111 before It was passed
The liveliest light was made on n sub
stitute made by Ltttleflold Me for
-the canteen section The substitute
absolutely prohibited the Balo of In-
toxicants at military posts It was
supported by Llttlefleld Orosvenor
Rep O Dick Hep O and Hay
Dem Va and opposed by Slnyden
Dem Tex Fitzgerald Dem Mass
Pcarce Hep Mo Parker Rep N
J and Bartholdt Rep Mo Large
delegations from the W C T U
which Is in session In this city watched
the tight from the galleries When
the vote was taken the prohibiting
amendment wuh carried by an
majority 159 to 51 Bart
holdt attempted to secure a record vote
in the house but the peculiar parlia
mentary status shut him out The
sections designed to retire General
Shatter as a major general and Gen
rals Fltzhugh Lee and Tamos II Wil
son as brigadier generals were stricken
out Among the amendments adopted
were those providing for r0 volunteer
surgeons ajid 150 assistant surgeons
for service in the Philippines for -30
dental surgeons and for a veterinary
corps with actual rank The officers
of the pay corps were increased 11
and of the signal corps 02 The age
limit was removed from volunteer offi
cers eligible to appointment for first
and second lieutenants and the pro
visions for retiring otllcers who served
in the civil war ai of the next higher
grade was stricken out
Ways and Means Committee Votes to He
port Measure as Previously Framed
Washington Dec 7 The wuys and
means committee met in special ses
sion yesterday to consider the bill re
ducing the war revenue taxes to the
extent of about 40000000 as pre
viously framed by the Republican
members of the committee and intro
duced by Chairman Payne There was
an unusually large attendance for an
early meeting there being but two
Absentees Payne laid the bill before
the committee and consideration of its
details at once began When the beer
section wus reached Uxing the rebate
at 20 per cent instead of 7V4 per cent
which makes the rate 1G0 per barrel
Representative Richardson the rank
ing minority member moved n further
reduction of all the increase nmde by
the war revenue act The effect of
this motion if carried would have
been to make the rate 1 per barrel
The motion was defeated by a party
The consideration by sections pro
ceeded the bill being preserved In the
main as framed by the Republicans
The committee finally voted to report
the bill as introduced with an amend
ment making the act take effect on
Jta passage instead of 30 days there
after All substitutes ani amend
ments by the minority were defeated
tJ to 9
Cassaga of Canal BUI Depends Upon Its
Washington Dec 7 The senate
was In executive session for more than
four hours yesterday the entire time
1elug devoted to tho discussion by
Jtnator Morgan of the Hay Pauncefote
treaty for the abrogation of the portion
tt the Clayton Bulwer treaty which
relates to the Nlcaraguau canal The
senator made It very plain iu the
course of his remarks that while he
was opposed to the pending treaty in
linost any form ills principal If not
tils only concern In that connection
Is for the ilissago of the canal bill and
lie allowed It to be very broadly under
stood that he had engaged lu the treaty
discussion because of bis conviction
that thero were a majority of senators
Irvho would Insist upon action upon
the treaty us a condition precedent to
the passage of the canal bill For this
reasou he said he was willing to dis
cuss the treaty
The Nokfolk Weekly News Joumal
Onus Trained on tlio HI Tlioiisatiil lltilcli
itieii In Atteiifliitire
Worcester Cape Colony Dee 7
About 5000 Dutchmen assembled in
the open air at the Cum Tree planta
tion on the edge of the town to take
part In the Afrikander congress
Horsemen from a radius of GO iuIIlm
had been riding In all night
S C Ironrlght Schrelner riade n
speech In which he attacked Kir Al
fred Mllner the British high commis
sioner and governor of Cape Colony
saying that there would be no pencil
while he was governor
1 W Nnucr the former commis
sioner of public works Is expected to
speak and guide the congress conclu
sions among which will be to select
a large deputation to visit Sir Alfred
Mllner and urge him to advise a cessa
tion of hostilities and give autonomy
to the republic
More troops have arrived here Soma
1500 Canadians and Australians are
camped around the town and ten guns
are In postltlon on the adjoining hills
Crar Will Keep Ills Cliluoso Army Intact
Tor the rresniitrmcn NKotlntlons
Not Yet Opened
London Dec 7 Negotiations for tint
peace settlement nave not yet neeu
opened says the Peking correspond
ent of the Morning Post wiring yes
terday the French icrman and lap
anese ministers are awaiting instruc
tion and Prince Ching and LI Hung
Chang are awaiting a more satisfac
tory edict The impression is growing
among men of all nationalities that
peace is impossible that a resumption
of the campaign In the spring Is In
evitable and that partition is the only
solution Two American missionaries
comnlaln that the Germans at Oho
Chou loot converts equally with other
The Dally Xows publishes the follow
ing from Nagasaki dated Dec 4
The order to send 5000 Russian
troops back to Odessa has been count
ermanded They will remain In tho
east until further orders
Delareys Iorce Driven Off With Consider
able LossKnox In Pursuit
London Dec 7 The war office has
received a dispatch from Lord Kitch
ener dated Bloemfoutoln Dec 0 an
nouncing that General Delarey with
F Kaapp a Grain lluyer U Struck by
Ilurllugton Flyer lu the Yards
Hastings Neb Dec 7 F L Kuapp
one of Hastings prominent grain buy
ers was killed yesterday by a west
bound Burlington flyer Mr Knapp
was walking south close to the Bur
lington tracks and being somewhat
deaf he did not hear the incoming pas
senger train until wituin me yaros
Acting on an impulse to more forward
he attempted to cloar the track but
was struck by tho engine and tossed
high in the air alighting on the top
of a boxcar He died almost instantly
Record Trice Brought by a Carload of
Cattle at Stock Show
Chicago Dec 7 One hundred dol
lars apiece for steaks and 10 a pound
for roast beef was paid at the fat
stock show yesterday when Schwartz
child Sulzberger of New York bought
D R Pierces Aberdeen Angus steer
Advance for 150 a pound This was
paid for beef on the hoof and as the
steer tipped the scale at 1430 pounds
the price was 2145
Another Important sale of the day
was a carload of 15 Angus cattle
bred by W H Kerrlck of Bloomlngton
These cattle brought 3409 or at the
rate of cents per pound This Is
the highest price ever paid for a car
load of cattle A Weber of Kansas
City was the purchaser
In spite of the inclement weather
last night the evening parade of prize
winners took place bofore a large audi
Iteport of an IClectrlc Hallway
Hastings la Dec 7 A letter was
received here from C M Searles of
New York stating that he had Just
returned from floating bonds for tho
purpose of building a new electric rail
road from Council Blurts In to Sid
ney la The road will be 40 miles
long and will probably strike from Sid
ney Thurman Tabor Gleuwood to
Council Bluffs following the public
highway The Intention Is to make the
road for frolght as well as passengers
and eventually to haul stock luto South
Surseou at Work on Tope
Rome Dec 7 The Mossagero yes
terday said Dr Maszonl the physician
performed a slight operation on a tu
mor underneath the pontiffs arm
500 Boers attacked a convoy proceed
ing from Pretoria to Rustenburg at
Buffelsproot burned half the convoy
and killed 15 mon and wounded 2J in
cluding LleutenantBaker The Boers
the dispatch adds suffered consider
able loss some of them belug killed
with case shot at 50 yards Guns and
assistance were seut from Rustenburg
and the Boers were driven off
The advices also say General Dewet
crossed the Caledon Dec 5 at Karee
pont drift making for Odendnhl Gen
eral Knox was following him tho
drift was held by a detachment of the
Guards and the river was flooded
Many Unions Represented at
Louisville Convention
Ileslilrnl oiiiciV Annual Addles itn
vIumh Woik r Hie IVdrrntlnn Attend
mire l the LiHgest In Us
Present lioiii Ireal llrltlau
Louisville Dec 7 Today lluds tho
American Federation of Labor dispos
ing of the business before It yester
days opening session having been de
voted to welcoming addresses repoils
etc The attendance Is the largest In
the history of the federation Prom
inent among the delegates are three
women representatives Miss Sarah
Iroshans of Streator Ills Mrs 13m inn
Lanphere of ialcshurg Ills and Mrs
Klleii King of Petersburg -
represents a labor organization They
mingled with thv crowd and took an
active Intel c rt In the proceedings
Among those on the stage were Sam
uel Weir the delegate from Scotland
and Peter Cumin representing the
British Trades Union congress
There are two protests against the
seating of delegates the first by the
National Brewers union tiled against
the Stationary Firemen and Fnglneers
Brotherhood and by the United Gar
ment Makers union against tho Chi
cago Central Labor union The con
tests are on quostoloni of Jurisdiction
Kvldeneu will be heard by the commit
tee on credentials und n report made
to the convention
President Compere In his annunl ad
dress reviewed the work of the feder
ation and said that the last year had
witnessed almost remarkable growth
in organization among workers
All of Them Aro Out on the lull Color
ado and Santa Pe Itoad
Houston Tex Dec 7 The telegrn
phers belonging to the Order of Rail
way Telegraphers on the Gulf Colo
rado and Santa Fe railroad extend
ing from Galveston to Purcell I T
left their desks at 11 a in yesterday
Passenger trains are being operated
on running orders from Junction points
and through freights are also belnf
handled although there i considerable
delay The strike has been expected
for some tlmo A committee of the
Order of Railway Telegraphers went
to Galveston to hold a conference with
General Manager Polk to whom they
had nresented their grievances The
latter was In communication with
President Ripley and it is said by the
men that the latter official refused to
yield on every point thnt of ten con
escutlve hours of rest for the operators
The operators say they expect to gain
the active cooperation of other rail
road organizations
Thirty four Thousand Dollars Taken from
a Fleco of Ground 10 Feet Square
Taeoma Dec 7 The richest gold
discovery slnc6 the Klondike was
found Is reported from Yollow river
a tributary of the Kuskokwlm 300
miles from Holy Croes mission on the
Yukon The dlsoovery was made last
summer by u bunch of daring prospect
ors The details regarding it were
told at St Mlehaels In November to
R M Morrlssey who had reached
Skagway en route to Dawson On ar
riving there h will leavo at once for
the new diggings having before him
a Journey of 2100 miles from Skagway
over the ice Morrlssey says his news
was received from two Swedes who
came to St Michaels for citizenship
papers bringing with them 34000
In gold which came from a piece of
eround onlv Id feet sonarc with a
depth of two feet to bed rock They
prospected three miles of the river and
found rich prospects everywhere
Fate or Nine Sailors
London Dec 7 There seems to be
now no doubt of the fato of tho nine
members of the crow of the steamer
Rossgull wrecked off the Jewy
coast Doc 5 and who loft the steamer
In an open boat Several bodies have
been washed ashore near where tho
Rossgull was wrecked The missing
boat load of seven bluejackets from
a torpedo boat destroyer who were
thought to have been lost lu Dover
harbor during the storm was picked
up by a Ramsgatc Ashing smack and
the men have been landed In safety
Sheriff Ask Mger Kees
Des Moines Doc 7 The sheriffs of
counties In Iowa at their annual meet
ing yesterday passed a resolution de
manding of the legislature at its next
meeting nn amendment to the luws
relating to sheriffs fees and raising tho
mileage feo for serving papers from
5 cents u mile to 10 cents Tho reso
lution brought out a lively discussion
among the members as to the propriety
of making this demand but they were
all of the opinion that something must
be done to Increase the compensation
of the otilce
Little Doing In Senate
Washington Dec 7 The senutc yes
terday transacted no business of im
portance In open session Throughout
ulmost the entire afternoon It was iu
executive session The ship subsidy
bill therefore received uo consider
Will Oppixv Ship Subsidy lllll lull Assist
St Paul Dec 7 Former Congress
man Charles Towue of Duliith ar
rived here esenlii ami at once called
on Governor 11ml lie formally ac
cepted the appointment to the United
States Mlinto for the vacancy caused
by the death of Ciishiiuui K Davis
received lit commission Immediately
and luft at once for Washing
ton to take the seat which he
will hold until the legislature which
Is overwhelmingly Itepiibllian elects
ii senator to the place Befote leaving
lie said that his time of service would
of coiii m be short but he might have
to vole on some Important measures
Me considers the ship subsidy bill a
bad one and Is against It 111 posi
tion on the standing army Is that the
people have voted to put down the war
In tho Philippines anil he will vole to
give army enough to do thai but not
for no Increase for any further pur
pose lie does not expect to partici
pate In debate at all during his short
Husprmli d rnnuiilssni y Oenrral Is He-
slot id to Duly and Then Placed
on Kellrvd List
Washington Dee 7 Brigadier den
oral Charles P Hngnu commissary
general of subMstunee who has been
under suspension since Feb 0 18DU
by Minleiiee of court martial for al
loged Intemperalo and nbuslvo lan
guage concerning Lieutenant General
Miles In connection with the army
beef investigation was restored to
duty yesterday and was afterwards
placed on the retired list of the army
The vacancy thus oriented will en
able the president to carry out ids pur
pose of appointing Colonel John F
Weston assistant commissary general
of subsistence to be commissary gen
eral Colonel Westons nomination
will bo sent to tho somite in a day or
two General Wcatou is one of the
most popular ofllcora In the
army nud has had a long and
creditable military career He served
with distinction in n Kentucky regi
ment of the volunteer army during the
civil war and was mustered out as a
major During the Spanish war lie
was made a brigadier general of vol
unteers aud served with distinction lu
the Santiago campaign He bus been
acting commissary gouoral of subsist
once ever slnco the susponnlon or Gen
oral Kngan nearly two years ago but
has drawn only the pay of colonel
Jessie Morrison Shows Sinn of Physical
und Mental Collapse
Eldorado Kan Dec 7 Testimony
in favor of Jessie Morrison was taken
yesterday the prosecution Mulshing
its side of the case soon after the open
Ing of court and the defense examin
ing several of its witnesses in their
effort to prove their nssertlou of self
The prisoner showed signs of physi
cal und mental collapse and it was
only with great effort that Rhe was
enabled to remain in the court room
during the day Her fnlntlng spell
followed by a fit of crying had left Iier
In a weakened condition and fear was
expressed that the prisoner would not
hold out till the close of the trial and
that a continuance would have to be
The defense succeeded In contradict
ing some of the prosecutions evidence
The record of the preliminary trial was
brought in to quote the testimony of
Mrs Spnngler who first said she had
not seen anything In Miss Morrisons
hand on the day of the tragedy and
who during the present trial testified
that she had seen something resem
bling a knife In the prisoners hand
It was also shown that Rev Dr Whar
ton who was pastor to both Mrs Cas
tle and Miss MoiMson had In con
versation said that the only thing the
defense could do would be to plead
Insanity for Miss Morrison Rev
Wharton testified that he had never
talked to anyone regarding an Insan
ity plea
OUlclal Dciirvs on the Kleetlon Itrsults
Lust Mouth
Pierre S D Dec 7 Tho total vote
of the state as shown by the otllclal
canvass Is as follows McKinley M
510 Rryan IJ9M4 Woolley 1542
Parker WD Debs 101 For congress
Burke Hep received 53581 Martin
Hep 53550 Moore fusion IlOKiO
Lee fusion 40001 On governor tho
vote is Hurried 53007 Lien 40001
Tho repeal of the dispensary amend
ment carried yeas 48073 nays 33
027 The land loan amendment car
ried by u lurge majority
Antones Aim Was Very loor
Plattsinouth Neb Dec 7 Charles
Antouc one of Plnttsmouths old citi
zens went home Inst night and shot
himself through the left shoulder His
wife says he intended to shoot tier and
their child lie was under the Influ
ence of liquor He may recover unless
blood poison sets iu
V C T U Olllcers Ite Klecteil
Washington Dec 7 At the morning
session of the Womaus Christian
Temperance union President L W N
Stuvens and the present officers were
re elected
X t ill
May be able to buv some things at some places cheaper than
it Iter men can Tltut sort of business dont no hero though
One minis money is as good as another Wo have but one price
for everybody and that tho lowct for tint best lumber When
over you got ready to talk repaiis or building we lire ready
to talk lumber and prices Ate you ready nowV
has jnst recoivod it very largo invoice of
ranging in prico from
25c to 1000 Efxolx
Beautiful docoraMons low prices A lamp wonld uinko n
uloe Xuntrt present Oomo and see thorn
Get What You Ask for at
MA 0RUER8 aro filled promptly and with care
Our goods aro FIWST CLASS in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
South sido Main St bctwoon ad and ijil
Tolephono 41 4
Exclusive agent lor tho Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
Scrantxm Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE ttl
Tried Them
This school haa recently boon re
organized and placed in charge of
Archdeacon Atmore whose soholastio
attainments are well and favorably
known in many portions of tho United
States Hero is the opportunity for
parents to proonro for their children a
good wholesome sonud and all arouud
Tonus reasonable Tho next term
commences Jauuary 17 1901 and or
rnntmmnnts can be made by whioh
pupils may enter at once or at any time
For furthor information address
Archiikacon Atmobk
Kearney Nebraska
References Mr Johu G Lowe banker
Kearney Neb Mr F G Keens Kear
ney Neb
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 95000
Bar and sell exchaoxa on this country I nd all parts of Europe Farm Loans
Directors aki Abmob W H Johnson Cuab S Hbjdok O W Hbaabcb
Swank 1 A Luikabt T V Mkmminokb L Bbhuionb
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Bra ftch Avenue
and Third St