The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 30, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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Norfolk WniuannCliili Knjo nil After
noon Willi llio Stallion horoaU
fiom 8Rturdriylnll
Tho following Inscription of tho outer
tnintnout furnished by tho Indies of tho
Stanton Sorosis to monibers of tho Nor
folk Womans club 1ms beou furnished
by ono of tho guests
There nro rod letter days in tho lives
of individuals and of organizations and
yostordny was a red letter day to tho
Woiiiiinfl club of Norfolk
In responso to tho invitation to a
luncheon sent by tho Sorosis club of
Stanton twenty ono munition of tho
Womans club boarded tho oast bound
train at 1210 yesterday afternoon
From tho coidial welcome extended at
tbo station in Stanton by a committee
from Sorosis tho Norfolk ladies knew
that a treat was in store for them
They were taken to thi beautiful
and commodious homo of Mrs Miller
which was olaoorately decorated in
yellow and white club colors
chrysanthemums palms and ferns
Tho first hour was spent in gottiig ac
quainted with one another and at three
oclock tho forty club women sat down
at ten dainty lunch tables If domestic
scionco is not stndicd in the Stanton
club it must be practised in tho various
homes judging from tho viands set be
fore tho guests in this live course lunch
eon which was served m tho progres
sive style which luithored tho getting
acquainted of tho two olubs
After returning to tho parlors the
Stanton ladies entertained their guests
in several novel ways not tho leabt 6f
which was a Jack Homer pie tho
articles drawn therofrnm being cherished
as Bouvenirs of tho day
When tho hour f r departure enmo
and tho goodbyes had been said and
tho Norfolk ladies wore homeward
bound the unanimous conclusion of tho
club was that this had been the mobt de
lightful and most profitable afternoon
ever spent by them Also that Stanton
Sorosis understood tho true meaning of
May they live long and prosper
Mrs T J Morrow iB reported on the
hick list
H H Herbison of Madison is a city
visitor today
Mrs J J Hughes of Battle Creek
wns in tho city tcday
Mr and Mrs V P Williams returned
last night from Elgin
Misses Kate and Julia Stafford were
passengers for Omaha this morning
Tho younger boys of the nigh School
have organized a second foot ball team
Mrs S F Edens and Mrs Wood of
Verdigre were city visitors this morning
Miss Ida Sonnenschein of Lincoln is
visiting relatives and friends in the city
W M Robertson returned last night
from Madison where he has been at
tending court
Mrs O J Hibbon and children went
to Fremont this morning to spend Sun
day with friends
Mrs Newhouse of Fullerton visited
friends in the city over night euroute
home from Bloomfleld
Miss May Weilles who has been on
the sick list for some days is reported
jib considerably improved
Judge Barnes went to Omaha yester
day and this morning to Lincoln to attend
the republican rally this evening
Mr and Mrs D D Bruuson are re
joicing over the arrival of a 12 pound
girl who came to their home this morn
M Troutman of York is expected to
nrrivo in the city tonight to visit his
son J G Troutman on South Fourth
Andrew Laggar is in Norfolk from
Sioux City and this morning in com
pany with Juke Herslmer went out to
hunt quail
Sam nnd Fred Roberts have both been
very sick with typhoid fever at Rooky
Ford Col but have now so far recov
ered that they are able to sit up
Mrs H C Matrau and daughter
Agnea went to Lincoln on the early
train and will spend Sunday with Mr
and Mrs Eller in their new home
The Sixth grade of the High school
and the same grade from the Lincoln
school bad a spelling contest The
latter won the honors with but two
pupils standing
Mrs Bondarant and granddaughter
Bessie Williams have gone to Mount
Morinh Mo in response to a telegram
announcing that Mrs Bondurants
mother is dying
The Ladies guild of Trinity church is
planning to hold an oyster supper aud
sale of ueefnl and fanoy articles suitable
for Christmas preseutB at Mast hall on
Monday eveuiug December
Tho lower grades of tho Norfolk
schools are preparing Thanksgiving
programs to be given on Wednesday
The High bohool classes will not have
public exercises until Christmas
Deputy Graiid Commander Thomas
of tho Knights of tho Maccabees who
has been working in the interests of his
order in Norfolk for the past few days
left today for other fields of labor
The boy with tho sled aud the young
man with tho sleigh aro today consider
ably more numerous tuau tho uiun
with tho hoe The snowfall last night
furnishes an excuse for theso pleasure
An epidemic of typhoid fovcr is pro
vailing at Winsido Tho diseaso germs
aro supposed to hao come through milk
from cow s pastured near a slaughter
house aud compelled to diink stagnaut
and impure water
Mrs Frank Salter went to Columbus
this morning to meet her cousin Mrs
F S Nicholson and little daughter of
St Paul who will visit hero until after
Thankglvlug Dr Nicholson is expected
to arrive next Wednesday to spend a
day or two
President Wostervolt of tho Norfolk
club aunonuees that thorp will bo a
special mooting of tho Norfolk olub at
ita rooms in tho MiiRt block next Tues
day evening at 8 oclock Ho wants all
members of tho club regardless of tho
price they paid for monibershin pres
It is said that a German family con
sisting of a man sifo and six children
whobo homo is on FirRt street aro all
sick and in destitute oircuinstances A
portion of tho family is buffering from
typhoid fever It is probably an oppor
tunity for the charitable people of the
city to do bomo good work
A personal in yotderdays paper inado
it appear that W II Johnson had re
turned from Omaha wlioro ho had been
purchasing a stock of holiday goods
whou ho had been to Chicago for that
purpose Ho will have a hotter more
complete and up-to-date stock than the
Omaha markets could furnish
Tins morning tho engineer who has
been running tho engine used with
PasowalkV corn shredder at his field
south of tho city left his place nnd
during his abbenco tho boiler blow up
twoorthreo holes being made Some
of the wood about tho machinery
caught lire nlho and was consumed
The canopy over the engine was saved
by a couple ot boys who chanced to be
in the neighborhood
Newman Grove Horald Dr Hansen
of Finite Center is building a house that
will bo an eyesore or a coustaut re
minder to the popocrats in that vicinity
that fortune is a fickle jade for a long
time The doctor diagnosed the politi
cal situation in Nebraska and then put
up his money on his conclusions betting
his friends the enemy to a standstill
that Mckinley would carry Nobratka
Tho doct r wagered some 2 100 and
won it of course
Mrs David Baum nccompanied tho
womans club to Stanton yesterday aud
when she cauio back discovered tor the
first time that her home was haunted
it being filled with guests made to look
eerie by tho use ot shoots aud pillow
cases Her friends had discovered that
yesterday was tho anniversary of her
birth and decided to help her celebrate
without the formality of an invitation
A very pleasant evening was passed and
dainty refreshments were served
Stanton Picket There was a birth at
the home of Mr and Mrs George
Walker up Union creek last Sunday
One two three of them Two boys
and a girl all strong plump little babies
of regulation weight We congratulate
you George and no fooling Three
babies all at once are a good many but
aro not in excess of the times and condi
tions of the country Besides cows
milk is plenty and excellent quality
there is plenty of room in Nebrabka and
there is no reason why this trio of in
nocents should not thrive and grow up
hand in hnnd to bless such considerate
and affectionate parents as theirs are
The following item from the Wayne
Herald calls for congratulations which
are hereby extended to Editor and
Postmaster McNeal Tho Herald
editor believing it in mauy ways to bo
for the best interests of himself oud
nearby relatives has taken unto himself
a wife in tho person of Cora P Seeley
of Holland Michigan to which place
Mrs McNeal went on Tuesday to visit
her parents while her husband mude
tho necessary arrangements for her to
join him here in a few weeks Tho
ceremony was performed by Rev
Kearns pastor of the Presbyterian
church of Logan Iowa on Monday ot
thiB week
AuRUKt Flower
ItiB a surprising fact says Prof
Houton that in my travels in all parts
f the world for the last ten years
have met more people having used
GreenB August Flower than nny other
remedy for dyspepsia deranged liver
and stomach and for constipation I
find for touriBts and salesmen or for
persons filling office positions where
headaches and geueral bad feelings from
irregular habits exist that Greens
August Flower is a grand remedy It
does not injure tho system by frequent
use and is excellent for sour stomachs
aud indigestion Sample bottles free
at A K Leonards Sold by dealers in
all civilized countries
Fiirimiii In Colorado anil New Mexico
The Denver Rio Graudo ruilroad
The Scenic Lino of the World has
prepared an illustrated book upon tho
above subject which will bo sent freo to
farmers desiring to change their location
This publication gives valuabloinformi
tion in regard to tho agricultural horti
cultural and live stock interests of this
sectiou and should be in tho hands of
everyono who desires to hecomo ao
quainted with tin methodB of farming
by irrigation Write S K Hooper G
P T A Denver Colo
Judge Cones is a city visitor today
from Piorco
Mont Wheeler is removing his family
to Ghndrou today
O F Mohr nnd bister of Pieteo wero
city visitors this morning
Mrs Thos dithers was city visitor
this morning from Piorco
Miss Mario lUoy who clerks at tho
Fair store is on tho sick list
Sol O Mnyorwent to Lincoln today
and expects to return Wednesday
Traveling Auditor Young of tho M iv
O lino was a city visitor over Sunday
Mrs O J Green went down to Madi
son this morning to join her husband
Mr Oliver of Minneapolis Minn tin
old time friend of W 11 Bridge vbited
with him over Sunday
A Morrison visited over Sunday with
his ianiily and letnined today to Sibley
Iowa to finish his contract
Captain T 11 Tracy has decided to
remain in Norfolk duiiug tho winter
aud make his homo with his sou
W J BogardiiH of tho inn of Bo
gardus fc Sellery of Neligh is hi tho
city a guest nt tho hoiuoof John Krantz
RayHajes canio in from Madison
Saturday night aud spout Sunday at
homo Ho left for Tildoti thin morn
Dr C A McKun who has been con
fined to hih home with a Bovoro attack
ot tho grip is recovering aud will boo
bo out
Frank Bowoib was lief ore police court
this morning charged with fighting and
disturbing tlio peace He was assessed
tho usual tine
L U McKeeof Way no was in tho
city today enroute west in tlio interest
of an investment company ot which ho
is general agent
II G Corroll came down roinCieigh
ton Saturday evening to meet Mrs
Corroll who returned today from a
three mouths visit with relatives in
Now York
T Nappor has rented tho Beels farm
north of tho city and expects to convert
it into a sheep ranch Tho property is
a largo one and particularly adapted to
tho purpose
One week ago today A L Dauford of
South Norfolk had tho misfortuno to
have his arm caught and broken in a
wagon wheel He is repuited to be do
ing nicely under tieatment of Clmstmu
Isaac M Frank of Chicago was in tho
city tins morning nibpecting tho biigar
factory With a company of others ho
is investigating tho sugar industry with
the object of establishing a factory in a
western town
Dr II L Scoggin will Wvo tomorrow
for Rautoul 111 where ho has started
nis hou in a general merchandise busi
ness He expectb to be absent about
two months and has been Fettling up his
business here today for Birch a stay
Tho sugar factory tracks aro full of
cars used in handling the business of
that institution and one ot tbo long Bide
tracks at the Union Pacific are filled
with cars loaded with steam cool
enough it would seem to last an ordi
nary factory for several years
The date and place of the oyster sup
per aud sale of OhristmaB novelties to
be given by the ladies guild of Trinity
church have been changed The enter
tainment will be held Tuesday evening
December 4 in the storeroom on tho
north side of Main street used during
the campaign as Bryan club head
David Whitla came down from Battle
Creek this morning with u wagon load
of trunks and baggage Tomorrow ho
and his wife two daughters and ono
son will leave for Portland Oregon for
an indefinite stay Mrs Whitla having
two brothers in that state Dave says
he may be back in tho spring but puts
no limit on hiB visit which way ho per
Tho monthly meeting or tho Anti
Saloon league held last evening at tho
M E church was attended by un audi
ence that completely filled the edifice
Tho Bervices proved very interesting es
pecially the addresB by Miss Buzzell
the missionary which while somewhat
lengthy was very good aud held the
close attention of the audience Rev J
J Purker also gave a short talk O G
Somers presided at the meeting and ac
ceptable music was rendered by the
Miss Anna S Buzzell who addressed
tho people yesterday morning at the
Baptist church was a very pleasant
speaker and having but recently re
turned from Japan where she had been
a missionary her talk was very enter
taining and instructive She spoke of
the social and religioub beliefs and man
nerisms of tho lower classes of Japan
and illustrated fcome of her points with
images of tho different gods they wor
ship and various articles of use nnd orna
ment Tho church was well filled
Tho poultry business of W A Hemlo
ben Bhows Thanksgiving activity all
right His yards and building lire about
as full of poultry alive and dead as
thoy can get w lnle a stack of crates out
in front contain an overflow of birds
The choicest fowls go to supply tho
tables of tho wealthy people of tho east
while others aro sold at Omaha and
other western cities by Armour Co
Tho poultry is being shipped ut the rate
of about 10 barrels a day MoM of tho
fowls aro ncehod from small towns
tributary to Norfolk
David M Ktskino who for many
yoais has traveled for liton V Galla
gher wholesale grocers of Omaha died
in this city Satuiday night and tho
funeral was held this mottling from tho
homo of his brother S V Krsklno on
North Klovonth street Tho roinaliiH
wero taken to St Paul this state Mr
lCrskiuos former homo for interment
The deceased was years of ago and
leaves a wife nnd daughter to mourn
his demise The traveling men of tho
city attended the services in a body and
escorted tho remains of their late iihmv
ciato to tho Main
Brakoman M V Case of tho F K
M V road ii tiered a rather severe shak
iug up bet we ii heie and Stanton Satur
day nioining when his train was pio
ceeding east at the rate of about lf miles
aulioui Ho wont to tho rear platfoim
of tho way cir to lomovo tho tail lights
and pur out tho tlags Ho held to the
door knob of tho caboose hen leaning
nut to do tho vi rk and at a critical
moment tho knob gave way precipitat
ing him to the ground Ho wiih badly
bntised aud shaken up his left leg being
especially badly injured No hours
wore broken however and Mr Caso
managed to crawl to a farm bouse and
tho farmer brought him to town
John W Smith iigid it years died
Sunday morning at I I0 at his homo on
South Ninth stuet of heait dlseaso
after an illness of long standing Tho
funeral will bo held limn tho house to
morrow morning at 10 llov Ci II
Main of tbo M H chinch will conduit
tho sol vices assisted by members of the
G A K post of this city tlio deceased
having been an old soldier Mr Smith
and family had not lived in Norfolk
long coming hero last spring fiom
lumau Their homo had formeily been
in Missouri butcainoto Nebraska hoping
for bou it to his health The deceased
leaves a wife two daughters and a son
to niouin his death Tho wife and an
unmarried daughter are tho only
ones at homo
Tho night classes of tho Y M
O L aio progressing finely
aud will start tomorrow evening
in the league rooms Must bio k A
class in book keeping has been substi
tuted for one in history and geognphy
and will bo taught Tuesday evenings b
Principal Barnes of the High school
who in addition to having studied that
branch has bad practical oxpoiionco
and business men may find it to then
advantage to join the class On Wed
nesday evening penmanship will be
taught by Mr Chittick his class having
10 enrolled Thursday evening Superin
tendent OConnor will teach nrithmuth
aud spoiling 1 being enrolled m the first
named study and eight in the latter
Saturday evening Prof M B Singer
will instruct in German his class thus
far numbering about 20 pupils These
classes are only for members of the
league but tho rolls nro still open and
thoso desiring their advantages should
enroll promptly and start with the class
Robert T Pettit of Warnervillopassid
away at tho hospital yesterday after
noon Ho was n resident of Nebraska
since 18i and lived in this county
since 1887 His wife passed away in
1893 Ho was born in Heart field Eng
land in 1817 nnd would have Jbeen 81
years old the 17th of next March He
was married to Elizabeth Kenward at
Sussex England and together they
immigrated to tho United States about
18 10 oud settled in New York state
going from there to Illinois and then
coming to Ntbratka Hs life occupa
tion was farming His family consists
of bix hoys and three girls all niarntd
except two the youngest being 111 years
old thoy are Fred Waller and Caleb of
Warnervillo Hiram of Kansas City
Albert T of Norfolk Frank of
Cripple Creek Col Mrs Lucy
Roberts of Roberts 111 Mrs
Belle Woolstoneroft of Contralio Kos
and Mrs Sarah Bolton of Meredith
Ark Mrs Woolstoneroft iB oxpected
here tomorrow to attend tho funeral
which will take place from the residence
of Albert Pettit between Twelfth and
and Thirteenth streets on Philip avenue
on Wednesday ut 10 0 a in Mr
Pettitts death was not wholly unex
pected as ho had been ailing for the past
two years and for the past few mouths
has not even boon ablo to recognize his
acquaintances or relativis
Letter IlHt
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tbo postofllco November 20 WOO
Will Beck Dick Bormio G W Bey
mor Solomon Bahzailiot Wesley Brig
ner J F Christy Conductor Oollort
Deak Crayg F H Datson E M Fry
Luoy Frank Milton Gibeon W R
Gloeson Fred Hamilton Mary Hill
man Photo James Jacksou Jack
McGraue Hoyd H Myers Mrs Vodio
Myers Bertha Marshall Mrs J T
Moran H E Musselman Grace
McCrory O E Murray Maurer
Stono Mrs S L Nelson A W Porter
Frank Perry J O Sohyor Dau Welsch
Chas Willow Mabel Weber Anna
Walker F M Wheeler
If not called for in U0 days will be
sont to tho dead letter office
Parties calling for any of tho above
pleososay advertised
Tub Niiwh ou arpartnieut is com
plete in every particular
Germanys Vengeance Policy is
Axltimill Kirrini ill of Kiixov ill IVIiIiik
Mm llr s lilc mill Nth IIiiiih Mitilo
I nut I lit I lull Unto III en Still lo Mini
lrr iiiikii
iishltigtoii Nov Vs Modification
of the demands upon Miliin Innittilnl
ril b the iiiIiiMcim III IVUlng hooiuh
iisHiued as n lesiilt of the lepieseutii
tloim imnle to the piweis b Seeielaiy
liny ileal lliitiiln UiihsIii Fiance
nnd lupnii have made known to be
Pulled StntcH their dcslto to adopt
only Hiieh demands an Clilun may be
nhle to meet leiiiiauyH pioposal to
make the execution of II priuccH and
olllclalH a eoiiilltlon precedent to tur
thcr negotiations Iiiih iio stippoit
lustnictliiiiH have been ivibled to
Minister linger to cottier with bis col
leagues lot the piupoMt of seem lug a
liioilllleatlmi of the demands especial
ly those lelatlng to punishment and In
Shanghai Nov VH It Is leporled
from Nankin that all the viceroys and
governors have been m tiered to pie
paio to defend the coasts Mini rivers
whose secuilly Is in pet 11
It Is nisei ted In Chinese quartern
usually well Informed that a body of
palace giuiidH have started for Sinn
Fu for the purpose of anestlng Prince
Tuau who In inWIng a hndgiuml
aiming tho Mongol pi luces
The governor of the piovince of Che
Kliiug leldlng lo consular picHsuie
has appointed u deputy to negotiate
with the British and Aiuerhiiu con
Hills as to terms of satisfaction for
the Clin Chan Nil massacre
It In iiiiiioumI that with a view of
getting hiH army fiom Sinn Ill Sen
ci ill Tung Kti Ilslang has received or
ders to inverse the piovlnces of Shan
SI and Kim Su and parts of Mongolia
to uilse mops but hat he Is not like
ly lo obey
YVIilli PiIhoiiiIk I ortllriil
Beilin Nov J8 Seeial papers
print letters from Cermaii soldleis In
China describing citicltles practiced
by the Chinese upon white pilmmeiH
It appeals hat the limbs of the Her
until lieutenant ll ledorlchs and of
two Itnlnus vvete Mvoreil one bv one
until the tiiilurcd Wilms weto dead
Thus sjiys one of Hie letter every
white prisoner Is tented by the Chi
ICtmxiuH Diiiiiinil
London Nov JS -The demand of
Russia to he iccouped lor her ex
penses beioio evacuating the Slum
llnl K wan railway says the Times
seems to lie mniistioiiH and n blench
of faith but caution and cnolness me
ndvisable in dealing with It
MjNtcrloiiH Drill Ii uf Irriiiiuit Man
Foit Wayne I ud Nov 28 M J
Morse a wealthy man of Kicmont
Nob died at St Joseph hospital In
this city from Injuries received In a
mysterious manner Inst night He was
a passenger on the Pennsylvania lim
ited east bound and Just as the train
was entering he city he was missed
When the depot was touched the con
ductor noticed lie was gone and had
left his valise A short time after
track walkers reported the discovery
of his body lying beside the track near
Swlnney park tit the western edge of
the city The skull wns frnctuicd and
one arm was cut off but theie weie
still evidences of life How he acci
dent occur od is not known as no one
reineinbeis seeing him leave the car
Olllcliil Count In to mi
Ds Muics Nuv The i let lion
returns opened by the slate board of
canvassers vcstcrdsiy show that the
vote on piesiilent was Republican
107M8 Democratic i0i4U Prohi
bition 7M Peoples Party OKI So
cialist Labor Pnlted ChilHthin
707 Social Democratic 1013 Total
vote riu007 Uepubllenn plurality
lHiriJ Itepiibllcnn majority KliUJO
Constitutional convention majority
IIS Itlenuliil election amendment ma
Joiity fll
Sorrow nt WiKliiriKton
Washington Nov 18 The death of
Senator Davis although expected
came as a shock to his colleagues In
the senate who are gathering here
prepaiatory to the meeting of congress
Tho senators genial niunner hud en
deared him to his colleagues and oth
ers Many genuine expressions of re
gret were heard when his death be
came known President MoKiiiley was
Informed of the senators demise and
sent a telegram of condolence lo the
widow Today
Itansdell or the senate will naino a
committee to attend the funeral serv
An Oilorlem DlMlnf ectnnt
If one objects to the odor of catholic
acid he may use for the plumbing an
odorless disinfectant prepared as fol
lows Dissolve half a pound of per
manganate of potash In four gallons of
water and pour this ciuefiilly down the
pipes This solution If allowed to
stand In bowls or basins will stain
thcin purple The stains may be re
moved wn n weak solution of oxalic
acid Th ucld must be rinsed off Im
teuatoly nfter It has been used
Ladles Home Journal
Many n ninn who poses ns n public
bem futor never thinks of giving Ida
wlf u dollar for her own personal
ustv Chlciigo ISCVVb
Algorln and Argentina are the only
rouutrtcfl In the world where the horben
outnumber the humuu beluga
Woftien are Like
FEtflWPS HiMlHiyaml tronc
nan nicnm isic my tnoy Wiiaer ami
ii n very woman oiiyht to look wrll
mid frol wrll It ihrrr jht and duly
bul he inliht ns well try to put out a
die with oil in lo bo hcnlihy nnd at
tractive with dhrnso corroding tho
oiiiinsthiitinnkehern woman Upon
Hi a hrlih drprudi her health It
th ro ii laflnmmiilloti or weakening
mis or sulfcrlni nt tho month
per ml nttciiil to It nt once Dont
dcliy Yon ro one step tieaer tho
I nivr cvrry dy you put It of
Wiiiiipii can fituul u crent deal but
tlif V cniiiiot live forever with dtneate
ditjiiii wt tho most dellcnlo and
vild orcmci In Ihrlr body You may
Imvo bfcn deceived In io called cures
Vi iliiil sen Imw you mill hilli II
tin ii ei no nun Ii uci thlcHii sltiir mt
tin- niitldl Put von wont Im illn
iiiiolnii in 1 1 n il 1 ilil m Iliiuilo Kiir
iil il I We In 1Id i II In til ono moill
i im imiiiitli fur wniimillv llln Tliiio
Is iih nun Ii illiliiiiKi IioIwclmi II nml
i In r un i nlli il iiiiii ilu us Iiitp In
I i Iwm n I iilil nml Mntiir III ml lie lil 1
I iiliillln Hi Illlntllt Kllllllllll Mil pilltl
M pt iii ili i ii- pt uiiim i h ii iii In r II y
I III llMllllll pill llll II llllll I llIIIIHI i It
inn h nil Huh ptn kly nml Ilisllv nml
iiiiiiitiillv Itln fur wnini iifiliuii loili
In win itu t tlwy will In In ultlir or
Kltk llllllll tils IN il I i his nt
liainl l pr liilttc at ii w ItoiL
ft nlfi Mir r Imklil
I III IIIMMLI 1 1 ttl l I A If I APrtnt i fin
Koenifsteins Pharmacy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
Viavi is Womans Way ta Health
Call and get Health Hook and testi
monials ol patients
OffJoo Cotton EHocl
American Beauties
Made in all the newest models and
leaders in strictly exclusive designs
They have a national reputation for
genuine corset worth Send for our
illustrated price list
kalamazoo conxnr CO
Soli Ufaktrt
Kalamazoo Mich
ror salt bv
Central R R
Tim IllilHHH I entriil ill kimw In null nl Imt ii
lo tllll IIIIIIXlllIllll MTVIIII tlllll lh lllllllllt II
iiiii i in in r 111111 nil in mmpimi III vr 1jll
A l i fo r ra i m
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
IernHinllj conduct
eil Ituiib through Ur
I oi lnisI i ami Sun
rrmirUiii vU Nv
Orli niih iu cuiiiiHtiiiii
uitlilliiSotitliurn It
rifle luiviiijcllilciifjo
on tliu Centrals lac
Now Orliiins
rinl rminiOtion nlt o iriuilo liv this train wit
iliiily t ruin out of Now fur tlio Pacific
ComM Tho Iimitiil from Clilriii ovorj ouu
Ini immictB on MimIi nml ThurfnS nt
New Orli ant lifter I remliur IK lMCJ w Ltii ibn
of tlio Southern lnciMc KiviiiK tptciut Jirunfi
burvlco lohuii Kruncifco
lliiulilo ilnily icri
irii is iimhitiilurvi tai
of hi 1 Utile Vl Witt
llliiniih Yutrul unit
coniiirtliiK lliifi to
kii mill Atlanta tint
hlrmiiiiu far to Jicr
nun ilk Iloriiln liihm cnrricil on tlio
loiiviiiK St Loili every uveuiUK TliU trnii nt
well nt tint Day KxpreM luuviiiK M Louiti iu
tliu iiiorniuK nro Ixith nihil t rains to Niibln life-
lmvhiK tliroiinh coacliib nml blenpini ours run
uiiiK through Mart in Teuii mid llui N ft Si
L It Comieotioii vin llub lino for nil
polutb in tho Koutlieiiht Midi lib Clmrloetrtti
vViliuiiiKloii AiMn nml riawunmli und for oil
IHiintt iu Florida
Dud from Cliiciiho to Mmnpliu mid Nuiv Oi
IIOMrSCiK KItS ilTHSIOS to ctrrair
point in the South on tlio lim b of tlio HI in oft
Yiitral unil Y A M rallroadr will lie run in
tlm flrtt and third Tuetdi of each mouth dur
uiK tho v inter MUbou
Full pmirnlard conreriihu nil of tlm nliOTtj
iiu Ixiliad of luteiit tlio Illinois Con ml or
b uildrtbbiiitt A II lluuboii G P A Chicajro