vq 8 muKHLd Hnu b nuuonud1 ALLWFME WILLING TO MISK THIi CIR CUS POSTERS AGAIN Vn Voi hltm Ilir trrlcliii Irr IV tin IIi Armiinrntn Tlint Mcip ruiMl llic IMiili Tlml Worn I Slniln mill llo I In IIioInIiiii Cniiir tCopyrlxht l by C H lwlsl It was Moiph Harper who licuim It Porno ono told hhn lint n olrous ltd vertlnln wnpm wns slowly Iml surely iippronchlnp tlio town of lorlelio and lie lot It Iv linowu tlml lio would show nt tlio postollloo In tin cvimiIii nml invo Runtliln to say to Intel ohI tlio Imll United States Nnlindy rould Kin whether Mosoh lmd found a now wny of Rlttln n 111 rod iinui up at I oclock In NI10 inornln or was roIii to oxporlniont Ion Rrowln broomsticks nnd tlio crowd jwna lioldln Its brenth when lio showed kip Mom didnt lose no vnlliulilo lino try In to II ml out whether Porto Klro wolotigcd to tlio United Slut oh or to 11 Itoluieco tniHt but put on IiIh opcrtncloH nnd mild Citizens of Tlio tocsin hni wounded nnd wo nro lioro tonight to counsel together In tlio oiiiiho of nioml ity Lust your ns iiiohI of you know rO jLfpfliMtiiriiiftn MWiTTiiri1 Si gU fftirJ vZSwjri lylifj lllK AM0KIV COLOH9 OK VICK AND nWIKA DATION Jonas Teachout whoso 1mm faces tlio highway a tnllo outside of UiIh town allowed the circus wagon to paste up pictures on three sides of tho liulldln How ninny tickets for tho circus ho Kot In exchange I do not know and It lias nnthlu to do with tlio question VVIint Im Niiyln Is thnt thorn pictures lu my solemn belief shocked tho mor als of this community fur worse than as If ten saloons had been opened In itho town The circus wagon Ih ugln appronehln It Is creepln along In Its ely InsIduoiiH wny leavln tho blight of destruction lu Its path and If Him Jtliln aint done Jonas Teachouts bnm Will ngln be enwrapped In the allurln colors of vice and degradation 1 move pint It Is tho House of this ineotln nnd of the community lu gluernl that Jo uas be Btrugglod with It nppcnrs to 1110 says Deacon Bpooner ns Moses sat down that a iplnt bns bin mado When Moses talks of ullurln colors of vice and degrada tion 1 seem to see before me them pic tures of wlmon Junipln through paper hoops However Id like to hear from Silas Lapham I reckon hes Interest ed In the mornl welfare of this com munity I aint blamln Jonas tall says Si las He got 112 deadhead tickets fur the use of his barn and I dont believe unybody was the wickeder fur It If a ninu cant gnzo at circus pictures with out goln away nnd Htealln a barT of soft sonp then he aint no man Did any wife run away from her husband liecaiiHo of them pictures Did any husband elope with tho hired gal be cause of them ThntH n plnt and I says Its u plnt exclaims the deacon as he hus tles about Them circus pictures was on thnt barn fur two months but what famly was busted up through their In fluence Its fur Moses to specify whar vice got Its toehold I nlut saylu that any fannies was busted up continues Moses but Im talkln bout the glucrnl Influence on glneml morality A circus picture Is nuthlu but a picture but It suggests lemonade and peanuts and whisky and poker and belu out late nights They aro like plzen Ivy You come across It In the woods and It Is fair to look up on and It seems to bo rooted lu Inno cence and thrlvin lu morality You handle It nnd you begin to Itch and scratch nnd llml yourself plzened Like n hydra headed sarplnt It lays In wait to work destruction to the unwary I hope this ineetln nnd this community air with me nnd that It will be decided to wrassle with Jonas Teachout Moses didnt seem to make a plnt on the peanuts nnd lemonade says tho deacon as he scratches his ear but he was powerful strong on that plzen Ivy beln rooted lu Innoccuce I kin almost see whar circus pictures might influence me to go homo ami pound my old cow with a sled stake If Hhe didnt keep her tall still while I iwas mllkin but Im wlllln to hear more nrgyments Enos Williams you driv by that barn twice n day all summer How did them pictures a tree t you Kot much different from a huskln bee says Enos I didnt feel no feelins of wickedness stealln oer me but I did sort of make a fool of myself I found a soft spot lu the barnyard and tried to turn a handspring and fur about two hours they thought my neck was busted Im thluklu that hard elder has more glneral lullueuco on giueral morality In this community than cir cus pictures Its n plnt shouts the deacon ns ho waves his cane on high Its a plnt nobody kin git over Its hard cider thats backin vice all over this county and hlstln innocence over the fence whenever they meet However It may be that circus pictures also I have their Iniluenco Moroh have you got any mote nrg1 incuts i if what use 7 says Mnfcs as he hoaviMii slghainl 111 ns away Wasnt Sudani warned ld Sudani heed ItV When vice stalks rampant through ev ery household lu Icrlclm and Iniiocencn Is dilv to the tlehls to Hit under a blackberry hush and weep then re member what I have said hero tonight I aint deiiylu that hard elder In bliuil lu our molality but when you add clr ens pictures to hard elder what do you do Yes Kodnui was warned nnd Rod am fell says the deacon as ho shakes his head hut Id like to hear from Llsh Hillings oil this matter Its party lale snys Llsh How purly Into Why Jonas has rented bin barn nglu and got 121 deadhead tickets and heres one ho give inc IIowh that fur n plnt The ineetln Hlood nppnllcd fur n intu it nnd then Deacon Spooner looks around nnd says JoniiH has got 20 tickets left nnd that menus ho has 111 more to glvo nway outside IiIh famly Kellow coun trymen do you take It that this ineetln has pledged herself No no not shouted the crowd Is It the opinion of this meetlu that JonnH Teachout ought to be wrassled with No no mil Then Im appenlln directly to Moses Harper Mohch will you withdraw them remarks nbont the blight of de struction tho allurln colors of vlco and Innooouoo weepln under n black berry bush I might says Moses after n little reflection but I wnnt to bo let down easy It Rhall be done Im ofTcrln the fob lowln resolution to bo voted on He solved That circus pictures on a barn may or may not affect tho moral standard of n community but we aro wlllln to chance It this year All In favor or ngln will innnlfcst It In tho usunl way Tho resolution was cnrrled with a whoop and tlio crowd piled over Itself to get outdoors and look around for Jonas Teachout and beg fur deadhead tickets and Moses Harper wasnt one of the Inst M Quad HIRED GIRLS PROGRESS Fublr SIiimvIiih AVImlnm of Silence CoucrriiliiK Some Tilings Once upon a time there came Into tho city from tho country a girl The girl wandered from her happy homo to se cure employment among the wealthy families of the city and when sho made knowu the fact that she was willing to work many persons sought her and Implored her to engage with them in domestic pursuits The girl was overwhelmed with offers but Anal ly mado a selection and settled lu a family that valued her services very highly The girl was happy uutll one day her employer met 11 neighbor a very dear friend nnd told her of her good fortune in tludlug the count 1 girl And this neighbor met another very dear friend and told her of lur other friends good luck and thus did It become generally known that there was a good hired girl In the neigh borhood And from that time on the mistress and the girl were unhappy until one day the very dear friend gave the girl 150 more a week than she was earn ing In her first place and lu this man ner did the girl become happy agal 1 while her mistress nnd the very dear friend ceased to be on speaklug terms And then the girl beenme unhappy again until the other very dear friend engaged her at an advance of 1 nnd the other dear friend and the first dear friend ceased to talk over the back fence And then tho good girl wore flue dresses and line hats and one day a dashing young man led her to the altar and now the three friends nnd tho poor country girl aro all very happy Moral Dont talk good nbout your hired girl Detroit Free Press A Dnnlmhunil TrnKctljr Stlmlers collnr button rolled under the bureau Yes And he sicked his dachshund after it Go on The bureau Is heavy and stnnds close to the floor Proceed Tho dachshund Is the thinnest dachshund thnt ever breathed and he could Just squeeze under tho bureau WoU Well the dachshund reached the collar button nnd nt once swallowed it It stuck half way down and thickened the dog so that he couldnt pull himself past the lump So Stlmler hnd to call In the Janitor of the flat and they lift ed the bureau off the dog What ubout the buttou Stlmler said hed let tlio dog keep tho button He might need it Need It Yes In ense somebody collared him Cleveland Plain Dealer A Lour Llulitntiii Conductor Bavaria boasts that It has the longest lightning conductor lu tho world It rises some yards above the top of tho meteorological station on the Zug spltze the highest point lu the German empire and runs down the side of the mountain to the bottom of the Hoi lenthal where there is running water all the year round The length of tie rod is Ave ami a half kilometers nearly three miles and a half A philosopher says that every Villus Is a step toward success This ex plains why some men become richer every time they fall Chicago News It Is unfortunate that every ones memory is best lu retaining things it would be more genteel to forget Atch ison Globe THK NORFOLK NNWS FRIDAY NOVEMBER 30 J900 I MI 11 THE GRAND PROMOTER EXEMPLIFIES IT AS A TINE ART Mnjor Crnfoot O run 11 1 ri n it Nmt Silii iiir nl Clunnlli Proportion mil lcniriiiiMlr Tnlton In Ilia Irlnl it oil tln Iroilml Floor Copyright lDiY by C tl 1iwln It was the printer with IiIh bill for Jloon olllce cards and he knocked on Major Crofools olllce door lu that hnlf hearted way adopted by creditors who feel that they must call and yet have no faith that the bill will be paid Come In and good morning to you good morning shouted the mnjor ns he sprang up and extended his linud and shook so heartily that the callers hat was nearly Jostled oft his head When the shaking hud been concluded he said 1 have been expecting you up hero every day for a week and If you L fSsTiri r W fllwl fftil II SIMlIY TO HKST KASY hadnt called today I should have sent a rnesseuger to hunt you up Did you remember to bring the bill Yes sir replied the printer as be handed It over Goodl Lets see Its for 4t50 and I pronounce It correct absolutely correct There never was a more cor rect account rendered never lu this commercial world And now you want n check for it of course I must usk you to excuse me that this trifle has run so loug but when a man Is dealing In millions he Is a it to forget dollars That Is all right major replied the printer ns a soft smile stole over his face ami he began wondering why he hnd ever called tho promoter a dead beat Thanks for your confidence your flnauclal confidence I like men to have confidence In me Let me tell you sir that tho man who puts his trust In Mnjor Crofoot grand promo ter gigantic originator and tremendous consolldator loses nothing by It Hero Is n bill for 450 It has run for weeks and months Instead of wearing out tho stairs nnd pounding on my door you have been content to let time slip along You felt that your money was safe You believed that I would pay on presentation Ah sir but I love to witness such exhibitions of confidence I lovo to do It Let us shake hands again Im In a bit of n hurry this morn ing remarked the printer ns a doubt suddenly entered his mind nnd sent a chill up his back Ah yes of course you are of course nnd my time Is also limited but do you know what I am going to do Instead of debating about a bill for 450 I am going to talk to you of thousands nnd hundreds of thousands nnd millions My dear man you have arrived at an opportune moment It almost seems as if the hand of Provl deuco was lu it navlug displayed your confidence in tho financial In tegrity of Major Crofoot and arrived at au opportune moment what fol lows You pay the bill for 450 replied tho printer It follows sir It follows ns natu rally as night follows day but with a heap more cash lu It that I take you In on tho ground floor Behold those papers on my desk I had Just ceased to Uguro when you came lu I had finished tho lust Hue of my prospectus Behold sir behold the organization of tho Wide World Chicken nnd Infant Bulslug company with a capital of 10000000 Major I called You culled sir you called nt an op portune moment By calling you put It in my power to provo my gratitude lu something besides words What Is the Wide World Chicken nnd Iufant Kulslug company As Its name im plies tho object Is to raise chickens and infants How sir how Ah that Is Major Crofoots great discovery which has enabled htm to organize a company on a basis of 20000000 Tho discovery Is not original but we apply it ns it has never been applied before We incubate chickens but by the million Instead of the score Take your pencil nnd figure a little But I camo up for my 450 Bald tho printer lu ugly tones Take your pencil nnd figure Eggs can bo bought for 20 cents a dozen For 2 cents additional one dozen chick en can bo produced Tour cents more and you have a dozen spring chickens worth CO cents apiece at the Incubator total for eggs incubating nnd feeding 30 cents totnl for chickens 0 clear profit to divide up on every dozen 570 Can Crlpplo Creek or the din mond mines beat it We produce 20 000000 dozen chickens per year Fig ure It out mau figure It out Do you want greater dividends than 70 per cent on your capital If you do What about this bill demanded the printer as ho lifted It off the desk and laid it back again If you do contluued the major as he walked about the room with hands crossed under his coattalls then you shall hare it We Incubate Infants In tlio snmo machines with only a thin partition between Wo take Infants after they aro 21 hours old while Muck or any other color and without reference to e- nnd we bring them up until they arc a year old lit ho much per week Terms are strictly cash lu advaiiM every Monday morning nnd every kid Is marked on the right heel with our stump and cant get lost or mixed ut In the shulllc Whlln we nro hutching nut iDOO dozen eggs we are bringing up Kinnoo Infants I put the number nt that but It may be a few dozen more or Two dollars n week for 100000 Infants Is over 10 000000 per year tnll the expense for milk paregoric ami toast 1000000 nml what profit do you have loft Hut 1 have come here to collect a bill The 0000000 profit on the Infants ndded to the profits on the chickens gives us a dividend of 120 on the dol lar and can you ask for more sir can you do It Why man the wealth of Golconda Is not In Iti The Do Beers diamond bonds are waste paper In com parison And you are to share In It Yoii are no longer a struggling printer on the seventh llonr buck but u mil lionaire on the first floor front I tnke you In I allot you 100000 worth of stock at cents on the dollar and lu two weeks If you care to sell out I buy It at par Thats your reward for your confidence lu Major Crofoot thats what comes But I have no confidence In you I shouted the creditor Pay this bill and you call Incubate and be hanged anil keep nil the profits You have simply to rest easy con tinued the mnjor as he began to walk on the mans toes and drive him to ward the door Just keep quiet for a couple of weeks until the stock Is Is sued If anything was said at the present time What you pushing me for If anything wns said at the present time some one might cut lu on us Just go right back to your shop 1 want thnt money and keep mum and the stock will bo sent to you In due time Thats It good day good duy Your confidence lu Mnjor Crofoot lias brought Its re ward Look here mnjor shouted the printer ns he hammered on thj out side of the door you ure nu old dead beat You you The bill was shoved under the door against his toes He picked It up gave the door three hearty kicks and slowly went down stairs Ilo realized that he had been taken In on tho ground floor M Quad Jnatlcr In Ilnitt Judicial protoclurc In Haiti Is In cer tain Instances not untouched by hu mor A Haitian owed a trader 28 A Judgment requiring tlio Haitian to pay 4 a week Into court was given and tho trader was to send a messenger every week to the magistrate for the money In due time he sent for tho first Installment and was Informed that the Haitian had not paid up but that lie should be thrown into prison for Ills failure Three weeks passed with the same result One morning the Hnltlnn came to the traders store He was he said a poor man much married a man to whom therefore expense came What good ho asked would accrue to the trader If he the poor man was thrown Into prison Let the trader forgive him his debt and earn thereby untold rewards In a future state After some talk the trader gave him a letter of remission which bo went off to present to the magistrate The af fair was settled but the Hnltlan was struck by tho bad grace with which the magistrate dismissed him and ha forthwith returned to the trader and asked him If he had received the 8 ho had already paid into court The trad er looked surprised and said he had received nothing Then olnce you have remitted tho debt that S Is mine said the Hai tian Accordingly he went off to the court to present bis claim The magistrate at once committed him to prison A consul who had heard the story asked the magistrate what the Haitian was eent to prison for For contempt of court was thr reply Inronip of n Slerplnir Car The Income or earning capacity of a sleeping car Is considerable Take tho run from New York to Chicago lC miles Every road lu the United Stat pays 11 centP a mile for the privilege of hauling n sl and contracts to ro turn said enr in as good shape as It Is received ami to pay for all damages The journe on the limited expresses to Chicago mnde in 24 houra there fore the car earns 30 a day for travel If It Is full which Is generally the I case receipts from berths sections and staterooms amount to 1S5 making a totul revenue of 125 a dny Out of this must come the wages of the por ter and conductor the latter however usually having charge of several cars the towels sheets soap Ice etc tho whole amounting to but a small sum Then there are the wear and tear and general depreciation the dally cleat Ing the nnuunl refitting and repaint ing Set these charges down at 10 per cent and give tho car three trips a week of 1000 miles each and wo have Its enrnlngs nt over 00000 annunll Some can earn a great deal more Kansas City Journal A Truthful Mau Miss Plalnfaco earnestly But If I had not nil this money do you think you could still be happy with me Mr Seekrox stnrtled but equal to tho emergency A a a happy Is not tho word for It Brooklyn Life A brass plate In the Alabama capltol In Montgomery marks the place where Jefferson Davis stood when lie took the oath of olllce as president of the Southern Confederacy vtt vr Railroad and Business Directory 60 u o o OQ u O z R R TIME TABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley KAHT lErRT Oitiiilm IoflBoiiitnr fl OSnin CluciiKii Kxinoss 12J0pm uiST akiii vf lilcauo KjiproAa 7Jn t m iiiilm IHSMUiKur 1210 p m WONT UKlAHT ck llllln rixiirpos 710pm nllKro lnnAcntfBr 1210 p m unllKrn Accuimtiotlntlon PKXIiim HKST AnillVI Illnck Htlln Kxproas 12 ft p in iTtliRro PiwautiRor Ki5miii Viinlluio AccoimmxlAtion 7 20 p m TlinUilcdKo nnd Muck Hlll Kxprcn urrivoo nni ilopnrtfl from Junction ilnpol Tlio Oninlm nml orillnro trains arrlvo nml riopnrt from city depot II 11 Matiiau AKent Union Pacific SOUTH IiPAtlT olumbiiH AccominiHintlon 03lpm Uiiinhn Donvoriuitl Pnclllo Const 110 a m north AnntVH olumbna Aeo mmoilntlon 1030pm mnliM hrnvurmiil Irfelllc const fl 00 pm toiiiip in it Norfolk with F IS A M V koIiib wi Ht iiil uortli Hnd with tho O at P M O for omla imitli ami nnst F W Junkman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha BAHT DKrABT Sioux City nnd Omaha Pns9ongor il am Sioux IllyPnurtnuKor 100 pm WFHT AUIUVK siotix City Pnssnmtor I0Vnm biocx City nml Omiiht Pnssuior 730 pm Gounnctfl nt Norfolk with 1 K M V boIiik woBt and north mid with tlio U P for pointB gonth F W Junkman Agent Dully uxcopt Siiuduy PrCTOV c s HAYES Fine Wntch Repairing MISS MARY SHFLLY DRESSMAKER Over Ilmiiii Pros Storo Spenoef fl Ovelmnn Boots and oos Repairing Neatly Done JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder 1 1 7 Fourth Street Al C WALKER Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk Avonuo INSKEEPS MIliLINERY Cheapest nnd Uest Norfolk Avenue JWEDWARDS All Wobk Guaranteed Gor Hrnnsch nvo nnd 4th St The Norfolk Horseshoer Time is Money THEQUICK TRAINS ARE VIA THE UNION PACIFIC Missouri River to Salt Lake City TEN HOURS QUICKER THA17 ANY OTHER LINE Hissouri River to San Francisco FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Missouri River to Portland FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LI1JE Bnffot Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant Reading Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Diuin Cars Meals a la Carte Pintsch Light For full information call on or addross F W JUNEMAN Agent The Norfolk Gash Store SELLS Staple and Fancy Groceries GLASSWARE QUEFNSWARE CROCKERY Straw Hats and Shoes at cost Fnie Teas and Coffees a specialty Try our fain us Mellowrich coffee the finest brand iu the market We are headquarters for fresh fruits of all kinds We sell the celebrated Pierce and Neligh Flours Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs J G BOHNERT Propr Telephone 35 fliee lthJSt Before the Strike Thirty days ago we had a solid train load of Hard Coal on track Now it be longs to our many customers and is in their bins for their comfort NOW IS THE TIME AND THIS IS THE PLACE to place your orders for soft coal Lay your coal early this year You wont miss it HEHARDY Edisons Phonograph Better than a Tiano Organ or Music Box for it sings and talks as well as nlavaand dontcostas much It reproduces the music of any instrument band or orchestra tella Btorim and old familiar hymns as well as tho popular songs it Is alwaya ready Sat ntnSf ft is on cy machine Catil oi oil i dealers or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH logues CO 135 Fifth Ave New York 4 K