The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 30, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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A news item reports hiffh wnter In
Kentucky How exceedingly disagree
it must bo ftMr I ho colonels
Tho regularity with which post o nice
are being roblied creates tho impression
that Uncle Sams agencies must bo eay
There seeum to bo a determined gang
thnt innkcs this n business and they
nppear to operate where Wat expected
It was supposed thnt the campaign
crded with NovciiiIkt but with two
United State senators to elect several
Mate appointments to fill and tho leg
Mature to ln organized it Feems as
though tho fun had but just fairly com
Governor Klect Motri h says ho has
troubles of his own and is taking no
part in tho fight for nmator which will
bn a task for the legislature Ho finds
that candidates for less iniortnnt olllco
rn keep liliu pretty thoroughly inter
ctcd and busy
In view of tho evidence furnished by
Nebraska this fall that sho is right is
it rtn unreasonable hope that tho next
new warship of tho U S navy should
bo known as Nebraska Instead of
being a hoodoo a vessel bearing such
a name would bo a valuable mascot
If all tho senators that aro elected by
tho newspapers goto Washington the
Nebraska delegation in tho upper house
will bo tho largest of any stato In the
union Each of tho loading papers has
elected favorites with votes to spare and
they are not usually tho same ones by
any mcatiH
Tho lato Hob Ingersolls law olllco
desk has como into possession of tho Y
M C A of Peoria HI and in tho
futuro christian sentiment will bo
written upon it InBtead of criticisms of
tho Biblo and everything christian
The famous infidels desk has therefore
been converted
Fifteen cases of scarlet fever
been reported in Fremont Witii
thoria and small pox prevalent in
onn othor towns f tho stato and
raft tnwwtuprifiif iMTOitoiiarilwwrr1
folk peoplo ufliictod with nothing worse
than an epidemic of bad colds there is
cnuso for thanksgiving in this city and
turkoys aro apt to be tho victims of the
nock diseaso producod by a sharp
hatchet smartly applied
Tho Washington Post wants to know
why tho fusionists are accusing tho re
publicans of having carried Nebraska by
fraud notwithstanding thoir own asser
tion a month ago that ILinnas speeches
were making thousands of votes for
Bryan Tho Omaha News says
Well thatll whero tho fraud comes in
It is nmulfosly fraudulent for a man
like Mark Hauua to leave his horns at
A banner republican precinct has
been found way out in western Nebraska
In Pioneer precinct Duel county 40
votes wero cost and thero were 40 votes
lor the republican ticket Four years
ago 47 votes were cast in the precinct
and ull but two were for Bryan The
40 who voted this year were residents of
tho same precinct four years ago Those
two republicans expanded mightily in
four years
Congress will conveuo a week from
Monday Its proceedings will bo
watched with more than ordinary inter
est as matters of great import to tho
country aud its new possessions will
como up for adjustment Tho people
generally aro not worrying however
Tnero is a good working republican
majority aud a republican president aud
great questions havo always heretofore
been decided right under theso condi
Tho popular majority received by
President McKiuley on tho 0th was the
largest ever received by a candidate for
president Ho came next to tho highost
in tho oampaign of four years ago aud
this year tops them all General
Grants mojority over Greeley wus the
largest ever received heretofore but
McKiuley beats that by almost 80000
votes It wus a wonderful result in
face of somo of the democratic pre-election
Corn is going skyward and at a time
too when a magnificent crop is being
harvested It is u great tribute to pros
perous conditions and the farmer will
receive the benofit It is an unprecedent
ed condition as this is the timo of year
when there is usually a slump in prices
for that cereal and speculators aro per
mitted to purchase the now crop and
hold it for a raise Things aro coming
the farmorH way Who wouldnt bo
Some of the fusionists are preparing
to see great gobs of corruption and ex
travagance roll out from the state house
and furnish a delightful morsel for the
political scandal monger during tho next
two years If they see or hearanything
ti beat the vacillating policy of Poynter
and his associates it will indeed be a
subject for comment They shouldnt
allow their appetites to become too keen
for if they are disappointed the result
might prove disabtrous
Only a month mora and Nebraska will
Ixi reliovi d of her political fad and re
turn to tho republican party whero she
properly belongs If there has been one
result more prominent than another itl
to tench the republican party that its
successful candidates aro servants of tho
people and as such they should not vio
late tho trust given them A jtift
economical administration ef the states
affairs is incumbent upon tho
If it desires an endorse
Tho supreme court of Nebrarka has
dealt a death blow to tho practice of
osteopathy in this state by deciding that
under tho health laws a doctors certill
cate must be taken out and as most of
teopathists do not pretend to having
taken a medical course they ennuot
pass an examination It is a question if
tho decision will not interfere with
mnguetio healing Christian Science
and all other forms of treatment except
that of a regularly qualified medical
Ono of tho results of retiring tho stato
board of transjmrtatlon will bo tho
wiudup of John O Yeisers notorious
telephone case Mr Yeisorisan Omaha
attorney who through his efforts in
behalf of tho plain common people
and against corporations came quite
near to filling Governor Ioyntors seat
in tho birch canoo now journeying up
Salt Creek Ho insisted that tho Ne
braska compauy should give him tele
phone service at I jor month and
sought to compcll them through tho
board of transportation
Ordinarily a business lull follows elec
tion and times are quiet if not panicky
No such result however has attended
tho recent campaign ami business is as
good if not luittor than beforo election
It is ono of the results when no changes
in a financial or business policy of the
government threatens to disturb trade
Every capitalist and every business man
has confidence in tho government and
eau mako his plans accordingly there
fore labor is employed and the prospects
aro that tho Twentieth r ntnry will
open upon an era of uuh nrd of pros
Tho fusionists will probably not
object to enjoying four years moro of
prosperity and tho full dinner pail but
they are hoping for political reasons
alone that tho prosperity train may be
sidetracked Thoy could Ihj passingly
happy on an empty stomach if they
could feel that it meant tho doom of
McKinloyism and republicanism They
roahzo furthermore that if tho coining
four years provo as gouerally prosperous
as tho past four years they will need a
search warrant to discover anyone
willing to vote against tho republican
Iowa iB auothor fctato where the
callow youth cannot appease his unat
urnl appetite for coilln nails commonly
known as cigarettes Tho American
Tobacco company has ordered their sale
in that state discontinued as a result of
tho Tennessee decision Tho one re
course of tho fiends will bo to make
thoir own cigarettes nnd there is a good
doal of work connected with thut The
time appears to bo at hand when the
cigarette must go and thero will bo few
to mourn Whero thero is ono person
who likes that kind of smoke there are
a dozen or 50 who hate it
President MoKiuloy is somewhat
slow about placing that imperial crown
upon his head aud it npears that other
false prophecies havo been mado during
tho past campaign In a recent speech
at Philadelphia tho president said
Liberty has not lost but gained in
strength The structure of tho fathers
stands secure upon the foundations on
which they raised it aud is today as it
has been in years past and as it will be
in the years to come tho government of
tho peoplo by tho peoplo and for the
poople Bo not disturbed thero is no
danger from empire thero is no fear
for the republic
A company has beon organized in
New Jersey to develop a new wave
engine and cause the restless deep to
furnish power to run the world
The time is probably coming when some
sort of arraugement will be made to
harness the mighty forces of the ocean
which will come as near to being per
petual motion as it is possible to come
The great bodies of water are never
quiet and it will require a Yankee
genius to cause their movements to
operate machinery and provide an inex
pensive locomotive power but many
believe they will live to Bee tho day
when this is accomplished
Somo of Douglas comitys citizetB
claim for it tho large share of the honor
of electing Governor Dietrich Douglas
couuty is ull right but she didnt elect
Dietrich The voters of that conuty
probably did their share but other
counties did also and it was the total
gains that elected him It is probable
that the wetteru counties deserve more
credit for the result than any counties
in the state The iucreuso in Douglas
majority for Dietrich over thut of Huy
ward iu lbJd was but 81 votes The
plurality for Dietrich was 831 and for
Hayward 803 votes Tho iufluence
from that county was probably felt
throughout the state but its increased
republican plurality didnt certainly
iWMiMfflnMlffrtJ 4
eloot Diottlch Several wo tern coun
ties converted o Poynter plurality oftwo
years ago iuto a Diotrich plurality this
year and they deserve a largo sharo of
tho ctedit Somo counties with but
several hundred votes showed a larger
republican gain than Douglas with her
Tho tendency of tho country seems to
Iw toward reform movements in this
direction being started In all prominent
cities Not only is this true along reli
gions and moral lines but tho drift
seems to be toward something better in
politics During tho past eight years
the country has exjerienced a sort of
political nightmare with all kinds of
vagaries and fancies floating beforo the
eyes of tho voter Fortunately there
wero not enough of theo dreamers to
get control and thoy havo boon glori
ously beaten sevcrnl times Tho
stronger heads now think tho occasion
propltltlous to enter tho fiold and bring
tho conditions back to a normal conser
vative phoso and thoy aro almost certain
to bo successful in ono way or another
Moral and religious movements aro as
suming momentum in all parts of tho
country and it Is hoped to havo tho
Twentieth century dawn on a cleaner
better moro prosperous country thau
tho Niuteonth ever know That there
is room for reform along many lines iB
beyond question and there aro few who
will doslro to stop n wave of it
should a good vigorous ono bo developed
It is a foregono conclusion that a
warm timo will develop down at Lin
coln during tho coming session of tho
legislature over tho senatorial situation
Two United States senators aro to to
elected by tho republican members nnd
nlroady many names havo been advanced
as belonging to appropriate candidates
Now that Edward Hosewater haa won a
victory in Douglas county it is practi
cally conceded that he will bo one of the
senators Whilo Mr Rosowator is po
onliar in some things yet ho is consist
ent inhis lights for what he considers
right and wo believe the state would be
well represented by him in the United
States senate With one of tho senator
ships given to Mr Hosewater thero re
mains anothor to go somewhere else
ThiB is whore tho buttle will como in
ForomoBt among thoso montioned is D
13 Thomphon of Lincoln then comes
Hon Geo D Meiklejohn of Fullerton
John L Webster of Omaha K B
Schneider of Fremont Davo Mercer of
Omaha Ex Governor Lorenzo Crounso
aud then somo more With all these
niQU in tho field it can readily bo seen
that a choice is not going to bo quickly
reached aud none of thoso now promi
nently before the peoplo may be elected
The Noncomformist announces boldly
tiiat tho populists havo no love for the
democrats and while they voted for
Bryan they did so because ho was
Bryan aud not because ho was nomi
nated by the democrats It speaks as
though it were done with fusion en
tirely Addressing tho demoeuts it
says Tho populists are more anxious
to go out of the fusion business than you
aro to havo us go We have no love for
the national democracy and never did
have nny We despised you always
just as much as we despised tho repub
licans and had just as little faith in
your promises You just Hko tho re
publicans are for spoils instead of
principle We voted for Bryan and not
for the democratic party Wo voted
for Bryuu because he had not one siugle
symptom of Jmodern democracy We
voted for him because we knew that he
was a sincere friend of the common
people aud wo hope to vote for him
again somo timo but never as tho repre
sentative of tho democratic party
This sounds very independent follow
ing as it does an overwhelming defeat
for fusion but when ubont two years
hence tho democrats say come on
boys lets ploy fusion the boys will
probably fall over themselves to be it
Every newspaper publisher realizes
thut his publication is criticised and
none has yet been heard of that has
proven satisfactory to all its readers
Try as the publisher may there will be
some to find fault with one thing or an
other nnd they sometimes take great
pains to let the responsible person know
what the fault is in their estimation
If fortunately a reader iB pleased he is
not nearly so anxious to let the publisher
know it and no one realizes that he is
satisfied perhaps not even himself A
Btory is going the rounds of a reporter
who dreamed that the publication on
which he was employed got out nn
ibsuo with contents above criticism
The publisher decided to make an effort
to please everybody aud every article or
item brought in was carried around to
the different houses and submitted to
subscribers and non subscribers for
strange a it may seom it is often the
uon subscriber who criticises the most
Well the matter was submitted und if
there was an objection raised on any
point it was killed The paper went
to press as usual aud when the sheet
was unfolded by the patrons it proved
to bo a blank every item aud urticle
having been killed The publisher
tookhis eoso for a day realizing that no
item in the paper had offended or dis
pleased anyone It iB doubtful how
ever if the subscribers were pleased be
cause there was nothing to read there
was literally nothing in the paper
Tho Omaha News has it probably
straight that Mr Bryan has not yet
leen offered an editorial position on J
Sterling Mortons Conservative
W K Fowler of Blair state
of pnblio instruction an
nounces that he has selected as his de
puty Supt J L OBrien of Geneva
This is ono of tho plums of the incom
ing administration that thero has been
a lively scramble for Tho friends of
13 A Lundbnrg country superinten
dent of Wnyuo county have been work
ing hard to secure the place for him
but ividently without success
Tho election resnlt has jarred tho con
science of the editor of tho S undera
County Now Era loot e and strange as
it may appear that paper has been for
fusion Now a fusion paper with nn
editor who bus a conscience is not en
tirely hopeless and he who rules the des
tines of tho Now Era proves this by
crawling out from under tho heap long
onongh to remark Wo never will
again tio our hands so thnt wo must be
again forced to support men for ofllco
that wo know aro yellow dogs though
pretending to belong to our party
Tho Central City Democrat says
Tho salvotion of this country and its
only hope lies with men who jeer
at such a campaign cry as tho full din
ner pail Tho fu ionists tried this sort
of campaigning just recently und re
ceived tho most disastrous defeat ever
administered to a party or combination
of parties in this country Will these
men who jeor at the full dim er pnil
consent to quit eating There is noth
ing to prevent them from adopting this
patriotic but somewhat try
ing policy aud if they will voluntarily
agree to do so they inay furnish pre
text for asking tho balance of the Amer
ican peoplo to do likewise Not since
18SI2 havo the electors decided that the
empty dinner pail was tho proper caper
A Missourian who mortgaged his farm
and bettho loau on Bryan has com
menced suit to compel repayment of his
stake It seeniB that the laws of Mis
souri are such that a person who bets
can compel tho stake holder to refund
his monoy If this law was enforced it
would unquestionably prove a death
blow to betting iu thnt stnte The con
tempt in which a man is held who will
avail himself of the law on tho part of
persons with sporting instinct will
probably prevent a general enforcement
A man who bets always takes tho risk
of losing nnd if he cannot afford to lose
or sustain the loss with good grace he
certainly should never bet He expects
tho other fellow to pay his loss without
protest and it is but reasonable that he
should do likewiso
The W C T U hns at last beguu a
reform that may receive the support of
all consumers of liquor if not those who
manufacture and deal in intoxicants
Tho ladies of that organization in Iudi
ana are to present a memorial to con
gress tho object of which will bo to cre
ate a new department to enforce and
maintain the purity of liquors They
man received a legal majority of not
more than one vote then ho should re
tain his seat but if on the other bnud
it develops that enough Illegal votes
w re cit for him to ovTiomo his ap
parent majority ih n Mr Blev should
belated All partbs will welcome an
investigation conducted in a fair man
ner and they choiild b willing to alndo
ty the result ot tho finding without
reference to party bm
A Ctirlnti Mnlrrlnl lrl ns a Snh
atllnt For Snnilpnper
Steel wool b n innchlne produced ma
terial that is used ns n substitute for
sandpaper It is composed of sharp
edged threads of steel which curl up
together like wool or somewhat ns the
wood fibers of the familiar material
known as excelslur curl up together
though the steel wool Is very much
finer the finest of it being not much
coarser than the coarsest of natural
wools The steel wool Is put up In
packages containing one pound each
These are something like rolls of cot
ton batting but smaller a pound of
steel wool loosely packed making
rolled Iu paper and open at the ends
n package perhnps 13 Inches long aud
two or three Indies In diameter
Made In various degrees of coarse
ness steel wool Is put to a variety of
uses the finer wools for polishing wood
and metal and the coarser for rub
bing down paint nnd varnish It la
often used on special parts of work
while for example on the fiat surfaces
of a door a man would use sandpaper
with n block back of It for the mold
ings he would use steel wool which fits
Into the crevices and conforms Itself
to Irregular shapes Such work can
be done with steel wool far more readi
ly nnd quickly than with sandpaper
and it is used with like advantage on
Irregular and small surfaces nnd on
carved work
Besides the steel wool there Is a
coarser material of the same kind call
ed steel shavings which is put to vnrl
ous uses as In taking off old paint or
varnish and In polishing wood before
painting nnd it is used on bowling al
leys nnd on floors for smoothing and
cleaning them
Sandpaper clogs in ue 6teel wool
breaks down The wool Is commonly
used with gloves to keep the ends frm
sticking into the fingers New Yoik
Kor Yearn Wine In Drawn From It
to Cvlrbrute Uri nt liven to
AH really excellent champagne is the
result of judicious blending Time
was when each big vineyard owner
had his own cellar and his own brand
But It has been found advantageous to
sell the raw wine to dealers who make
one district supply what another lacks
But there are still a few provincial
establishments that cling to the old
ways crowning with a wreath of flow
ers the first tubful of ripe grapes and
keeping the bride of the cellar full
from year to year
The bride be It understood Is a spe
cial wine cask filled with the first run
ning of the press More accurately it
holds the Juice which drips away be
fore nny pressure Is applied Wine
from it Is never sold but used upn
high days aud holidays passed about
as a gift or devoted to the comfort of
insist that a barrel of pure whisky cost- the sick nnd the poor
mg 100 is by adulteration converted
into n value of 1000 and believo that if
made to sell the pure article many sa
loon keepers would be forced out of bus
iness through lack of profits The con
sumer will see in this movement on op
portunity to get a drink of the pure
stnff rather than the fusel oil or other
concoction they have sometimes been
getting and will undoubtedly support
the movement
Teddy Roosevelt sent a ringing mes
sage to tho irrigation congress recently
held in which he gives his views on tho
irrigation and forestry questions and
favors these ideas for the upbuilding aud
betterment of the west with the needs
of which he is more or less familiar
His letter is concluded by the following
The east is interested in the development
of the and lauds or the west jn9t bb the
west is interested in the p oper develop
ment of our harbor system and of our
commerce on tho high sea No part of
tbiB country cun be permanently bene
fited without a reflex benefit to tho
other part As Americans we are all
interested in the progress of any part of
our common country and while your
movement is of immediate benefit to
the west its ultimate benefit will be
shared by the east as well I earnestly
hope that all far sighted citizens
whether they dwell on the Atluutio
and Pacific seaboards or in the great
Mississippi valley will appreciate this
and that congress will give to your
efforts the substantial backing they
Contest proceedings have been com
menced against P F Zimmerman who
on the face of tho returns received 10
more votes than Louis G Bley for rep
resentative from this county Tho
basis for the contest is not fully known
but one of the grounds is tho number of
votes cast by hospital employes iu the
outside Norfolk precinct which it is
alleged were illegal As to whether
tho investigation will show that Zim
mermnu received enough votes to en
title him to election is of course ns yet an
open question The position of every
fair miuded republican should be not to
tuko advantage of the fact that the re
publicans have control of the house but
the case should be decided strictly upon
its merits If it is shown that
Something nkin to the bride exists In
the German free cities Each of them
hns a wine cellnr and In each cellar
there Is n cask always yielding wine
but never empty
Any burgher Is entitled to demand a
bottle of its contents when he marries
when ids first son is christened and
also when the son is 21 If the son is
adventurous or the burgher himself
for that matter he gets another bottle
from the cask when he comes home
from far countries
But there Is nn official specially
charged to see that whenever n bottle
ful Is drawn out another bottleful of
ns near as possible the same quality at
once goes in And thus it happens thnt
the city cask Is never empty Boston
Gladstone Levity
While Mr Glndstone Interested his
audiences Immensely by his endless
flow of animated remarks and brilliant
historical crtlclsms ho fniled altogeth
er to convey to them tho sense of great
ness Every one left his society pleas
ed amused perhaps delighted But 1
cannot Imagine anybody quitting it im
pressed wit reverence There was in
deed a levity sometimes observable
about hi in which was very antagonis
tic to reverence
Dr Murtineau himself told me how
disappointed he was when meeting
him after his great return to power
he said to him What an opportunity
you have for the great work before
you the consolidation of the empire
Mr Gladstone shrugged bis shoulders
and said Oh I dont know about that
The clerks in the colonial ofllco have
got too mucn to do already Contem
porary Iteview
Ttie float Arc For Men to Harry
Edward Uok writing In The Ladle
Ilome Journal on A Boy For a Hus
band contends that no young roan
under 25 years of age Is In any sense
competent to take unto himself a wife
Before that age he Is simply a boy who
has absolutely nothing which he can
offer to a girl as a safe fundatlon for
life happiness lie is unformed In ills
character unsettled In his ideas ab
solutely Ignorant of the first essentials
of what consideration or love for a
woman menus He doesnt know him
self let alone knowing n woman He
Is full of fancies and it is his boyish
nature to flit from one fancy to an
He is Incapable of the affection up
on which love is based because he has
not lived long euough to know what
Mhmnaw tiii
the feeling or even tho word means
He is full of theories each ono of
which when he comoR to put It Into
practice will fall He Is a boy puro
and Dimple passing through that try
ing period through which every boy
must pass before he becomes a man
But that period Is not the marrying
time Tor ns his opinions of life aru
to change so are his fancies of the
girl he esteems as the only girl In tho
world to make him happy The man
of 30 rarely weds the girl whom ho
fancied when he was UP
WliltrN Ti Ih PintiMUUvl
Lansing Mich Nov U7 -The trial of
Ren ernl V 1 White ox-quartermaster
general of the Michigan National
Guard who Is charged with complicity
In the state military frauds was yes
terday postponed until next Monday
morning at the request of General
Whlttelsey who wu not prepared to
proceed with the trial
If Jujtlce ruled what a shifting of
Jobs there would be Milwaukee Jour
German Spoken
The Eminent Sioux City Specialist
who lint cnineil n wide reputation in bin pro
fctfeiuti lit tin expert extractor will be lit the
Tuesday Dec 11
Painless Extraction
of Teeth
from S to 1 n in Wo do not do thN as nn net
of charity tint to proo that we lnuo tho bi t
and nli olutily the Fnfei t method of extracting
teeth eer yet produced Hear in mind there is
no tooth or root we cannot take out without
pain nnd sou not tho s erwee of skilled ex
perts at a very low chaw Remember tho
late and call early at- our time t hort and of
fice Kenernllv crowded Our specialty is extrac
tion and double Miction plates Jxtracthu
foe dtducted from price of plate
German tpoKen
Barnett Dental Association
Dr Humphreys
Specifics care by acting directly upon
tho disease without exciting disorder in
any other part of tho system
1 Fevers Congestions Inflammations 25
it Worms Worm Fevor Worm Colic 25
3 Teething Colic Cry lngWakefulneas 25
4 Diarrhea of Children or Adults 25
7 Coughs Colds Bronchitis 25
8 Neuralgia Toothache Kaceache 25
9 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 25
10 Dyspepsia IndlgesUonWeak0tomach25
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 25
12 Whiles Too Prof uso Periods 25
13 Croup Laryngitis Hoarseness 25
14 Salt Itheum Erysipelas Eruptions 25
13 Rheumatism ltheumatlc Pains 25
16 Malaria Chills Fever and Ague 25
19 Catarrh Influenza Cold In the Head 25
SO Whooplng Cough 25
27 Kidney Diseases 25
2H Nervous Debility 100
30 Urinary Weakness Wetting Bod 25
77 Grlp Hay Fever 25
Dr Humphreys Manual of all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed Free
Sold by druggists or sent on receipt of price
Humphreys Med Co Cor William John Sts
New York
Missouri Pacific Ry
Iron Mountain Route
To certain
points in
PLUS 2oo
i October 2 and Hi
ON TUESDAYS November 1 nnd 20
December 4 aud 18
Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days
Stop overs will bo allowed within
transit limit of fifteen days going after
reaching first homeseekers point on
For furtlii r information or udvertUini mut
ter mlilretf any uiaut of tliuconiitiny or
A G K and P A T PA
Southeast Cor 14tb and Douglas Bta