The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 30, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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itn n
China Called Upon to Pay Al
lies 300000000
XCnroio Tab dp rriinilllnii Irrt lounly
Item Urn Kiilumi Willi
I mil ltiltnino til mum IIiir nil Irrnl
I Vallrrvinli IIhvk IIkIiI Willi Hour
London Nov V7 Dr MoitIhoii wir
ing to tlu Times rioin Peking Sunday
ays Tho foreign envoys have
Agreed to two proposals Hint were pre
viously rejected owIiik to luck of iinn
sdmlty These are Sir Krucst SiiIowh
roposul Hint China hIuiiiM auree to
recant the commercial treaties mid the
Itnllim propositi tlmt China should eon
twnt to forrlcti llnuiHlul control iih u
KUiirantec ot tlu Indemnity Tho de
lay In the presentation of the Joint
rot Is 1I110 to procrastinations liy I In
home governments IIiIh Increases the
difficulties of the position and aggra
vates tlio dislocation of trudo nnd
flnniicc especially tlio collection of In
InnU revenues At tlio lowest estimate
the Indoinnlty Ih computed ut 00000
A dispatch from leklng snys Col
nel Yoreks column took Knlgan with
out resistance The Chinese forces
regulars nnd lloxers retreated townrd
the provlneo of Nhon SI
Washington Nov 27 The state de
partment has been Informed of tlio
ncrpLtiieiit reached liy tlio foreign inlti
istcrs at Id Ins tint It Is not regarded
its expedient 10 give out for pulilleii
lion at this time any detailed Informa
tion regarding It It may he stated
liowever that the arrangement stands
Tory poor ehnnee of1 receiving the
nnnetlon of all the powers represented
In the leklng eonferenee unless some
material amendments are permitted
Unless the ministers at Poking have
mndc n very substantial eluniKO In the
requirements of the French note It
inny1 tie predicted that our government
irlll feel obliged to seek some altera
tions In the arrangements before It
gives Its adherence
3ui rattir Gradually Clolnu Down mid
lie lVrnplrcH Freely
Llvndla Nov l7 Tho following bul
letin regarding the czars condition has
been Issued
The emperor pntKcd a pood div ycRtpnlay
U wbr uhlv to vliip 11 llttlo mill hml sonic
jirriplriitlmi At I oclock In tlio afternoon
Lla tuinptriituio was IHIIt pulm 70 At I
oclock In the IViiilnj his tciiiHriitiirr wus
5 pulse TO
Ills nuiJONty imhtiI n ptood night He
Tfraplrpd profusoly This moniliiK tlio im
cust patients condition was very sutUfuu
tory At l oclock hlu tiinpeiatuiu was
U5 tl pulM TO
In the kimiuiiiI course of his lllnoaa a dis
tinct Improvement Is oliM mililc
Bald to ltu Out or Harmony With tlio Ail
mliiliitratlou lt Kiiilluf China
Now York Nov 27 A Washington
Wieputch to the World says Minister
Conger probably will return to the
United States Ills relations with the
administration have not been harmoni
ous since the relief of Poking Mr
Conger advocates measures which the
president regards as too radical and
lias not taken kindly to the fact that
hie views have not been indorsed at
Have Trmihlc With IiixurKinU
Mobile Ala Nov 27 The olllcers
end crew of the Norwegian fruit
steamer ltratteu which has arrived
liere from Santa Marta In the Central
American republic of Colombia had a
thrilling experience with revolution
ists The steamer put Into that port
Nov 12 Intending to get n cargo of
fruit The revolutionists attempted
more than once to seize the llrattcn
nnd its olllcers and crew were several
times In danger of being shot Finally
the Colombian government ordered the
vessel to stand out in the stream out
of range of the guns that lined the
whartes nnd streets of Santa Marta
The vessel was linally obliged to re
turn to Mobile without n cargo
Admit the Lat vuinkrrs
Washington Nov 127 The treasury
department yesterday decided to ad
mit the lace workers and their families
who were brought to this country by
Dr J A Dowle the divine healer
nnd the founder of ZIon City Ills to
teach others the art of lace mnklug
This Is a reversal of the actions of the
riiiludelphln Immigration ofllclals who
had decided that the lace makers
should not be admitted to this country
German FIb on Great Wall
Berlin Nov 127 A dlspnteh received
here from Field Marshal Count von
JWaldersee dnted Nov 124 snys Col
enel Mueelenfels expedition has hoist
ed the German ting over the groat wall
Which was reached on Nov 122 by way
ef Hey Ling Cheng after a dilllcult
mountain march The dispatch adds
that the French hnvo had a severe
fight with Boxers 30 kilometers south
of Tao Ting Fu
Nntivi a Making Troulilp
Zanzibar Nov 27 The Souialls have
risen In Jublland a province of Brit
ish East Africa About 4000 well
trmed men are on the warpath Sub
commissioner Jenuer who has been
ou a tour inland with a small force
is said to have been attacked Ills po
sition Is grave
New See ut blnux City
Washington Nov 27 Oillcial ad
lees have been received by Arehblsh
op Kcane of Dubuque In that the
Koine authorities will divide his juris
diction by creating a suffragan dio
xetse ut Sioux City eurly next month
JijfcJifirnrmirrr r
Ioftlnl Cliilm DlM mcr tilrrl ti u lloi
In IoikIi
rhlcago Nov 27 According to In
formation received bete yetterdny a
dangerous looking package resembling
an Infernul machine was discovered
In a mall sack In one of the posal cars
of the Omaha ami Ogdcu rout ou the
Union Pacllle railroad The package
had been forwarded from Versailles
France and was addressed to a mer
chant In Salt Lake City Utah Tlio
discovery of the object followed tlio
appearance of a sickening odor In ono
of the postal cars which had Just left
Chicago for the wet Search was
made and a thick smoke was Uncov
ered curling from a Utah mall sack
The contents were emptied and n
smoldering package was found The
parcel was about ten Inches long
four Inches wide ami four Inches thick
Ten short cartridge shaped objocts
were found In the covering of excelsior
and cotton and from these n stilling
odor emanated It Is thought the sub
stance Ignited spontaneously The
package was returned to tlio Chicago
olllce under close cover and has boon
forwarded to Washington
Onui Imil inoa ii Drlvo Tli roll til
liiihlllou Jioiitul ItrtiiriilliK In
li lliliKiitloiii
Paris Nov 27 Dr Leytls the diplo
matic agent of the Transvaal visited
the French minister of foreign affairs
M Uelcitsse yesterday
Mr Kruger took a long drlvo during
the afternoon In a landau lie was
accompanied by his grandson and es
corted by police cyclists and mounted
guards He traveled tlio Boulevard
des Capuelnes and the Chumps Hlysee
and entered the exposition grounds
There lie ascended the lOltVel tower
to the second story where M Plcard
the director general showed Mr Kru
ger the principal buildings of the ex
position and the monuments of Paris
Mr Kruger stopped and gazed at his
own bust which was profusely deco
rated with lowers and other tributes
of admiration Ilchiiid the hiixt was a
bible lying open and Mr Kruger iad
n verse from It He afterward exam
ined the Boer farm and opjed for a
few moments before a portrait of Col
onel tie Vlllebojs Mnrouil the French
otllcer who was killed in South Afrlcn
while lighting with the Boers Thence
he continued his drive to the Bols do
Houloguc and back to his hotel He
was warmly greeted along the route
Later Mr Kruger received various del
egations at his hotel
Cutmu Convention ltiJcct Hcnolutlon
ItuKiit nt Li ua
Havana Nov 27 At yesterdays ses
sion of the Cuban constitutional con
vention Senor tie Quosada moved the
rejection of the resolution Introduced
Saturday expressing Pie sorrow of the
convention at the depurture of General
Fitzhugh Lee The rusolution was
thereupon rejected unanimously
Senor Gualberto Jomez untitled tho
convention that he would present for
consideration u motion in answer to
Cieneral Woods address to the con
General Sangullly Immediately ob
jected on the ground that such a pro
posal would be entirely out of place
as the address was In the form of a
military order which could not be an
swered by Hie convention He urged
that It would be wiser to leave the
subject alone as any discussion of It
must cause 111 feeling between tho con
vention and the military
Senor de Quosada moved that In the
Judgment of the convention C5eueral
Woods address should not under any
consideration be answered by the con
vention and this was carried unani
UU Dlnry Cniitalni il Ilmt Mention of Cal
ICoiiiii tiold lMxrovrry
Salt Lake City Utah Nov 27 nen
ry W Hlgler who made the tlrst rec
ord of the great California gold discov
ery lu ISIS Is dead at St George Utah
He was about 7i years of age Blgler
was a member of the Mormon battal
ion working at Sutters mill race when
tho discovery was made He made
the following entry in his diary on Jan
21 18 IS
This day some kind of metal was
found in the mill race that looks like
Six days Inter he wrote In his dlnry
that the metal when tested proved to
be gold
Mrs Joanna Kobluson a second
cousin of President McKInley Is dead
at her home In St Puul
The death of Justnve O Beuck of
Davenport lu senior In the college
of civil engineering at Cornell uni
versity occurred ut Cornell Intlrmnry
Tho Immense new sugar refinery
costing with appurtenances and res
ervoirs 51000000 started nt Sugar
City Colo Monday and the occasion
was celebrated by a harvest festival
Edward Holdon charged with having
been married 12 times and who It Is
alleged has nine wives living was
lentenced at Tlilln O to the pen 1
Itentlary Monday for one year for big
amy on one of the counts
Members of tho Epworth League
have issued an ultimatum to the west-
ern railroads They have decreed that
unless they are granted a round trip
rate of r0 from Chicago for their bi
ennial conveution scheduled to be
held In San Francisco next July they
will hold their uicectiug lu some east
ern city
i FLOODS IN W li l
Damage Reported Covers Wide
U niilloniil Iti purta Mcrt Willi Prompt
Di iiIiiI In Went VlruliilitAliiny Holme
at Unlioln Under
Town Vlnled by Ilio mill Flood
lJinton W Vn Nov 27 There were
various reports last night about
bridges ou the Chesapeake mid Ohio
being washed out and trains running
Into the river with all aboard lost
There Is nothing in any of these re
ports All the trains are accounted
for either at Alderson or White Sul
phur Springs and the passengers on
the delayed trains are being enter
tained at the hotels In the best possible
manner While none of the bridges
are washed out yet the road has suf
fered much damage for a distance of
about 10 miles In umbaukmeutH be-
lug washed out and In landslides the
most serious being the landslide near
one of the Green river bridge The
railroad Is not the only one that has
suffered in this district The Hoods
have done great damage In this city
and In surrounding towns nnd to the
lumber trade everywhere as well as
to the crops
Vlnltud liy Ilro mill Flood
Wlllluiiisport Pa Nov 27 Inside of
35 hours the village of Cross Forks has
boon visited by a baptism of lire and
water Fire last night destroyed a
Jewelry store ltodlers store postof
lice Poises market Ice house and
Holmes grocery store Tho loss Is
7riM0 Scarcely had the excitement
over the lire subsided than the highest
flood ever known in Kettle creek
struck- the town It covered all the
lowlands and carried away two bridges
on the HulValo and Susipiohauua rail-
Floodn In IViinaylvnnla
Dubois Pa Nov 27 This section of
tho country experienced one of the
worst Hoods yesterday that has ever
occurred In many years All of the
mining plants situated ou low ground
were compelled to close down In the
morning and many residences In the j
lower parts of the town have four to
six feet of water In the ground floors
IteturiiH of CiiHiiiiltlen In Western TonneH
mo Coining In
Memphis Tqun Nov 27 Meager
nocouuts of casualties by flood are coin
lug In from western Tennessee A few
miles north of Dyersburg a woman
and two children In a buggy were
thrown into deep backwater by the
sloughing of a levee over which they
were passing and all were drowned
A mall carrier was drowned In Caney
crook near Glyniph Lauderdale coun
ty by the upsottlug of his buggy as
he was attempting to ford the stream
1111 Majority for Creed Itrvlidon
nttsburg Nov 27 W It Crabbe
the Pittsburg member of the revision
committee of the Presbyterian gen
eral assembly said last night that all
of the presbyteries have voted on the
question of revision of the creed re
sulting in the revisionists receiving
about 72 per cent of the votes cast Of
the lH7tlS members of the church
8S2rr voted The presbyteries vot
ing in favor of revision number 125
those against a change -11 A two
thirds vote Is required to make a
change The committee will meet In
Washington Dec -1 to tnko action
Iloinrntiiku Completes Hg Ditch
Lead S D Nov 27 The I Ionic
stake Mining company has completed
Its new water ditch to furnish the
stamp mills cyanide plants and the
cities of Lead and Deadwood with
water Yesterday great steam pumps
stnrted pumping water over a hill -100
feet high Everything about the mam
moth undertaking has turned out suc
cessfully The company now has an
evorlnsting supply which will mean
the doubling of the output of the mines
within a short time A million dollars
has been expended In getting this
water into the city
Crew Thought to lluvo 1erUhed
Portsmouth N II Nov 27 The
battered hulk of what was the St John
schooner Advance was washed ashore
on Wallis sands with no signs of life
aboard Whether her crew of four or
live men have been taken off by n
passing vessel or have been drowned
can only be conjectured The schooner
Is u complete wreck Sho was sighted
at dawn and the WalllB Sands life
savers wnlted over six hours for her to
strike the beach and when she did the
tea wus so heavy that the surfboat
could not be launched
NebrtMka ltiiiichiuuu Mnrilrrt il
Broken How Neb Nov 27 Tho life
less body of W 11 Fullhart an eccen
tric and well-to-do ranchman living
near Anselmo was found on the prai
rie and taken to that town yesterday
He had apparently been murdered his
skull being crushed by some blunt In
strument The body when found was
a mile from home Fullhart Ived
vlone except for a hired man and this
man Is missing
iJilic Vt tMU founding to IMrrm
Sandusky 0 Nov 27 Tho steamer
M Slcklen and the schooners Spade
man and Malvlna went ashore In yes
terdays gale on the Marblehead beach
and they are now being pounded to
pieces The crews were taken off by
the life saving crew from Marblehead
The wrecked vessels were loaded with
Ml Mori lon llnei Ilttle lntretln
IloriMi of It t r I riii I lot- Mn rdi r
Lldorado Kan Nov 27 The town
yesterday was overcrowded with peo
ple drawn by the trial of Jessie Mor
iImiii and when court opened the room
was crowded to lis capacity The pos
sibility that the taking of evidence
would begin served to whet tho appe
tite of the public The prisoner had
pent a ipilet Sunday In her cell where
slie received members of her family
and a few friends To newspaper men
who sought an Interview she refused
to talk of the case In which she
evinces fur less Interest than outsiders
Castle the widower of the murdered
woman ou the other hand seems to
be breaking down utuler the strain of
tho trial
Former Probate lodge Morrison ban
received several letters from people
offering their services In behalf of Ills
daughter In one a hypnotist offers
to exert his powers over the presiding
Judge for a stipulated sum and In an
other the writer says he Is willing to
get on tho jury and block It In fa
vor of the defendant Judge Morrison
has Ignored tho letters
Ilimilni Hotel ItiillilliiK at MellierKon
Kan tolliipseil While They Were
on tli Third Iloor
McPherson Kan Nov 27 Five fire
men were seriously injured while work
ing on the Merchants hotel which was
destroyed by lire here yesterday Tho
llremeti wcic on the third lloor and
apparently had the lire under control
when the building suddenly collapsed
and six of the men were burled In tlio
ruins The Injured are VA Maltby
right side of Iiead badly gashed Dick
Wilson badly cut and bruised about
face and body Theodore Prnntnno
one eye knocked out and otherwise
disfigured Joe Perrltt legs seriously
cut and Stuart lialrd Injured Inter
Cannot Com let Lyncher
Denver Nov 27 The Kooky Moun
tain News prints the reply of Sheriff
Freeman of Lincoln county to the let
ter of District Attorney McAllister of
Colorado Springs concerning the pros
ecution of the persons who burned tho
negro rapist and murderer Preston
Porter nt the stake at Lltnou Colo
recently Sheriff Freeman declares
that It would be Impossible to got a
Jury in Lincoln or any adjoining coun
ty that would convict any one charged
with participation In the burning of
Preston Porter
Miii1k Wimhlinrii
Kansas City Nov 27 II II Mudge
general manager of the Atchison To
peka and Santa Fo railway was yes
terday elected persident of the Kan
sas City Holt railway to succeed tho
late H S Washburn Mr Mudge will
retain hi spresent position with tlio
Santa Fe
IlntMo Committee on Military Affair
Aleut itud IliKiiisHt N tho Ieiiilini War
Ilrpurtmeiit Mt imiire
Washington Nov 28 The house
committee on military affairs yester
day met for the purpose of consider
ing the army bill The Republican
members of the committee apparently
are In favor of giving the president
such an jinny as he may require
The committee went over the bill
which has been known as the war de
partment bill drawn on lines suggest
ed and approved by Secretary Root
It provides for a maximum of 9U000
men and a minimum of fiSOOO witli
110 regiments of infantry Ifi regiments
of cavalry and a gradual Increase of
the artillery until at the end of live
years there will be 18000 men The
artillery is not to be organized Into
regiments but as batteries and organ
izations of heavy and Meld artillery
With the maximum army there is to
be IfiO men to each Infantry compnny
making LSiO men to a regiment The
maximum of cavalry troop is to be
100 men There Is no provision for a
lieutenant general in the war depart
ment bill but under the present law
the senior major general command
ing would have the rank of lieutenant
iujineer Make n stand Aalniit Arrest of
Traluiotu u Aciount of Accident
Nogales A T Nov 28 For several
days there has been almost a tie up
ou the Souora division of the Southern
Pacltic Friday all tho engineers run
ning into tills point from the south
refused to pull a throttle in the Mex
ican state of Souora till their com
rades now lying lu Mexican prisons are
Tho trouble comes from the custom
tit the Mexican authorities in arrest
ing trainmen whenever an accident
happens to a wayfarer caused by tho
running of a train regardless so tho
railroad men say of who may be ut
fault The south bound passenger ex
press Is the only train that has left for
Hermoslllo and Guuymas for several
days and that was pulled by Master
Mechanic Johusou In the place of the
regular engineer
In the jail at Guaymns at present
nre Engineer Charles Smith Con
ductor Langworthy one American
brakeman and two Mexican brakemen
In Jail lu Nognles are Engineer Jeffer
son Conductor Iiudgo and Hrnkeman
Kochln at Magdalena are Incarcer
ated an American engineer nnd n
brnkeninn The railroad companys
attorneys snys they huve tried In vuln
to have several of the men brought to
trial for their Innocence of the charge
against them cau be easily proven
if if iwaFG sriiolt sssssS WFBsitedl
to ejf w3s Jd Em n foyy
smsd gmq fe gsj wrgj wriao
i8J tils S5SS3f 2 of
That is the latigurge of a philosopher Kvery human being
black or white bond orfrcc in constructed on the same plan The
organs of a rich man differ in no degree from those of a poor man
Even the king is served from the field The processes of nature
by which life is originated and preserved are the same in the beggar
as in the prince What cures the weak lungs of the poorest will
cure the weak lungs of the richest Dr Pierces Golden Medical
Discovery has cured thousands of men and women who had bad
cough spit blood and were hurt of bieath It has cured ninety
eight of every bundled persons who have given the medicine a fair
and faithful trial
If your sickness is like hers Mrs Jacobs story will inter
est you
I was very sir 1 itulecd willri Mis Mollic Jacobs of Iclton Kent Co Dcla
ware and our family doctor 1 had consumption 1 thought 1 must die soon
for I felt so awful bad Had a bid cough spit blood was very short of breath
had pains in my chcht and light ltitijr mid also had dyspepsia llcfore 1 took your
Golden Mcdvcnl Discovery nnd llcimnut Pellets 1 wa so weak I could not
sweep a room and now I can do a small washing ami I feel like a new person I
believe that the Lord and your nudicme have saved my life I was sick over
two years I took i bottles of the Golden Medical Discovery and four vials of
Dr Pierces Pellets
Are you sick Are your lungs weak Have j
lnigcrmg cough with bleeding lungs weakness and
Thousands in just your case have been cured by the
Phillips Bull Leader is Still
On Top
Interval May He Filled With Kxrltlng Kx
lierlenees lor Shorts at IMillllpn Has
to Send the lrlco Milch Higher
Curu Ti ndured is It ejected
Chicago Nov 27 November corn
touched 50 cents yesterday It made
an advance of 5 cents for the day of
10 cents a bushel for the week and of
ulniost 15 cents within four weeks
young Mr Phillips sold what corn
changed hands at that point shorts
did the buying that advanced the mar
ket to the 50 cent quotation The 5
1 cent advance over the close of last
week made the day the notable one
so far for the campaign A roar and
n cheer gave notice of the half dollar
nrliniiitwii nt1 1 n flilin
II 111 illlll inn u viiia 11 UUUllllin
toward the already overcrowded corn
pit from all over the lloor The tip
top figure was made In the first hour
November starting at 40 cents selling
between 40 and 50 cents and closing
at 40 cents The slight linnl reces
sion was like the others which have
been experienced brought about by
selling by the bull leader
The man with the corner in tho hol
low of his hand Is apparently not
ready to let it get away from him He
hns watched the speculative careers
of other men with corners and believes
that most of them lost because of
their greed to extort the last penny
All morning the little corn king stood
on the edge of the pit and watched
the ebb and flow of the battle When
ever the clamorous short howled up
tho price In the face of unresponsive
takers he pushed to the front of the
line and let out more corn
Some of the dealers thought the ju
venile looking speculator was in straits
and was running to wind up his string
They jumped on the market nnd tried
to sell corn at 47 Phillips turned In
stantly from seller to buyer from bear
to bull and snapped up every man who
was offering to shade the price that
he was making The decline stopped
nt once Phillips showed to the corn
pit that he was its master that he
could regulate It nt will
The receipts for yesterday Including
Sunday were more than 000 cars Not
more than 10 per cent graded No 2
Compared to the requirements for set
tling day this was not a drop in the
bucket Advices from the corn belt
are that corn Is damp nnd uuder
grade Very little of the new crop
has been taken from the husk The
rains of the past two weeks have
stopped outdoor operations
The excited market was the unmis
takable admission of the corn trade
that Phillips has a cinch on his cor
ner Some of the other brokers who
tried to nurt c a little corner in Novem
ber corn last summer and who got
tired about the time they hud worked
the bulk of the contract corn off the
market and left a smooth path for their
successor envy the llttlo fellow but
they nre not throwing anything lu his
Phillips conduct yesterday won him
great praise Few men have been able
to keep u cool head under like circum
stances He parted with 1100000 bush
els about one tenth of his holdings
He bought 100000 when the bears tried
to drag him off his pedestal He made
30000 Apparently he Is going to
keep the settling prices around 50
cents If the shorts nro meditntiug a
coup on the last day they may wake up
to Hml that Phillips has closed out his
Hue He claims now that ho cannot
be squeezed whatever may happen
As long us he keeps on selling more
than he buys nnd holds tho market
down to 50 cents he is seemingly too
nimble to be crowded off the market with
almost always cures Mck persons are invited to
Pierce by letter absolute- without fee or chartre All
ence is strictly private llriie and get a sficciatsis opi
cascjree Address Dr K V Pierce Buffalo N Y
ou obstinate
use of Dr
s hctks It
consult Dr
nwn on your
Dr Pierces Gafcten PJIscSicaU BEscvory
strengthens tho sjjxsact purifies tfse bioosl
nourishes tiaa ncrvos csnd heais weak Eusjgsa
his corner Other speculators have
been broken by buying at a big price
lu order to hold up the market and
playing out their funds on margins
George A Soayerns is said to bo giv
ing aid to Phillips Some think tho
elevator man is backing his former
employe in the trade At any rate the
drying and cleaning house of Seaverns
which in the pnst has been able to
turn out contract corn with great rap
idity in times of stress hns not added
a bushel to the supply since the Phil
lips corner has developed
tioml lloailn Committee ut Work
Washington Nov 27 W II Moore
and 15 other members of the commit
tee appointed at the recent good roads
congress yesterday called on Secre
tary Wilson of the agricultural depart
ment and desired that he recommend
an appropriation of 150000 for the
roads inquiry bureau of his depart
ment The purpose of the appropria
tion is construction of sample roads
experiments and the diffusion of in
formation on tho subject of road
I lug and kindred matters The secre
l tary promised to second the efforts of
the roads congress and to recommend
the appiopriation asked Today tho
committee will call on President Mc
The Wit Mr Beei her Kept In
In the early days of Mr Beecheri
career when wit was unknown In the
pulpit some of the deacons of his
church asked him If he didnt think
such frequent outbursts of humor were
calculated to diminish his usefulness
He listened pntiently and when they
finished he said Brethren If you only
knew how many funny things I keep
In you wouldnt complain about the
few I lot out Ladles Home Journal
Dubuque Votes Tor Library
Dubuque Nov 27 The proposition
to levy a tax for the support of a free
public library was carried at a special
election held yesterday Tho result
carries with It a gift of 50000 from
Andrew Canfegle also the Young
Mens Library association 18000 vol
umes and other property worth 40
Death of Dr llrook
Leavenworth Knn Nov 27 Dr T
W Brock a noted army surgeon died
nt his home here yesterday He served
through the civil war in the Sixty
slxtl Ohio volunteers
An Excellent Opportunity
P Villi Alt- o
Direct from the Factory faml I Hell
theni ut Chicago Iliei H
I What Are They
China Silks and Fino
t American nni Jmnm fpd
Dy rot forget that I have 3
a fine line of PIANOS and 3
ORGANS See them when 3
purchasing a Scarf 3
I The Norfolk Piano Man