The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 30, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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II ill
Anti British Movement Assum
ing Dangerous Proportions
London Innnr rulILlic Alarmist
Iriiii Chio Ion il ItiilxiH
Coulliin Itcpuit of Ilcnn of llut
AbhIiinI Ul IIfo Aurttt Mud
i London Nov JS Tho Dully Mull
publishes this niuiiilus the following
itlminlHt dispatch truiu ape Town
The untl ltrltlsh IooIIhr In Onpe
Colony Is tisKtitnliiK diinuiious ptopor
tions owln to lalso Htoilos spteiid of
Urltlnh bin luii Ity In Uiuhkc Ulver Col
ony tiuil the TtatiBViiiil Loyalists four
tlmt the Dutch coiiKiess next week
Mill be the signal for u iIsIiir and
they deuiund that niaitlul law be pro
claimed throughout tho colony The
fcltuatloii Is declined to be graver than
At any pre lous period during the
Referring edltoilally to Its Cape
Town advices the Dully Mall adopts
a most morions tone asBeitlng that the
nntl llrltlh movement Is accent tinted
by the withdrawal of troops trom Cape
Colony nnd calling for vigorous Mo
tion by the HrltWli go eminent
Iuntlun litxi Annuuiiois Dlntotriy of
Ilol A jal ml Hi llUh Comiiiiiutlur
Loudon Nov Ii8 Aecoiding to a spe
cial edition of the Evening Standaid
o plot to assassinate Loid Ilubeils in
which two foieigners aie concerned
Las been dlscoeied
It iipisatiis Unit the conspirators laid
a mine which was designed to be
blown up Sunday while Lord Kobeits
was in church ut Johannesburg but
the polite and Loid Roberts body
guard fiiiMinteri the coiispiiney The
men mostly Ilulluiis have been ar
The war otllce publishes the follow
ing dispatch fiom Loid Kobeits As
reports of a plot against my life will
probably reach you I think you should
know tho facts It Is believed that
thcie was a plot In existence and live
Italians foui Greeks and one French
man weie arrested Nov 10 and are
now uwaitlng trial Their intentions
were to explode a mine under St
Marys church during the morning
service held at 11 oclock on Nov 18
Kriigtr Petition for Aibltrutlun
London Nov 18 The Vienna corre
epondent of the Dally Chronicle says
lie hems that President Kruger lias
petitioned the powers for arbitration
under The Hague convention that
two powers acceded to his request
but that nil otheis i ejected the pe
London Nov 28 The Paris corre
spondent of the Dally Mall wlies that
lie had a convocation with Mr Kru
ger yesterday nnd that the Boer states
man gtew excited and vehement when
the reporter hinted that England
would ignoic all attempts to secuie
arbitration and would tight any combi
nation of powers rather than give up
the republics Mr Kruger insisted
says the correspondent that Mr
Chamberlain had signed The Hague
convention and could not withdraw
Jle said that England had earned a
Just punishment and that as there
was u God she would be punished
Kruger Vllt asse
Paris Nov 28 Last evening Mr
Kruger nnd Dr Leyds drove to the
foreign ortice where they were re
ceived by the minister of foreign af
fairs M Delcasse with whom they
liad an interview lasting
of an hour An incident similar
to the one that took place in Mar
seilles occurred on the arrival of the
students piocession at the Hotel
Scribe An upper window of the
Grand hotel opposite was opened nnd a
handful of small copper and silver
coins was thrown down The stu
dents Incensed at the insult wished
to attack u shipping otllce which Is
on the street level but the police In
terfered Ultimately tho shippers
were persuaded by the poUce to close
the otllce
Knot Iletunu From Cubs
Washington Nov 28 Secretary
Hoot returned from Cuba yesterday
He had expected to reach Washing
ton In time for the cabinet meeting
but a landslide on the railway south
of Washington delayed the train five
hours and Instead of n cabinet meet
ing he found the house committee on
military affairs waiting to see him In
Ills otllce Mr Root snld his trip to
Cuba had been quite satisfactory He
had confined his inspection to the east
end of the island where he said af
fairs were In very favorable shape
Kalicr Invrs Way for Another Hill
Berlin Nov 28 Emperor William
bus sent to the relchstng charts maps
and statistics showing the growth of
the Russian British French and Unit
ed States navies and also the strength
In far eastern waters In view of this
the members of the rclchetag fear that
mother bill to Increase the strength
of tho German navy is coming
Mary KUrn Want u DHoice
Wichita Kan Nov 28 The Wich
ita Eagle says divorce proceedings
Will be instituted this week by Mrs
Mary E Lease on grounds of non-support
and that her husband will make
uo contest
Tweuty Hound to a III air
Omaha Nov 28 Perry Queennn of
Chicago and Young Peter Jackson
of Sun Francisco fought 20 rounds to
k draw Tuesday night at Washington
talL J
Two KIIIimI mid llirrn Wounded Nrnr
Manila Nov 28 A detachment of
tho lhlul United State Infantry was
ambushed Sunday near Malolos Tim
ladrones tiled a volley at the Amerl
runs klllig two privates of company
F mid woimdlug three Tin insur
gents escaped Into a swamp
Numinous lnsuigent bands lifive been
dispersed and consldeiahle quantities
of stores destroyed In the province of
Itiilueuii by Uenornl Giants mounted
61 outs
Tenet nl Hates repot ts the capture of
l Insut gents six of whom tnutdcted
live persons last sptlug
While letuinlng by steamer n de
tachment of Americans landed at San
Mm cute- and attacked a body of icb
els killing seuti A branch patty at
tacked a patty beyond Palestlna kill
ing the and eaptuilng tl The Amer
icans had no casualties Thine has
been considerable who cutting lu that
Cleveland anil rittHtitirff ixirrt I
WitUmI but With ltrniiuUiilIy
Small Casualty I Int
Pittsburir Nov 28 -At 115 tills
morning the night eptess for tleve j
land on the Cleveland hud Plttsbuig
was thrown in the river two miles be 1
low Beaver The scanty Information
at hand one man drowned and
four otheis badly Inn I
Dt owned Express Messenger Casey
lived at Cleveland
Iujiiieil Flunk Connelly conductor
of Cleveland badly biulsetl L Ceiich
iiiiour engineer Cleveland rigid foot
cut oil 1 A Allen Pittsburg baggage
master sevetal bones btoken John
Taylor coloied potter ankle sptuined
and cut
The accident occur ed at a point
wheie extensive tllllngs have been
made and it is supposed the high water
had washed the till from under the
track and let the entire train of en
gine and live cars Into tho Ohio river
The officials say no pnssengets weie
hurt The excitement was Indescrib
able The passengeis weie compelled
to bieaic their wuy out ol the cars by
blinking the windows and climbing to
the bank
Iollco Notified or 1iijirtml Altumpt oil
the Lite of IriMduut MvKlulvy
New York Nov 28 The police of
Iloboken N J have teceived a letter
alleging the existence of a plot to as
sassinate Ptcsident McKinley The
writer of the letter gave in his com
munication the name of the alleged
chief conspirator which the police ic
fuse to make public at this time The
letter which is illegibly signed is as
Sir liming nlmost thoroughly nssurod
myself of in uiiniclilst plot iiKiilust Ills ex
CLllencv McKlnIor I contlilcr It my duty
to on of tin mime of one lio Is
mine tlmn suspected of n leader
whose iinne Is found in the ernlo ed slip
lie Is n fugitive fiom justice nnd u dim
pel oils linn hiving been convicted t euiil
times mid on tin List nceiiMoii behiK hen
tenced to tlve veins impilsonnient for tin
annehlnt nttempt Mv stutenient can lie
verltled on uppeiilltit to tan piefect of po
lite at Im Is rranre In thu tourhn of tlie
Inst J en lie hnd cnnceiiled with lilm n in in
nnned IiiiikoIs tlie inithoi of m anaieli
1st tin nl u at Scinnton vlieie lie dungci
ouslr wounded an otllcer
The author of tlie letter has been lo
cated and his stoiy will be investi
Former Transvaal At my Oflluer Say II
Will Maku UN Home In Ameijia
New Yoik Nov 28 Samuel Pear
son formerly commissary general of
the Transvaal army who has just ar
rived In this country with a number
of other Boer lefugees Is lesponsible
for the statement that President Kru
ger probably will soon seek lefuge and
a pctmnucnt home here
President Kruger will leave Paris
very soon I believe said Mr Pear
son and come to America where
with his wife ho will make a home un
til such time as our arms have tri
umphed and he can return to the South
African lepublic to take up again his
oflice as chief executive of the Boer
fillips Crow Await Death
Windsor Out Nov 28 A Lalngs
vllle report says that a schooner prob
ably the David Doud of Detroit is be
ing dashed against the rocks at Liz
ards Point tho crew having appar
ently lost all control There Is no wny
of rendering her assistance and If she
goes to pieces under the terrible pound
ing she Is receiving all the crew will
be lost
The schooner Maumee Valley with
a crew of seven near Point Pelee was
lost In Lake Eric
E D Lukenblll former ngent of the
Seaboard Air line at Fernandlna
Flu is shott In his nccounts 50000
By a decision of the Ohio supremo
court Tuesday the luw requiring coal
to be weighed before It Is screened at
tho mines Is declined unconstitutional
Count do Toulouse Lautiec who was
extradited to Montreal fiom Chicago
was Tuesday sontenced to five years
on a charge of sidling bonds kuowiug
them to be forged
Francis T Bowles navol constructor
bt the New Yoik navy yard Is to suc
ceed Hear Admiral Hichborn as chief
of the buteau of construction and re
pair when the lutter retiies next
Woid has been lecelvcd that tho
oveidue schooner Car of Sun Fran
cisco has been wrecked off the Mex
icun coust Her crew composed of
Captain Wagner and eight men huve
probably betu drowned
Expired at His Residence In
St Paul Last Night
Itrrnum tImonn loin rxlrrdny Morning
In Willi b Condition tin Itrmnlnril Until
the lud Dentil of IoinniltMniiei Wilton
Well Kniiun Nelnaskiiii Dead
St Paul Nov 2S - United States
Senator Cushmaii Kcllecg Duvls chair
man of tlie committee- on foielgu te
latlons ol the senate died at his homo
lu this city last night after an Illness
of two months lie has suffered great
ly tint lug his sickness and giadually
sunk away being unconscious for sev
cinl bonis befoie dentil and so far as
could be ktiwvu sniveling no pain
Oiouped about the death bed wcte
Senator Davis Immediate family his
devoted wife his aged lather Major
II II Davis his two slsteis Mis
Morrord and Mrs Barllett Tripp Ills
law partner C A Sevoiance and wife
were also piesent as well as the doc
tois and muses
Every day thine has been received
hundieds of telephonic cable and telo
giaphlc messages of Inquiry and sym
pathy Those came from many distin
guished members of tho diplomatic
corps and high government olliclals
coshmaw k nivm
as well as trom those in tho humbler
walks ot lite and have all evidenced
the widespread Interest In the wellare
of Minnesotas distinguished sou
After his return from tho Maine cam
paign in September Senator Davis
was tioubled by twinges of pain in one
of his feet to which he paid no atten
tion thinking it was due to neuralgia
condition He began an active cam
paign in this state speaking at Du
luth Sept 21 and ut Alexuudiia Minn
Sept 25 During tlie latter speech he
biilleietl bo gicatly that he could not
wear his shoe He icturncd home at
once and was ordered to bed by his
physician A few days later an opera
tion was porfot med It was at llrt
believed tlie case was one of blood poi
soning caused by Infection through a
slight nbiaslon of his foot from the
dye of a black silk stocking and ic
suited I torn the accumulation of pus
His condition impiovcd steadily until
Nov -1 when he giew worse and Dr
J 15 Miuphy the Chisago specialist
uK tont fni n funiculi i t If n liulmr liolil
tlie net day At that time a slight
gaiigienous condition was dlscovctcd
and an operation was found necessary
icniovlng a pottion of one toe Tlie
wound healed well and tlie physicians
were hopeful of the outcome How
ever Nov 11 kidney tiouble became
nppaieut both ucphiltis and diabetes
omplicatiig tlie case and making his
condition mote critical While some
days showed slight improvement and
buoyed up the sinking hopes of the
family and friends the disease made
constant progress nnd It soon became
only a question of days or hours until
death ensued Throughout the lust
week of his Illness the senator suffered
little pain from his Injured foot which
was healing nicely His strength was
kept up with stimulants but the fail
ure of his kidneys to net left his sys
tem Impregnated with poison which
In his enfeebled condition ho was una
ble to withstand It became daily
more difficult to induce him to take
nourishment nnd stimulants nnd his
strength gradually ebbed away Ills
delirium lasted nearly a week and yes
terday morning he sank Into uncon
sciousness which lasted until deatli
brought liim relief
Senator Frye piesident pro tern of
tho senate has been notified of tlie
senators deatli nnd his wishes with
leference to the funeral arrangements
will be compiled with
1osno Iruvi Meeker
Denver Nov 2S Information ha
been received by telephone from
Meeker Colo that Game Commis
sioner Johnson with a posse loft there
for the purpose of anesting the In
dians from Utah who have been
slaughtering game in Colorado The
officers go heavily armed and it is
feared that a battle will occur If they
overtake tiio ledskins
Jury Secured In Meltildo Caie
Mitchell S D Nov 28 The case of
It II McBrlde against 40 citizens of
Mitchell wus begun yesterday when a
Jury was escured after 24 hours labor
McBrlde sues for 525000 damages for
the destruction of his printing office
by a mob the act having been com
mitted neatly live years ago This Is
the Urst time the case has been brought
Into court
Welt Known Nelmukiii Die
San Jose Cal Nov 28 Ueneial G
S Smith who was surveyor geneial
of Nebraska under President Hayes
and later city attorney of Omaha died
here last night of heatt trouble lie
came to Snn Jose for his health about
sir mouths ago
Moiilon Irlnlnl lldoimlo lleeomlnB In
illiiiin Irlinner slum sonriliiR
Eldorado Knu Nov 2S Tim ilfth
day of the Jessie Moirlsou niuider
tilul opened at noon when the tedious
evamliialiou of Jurois ftom the special
Tonlie ilniwu last night was begun
Attend 2iil venlieiiieit have been ex
cused ns iiiiqiialllleil to sit mi Jurors
In the case and the prospe Is now ate
that II will be several tlavs befoie 12
men acceptable In Judge piosecutlon
and defense me Inund Despite the
dullness of the pioceedlngs public In
tin est lu the ease Ineieitses with each
day and twice as many people as could
bo accommodated sought admittance
to the com I loom a thlid of them be
ing women mid gills Miss Moirlsou
appealed dowuiast when she took her
seat and she turned her back to the
nudleiice She has complained much
or late and her eyes Indicate sufterlng
CIiIiiirii Hpi Itilatnta MiiMiii li anile
Im Ik lit Sii urn Corn lot Dtlltuiy
on I ml Day of Dpi Ion
Chicago Nov 28 Iluntle olloilfl aro
being made by shoits caught in the
Phillips com coiner to swamp lilm
Willi gialn on tlie last day of the op
tion The way lu which they hope to
down lilm and get themselves out of a
tight place is by the lelnspeetlon of tills
weeks leielpts which have been
gi ailed No i one guide too low to pass
on contract
They wont gel a car of II graded
up said Phillips when he was told
of the new tactics of the shoits
Another scheme which has been
evolved for the puipose of swamping
Phillips Is tin purchase and shipment
to Chicago of corn which was sold by
Pattens In Iturtnlo and Montreal when
they went out of tlie deal In October
Flftv one cents inaiked up on the
boiuil jestenlay was a new high price
In tlie November deal Phillips einuo
Into the pit eaily and lifted the price
fiom IP iciits whine It opened Be
tween fii and T cents he unloaded 200
000 bushels his total sales for the dav
being 210 000 bushels As he Is sell
ing lorn bought at 11 cents bis days
Ininsaction netted him a ptollt belter
than V 000 Other days this week
ate said to hare been equally ptotit
alile to lilm The closo was ri0 cents
Big foteigners who It Is said chletly
constitute lie slioit Interest are still
hanging on stubbornly Predictions
nre freely made Hint the last day of
the deal will sec November corn quoted
nt 75 cents
lUHciied Iroin llinnlnu Ship
Falmouth Eng Nov 2S The Brit
ish ship LauaikHhlie bus at rived heie
having on boaid Captain Ziuo and 18
of the ctevv of tlie Italian steamer As
slduita laden with coal which left
New Oilcans Oct 20 for Genoa The
Asbiduita was abandoned on lite Nov
10 in mid ocean Tho cievv of the As
siduita weie transfencd to the Lanark
shito in a heavy sea dining which
two men weie injtiicd When Hie
Lanatkshiic arilved heie her supplies
of food ami water wen exhausted
IImlo ioH Killed
Wheeling W Vst Nov 28 At
Lcaservlllo a crowd of 20 boys had
built a fitc on tlie river bank from
diiltvvood and weie watching tlie ris
ing wateis In a lot of diiftwood one
of the boys tin ow on the lire was a
can paitially filled with nltio glycerin
I in mediately thine was a tin title ex
plosion und tin eo boys wine killed and
14 wounded of whom tinee may die
Tlie dead Harmon Flnley Willie
Davis and Iloboit Flnley
lliin Dufiiils Carter
Chicago Nov 2S Tommy Uyan
who now claims Chicago as his home
defeated Kid Outer of Brooklyn in
six rounds ut Tuttei sails last night
befote a ctowd of 5000 people Hyan
had the best of the milling all the way
with the exception of two Intervals in
the lirst nnd second lounds when Car
ter sent lilm to the mat with light
swings Cutter was beaten fearfully
about the head and fare
Gus Huhlin and Peter Mnhor are
matched to fight six louuds at Phila
delphia on Dec 17
Tlie plant of the Sanford Manufact
uring company mnkcrs of ink at Chi
cago was destroyed by tire Tuesday
Loss 125000
Action on the liquidation of affairs
of tlie International Packing company
was defened one week at the stock
holders meeting in Chicago Tuesday
At tho annual meeetlng of tho rice
trust to be held ut Newark on Dec
11 an effort will be made to i educe tho
capltul stock from 5000000 to 1500
With Imposing ceremonies tho cor
nerstone of Arkansas new 1000000
state cnpltol at Little Hock was laid
Tuesday in the presence of a latge
SIgnor Marconi according to a Lon
dou dispatch has piactlcally solved
the question of ocean tiansmlsslou by
wlieless telegraphy and will soon be
able to uso ills system acioss thu At
Tho people of Bono Nov held n
mass meeting Tuesday to devise ways
und means of organising the fight
against the lottery amendment which
will come up before the lcglslattue
next January
Within tho next ten days the em
ployes of the Big Tour riilioad com
pany will have fotmed one of the
stiongest labor oiganlutlons over
known In the mlddlo west Tho Inten
tion of the employes is to organize a
federation making the grievance of
one department the grievance of all
Please Bear in Mind
Inskeeps Millinery
Tin AitMoKisn cmibKU
The best Boys Shoes
on Karth
All HicsnT Until and Soft
coal at SALTERS
UL Y in ds Telephone 5
nl tlioiottghly sciooncd
Choice SiiiithiutCOAL
That we sue constantly towing in the ait of male
itiH IMtic Photos and 0111 ptodncls will always he
found to enihtaee the most
and Newest style in Caids and linish We also
cany a line line of Moldings suitable foi all kinds
of flaming
That out veiy best eflbits will be put foith
at till times to help yon to the selection ol a
Hat that will be suitable 1 01 yon whether it
be a cheap 01 an expensive one We eheei
fnlly meet any competition fiom aiiywheie
Oni hats ate all made in om own woik 100111
honestly made We aie not gifted with sec
ond sijht are not mind leaders and if after
puichase you make 110 complaint we must
conclude that you sue satisfied but if not so
please leport piouiptly to us and we will
make all satisfactoiy
Our stock is full and complete in every
line and we are selling a better class of
goods and giving our customers more
value for their money this year than
ever before
Be Sure to See
Davenport Bros
Norfolk Shoe Men
Is that traversed by the
Ircat Centrrl Southern Trunk Una
in Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mis
siHsippi Florida where there aro Hplen
did ohaucos for overybody to make
Come and Beo for yourselves
IIalk Paub Excursions Fikst and
Printed mutter mupsand all informa
tion free Address
Senoral Immigration and Indiihtria
Ajent Louisville Ky
To PATENT Good Ideas
limy be secured by
our aid Addretio
Baltimore Md
Bubucrlctlvnt to TUe Ittcnt KccorJ
We are Hzaiiprters lor
The Best
This Stove Saves One
Third Your Coal Bill
ok LIGNITE rou sali at
Dears Hardware Store