The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 30, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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f a 11 iimu it ifnu 11ml IiniiTit lTixior
found liorsclf in tltio Hum in tho went
wipltnlof tlm norlli with n loom hi lie
llololdo IlJiiropo overlookhiK tlio Nov
kl rroiprrt oiilinnry eirniiiiAtinrm
rite would Imvo onjoyeil n visit to St
PrtcrHharp In 1 1 hIic wiih nfniirt to von
turn out being uiiilrr tlio apprehension
flint nt tiny moment hIiu miflit meet
Lord Donnl Stirling fnco to fnee mill
tlmt ho would rorognizo her Therefore
nho renin in nil 1incieelly in Iht room
watching tin Htrniigo Htteet wnnoHfioni
boi window Hlio found lioiniilf Hrrntl
iilzlng every onu who huil the nppenrnneo
of being mi ICtigllnhiiiiiii ninlnhe IiiiiI to
confeMH to little pinlm of tliwippolnt
niiiit when tlio pornon InqncHlion turn
pl out not to Im Lord Donnl in fnct
dnring her short Htiiy nt HI PnloiHbnrg
ulinHaw nothing of tlm young limn
Jonnlu wont on tlio evening of her
nrrivnl to tlm oMcch of tlm keeping car
coinpiiny ho iih to wcuru n plneo in ono
f of theeiirringert Unit left nt I oclock on
j the evening of tlm 31hI llnr initial
difficulty ntflt lior when hIio lenrned tlmrn
wero Huvurnl alcoplng canton tliaL train
nnd lm waHpUKKlod to know which to
ncluoti Shotilood thoro lieHltiiting with
thu plaim of tlm cnrrlngoH before her
I should lileo to lio in n enrrhtgo
containing mimo KiigllHh peoplu said
tlio girl not knowing what oxcuro to
givo for lmr hesitation
Then lot nmrecoinnicnd thin car for
ono berth bus boon taken by tlm Dritiim
embassy room 0 near tlm center
marked with a cross
Ah well I will tnlco thin compart
ment next to it room 1 isnt It
said Jonuio
Oh I urn Horry to flay that iiIho Iioh
been taken t Those arotho two compart
incuts which are bespoken 1 will hoo ii n
Uder what imiiio it has been booked
Probably ita occupant is English also
But I can givo you room 11 on the oth
er Hide of tlio one loserved by tlio em
bassy It ia a two berth room Non fi
That will do quite as well naid
It is not recordod hero b whom
room D was booked An annual thing
liu continued lowering his voice almost
to n whisper and looking furtively over
his shoulder when no name in marked
down that means the Russian police
tin you see by taking the third rooui
yon will not only bo under tlm shadow
of tho Dritish embassy but also under
for o
Uoowv C ia Vic one that has been reserved
tlio protection of Jtussia Dq you wish
ono berth only or the wliblo room It is
a two berth compartment
I desire tho whole room if you
Sho paid tho prico and departed won
dering if tlio other room had really been
tukon by the police and wliether tlio au
thorities wens so anxious for the safety
of tho special messenger that they con
sidered it necessary to protect him to
the frontier If in addition to the nat
ural precautious of the messenger there
was added tho watchfuluess of ono or
two suspicious Russian policemen then
would her mission become indeed im
possible On tho other hand the ill paid
policemen might be amenable to the wi
ll u en co of mouoy uud as she was well
oupplied with the coin of the realm
their presence might be a help rather
than a hindrance All in all sho had
littlo liking for tho task sho had under
taken mid the more sho thought of it
tho less it commended itself to her
Nevertheless havhig pledged her word
Mo tho editor if failure canio it would
be through no fault of hers
Jennie went early to tho station on
tlio night of tho 21st mid entered tho
sleeping car na soon as sho was allowed
to do bo Tho conductor seemed some
what flustered nt her anxiety to get to
beV room and ho examined her ticket
with great care Then telling her to
follow liim bo took her to room B in
which wero situated berths B and 0
tipper and lower Tho bertha wero not
made up and tho room showed ono seat
made to accommodato two persons Tho
conductor went out on tho platform
the narrow passageway at tho aido to
get u better idea of her surroundings
Room C next to her own was tho
ono taken by tho British embassy
Boom D etill further on was tbo ono
that appeared to have beon rotuined by
tho polico Sho stood for a fow momenta
by the broad plate glass window that
lined tho passage and looked out at tho
crowded platform For a tinio she
watched tho conductor who aeemed to
be gazing anxiously toward tho direc
I iy IU VV V- J Fyy -
ifn m Jfnt
Hun from winch passengers streamed as
if looking for hoiiiii ono in particular
Prenuiitlyn Mg mini a lingo i 6v6rcont
belted round him with a Morn bearded
face looking the gill thought typical
ly Russian strode up to the conductor
and spoko earnestly with him Then tlm
two turned to tlm steps of the car and
Jennie tied to her narrow little room
closing the door all but about an inch
An instant later the two men came hi
speaking together in French Tlm largor
liml a gtuff voice and spoke tlm lan
guage hi a viy that showcil it was not
native to him
When did you loam that ho had
changed his room asked the man
with tlm gruff voice
Only this afternoon replied tho
Hid you bore holes bet ween that and
Hie adjoining compartment
Yes your excellency but Azof did
not tell mo whether you wanted the
holes at tlm top or tho bottom
At tho bottom of course replied
the Rusaian Any fool might have
known that The gas must rise not fall
then when he feelA ita etTcjt and ttim
blfH down lie will bo hi a denser layer
of it wliurofiV if wo put it in at tho
top aid lift foil down ho would conto
iutopilronir and so might make his est
capo You did not horo the hole over
tho top berth 1 Impel
Yea excellency i but 1 bored onu nt
thu bottom also
Oh very well T Wo can easily atop
tlio one at the top wavo you fastened
tho window For tho first thing tlmso
English do is to open a window
Tlio window is securely fastened
your excellency uuloaHo breaks tho
glass it e
Oh ho will not tliinWtif jdoing tlufb
until la too Into I ThdEnglisli nro n
lawCnbiding people How many other
passengers aro thoro In the car
llonm Room ltoom Floom
i -
o6T23 5T
Oil T fnrint in tnll vnu ixcnlliincvl
tlmt room B has been taken by mi Engf
Hah lady who is there now I
Ten thousand devils cried the
Russian in a boarso whisper Why did
you not say that before
Tho voicea now fell to so low a mur
mur that Jennie could not distinguish
tho words A moment later there waa a
rap at her door nnd she bnd presence of
wind enough to get in tho farther cor
uer and say in a sleepy voice
Como in I
Tlio conductor opened tho door
Votro billot sil voua plait ma-
jCimt yon speak English asked
TFlio conductor merely repented bis
ouestiou and as Jonnio was shaking
her head the big Russian looked over
tho conductors shoulder and said in
passablo English
Ileis asking for your tickot mil
danio Bo you not speak French Jj
In answer to tho direct question Jeni
nic fumbling in her purso for her tick
ets replied
I speak English and I have already
shown him my ticket
She banded her broad sheot sleeping
car ticket to the Russian who had push
ed the conductor aside and now stood
within tho compartment
Thoro has been a mistake ho said
Room 0 is the ono that has been re
served for you
I am sure there isnt any mistake
said Jennie I booked berths 5 and 0
See thoro aro tlm numbers pointing
to the metallic plates by tho door and
hero aro the 6a me numbers on the tick
The Russian shook his head
The mistake has been niado nt tho
offico of tho sleeping fcnr company I
am a dirictor of thocompauy
Oh aro yon naked Jonnio inno
contly Is room 0 as comfortable ns
this one
It ia a dnplicnto of thia ono ma
dame and is moro comfortablo because
it is nearer tho center of tho car
Well there is no mistako abont my
reserving tho two berths is thero
Oh no madanml Tho room is en
tirely at your disposal
Oh well then in that case said
Jeuriio I have no objection to making
n chimgo
Sho know that aim would lie compel
led to change no matter what her ticket
recorded so sho thought it best to piny
the simple maiden abroad nnd make ns
littlo fuss ns possible about the trans
fer Sho had to rearrango tho car in her
mind Sim was now in room C which
had been first reserved by the British
embassy It was evident that at the
last moment tho messenger had decided
to take room A a four berth room at
tho end of tho car Tho police then
would occupy rcom B which alio had
first engaged and from tho bit of con
versation she had cvorheard Jennie waa
convinced that they intended to kill or
render insensible the messenger who
bore tho important letter The polico
wero not to protect but to attack The
amazing complication in tlm plot con
ceutrated all tho girls sympathies on
the unfortunate innn who was messen
ger betwoeu two great personages oven
though bo traveled apparently under
the protection of the British embassy at
again nnd Jennio finding herself alono St Petersburg The fact to put it bald
in tho carrinKO walked up aud down
ly that alio had intended to rob him
herself if opportunity occurnKl rose
boforo her like an accusing ghost 1
ahull never undertake anything like this
pdiXmongh It As sho stood up thero
wits it jolt of tho tiiiiu that caused h r
to sit down again Nominvljat hurriedly
Passing her window she saw tho lights
of tho station The train wns In motion
Thmk heaven I who cried fervently
Ho Is too Intel Those plotting villains
will hnVe all their trouble for nothing
Sho glanced upward toward the cell
ing and noticed a hole about mi inch in
dlanmter bored on tho thin wooden par
tition between her coinpnrtment and tho
next Turning to tlm wall behind her
plio saw that another hole had been
bored in n Himilnr position through to
room Ii The car bad boon pretty thor
oughly prepared for the work in hand
nnd Jennie laughed softly to 1mm If as
she pictured thodiscoiilllturo of tliecon
spiratois The tiain was now rushing
thiough tho subuilw of St Petersburg
iinl Jennie was startled by hearing an
other voice ay in French
Conductor I have room A Which
end of tlm mi is Hint y
Thin way excellency wild thncon
ductor Eveiy one scorned to bo ex
cellency with him
A moment Inter Jennie who had
again risen to her feet horrified to
know Hint nftnr all jCho messenger had
conic nomd tho dodrof hia ronm click
Sho stood there for afowiiioinentfl tense
with excitement then bethought her
Belt of tho liolu between her present
compartment and tho ono alio had ro
ccntly loft Sho sprang up on the seat
and placing her eye withNsonm caution
nt tlm bole peered through First sho
thought tlm compartment was empty
Then she noticed there had been placed
at the end by tlm windovn huge cylin
der that reached nenrly totlm coiling of
tjio room Tho lamp nbovowas burning
lirightly and she conlibsoo every detail
of the compartment except towaid tho
fioor Ah alio gazed uninna back slowly
rose He appeared to huve been kneel
ing on tho floor and ho hold in bis band
tlm loop of u rubbor tnbo Peering
downward she saw that it was con
nected with tho cylinder and that it
whs undoubtedly pouring whatever gna
tho cylinder contained through the bole
Into room A For n moment alio bnd
difficulty in repressing n shriek but
realizing how perfectly helpless she was
even if she gave tho alarm she repressed
all exclamation She saw that the man
who waa regulating tho escape of gns
waa not the ono who had spoken to tbo
conductor Then fearing that he might
turn his head nnd sou her eyo at tho
small aperture she reached up and cov
ered her lamp leaving her own room in
complete darkness Tho doublo covering
which closed over tho semiglobular
lamp like an oyelid kept eveiy ray of
light from penetrating into the com
As Jennie turned tc her espionago
again sho beard a blow given to tlio
door in room A that made it clatter
Then thero was a sound of a heavy fall
on tho iloor The door of room B was
thing open tlm head of the first Russian
was thrust in and be spoko in his own
langungo n single gruff word His as
sistant then turned tho cock and shut
off tho giiB from the cylinder Thedoor
of room B waa instantly shut again
nnd Jonnio beard tho rattle of the keys
na room A wua being unlocked
i Jonnio jumped down from her perch
threw off her lint nnd with as littlo
noise na aim could slid her door back mi
inch or two Tho conductorbad un
locked the door of room Aho tall
Russian standing besidd hhnaaying in
a whisper
Never mind the man 1 Hell como to
the moment you open tho door and win
dow Get the box I Hold your nose with
your fingers and keep your month abut
Thero it is that black box iuthe cor
ner -
To bo contiiiiiod next Friday
Thnt Funilljr Skeleton
Mrs Whihtler Tell me Marywhy It
Is that you always cry so when pupa
sends you to bed in the dark when you
are naughty Theres no such things
as ghosts and the dark doesnt hurt
you does It
Littlo MuiyXo mamma but Im
afraid of that skeleton Mrs Jones says
we got lu our closet Baltimore Amer
ican i
For sprains swellings and lumeness
thoro is nothing ro good as Chamber
Iains Pain Balm Try it For sale by
tho Kiesau Drug Co
Dreitt Iiinlc of mi IMltor
For two years all offorrs to euro eo
zema in tho palms of my hands failed
writes Editor II N Lester of Syracuse
Kan then I was wholly cured by
Bucklens Arnica Silvo Its the
worlds beat for eruptious sores and all
t kiu disoises Only J5o at KiesuuDrug
That ThrolililiiK HiwkUi Im
Would quickly luavo you if you
Dr Kings New Lifo Pills Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick nnd nervous hendaohes
They make pure blood and build up
your health Only 25 cents Mouoy
back if not cured Sold by Kioaau
Drug Co
again alio crleil to lierseu nover Flower to cleau out tho system and stop
never I And now alio resolved to mako Iementatiou of undigested food
reparation to the man sho had intended
to injure bhe would watch for him
nntii he came down the passago and
then warn him by relatiug what she
had beard Sho had taken off her hat
when she entered the room Now aho
nut it on hurriedly thrusting a long
Biliousness is caused by a lazy liver
permits food ip sour iu your stomach
makes you cross Rocky Mountain Tea
makea you well and cheerful Ask
your druggist
tJiiHHtlun AiinuttrtMl
Yes August Flower still has tlielnrg
est salo of any medicine in tho civilized
world YourJ mothers and grand
mothers never thought of using auy thing
else for indigestion or biliousness Doc
tors wero s arco and thoy seldom heard
of appendicitis uervous prostration or
heart failure etc Thoy used August
ato tho action of tho liver stimulate tho
uervous aud organic action of tho system
aud that is all thoy took when feeling
dull and bad with headaches uud other
aches You only need a few doses of
Greens August Flower in liquid form
Ollllllutt for Collin
Many peoplo who uso quinine for the
cure of colds say that the effect of Hub
drug ia moro disagreeable than tho dis
ease Krausos Cold Cure is prepared
in a couvoniont capsule form and will
cure tho most deeply seated cold in 24
hours without auy interruption to busi
ness They are pleasant to take and
give yoa a clpar fresh sensation whilo
operating Price 25c Sold by Geo B
Ladies if you wane a refined and
brilliaut complexion froo from blemishes
use Rooky Mountain Tea Never foils
sk your druggist
w Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh thoy dry up tho secretions
which adhoro to tho membrano nnd decom
pose causing n fur more sorious trouble thnn
tho ordinary form of catarrh Avoid all dry
ing inhalnuts fumes smokes and smilm
and uso that which cleanses soothes and
heals Elys Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will euro entnrrh or cold in tbo head
easily and pleasantly A trial aio will bo
mailed for 10 cents All druggists soil tho
COo size niyllrothors CG Warren St NY
Tho Balm cures without pain does not
irritate or caiibo snoozing It spreads itself
over nn irritated aud angry surfaco reliev
ing immediately tbo painful inflammation
SVith Blys Crenm Balm you aro armed
against Kabil Catarrh and Ray Fever
IIouh It Itty to lluy Clieup
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
ia all right but you want Eomothing
that will relievo ami euro tho moro
aovero and dangeroua results of throat
and lung troubles What sbnll you do
Go to a warmer and moro regular ch
mato Yoa if possible if not possible
for you then iu either case tako tho
ouly remedy that has boon introduced in
all civilized countries with success in
severe throat and lung troubles
Bosoheos Gormau Syrup It not
only heals and Btimulateatho tissues to
doatroy tho germdisease but allays iu
Humiliation causes easy expectoration
givea a good ulghta rest and cures tho
patient Try one bottlo Rocommeuded
many yeara by all druggists iu the world
Get Greona Prize Aluiauao Kiesau
Drug Co
1L h
Whon you have no appetite do not
relish your food and feel dull after eat
ing you need a doso of Chamberlains
Stomach aud Liver Tablets Prico 25c
Samples free at tbo Kiesau Drug Co
I have used Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy nud
find it to bo a great medicine says Mr
E S Phipps of Poteau Ark It cured
mo of Woody flux I cannot speak too
highly of it This remedy always
wiuB tho good opinion if not praise of
those who uso it Tho quick cures
which it effects oven in the most severe
cases make it a favorito everywhere
For sale by the Kiesau Drug Co
For Shuttered Nerves
A remedy that will sootho build up
tbo wasted tissues and enrich tho blood
is indispensable Lichtys Celery Nerve
Compound has been wonderfully suc
cessful in cases of nervousness aa thou
sands of grateful peoplo will testify
Sold by Ceo B Christoph
Kusy to Cure it Cold
if you go about it right Tako two or
three Krauaoa Cold Cure Capsules dur
ing tho day aud two before retiring at
night Thia will inaure a good nights
roBt aud a freo movement of tho bowela
next morning Continue the treatment
next day and your cold will melt away
Prico 25c Sold by Goo B Christoph
Krauttf Heudiicho Cup ale
will instantly euro headachea of any
kiud Being purely vegetable they aro
harmless and leave no bad af tor effects
Wo offer 500 reward for any trace of
antipyrino morphiue chloral or any
iujnriouB substanco found in thorn
Price 25c Sold by Geo B Christoph
Ladies dosiriug a transparent com
ploxiou freo from blotches blemishes
and blackheads should uso Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
Ohamborlains Stomaoh and Liver
Tablets cure biliousness constipation
and headache They aro easy aud
pleasant in effect For Bale by the
Kiesau Drug Co
HellerH Testimony
Albort Hellortliviug at 1 1 HJFarnhaui
St Omaha says I have tried most
everything that is used as a preventa
tive or ouro for headache but nothing
did mo so muohgood as Krausos Head
ache Capsules Others who bavo used
thorn say tho Bamo thing Prico 25c
Sold by Geo B Ohriatoph
A Village IllnckaiuUh Raved III Little
Son Ilfo
Mr H II Black tho well known vil
lage blacksmith at Grahamsvillo Sulli
van Co N Y says Our littlo son
five years old bad alwayB been subject
to croup and so bad bavo tho attaoks
been that wo have feared mauy times
that ho would dio Wo have had tho
doctor aud used mauy medicines but
Chamberlaius Cough Romedy ia now
our sola reliance It Booms to dissolve
The majority of persons upon teaching middle ngc and past jjHKw faV HIV
jttp a Hud their blood becomes weak nnd thin and diseases that were BKttr H r
in affect
easily controlled earlier life becin to the constitution
Those predisposed to Scrofula Cancer Rheumatism Gout and other hcrcditnrv troubles mnv escnna
till then but ns they ngc the blood so long tainted nnd weakened by accumulated waste matters ia uo
longer able to nroncrlv
Spreml IIke Wililflro
Whon things are the best they be
come the best selling Abraham
Haro a leading druggist of Belleville
O writes Electric Bitters aro the
best selling bittors I bavo handled in 20
years You know why Most diseasis
begin in disorders of stomach Jliver
kidneysbowols blood and nerves Elec
trio Bittors touo up tho stomach regu
lates livor kidney nnd bowels purities
tho blood strengthens the nerves houco
cures multitudes of maladies It builds
up tbo entire system Puts now life
aud vigor into any weak sickly run
down man or woman Prico 50 cents
Sold by Kinsau Drug Co
nourish the body nnd it becomes an easy mark for disease At this critical period
bf ami
of life the blood must rc enforerd before it can perform itslegitimalc functions
these poisons nnd nothing bo surely nnd effectually does this as S S S
Mr t K Jotinonof lllnekslicnr Onwnsfor jenrsnfllicicd
witli it severe lypc of rlietimntism nnd li id used exerv icmcdy
known nnd recommended ns n cure without tccelvii nny
henefit S S 8 promptly renched the sent of the dlsca ic nnd
iniuic n complete unci permanent cure
If you me in doubt about your disease and will send us n stnlcment of your case our physician will
give you any information or advice wanted for which wi make no charge
Hook on Wood mid Skin Diseases sent to any desiring it
Atluress bwift bpectlic Co Atlanta Ga
UB51n t
should ho cleuulmesB
Elys Cream Balm
clcanes soothes and heals
tlio diseased memhranc
It cures catarrh and drl ea
nuay a culd iu thu huud
rid the system of
b b b slrciigtlions and enriches the blood improves the appetite and builds up the general constitu
tion It is not only the best blood purifier but the ltest tonic for old people It warms the blood tonca up
the nerves jcmovcs nil tnint from t blood nnd prevents the development of disease
S S S is the only purely vejjc le blood medicine known Not one paitielc of mercury potash or
other mineral poison can be found i nnd it nmv be taken for any lenuth of time without harm
S S S is the only remedy tb aches deep seated blood troubles like Scrofula Cancer Rheuma
tism Krrctnn Tetter etc It purifies nnd restores the Jood to a healthy normal condition and makes it impossible for
any poisonous waste materials to accumulate
If you have an old running soie or an obstinnte ulcer thnt refuses to heal or arc troubled with boils and carbuncles try S S S
u ncvci inns 10 make n ipucK aim permnnctii cure oi tnchc pests It your system is run Uown mm you leel
the need of a tonic S S S will strengthen and help you ns it has many others to n happy healthy old ngc
8 SS riiml Mr 11 tlnnlcti of Simtmlllc Vn of nenneof
lC7ctnaof Ihlrtv fueyenrsMtiiHlIiii n fieri he 1iel tihvtielntu
in llic mirroiiinlliiK cmiutrv li nl fulled Tin uii seven years
hio nnd tlicrc lias been no ictnrit of tile dleiiv
Million liven A way
It la certainly gratifying to tho public
to Ictiow of ono concoru wbioh ia not
afraid to bo generous Tlio proprietors
of Dr Kings New Dipcovoiy for cou
sumption coughs and colda have given
away over ton mllliou trial bottlos and
have tho satisfaction of knowing1 it has
cured thouFiinds of hopoloss cases
Asthma bronchitis la grippo and all
throat chest and lung disenpos aro
siiroly cured by it Call on Kioaau Drug
Co and got a freo trial bottle Regu
lar size nOo and 100 Every bottlo
AVIum Vou flet u llndiithe
dont waste a uiinuto but go to your
druggist ond get a box of Krausos
Headache Cajnulea They will prevent
pniu oven though your skull wero
cracked They aro harmless too Read
tho guarantee Price 25c Sbld by
Geo B Christoph
to make you satisfied thero is nothing
serious tho matter with you Got
Greons Prize AIniunnc Kiesau Drug
IlclilyH Cvlery Nerve Jompnunct
for all uovoua diaeasos neuralgia rhon
niatism nervous debility paralysis
biliousness dyspopsia costivoness piles
livor complaint kidney troubles and
femalo complaints It goes to tho Beat
of tho disease and cures thoroughly and
speedily Sold by Geo B Christoph
Whon you fool that lifo is hardly
worth tho caudlo tako a dose of Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets
They will cleanse your stomach tone up
3our livor and regulate your bowels
making yon feel like a now man For
sale by tho Kioaau Drug Co
For Kclllillo CoiiipliiliilM
mid diseases mising iroin nn itnpuro
stato of tlio blood Lichtys C lery Norvo
Compound is on invaluable specific
Sold by Geo B Christoph
Washington I C Goiiospo Pnro
Food Co Lo Roy N Y Gentlemen
Our family reallzo bo much from tho
ubo of Grain -O that I feel I must say a
word to iuduco others to uso it If
people aro interested iu their health and
tbo welfare of their children they will
uso no other beverage I have used
them all but Graiu 0 I have found
superior to any for tho reason that it is
solid grain Youra for health
C F Myers
To remove a troublesome corn or
bunion First souk the corn or bunion
in warm water to softon it then paro it
down as closely aa possible without
drawing blood aud apply Chamberlains
rain Balm twico daily rubbing vigor
ously for five miuatoa at each applica
tion A corn plaster ahould bo worn
for a fow days to protoct it from tho
shoe As a goneral liniment for sprains
bruises lameness and rheumatism Pain
Bulm is unequnled For sole by the
Kiesau Drug Co
Men can be cured privately and posi
tively at homo of all weakness and dis
ease Write for new freo book
Du J N Hathaway
21 Commercial Block
Sioux City Ia
AHO THt - fS
feATIOM fer
orAii V
Sr VroCWoJr -
fORAii iJii2
tho tough mucus aud by giving frcquont
dosos whon tho croupy symptoms ap
pear wo have found that tho dronded
croup ia cured boforo it gets Bottled
There is no dnngor iu giving this remedy
for it contains no opium or other injuri
ous drug nnd may bo given as confi
dently to a babo as to an adult For
sale by tho Kioaau Drug Co
For Salo by Georgo B Christoph
In all Us stages there
Creum Bilm Is placed Into the nostrils spreads
over tho membrano and is absorbed Relief Is Im
mediate and a cure follows It is not drying does
not produce sneezing Largo Size CO cents at Drug
lllsts or by mall Trial Size 10 cents by mall
ELY IJUOTIIERS SB Warren Street New Yrlc
irom uio
i ttrif ui jmrnv
v a rrMTS SBi
MNn u
wi -
Made a
Well Man
the Me
produces the above results In 30 days It Beta
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others falL
Jfoung men will regain their lost manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and euroly restores Nervous
noss Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Memory Wastlne Diseases and
all effects of solf abuse or excess and indiscretion
Which unfits ono for study business or marriage It
not only curea by storting at tho seat of disease but
Is a great ncrvo tonlo and blood builder bring
ing back the pink Blow to palo cheeks and re
storing tho flro of youtb It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having KEVIVOna
other It can be carried in vest pocket By tnall
10O per package or sis for SSOO with poal
tlvo written irnarantee to core or raf nnd
me money hook una aaviso iroe Address
i 30 Plymouth I
For sale iu Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Ohnstoph druggiHt
wlD aviifiTI
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
in bulk Accent no substl
Al i Air liircst
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The Quick Trains
Union Pacific
10 Hours Quicker to Salt Lake City
15 Hoars Quicker to Portland
15 Hours Quicker to Sau Francisco
All Trains Wide Wstibuled
Splendid Equipment
Pullman Palace Sleepers
Dining Oar Service
Pullman Ordinary
Sleeping Oars Daily and
For full information call ou
F W Junbman Agent