The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 30, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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Felt Boots
Felt Shoes
Felt Slippers
All Sizes and
Davenport Bros
Steam Laundry
Only First Class Laundry
In Northeast Nebraska
Kvory effort ninilo to iilont o patrons and
piitinfuctioii Lntutt improvoil ma
chinery ubc1 In all luimrtmontp Work
not Kntisfiiclory will bo roliiuudureil frcu
of churKO if rotuiiied unworn
DAN CRAVEN Proprietor
The Norfolk feed Jllll
One Block West of Creighton Depot
Phone iai
ART McCOY Proprietor
For Breakfast Foods
Thompsons Gash Grocery
These are n few
Pillsburys Oat Food per pkg 10c
Wheat Manna two for 25c
Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit
tvfK for 25c
Pillsbnrys Vitos two for 25c
Quaker Oats two for 25c
Waldorf Oats two for 25c
Cremola two for 25c
Wheatling each 10c
Grape Nuts two for 25c
Wheat Flake two for 25c
Granose two for 25c
Wheatoso two for 25c
Tim Wi Htlier
Conditions of the weather aR recorded
or the 24 hours ending at 8 a in to
Maximum temperature r0
Minimum temperature 20
Average 41
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for month 14
Snowfall 00
Foreoast for Nebraska Fair tonight
and Saturday Moderate temperature
Born to Mr and Mrs Frank Deder
man on Wednesday a son to Mr and
Mrs Albert Nita Wednesday a son
The Stanton county board of super
visors has let a contract to the Standard
Bridge company of Omaha to build a
new bridge across the Elkhom about
half way betweeu that town and Nor
The needy families of Norfolk wero
giveu cause for thanksgiving by philau
tbropic citizons Among the necessities
delivered them Wednesday was Hour
contributed by the Sugar City Cereal
mills aud G A Luikart
The union Thanksgiving scrvico yes
terday morniug at tho FirBt Congrega
tion church was very well attended
Rev John TeUeries of the Second Con
gregatioual church preaohod aud his
hermou was very fuvorably commeuted
At its regular meeting last night Nor-
folk lodge No 40 1 O O V tho fol
lowing oflicer weio elected for tho en
Ruing form H 11 Patterson N O
II IJeols V O 11 L Spanieling
secretary E 1 Sohorreggo treasurer
aud S U MoFirlind tnntoo
Tho workmen on the now Bishop
block considered tho weather yesterday
too lino to glvo idle thanks and contin
ued with their work making good prog
ress Tho foundation walls will Ik
nearly completed tonight and allow tho
laying of tho first tloor joists tho begin
niiiR of next week
A number of city people were invited
to tho hospital Wednesday evening by
Supi riutoudont Stevenson to meet Mrs
Stewart and Mioses MeKoighan LooHn
aud Holland of Lincoln A very pleas
ant evening was spent by all presont
the timo being largely devoted to music
and dancing in tho amusonieut hall of
tho institution
Tliauksgiving was verv generally ob
served in tho city yesterday Business
at tho stores was practically suspended
except for a few hours in tho morning
the banks were cIobuI and tho postoilleo
kopt Sunday hours Ab uRttal tho chief
observance of Thanksgiving day in
Norfolk was through numerous diuuor
parties It Feemed as though thero
wore fow families who did not oither
entertain or wero entertained and tho
meetings wero as ploasurablo as family
ties and kindred ideas could mako them
It was a pleasant day delightfully spent
as a general thing
Dr P II Suiter gavo a thoater party
last evening at the Iniie H band concert
which was quite tho most complete
ailair of tho kind that has ever been
undertaken in tho eitv Dr Salter
called for his guests with carriages and
took them to the Auditorium where
they occupied Beats in the parquet At
the close of tho entertainment carriages
conveyed tho party to tho home of the
host on Kooiiigsteiu avenue where an
elegant lunch which in reality was a
banquet was sorved in courses Tho
table was bouutifuly decorated with
choice cut ilowers and during the ser
vice sift strains from a harp tilled the
room with melody Afterward thero
was song accompanied by the piano
aud it was a late hour this morning
when the parry broke up each guest
vowing that it had beuu ono ot the
pleasant est evenings of a life time
Thone invited wero Dr and Mrs Niehol
son of St Paul Mr and Mrs Goo D
ButterUeld of Creightou Miss Hutter
liolil Mrs Deuel Mr Miyer Messrs
aud M jbdauies W II Bueholz Clias S
Parker C II Reynolds Dr F C
Salter aud W N Huso of this city
Fine Saratoga chips at tho Model
lor Sain or
Eighty aore improved farm fi miles
from the city20 acres of natural meadow
00 acres under plow Possession can be
given immediately
Alfred Osiiork
Before deciding upon your Christ
mas gifts look at the display of useful
and pretty articles made by the Ladies
guild of Trinity church and presented
for sale iu the Jonas building Tuesday
evening next December 4th
Lost Brown box coat between Third
and Fifth street Name is sewed in
inside pocket A 7 Miquette
American Express office
Has all you uoed for your Thankgiviug
fruit cake or plum pudding citron
lemon and orange peel Imjorttd Sul
tana raisius California seeded raisins
currants etc and tho finest of every
thing in spices Also makes a white
aud dark fruit cake It is about as
cheap as you can make it aud those who
have tried it suy it is as pood
New nuts cluster raisiua Malaga
grapes lettuce radishes aud celery
Older early and be sure of your Bupply
The best baled hay that over came to
Norfolk at the Norfolk Feed Mill one
block west Creightou depot Phone 121
A ticket given ou the symphouion at
Kiesaus drng store with ovory 1 pur
chase and fi cents placed in tho machine
Popcorn at Schorreggos
The Iulilio Library
Something over a year ago what
seemed to many of our progressive citi
zens a golden opp rtunity for the es
tablishment of a free public library pre
sented itself in the offering for sale on
the part of the owners of tho old Cath
olic churoh building MeotiugB of the
citizens wero nem atBcnssiouB had a
constitution adopted und a resolution to
purohaso the church building for the
sum of f500 passed
Asa result of theso actions and by
the tacit consent of the library com
mittee Mr C G Somers purchased for
tho Library association the above men
tioned building
To reimburse Mr Somers for tho
purchase of this building the proposi
tion of Col J S Simpson to seouro lfiO
subscript ioub at two dollars each such
subscribers to become active charter
members was approved by the associa
In conformity with this action of the
association Col Simpson secured lfiO
subscribers and collected about 200
when the storm of last June to a con
siderable extent wrecked tho building
Since that occurrence considerable
apathy among its supporters has pre-
t vailed Some feel that extra effort
should bo made to eootiro a permanent
pile repair tho church building and
move it to snob sight and open the
Others believe that it is better to sell
the old church building to the highest
bidder for eatli and with the proceeds
and if necessary drawing on the library
fund of 200 now deposited iu the Cit
izens National bank for any deficit re
imburse Mr Homers and begin over
The latter view seems to have the
greater number of adherents
Therefore it is resolved that unless
public opinion expresses itself to the
contrary the old church building shall
bo duly advertised sold to the highest
bidder and the proceeds applied to the
roitnbur enient of Mr O G Somers
Expression through the i rem is earn
estly solicited
D C OConnor
Aprons of all kinds at sale December
Wanted Plain sewing and mending
Inquiro over Hamstreets hardware
Fresh oysters and celery at Schor
Sturgeon is tho piano man
Georgo Whitney of Tilden was a city
visitor yesterday
11 G Howell came over from Ran
dolph to visit over Thanksgiving
Mrs las A Logan of Ponca is the
guest of her brother Judge Powers
Ohannuey Childs came home from
the state university for Thanksgiving
Mr and Mrs A 1 Durland were
passengers for Sioux City this morning
Mr and Mrs J N Hundick were
p ssongers on the early train lor Omaha
Miss Irene Dexter wont to Columbus
thiB morning to visit friends for a few
12 11 Luikurt was down from Battlo
Creek to spend Thanksgiving and hear
Miss Alice Mills of Omaha siwut
Thanksgiving with hersister Mrs John
R Hays
Mr and Mrs Willis McBrido and
children came over lrom Madison to
spend Thanksgiving
II E and D M Owen came home
from their contract woilc in Wyoming
to spend Thanksgiving
Miss Gao Stauton left this morning
for St Bernard uear which town she is
engaged to teach school
Roy Carter came down from St Paul
iMiuii on the football excursion and
enjoyed his Thanksgiving at homo
Mary Deering came from Wifccousin
to attend the funeral of the child of
Fred Leu which was held yesterday
Mrs O R Eller came up from Lincoln
yesterday and will visit her parents Mr
and Mrs H C Matrau uutil Monday
Mr and Mrs W B Michols of Shor
man Wyo are visiting at the homo of
C C Elgin on their way home to Illi
Mrs Cornelius of Grand Island is in
the city caring for her husband who
was recently injured at the sugar fac
Mrs Brown of Missouri Valley who
visited her parents Mr and Mrs E W
Bates- over Thanksgiving returned
homo today
Mr and Mrs Geo Brooks of Biizilo
Mills were guests of Mr and Mrs John
R Hays over Thanksgiving and at
tended the Iunes concert
Johnnie Fuesler who has been attend
ing school at Humphrey is hero to visit
friends a few days aud will then go to
his new home in Oklahoma
D A Hanim special traveling corres
pondent for tho Field aud Stream pub
lished iu New York was one of the
Norfolk Thanksgiving visitors
Chas Ulrich of Pierce drove down
yesterday He has lately closed a con
tract to continue the management ot
the Pierce county poor farm for threo
Mr and Mrs Geo D Butterfleld
who came down from Creightou to spend
Thanksgiving went to Omaha this
morning They will return Saturday
und spend Sunday in Norfolk
Mrs Jndge Sullivan the Misses
Parker aud Mr and Mrs Hart of Col
umbus visited friends ut the hospital
for iusaue yesterday aud remained over
to attend tho Iunes concert last eveniug
Miss Otelia Pilger was homo from
Green Garden precinct where she is
teaching to spend Thankegiving Her
sister Miss Bertha returned with her
to Green Garden aud will visit over
Fine home madecaudies at the Model
Houses for sale
T E Odiobnk
We make loons on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhom Building and
Savings association T E Odiounb Sec
Dont forget the sale aud oyster
supper of tho Ladies guild nt tho Jonas
building Tuebday December 4
DrFrauk Salter DiKasen of chlldron
Farm land and city property for sale
by G R Seiler
Farm and city loans
The Duhland Tuutrr Oo
Entertained a Norfolk Audience
Last Night
Alllllrillf IiiiiiihiIiIi of Villi AiirrrliitlHl
IIuIiiit Niiiiilmr Wnri Well ltiditl
Milliner hiimr lliitidli llitt Attuiclloii
with Omit Crtitll
Perhapi the entertainment was some
what too deep for a Norfolk audience
aud the majority of the people compos
ing it would have been more highly en
tertained Mil li something of a lighter
nature but certain it is that Inues and
his baud met a reception here last night
that ohwcly rcMinbled coolness the one
spontaneous and enthusiastic exception
being the demonstration accorded
Prince Tharming the great musi
cians new two step Other numbers
were applauded and oncon d but in a
manner which Mcmcd to indicate a do
she on the part of the audience to get
their moneys worth rather than from
any special pleasnro received
Anj one picseut however will testify
to the assertion that haimony aud tone
were perfect and that they wero listen
ing to an organization composed of solo
ists under the direction of a great leader
While tumble to under stand perfectly
they could appreciate tho music to a
greater or less extent but many would
have preferred a tune occasionally in
stead of classical lights
Regarding the grand opera singers
there was probably not one who could
understand what their attempts were
let alone t lie foreign tongue in which
they were iciide reel The audience was
more impressed by Mine Neilelis sweet
voice and handsome appearance than by
the t we gentlemen but pieibnbly under
stood her no better than they did the
men The scenes from Faust may
have been seines feir a number in the
audience but to mam they proved
rather more tin some than appreciable
The Villace Blacksmith the num
ber which hilel out the strongest induce
rueiite to the non musical members eif
tho audience proved disappointing
owing to tho failure of tho
eilect The blacksmiths hammered
musically toei but no sparks sprang
from their anvils owing te some fault
with the electric connections
While tho volume eif sound was at
times tew great for the building it was
apparent to all that Mr Innes has ac
cMinplislicel wonders in organizing a
band in which much eif the blare has
been ulmiuntcd and tho effect preidueeel
more resembled that of i largo orchestra
than the popular conception of a brass
band It whs also apparent to the most
uncultured mind that tho band was
under e xcellent control and played as
thougli they were ono Perhaps with
more frequent entertainments of this
character the average audieiico would
be educated up to a plane whero they
could understand arid appreciate but
that timo has not yet arrived as far as
Norfolk audiences are concerned It
was olejorly beyond their grasp
With Prince Charming there wens
two othor numbers that were quite
fully nppreicioted The ono was tho en
chore numlier following the overture in
which popular and national airs were
harniouionsly blended The other was
the number introducing the zithe r seilo
There wero no doubts but that the
program was cleverly and perfectly ex
Manager Spear is deserving of un
limited praise in his efforts te get
Innes and his success in getting
an attendance to fill tho Aud
itorium That they wore unable to un
derstand was no fault of his ho did
well his part The special rom Coluni
bub and the regnlar train from Creigh
tou brnngr t iu a crowd that helped the
attendance out very materially From
the Columbus lino nearly 100 possengeis
wero secured 10 from C lutnbus 11
from Platte Center 17 from Humphrey
and 18 from Madison They were re
turned homo after the performuuee by
speoial trains
InneB and his bund arrived from
York on a special train reaching the
Creightou depot shortly after H oclock
Baggage wagons were waiting nnd the
instruments and other paraphernalia
were taken to tho Auditorium and the
baud was in readiness for tho rising of
tho curtain fifteen minutes uftor their
arrival Thoy left at 0 this morning iu
a special ovor tho Union Pacific for
Kearney whero they will entertain this
Tho next attraction billed for the
Auditorium is a farce comedy Where
is Cobb which will bo given Frieluy
evening December 7
The Best baled hay that can be got at
the Norfolk Feed Mill phone 121
Popcorn at Sehorregges
Free water colors and medallions at
Mellowrich coiroe sells rapidly
tho supply is always fresh For
sale by A J Bohnert agent
A musical entertainment by Miss
Childs of Minneapolis on December 2t th
and an illustrated lecture on the Yellow
stone Park January 24th will Imj given
under the auspiona of tho Senior class
Norfolk High school Tickets for the
two adults i cents
chililren Ml cents e an be scout oil from
any member of the olass The enter
tnluiia come from the Heel letter Ly
ceum bureau anil are highly recom
lVeli oyslern and celery at Scheir
Ilverione should drink Mollowrleh
cullee It is without an eitial
Fireman Squirre 1 shot an eagle last
Mrs O M Moore went to Randolph
Iowa tei visit her nephew
l V Darlington nttminl Ktiuidny
fr m a isli to ltoele enmity
Horn Monday NtiM mhcr IS to Mr
and Mrs Nale Hewlett a son
Milo Ciipltu will go to Holt coiiul v
next Saturday to spend the winter
Mis Jane Davis of Fotitiinolle Iowa
is the guest ol her brother Alex Hnieler
AN McGlnnirt recently lost se veil
head of cattle and Knink Mtuphy live
head from the co u stalk disease
Oyster supper iu coiiiietilion with sale
December 4th in Jonas biuliliug
Goexl fur ins totradefor town property
1 It Sitlitu
is what we olfer yeui in
Take the time mid look eiver Dm bar
gains at
Handsome SS
Holiday Spoon
The cut s1iownu rlicnnt Coffee Kkjoii Hint Id
Dvcl iu iliii ii mill miii I liWnvy
Ou llitf tmiit iiiitiii the tiitu fircjilnce nnd n
Mill It ii c w I I 11111 i
ulili li no ClitiMnmi It
lomplcti The trii
1 nail 1 wl I It roxl
lliitiCM is ilKllmlly
mi n alum I In- uitrimv
p nt of tin himiltr mi
uliuli iiiuiisiu lilaiu
I 1 1 e I H I In- win ill
Miny liriMmaM
In tin- titil Imwl A
mi- nlil smiiIii Claim
Villi hi dim ill links
Mini his ih y liiiml
ninuiut Ins uli
tliunli iiiukIv ovi i I lu
ll i I- f his lln I riin
ilm AltnKdh r It is
ii iiinvl isiiii -ii tun
iiml -in pi i I ili in of
Miitj t hii luiiis
on tin- 1in I or the
liiimlle lire II flail
1 lis hit li iiiic out
the oll mill 1 1 tiK in
the in w mill mult r
ui tit nlil l iillu t Tunc
with his CI IK I MVtllC
Iln iiy Nivv Vi nr
completes the
ion on the luick ot
the handle
Altoiilher it Is n
most licmiliful mtielc
Miitnhle Tor n holiday
proem for ones m ff
or ii f i lend The
of Itniidviine
spoons has le suiiiiil In
many localities the
proportion of n lmj c
fail mid this spoon i
Kood Llioiijh to place
beside any of them
This spoon is the
most Miitnhle Christ
inas gift you could
make tolailns Suiidav
school children ot
children In the public
or day schools church
fairs often use several
hundred of thciu
Sotu Itln tniiilinK the fact that the spooim are
of superior i unllH and llin llmsli liy iiiiiKiuk
arraiiiminth Willi the iiiainifnetiiMT to use a
Inri ii quantity wt net tliem nt u Ili UH that
will eualilu us to uiake ou a Ctrist iikih pii sent
of i i HEE if J I - i
of kuoiIk or morn at our slum hefnie Dei
lliiiiii inlier tin- plai i
Jemeler and Optiean
Dressed Turkeys Ducks
ressed Geese
Heinzs Mince Meat
Baltimore Oysters
Fresh Oysters
Choice Celery
Palace Jleat Market
Suit mnde to order ami iu the latest Hjle Rs
pairins ufiatlyJdouM bliop ou South Fourth St
kOUttl of Iluuui UtOk
1 AV
I m
v ejvv VMiHVSi
jifci vrvtLil
J Vvr
A ZtitfF v
Tho conclusions reacli
cl dccidotl itntl atlopl
cel ly llio Senate and
House ol Hie Uniied
States overiinieiilanel
thus becoming the law
of the hmel for the gui
dance of their benight
ed constituents are al
most invariably the re
sult of a coniproinise
So it is in tire or less
willi millinery The ex
treme of fashion must
be modified for the in
d i v i d u a 1 Wo can
harmonize the extreme
and the praclical so as
to in a k e a becoming
result for you
Huy your holiday presents before
feeing one ef I ho finest linos at
Chrlstophs e einsistiug of
Toilet Sets
Gold Plated
Fine Papclcrics
Perfumes Dolls
Juvenile and
Gift Books
Geo B Ghristoph
For llunibing Steam Filling Pumps Tank
Wind Mills
And nil work iu this Una call oo
Hitlnfaction fJunrnntoeil
First door Bouth of Tuu Daily Nkws Ofllce
Invites you to Comparo Prices
Tomatoes per can gc
Pens per can g0
Corn per can gc
Java CofTeo best jier lb 150
Oat Moal per lb 2vO
Soap 10 bars 250
1 iMiuuel cau linking Powder 20o
Bust Prunes per lb g0
BlueiiiB 40
Soela iior 11 3 y0
Starch per lb 315
Oiackers per lb 7co
Clothes Liues g0
Lye per e au 4C
Mixeel Canely per lb 710
Pearline per packaio 4c
Rice per lb 70
Lamp Chimney 40
We havo a big line of Tinware Gran
iteware anel which we are
Belling very cheap