The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 30, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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V P Prlnro was n oily visitor yostor
A v from Madison
Miss Mny ibirland lus returned from
hor visit toPluinviow
II II Patterson departed at noon onu
business trip to Chicago
Mr ntul Mrs W K Powers of Iiorco
woro Norfolk visitors todny
Air and Mrs W M Kolwrlson woto
visitors in Madison yesterday
Mrs A Uoglo twpcats to leave tomor
row for an extended visit in Chicago
Clom Wright was linniii a few ilays
from Aurora and loft today for Long
Mrs A Fisher of Madison is oxpootod
horo tomorrow to Hpuiid Thanksgiving
with Mrs Hnsloy
Miss liia Sonncnsohoiii of Stanton
who has boon visiting lr week ro
turnod homo yostorday
Miss Maincs lias rosignod lur position
ns toucher in the High sohool and do
parted Monday for Emerson Iowa
Mr and Mrs Ira Mupes of Kansas
City Mo uro oxpootod horo tomorrow
to spond Thanksgiving with relatives
Will Barnes of Buttle Crook who has
boon working in Donvor Col was in
ho city today Ho is sulToring from
Phil Miller dopartod today for Sodallu
Mo whoro ho will mako his homo in
tho futuro having purchasud a farm
near that city
Miss Eva I Mains has rosiguod hor
position as assistant principal at tho
High sohool and loft Saturday for Em
orsou Iowa whoro sho will toaoh
Mrs A Stewart and Miss Stowart
who lmvo boon visiting at tho homo of
It A Stowart lonvo tomorrow for Sioux
City whoro thoy will spend tho wintor
Mr and Mrs L J ltono formorly of
this city aro now in Council Bluffs
lowu whoro thoy aro conducting tho
Transfer hotel and aro said to bo doing
very well
Tho High school foot ball team is
planning to play tho team from Ilomnn
Walkors school in this olty on Christ
mas Other games aro also boiug ar
ranged for
A brother of tho lato David W
Erskiuo ramo up from Columbus Sun
day nnd accompanied tho fuunral party
to St Paul Mr aud Mrs S V Erskiuo
nnd ohildron wero ulso members of tho
David Whitln John Hay nnd Petor
Bnssoy woro camping at tho Odd Pol
lows encampmont lost evening Thoy
roturnod homo in tho woo small
hours of this morning with vivid recol
lections of a pleasant time
Elinor Davis of Pierco a son of B II
Davis had an arm crushod in a com
Bbellor last Saturday Tho shollor had
to bo taken apart to roloaso tho arm
which was amputated above tho elbow
Charlos Dnnu a farmer near Osceola
bad his hand crushed in a shollor and
will loso sovoral lingers
A torpedo himilar to those used on
railroads got into tho coal of Mr Jacobs
of Madison who throw it into tho stovo
at his store Saturday aud un explosion
occurred that startled tho occupants of
nearby buildings Tho stovo was pretty
thoroughly torn to pieces and somo
goods woro damaged
Work on tho now Bishop blook has
baou progressing finely during tbo past
f ow dayB and tho foundation walls aro
now nbout completed Considerable
Inmber for uso in tho construction of
tho building has boon placed on tho
ground nnd with favorable weathor it
will undoubtedly bo complotod this
Miss Martha Sohlmmolpfonuig aud
Julius Koll wero uuited in marriage
Sunday morning at 10 50 at St Paul
Luthorau church A largo crowd as
sisted them iu colobrating tho ovont nt
tho homo of tho bridos parents iu
Edgowater Paik Iu tho afternoon tho
orcbestrnjwent over aud serenaded them
Mr aud Mrs Koll will make their homo
in Edgowater Park addition
A storycomes from Sioux City of n
contractor from Iowa City who wears n
wach ns n sotting for a ring His namo
is Josoph Bnrborkn and has tho ooutract
for tho erection of n town cloo in tho
fedoralbuildlng at Sioux City Ho
wears this testimonial of hiB skill on Iub
fingers Tho watch keeps good timo
buu uun uu luuuiiuBimai iicic nuo any
other watch although tho dial is no
largor than tho end of an ordinary lead
Sheriff and Mrs Gaorgo Losey of
Madison camo very near being viotimB
of suffocation by coal gas Saturday
morning Their base burner was tho
cause During tho night Mr Losey felt
ill and wus awake several hours but did
not notice tho gas odor When his
wife got up in the morning bIio fainted
nnd iu going to her assistance Mr Losey
foil to the floor They woro soon re
vived by fresh nir let in by thou son
uud when n doctor arrived wero out of
Here is an ingenious invention no
cording to nu exchange A mother
tells how sho keeps baby employed
when sho is busy or has company She
places a rug where tho buu will fnllupou
it and sits baby upon it Sho then
daubs some mucilage oil his fingers aud
Bticks n few small feathers on his fingers
The baby will sit quietly for hours
1 It Itnt u tVt flrnt flllft
puKiiif imi iiminuin MM nv
trated lecture on the Yellow Sono Na
tlouul park by Alfred Plndo Both en
tertainments aro secured through tho
Red Lottor Lyceum bureau and cotno
vory highly reoonunundod Tiekots can
bo secured from any of tho members of
the Senior class Soasou tickets admit
ting to both entertainments will bo sold
for 7f cents for children tho admission
to both will bo 50 cents Tho class ox
poets to give patrons tho full valuo of
their money and hope that thoro will bo
n generous demand for tickets on tho
part of Norfolk people
Thoro aro few young iuoii who havo
soon moro of tho world and exporioueed
groator vurioty than Will Itainoy
formorly of this city during tho past
three years Tho following short
vlow of his oxporienco mny bo interest
ing Ho joinod company L NN G
in January 1897 In May 1818 ho
went to Lincoln and was mustored into
tho United States service as a volunteer
iufrautrymau he wont toChicknuiaugn
with his company and remained sovon
mouths after which he returned to
Omaha and got nu honorable discharge
Ho then went to St Louis aud joined
tho Seventh U S Cavalry went to
Cuba with the command nnd stayed
seven months Returned to Omaha aud
got nu honorable discharge and then to
Macon Gn where ho entered tho
vico of tho U S navy Went to San
Francisco Cal in January 18H and
left there February 15 for Valparaiso
Chili on tho training ship Hartford
On Mnroh 28 ho wont to Montevideo
Uruguay and onMay 28 to Fort Monroo
Va from thero to Hampton Itonds
Maine and then to Bay Harbor Mass
He thou went to New York and on the
Battleship Iudiana went to China He
is now at Gibraltar Spain an English
port and in 10 days oxpoots to return to
China on tho Dixio At this rato Mr
Itainoy will in a few years havo beon in
all the important countries of tho world
It is said that he is oujoyiug tho expor
ionco vory thoroughly
lllK lrullt In lleet i
A special to the Denvor News from
Rocky Ford Colo spoaks of tho sugar
beet industry in that section in tho fol
lowing glowing terms
Tho sugar boot growers of tho
Arkansas valley are reveling in money
as n result of the pay which they havo
just recoived for the boots delivered in
Ootobor Tho American Beet Sugar
company linishod paying today for
October boots nnd 1152000 wns paid to
tho fnrmors Instances aro numorous
of profits of if 100 por acre net and few
aro realizing less than 50
The Amoricnu Beet Sugar oouipnny
is so woll satisfied that tho soil nnd
onmnuo couuuions in cms valley aro
just right for raising of beets of high
percentage or sugar that arrangements
aro already about completed to double
tho capacity of the Rooky Ford factry
Free Until January 1 1101
In order to introduco The Semi
Weekly State Journal to a whole lot of
now homes it will be sent from now
uucil January 1 1901 to nny person
sending us ono dollar for n years sub
scription This gives you the papers
from now until January 1 1002 for
only one dollar Tho Stato Journal is
the recognized stato paper and should
be in ovory homo in tho state Printed
at tho capital it gives moro prompt and
aocurato reports of Nebraska doings
than any other papor and as it gives
you two papors each week it furnishes
you with the latest nows sovoral days
nhead of other papors You will not
want to bo without The Jourunl during
tho legislature aud tho great Bountorial
contost The enrlier you Bend tho
dollar tho moro papers you will get for
your money Address Tho Journal nt
Lincoln Nob
other ISnIiloH Hint aro
and then tho
Plltlinrf Mr w H Vn
btny never cry Anny m hi iimim in WiiaMukIoii
Table Hock Argus A young Pulls j0rgo W Wilson fathor of Mrs W
City oltlon calls his sweetheart lie- a lardonnor formorly of this city died
vnngo for ltovongo is sweet A yesterday morning at his homo
young married man at DuHois calls his i Washington D O
mother-in-law Delay Delays aro dan 1 jr Wilson was commissioner of in
gerotis A Sterling man calls his wife termil revonuo and was regarded as tho
Fiot KnotH are stubborn things A most thoroughly informed man on in
Iawnoo attorneys wife calls him vrm revenue Hiibjocts in tho country
sily Necessity knows no law A nud was consulted on nil measures
Humboldt insurance ngontoails ms who fuclMK the revenues that have boon
Honest Honesty is tho best poliny
An Elk Creek man calls his wife Mary
Jane bocmso thats hor name aud n
Table Hook man culls his wife Enough
Enough is as good as a feast
Tho four-year-old dnughter of Mr and
Mrs Frod Leu who live west of tho city
was poisoned yetterday evening by eat
ing strychnine and died two hours later
The little ono was limiting for some
thing to eat and camo ncrosi tho strych
nine which was kept iu tho houso to
poison rats She ato a quantl y of it
aud when the parents discovered tho
calamity thoy at onco startod for town
witli tbo child for medical iwtstanco
They reached the homo of Mrs Leus
parents Mr anil Mrs Win Doohring
but tho little girl had died on tho way
there It is a sad calamity ami tho
parents havo tho heart folt sympathy of
mnny friends Tho funeral will bo hold
The Senior olass of tho Norfolk High
sohool is arranging for two high class
entertainments to bo given this season
undor ItB direction Tho first will bo
given on Docombor 28th and the soconrt
on January 21th Tho formpr will hoof
a musical nature by Miss Ohihls of Min
neapolis and will bo given in the M E
ohnroh Tho second will bo an illus
fore congress for many years Tho fol
lowing concerning Mr Wilson appears
in tho press dispatches
George Washington Wlison wns C7
years old and a native of Ohio Ho en
tered the union army when 18 yenrs old
as a privato iu tho Fourteenth Ohio vol
unteer infantry aud served throughout
the war coming out ns flrst liuutounnt
Iu 18H ho took up the practlco of law
nnd iu 1811 entered the internal revenue
sorvico Ho servod in various capacities
rising from one important posjtion to
another until ho became tho head of the
The funeral will bo hold nt Hamilton
O on Thanksgiving day Tho party
including Mrs Wilson Mrs Pardouner
nnd Chief Deputy Williams will leave
horo tomorrow at II p in going to
Hamilton where tho funeral will take
Fuiioral services conduotod undor
nuspices of Columbia commaiidury No
2 Knights Tomplnr of which Colouol
Wilson wns n mombor will bohold in
tho ltiggs houso nt 1 oclock tomorrow
No formal services will bo hold nt
Hamilton O except atthogravo whoro
tho MiiRonio burial sorvico will bo read
by ofllcors of tho Bluo lodgo nt
MrB John Spollman returned last
ovening from n visit with hor parents at
Miss Luoy Williams will go to Omaha
tomorrow morniug to spend Thanksgiv
ing with relatives
Miss Gretchon Sohwnrtz wont to Wis
nor on tho noon train to bo presont nt
the wedding of n cousin
Miss Agnos Ilunsoh returned Inst
night from n throo months visit iu
Wisconsin and Miuuosnta
Kimball Burnos aud Norris Huso aro
expected homo from tho stato university
this ovouiug to spond Thanksgiving
Fathor Wober latoly appointed to ns-
sist Father Walsh in this parish has
gone to Oharwator to perform a inur
riago ceremony
Mr and Mrs Goorgo D Butterfield
aro expected down tonight to spend
Thanksgiving nt the homo of Mr nud
Mrs W II Butterfield
A sample box of chocolates recoived
from VailH cnudy kitchen furnishes
n convincing testimonial to tho excel
lent quality of his goods
G 3110 Huso wont to Lincoln today to
see tho loot ball team of tho University
of Nebraska wipo tho ourtb with tho
team from tho Univorsity of Miuuosota
Tho largo trees are being cut from the
lot at the corner of Fourth street and
Madison avouue aud it is understood
that BOiuo rosidoucos will be eroctod
Tho Hastings Tribune gives the follow
ing Can she knit Sho can knot
If sho can knot skocan knit and if she
can not knot sho can knot nit and
can kuit not Sho cant knit nnd not
While out riding Inst evening the
buggy containing Miss Edith Altsohuler
nnd a friend was nearly overturned
Miss AUschulor Doing thrown out She
sustained distressing aud painful injuries
thnt may couflno her to her homo for
somo weeks
The nativity shown in preparing for
Thanksgiving obsorvauco this yenr has
boon almost equal to that made for
Christmas observance in other years
Merchants have onjoyed nn unusually
good trndo in the luxuries they have
provided for their customors and judg
ing from the manner in whioh niatorinl
hns boon distributed in Norfolk there
will bo fow families who will not enjoy
tho host tho season nffords
Rolla Lowis who was last week con
vioted of cattle stealing nnd sentenced
to 15 mouths in the pomtoutinry hns
made a statement implicating John E
Woisner the Meadow Grove butcher iu
tho stealing deal Ho stated thnt
nor had leased his barn and used it dur
ing tho summer ns a slaughter house
Tho barn is on tho bank of tho Elkknrn
and Lowis snys that on several occasions
Weisnor killed stolen cattle at night
throwing thoofful of tho carcass into the
river Sheriff Losey went to Meadow
Grove last evening to place Weisuer
under arrest
Tho following telegramromJBeatrice
to tho Bee explains a feature of the situ
ation horo as developed during the con
test over the stewardship as tho same
instructions wero givon Norfolk republi
cans ns received by tho cnndldate nt
Beatrice A prominent candidate for
the head of one of tho state institutions
received a letter today from Governor-
oloot Dietrioh in whioh tho latter states
that it is his intention to appoint only
young men to ofllce uuder his admiuls
trntiou He tlutly iuformed this appli
cant that his age was tho bar to his up
pointiuout At the same time he con
coded tho important value of tho
cunts endorsements and recommenda
tions and regretted that his irrlvocablo
rule should havo to apply to this cuso
In nccordnuco with tho usual custom
of thnt denomination tho Salvation
Army is preparing to givo a Ohristmns
dinner for tho bom lit of tho needy iu
towns nnd cities whoro they hnvo organ
izations Tho momhers of tho Army
hero hope to bonblo to food tOO persons
and will soon cull upon the people of the
city for donations for the purpose
Thoy will also see to it that any sick
person or family in tho city is supplied
with somo of the luxuries and comforts
provided by the charitable citizens
SKcial pains will be taken to see that
ohildron who hnvo not the choicest com
forts nt homo will hu cared for
Tho Lidles Aid socioty of tho Congre
gational church have arranged for an
entertainment to be given December
II th by Miss Kathcriuo E Oliver who
has an international reputation as an
interpreter of character aud is said to
bo without a peer upon tho entertain
munt platform She has entertained in
tho principal citios of tho Uuited States
Great Britain and Canada President
aud Mrs McKinloy aud other promiuont
porsouagos of other couutrios havo en
joyed her impersonations and sho has
recoivod Hattoriiig pross notices from
critics on many of tho leading papors in
this nnd other countries Sho will prob
ably uppcir in Norfolk nt tho Cougrogn
tiounl church nnd hor progrom will bo n
now Monologue ontitlod Tho Sky
Pilot While fnmous for her Scotch
dialect readings this entertainment
will not bo in that dialect
There aro many stories printed of n
mix up in relationship as a result of
mnrriago but tho following seoms to bo
gouuino and comes from Liucolu Thoy
havo beou trying to figure out what the
relations of Frank Thomas and his sister
will bo after today Mr Thomas has
married Mrs Anna Schmittel who is
twico his ago his sistor is to bo weddod
to a sou of Mrs Schmittel tho bride of
tho prospective bridos brother This
will make tho brother of the young
Mrs Sohuiittol tho of
the elder Mrs SchmittelM husbauds
daughter-in-law It will also make the
young Mrs Schmittel the sister of hor
mother-in-laws husband which of
course was truo prior to tho wedding of
tho second bridos brother to the mother
of tho prospective bridos husband thus
making tho mother-in-law tho sister-in-law
uud the sister-in-law tho
What other relation exists is
now boing discussod
Thoro was a groat scratnblo for seats
this morning when tho sale for the
Innos band coucort was opened and in
side of an hour all tho choico seats were
taken Tho prospects are certainly good
for the largest audience that has ever as
sembled in tho Auditorium Tho com
pany gives a mntinee performance at
York tsmorrow afternoon aud is not
likely to arrive here much before time
for tho ovoniiifr performance to begin
It is announced however that the cur
tain will rise at 8 I0 and people should
bo iu their places at that hour Maua
ger Spear is doerviug of a ureat deal of
credit for his efforts in bohalf of special
trains and the crowds ho has secured
from other towns Tho special from
Columbes and the regular train from
Verdigre will arrive at 7 oclook and
tho visitors will have an hoar and a hnlf
before the performance begins during
which timo inerohauts should be able to
handle considerable business
The complete sorvice of The
Special via Union Pucific
enables passongers to reach the princi
pal cities between tho north and Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only in the
shortest possible spaco ot time but also
in tho most comfortable and enjoynble
manner The dining cars on this trniu
nro stocked with tho best tho market
affords All meals served n la carte
W Ions for a poacc that is lasting
We pieaii or a rapture thats rare
Like flslirrnuii tcasclrwly casting
Tlioir nets In the gulf of despair
We draw from deep waters of sorrow
Dark uniks of old failure and fear
And out of sea silence e borrow
The storm that will neter coma near
Faith speeds past the footsteps of duty
And halts at the door of a tomb
Thought pierces the source of all beauty
And returns unto dust tis the doom
Of each man child t alrhe and to wonder
To plan for Home positUe gain
And only find masteries under
All life be it pleasure or pain
Lo in realms of the mind there is treasure
For tollers who dwell in content
There is truth that no science can measure
And the fearless are noer forspent
There is light when earth shadows are falling
Theres reward for the deeds that are done
Where envy crowned virtues are callifs
Through faith is thy victory wonl
Charles W Stevenson in Chicago Kecord
The AOvnnce m Time
The nge of man we aro told Is three
score years and ten Prom 25 to 40
If tho health be good no material al
teration Is observed Prom thence to
BO the chnnge Is greater Fifty five
to CO tho nlteratlou startles still wo
nre not bowed down In the earliest
periods of our life the body strength
ens and keqps up tho miud Iu the later
stages of It the reverse tnkea place
nud the mind keeps up tho body a
formidable duty this nud keenly felt
by both Such is times progress
Scottish American
The Carp I Very llony
Teople marvel at the mechanism of
the human body with Its 492 bones
and GO arteries but man Is simple In
thlB respect compared with the curp
That remarkable fish moves no fewer
than 4USU bones nnd muscles every
time it breathes It has 4320 veins to
eay nothing of its OS inusclea
KiiftUh liitv Rinrnl WnnU Illty Tliom
Hint fur linn In xiulli Allien
New York Nov 27 Horses to the
number of tiOOOO are to be purchnsed
Iu this country In the next six mouths
by agents of tho British government
for the use of Lord Kitcheners forces
in policing the Truusviinl and Orange
Flee State This news has been an
nounced by Inhn S Bratton of St
Louis who has supplied directly and
Indirectly to the British urmy in tho
ust two year many horses sultablo
for cnvnlry iwi He has received a
tclpgruni from one of his malingers
stating that the British military pur
chasing agent will be lit his stock
yards this week to select saddle horses
for Immediate shipment from New Or
leans to Durban Mr Brnttons
brother Is n member of parliament
from the Liberal constituency of
Mnghura County Tyrone Ireland
Alfred A Im li Imlor Arrrt nt MnrynYllle
un tint fliuiui ol Ilrlnif the
1 it tut Mint
Marysvlllc la Nov 27 Dr n A
Hamilton u prominent physician of
this place was shot yesterday Alfred
Ahu who had accused tho doctor of
causing the separation of Aim nnd
his wife Is under arrest ou the charge
of firing the Iatal shot No ono saw
tho shot fired nud the physician died
without making any statement
Dr Hamilton left his residence soon
nfter breakfast to go to his barn He
hud passed within the line of some
trees when a shot disturbed the si
lence A moment luter he staggered
back toward his house where he fell
Members of his family cnrrled the
body into the house and then spread
nn alarm The llttlj town was soon
tho scene of great excitement and
posses were searching for the assassin
The crovo aviis surrounded aud then
searched Not a trace of the slayer
could bo found Tho sheriff of Marion
county overlooked no clew and when
he heard of threats suid to have been
made by Aim he decided to taUe him
into custody
Aim Is i yenrs old He is said to
have broodeil over his domestic
troubles until his condition bordered on
Tito Drpiitlcit Niimml
Des Moines Nov 27 As a result of
an extended conference of lown poli
ticians two good positions in the state
house were disposed of These nre the
places of chief deputy in the state
treasurers otlice and office of secre
tary of state Mr Qilbertson treasurer-elect
announced that John S Mc
Qulston at present auditor of Polk
county will be his chief deputy This
disposes of the best positions in the
two oifiecs us Mr Martin the secre
tary of state has notified D A Hltes
of Adair county that ho is to be re
tained ns chief deputy
Sailor liiKln tl In tlie lUgeing
Klngsvllle Out Nov 21 An un
known schooner is sunk off
Point Pelee uud the sailors
nre lashed In the rigging for
tug Home Itule has been trying to res
cue the men but there is such a high
sea running that their efforts have been
fruitless It is feared that tne men
will die from exposure before aid can
reach them
One Womans Idon of the Money
Deposit In a Dunk
Most comical stories are told at the
expense of the fulr sex regarding their
lack of familiarity with banks nnd
their methods One came to the ears
of the Sauntcrer that apparently has
the merit tf newness
My wife had saved up ber pin
money or what she hadnt had occa
sion to use of It said the relator of
the story until she had 40 In bills
of various denominations This she
wns extremely desirous of securing
gold for and every day when I camo
homo to dinner she would haul me over
the coals because I had forgotten to
procure the shining metal Finally she
said she would a I tend to the matter
herself That evening she greeted me
with a triumphant smile
I got my gold she exclaimed ns
Boon as I entered the house but I had
a time In doing It though
Then she told me how she had gone
to the mint with her bills nud been re
fused the coveted coin because the
notes werent good notes Next she
hustled around to a bank and secured
four 10 gold pieces These didnt
Bult her because they werent new and
shiny so she trotted back to the mint
with them nnd exchanged Miem for
two double eagles fresh from the dies
I listened to her recital and asked bet
to let mo seo the coins
Let you see theml she exclaimed
in surprise Why I havent tboni
nny more you goose
Havent them nny more 1 re
peated What did you do with them 7
She looked at mo with mingled
scorn nnd contempt
I deposited them in tho Sav
ings bank of course Thats what I
wanted tho gold for What did you
think I was going to do with theml
Keep them around the houso to look
But I wns too busy laughing Just
then nnd for hnlf an hour afterward
to mako any reply Cincinnati Eo
To Improve tho golden moment of
opportunity nnd catch tho good that is
within our reach Is the great art of
life Johnson
fiiiRar AdrnncBd ll 1olnli
New York Nov 27 Tho National
Sugar Iletluing company has advanced
its list for refined sugars live poluU
W N Huso of Norfolk was in town
H 13 Wood returned to his homo in
Liucoln Thursday
A number of IHkIi school studonts
woro studying court ways Thursday and
aud Friday of last week
Commissioners Hughes and Wintor
camo down from Norfolk Mouday and
wero viewing bridges until Tuesday
Wm Lowo and Fred Smith drovo
over from Battle Creek Tuesday Mr
Lowo had business with tho county
David Whitla and wife of Battle
Creek visited relaives in town Friday
and Saturday last weok Dnvo said ho
and his family wero going to Oregon for
a vacation but that ho would bo back in
timo for noxt years campaign
The jury in tho caso of tho Stato vs
Alyoa found tho defeudout guilty of
assault aud battery and on Monday ho
was sentenced to 0 days in tho comity
jail nnd to pay costs of prosecution It
is understood tho caso will bo taken to
tho supremo court Soutenco ban beon
Buspondod until the caso can be prepared
f ir the higher court
Olo Johnson of Sholl Crook wns before
tho commissioners Tuosdny with his
usual number of bills for rond work ho
hud porformed Olo must be leveling
down most of tho hills and filliug up tho
valleys in his road district as he hns
culled upon n neighboring overseor to
assist him nnd for three mouths ho has
beon boforo tho commiesionors nt each
session with bills for work dono by him
self aud sovoral others
Scarlet fever is getting quite n foot
hold in town several houses bearing tho
duarautino sign Tho trouble seems to
be tho quarantine is not strictly en
forced the ono having tho disease being
about tho only one not allowed to go
about tho streets as usual Even child
ren nro nuowea to play on tno promises
of families uuder quarxntiue and then
attend school Something ought to be
done or n geuernl breaking out of the
troublo may be expected
Free of Vtinrge
Any ndult suffering from n cold
settled on the breast brouchitis throat
or lung troubles of any unture who will
o 11 at A K Leonardswill be presented
with a sample bottle of Boschees
German Syrup free of charge Only
one bottle given to ono person and none
to children without order from parents
No throat or lunfj remedy over had
such n sale ns Boscheos Germnn Syrup
in nil parts of the civilized world
Twenty years ago millions of bottles
woro given away and your druggist
will tell you its success was marvelous
It is really the only throat and lung
remedy generally endorsed by physi
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The Eloin NuitSFKins Elgin 111
is all right if you are too fat
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There are many causes of get
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Stop over work if you can
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take Scotts Emulsion of Cod
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Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is the readiest cure for
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your doing no work you cant
long be well and strong without
joru sort of activity
Tho gonulno has
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f vou havo not
rua it send tor t
o rrrnpio its a- j
roaablo tasto will 1
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New York
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