V U t J i The Norfolk Weekly News Journal I II 18 II Hundred Persons Fall Through Roof of Glass Worc3 EIGHTY TWO ARE INJURED JUlniilili it Victim Itoint In Im iincci In Mtlit nf TIiiiiimiiiiIi Ill WiitililliK lnolliilll 4 in me lit Mm lmnrliii Whin I tint Itiiul linr WiJ I iiilir mil Miiiln San rmnrlsio Nov JO riilrliHMi emiH wtio kilhtl niul Sli badly Injured llV tllC tOllllllSl Of till1 IMOt of tho Ill- ollie kIiins works on Klltuunth HtriiM yesterday whU It wits crowded with men and hoys wiiUhinf tt football tliiiu on the lieid adjoining Ahout 100 persons fell Through tho roof upon tlie xTiwl furiiuees and yltiKS vats heluw All were horridly burned and it is feared that in addi tion to the lit deaths already reported there will he several more The dead William Valencia George Kxtell Kdwin Khthaveii M Vuiidltflnu J A Mulroony Thomas 1 Klppon V H llaehfelt Talleyrand Harnwell Carroll Harold Krank New by and four bodies unidentified The most seriously Injured are John NroiiKh Film Clarity it i Uss lniui William Ilansch ieou ierard Clarence Utirns 1 Krechler lohn Colonel Vorrk London Nov 30 A dispatch to n nows agency from Peking says that Colonel Torek In command of tho German column is lying at the point of death at a village between Caiagan and Peking Ills illness was caused by Inhaling fumes from a stove In his bedroom Field Marshal Count von Muldersee will bring In Yorcks col num Will Ho lublluly llulieurteil Tien Tain Nov 30 Tung Wen Iluun ji provluclul treasurer of CtJLJ who was sentenced to death by the I international military tribunal at tao Ins l u Is being brought here to he beheaded by the city govern Vo This Is at the re l l0 hui Hilary an- tliorlties 7ci - doty EXf LOSION KILLS TWO tliilir 111111111 or tliirnm Suyiir Itrllncry lit lliiiiitiirt Diiiiulliliiil Davenport la Nov itn As a result of a boiler explosion hero last night In the plant of the ilucose Sugar He lming company two men were killed and live seriotwly Injured Tlu holler hotiM was tleinollslied by the force of the explosion and part of the englno room wiecked The dead licuot Coleman eugl Iccr I 1 Cook machinist The Injured lohn Peters Charles Peters Vlitor Kliferl Joel Wohl Charles illiltersteh The noUe of the explosion could lm heard all over Davenport llre broke out and all the city department was engaged in lighting the lire The chums Is unknown The loss Is perhaps OOt ami Is partly Insured SHOT ii BY A FOOTPAD 1 Inter Klllml mill UN Wife utility Woimiliil lit lliiillnutoii Hurllngton la Nov ill W 11 Iln ter of Cedar Ituplds accoinpanled by his wife while on his way to the depot last night to leave for home after spending Thanksgiving with relatives Doyle Fred ltewinkle Ceorge C Mil J is - 1 hy a footpad and ler Arthur Otseu George llener Fred llartinan lolin Houstr Theodore Ma ker George Polio IM lionise lames Iowen Carroll Palmer Albert Gerl George Campbell Albert I oiix Cicorge on resisting Mr 1 Inter was shot and killed Mrs I inter ran lint was shot in t lie back and Is now at the hospital dying TMfo assassin escaped A man was captured at PatUrsoii Morshat Willnni Conway W Grant i miles smith of here early tills Otto ltermeister I morning who gave his name as George Two hundred men and hoys had gath l Anderson He practically con tossed crcd on the sheet Iron roof of the glass to shooting the I inters works to obtain a free view of the an 1 mini football game between Stanford ii nil the University of California About 120 minutes after the same hail commenced there was a crash plainly fiudiblo from the football grounds and portion of the crowd on the roof went down The tires in tho furnaces had been Started for the first time yesterday and the vats were full of liquid glass It was upon these that the victims fell Some wore killed instantly and others were slowly roasted to death The few who missed the furnaces or rolled otf together with the workmen in the plnss works saved the lives of many who lay unconscious hy pulling them nway from their horrible resting places The police and tire department were soon at hand and every patrol wagon nnd ambulance in the city was puinmoned They were not enough nnd express wagons and private car riages were pressed Into service to carry off the dead and wounded Many of tho injured were unconscious while others were hurried shrieking with agony to the hospitals The Southern Pacific railway hospital was only two blocks away and was quickly tilled About -10 wounded were taken there Others were sent to St Lukes hos pital and the city receiving hospital to private residences and other places At the hospitals there was soon a shortage of surgeons and some of the wounded hail to wait until help came The roof of the glass works was not i200 feet nway from the football field but the 20000 people watching the game were too interested In the game to notice what had occurred It was only when the ushers went through the vast crowd calling for doctors that It became known there had been an accident IliiMHiii rriiindly to China London Nov iiO Dr Morrison wir ing to the Times from Peking yester day says M de Giers who had pre viously assented to all the terms of the conjoint note including the death penalty clause has now intimated to the Chinese envoys that Russia ever actuated by a sincere friendship for China will insist either upon the re vision of the deatli penalty clause sub stituting u provision that the guilty Khali be punished by the Chinese in a manner acceptable to tho powers or that the terms of the note shall not be irrevocable but may be modified by negotiations with tho Chinese envoys Russia has thus again proclaimed how farcical Is the so culled concert The Chinese envoys are kept well Informed regarding the discussions and dis putes of the ministers at their meet ings Trains Collide lit Hiirlein Mo Kansas City Nov at Two Burling ton passenger trains collided head on In u fog at Harlem Mo across the river from here yesterday C D Boyd tourist agent of tho Burlington route was slightly injured being thrown across the car and Milton Nichols a brakeiuan was cut ami bruised The engines wcro locked to gether and badly damaged None of tho curs left tho track POPES END IS NEAR lutliir liirnuiliK of Alimtiiiil ICrporta That lpon Kiciint Vi it Ho IuuuU Iio Xlll Full lilt 1nit Montreal Nov 0 -The Ilev Father Lacombe who returned from Home a short time ago is in the city on his way to his mission Held In thu Cana dian northwest When told by a re porter that alarming news hail been received from Home regarding the popes condition Father Lacombe said Yes the end is very near The holy fathers health was very poor when I saw lilm a few weeks ago lie appealed thin and emaciated and his voice had a hollow ring He was very feeble so feeble that he could not move about without assistance Good Governniiiit Convention ii Iile Pittsburg Nov 30 Through the in nppropriateness of the date and the failure of expected speakers to attend the fourth annual convention of the National Good Government league was brought to a close last night Major George A Hilton president of tic league at the meeting last night an nounced that Thanksgiving was too much of a counter attraction that tho league had been disappointed in the attendance and in tho responses of those men who had been invited to speak and that all scheduled meetings were therefore called off Cliilntla iih nnd lleiitheni at War Victoria Nov 30 Christians anl heathen natives are now at war on tho Island of Fromnngii In tho New Hebrides group So far four Chris tians and one heathen have been killed and tho Christians who are in the minority were besieged when Mission ary D C Robertson arrived nt Sydney Kiniillpoic Scare In Now York New York Nov 30 A smallpox scare which lirst came to the public notice yesterday when two cases of that disease were reported to tho West Sixty eighth street station by the board of health lias spread until there are now 24 known cases TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD The Bolivian congress in secret ses sion Thursday rejected the Chilean proposals Professor B A Hinsdale of tho Uni versity of Michigan died In Atlanta Thursday Preston Tood 123 years of ago was killed Thursday while taking part in u football game at Kensington Ills Thomas Wldte a footpad was shot In tho head at Minneapolis Thursday night by Police Sergeant Moussou whom ho hud tried to kill Charles Harris and P I Batson were killed and four others seriously Injured at Grannis Ark hy the explosion of Ellis Shorts planing mill boiler The roumliiH of tho late Captain G W Wilson commissioner of Internal rev enue were hurlod ut Hamilton O Thursday under Masonic auspices More than -100 Americans were pres ent at the Hotel Cecil at the Thanks giving dinner given under the auspices of the American society lu London Mr and Mrs Cornelius Knapp pio neers living two and one half miles west of Castle Rock Wash were killed by an unknown assassin The murderer used a shotgun tiring through tho window Secretary Charles P Martin of the National Live Stock association has is sued thu call for the fourth annual convention of the National Live Stock association to meet In Assembly hall In Suit Luke on Jan 10 NORFOLK NKBllASKA FRIDAY NOVMMRKR Ml v iiumtiiv wim Mr M inrei flnrnT nnun n nnnrn Infn hi It H Hllllr I l1 emalu at Cologne UllLIII UlU Ml IILtllUIILU m Sunday ami i st im Monda he I Will git In MU li Imii and theiue In beWCtSllorn Disaster niul I IhrlUi win re he eptH to mi he -- r I Tuestlay morning juiiiy ui i i iiiim ialiiu o 111111 110EBRTS REPORTS REVERSE Ioiii llmnlied Itilliili Trunin mill Two Oiiiih n -tilled hi lliitit CiikIMi Col umn I iitler Ivihiv Mnliet ii Im eeil Mm rh limit llnlillne sluing IimIIIiiim London Nov 30 Lord Huberts ca hls Ii oni lohniiucshurg under date of No LS The Hewolsdorp garri son of two gtins of the Sixty eighth Held battery with detachments of the Gloucestershire regiment the High land light infantry and Irish rliles mo In all surrendered at i30 p in Nov 120 Our losses were L men killed and 112 wounded Including Major Hansen and Captain Hlgby The enemy Is said to be JriOO strong Four hundred men were dispatched from Kdenburg to relieve Dcwelsdorp but they did not siiciecd In reaching there in time Knox joined tills force and found De wetsdorp cMicuated Seventy live sick ami wounded had been left there Knox pursued and Is reported to have successfully engaged Steyn and Dewet near aalbank Nov 127 They retired west and southwest Knoxs messen ger failed to get through so 1 have no details Lord Roberts also reports that vari ous columns found the Boers holding strong positions lu the vicinity of llar rismith Phlllipopotis both in the Orange River Colony and oilier wide ly separated points The lighting how ever was of little importance The disaster at Hcwctsdorp has sent a thrill of alarm through Great Brit ain The censorship continues mi strict that there is no hope of arriving at a clear ciiiccptlon of the nctual po sition of alfairs In South Africa For Instant e Independent accounts of the subsequent proceedings and the recap ture of Dcwctsdorp give ample details not omitting to announce the capture of two Boer wagons and a quantity of loot but there is not the slightest men tion or the surrender of -100 British troops and vo guns which were not even tliMihled inasmuch as the Boers were able to uso them against the Brit ish relief forces The ubiquitous De wet seems again to have gotten away ami so far there Is no news that the captured British have been libcratci Taking into consideration the enig matical military situation north of the Orange river the smoldering rebellion in Cape Colony the rumors that France lias promised Mr Kruger to press arbitration on Hnglaud if lie is able to obtain the support of Ger many and that Lord Kitchener afhr all Is not U be given the chief com mand in South Africa the British gov ernment will meet the new parliament next week at an exceedingly inoppor tune moment No attempt Is made to conceal the extreme irritation felt at the adoption of u vote of sympathy with Mr Kru ger by the French chamber of deputies The inorniiir papers aro unanimous in declaring that no intervention of any kind will be allowed to change Brit ish policy KrcoiiTH Home Loot Cape Town Nov 30 General Knox hy a rapid inarch of 12J miles suc ceeded in getting in front of General Dewet placing hlnnclf between the Boers ami the Orange river Dewet is now believed to be going westward to join Hertog at Boomplantze Cohwjel Pllcher had n smart skir mish Tuesday Nov 127 with part of tienernl Dewets command which was convoying loot enptured at I Jewels dorp The Borrs retreated abandon ing a portlt n of the loot and a large number of horses Former President Steyn and Dewet were In cloi e prox imity to the scene of the lighting but they eluded the British Seventy Boer womon and children whose husbands and fathers are still lighting have been deported to Pleter murltburg Natal ltiltlHli Adopt Jtoer Tart lex Orange River Nov 30 The Ilerzog coummtindo 500 strong holding a splendid position on a range of precip itous kopjes near tlie village of Luch off completely barring tlie Britishud vance attacked Colonel Henry Hamil ton Settles column Tuesduy morning After five hours hard fighting tlie Boers were expelled from the position losing heavily The British losses wero small owing to tho fact that tho British adopted Boer methods of tak ing cover Colonel Settle occupied Luehoff Wednesday and learned that 800 horses hnd passed through Tues day for Dewet who is reported to be In tho neighborhood Tlie Boor com mander openly boasted in the village of having shot 1200 natives for sympa thizing with the British Ilfleetli Infantry for Minilln Tien Tsli Nov 30 The Fifteenth United States infantry lias departed for Tong Ku where It will be em barked for Manila The cold weather is driving tlie hostile natives Into outlying villages where there is much resth ssness Scoiitng parties constantly report sniping along the Pe king road and on remote trails but he vere reprisals are lessening it leiutle lUlunil Sympathy to Ifi ugnr Paris Nov 50 The chamber of dep uties yesterday uiiuujuiously adopted II REBELS HOLD THE INTERIOR ililniiililiiii liuei ininiil MiildiigSliiM WoiU Sliiii e cltm lu limit i ier I Inn tiuiiyiuiuil o 30 News of rebel actUltv on the Im illc coilst of ohnu bin no pcrmltlcil lo pass over I lie wires conl rolled by I he goveifiuncni has been received Although driven from pimltlntis com mumllug he pml of Itiicun Veuluta hy the expedition brought Ilom Pan ama on the steamer Taboga the Lib ffnl forces are npcnitiig in the in UMiorcasi of that city They hold the road to Call which is now besieged In 1 a strong Insurgent force and must soon surietider unless ielieed I Reports of the lighting at lliieua Ventura show that the port had been closely blockaded hy the Galtan and J the Salinas for three weeks when Hie Tahoga expedition arrived The Tit boga which Hew the British llag dur ing the action was equipped with ar tlllery II was reinforced by the gun boats Boyaca and Darlen which had been held in the harbor by the block ade ami these so vigorously bom barded the positions on Points Ihran and Sohlailo that the rebels retired Into the Interior An advance by the garrison resulted In the capture of Generals Salamanca and llovas who fought to the last Three guns were also captured The Tahoga took to the port a cargo of arms ammunition and provisions The artillery It carried will he mounted for the defense of the port WILSONS REPORT Opirul lent nl t lie leiui Intent r tllie Hut Iiik Hi IiikI Vein teeil Wlieiil Ilont ItllNtlu Washington Nov 30 The annual report of Secretary Wilson of the agri cultural department made public to day begins wltli a complimentary ref erence to the work of his predecessors which lias brought the department to its present state of clllciency The work of preparing serum for treating hog cholera and expcriinenls In treatment therewith are continued with results which while they do not Justify definite conclusions as yet are sufficiently encouraging to Justify con tinned experimenirs including some on entirely new lines Over 1000000 doses of black leg vaccine have been distributed during the year Summar ized reports of 12000 cattle owners tes tify to its efficiency National legislation on the subject of food adulterations is urged as es sential to supplement the work done by the several states Very little horse meal secerns to be sold In the United States whether under Its own name or any other name Secretary Wilson cites the Introduc tion of wheals from Russia Hungary and Austria greatly eve ceding in yield our present varieties There Is mui li Inquiry regarding bet ter roads and better methods of build ing them and much work has been done in tlie past year in building roads Killed by lealniM IIiihIiuiiiI Chicago Nov ito Mrs F A Hud son was murdered yesterday by her husband who then attempted suicide Tlie Hutlsous lived at the Vlckery ho tel ami the crime was committed in their room Hudson was Insanely Jealous of his wife After indicting three bullet wounds any one of which would have caused death he crushed tlie lifeless womans skull with a ham mer and then tired two shots Into Ids own head The shots failed to kill and lie tried to crush his skull with the butt of his revolver In a desper ate struggle he was overpowered by attaches of the hotel He will re cover Negro Handy With lilt Oiin Jacksonville FIa Nov 30 Police mail Henry Haley and Chandler Brooks colored were shot tlead by John Baxter a young negro Two negroes were fighting when the officer arrested one of them the other escap ing Willie Haley was waiting for the patrol wagon Baxter and a number of other negroes demanded that the offi cer release the prisoner Words en sued ami Baxter shot Haley Brooks an Inoffensive negro rushed to Haleys assistance and was shot down by Bax ter Kx Policeniiin Tucker also re ceived a severe wound Baxter was captured Uelleveii It Win Murder Morgantown Va Nov 30 State Mine Inspector lames W Paul of West Virginia says tlie recent mine tlisaster at Berry villi in which II lives were Inst was the result of a conspiracy to kill the foreman of the mine The conspirators after lighting tlie fust stood at the entrance of the mine hut the force of tlie explosion was greater than they expected and they were also killed Vet Uet May Snrreeil WINon Louisville Ky Nov 30 Perry S Heath secretary of the Republican na tional committee who was in Louis vlllu yesterday said he would not bo surprised if President McKlnley ten dered to Hon John W Yerkes of Dan ville the internal revenue commission ership made vacant by the death of Mr Wilson 3 yz C xz -T TV1 0 J mm iie mi mn wiiimuv m The Man Who Couldnt Take a Hint When he saw a load jackass lay back his ears got the pin vorhlnl lib K and the man who dont lake the hint when we say h lumber now Is going to get lull Iifccs at titir ynrtl urn at the bottom Next change will ho upward Thai new barn youve been llgiuing on so long wont comI a cent mute right now than utter wluli lts talk it over L C MITTELSTADT NORFOLKS LUMBERMAN I ROBERT UTTER lias on iliplnj Ik1 liir2tsl Imp of HOLIDAY PRESENTS In Norilicsisl NobrasUa The Latest Books Fine Albums i Beautiful Celluloid Toilet Articles Cut Glass Art Goods Pictures Haviland China Lamps Cameo Goods Pocket Books Fountain Pens Sterling Silver Novelties I Musical Instruments Perfumes Dolls Mechanical Toys I Woodenware Lanterns Engines Etc Etc 0 t Aly stock is loo IsiitfP lo mhiiikmjiIo You will have o lo call and examine the goods to appreciate them 1 y i 0 Get What You Ask for at MILES GROCERY Alili ORDtiHS am lilled promptly and with care Our goods are KIKST CIjASS in every particular We know precisely what is wanted by our custom- crs Wc aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money South side Main St between 2d and id Tolophono U Have You Tried Them C W BRAASCH DEALER IN CC3cJL i 2 G RAnsr AND BREAD MADE FROM CO PJ Exclusive aent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market Hcranton Hard Coal In all hIzch TELBPHONK 1 BABIES WHEATLING FOR CRY ON TON FLOUR SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS G A bUIKAKT Prkhiubnt 01 AB B IIK1DUK Vice IUEaiuENT W 11 JOHNSON CA8U1KB W B BBAASUHfAssT Oasuikb The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 liny and noil oicliauna ou this country r nil all parts of Kuropo Farm Loans nirector AUL Ahmcs V II Johkhon Cdah S Hrjpqk 0 W Hbaaboh 0 M BWANK li A LlUKAUT T F MUUUIKQUB L SESSIONS rr T7 - vM