nnpn A Close Call at the Home of D J Kocnigstein REGISTERS WERE CLOSED Hot Air Ik Not n Imiil Thing to Try to lloo Coiiipiinlr MaUo tlio Hnn but TliolrServlornnro not ltriilrHl Contribution to tlio Department From Fridays Dally A furnnco is supposod to bo ubout the safest heating apparatus llmtthorois yet it seonis tlioro is dangor oven in n furnace as was shown at tho homo of D J Kocnigstein this morning Tho house had become too warm and ovory register had been closed thus prevent ing the escapo of tho hot air It only took a short timo under theso conditions to generate a blaze which though startling to tho family was quickly sub dued with n bucicet of water A flro alarm had been sent in aud tho West Side hoso company and tho Mast hose company woro soon on the ground but no service was required of them When it was learned that tho tiro was undor control tho other com panies were ordered back to tho hose houso by Chief Winter In spite of tho fact that no sorvice was required of tho hoso companies Mr Koenigstein con tributed 00 to tho department No damage was done at tho house except from Biuoko This is tho first lire alarm that has been given in Norfolk sluco Juno 128 when the millinery store of Mrs Mitch ell was destroyed Tho time has ar rived however when fires are to bo ex pected and tho superstitions insist that two more alarms are due to bo sounded within the next tow days as they claim that fires always come in gangs of three Thank Yon On behalf of tho Norfolk fire depart ment I desire to thank D T Koenigstein tor tho contribution of 4 500 received this morning This is a particularly generous contribution on tho part of Mr Koenigstein as tho hoso companies were not required to render any service after making tho run to his homo this morning II W Wintek Chief FRIDAY FACTS Miss M ONeill of Battle Creek was a city visitor yesterday Mrs W II Clark has gone to Omaha to visit friends for a few days A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs August Pasewalk this morning Tho Even Dozen club meets this after noon with Miss Frances Johnson Wm Bokemper of Tildeu is in the city visiting friends for a few days Louis Wells of Madison visited yester day with his friend Fred Jenkins Attorneys Mnpes and Tyler returned last evening from their trip to Bloom field Miss Bessie Bridge at the Pacific hotel is suffering with a severe attack of ap pendicitis An adjourned term of district court will be held at Madison commencing next Monday Hon John R Hays will go to Omaha tomorrow to argue a case before the federal court E B Ovelmau returned last night from his fall trip into Colorado Wyo ming and Utah W H Bridge is in tho Black Hills this week representing tho products of the sugar City Cereal mills Mrs E W Bates went to Missouri Valley yesterday noon to visit her daughter Mrs Leon Brown Ed Grant returned last evening from Pocatollo Idaho where he had been to attend the funeral of his mother Mr and Mrs C H Reynolds expect to leave for Chicago tomorrow where they will visit friends a few days Ohas Biorsdorf went to Plainviow yesterday noon to attend the wedding of John Millnetz and Miss Mary Ray field A teacher from Lexington was brought to the hospital for the insane last night He seems to have a mania to waut to hypnotise everyone ho meets Burt Thomas of Bello Fourcho S D has resumed his former position as clerk nt tho Fair Store Wm Starfield who has been with the Fair has resigned The range in temperature yesterday aud last night was but six degrees the minimum being 22 aud maximum S3 It was pretty steady cold for this time of year Asa K Leonard and E II Traoy went west last night with a car of cattle for A J Durlauds ranch west of Ewiug Thoy expect to do some hunting on their way homo The republicans of Lincoln are pre paring for a big ratification on Saturday evening the 2 lth in which all citizens of Nebraska aud marching clubs in particular will be invited to participate Tho Norfolk Military baud will give its first ball in tho Marqnardt hall this evening A liberal patronage is ex pected The boys expect to use tho pro ceeds iu equipping themselves for their work It is very difficult to see during these densely dark nights aud it is suggested that every driver of a vehicle keep well to tho right side of tho street thus re ducing the danger of collisions to tho minimum Ouo of Karo Bros delivery teams at tempted to run away this morning but only sneceedod in breaking tho tongue of tho dolivery wagon when their am bition was brought to a suddon close by being caught It 1b known that tho American Beot Sugar company has dotormined to make a decided advanco in tho prico of beets next season but just what tho advanco will do cannot bo told until mall ad vices arrive from Now York William Meyers a young farmer re siding near Hooper lost his arm in u corn shredder yesterday Ho was loosouing some tangled corn when his hand wns caught In tho rollers and his arm drawn in and crushed It was am putated near tho elbow A now stato bank is to bo stalled at Hoskius which is said to bo tho direct result of tho ro olectioii of William MeKinloy John F Crosby cashier of tho Morchants Stato bank at Winsido and John and James Shannon of lies kins are tho incorporators ArtialeB havo already been filed and it is pro posed to have tho institution open for business in a short timo At Atchinson recently one of tho per formers iu a minstrel show stepped to tho front of tho stage and enquired if thero was a physician in tho house Be lieving that his services woro in press ing demand and with visions of a good feo iu sight a gentleman of tho medical profession arose to his feet Glad to soo you said tho minstrel your ser vices will bo needed by the audience as I am about to siug Edwaul Hoversou a traveling sales man and Miss Ilah P Pangbnrn woro united iu niarriago yesterday at tho homo of tho brides parents in Groighton in tho prefienco of a fow invited guests Rov J N Gortuor of tho Methodist church officiating Tho brido is tho daughter of Mr and Mrs CD Panburn of Creighton Mr and Mrs Iloverson will make thoir homo in Norfolk ar riving hero last oveuihg It seems to tho ordinary person not on tho inside in city affairs that the discontinuance of the threo street lights at Ninth and Maiu Fourth and Philip and Sixth aud Philip iB ill advised nt this season of tho year when the nights are long and dark and when tho lights aro ccrtauily more needed than during tho summer mouths It would be better to discontinue them duritg tho summer aud keep them going in winter if tho city can only ufford to maintain them a part of tho time Columbus Journal G W Turner who returned Monday from his tour with Buffalo Bills Wild West has this to say of tho big show Opening at Madison Square Garden New York April 2i the show traveled a distance of 116 f miles using -18 difforont railroads iu 24 different states closing the season at Memphis Tennessee November 3 The season was a most successful ono financially The banner day occurred at Dallas Texas where over 10000 was taken by the show In an interview with a Bee reporter Wednesday Governor elect Dietrich said that he had as yet decided on only ono appointment that of Dr J L Greene of University Place to tho posi tion of superintendent of the hospital for the insane at Lincoln Tho article says Dr Greene is a specialist iu brain diseases Mr Dietrichs selection is in keeping with his expressed inten tion of putting tho Lincoln hospital undor tho supervision of alopathie physi cians and tho Norfolk hospital under homeopathic physicians Tho Mnllory Theatre company ap peared beforo a fair sized audience at tho Auditorium last ovening in His Excellency tho Governor For a reportoire company the Mallory people compnre favorably with other similar organizations that havo appeared here Chas B Archer carried a strong rolo and did it well while Baby Mallory is unusually bright taking a much more difficult part than is ordinarily assigned to a child Tho specialties were iu tho main fairly good while the special scenery carried by the company bnugs out the piece to good advantage Tho company will appoar at tho Auditorium again tonight iu Tho Modern Gala tea which will bo produced with spe cial sceuery electrical aud mechanical effects A matineo tomorrow afternoon and entertainment tomorrow evening will comploto tho eugagement of the company in this city Freti of UhiirKK Any adult suflering from a cold settled on tho breast bronohitis throat or lung troubles of any nature who will call at A K Leonardswill be presented with a sample bottlo of Boscheos Gorman Syrup freo of charge Only one bottle given to ono person and nouo to children without order from parents No throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale as Boscheos Gorman Syrup in all parts of the civilized world Twenty years ugo millions of bottles wore given away and your druggist will tell you its success was marvelous It is really tho ouly throat and lung remedy generally ondorsed by physi ciaus Ono 75 cent bottle will cure or prove its value Sold by dealeis in ull civilized countries THE NORFOLK NKWR FHIDAY NOYKMKKK 4A 10H ATTRACTIVE EXHIBIT Tlint of Iooiln nml Tliclr Acrennorlen IihIiiiIIiik Ilin A mrrlcim Jlilrrn A very dainty pamphlet has been Is sued by the Division of Foods and Their Accessories of the Pan American Im position nt Buffalo The food work at the lnn Amerlenn comes under the general depattment of llorttcultute Forestry and Food Products of which Mr Fiederle YV Taylor Is superintend ent Mr U Edward Fuller as assistant superintendent has entile charge- of the Division of Foods and Their Ac cessories and he has prepared himself for unusual work In this line by spc clnl travel aud study such as no one else probably ever undertook with the same object This pamphlet calls the attention of Jobbers of teas coffees anil spices ami all dealers In food prod ucts generally and their accessories to the Interesting useful nud educational work in their lines of business which Is going on for the lan Ainerlcan Ex position of 1101 The assistant superintendent Mr Fuller says In the far east there are foods and condiments of which we ure almost utterly Ignorant here and ono of the alms of the food exhibit will be to educate the people of the western hemisphere to the cultivation of the products which nourish In the east Il will be my aim to show how simple and profitable It would be for Instance to grow In the West Indies what Is grown In the East Indies The climate and soil conditions nre remarkably similar and the conditions are favor nble The best proof obtainable or desira ble that the soil and the climate of the West Indies Is as favorable as that of the East Indies for the production of spices Is already available The prod ucts now received from the West In dies are not equaled by those from any other section of the world At the present time they grow better allspice ginger and red pepper there than any where else on the globe and the va nilla bean which Is queen of spices as the nutmeg Is king Is found nowhere In tho world In such perfection as In Mexico The coffee grown In Mexico has a llavor obtainable in no other cof fee not even the Mocha or Java sur passing It Emperor William of Ger many appreciates that fact and ull of the coffee used In the royal household Is sent from our nearby republic Ven ezuelan cacao from which chocolate is made Is superior to the East Indian product With the view of massing together In one effective Instructive and useful exhibit the economic plants vines and trees of tropical Pan America which produce teas coffees spices and Kin dred things It has been decided to appropriate considerable tpaco at the BKAI OF PAN AMRI1ICAN EXPOSITION Pan American Exposition for their dis play on a scale never before attempted To show this Interesting collection to the best advantage an attractive con servatory has been provided while a museum as an annex to this will con tain finished products as well as rare and curious articles to Illustrate a va riety of features under the head of Foods and Their Accessories It Is a fart well known to experts In exhibition matters that a scattered display of special articles loses force while a condensed exhibit of a line of things pertaining to a specific subject becomes educational Now as the ob ject Is to increase the production and promote the consumption of the things called for much trouble nud expense Is justified In making this collection unique and unparalleled It is Intended to make the exhibit of red peppers the finest and most ex tensive collection ever made with the object of demonstrating by special ex hibit connected with the accessories of food that Pan America can pro duce all the red peppers consumed In Pan America It Is perhaps only known to experts that vast quantities of red peppers nre Imported from Europe Asia and Afrlcn every year because Pan Americans are uot actively alive to their own Interest In this Important matter One of SI uny ICnllnialnatii Joe Mitchell Uhapple editor of The National Magazine published at Bos ton was In Buffalo recently and be came much Interested in the Exposi tion On his return to Boston he wrote to nn official of the Exposition as fol lows 1 was Indeed sorry not to have seen you when In Buffalo but 1 did see the Exposition and was astonished be yond measure 1 wish that you would send on anything that you think might be of Interest to our readers and make It as attractive as possible and I shall keep on hammering away nt the Expo sition editorially until It opens because I am thoroughly enthused over the subject nrnxll to lip Ilrproirnteil The Brazilian government early In the season sent out Invitations to all agricultural and Industrial bocletles to prepare articles for exhibition at the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo In 1001 A large number of coffee pro ducers have agreed to muiI a full line of samples of the best Brazilian grades of this commodity wu asgai SATURDAY SIFTINGS Din Murphy Is iu tho city from Omaha Miss Nellie Morrow is home to upend Sunday 11 H Horbison of Madison was a city visitor today Miss E Oleland of Pierce was a Nor folk visitor this morning John It Hays was a passenger for Omaha on tho early train Mrs M Mallory and daughter Dora havo returned from a visit to Ames Mrs E E Adams and kiu Clyde were passengers for Omaha today Miss lrma Maitiudalo a Pierce teacher was In the city this morning Mrs O 1 Dolen and son Johnnie went to Wayne today to visit over Nun day Walter Pilger who Is teaching at Meadow Grove is in tho city to visit his mother O T Mullley of Meadow Grove had his leg broken below the knee Tuesday morning while endeavoring to stop a runaway team Miss Bessie Bridge upon whom it was expected to operate for appendicitis is improving m rapidly that it Is now thought an operation will uot bo noeos Miry Chns 11 Johnson hasgnun to Chicago to represent tho Norfolk Business Mens club at tho hearing of tho freight rale cumi befoie tho interstate commerce commission lie will bo absent about two weeks Mrs Herman Schwede who has been ill for a long time died yesterday at her home eight miles east of tho city and tho funeral was held fiom tho house at 10 oclock this morning and at Christ Lutheran church at I oclock this after noon Tho deceased is a daughter of 10 Boldt Stanton Picket Herman Kaasch ami family camo homo from Norfolk yester day where they had been to participate in a social birthday party given in honor of Mr Haaschs father Tho father is SO years of ago and tho mother SO In proof of their being a halo old couple Herman cited the fact that they re inained up tho night of the party until 1 oclock Tho management of tho Norfolk Auditorium has found it necessary to forbid tho uso of tho balcony to tho boys heciuiho they do not bohavo themselves properly up there In tho future thoy will bo provided for in tho right and left sections of the dress circlo and if they make more noise than is deemed necessary thoy will bo put out of Iho house without much ceremony This morning as Thos Duer of South Norfolk stepped out to get a pail of water ho found a bundle tho outside covering of which was a blanket on his doorstop Ho picked up a corner of tho and pulled and a little girl baby a blanket fow hours old rolled out Tho child was taken in and cared for and is getting along nicely No ouo seems to know where It camo from or who its parents aro It is probable that Mr Duer will adopt tho infant A 10 overcoat disappeared from tho display in front of Biium Bros stoie yesterday morning Tho coat was placed on a dummy at tho front of tho store early in tho morning and shortly after 8 oclock it was missed Thus far no trace of the coat has been found Some of tho wags say that when Julius Altiohuler brought tho coat out to place it on tho dummy ho actually throw it over tho shoulders of a man and that tho man walked away as soon as Julius went back intotho store The Mallory Theatre company ap peared beforo a small house last even ing presenting for the first timo in tho lity tho unique comedy The Modern Galntea Although tho audience was not large it was responsive and the play was received with more evident pleas ure than the ono of tho night beforo At tho matinee this afternoon Silver King was given and thiB evening the company will appear in tho Fatal Card Tho Mallory company is com posed of ladies and gentlemen aud thoy give a nice clean entertninmeut which is entitled to better patronago thon thus fur received in Norfolk Tho Bishop blook is to bo a two story building after all Basing his judge ment ou correspondence had with Mr Bishop Mr Rausom had planned to construct the foundation for a two story block aud last evening ho received tolo graphic instructions to that effect Providing the weather doeB not prevent aforcoofeight men will begin laying the foundation Monday morning Tho trenches are now completed and a supply of brick has been placed handy for tho masons so that when their work begins it is expected they may make rapid progresB Norfolk people generally will bo pleased to know that one of tho best business corners in tho city is to bo graced with a structure that will add materially to tho buBiness part of the town The enrollment of students for the Y M C L night classes has been started very succefsfullyund a number of tho young men are taking n deep interest in tho movement Tho classes are solely for the convenience of members or for students furnished by members It is expected that tho classes will be Etarted a week from Monday at latest The course will coneist of common English RSlsfc -- branches and German If the desire is indicated by tho enrollment a course at history will alpo be given Persons de siring to enroll may do so during the coming week at the Y M 1 L odlco This Is a grand opportunity for young innti desiring to benefit themselves iu an educational way or refresh their mem oiies regaiding studies they have already taken It is an oppmt unity for young men to learn something that will be of advantage to them iu the future and it is to be hoped that many will take the advantage offered FREIGHT RATE QUESTION Ilxurlni Itolntii llto tiiltitlnti niniiioion oninitnxlnn ut Clilciij ii From WoilmwilnyN Inll The Norfolc freight rate case iu which Chas II lohnton of this city is tho leading witness a minst tho rail roads is attracting considerable atten tion especially In Omaha The Even ing Bee of yesterday makes the follow ing statement regarding the case The jobbers of Nebraska aro watch ing with keen interest a meeting of the lutiiHtuto Cotninoico commission held today iu Chicago Oral arguments were presented In the Norfolk rate ciihe to re inforce tho briefs ami counter briefs which have already been submitted to the commission General Solicitor Benjamin F White appeared for the Elkhorn and former Itallway Commis sioner Smith of Council HI nils attended to the interests of Iho Norfolk business men Testimony iu the case has al ready been exhaustively taken at Nor folk While the dilleience is In itself not important having lo do with an alleged unjust rate from Chicago to Norfolk as compared with that from the same city to Lincoln and Fremont tho effect of the decision will bo far reaching unr no opinion will probably bo rendered until the commirfMon has thoroughly in quired into tho law aud the facts If the Missouri river is ultimately dispensed with as a basing lino as eon tomplntcd in the prosecution the Missis sippi lino with its vital effect upon Omaha may also bu erased and the whole system done away with AkiiiiIh Wnntiil We want an active agent iu Not folk and vicinity to represent tho largest evergreen nurseries in tho United States A full lino of hardy fruits shade and ornamental trees shrubs etc Four plans pay weekly Addiess at once Tin Emms Nrusriiiis Klgin 111 Itrit Sugar Imilnillnii A close chtiinalo gives tho probable tonnage of beets and the output of sugar of tho country by states for 1100 as fol lows Toiih Toiif I loot Kimnr Now York fiSOOO r00 Illinois 20000 I SOO Ohio 10000 I SOO Michigan HOOOOO 25000 Minnesota 25000 25H Nebraska 75000 7000 Colorado 70001 OIOO Utah SI 000 0000 Oregon 10000 1500 Washington 8000 700 California 250000 25000 Total 112000 Wi000 The total productiou of beet sugar in tho United States tin 1MI0 was 72l0 tons in 1S08 it was J1 870 tons and in 1807 it was I0W0 tons California has the distinction of having not only the laruest factory in tho world but the old est factory in tho United States iniiuu facturiug sugar from beets Kor the coming year tnu pi0np i ts in Cali fornin may bo considered excellent In tho entire country thero aro thirty beet sugar factories with a daily capacity of 1 100 tons of beets If they ran an average of sixty days they would work up 1 1 10000 tons of beets and would pro duce at a rough approximation HllioO tons of sugar California Fruit Orowi r I Ill T I Int List of letters romaining uncalled foi at tho postonieo November li 1000 Win Antllng Fred Ilalttes Mr Hurris 2 Mrs Mary E Dowling II P O ray S E Hamlett Katlo Moeriko F E Oliver A F Iugh Miss Toniine HasinoBsen F A Smith Frod StenkT W Stayler John Surber Adam Strong J W Stark Herthi Weston Ernest Weller W S Winter S Schaflnor package If not called for iu 10 days will bo sent to tho dead letter oflice Parties calling for any of tho above please say advertised P F SiKKCiirK P M Until ilmmiiry 1 1 110 1 In ordor to introduce Tho Somi Weekly State Journal to a whole lot of now homes it will bo sent from now until Tauuary 1 1001 to any perton sending us ono dollar for a years sub scription This gives you tho papers from now until January 1 1002 for ouly ono dollar The Stato Journal is tho recognized state paper and should bo iu every home in tho state Printed at the capital it gives more prompt nud accurate reports of Nebras Ua doings than any other paper and as it gives you two papers each week it furnishes yon with the latest uows soveral days ahead of other papers You will uot want to bo without The Journal during the legislature and tho great senatorial contest The earlier you send tho dollar tho more papers you will get for your money Address The Jouruil it Llncolu Neb RockaBye Baby Theso are swrrt word- but how rrucli pain and sulferiiq thy u ed lo mean Its uilfpfrni now Snce Mothers Friend lias become known expectant mothers have I cm spared much of the anguish of child Intlh Mothers liicntl I- n lntnont to ba nrphrd externally It Is tubbed thorough mlo the musrles of the nbdotnTi It gives elastic IV mid Mretilh and when the final Cieiil Mrnin comes they f pond quickly and easily without pJ n Moihrr i Friend Is nver tnlrii intrrnalv Internal remeillei nt this tunc do inotc liirm Hun food If a cia VAVSB 4 it t y - A Vl AfcMV -- ft XuMRVSB FROM CHICAGO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING rials roimrotloii iilm ihilly liuiiiboiit of New Coabl Tli Imutiil fi nil roinncth on Mom Now OrliMim diftor Dit SUNSET woman - Mipplird wllh thh splendid lini ment hc nf rd never trir rising or swelling lueasts morning sickness or any of tho dscoinforis which usually accoinpiny preg nancy The pioprlelor of a larre hotel In Tampa Fla write- My wife had an nwful timo with her fit I child During her second piritiaiK v Mothers Friend wis uwd and Ihe hiby wv born easily betoic the doctor airived Its ccrltlnly irnat hi MolhtrH Frlcml ill the limit Minr 1 1 pel liiitllu THK BKADKIKL REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ga Will lor out lii illiiMMtril IiihiIi llifntu Ilnlly It llfini Kcenisteios Pharmacy Corner 5th and Main Sts osteb Viavi is Womans Way ta tlealtb all ami gel Health Hook and tcsli monials of patients Cotlon IUIocIc FCCORSETS MAKE American Beauties FCCORSETS Made in all he newest models and leaders in strictly exclusive designs They have a national reputation or genuine corset -worth Send for our illustrated price list KALAMAZOO CORSCT CO Solt Afitktri Katamaiao Mich For ttilt lv HOLANb iV WILKINSON SIIUKTZV JENKINS Illinois Central R R ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WITSTTISR TOUHISTS Tin- Minion- utrul 1 r In mil iiltimtioii lo tin- iiih xi illi l ih it if hy it iiiikh lo lli Fimlli for tin iron of IMiU IWAJ G ALIFORNI VIA NEW ORLEANS A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars Iorponnlly couihict nl Ilium ihrouuh to I or AiikiIip nml San Truiiiiti ii tin Now Olllllllh ilKOIIIHCtlun uiih llmSiulliiTii Ill- rillr liivinn on tlio CriilnilV fui t Now OrliuiiH inailc hy thih train uith OihiiiH for tlio Incillo urn Cliiiiiuo mnry lub nml Tlinit iliiyb nt iMiilxir 1 I MHO with tlio LIMITED of iho Sonllmrii IlinHr Kitini niecml through toSnii Krmicin o F LORID VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA THROUGH SERVICE FROM A Pouhln daily errv iro ib inaiiitiimil out of S Jiiiiib un the lllinoib Central unit roantclliii line to CT I O II i C NashvilhChiittaiioo I III U lo t i and Atlanta thro w bhopiiiKrir to Jack- Hiimllo Florida brniB carried on tho DIXIE FLYER leaiiiSt louib ovory ovniiliB Tliib train ab well ab tho Day Kxpiobb loaWiw St Iouib in llm iiiiirninn aro Inith rolid trauie to Natlnillf Imvini thiomrh coacliiH and bloopini curd run niiiK iIiioukIi Muitiii Tiiiii and Iho N t V M I Ity Connoitlon ia tliib lino for all iirinoi in lMiintb in tho Siintlioat t tiuh ob Chariot ton ViliiunKl Aikin and Savannah ami for all IKimtb in Florida TWO S0UD FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Dnil from rhieiiRO in Miinpldb and Now Or leant HOMFSFFKFHS FXCLltSIONS to cvrtsiu iMiintu in tho South on tho biit b of the Illinoi lYutnil and Y A M V railroad will ho iiiu ou tho llrbt and third Tiiibilny of oarh month dur inc thu winter mibou Full particular roncernhii all of Uie nbrne rnn I had of unenU of the IUjihiib b uddrtkbiiitfA 11 llaiuou J V A HiImiko I