The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 23, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Ravages of Cyclone In Tennes
see nnd Mississippi
WttlUiiq In llir 1iI1i or III Storm linu i
lamiiK ir 1rIiiu r
burin JM Iti unlHlnl nml Irn Pi
I torn Kllliil OulrlRlil
Nashville Tenn Nov ill Ini ills
patches liiillvtitv tluil Hie Htm m which
wept over iimlluMii Mississippi mill
continl nml western Tennessee wni
one of gicnl scvcilty Advices to tlu
Associated 1iess nml from special cor
respondents hIiow Unit tlic 1mm of llfo
in the tenitoiy vlsltcil liy t lit toi initio
already amounts to IH nml the niiiii
Mr Injmctl lo ovii 70 Tologinphh
communication to lln legions visited
ty tlu cyclone In suspended nml It Ih
f Hired tluit when full dctnllH mo
known the list of the iKiitl will bo
lengthened The following tnhle shows
tlui loss of life together with Injiiicd
roipptled from dispatches forced
through by courier mid telephone from
the deMtstntetl IociiIHIch
Killed Injured
Colutnbln Tenn 0
lArknbtieln Miss lt
ln Orange Teuu
lnvorguo -
IThonipson 1
Isolntisvlllo U
Love Stntlon 1
Tunica Miss 5
X11I11 Miss -I
Ilerunnilo Miss 2
Untosville Miss 0
Hoxleys stoic 1
Stainkllu Tcnn 0
Total 1
Slut in Im tlicr South
Memphis Tenn Nov Advices
received from the stoim swopt legions
of Mississippi Aikunsns nnd Tennes
see Indicate hat the loss of life nml
dan lino to property Is fur greater than
at llrst reported The dlllloultles In
the way of securing iufoiimition from
the devastated sections are almost In
surmountable The places affected ate
remote and Isolated and at best they
are not well etuilpped with means of
communication and the storm which
Inst evening can led devastation across
the country at the same time swept
sway the wires so that telephone ami
telegraph wires alike were put out of
service Dependence has necessarily
been placed In railroad men ami tutv
tiers coming fiom n fleeted pints
In Mississippi the gieatest loss of
life anil damage to propeity oceuned
aiear Tunica Lulu and Ilerunnilo A
report by carrier trom a point l miles
Jrom Tunica Is that the toi initios dev
4istntlou wnsso gient that It will take
weeks to calculate and tepalr it Five
negroes lost their lives on the llnmllu
In Tunica the school house church
ml n number of buildings were totally
demolished More than W negroes aie
silstng and it Is fearetl that seveial
f them have perilled Cotton Is re
ported lindly damaged
At Hernando a white man was killed
mil a negro fatally Injuied by flying
debris Numerous sawmills several
residences and hundreds of negro
cabins were blown away At Love sta
tion J S Douey a white man was
crushed by Hying timber and Is ex
pected to die The storm passed down
Coldwater river levelling tiees and
bouses In its path
Ten Killed nt ArUnbiicU
Arknbucln Miss Nov Ui Tuesday
afternoon a tornado descended upon
this little town and as a result of Its
tearful Intensity ten peisons were
killed outright nnd JO weie Injuied
The dead lack Kellum William Kel
lnm Nicholas Wake Mrs William Mc
Kay four chlldi en of Mrs William
McKay unknown negro and negro In
The storm overwhelmed the town
bout 5 oclock In the afternoon ami In
a few minutes uenily every building
was demolished Many of the vlc
tlms weie pinned under the wiecknge
And wtve extricated with much dltll
culty The toi undo passed lo the
northeast and caused much damage
through the country
Sun Iruuulaio Cut Off
Ban Francisco Nov il For several
tours yesteiday this city was almost
entirely cut off from telegraphic com
tnuiilchtlou on account of a heavy
rlud ami rain storm Heports from
different sections of the state show
that the storm center was between
Bun Francisco and Saciameuto south
to Fresno In the Saciameuto valley
the wind reached a velocity of 4fi
tulles an hour In this city the wind
blew at the late of 42 miles an hour
but at Point Lobos the Instruments of
the Merchants exchange weie blown
down after recoidlng 70 miles
Colimulo Sturm Swept
Deliver Nov A stoim of wind
Coloindo nml so far as leported is still
nt Its highest All wites to the west
ern poitions of the state are down and
railroad tiaflle Is badly crippled by
snow and tiees on the tracks Monu
ment has suffered fiom the wind sev
eral buildings being wrecked but no
4one lu jilted
Wire Ate Down
Cleveland Nov 22 Uuilng the last
4 hours the telegraph sei vice between
Cleveland Chicago Huffalo and Co
luinbus has been badly crippled as tho
result of the tierce vvindstoini which
vvcpt over the gieat lakes and over
ue northern part of Ohio
liillinr of Shlji In rtltc nt Miirmllle
lliti ninr
MaiselllcH Nov - A blunder In
the t alt illations of the time the leltlt i
laud would ictiilie but ween Ioit Said
unil Matsellles icsullcd In the llIIng
out vo lenlny of the Intended Ki tiger
demonsliatlon mid Impel lied tto
tesN of the leceptlon today The
Fictich leceptlon cniniulllee dltl not
take Into account the gale that In
sweeping the Medlteiianemi and tho
low speed of the Ccldeilaml but al
lowed all Iheli miangemeiits to slaml
The Itoet delegates victims of the
organizing t miiiulttce awaited ex
peiliinllv at their hotel fiom emly
moiulug until the afternoon for the
mi 1 1 ill of t hi emitter For scvciil
hunts the catiliige Inletitletl for Mr
Kt tiger lemitliieil at the entiante to
the hotel the htuses tif which weie
decorated with nineties of Mocr colon
pawing the gioiiml Impiitleutty until
the fitilpiigp was dismissed Vat Ions
tlelcgatloiis and societies that had as
sembled at the landing stage remained
theie thiough heavy showers until
they tealletl In the non slgniillng of
the ichleilitnil that their piesetfe was
futile Then they disbanded
ItilnlnrtN lllnilin lit Colorado Sn liign
rooliil Wlnil Attulim 11 Velocity of
tiKlil3 IUo Mill hii IIiiiii
Colin ado Spilngs Colo Nov U-
A Inn lit line swept over this city yes
leiilny Signs wete blown down light
telephone mid telegraph wlies aie
down and chimneys blown from roofs
People weie nlinld to veiituto Into tho
stieets ami business wus practically
suspended The velocity of the wind
was the greatest ever attained licit
8ri miles au hour
The plant of the Colorado Springs
Klcctrlc company Is badly damaged
the steel stacks being blown down
The high school building was damaged
a gieat deal The lion loof ot the
Temple theater was ripped oil In huge
sections ami many business blocks
were also much tlainagctl the tools
nnd coinlces being tout off
As far as known mi lives have been
lost but numbers luve been lit lured
by Hying wiecknge The tool ot the
Dm kee building one of the hngest In
the city now lies on Telon sticct and
Is causing geneial havoc to atllacent
buildings The Dxehnnge National
bank buildings toof went into the ulr
at 8 oclock
Deputy County Cletk John Voor
hees house has been completely de
molished ami Mis Vooihccs had a
nat row escape from death
The storm began about 11 a in nnd
continued all day Increasing In In
tensity The government wind re
cot tier Instrument has been blown
away The last iccord was 85 miles
mi hour
Many outhouses and barns have been
wiecked and many dwelling ttniooletl
Damage to propeity will undoubtedly
exceed 1000011
Uor Kill Six ltoir nml Tuku llihty
London Nov Jl A long dispatch
received from Loid Itobetts yesteiday
relets to a number of minor occur
lences The only Incident of Import
ance Is the surpilse of an outpost of
the Huffs southwest of Halmoral
Nov It Six of the Huffs weie killed
and live weie Injured An otlicer and
510 men wete made prisoners The
post has hlnte been reoecupied
Thuicpotlcd death of ficneuil Schalk
berger acting piesldent of the Trans
vaal since Mr Krugers departure
from that country Is discredited here
Theie Is a mcic tumor that he died at
Johaniiesbuig Nov 10 but tho tepott
lacks continuation Loitl Huberts dls
patch does not mi nllon the death of
Geuei al SchalUberger
Ionl ltolort Vlcrt With Arrlilont
London Nov JJ Ioul Itobetts met
with an accident on Sunday lnt while
he was iltling His horse fell with
him and he was shaken and bruised
but no limbs weie biokeii As he has
since sent dispatches to the war otllce
It Is believed that he is performing
ills usual duties and especially ns he
has not mentioned the accident
AVntililnc toloiiiltlnn Allulr
Washington Nov The develop
ments In the Colombia revolutionary
movement are being watched bete
with keen Interest as well as with
some anxiety This Is especially tine
of the movement of the Hrltish gun
boat Pheasant from Victoria to the
isthmus wheie It Is understood she Is
to etlect a settlement with the Colom
bian government for the seluie of the
Biltlsh merchant ship Taboga by the
Veiietielan army as a tiansport
Ui Moliifi Cupturei llotli
Iiiilitinapolls Nov 22 The Grain
Dealeis National association elected
otlicers as follows It A Lockwood
Des Moines piesldent T H Ilaxter
In some places accompanied by snow iaylorville Ills vice piesldent Chas
Jias been raging in various poitlons fhuk Chicago secretary ami treas
in or The convention next year will
be held In Des Moines
Frank Henvvny and William McKay
Ushermeu weie diowned in Saginaw
luy Wednesday
Dr John W Jregory en loute from
Melbourne Austtilla to England to
leail an expedition into the Antatctic
legions airhcd In Chicago Wedncb
H F Nelson supremo leporter of the
Knlghtb of Honor died Weduesday at
his home in St Louis of an affection
of the btomach Mr Nelson was proui
luent also lu Masonic elides
i m i
Ways and Means Committee
Follows Gages Suggestion
Utiiltlnc i nut fr ltl000 tnt In
Win lturmnc IimIiiIi n on Willi li Itu
iliirtlon Slnill in Vlurin Nut AiiiKiiliueil
1ri nliliint for IuniT lux
Washington Nov Republic-
un metnbeiM ot the ways ami means
coiiimlllee made such piogiess With
the 1111 lo amend the war tevenue law
that It Is expected the Hist ill aft will
bo completed by tonight The commit
tee decided to make the bill for n ic
duel Ion or SJOOt 10000 a jear This Is
the amount suggested by Sectetary
Jage ami It Is untletstootl meets the
views of the picsltlcnt In fact the
meinbeis of the ways and means com
tnlttee who saw the piesldent last
evening say that befote Secretary
luge appealed before the committee
the whole matter had been carefully
conshlcicd by the piesldent and secie
tary Itilefs of Intel ested patties are
being received anil consltletetl but the
committee has given no hearings and
will not do so
Kxir t to Amniiiiiu oiiiniiiiiil lit Oimiliii
tho Ilml or Next Month
New Yolk Nov UUCicneinl Fit
hugli Lee who has Just teturned fiom
1 1 u viitiii having been appointed to the
cotiimaml of the Depmtment of the
Mlssouil had little to say about Cuba
The constitutional convention Is In
session to oiganle a fiee and Inde
pendent government for the Cubans
lie said Thus tar It has not made
much piogiess It Is a small conven
tion only IM delegates all Cubans
How long It will take the convention to
ntlont a constitution Is problematical
Nobody knows what the outcome will
be Until this Is settled theie Is little
to say of the future of the Island
I am going to be here for n few
days ho added ami I shall then pro
ceed to Washington to make my re
pott Fiom thcte I go to Richmond
for n short stay I expect to leach
Omaha and establish my headtpiartets
about the Hrst of next month
Sioux County Oltlifii Contend llieli Snc
Okhuih Hutu Not Boon itiLtoil
Sioux City Nov i The lltst delln
Ite evidence of trouble as a lesult of
the Titus amendment tangle has pie
sentcd Itself at Outage City In Siout
county wheie contest papers have been
tiled by incumbent otllcets who do not
propose to surrender their oflices with
out making a tight The hem lug will
be befoie a contest court The contest
ants set lorth the claim that the adop
tion of the Titus amendment as a
matter of constitutional law Invalida
ted the election ol all otllcers whose
election was In conflict with the
amendment on the ground that the
amendment became a pint of the con
stitution of the state as soon hb the
polls closed The case will be watched
with gteut Intel est throughout the
Couniieiclal Itodlpt Nuinc Commit trc to
Have Chnrce of LssUlutlve Work
St Louis Nov J2 The executive
committee appointed at the meeting
of the League of National Associa
tions of ludustiial and Commercial
Organizations yesterday for the pur
pose of securing the passage of the
Ciillom bill amending the intetstute
cointneice law has organized by elect
lug K P Hatou of Milwaukee as chair
man C II Sebyt of St Louis was
made chairman II S Lyon of Chi
cago ttensiiier and Frank Hany of
Milwaukee seeietaiy and manager of
the wotk at Washington Tho commit
tee decided to talse a fund of 5000
to meet the expenses of the convention
hete ami the lobbying committee at
rluiitlou Coiii ient
Chicago Nov The ninth annual
session of the national litigation con
giess of the Pulled States was opened
under most auspicious circumstances
The convention was held in the Centiul
Music hall and was called to older
by President Flvvood Aleade of
jtiiiip who lnttoduced Dr Ilowaid S
Taylor to welcome the body to Chi
cago Dr Taylor made a long speech
on the objections to letainlug the Phil
ippines n order to Justify a briefer
statement that no one would object
to enlarge tho country by reclaiming
the in id lands of the west
Futul Colllitlon ut unovllla
Zanesville O Nov 22 A head on
collision between n Cincinnati and
Muskingum Valley passenger and a
Cleveland Aktou and Columbus mixed
train oceuned ten miles east of heie
last night Engineer Hobeit M Gray
wax killed and Fit email Philip V Cuss
ley Haggageinaster llllam Guluii
and Mall Clerk William G Taylor
budly Injuied Seveial of the passen
gers were seiatehed and hiuUed but
none seiiously hurt
Noifolk Kate Cno is lletnl
Clihago Nov 22- Disci Iniiiintlon In
fi eight lates against Norfolk Neb
and Chicago was again the subject ol
ImpilDV by the Intel state coinmeice
commission vesteiday No decision
wab given oiiL
Drutli of lilllljuon 1 Shn inau
Des Moines Nov 22- Lainpson p
Sherman biother ot the latt Senator
John Slici man of Ohio died licic last
night He was bom lu Ohio in 1821
He had lived ill Des Moines siuce lb It
Ynunc Woiiihii to Aninrr for Culling
ItHilN Ihroiit
niiloiiiflo Kan Nov JJ When
Judge C V Shltin announced the Mor
tlson case the com I loom was ctowtled
with spcctatois Among them weie a
iloen women clinks In the stoic wheie
Cnstlo and Miss Morrison had winked
or neighbors of the deail woman ami
her lmslmntl On u flout seat sat
littlge Mtinlsnti the ngctl father of the
alleged mtmlcicss and back of him
touching low to escape the gare ot
the em lolls young Castle for the love
of whom the stute will contend Miss
Moriison killed his wife
Soon alter coitit convened counsel
for the state tiled a demitrtcr to the
plen In abatcmciit made by the attor
neys for Miss Morrison The after
noon was spent In atgtinients of coun
sel on both sides Miss Moirlsou and
Olln Castle sat a few feet fiom each
other during the afternoon session
but neither even glanced at the other
lllntu Tiihii it 11 laonrr
Herlln Nov A special dispatch
fiom Peking says that Pi luce Tuan
has been ait ested ami stripped of pow
er by order ot the empeior ami empiess
dowager but that fears ate felt of lei
etal Tung Iuh Slang who with lu
000 legiilars Is in Iltt lang Pu
Dull j men munition nt Mllmutlieo
UiClx Stringent Mrnsinu llu
m1 imI 1ij Cong i run
Milwaukee Nov 22 H C Adams
state daily and food commissioner of
Wisconsin tleliveietl the principal ad
dtcss of the second days meeting of
the National Association of State
Daily ami Food Depaittnents Mr
Adams spoke on Nccessmy National
Legislation Helatlve to Dairy Prod
ucts ami said In pait
Jim extensive mliiltciiillmi of fnoil In the
Unite il StMtrs lius ulveii ilse to the eniut
tneiit In licit lv cveir state of the Union
of laws leculutliiK to it jjrentei or less
extent the tuHiiiifiiUuiL anil sale of food
pi ndm ts
rood adulterations are of sufficient extent
to ucmiiit not onlv the Intervention of
Htate imthoilty hut the power of the na
tional jcov eminent ns well It Is estimated
that floOOOOOOO uoitli or adulterated foods
art bold annually In the United Stntex
A national pine food law linn been under
cotihldei nllon hr voucicis for several veins
It tuged In opposition to a national
law that the regulation of food adulteia
tlon should lie left to the states nnd that
the ntuteN hare a dear and undisputed
rlidit to prohibit ot I emulate such adulteii
tlmiH ttiiotifli the exeulse of their polleu
po oi s
Nntlounl leijlslntloii hoeTer Is needed
beeiuise milv a poitlnn of the states have
taken up this ninttei of food legislation to
any extent mid In othcia nlicie the laws
are ndequute ther ate pi act It illy n denl
lettei heeaue of the fnlluie of the statu
uuthmltles to enfoue them
The evlla of food ndulteiatlon nie not nnd
cannot he defended It la not only ultlilu
the power of coiieicss to go the limit of
Its authority In this mittei hut It Is the
plain duty of that hodr to adopt the most
atilngfiit possible legislation
The general opinion expressed was
that a uniform law should be enacted
in all the states to conform with a na
tional law covering the enthe subject
ImlUutloiiH rrlnt to Contest Over Will of
the ljile riuywright
Charlestown N n Nov 22 A
Btatement as to the t uncial of Charles
H Iloyt the playwright was given
out by Hon Joseph Lyford the guard
itn of the estate of Mr Hoyt It fol
The funeral will be held o Friday
t 145 p m fiom St Lukes Episco
pal church in Charleston u Services
7 - W
charlis a iiovr
will be eontnicieii by the lector Rev
S B Lnssiter assisted by Kev Hovv
nid F Hill of Com ord N H who
was a fellow member of two New
Ilnmpshiie legislatures with Mr
Indications point to a contest over
the will The terms of the document
will not be made public until after the
funeral The benetkiniics will then
bo consulted and the paper will be
tiled for piobate
Governor J C W Beckham of Ken
tucky and Mits Jean Ituphael Fuqua
weie married Wednesday at Owens
Mrs Flora Betts Wednesday identl
ilcd Mrs Bessie Hodges as one ot the
peisons who assaulted antl robbed liei
ot VTuoO worth of diamonds at Den
ver on Aug 27 lust
Captain McUowan has been ordered
to Key West wheie he will become
coiiiinnndant ot the navy yniil suc
ceeding Captain Impie who is trans
felled to San Francisco
Dion Geialdine a civil engineer who
gained prominence thiough his work
dining the Chicago Worlds fair and
Omaha exposition coufessed Insolv
ency at Chcago His liabilities are
placed ut 00000 and he htu uo assets
ion ii r e rm wtf
Firwe it fot vow elf ut the n of fiftce
fortv livc a wmn ti l out tl trd of In r ti ic to
en to that of Ufcj
the suffer
Ten vnnru tf z V
incident to In rcinrirg piiolte fun linn years
sitlTcnng Tiii ears ot hie nVrluUly lo t ot
the btst iirt of n voniins life tlitoivti fviy on
the altnr of a liUe nli For Ue popnoi idea tint the
extent of this periodic sufferimj l a u ttiiiil fein de disiliility
is utterly nnd cut tcly vvroiii home tmotseutence theie
must be some sttffcrug theie mr 1 e 1ml foi the riot part
the miserable condition which i ninttv women ndure with
each recurring month tiny be altogether tetuovid by the use
of Dr Pierces FnvoiitePriscnjHion There is help for
every woman and for almost cveiy woinri then- is pet feet
health through the use of tins rcat medicine for
women It insures regularity dries the dram which
weaken women heals ltifliiutiiatiou and ulccnilion and
cures female weakness It is a tempernnce medicine
non alcoholic antl non narcotic
1 was sowenk I did not have breath tow nil nctoss toy
room writes Miss Isabel Miller of New Providence Cal
loway Co Ky My periods oceuned too often and the
liemortliagc vou1 1 he jiroloiRLtl and the losof blood very
excessive 1 ids j had spells which the doctor nd
were funting fits I did not gain strtmcth from one
monthly petiud to another was very vviufc ami nerv
ous all the time Vv cr iflinil to tny bed for three
months antl the elector told nie I -lever be auv
better I lived ti this wcv ion s ars old to
twenty three I Viisat lrst -id cii bv u If hid friend
to try Ir Pierce s Favorite- I r f n Inch I did
and before I had taken t o i I could wt rk
all day I took in all m boies of the Fivotile
Prescription antl about five vials of Dr Iletce s
Pellets I used no other niedicme 1 have never
Women Slx Iiy ltuce
New Yoik Nov 21 The womens
elx dny bicycle race at the Clermont
Avenue link lu Biooklyn bus lebolved
had a return of this trouble since
Or Plarcca Plosrant Pclfrto afo aizzxtl In sirs nniall In dosn and
tho boat IjKaltvo tor woitipnc ujo Txw tic not Acrjct tho pill habit
1 11
Tennessee and Msssissippi
Towns Devastated
Large Nuiiilier of Ilies Kepoiteil IOHt
WIiIIh ItcHlileiuos nml CIhikIivh Go
Down Tin IV rsouit Killed nt Lit
tin n Ke lVuii
Memphis Tenn Nov 21 A tornado
bounding tlirotigh a nnnovv stietch of
territory extending fiom a point threo
miles mirth of Lulu Miss to La
giange Tenn caused a heavy loss of
lite and pioperty yesteiijiy altenioon
Tlie stoitn so completely interrupted
telegraphic and telephonic communica
tion that neither the oilgin nor the end
ing of it ciin be detei mined nor can
the extent of the disaster be learned
Fiom meager details obtainable cov
eilng only tlnee points it appeals that
1 lives weie lost antl the destruction
of propeity was also heavy It is be
lieved that between the towns heard
from numerous iaims and inteiior
communities of more or less colored
population weie stiuck Accompany
ing the tornado was a rainstorm of
territie pioportlons
A telephone message from Columbia
Tenn at IltO this morning says a num
ber of people weie killed antl gieat
piopeity damage done
Lagrange Tenn Nov 21 A tornado
stiuck this town yesteiday causing
much damage and killing three per
sons otittiglit The dead W V Moody
and two negro women
Itl wind Smith Southern railway
agent was soilously in lined
The storm made its appearance
Bluntly after midday antl swept every
thing in its path Fight residences
and three chinches were destioyed
J he damage to cotton In the boll will
be gieat
A toinado visited noith Mississippi
causing loss of life and much pioperty
damage Ilcpnits from Timlin coun
ty stute that three negroes weie killed
their bodies having been can led a ins
tance of tin o miles by the wind
Many houses were rned to the giottnd
Holier Kxpi ex tell In Ionilnn That Uniteil
Mate Will Kciniilli In It
London Nov 21 The Times
rlng editorially to the speeches of
Count von Buelow in the German
relchstag and M Delcasse in the
Fiench chamber of deputies says
These uttotniues show that the Du
ropean conceit Is not bioken They do
not lend the slightest color to the sus
picions expiessed in the United States
that the pledges of the poweis to pre
vent partition and to maintain the
open door cannot be trusted The ns
suiante that America will not be driv
en out of the com eit will be most wel
come in all punters although much
astonishment must be telt at the im
plied suggestion that anything has
happened to dilvc the United States
out of the concert
London Nov 21 At Inst says
the Shanghai coiiespondeut of the
Mottling Post wiling yesteiday the
allies in Peking have robolved upon
st longer measuies to bring matters to
n crisis They have usketl the vlceioy
of Nankin to state detlnitely his posi
tion toward the Chinese court and the
question of forwarding supplies
It is ciedlbly ieported says the
Shanghai loiiespomlent of the Daily
Telegiipli under yesterdays date
thnt the empiess dowager has tele
giaphed a secret deciee warning all
governing and viceroys to prepare for
Immediate war against the allies eveiy
Itself Into a thiol between Miss Mar
guerite Gust and Miss Lottie Brandon
of Canada for Hist place Miss Jane
Lindsey antl Miss Marie Davis nie
hanging on doggedly Miss Biandon
nt the end of the afternoon session
swooned on the tiack and lost a great
deal of time Tho filial scores for the
day weie Miss Gust 10S8 Miss
Biandon 1 Miss Lindsey 1521
Miss Davis KiOS Mrs Bnyne 158 I
Dentil or Clmrlei II Hoyt
Chailestown N II Nov 21
Charles II Hoyt the well known play
wright died at his lesideirce here last
night of paresis fiom which he had
been sufleiing for months past Ever
since his ietnrn to Charlestown alter
his lelease fiom n private asylum at
Ilnitfoid by older of the eotut early
in August it has been known by hN
attendants and ncaiest friends that
his condition was serious and that
theie wtis little or no chance for his
recovery but Mr Iloyt apparently
seemed hopeful of ultimate recovery
aiau Who Kiioun Defiuilter Well ICespon
Hilile for the Statement
Cincinnati Nov 21 Atcoiding to a
dispatch fiom Foit Wayne Ind Frank
M Blown late assistant cashier of the
German National bank of Newport
Ky who It Is alleged embezzled near
ly 200000 of the banks funds is now
in Canada He was seen and recog
nized in Fort Wayne yesteiday by Fied
J Stone an Intimate actpiaiutance
nnd the latter last night said that at
030 oclock Blown was in the Domin
ion of Canada He had been In St
Louis as aheady stated where he was
repotted to be on his way to South
America but ho changed his direction
nnd came through Illinois and Indiana
and thence to Canada
Alleged llnibezler Will Have Ills Case
Cnlleil In Ie ember
New Yoik Nov 21 Cornelius L Al
vottl Jr loi mer note teller in tho
Fiist National bank who is accused
of embezzling fbOOOOO fiom that insti
tution was held yesteiday to await
the action ol the giand jury
It Is understood that Alvord will bo
Indicted immediately and that his case
will be put on the calendar for the
ti tin beginning the second Wednesday
in December
An Excellent
Opportunity g
E Dlreet from tint Caeiory nml
them at l liliatfo IM m
American and Imported
China Silks and Fine
P Villi Alt Slliri 1 11 in -
- a Ull I lli -
What Are They
E Do not forget that I have 2
t a fine line of PIANOS and 3
fc ORGANS Seethemwhena
purchasing a Scarf
I The Norfojk Piano Man