The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 23, 1900, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News Journal
Deposed Transvaal Chief Wel
comed at Marseilles
V State lltorlM fiodol
Tail nrOoin rntir llrplr In
Wiliinii iHci Is Tluil Mm lliiiu Will
Nutif Mirrvniliir mill Cliuimjliii ltn the
in lluilmimn
MnrnellloH Nov i Jt Ycstinhiy
proved a triumph for Mr Krugur such
as even tilts Uoer delegates ami Ills
most ardent admirers failed to antic
ipate The delirium of enthusiasm
which ninrked every step of ills prog
ress from the time he landed until the
hotel was reached was a revelation
even to the people of Marseilles them
An assomhly of such masses exceed
Jng even the most sanguine estimate
inljlht perhaps he partly explained by
the ceremonious obsequies of the
bishop of Marseilles including an im
posing religious procession from the
cathedral but nothing can minimize
the spontaneous explosion of sentl
ment displayed toward Mr Kruger by
the entire population of the first port
and one of the largest cities of Kranee
Yet the grandeur of this demonstra
tion perhaps ranks second in im
portance to the emphatic manifestos
of no compromise which Mr Kruger
delivered in a low voice but one vi
brating with emotion accompanied by
energetic gestures of the right hand
stirring the hearts of all wit In bear
The last sentences of his declaration
were uttered with a vigor and a de
cision which bore out his reputation
as the Incarnation of iron will and
stubborn resistance Ills mere deliv
ery of a declaration of such far-reaching
Importance testifies to the inde
pendence of his character as it came
as a surprise even to ills intimate po
litical advisers who up to the last
were In ignorance of his determina
tion He announced to the world that
the Hoers would be free people or die
The unfortunate occurrence at the
hotel on the main boulevard alone
marred the character of the demon
stration which up to that moment had
been unanimously and exclusively a
tribute of sympathy and admiration
Vive Kruger Vive les Boers
and Vive la Libert o were the cries
that formed a hurricane of cheering
and swept over the city Unfortunate
ly the highly reprehensible foolishness
of half a dozen persons in throwing
small coins into the crowd as Mr
Kruger passed acted like magic In
lita conjuring up an anti British outburst
which it needed all the promptitude
and energy of the police to prevent
becoming a serious disturbance The
hotel remained for the rest of the day
in a state of siege while at one time
a procession several thousand strong
marched in the direction of the British
consulate shouting Down with the
English and raising other threaten
ing cries The result was that a
strong body of police was compelled
to disperse the demonstrators al
though It was not found necessary to
make more than n few temporary ar
Text of KruRnrrt AilriroM
The following is the text of Mr Km
gers speech on landing
I thank the people of Marsplllos for tliolr
welcome I thank oil tills population art
vombled In great concourse to grewt nit
for although I wear nimirnliiB for the mis
fortunes of my country anil although I
hnvo not come to seek festivities still I
ncvcrthclPHH accept with all my heart tliesn
uiclumntloUH for I know they ore dlrtHtrtl
to you by the emotions which arc Insplreil
In yon by our tilola and by your sympathy
for our cause which Is that of llbeity I
am very proud and happy at having chosen
ns my point of landing n port In France 10
net foot on free soil and to bo received by
you as n fieemnn Hut my first duty Is
to thank your government for all the tokens
of Intercht that again only recently It was
pleased to give me I bellcvo England
had she been better Informed would never
have consented to this war and since the
expedition of Jameson who wished to seize
the two republics without the necessity
of firing a rltlu shot I have never ceased
to demnnd a tilbunal of arbitration which
lias always been refused Th war waged
upon us In the two republics reached the
lust limits of barbarism During my life
I hare hud to tight many times the savages
of he tribes of Africa but the barbarians
we have to fight now are worse than the
others They even urge the Ktiltlrs ngalust
us They burn the farms we worked so
bard to construct and they drive out our
women aud children whose brothers and
husbands thry havo killed or taken prls
oarrs leaving thfta unprotected and roof
leas and often wlthoot bread to t But
whatever tbey may do we will never sur
render Wo will fight to the end Our
great Imperishable confidence reposes In
tb EUrnal la our wl VT know our
came U Just and If the Justice of men Is
wanting to us Ho the l Ucruut who mus
ter of all peoples and to whom belongs
the future will inner abandon us I ns
mho you Unit If the Transvaal and the
Orange lice State must lose their link
pendence II will be because nil the Uoer
people have been destroyed With their
women and children
Imperlnl Deeien Is Uenoiiiu eil mill Iuii
klitiieul of Tung Ill llslnng Orlimmlrd
London Nov Jt -Nine of the for-
gn envoys says the Peking corre
spondent of the Morning Tost have
written strong letters denouncing the
punishment edict aud declaring that
Tung Fu Ilslang must be punished
London Nov ll Or Morrison wir
ing the Times from Peking Tuesday
says The appointment of Yu Chang
as governor of the province of llu Pel
has been cancelled This was due to
the strenuous British protest Chlng
Using who has been appointed In his
place Is regarded us almost equally ob
jectionable The foreign envoys have
agreed that the consistent bad faith
which the Chinese have shown In dis
seminating abroad misleading Intelli
gence shall be recorded In the preamble
to the conjoint note It Is reported
that Chinese troops have repulsed a
Herman expedition but no details have
been received
Foreign Knvoys nt Peking Iuie
ity ol In Iteiii li mi AgreeniHiil
No Word Il oiu Conger
Washington Nov The state de
partment so far has heard nothing
from Minister Conger respecting the
impasse reported to have been
readied by the foreign ministers at
Peking In fact saveTa brief expres
sion respecting the insulllciency of the
punishments proposed by the Chinese
government to be Indicted upon the
responsible leaders of the Boxer move
ment Mr Conger has not communi
cated with the department for more
than a week
Without taking Issue with Mr Con
ger respecting this matter of punish
ments the state department has earn
estly advised him not to insist on im
possible conditions in t ho negotiations
An interesting problem Is suggested
by the possibility which now Is almost
a probability that the ministers rep
resenting the powers at Peking cannot
reach an agreement The Impression
seems to be that If a majority of the
ministers or perhaps even one of the
representatives of a great power with
holds assent to the agreement thon the
whole undertaking falls and there
must bo either fresh negotiations dl
rectly between the home governments
In the effort to agree upon new basis
of action or the powers must proceed
to deal with the Chinese situation
singly or In groups the latter contin
gency having been provided for in the
German British agreement
Fulling Kiiglno Implodes
Kansas City Kan Nov 23 At
Itohcdale suburb yesterday a Kansas
City Port Scott and Memphis switch
left the track on a trestle and
falling ISO feet to the bottom of the ra
vine exploded Pour men in lie cab
of the engine at the time were painful
ly hurt John Kagan engineer was
taken to tho hospital unconscious and
will die lames Fitspatrick foreman
of a switching crew John Blanken
sliip fireman and Peter Jensen
switchman were seriously but not
fatally hurt
Victory for Iubor Unions
Des Moines Nov 23 The restrain
ing order issued by Judge McPherson
of tho United States court against the
Trl City labor cougress of Davenport
Bock Island and Mollne on Nov J was
dissolved yesterday and the case dis
missed Judge McPherson declares
he Issued the restraining or
der under a mistaken apprehension of
tho facts and decides the court hns
no jurisdiction The dismissal Is re
garded as a victory for the labor
Rumor of Czars Death Unfounded
Loudon Nov 23 The rumor of the
czars death appears to be unfounded
Nothing to confirm It has been re
ceived nt tho Uusslan embassies in
Berlin and Paris and the embassy
here has received nothing since the
bulletin yesterday
Old Soldier Is Killed
Hastings Neb Nov 2i Tohn S
King an inmate of the insane asylum
was struck by tho Missouri Pacific
train yesterday and killed King was
an old soldier from Bed Willow couu
ty and has been In the asylum for some
ten or 15 years but was out on parole
most of the time
Iowa Grocers Association
Des Moines Nov 23 The next meet
ing of the Ketall Grocers association
of Iowa is to bo held in Waterloo ar
rangements to that effect having been
practically completed by A L Sorter
of Muson City president of the associa
Tho quartermaster general has been
advised that the transport McCIellan
left San Juan Porto Bico Thursday
for New York with batteries K and G
of the Fifth artillery aud company I
of the Eleventh infantry
Maurice Brennau one fo tho three
men arrested for dynamiting property
of the St Louis Transit company dur
ing the recent street railroad strike
was found guilty by a jury Thursday
and sentenced to serve ten years lu the
Bill I HI I
Colorado Lines Suffer Untold
Damage From Storm
Air lnl of Iljliig Suiiil Irntrl ami Smalt
Stone S1iiihii I lnis nt Colin mlo
Springs Amounts to crJllO00Nu Llc
Lost -mi us II lion n
Denver Nov 23 It Is Impossible for
the railroads to estimate the amount of
damage suffered by reason of tho
wind storm which swept the lines for
nearly UK miles along the base of the
mountains yesterday The wires were
blown down aud trains are moved with
great caution In the absence of tele
graphic orders seriously delaying
tratlle Many freight cars on sidings
had their roofs blown oil station build
ings were damaged moro or less all
through the storm region and the
tracks strewn with wreckage which
further retarded the movement of
Between Pueblo nnd Colorado
Springs houses were damaged hay
stacks blown away and outbuildings
demolished The property loss will
be heavy among the ranchmen
The storm stands without a parellel
In many respects Former severe
wind storms have been accompanied
with either rain or snow but In this
case It was neither and the wind car
ried sand gravel and smnll stones
similar to the awful sand storms of
the desert It was remarkable and
unlike any past storms in the scope of
territory covered though terminating
at the fojt hills seemingly Cripple
Creek and the district surrounding
was basking in bright clear weather
th re similar to that of Denver
Trainmater Dean from La Junta
witli all the linemen to be had is en
gaged In restoring the Santa Ie wires
between Denver and Pueblo
Between Durangn and Alamosa
Where the Bio Grande had trouble
with Its trains Wednesday the snow
storm hns passed and trains are be
ing moved with reasonable prompt
ness That was an entirely different
storm from the one which devastated
Colorado Springs and the country be
tween there and Pueblo
The damage at Colorado Springs by
the storm will approximate 200000
and is due entirely to destruction by
the wind About fiOO houses and busi
ness blocks are damaged and many
trees uprooted
Itallroail Iropnrty Kspei inlly Dmniigeil by
Wind mid Iliiod
San Francisco Nov 23 lilegraphle
communication with the outside world
is almost fully restored and details
of the storm which raised such havoc
with telegraph and telephone wires
are beginning to come in Not In
many years has southern California
experienced a fiercer storm The rain
fall in this section is phenomenal Ac
cording to reports received by the
Southern Pacific and Santa Fe com
panies the storm showed no mercy for
the lines of either of these big roads
Seemingly solid earthworks upon
which tracks were laid were under
mined as If they had been loose piles
of soft sand rails were torn up and
carried along with the rushing torrent
like toothpicks while telegraph poles
were rooted out of the earth or
snapped in two
Ways anil Means Coimnlttrcnien toSiilnnlt
Itoiluctlon Siluihilu Next Month
Washington Nov 23 The Itepub
llcan members of tho ways and moans
committee decided to present the bill
for a 30000000 reduction of the war
revenue to the full committee vn Dec
1 The hill however probably will
be prepared some time before that
Commissioner Wilson of the internal
revenue bureau was before the com
mittee for some time yesterday giving
Information concerning the effect of
the reduction of certain schedules and
also as to tho amount of revenue raised
by portions of the present law which
it is proposed to reduce
The committee has agreed on n num
ber of schedules to be reduced while
on others there is n disagreement It
Is probable that a subcommittee soon
will be nppolnted to make a final draft
of tho measure
Car Is Improving
London Nov 23 Better news hna
been received as to the emperors con
dition at Copenhagen A courier has
arrived with news that the doctors
believe the crisis has passed Similar
favorable Intelligence has reached Ber
lin Grand Duke and Grand Duchess
Scrglus who nrrlvcd in Vienna yes
terday from Florence were expected
to start Immediately for Livadia but
on receipt of favorable telegrams they
decided to remain nt the Austrian cap
ital until Sunday unless there should
be an unexpected change for the worse
Kteyn ami Den it Attach
Maseru Basutoland Nov 22 Na
tives report that former President
Steyn and General Dewet with 1000
men traversed the British lines be
tween Alexandria and Warrrlnghams
store and attacked a British post sub
sequently IHtlring by the road to Dr
wetsdorp iu tho Orange Ulvur Colony
- Ti
ifS7 - Ta
The Quick Trains
Union Pacific
10 Hours Qnickor to Salt Lake City
15 Hours Quicker to Portland
15 Hours Quicker to San Francisco
All Trains Wido VostUtuled
Splendid Equipment
Pullman Palace Sleepers
Dining Cor Servico
Pullman Ordinary
Sleeping Cars Daily and
For full information call on
P W Junkman Agpnt
North Western
p E B V H R is tba best to arri
from th
NTorth Nebraska
Will have on display
Saturday oifetebef 24
and during the season the largest line of
ever shown in Northeast Nebraska
The Latest Books Fine Albums
Beautiful Celluloid Toilet Articles
Cut Glass Art Goods Pictures
Haviland China Lamps Cameo Goods
Pocket Books Fountain Pens
Sterling Silver Novelties
Musical Instruments Perfumes
Dolls Mechanical Toys
Woodenware Lanterns
Engines Etc Etc
My stock is too large to enumerate You will have to call and
examine the goods to appreciate them
j Saturday is the Day
J of our opening 1000 pieces 50 cent sheet music to be given away to
t the lady callers that day
s s ssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Suits mil do to onlor nnil in tlio liitost stylo Ho
pairing mmtlyiiloiio Shop on South Fourth St
eolith of llmi in Brob
Get What You Ask for at
A LI 0KDEUS arc filled promptly and with care
Our goods arc FIRST CLASS in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom-
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
South side Main St betweon 2d and 3d
Tried Them
Telophouo II
Cr3kjZ l
Exoluslve agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best In the market
Scranton Hard Coal in all Hlzes TELEPHONE Ol
The Norfolk Buildine and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Q k LUIKART Pekmdnt
OHAa 8 HRIDOE Vies Pbwidknt
W U BKAA8UU AaaT Oiaani
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 h
Bay tnJ soil exchange cm this country f ml all parU of Europe Farm likns
Olrctor UBJ Asmdb W H Jounuom Chah S Hhdqb O W BbaakhvKOvM
It 31