Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 16, 1912, Image 6

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    Oh , Learned Judge.
A California Judge decided that
there is no judicial authority to keep
a man from making love to his wife ,
although it could stop his beating her.
The remarkable cause of this remark
able decision was that a woman in
Los Angeles had applied for an injunc
tion to restrain her husband from in
sisting on being attentive to her. This
judge was not a Solomon , but he real
ized that only a Solomon could be
trusted to rule upon the whims and
Inconsistencies of womankind.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Marine Eye Remedy. No Smarting I1 eels
Pine Acts Quickly. Try It for Red , eak ,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. L'us'
tratcd Book in each Package , Murine is
compounded by our Oculists not a "Patent Mcd-
iclno" but used In successful Physicians' Prac
tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub
lic and sola by Druggists at 25c and Me per Bottle ,
Murino Kyo Salvo In .Aseptic Tubes , 25c and 60c ,
Murino Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago
"Why wouldn't you put out your
tongue for the doctor this morning ,
Karl ? "
"Oh , Emmj' , I couldn't. I don't
know him well enough. " Pliegende
Even the absent-minded man may
have a good presence.
Unsightlv eruptions disappear aftera course
of Gartield'Tca.
The man who wears a silk hat
shouldn't butt in.
$17.00 Machine
"It Soars
All. "
ESg * } Write us today and learn jjt _
" " bow wo can sell all styles > ]
Adairondack Sowing
Machines ( warranted for
20 ynars ) , direct from factory to homo ( no other way )
at lowest possible prices and easiest Imagi
nable terms , sent on 3O days free trial to any
trustworthy person In the United States , to bo re
turned at our risk and crpcnse if not found to be tlio
finest machine in the market. Bo your own agent
and buy direct from headquarters , and save
money thereby the only saft ? and sensible way.
Our handsome printed matter will interest you.
Adairondack Sewing Machine Co.
Address Offices : IJjx K. COHOCTON , N. Y.
Over Fave Million Fret ? Samples
Given Rvi/ay Each year.
The Constant and Shcreassng
Sales From Sanipiea Proves
the Genuine BSerit of
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot Ease , the antiseptic
powder lor the feet. Are- you a
trifle sensitive about the size of
your shoes ? Many people wear
shoes a size smaller by shaking
Allen's Foot-Easo into them. If
yon have tired , swollen , hot ,
tender feet , Allen's Foot-Ease gives
imtant relief. TRY IT TO-DAY.
'Sold ' everywhere , 25 cts. Do not
accept any substitute.
FREE TRIAL PACKAGE sent by mall.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders ,
the best medicine for Feverish , sickly
* Children. Sold by Drnczists every
where. Trial package FREE. Address
Your Liver
Is Clogged
That's Why You're Tiredt of Sorts
Have No Appetite.
will put you right CARTERS
in a few days. ITTLE
They d ( ! VER
their duty. . . PILLS.
Cure Constipation - ! '
stipation ,
Biliousness , Indigestion and Sick Headache
Genuine must bear Signature
Every home should make
rootbeer in springtime for
its deliciousness and its fine
tonic properties.
One packc raaket 5 gallons. If your grocer
iin't supplied , we will mail yen a package
OB receipt of 28o. Please give hie name.
Write for premium puzzle.
255 N. Broad St. , Philadelphia. Pa.
UA1M rLI fvlLLtK
H.IKS. Neat , clean ,
ornamental , conven
ient , cheap. Lasti ail
sc on. iladoof metal ,
can'tsplllortlpover ;
will not soil or injure
anythlnp. Guaran-
I teed effective. 15 cts.
each at dealers or 6
sent prepaid for 51.00.
HAROLD SOMERS. 150 DeKalb Ave. , Brooklyn. N.Y.
"i" U E3 H > O B f ! &S Used in Frnncfc
i l"lltaR ! % ir E VSlB Hospitals wltb
Send addreti envelope Tor FRKK booklet to DR. LK CLEIU
as made by us represent
UNIFORM the highest standard In
the art of uniionn mak
ing. Don't place youi
order until yon have received our catalogue and
Earn pics , state kind wanted.
CEOKGE EY/UtS / & CO. , Dspt. X , 132 N. 5th St. , Philadelphia , Pa.
The scene at the opening of the story I ;
laid In the library of an old worn-ou
eouthern plantation , known as the Bar
ony. The place is to be sold , and It ;
history and that of the owners. tn <
Qulntards , is the subject of discussion b ;
Jonathan Crenshaw , a business man ,
stranger known as Bladen , and Bol
Yancy , a farmer , when Hannibal Wayni
Hazard , a mysterious child of the ou
southern family , makes his appearance
Yancy tells how he adopted the boy.
CHAPTER III. ( Continued ) .
The next day Yancy had occasloi
to visit Balaam's Cross Roads. Cren
shaw gave him a disquieting opinioi
as to the probable contents of his let
ter , for he himself had heard fron
Bladen that he had decided to as
Bume the care of the boy.
"I reckon Bladen will have the lav
on his side , Bob ! "
"The law be damned 1 got what' !
fair on mine. I don't wish fo' bettei
than that , " exclaimed Yancy , over hi !
Bhoulder. He strode from the ston
and started down the sandy road at i
brisk run. Miserable forebodings o :
an impending tragedy leaped up with
In hira , and the miles were manj
that lay between him and the Hill.
As he breasted the slope he came
within sight of a little group in hh
own dooryard. Saving only Unch
Sammy Bellamy , the group resolvec
itself Into the women and children ol
the Hill , but there was one smal.
figure he missed. The patriarch hur
ried toward him , leaning on his cane
" ' Bob ! " h
"They've took your nevvy ,
cried , in a high , thin voice.
"Who's took him ? " asked Yancj
"Hit were Dave Blount. Get youi
gun , Bob , and go after him kill the
miserable sneaking cuss ! " cried Uncle
Sammy. "By the Fayetteville Koad
Bob , not ten minutes ago you can
cut him off at Ox Road forks ! "
Yancy breathed a sigh of relief. A
rifle was placed In Yancy's hands.
"Thank you-all kindly , " said Yancy ,
and turning away he struck oH
through the pine woods. A brisk walb
of twenty minutes brought him to the
Ox Road forks.
He had not long to wait , for pres
ently the buggy hove in sight. As the
buggy came nearer he recognized his
ancient enemy in the person of the
man who sat at Hannibal's side , and
stepping Into the road seized the
horses by their bits. At sight of him
Hannibal shrieked his name in de
"Uncle Bob Uncle Bob " he cried.
"Yes , it's Uncle Bob. You can light
down , Nevvy. "
"Leggo them horses ! " said Mr.
"Light down , Nevvy , " said Yancy ,
still pleasantly.
Hannibal instantly availed himself
of the invitation. At the same mo
ment Blount struck at Yancy with hi8
whip , and his horses reared wildly ,
thinking the blow meant for them.
Seeing that the boy had reached the
ground in safety , Yancy relaxed his
hold on the team , which instantly
plunged forward. Then as the buggy
swept past him he made a grab at
Blount and dragged him out over the
wheels into the road , where he pro
ceeded to fetch Mr. Blount a smack
in the jaw. Then with a final skiltul
kick he sent Mr. Blount sprawlipg.
"Don't let me catch you arour. - these
diggings again , Dave Blounv , or 1
swear to God I'll be the death of
you ! "
Hannibal rode home through the
pine woods in triumph on his Uncle
Bob's mighty shoulders.
Law it Balaam's Cross Roads.
But Mr. Yancy was only at the be
ginning of his trouble. Three days
later there appeared on the borders
of Scratch Hill a gentleman armed
with a rifle. It was Charley Balaam ,
old Squire Balaam's nephew.
"Can I see you friendly , Bob
Yancy ? " Balaam demanded with the
hangs of a stentor , sheltering himself
behind the thick bole of a sweetgum ,
for he observed that Yancy held his
rifle in the crook of his arm.
"I reckon you can , Charley Balaam ,
If you are friendly , " said Yancy.
"I'm a-going to trust you , Bob , " said
Balaam. And forsaking the shelter
of the sweetgum he shuffled up the
"How are you , Charley ? " asked
Yancy , as they shook hands.
"Only Just tolerable , Bob. You've
been warranted Dave Blount swore
hit on to you. " He displayed a sheet
of paper covered with much writing
and decorated with a large seal.
"Read It , " he said mildly. Bala&m
scratched his head.
"I don't know that hit's my duty to
io that , Bob. Hit's my duty to serve
It on to you. "
At this Juncture Uncle Sammy's
bent form emerged from the path that
led off through the woods In the di
rection of the Bellamy cabin. With
the patriarch was a stranger.
"Howdy , Charley. Here , Bob Yancy ,
F < MI hak * bands wltb Bruce Carrlnjf-
ton , " commanded Uncle Sammy. A
the name both Yancy and Balaar
manifested interest. They saw a ma :
in the early twenties , clean-limbei
and broad-shouldered , with a hanc
some face and shapely head. "Yes
sir , hit's a grandson of Tom Carring
ton that used to own the grist-mil
down at the Forks. "
"Where you located at , Mr. Cai
rington ? " asked Yancy. But Cai
rington was not given a chance t
reply. Uncle Sammy saved him th
"Back In Kentucky. He takes rait
down the river to New Orleans , thei
he comes back on ships to Balti
more , or else he hoofs it no'th over
land. He wants to visit the Forks , '
he added.
"I'm shortly goin' that way myself
Mr. Carrington , and I'll be pleased o
your company but first I got to ge
through with Bob Yancy , " said Ba
laam , and again he produced the war
rant. "If agreeable to you , Bob , i'i
ask Uncle Sammy to read this her <
warrant. "
" ' ' Bol
"Who's been a-warrantin'
Yancy ? " cried Uncle Sammy.
"Dave Blount has. "
"I knowed hit I knowed he'd tr :
to get even ! What's the charge agii
you , Bob ? "
"Read hit , " said Balaam. "Why
sho' can't you read plain writin'
Uncle Sammy ? " for the patriarch was
showing signs of embarrassment.
"If you gentlemen will let me '
said Carrington pleasantly. Alter i
moment's scrutiny of the paper thai
Balaam had thrust in his hand , Car
rington began :
"To the Sheriff of the County of Cum
berland : Greetings :
"Whereas , It is alleged that a mur
derous assault has been committed or
one David Blount , of Fayetteville , bj
Robert Yancy , of Scratch Hill , said
Blount sustaining numerous bruises
and contusions , to his great injury ol
body and mind ; and , whereas , it is
further alleged that said murderous
assault was wholly unprovoked and
without cause , you will forthwith take
into custody the person of said Yancy
of Scratch Hill , charged with having
inflicted the bruises and contusions
herein set forth In the complaint ol
said Blount , and instantly bring him
into our presence to answer to these
and several crimes and misdemean
ors. You are empowered to seize said
Yancy wherever he may be at ; wheth
er on the hillside or in the valley ,
eating or sleeping , or at rest.
"DE LANCY BALAAM , Magistrate.
"Fourth District , County of Cum
berland , State of North Carolina. Done
this twenty-fourth day of May , 1835.
"P. S. Dear Bob : Dave Blount says
he ain't able to chew his meat , l
thought you'd be glad to know. "
Smilingly Carrington folded the
warrant and handed it to Yancy.
"Well , what are you goin' to do
about hit , Bob ? " inquired Balaam.
"Maybe I'd ought to go. I'd like
to oblige the squire , " said Yancy.
"Suppose I come to the Cross
Roads this evening ? "
"That's agreeable , " said the deputy ,
who presently departed in company
with Carrington.
Some hours later the male popula
tion of Scratch Hill , with a gravity
befitting the occasion , prepared itself
to descend on the Cross Roads and
give its support to Mr. Yancy in his
hour of need. Even Uncle Sammy ,
who had not been off the Hill in
years , announced that no considera
tion of fatigue would keep him away
from the scene of action , and Yancy
loaned him his mule and cart for the
occasion. Yancy led the straggling
procession , with the boy trotting by
his side , his little sunburned list
clasped in the man's great hand.
The squire's court held its infre
quent sittings in the best room of the
Balaam homestead , a double cabin of
hewn logs. Here Scratch Hill was
gratified with a view of Mr. Blount's
battered visage.
"What's all this here fuss between
you and Bob Yancy ? " demanded the
squire when he had administered the
oath to Blount. Mr. Blount's state
ment was brief and very much to the
"He done give me the order from
the judge of the co't I was to show
it to Bob Yancy "
"Got that order ? " demanded the
squire sharply. With a smile , dam
aged , but clearjy a smile , Blount pro
duced the order. "Hmm app'lnted
guardeen of the boy " the squire'was
presently heard to murmur. The
crowded room was very still now , and
more than one pair of eyes were
turned pityingly in Yancy's direction.
When the long arm of the law
reached out from Fayetteville , where
there was a real judge and a real
sheriff , It clothed itself with terrors.
"Well , Mr. Blount , what did you do
with this here order ? " asked the
"I showed Yancy the order "
"You lie , Dave Blount ; you didn't ! "
said Yancy. "But I can't say as it
would have made no difference.
squire. He'd have taken his licking
just the same and I'd have had my
nevvy out of that buggy ! "
"Didn't he say nothing about this
here order from the co't , Bob ? "
"There wa'n't much conversation ,
squire. I invited my nevvy to light
down , and then I snaked Dave Blount
out over the wheel. "
"Who struck the first blow ? "
"He did. He struck at me with his
buggy whip. "
Squire Balaam removed his spec
tacles and leaned back in his chair.
"It's the opinion of this here co't
that the whole question ot assault
rests on whether Bob Yancy saw the
order. Bob Yancy swears he didn't
see it , while Dave Blount swears he
showed it to him. If Bob Yancy didn't
know of the existence of the order he
was clearly actin' on the idea that
Blount was stealin' his nevvy , and he
done what any one would have done
under the circumstances. If , on the
other hand , he knowed of this order
from the co't , he was not only guilty
of assault , but he was guilty of re-
sistin' an officer of the co't. " The
squire paused impressively. His audi
ence drew a long breath.
"Can a body drap a word here ? "
It was Uncle Sammy's thin voice that
cut into the silence.
"Certainly , Uncle Sammy. This
here co't will always admire to listen
to you. "
"Well , I'd like to say that I con
sider that Fayetteville co't mighty of
ficious with its orders. This part of
the county won't take nothln' off
Fayetteville ! We don't interfere with
Fayetteville , and blamed if we'll let
Fayetteville interfere with us ! "
There was a murmur of approval.
Scratch Hill remembered the rifles in
its hands and took comfort.
"The Fayetteville co't air a higher
co't than this , Uncle Sammy , " ex
plained the squire indulgently.
"I'm aweer of that , " snapped the
patriarch. "I've seen hit's steeple. "
"AJr you finished , Uncle Sammy ? "
asked the squire deferentially.
"I 'low I am. But I 'low that if
this here case Is goin' again Bob
Yancy I'd recommend him to go home
and not listen to no mo' foolishness. "
"Mr. Yancy will oblige this co't by
setting still while I finish this case , "
said the squire with dignity. "Mr.
Yancy has sworn to one thing , Mr.
Blount to another. Now the Yancys
air an old family in these parts ; Mr.
Blount's folks air strangers. Consequently
quently , " pursued the squire , some
what vindictively , "we ain't had anytime
time In which to/form an opinion of
The Encounter.
Betty Malroy had ridden into the
squire's yard during the progress ol
the trial and when Yancy and Han
nibal came from the house she beck
oned the Scratch Hiller to her.
"You are not going to lose your
nephew , are you , Mr. Yancy ? " she
asked eagerly , when Yancy stood at
her side.
"No , ma'am. " But his sense of ela
tion was plainly tempered.
"I am very glad. I rode out to the
Hill to say good-by to Hannibal and
to you , but they said you were here
and that the trial was today. "
Captain Murrell , with Crenshaw and
the squire , came from the house , and
Murrell's swarthy face lit up at sight
of the girl. Yancy would have yield
ed his place , but Betty detained him.
"Are you going away , ma'am ? " he
asked with concern.
"Yes to my home In west Tennes
see , " and a cloud crossed her smooth
"But ain't you ever coming back ,
Miss Betty ? " asked Hannibal rath i
"Oh , I hope so , dear. " She turned
to Yancy. "I wonder you don't leave
the Hill , Mr. Yancy. You could so
easily go where Mr. Bladen would
never find you. Haven't you thought
of this ? "
"That are a p'int , " agreed Yanc >
slowly. "Might I ask you what parts
you'd specially recommend ? " lilting
his grave eyes to hers.
"It would really be the sensible *
thing to do ! " said Betty. "I am sure
you would like west Tennessee they
say you are a great hunter. " Yancy
smiled almost guiltily.
"Mr. Yancy , if you should cross the
mountains , remember I live near
Memphis. Belle Plain is the name of
the plantation it's not hard to find ;
just don't forget Belle Plain. "
"I won't forget , and mebby yo i will
see us there one of these days. Sho' ,
I've seen mighty little of the world
about as far as a dog can trot in a
couple of hours ! "
Betty glanced toward the squire
and Mr. Crenshaw. They were stand
ing near the bars that gave entrance
to the lane. Murrell had lett them
and was walking briskly dcwn the
road toward Crenshaw's store , where
his horse was tied. She bent down
and gave Yancy her slim white hand
"Good-by , Mr. Yancy lift Hanniba )
so that I can kiss him ! " Yancy swung
the child aloft. "I think you are such
a nice little boy , Hannibal you
He Had Not Long to Wait , for Presently a Buggy Hove In Sight.
the Blounts ; but for myself , I'm sus
picious of folks that keep movin'
about and who don't seem able to get
located permanent nowheres , who air
here today and away tomorrow. But
you can't say that of the Yancys. *
They air an old family In the country
and naturally this co't feels obliged
to accept a Yancy's word before the
word of a stranger. And , In view of
the fact that the defendant did not
seek litigation , but was perfectly sat
isfied to Jet matters rest where they
was , it is right and just that all costs
should fall on the plaintiff. "
mustn't forget me ! " And touching hei
horse lightly with the whip ihe rod
away at a gallop.
"She sho'ly Is a lady ! " sale Yancy ,
staring after her. "And we musnt
forget Memphis or Belle Plain , Nev-
vy. "
The Trouble.
"What was the matter concerning
th ? collapse of tlM official therm *
graph ? "
"I don't know , unless oniebodj
took its
Get This
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16 Beautiful Tints. Comes all ready to mix with cold
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Get the FREE Rook
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57 Oraiivil'c Road , Grand RiMs. Mick
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The man who steals our thunder is
naturally under a cloud.
Gariield Tea is unequalled either aan
occasional or a daily laxative.
A frieud in word is not always a
friend in deed.
Occasionally we meet a man who
would rather work for a living than
get into politics.
"That man seems to be greatly de
pressed about something.
"Yes. He must live in some town
whose baseball team is at the tail-
end. "
His Opportunity.
"Going to Wombat's wedding , over
on the north side ? "
"Not I. I was engaged to the girl.
Wombat cut me out. "
"Well , come to the wedding. You
may get a chance to biff him in the
jaw with an old shoe. "
"Going to make garden ? "
"I dunne , " replied the man who al
ways looks discouraged. "I'm busy
now Jguring up how many tons of let
tuce I'll Lave to raise to pay for the
spade and , the rake and the rest of
the outfit. "
All Ha Wanted Was Just Plain Eggs.
A youth entered one of the "ham-
and-row" cafes on Grand avenue and
ordered eggs. "Up or over ? " asked
the man behind the counter. "I just
want eggs , " replied the prospective
tllner. "But do you want them up or
over ? " repeated the waiter , and again
the guest asserted that he desired
"only eggs. " The third time the party
of the second part insisted on his
query , whereupon the patron , with a
sigh of despair , said "I guess I'll take
a. steak. " Kansas City Star.
Milky Way Causes Glaciers.
Another suggested cause of glacial
periods is that they have been due to
: he shifting of the milky way , such as
s known to have occurred. Assuming
; hat much of the earth's heat comes
"rom the stars , Dr. Rudolf Spitaler
mds that the change of position in re-
ation to the milky way might have
; iven a different distribution of tem
perature from that existing at the
present time. The stars are not only
crowded in the region of the milky
vay. but many of them arc of the hot-
.est type.
Doctor Was Fooled by His Own Case
For a Time.
It's easy to understand how ordi-
lary people get fooled by coffee when
lectors themselves sometimes forget
he facts.
A physician speaks of his own expe-
ience :
"I had used coffee for years and really
! id not exactly believe it was injuring
QC although I had palpitation of the
: eart every day. ( Tea contains caf-
eine the same drug found in coffee
nd is just as harmful as coffee. )
"Finally one day a severe and al-
nest fatal attack of heart trouble
rightened me and I gave up both tea
nd coffee , using Postum Instead , and
ince that time I have had absolutely
0 heart palpitation except on one or
wo occasions when I tried a small
uantity of coffee.which. caused severe
ritation and proved to me I must let
: alone.
"When we began using Postum It
semed weak that was because we
id not make it according to directions
-but now we put a little bit of , but-
; r in the pot when boiling and allow
le Postum. to boil full 15 minutes
hich gives it the proper rich flavor
ad the deep brown color.
"I have advised a great many of
iv friends and patients to leave off
Dffee and drink Postum , in face I daily
ive this advice. " Name given by
ostum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich.
Many thousands of physicians use
ostum in place of tea and coffee in
leir own homes and prescribe it to
"There's a reason , " and It Is explain-
1 in the little book , "The Road to
ellville , " In pkgs. \
Ever read the above letter ? A new
ne appears from time to time. They
re grennlnc , true , and fall of buiaan
it crest.