The osiiy ang1 ewer from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar MO ALUIVJ , NO LOME PHOSPHATE BULLS FOR SALE Rpjjistored Hpreford Bulls for sale at all times of the $ ear. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH Simeon - Nebraska * * r _ _ _ - . _ - - _ W. fi. Stration Dealer in FLOUB & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 123 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. F. M. Walcott Oliver M. VValcott WaZcott & Waicott Attorneys Pnictico bi'KJiv TT. S. Land Olllco nn l jill Ft'dentl niul Hlnte courts. Valentine - - Nebraska C. A. Attorney-at- Office front room , second story , ever T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. F. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store Valentine - Nebr , Dr. D. W. Sumner DENTIST Hornby Building Phone No. 178. Valentine Lodge No. 70 , A. O. U. W. Meets 1st and 3rd Monday in each month at Frateinal Hull. All Brethern are cordially invited to be present- ] ALBERT F. WEED , il. W. JAMES 0. QUIGLEY , Recorder. ! j TALK \viih 3rour dealer may rcn ycur eyes to gasoline cnrrine 'possibilities 3ou ncvrr ; " , M-I t * of. For your o\vn : - \ ' ; , . . . ion drop in tir.d see h'1 . t1 ± n.t time 3rou are in tit - ' : ' T T it ovrr v - \ \ ' tell \ , . . : ' -tn enr'.r : ' s an ' ' "he'll sho\v you how C' . . afford to run jrour term V longer v/ithvi ut one. ! G asc & . - , i are amcn th ? bc3t labor-savers | \ and mon . 'Y-makers ri far .er can . buy. The local dcaLr will tell you why and give 3-011 facts and figures to prove it. lie \vi ! tell 3rou just \vhat an IH C engine will do for you and why it is , the best engine for 3'ou to buy. ! Learn from him what it means to have a thoroughly tester ! IH C engine and take one home with you. Made in sizes 1 to SO-horse power. International taster Csis/ ? : America ( lucurpuraicdj ! a Chicago U S A i I H C Service Bureau The purpose of this Burc-u is to furnish. . ; free of charge to nil. ths best information ' obtainable on bettor farming. If you have ! any v/ortl v questions conc'r'i.itr : soils , crops , hintdnun.u'o. . irrscatujn. ferrilizcr. ' . etc. . make your inquiries sneciiic and send j them to I H C Service Bureau , Harvester Buiidini , ' , Cluc-co. L S A a s VALENTINE LOCALS Henry Auguston is up from Brown lee. Special muslin wear sale at the Keel Front , beginning Saturday , May 25. 19 rJVo spools Merrick's , Kerr's or Fieltls' thread for 5c at the Red Front until all sold. 19 Karl Lurz & Son are going to have a sale May 29. See their ad vertisement in this paper. * \V. H. Hartley of Cody , Wyo. , was in the city Tuesday settling up the J. H. Miller estate. Anyone wishing to donate flowers for Decoration tlav will kindly leave them at Wins .Doiiolier's the day be fore. Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to visit Wood Lake the first Monday and Tuesday of each month to do dental work. 19tf Charley Pollard , foreman of the Chadron Journal , was m our city Saturday and Sunday visiting his mother and his many friends. Ten inches of snow in Colorado and four inches at Sheridan , Wyo. , Monday , while at Valentine the weather got cool but no frost. W. E. Boyd , W. II. Hortpn , H. D. Lewis and F. J. Rhodes of Springview were in our city on business last Thursday and Fri day. Albert Fuirciiild is back from the lakes. He bought a team of mules of Nels Rowley and is now breaking prairie for I. M. Rice , f northeast of Valentine. Kels Rowley and wife came to town last week and Mrs. Rowley went up' to Chadron to visit a couple of days and returned , go ing back the ranch Saturday. Notice the big sale of horses and mules in the paper this week of Xels Rowley and J. C. Measure. It's a big sale and there will be a lot of prople in town on Saturday , June S. All members of the G. A. R. ar requested to meet at Bethel hall not later than 30:30 : a. m. , May 26 , and march from there to the M. E. church to listen to the memorial sermon. Henry Auguston has again tak- en charge of his blacksmith shop at Brownlee and ttill be pleased to . have his old and new customers to comp and see him All w.ork promptly done. 19-3 pd The G A R. will meet , at Bethel hall at 1 p. m , Mav 30 , and march ! i i from there to the M , E church and | ! join ihe ladies club in the exercises ' of ihe day , after wliich we will go to jMt. Hope cemetery and decorate | m the graves of our deceased com- rades. Dr. Alfi-pri Lewis of Valentine , \vh .man nf Oiadrnn , was in HIM citv i Sunday Ho is thp owner of' } ' . Ch'sdrv-n ' ro.'il ostatp , owning the i liiiiMing now oc upipd by the , , Lowery Shop Store. Chadron Chronicle. e.v t fS Thp Chsisp-Listpr Company is : ; coming back with a couple of new [ et plays. They have delighted Valsc entine audiences in the past and tj. jthis time they will find as hearty sj welcome as before. n Buy your tickets parly j and SPP a good play two nights * Monday and Tuesday nights next wopk Clint and Bessie Robbins are a whole show , but there are pnongh orhor fpatnrps to makpont seed evening's entertainment , Mr. Chasp also is popular : i ; a roanngpr and has many friends the line. $ Win Three Out of Four. The Valentine hiyh school base > ball team lelt May 8 , for their trip down the road , playing ball at Ainsworth Wednesday afternoon , winning the game 16 to 7 , and in the pvenintr presenting.their play at , .he auditorium to a good crowd. Leaving Ainsworth Thursday morning they played at Atkinson that afternoon , winning the game 12 to H , again presenting their play at the opera house where it was well received by a fair sized crowd. Frida * it rained all day so the team had a chance to rest , leaving for O'Neill Saturday morning and playing ball there that afternoon , winning 5 to i. Plaving again on the : 12th with O'Neill they lost 7 tcw o , it being a fine game and was watched by a large crowd. The boys ( arrived home Monday morn ing. Having had a successful trip every way , winning three out of four games , and also making over § 100 on the trip , thereby making all the expenses , they r.r- rived home with as much money as they had when they left. Notice to Owners of Town Cows : Persons who have town cows will please keep them in the yard until herder calls for them. I will not be responsible for cows turned out before herder calls fop them nor those turned out after the herd leaves town. IS ROBT. WILLIAMS , Herder. C. S. and J. C. Recce were in town last Saturday. G. P. Ziemer and wife of O'Neill put in a number of coal oil burn- ers | ia cook stoves this week. A. Bostrom , state veternarian. . is . in town today investigating glanders. He condemned two horses j for 1) . A. Melton. Some other cases are reported. Sixteen head were killed for Overmans i and one for Fred Green last , week by Assistant Vet. Chas. McKim. , G. M. Barnes , the eyesight specialist of Omaha , will be at the Donoher hotel Tuesday , May 28. Remember the date , and that reg ular trips are made over this road about every 30 to 60 days. No charge for examinatien. Byes fitted for § 2 50 , § 5 00 and up. 19-2 , . Dan Barnes was in town TUPS- day and says Wm Harnan is be ing talked of generally over his part of the country for represen tative. Dan has 'another bulldog that he is taking home , and At- torney Ruby and I will have to get an introduction before we go on his place. The old mottled bulldog is dead. A. W. Peterson's daughter , Zella , was taken seriously ill Mon day morning at the home of Mrs. Wilber , where she is staying , and her mother was sent for and ar rived Wednesday morning from Tripp county , where the family had J moved onto a farm this spring , leaving their daughter on the place ' near Arabia E W. Johnson was in town yesterday and said she was some better. Rernnant sale at the Red Front. Barn for sale , 18x28 ft , big ha.\ loll For particulars sre Father Biaere. 9 Buttons made to order , to match your gown. 18 styles , all at tli Red Front , 48 If in nepd of wind mills or wa- tpr tank < call on EBreuk lander No'sp K-.TNir rivifle. 42-tf If. N onmt to yet married , thai- ' . \ our business ; but if you wan' any Macksmithing done , that's MY business. W. H. Mor- . , general blacksmithing , Nenzel , Nebr. 16-10 Button Trimming for dresses etc. , is the latest. Save your scraps of cloth and take them to the Red Front where they can show you IS styles including the new ( oblong shape made to or der. ( 48 Try IfcR { * ; 01d Grow , All Leading j ! Hermitage ] Brands j ' and ] * ! ' * * sft$2 ' : fyzfy ; > . < w& Bottled i Guchen- Under the | heimer .Supervision Eye of the f fl- I P - MB . ? % 5 - > VSAr , . , . / j - .r' v iS _ j7S , . , " , * < k.r" ii C f vf5 fM tjCbi tjiJ Whiskeys. f'w't ' 5 i ' * * * 1 U. S. GOY. i r7 ? )0 ) * * Mf' A * X 1' &iikkJ' i ' ! ? * < ' * plso handle Pabst and Krug Beer s J GEO. N. HERSHEY , Propr. ltTHESCMEN-HAVE i& ORKEDTORTHE f5AFETYOF-YOUR-MONO - - - - 0WHEN-IT-I5-IN-A Cbpyrichl IDO" ) , by C E Ziir.menun Co. Ko. C9N IN" order to furnish proper banking protection , President Lincoln and his first congress established the National Bank which operates under government supervision. From time to time addi tional laws have been passed under the different presidents > shown above strengthening the protection , tion a National Bank af fords. Thus the confidence and security that comes with the possession of money in the bank is greatly en hanced when it is in a Na tional Bank , for here it has safe-guard every pos sible for human ingenuity to devise. In selecting a bank in which to deposit your savings or surplus funds the one thing to be considered is safety and we ask for your busi ness only on the basis of ab- jsolute safety. Call at our bank and let us explain to you how safe your money is here. * IkT * ? sTS TJ a e F - rtv 13 / VSM o i * 5I < TT" r liSi liaUOuc&l 33Ik& Valentine , Nebraska I "VTe are ettin many orders for j merchandise from people who have been sending away f for goods , because f of our low prices. [ i We can Sell yon Po = | tatoes for $1.25 per bu. Davis & Mohana ' ' For rheumatism you will find nothing A better than _ Chamberlain' . ? .Liniment. it and see how quickly it gives re- For sate b all geaferi . . . .lA.- > MOW IS THE TME ! TO BUY A Spread the Manure between now and the .first of : June and you will' ' see its value in bigger crops next fall. The SUCCESS SPREADER makes manure cover three times as much land as hand spreading-therefore , makes the Manure three times as valuable. IT MAKES POOR LAND RICHER AXD RICH LAND RICHER IT SAVES IIALF YOUR TIME AXD LABOR , YET IT IS A LABORER THAT WORKS WITHOUT PAY - - CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT ONE ? ROLLER BEARINGS NO FRICTION NO WEAR NO BREAKAGE NO HORSE KILLING DRAFT All overcome by the latest and greatest improvement , ROLLER BEARINGS in every wheel , cylinder and important part , it is the seven sets of Roller Bearings that makes the Success pull a horse lighter than any other spreader Call and see the Success Spreader and talk over a Spreader deal with us A. E. Morris.V. . W. Morrissscy. Dr. 0. W. Xoyes GO TO The plac2 for men who want the best The place where good fellowship exists and men of fine judgment gather , We command ness by deserving it. Walther F. A. Meliendorff , Prop. JHTH - - Tiiafs $5Q. ° ° a Week , almost S10. ° ° a Day Selling Victor Safes ami fire-proof boxes to merchants , doctors , lawyers , dentists and well-to-do farmers , all of whom realize the need of a safe , but do not know how easy it is to own one. Salesmen declare our proposition one of the , clean-cut money-making opportuni ties ever received. Without previous erperi- ence YOU can duplicate the success of others. Our handsomely illustrated 2cu-page catalog will enable you to present the subject to cus- toraers in as intere.-ting a manner as though you were piloting them through our factory. Men appointpd as ba'esmen ' receive advice and instructions for selling safes , giiing convincing talking points which it is imposoible for a. prospective customer to deny. Why don't YOU be the lirst to apply from jour vicinity before someone else gets : the territory ? We can favor only one salesman out of each locality. The 25th anniversary of onr company -was celebrated by erecting the most modern safe factory in thrworld. . Wlde- aweke men who received our special selling inducement , rendered ituecessary todoubte our output. We are epenain many tnousands of dollars en larging our sales organization , but to learn all particulars , it will cost you only the price of a postal card. Ask for Catalogue 16 T. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO , New Homo. Capacity 20,000 Safes Annually. CINCINNATI , OHIO U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK EXDING MAY 1C , 191i' . Mily mean temperature M = . Normal temperature 5 ; = . fighcst temperature * : * - . i owest temperature 3s0. lange of temperature i3. 'recipitation for week 1.07 of an inch , iverage for 23 years 0.70 of an inch. 'recipitation March--Isl to date c. ij inches. - iverage for iS years . ' ! : > / inhes. JOHN J. MCLEAN Observer. Subscribe for The Pemocrat , j n' ? be surprised if you have an at- taek tff Theuinatisui this spring. Just rub the affected parts freely -with Cham berlain's Liniment and. it will soon dis appear. Sold Uy ail dealers.