Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 09, 1912, Image 5
Many mixtures are offered as substitutes for Royal. No other baking powder is the same in composition or effectiveness , erse so wholesome and economical , nor will make such fane food. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar BULLS FOR SALE Kp/iistored / Hereford Bulls for sale at all limes of the .year. SIIHHY SLOPE STOCK RANCH Simeon - Nebraska W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLGUK & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. F. M. Walcott Oliver H. V.'alcctt Waleott & Walcott Attorneys Pnu'tifi'lii'fori' V. S. Land Ollice ami all Federal and State courts. Valentine Nebraska C. A. RUBY Attorney-at- Law Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. F. Meer , DEiNTIST Rooms over Red Front store Valentine - Nebr , Dr. D. W. Sunnier DENTIST Hornby Building- Phone No. 173. Valentine Lodge No. 70 , A. O. U. W. Meets let and 3rd Monday in each month at Fraternal Hall. All Brethern are cordially invited to he present ; ALBERT F.VEHB , M W. 0. QUIGLEY , Recorder. Remnant sale at the Red Front. Barn for sale , 13x28 ft , bis hay loft. For particulars see Father Blaere. 9 Buttons made to order , to match your # o\vn. IS styles , all sizps. at tlio Rod Front -IS If in need of wind mills or'wa ter tanks call on Breuklander No no bpKpr mad1 42-tf Dr. M. F. Mepr has decided to visit Wood Lake the first Monday and TuPt-day of each month to do dental work. Utf ) If you want to jjet married , that's your business : but if you want any blacksmithinjr donp , that's MY business. W H. Mor- ey , general blacksmithing , NenzH , Nebr. ' 10-10 Button Trimming for dresses etc. , is the latest. Save your scraps of cloth and take them to the Red Front where they can show you IS styles including the new oblong shape made to or der. 48 Strayed from my place ahout May 1st , one flea bitten grey mare , weight about 1200 pounds , wire cur , On left shoulder. One bay mare , branded X on * honlder. Reward of § 5 each.J.ohn Qr esher , Vaen-f ] 18-2 mFNTENF LiiM JL & 13JLa Dim and Frank Day were in town yesterday. Joe Jeunett and family were iu town several days this week. I. M. Jones was down from Crooksion the first of the week. \ Jake Bonnen is in town this week visiting among his friends. Bill Brown and Ed Pike of Crookston were in town Tuesday. Alex Kief , candidate for county commissioner , was iu town yester day. day.M. M. J. .Dondinger will sell about 100 head of cows and heifers at his sale May 14. The high school ball team started clown the road yesterday for a ser ies of ball games. ( Not Afraid and his mother were in town Tuesday and called at our office on business. H. B. Clapp and Mr. Kime of Simeon and John Haeber of Oasis were in town Monday. There were many people in town je.sterday attending the dedication of the Catholic church. Ed Satteilee , the Neozel merch ant was in town on business last Thinsciaj * and called to see us. Geo. Cyphers' new house is loom ing up and is going to be a tine one , south of his old residence. Mrs. J. G Quigley went to Nor folk Sunday to visit relatives and will visit at Wahoo before returning home. The members of the women's improvement club wish to express their gratitude through the col umns of this paper to the citizens of Valentine for their generosity and benevolence on May 1 , 1912 D. J. Richardson , the Crooks- ton blacksmith was in town Tues day and tells us that he wants to trade his business for land He thinks IH ' -tling ton old tnh < K-- horVes aiiti do t.he hard work < > f a blacksmith Fred Volp of Scribner was in town yesterday on business con nected with the Kountz estate lie wa < lately u candidate for dele gate at large to the democratic national convention and has served his county very creditably in the state senate two terms Anton Schaefer of Nenzel was in town Tuesday. He has a 20-horse power engine with which he is backsetting prairie that was broke last year and planted in sod corn which yielded 35 bushels per acre. He attaches four 14-inch plows to his sulky and plows 6 or 7 inches deep. The ladies improvement club has purchased a § 100 gate and arch for the cemetery. Last week they elect ed trustees for the opera house as follows : Que year term Mesdames Laraoreaux , Biveus and Bristol. Two year term Mesdames Cornell , Fischer and Compton. Three year term Mesdames Kincaid , Hoenig aud Nicholson , IN CHERRY CO. There's raono.y in raising pota toes. Farmers have sold them at oOc per bushel and they can make : money at that price , but they | don't have to sell at that price. : They get 50c to 75c in the fall at clijfiring time and seldom sell for li\- > a lhau $1 00 pur bushel in the spring. This spring they sell 2t $ 25 to § 1.75 per bushel. 100 bushels per acre is only an aver age crop here and a man can pay for a farm with one crop on half the land and raise enough wheat , i corn and oats on the other half to I keep the family and lay some by ' for hard times which do not seem J to come for Cherry county farrn- 1 ers. ers.Land Land is worth more than the price asked for it here , and farm ers who have sold out and gone somewhere else are glad to get back to Cherry county where they can live comfortably on high prices for everything and work but half the time. Some farmers who couldn't raise § 1,000 ten years ago by selling off everything they had could now cash up for § 20OOC to § 30,000. Msyiy who had com paratively nothing a dozen years ago are now worth § 10OOC and § 15,000 apiece. This can also be said of our thrifty ranchmen who have raised and taken care of their stock , starting in on borrowed capital , though some have made much more than the figures. This is no dream but a reality , verefied by the proof in hundreds of men who have lived , thrived and prospered on Cherry county land since we have lived here. The country is yet new , with greater possibilities in sight for the investor and there is land enough now lying idle to accom modate 1,000 families , the major ity of which will do as well by industry and application. Farms are selling ab § 20 to § 40 per acre and ranch land § 10 to § 20. Our high school boys beat Ains- wortb yesterday 10 to o. \V. T. Kiucaid , Judge Quigley and ( \ H. Cornell went down to Long iPine today to do chapter work in the Masonic lodge. . < Little Cedric , son of T. G. Hornby and wife , has scarlet fever and the family is quarantined He is not very ill and may nave only a light form of disease. Ten Nights in A Bar-room played last night to a cjowded house and gave a concert and a dance after the show. It is a good company and good music. G. M. Tracy , the Crookston merchant , is in town today ; als-o P. H. Young of Simeon and T. A. Yearnshaw , who with Scott Alex ander , is going out toDewey Lake to spend the summer. The city council employed Henry Graham MS wa'er ' commissioner , hiking the place of v\ebb Uilsinger , and employed Ueorge Corbin ah chief of police. Luke Bates re signed and Mark Gypheis was ap pointed to fill the vacancy. Webb Hilsinger has been a faithful man. The people know him and they know it. Thp ladies improvement , club has offered prizes for the capture of the most flics before July 1 , dead or alive The flies will have to hide out for several youngsters about town have determined to win the prize. One industrious youth was seen in the postoffipe trying to catch a couple of Hies that were buzzing around and gave them a lively chase. If the flies don't change their habits of going to roost at night while people are asleep thpy'rp going to be caught. Their only escape will be in hid ing outin the. daytime and buzzing at night , with * 5 < rns posted upon the window panes , " "Look out for the Fly Catcher. " But it is a laudable purpose and we're going to swat every fly that comes Our way Old Crow , All Leading / Hermitage Brands and Bottled Griichen- Under the heimer Supervision Rye of the Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. Whiskeys."p "p pi so handle the Budweiser Beer. GEO. N. HERSHEY , Propr. ALtTHESCMEN-HAVE VORKED-FORTHE SAPETYOFYOUR-MONH NATIONALBANK if H # Coprricht 1909 , by C E Zimmemtin Co. No. 39N IN order to furnish proper banking protection , President Lincoln and his first congress established the National Bank which operates under government supervision. From time to time addi tional laws have been passed under the different presidents shown above strengthening the protec tion a National Bank af fords. Thus the confidence and security that comes with the possession- money in the bank is greatly en hanced when it is in a Na tional Bank , for here it has safe-guard every pos sible for human ingenuity to devise. In selecting a bank in which to deposit your savings or surplus funds the one thing to be considered is safety and we ask for your busi ness only on the basis of ab solute safety. Call at our bank and let us explain to you how safe your money is here. First National Bank Valentine , Nebraska We are getting many orders for merchandise from r people who have been sending away for goods , because of our low prices. We can Sell you Po = tatoes for $1.25 per bu. Davis & Mohana For rheumatism you \vill find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. Try it and see how quickly it gives re lief For sale by' NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A Spread the Manure between now and the first ofJune and you will SPG its value in bigger crops next fall. The SUCCESS SPREADER makes manure cover three times as much land as hand spreading , therefore , makes the Manure three times as valuable. IT MAKES POOR LAND RJCBKR AND UlCFl LAND JilClIEU IT SAAr S HALF YOUR TIME AND LAL5OR , YKT IT IS A LABORER TUAT VVORKS WITI1OUT PAY CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT ONE ? ROLLER BEARINGS NO FRICTION NO WEAR NO BREAKAGE NO HORSE KILLING DRAFT Ail overcome by the latest and greatest improvement , ROLLER BEARINGS in every wheel , cylinder and important part , it is the seven sets of Roller Bearings that makes the Success pull a horse lighter than any other spreader Call and see the Success Spreader and talk over a Spreader deal with us A. E. Morris. TV. TV. Morrisscy. Dr. ( ) . TV. Xoycs GO TO n The place for men who want the best The place where good fellowship exists and men of fine judgment gather , We command busix ' 'A X - " ness by deserving it. * - Walther F. A. Mdteadorff , Prop. 00 A MONTH - - That's SSO.00 a Week , almost S1Q. ° ° a Day Soiling Victor Safes and fire-proof boxes to merchants , doctors , lawyers , denu-ts and well-to-do farmers , all of whom realize the need of a safe , but do not know how easy it is to own one. Salesmen declare our proposition one of the best , clean-cut money-making opportuni ties ever received. Without previous experi ence YOU can duplicate the succr-ss of others. Our handsomely illustrated 200-patre catalog will enable you to present the subject to cus tomers in as interesting a manner n though yon were piloting them through our factory , ilen appointed as salesmen receive advice and instructions for selling sau-s , guing convincing talking points which it is inipoible for a prospective customer to deny. "Why don't YOU be the Urst to apply from your vicinity before someone else gets the territory ? AVe can favor only cue salesman , out of each locality. The 25th anniversary of our company was celebrated by erecting the most modern safe factory in the world. Wide * awake nienvvho received our special selling inducement , rendered 11necessary to doubJfc our output. We are spenoinjr many thousands of dollars en larging our sal s oiy nizatlon , but to learn all particulars , i will cost you only the price o2 a postal Ask for Catalogue 1ST. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. O"i Now Home. Capacity 20,000 Safes Annually , CiHClNHATl , OHIQ U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING MAY U , 191 _ > . Daily mean temperature 54 = . Normal temperature 3J = . Highest temperature 79 = . Lowest temperature 3S = . R.irse of temperature 413. Precipitation for veek 1 S-J of-an inch. Avei.igo tor , ' year * fc.7 : ! of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 4 94 inches. Average for 23years 4.o3 inches. Joiis J. MCLEAX Observer. Subscribe for The Democrat , Don't 1)0 ) surprised if you at tack of rheumatism this spring. Just rub the affected parts f reelywith Cham berlain's Liniment and it will etxia dis appear. Sold by all c